light rays at dawn

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Light Rays at Dawn


    Light rays

    At dawn.1. You know it

    I found myself alone in a corridor

    Not of brick walls. But of shelves

    Of books, in a quiet family home.

    Oh! If I may tell you, there were a

    Lot of volumes, lots of titles and

    Colors in their various combinations.

    But there was something about this

    Little book, that had no cover pages and

    Sure enough, its title had gone with the covers.

    Yet surprisingly, its contents were all intact.

    Not a page of it missing, because they were

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    Lines written aforetime for the mind.

    On the pages of the heart, which opens

    When theres no obscurity and doubts

    In the reflections of the mind.

    I may not need to tell you the whole story.

    For its already in your thoughts. And as such,

    Theyre quite accessible to you.

    But if you may believe,These are all its contents in brief,

    Simple and straight to the point thus;

    Every eyes such as sees,

    Sees in three dimensions. But not so the mind,

    Which beholds all things in deeper dimensions.


    2. Yesterdays gone

    Life is a bright rose on the lane.

    A friend we have but once.

    A candle that quickly burns to an end.

    A ripple in the rising sun

    That grows no more when it sets.

    A playground deserted at crepuscule.

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    Today soon becomes yesterday.

    Tomorrow is coming with opportunities.

    And forever, yesterday is gone.


    3. Mercy

    Sin is simply holding

    The devils paint brush

    To paint a portrait that weakens

    Us each moment we stare at it.

    And a little while we become frail

    And a little more we become afraid and

    Death comes knocking on our door.

    Yet we cry and mercy comes as the light of dawn.


    4. Morning sky

    So silvery is the sky

    When the morning sun

    Comes out. Dazzling and hopeful

    Is the sky at the break of day.

    Mountains of woolly

    Clouds behind the bright

    And blue sky that makes

    Frail the light of the night stars.

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    But they are all

    Fragile and simple realities,

    Gracefully formed and beautifully

    Fixed to bless the day and mark the night.


    5. Monkey pet

    Ikom is my mothers village.

    Ikom has an evergreen forest.

    Nkanta is my cousin andEbuk is my aunty.

    They live in a mud hut.

    And they drink from a clay pot.

    Here sits ebakima, a monkey

    That plays like a brother.

    Ebakima has a tan fur.

    Its eyes are large and round.

    It listens as if it hears and laughs as if

    It talks. But not while eating bananas.

    Ebuk, Nkantas mother bought

    Ebakima on a great market day

    To be Nkantas pet in their

    Lonely forest hut.


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    6. Miracles

    In bushes of thorns, I see roses.

    In an alluvial flint, I behold sparks

    Of gold. Prized vessels are of the

    Miry clay. And in those ugly and

    Hurtful caterpillars, I see butterflies

    Of gay colors flying atop trees.

    But a perverted mind neither

    Sees nor imagines these things. And whatPerverts the mind? One thing; sentiment.

    But if this sentiment is replaced by love, I assure

    You, when the dawn of this twilight shall come,

    Tomorrow will be a beautiful miracle in your eyes.


    7. What Love isLove is the rising of the sun.

    Its the boundless blue sky above.

    The woolly clouds and the stormy seas.

    The clattering and drizzling rain. The quiet

    Ponds and the bubbling springs.

    The blooming of the forest and the oasis

    Of the desert. The oceans pebbles and

    The mighty hills. The thorny roses and the

    Lilies of the valley. The frail and colorful

    Butterflies and the wild, tawny eagles.

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    Beautiful, handsome or ugly.

    To say that someones a white man or

    A black man, Christian or Hindu, Asian or

    American and whatever, is illusive.

    But indeed, one fact is truthful. Were

    Made in the image of a God whos a

    Metaphysical and supernatural being.

    And its love and love alone thatll bring usThe enlightenment and liberation to accept

    Every race, religion, color and whatever as One.

    And until we give in and learn

    This supernatural subject of love; progress,

    Peace and unity will remain terra incognita.


    10. Hurray comrades!

    Here we stand in the north,

    South, east and west.

    In our olive green khaki gears, weve

    Waved the flag of unity and peace.

    Every place weve gone in our orange denim

    Boots, weve left a footprint of integrity and justice.

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    Looking about, the faces are enormous.

    Faces that might not meet, perhaps forever.

    But these things are sure and will always be

    Our identities, even as we gather here to part.

    Weve finished the race, weve fulfilled our vows and

    Weve served our nation, even in her distant places.

    Now, one thing is needful, even with tender tears. One last glimpseOf these great and achieving faces that memory alone will bear.

    Let the wings of destiny disperse us to greatness.

    And in parting, let us part with joy in safety and peace.

    Hurray comrades!


    11. Theyre my friends

    I dont need those roses

    For the sake of thorns and hurts.

    Red as they are, and attractive

    As you may behold them. But

    You wouldnt dare own them.

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    But I love and need little and feeble

    Toddlers. For their smiles are true and filled

    With certainties. In their laughter I can see

    A radiance of confidence. And I can always

    Enjoy an unending trust in their company.

    Hold my hands and take a walk

    With me, precious little friends.

    Little legs that wander not astray.

    Little minds that think not evil and tenderHearts that share and keep no secrets.


    12. Nobody cares

    Im sitting by the roadside,

    Beckoning to the passersby and

    Beckoning to the maidens.But nobody cares and nobody stops.

    Come sit by me in the shade

    Of the palms and ease your day

    With a truthful conversation.

    But nobody cares and nobody turns.

    Busy they walk, undirected

    They roam. They dream of rubies.

    They wander and gamble for gold.

    But nobody cares and nobody hopes.

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    13. Ill be beautiful

    I am not beautiful and

    I dont have friends. I am

    Shy and I dwell behind leaves.

    But if you know how beautiful I will

    Be tomorrow, you would go borrow

    Wings so you could be my friend.

    Tomorrow will make me a butterfly

    And will give me colorful wings.

    I will fly high and I will fly away.


    14. Fear

    Fear is the only bandit that wearsNo mask and holds No gun. But breaks

    Right into the hearts of men, even the

    Hearts of brave men. Fear will always

    Steal a couple of things; peace and confidence.

    Then binds the greatest of men,

    Makes them feeble, drags them to

    Unseen gallows and hangs them with

    Unseen ropes. And takes a walk only

    When they are dead and cold.

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    Fear is as invisible as it does not exist. But

    Wouldnt hesitate to take and use any form

    The mind creates for it. For fear is birthed and

    Nurtured in the mind till it grows and becomes

    A slave that rules his master.


    15. Life is just a joke!

    Life is just a joke.

    And everyday meets us with eventsThat do not conform to reality.

    Things that will not be our needs

    In an essential world.

    Life is just a joke.

    How I hate these jokes of life.

    How they paint so much a portrait of Lies to minds that are confined to be

    Slaves in a world as free as ours.

    Life is just a joke.

    I choose the life I knew from birth

    I hate and Im not interested in laws

    Formed by mortals like me. For these

    Laws could have been their mistakes.

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    Life is just a joke.

    But I choose the life of a creator.

    And that takes me faraway from the

    Mistakes of men. For the world I dwell

    Is but a different world.


    16. Lead me

    My eyes are on the Lord

    For He woke me up this morningWith such a precious gift as Life

    He knew me when I was dead

    In my sleep. He had stayed by me to

    Wake me at dawn and lead me by day

    When my path becomes dark,I will fix my stare in the power

    Of His light which gives me life.


    17. Faithful

    When I heard your voice

    I hid myself because I was naked.

    Heavenly Father, when my conscience

    And guilt wraps me in shame.

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    Teach my heart to know that your

    Chastisement is my redemption.

    And your search light of truth

    Is my consolation in many afflictions.


    18. Victory

    I had been filled with

    Thoughts and dreams

    In the long dark night.

    Now Im awake to plan,

    Awake to run, awake to work and

    Awake to win glorious triumphs.

    I want to dare mighty things.

    Stand on my tiptoes and reach,Even though checked by failures.

    Yet I have learnt not to

    Lean on my own strength but

    On the unlimited energy of Life.


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    I have one goal;

    To see my Lord.


    21. Future days

    Who knows the days of the future?

    Who tells the direction of the wind?

    Yet in all, my hope will never dim.

    For the future, if therell be at all shall

    Bloom the gardens and run the streams.But Im thankful; Ive reached yesterdays future.


    22. Little black

    Little black had a friend .The first

    That taught little black how to play.

    A friend that made him wise and glad.

    Then little black wandered off his friend,

    Went faraway and made himself some

    Friends and also taught them how to play.

    While playing with his new companions,

    Little black remembered he had a friend

    Whod faithfully taught him how to play.

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    Then he came back home

    Staring, creeping and with a

    Trembling heart, yet hoping.

    And here on his path was the teacher.

    A friend trusted than all, coming with a

    Radiating smile and with open arms for a hug.

    He carried up little black tenderly to

    His chest, coddled him and happily

    Took little black home again.

    While playing with little black

    He noticed many strange forms

    And had so much pity on him.

    Again, he carried him up to his chest.

    Browsed through his paws and behold,A couple of ticks had found a home in-between.

    They were actually there to steal

    Little blacks peace and also to distract

    Him from the warm affections of his friend.

    Then love pulled them out and Justice

    Slew them. But grace kept the teacher

    And little black forever in friendship.


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    23. Tomorrow

    Yesterday is the rear of the future.

    Our journey will end where it started.

    Tomorrow arrives an hour at a time.

    Tomorrow is a story untold. Like hidden

    Rubies in the dust, our friends will be strangers

    And our dwellings will be in foreign places.

    Our destinations are uncertain

    But somewhere, our end is certain. Look Off worries and be enriched with hope

    Tomorrow is coming and is coming for the

    Prepared. Awake now for tomorrow will come as

    The rising sun and will neither wait nor come back again.


    24. Theyre gone

    Some folks have seen the rising sun

    But see no more the setting of it. Now, the

    Playground is empty our playmates are gone

    Im trying to puzzle out their faces, Im trying

    To recall their names and Im trying to hear

    Their voices as I take this long walk alone in tears

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    Their laughter and smiles are still real and

    True. The smiles they gave away yesterday.

    Theyre gone! Life has taken them home forever.


    25. Sailors daybreak

    Its an eve of four seasons,

    Its a shore of rich merchants.

    Which language shall we speak

    If our home bound voyage anchors

    Here and our sailors seek in thisLand their heartfelt desires?

    Could this harbor be a seat of

    Treasures? Then treasures will we find.

    Is it a shore of battle? Then with our blood

    And our lives shall we atone. I am the

    Trade wind of the north, the sunriseOf the east and the trident of the seas.

    In bravery, my eye sees many

    Tears and my heart as a fragment of clay

    Fractures each time Im in strange waters.

    But I will keep on sailing, sailing to faraway

    Places, sailing for conquest and sailing till

    I find freedom in some peaceful island.


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    26. Abstraction

    What we see in objects

    Are their behaviors and

    Attributes. But the realness

    Of every object dwells in

    Abstraction, a deeper realm.

    Every object achieves its

    Identity in abstraction. And

    As we behold an object in three

    Dimensions, much more will itsEssential characteristics possess.


    27. Living hope

    Life has its morning

    When the man as a baby

    Opens his buds as a flowerIn the light of a summer day.

    Before noon, when the milk is

    Gone and the baby becomes a

    Lad learning to swim and learning

    To think as his horizon begins to broaden.

    Then noon meets him as a man. And

    The sun beams above his head and subdues

    His shadow beneath his feet. He knows

    Himself and finds a mate for his brood.

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    And in the afternoon, when

    His shadow flags by his side and

    The wave of the ocean knows its calm.

    Survival and strives becomes his subjects.

    Then the eventide brings

    His dreams to life. And the

    Gray twilight sky reflects on his

    Head, his beard and his needs.

    Now the flower of dawn is pollinated,

    Its petals shrivel and are ready to drop.

    But something will keep him alive when he

    Exists no more and his day is made dark with night.

    Hope that cannot die, even though he passes on,

    Hope that shall raise him up on the morning of theSaints when the Son shall take the place of the sun

    And hope that shall give him another life in the clouds.


    28. Christmas day

    Rain? No, the east wind is blowing west and

    The sun is setting in the dark western skies.

    Frail moon, lost stars and a gentle crepuscule

    Breeze that makes the pines and the flowers wave.

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    Listen to the clattering sound of a distant

    Cockcrow as the morning becomes dewy and cold.

    Though the misty spray of dawn caps the smoldering

    Logs with white ashes, a flame will rekindle at sunrise.

    This flame shall bring Light to my eyes. And Im

    Thankful it will be the living daylight of Christmas.


    29. Night ripplesLet me be alone and sober

    For when the clock ticks aloud

    And the shadows of the night looms

    About me, then will I know the things

    That are not written in the pages of books

    And hear the words that men seldom speak.

    But afar off in the trees, a pigeon calls

    And breaks the stillness of the night.

    A goat bleats in the farm in want of straw.

    The night becomes dewy and water drips

    And drops from the roof, creating ripples

    In the pond as the village lies dead in sleep.

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    Now the beam strains and wakes,

    The frogs breaks free and take the

    Streets. And darkness brings the wild

    To hunt their prey. The spider spreads it

    Web and the moth meet its death. The serpent

    Trails through holes and the mole feels its fang.

    The night hours fly and solitude becomes

    Grander. But soon the shadows vanishes in the

    Emerging sun that starts the day and wakes the

    Multitude to the streets. The day groans andLongs for peace. The sun becomes scorching and plays

    Its song which brings life and death to the living race.


    30. The sky lark

    I love the tawny lark

    That sings at dawn.Not the song it sings

    In the light of day.

    When twilight is near

    And the western skies

    Hides the sun. It sits atop

    The trees and sings again.

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    Just a little lark that

    Knows its Creator. Living a

    Few years but thankful for

    Every sunrise and sunset it sees


    31.God is here with me!

    Found myself alone in the creeks.

    Its darkness alone would have scared me.

    Let alone the various strange sounds I heard.

    But I knew with a conviction

    Within me, that I wasnt ever alone.

    For I couldnt wander away from Gods palms.

    So let the night come with its darkness

    And let the tempest rage. Im sure andSure enough, that God is here with me!


    32. Awake in Zambia

    Thy beaming sun feels me with warmth

    And such blue skies as yours, another will not

    Know except in thee, the horn of the black

    Race that hugs the imagination of a white guest.

    In thy heart, the magnificent ocean part on

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  • 8/14/2019 Light Rays at Dawn


    Behind the cold bars of

    Hell Where pains and agony

    Wraps my feeble frame and

    My vision, veiled by the bricks

    Of clay. Only time lets me see

    The world beyond and walks me

    In the streets of the freed.

    When in the vessel of trade

    I sail in the mist of the seas

    Where the raging storm andMounting waves toss me to

    Every side of the ocean whose

    Bounds are the skies. Only time

    Will lead me to its tranquil shores.

    When life becomes hilly, and

    Our routes curve to cacti ladenPaths, friends forsake us as in

    Rainy days, its only time that

    Shall straighten our routes,

    Patch our tents with denim and

    Keeps the walk in faithful steps.

    Its only time that goes all the

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    Way and knows no weariness. Its

    Only time that unveils the truth.

    Its only time that tries all our deeds.

    Its only time that will keep our friends

    And expose our fiends. And its only

    Time that knows the story at the End.


    Given with joy to Bro. Bondi

    By Morgan, Idorenyin Francis,Mobile +2348067242848

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