light operational life systems

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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But in each triangle, there is a sphere , and in each sphere there is a pyramid!Composite function derivatives + transforming concept of the imagination #

Fermi particles out of Pauli pairs spinning within Dirac imaginary curved cones,Compressing and expanding - supra elastic properties of gluons!

Interference of particles/strings/waves - an imaginary snapshot – tensor operator ? Coffee spills cut off strings! White sheet = dark space, shaded ones exotic matter!

∆Ω(1 – Ψ) = s∑(ln(Ri+∫(1(α)) – ∑K(∆m)

What in reality is this ?? M/Z assigned , in space –time ????

Compressing matrices of data emerging issues

Servers reliability complex info q-world!


Fundamental duality broken into Functional Unity of Trinity, 3+ 1, but 1 is not 1 , nor I is I , at time i+1!

Water is more important than color ! Fragrance is essential !

By deduction of parallel continuity of absolute time and relative matter, one may emerge to approaching infinite sums of relative fractal spaces of finite absolute quantum energies.

When God touches tiny little space by light, then water is in control of an every living piece of life. Carbon is nothing but a messenger.

I could fix a tooth problem, but not so easy a mental perturbation!

To forgive a blood spill is worth more than that of an oil spill!

In between green and blue , time is colorful like a Spring!

Fall is nothing but a path to walk on!

Competition must generate joy of life, but self feeding egoism! Life continuous after having a game! Rules of a game does not apply to life, neither does rules of mechanical physics.God’s commandments do! Love is the answer, but what is live without faith and hope, it is like waves without strings and particles! No attachments of strings create a mesh of strings we call dark matter/energy!

Life is sometimes like a bad photo and a great song or vice verse! The more we try to fix up the image, the lesser the chance of getting the interval! The more we listen to tones, the lesser senses to time!

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