library research

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Library ResearchThink strategically to save time!

Learn to:

Think critically

about your

paper topic




As you go through this toolkit, answer the questions below to get you headed in the right direction with your research topic

Getting Started

Most students think the first step for research is diving into books

Let’s be honest

Your first step should be thinking through your topic

Careful planning at the beginning will save you time!


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They will help you find sources you didn’t even know existed

They are research wizards and will help you navigate databases like a pro

They often have the inside scoop from your professor about your assignment

Why you should talk to a librarian

Before starting your research:

1. Describe the assignment requirements2. Develop your topic3. Focus your topic4. Identify keywords5. Talk to a librarian

Plan ahead and save time

Understanding your assignment from the start will save you time by ensuring you start in the right direction

Step 1: Assignment requirements

What class is this paper for? Who is your professor or instructor?

Step 1: Assignment requirements

What is the specific word/page count?

Step 1: Assignment requirements

Do you need: Historical or current

material? Primary sources? Technical data or


Step 1: Assignment requirements

BooksArticlesNewspapersDataPhotographsPrimary Sources

This is Sarah Sarah has to write a 4 page

paper for her History 101 class. Her professor is Dr. Smith, and she has asked the students to use at least 3 peer-reviewed sources and 1 primary source

Step 1: Example

Check your syllabus and course notes to find a major theme or area of interest for you

Imagine you are describing your topic to a friend. In your own words, explain what you are researching

Step 2: Develop your topic

Sarah’s prof has asked the class to explore the Battle of Britain, and Germany’s use of air warfare to try to capture the UK

Sarah is specifically interested in why Germany’s tactics failed and how it affected their war effort for both sides

Step 2: Example

It is important to set the parameters of your research topic to ensure it’s not too broad

Too broad = too many results Too narrow = not enough


STEP 3: Focus your topic

Ways to help focus your topic: Read the abstracts from a

handful of articles Read encyclopedia entries

on your topic

Step 3: Focus your topic

Some examples of parameters to focus your topic are:

Geographic Areas

Ex. Canada, North America

Period of Time

Ex. pre-1970’s, current, post-2005

Particular Demographi


Ex. students, specific culture,athletes

STEP 3: Focus your Topic

Sarah will examine Germany’s experience in the Battle of Britain, as well as only examining sources up to autumn of 1940

Since the paper is only 4 pages, Sarah will only focus on how the battle affected the Axis Powers

Step 3: Example

Most library databases do not work like Google – they search exactly what you type

That’s why it’s best to search using single words or short phrases – not long sentences

STEP 4: Identify keywords

Sarah will search through the databases using these words & phrases: Battle of Britain Luftwaffe Germany Axis 1940

Step 4: Example

Reference librarians are specialists in finding information which means they can save you time in your research process

Go through the four steps for your paper and bring it in to a reference librarian

STEP 5: Talk to a librarian


Step 5: Talk to a librarian

Sarah went to and found her subject librarian, Alex Wong

She went to talk to Alex and brought her answers to the previous 4 steps so that she could make the best use of Alex’s knowledge

Step 5: Example

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