libby naylor tech 2k14

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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1. By Libby Naylor Sassy tech 2. Hello Welcome to my report. Here you will see all the sassy technology this world holds. 3. Using online templates 4. To use online templates is very simple, just search online templates and thousands of websites should come up. You should use one so your presentation will stand out and be original. 5. Plagiarism 6. plagiarism Plagiarism is when you use something that Isnt yours , but you act like it is or at least Not give credit! And believe me, it can have serious consequences. 7. Charting 35 28 36 27 36 37 35 35 35 35 35 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tracking my success Libby naylor speed Goal 8. Charts are important Charts are important because they show your improvement of whatever you are doing 9. The cloud The cloud is a system that saves everything you have done from your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. even if you delete it There are both pros and cons , the decision if you like it is up to you. 10. pros Nothing gets lost Everything is in one place Uses less storage Harmony Simplicity Convenience 11. Cons Privacy issues! someone could hack into all your stuff Security Confinement- difficult to get out! 12. ONLINE SAFTEY 13. 5 rules of online safety 1. keep your identity a secret 2. be extra careful with strangers 3.tells somebody 4. protect your passwords nice 14. Malware Malware can cost you 15. Malware Malware stands for malicious software, may hackers use it to get your personal info, passwords, money, etc. 16. Netiquette Netiquette is a set of rules to follow online. And if you didnt know how it got its name it is short for Digital etiquette. 17. Is texting good or bad? I am neutral on if texting is good or bad. It is very convenient but I think it can destroy the purpose of talking face to face. 18. Thoughts on texting 19. Justin Hall Justin hall is the creator of blogs. I must give him a big round of applause because I dont know what I would do without blogs. 20. What is a blog A blog is short for a web log. It is where you can write anything you would like on the internet. A lot of people use it for cooking, crafts, or just about their life. 21. Why I like blogs I dont like blogs, I love blogs. I mean what would I ever do without my beloved tumblr !? The reason I am so fond of blogs is because it is a way to tell about what your doing or how your feeling or whatever is on your mind with the world. 22. 3d printing 3d printing is where a special printer can make accurate 3d objects ! 23. Who invented 3D printing ? The first form of 3D printing was developed in the mid- 1980s by computer scientist Charles chuck Hull. It is known as stereo lithography. It uses a tank filled with gallons of liquid plastic called photopolymer, which hardens into a solid when exposed to ultra violet light. 24. Video games! SOOO if you didnt know software is the programming inside. Hardware is the outside. 25. Jobs from video games Believe it or not, you can actually get jobs from video games. An example is a software designer, who makes the art , who thinks of WHAT the game is going to be about, etc. 26. Social networking Social networks are awesome! It depends on who you are and what the situation is though. Some people dont think its so awesome because they get cyber bullied (which is one of the parts of social media that sucks), but also it is a way to interact with long lost friends or even ones you still keep in touch with. 27. The end! Well, my report has come to an end. I Hope you had fun, enjoyed, and learned more. til next time. 28. Sources. Giphy Brain pop My Brain Various sites that I may not remember, but I give them credit!

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