letter writing job interview

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Unitatea de Învăţare Nr.1 LETTER WRITING I






By the end of this unit you will be able to understand the

differences between different types of letters: formal letters, informal

letters and semi-formal letters. You will also become familiar with

the specific structure and layout of letters, specific greeting and

closing phrases in order to use them in contexts of your own.


2.1. Types of letters

Look at the following table in order to see the differences

between types of letters in terms of purpose and format:

Type Purpose

Letters of giving or asking

for information

To let people know details about a specific matter.

Letters of invitation To invite people to attend a certain event.

Letters of accepting or

refusing an invitation

To accept or refuse an invitation.

Letters of application To outline your skills and expertise.Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Letters of inquiry To request assistance, information and goods.

Letters of complaint To ask that certain matters should be corrected.

Letters of adjustment Response to a complaint letter.

Letters of apology To mend a situation.

Letters expressing


To congratulate people on special events.

Letters giving news To let people know about the latest news.

Letters of thanking,

expressing regrets, or

refusal, etc

To let people know your feelings regarding a

certain situation.

Letters of


To let people know that you have received

something sent to you.

Letters of reference To recommend someone for employment or

academic research, studies.

Letters of resignation To let an employer know about your decision to

leave the present position and the reasons for

doing so.

stop and think

Exercise 1

Look at the following extracts and identify the type of letter they

belong to.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Let’s have fun!

Q: ‘Which letter is always trying to find reasons?’A: ‘Y’(why?)

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

1. I am afraid I can’t come to your party. I have to work long

hours. It’s a pity I can’t make it.


2. I have met the man of my dreams and next week we are

getting married. I would be so happy if you could accept to be one

of the bride’s maids. I have already bought a pink dress for you.

Please, say yes.


3. I am sorry I couldn’t write lately. I have been so busy

looking for a new house. Now, at last, here I am in my new flat. It is



4. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Of course I will be there.

Thank you so much for the invitation. I am looking forward to seeing

you and your new girl-friend.


5. I am quite plump, and I feel miserable. I am writing to you

to ask what you think I should do about it? It’s urgent!


2.2. Letter structure and layout

Letters generally have the following structure:

Your address. It is included on the top right-hand corner.

The date. It is written under the address.


Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Let’s have fun!

Q: ‘Why shouldn’t you put the letter M into the refrigerator?’A: ‘Because it turns ice into mice.’

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Paragraph 1: the introduction. It specifies the reason for


Paragraphs 2, 3, 4: the main body. They develop the topic.

Final paragraph: the conclusion. It includes the closing


Your name.

Study the following example:


The Intercontinental Hotel

22, Hope St.


Date 12 March, 2005

Greeting Dear Mum,

Paragraph 1 Here I am in Frankfurt. The flight was pleasant and

the weather is great. Everything seems perfect.

Paragraph 2 The hotel room is so big and the view is fantastic. I

am staying with two other colleagues of mine. We

have already visited the town and the main

museums. Prices are quite convenient.

Paragraph 3 Yesterday we went to a jazz club. It was great fun.

Tomorrow we are going to do some shopping. I

can’t wait. I would like to find some handicrafts to

bring back home.



So, don’t worry . Everything is under control. Take

care of yourself.

Closing Looking forward to hearing from you,Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I


Love, JulieLove, Jul

stop and think

Exercise 2

Look at the following parts of a letter and arrange them

according to the above-stated example. Identify the type of letter:

1. Yours truthfully,

2. 15 September 2004

3. London

4. Dear Sirs / Madams,

5. I have worked in the sales’ department for three years, and I

have acquired robust expertise in this field.

6. I would like to apply for the post of sales manager advertised in

yesterday’s paper.

7. 3, Freedom Rd.

8. I have also worked as a free-lancer in the advertising unit of a

travel agency.

9. You can contact me at the above-mentioned address or at the

phone number: 324 55 22.

10. I look forward to hearing from you,

11. Robert Stevenson






………………………………………………………………………………Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I














2.3 Writing styles in letters

Although all three types of letters have the same format (see

subchapter 2 above), each style has its own features, as follows:

1. Formal style

Address: besides your own address, which is placed on top, on

the right-hand corner, followed by the date, you should also add the

recipient’s position, name and address on the left-hand side of the


Specific greeting phrases: e.g. Dear Sirs / Madams, Dear Mr.

Brown, Dear Ms Chambers, etc.

Language: formal phrases (e.g. It is also an honour to hear from

people like you), formal linking words (e.g. Nevertheless) advanced

vocabulary (e.g. the funds allocated to us), no short forms.

Specific closing phrases: Yours truthfully, Yours faithfully (in

letters beginning with Dear Sir / Madam) or Yours sincerely (in

letters beginning with Dear Ms Chambers), followed by your full

name.Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

2. Informal style

Your address on the top right-hand corner of the page, followed

by the date;

Informal greeting phrases, such as: Dear Dad, Dear Susan, My

dearest ones, etc.

Informal vocabulary: e.g. Must admit, I can’t wait, By the way, I’ll

make it up for you, etc.

Informal ending phrases: Love, best wishes, Yours, Take care –

followed by your first name.

3. Semi-formal style

These types of letters seem similar to both informal letters and

formal letters using a combination of the two styles as follows:

Address and date follow the informal style.

Greeting phrases follow the formal style (Dear Mr. Brown).

Semi-formal vocabulary using some formal phrases and some

informal phrases (N.B. never use colloquial phrases).

Ending phrases combining the two styles: e.g. Best wishes,

Regards, Yours sincerely – followed either by your first name or by

your full name

stop and think

Exercise 3

Study the following phrases and label them as formal or informal.


1. I look forward to meeting you.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

2. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

3. Thanks for sending me the postcard the other day.

4. Well, must admit it’s so nice of you….

5. Sorry, but I don’t think I’ll make it.

6. Please do not hesitate to ask for any further details…

7. How come you didn’t find the time to answer my


8. Many thanks for your prompt reply.

9. We wish to confirm your order No. 343 and inform

you that….

10.We note with surprise that ….

11. It is always a pleasure to hear from you….

12. I’ve been busy lately and that’s why I couldn’t write

back sooner.


drills Exercise 4

Match the following informal phrases to the purposes they are

used to express.

Phrases Purpose

1. Could you do me a favour? a. finishing a letter

2. Let’s…. b. making suggestions

3. Best wishes, c. giving news

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti


Familiarity breeds contempt.

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

4. I’m so happy to hear that… d. accepting an invitation

5. Did you know that Peter…. e. asking for a favour

6. Let me know when …. f. asking for a response

7. I wouldn’t miss it for the


g. thanking the person for


8. Thanks for your postcard… h. beginning a letter

9. Congratulations on passing

the driving test!

i. congratulating a friend on

passing his/her driving test

1 = ………; 2 = ………; 3 = ………; 4 = ………; 5 = ………; 6 = ……….; 7 = ………; 8 =

………; 9 = ………

Exercise 5

Fill in the missing words in order to complete the following

formal letter. Then check your answers.

Dear Sirs (1 ……….),

After having traveled throughout Africa (2 ………) business I would

like to (3 ………) my opinion (4 ………) the endangered animals as

(5 ………) as on the environmental preservation. Although these

animals are (6 ………) real danger, if action is (7 ………) soon

we could still save them.

Secondly, I could see that tourists visiting this (8 ………) could help

develop the country. We should persuade the hotel (9 ………) pay

more attention to the surrounding wildlife and thus save the natural


All in all, we should try (10 ………) change (11 ………) their

mentality (12 ………) their behavior so that they have minimal

(13 ………) on the natural surroundings.

I would be most (14 ………) if you would reply as soon as possible

expressing your (15 ………) on this matter.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Yours (16 ………..),

Prof. Jeremy Stevenson


Exercise 6

Choose the most appropriate phrases in order to complete each

of the gaps with the two letters(A and B) which follow.


1. thanks / Once again I’d like to thank you

2. your support / your kind assistance

3. my house-warming party / social event

4. thanks / owing to

5. first of all / firstly

6. ingenuous / smart

7. I wonder if you could / tell me if you can

8. I will raise this opportunity / That would be so good

9. Hope / I do hope

10. come round / pay us a visit

11. Yours sincerely / Yours

Letter A

Dear Sally,

(1 ………) for (2 ………) the other day with (3 ………) (4

………) to you, it was a smashing success.

(5 ………). Your(6 ………) ideas helped so much. I owe you one.

Now, (7 ………) come to my place next weekend and have a game

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

of tennis together. (8 …………) (9 ………) you will make it (10

………) as soon as you get here.

(11 ………),


Letter B

Dear Mr. Sullivan,

(1 ………) for (2 ………) with the preparations for the (3

………) celebrating Mr Brown’s retirement.

(4 ………) your kind contribution the event was a real success. (5

………) your (6 ………) ideas served as a good example to follow in

the future.

(7 ………) come more often in our town. (8 ………) to tell you that

(9 ………) you will be able to (10 ………) and meet my family too.

(11 ………),

Lewis Martin


Exercise 7

Read the following phrases and identify the letter type and style

they are from.

a I am writing to say how sorry I am for mixing up the dates.

b I would be honored if you could attend our wedding.

c We do hope this request will receive your immediate


d Thank you very much for your kind assistance.Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti


No news is good news.

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

e Have you heard about the latest row in our neighborhood?

f I am writing to inform you about the next board meeting.

g I would be grateful if you could send me further


h I am writing to apply for the post of sales manager in your


a ………

b ………

c ………

d ………

e ………

f ………

g ………


Exercise 8

Match the beginnings with the endings and identify the type of

letter each pair is from. Then check your answers.


1. I am sorry to say I can’t make it.

2. It would be my pleasure to give you some advice on that


3. I am writing to complain about a faulty hair-dryer that I

bought from you last week.

4. I am writing to request your advice on an urgent matter.

5. Do come round next time you are in town.

6. We regret to inform you that you have not been accepted

for the summer course.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I


a I am looking forward to meeting you again soon.

b Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you apply

again in the future.

c I do hope my advice is useful.

d I hope I will find some more time in the future and it will

make up for my absence.

e I really need your competent counseling.

f I hope you will either replace it or give me a refund.

1 = ………; 2 = ………; 3 = ………; 4 = ………; 5 = ………; 6 =


Type of letter

1. ……………………………………..

2. ……………………………………..

3. ……………………………………..

4. ……………………………………..

5. ……………………………………..

6. ……………………………………..

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I





By the end of this unit you will be able to identify different types

of transactional letters as well as different writing styles depending

on who you are writing to. You will also be able to use the

appropriate format and vocabulary depending on the type of

transactional letter you are going to write.


2.1. Letter structure and layout

The purpose of transactional letters is to respond to written

information. This information can be of different types: other letters,

advertisements, notes, invitations, drawings, maps, guidebooks,


Types of transactional letters: complaint, application, asking for

or giving advice, information , invitation, etc.

The style of these types of letters can be either formal or

informal depending on who you are writing to.

Contents: transactional letters sum up the information given in

the rubric, explain the results of certain facts.Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Structure: the letters include opening remarks, several

paragraphs (each paragraph introduces a new topic), closing


stop and think

Exercise 1

Look at the advertisement and the points under question. What

kind of letter would you write? Formal or informal? Provide reasons.







Learning English Can be Fun

How often? What time?

Classes twice a week!

Native English speakers?

Professional teachers!

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti


Chance favours the prepared mind.

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

How much exactly?

Cheap teaching materials!

What kind of audio or visual aids?

Modern teaching approaches!

Come and join us!

Phone number: 009-001-34578


Exercise 2

Read the following two letters of inquiry which have been

written. After having seen the advertisement above, decide which

one is better. Provide reasons.

A Dear Sir / Madam,

I am really curious about a few things referring to your English


For instance, I am a very busy person. That is why I cannot

attend the classes any time. Could you tell me the time and the


What about the teachers? Are they English speakers? I think

they should know some Romanian phrases in order to explain the

new vocabulary to beginners like me. Don’t you think ? I am looking

forward to hearing from you soon please.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I


Maria Ştefănescu.

B Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to ask you a few details about your advertisement

in the April issue of The Weekend Magazine. I am interested in

taking English classes, and that is why I would be happy if you

could answer a few questions.

In the advertisement you state that classes are twice a week. I

would like to know the exact days and times in order to rearrange

my schedule accordingly.

Secondly, could you tell me a few things about the teachers?

Are they English speakers? Are they university teachers?

I also require information on the cost of the teaching materials

as well as on the type of teaching approach you use. Does it include

any audio and visual aids, for instance radio cassettes, video-

player, TV cassettes, language lab, etc?

I look forward to receiving answers to these questions. Thank

you for your help.

Yours truthfully,

Mary Richardson





Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Let’s have fun!

Q: 'What two days of the week start with letter T?’A: ‘Tuesday and Thursday?’Q: ‘No, today and tomorrow.’

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

2.2 Reported questions

In English there are two main types of questions: Yes / No

questions and wh- questions:

yes / no questions Examples

to be Are you married?

to have got Have you got any brothers or


modals Can you swim?

May I come in?

Need I go there?

Must you attend the meeting?

do / does / did Do you like jazz?

Wh- questions Examples

who Who are you?

what What are you doing ?

when When are they leaving?

where Where is she now?

which Which is your favourite singer?

whose Whose jacket is this?

why Why are you upset?

how How is he?

When you report questions there are several steps to follow:

Yes/No Questions

Direct Speech Reported Speech

‘Are you tired?’, he asked. He asked me whether I was


‘Do you like jazz?’, she She wondered whether I liked

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

wondered. jazz.

The verb changes going one tense behind.

Ask / wonder + if / whether.

No inversion.


Direct Speech Reported Speech

‘Who is your boss?’, he asked. He asked who my boss was.

‘Where are they going?’, she


She asked where they were


‘Why is Tom crying?’, she


She wondered why Tom was


‘How will you travel there?’, he


He asked me how I would travel


The verb changes, going one tense behind

Ask / wonder + wh-word.

No inversion.


Exercise 3

Rewrite the questions in Reported Speech.

1. ‘When does the course start?’, the client asked.


Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

2. ‘How did he pay for the delivery?’, she asked me.


3. ‘Will they replace the faulty vacuum cleaner?’, Mum asked.


4. ‘May I come for the interview?’, I asked.


5. ‘Was she checking the flight number for you?’, he asked.



Transactional Letters Asking for Information

The style can be either formal or informal depending on the person

you are writing to.


Opening paragraph

Formal: I am writing to inquire about …, etc.

Informal: I would like you to tell me …; Can / Could you let me

know …, etc.

Main Body

First paragraph

Formal: I would be grateful if you could send me / tell me…; I would

appreciate some further information on …, etc.

Informal: Can you tell me; I want / need to know, etc.

Second paragraph

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Formal: Another matter I need information on is …; I would also like

to know about …, etc.

Informal: Can you also tell me a few things on …; I also want to

know …; etc.

Closing paragraph

Formal: I look forward to receiving …; I would be grateful if you

could inform me as soon as possible …; etc.

Informal: Tell me soon …; Please, let me know …; Send details as

soon as you can …, etc.


Exercise 4

Rewrite the letter below using the formal style.

Dear Karen,

How are things over there? My folks are planning a visit to the

caves next summer similar to the ones you went to last June. I need

to know some things before leaving.

Since we are also travelling by coach, can you tell me how

many people went on your trip? Do you remember how much the

ticket was?

I also need to know what kind of clothes to take. Although the

trip takes place in June, inside the caves might be cooler; am I


You can save my life if you send me all these details. Let me know

as soon as possible, please.

Best wishes,

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I


Opening paragraph







Main body














Closing paragraph








Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Transactional Letters Giving Information

The style can be formal or informal depending on the person you

are writing to.


Opening paragraph

Formal: I am writing in reply to your letter asking information about

…, etc.

Informal: This what I have found out for you …, etc.

Main Body

Formal: Regarding …; As regards …; As far as … is concerned …,


Informal: Remember the information you wanted on …?; Well, …; If

I were you …, etc.

Closing paragraph

Formal: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require more

information about …; I do hope I have been of some assistance to

you, etc.

Informal: Hope this will do for now; Let me know if you need any

more details, etc.


Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Exercise 5

Rewrite the letter below using informal style.

Dear Mr Clark,

I am writing in reply to your letter asking information about our

new hotel.

As far as the location is concerned, we assure you that the

panorama is absolutely marvelous. The hotel is situated on the top

of the hill and it is surrounded by deep valleys and thick forests.

The facilities are the most modern ones, and the costs are

moderate; it’s good value for your money. The rooms are large and

cosy. There are also a gym, a sauna, a swimming pool, a cinema, a

bar and a trendy club.

The prices are as follows: one single room is 67 euros per

night, one suite is 102 euros per night.

I hope that I have been of some assistance to you. Please, do

contact us should you need further information. We do hope you will

take this opportunity and visit our hotel.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Moore

Opening paragraph






Main body



Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I











Closing paragraph










Transactional Letter of Complaint

Most letters of complaint are written in the formal style.

Nevertheless, if you write such a letter to a friend in order to

complain about poor service, you may need an informal style.


Exercise 6

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Read the letter below and identify the style and underline the

formal phrases.

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to express my entire dissatisfaction with your hotel

arrangements .

I regret to have to call your attention to the poor service in your

hotel: rude staff, small stuffy rooms and dirty toilets.

In addition, the meals provided by the hotel restaurant were

tasteless and lacked variety. We had the same vanilla pudding

three days in a row.

Furthermore, we could not go to the swimming pool – as stated

in the advertisement – something was wrong with the water pipes.

We feel that you should refund our money or offer at least a 30%

discount on our next holiday. We look forward to receiving a reply

as soon as possible.

Yours truthfully,

Corinne Marlow

Style :



Exercise 7

Look at the advertisement and notes below. Write a similar letter of

complaint. Use the informal style.Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Fantastic Summer Camp

Come with us and you will have the summer holiday of your life!

The initial cost does not include the other activities.

Excellent prices!

Rough and uncomfortable.

Perfect camping site!

No guide, no coach, no timetables.

Exciting trips!

Inappropriate boats.

Cruise on the river!

Nothing to see, except deserted areas.

Sightseeing tours!

Tel. 021-235-07601 for information

Opening paragraph





Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I



Main body











Closing paragraph








Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Unitatea de Învăţare Nr.3LETTER WRITING III



By the end of this unit you will be able to understand the difference

between different types of business letters, and to identify the

specific format and style you should use when writing these letters.

You will also be able to use the specific structure and layout of

business letters in contexts of your own.


2.1 Structure and style

Business letters should include the following structure:

Address and date:Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

a) your address in the top right-hand corner with the date


b) the recipient’s position, name and address of the firm / institute /

organisation / university, etc. on the left-hand side.

Appropriate greeting; e.g. Dear Sir / Madam, Dear Mr

Stevenson, Dear Ms Winston, etc;

Introduction: it includes opening remarks and the reasons for

writing the letter;

Main body: it includes several paragraphs. Each paragraph

deals with a new subject in details;

Conclusion: it includes the closing remarks;

Appropriate ending: e.g. Yours truthfully / faithfully; Yours

sincerely + your full name.

N.B. If you do not know the recipient’s name you should start your

letter with Dear Sir / Madam and end it with Yours truthfully / Yours

faithfully + your full name. If you know the recipient’s name, you

should start the letter with Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms Green, and end

it with Yours sincerely + your full name.

Business letters are written in a formal style and include the

following characteristics :

advanced academic vocabulary;

polite expressions and phrases;

long sentences;

impersonal tone;

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

formal linking phrases / words;

factual information;

no use of short forms;

no use of idioms;

no description of personal opinions and feelings.

stop and think

Exercise 1

Study the examples below and underline the correct phrases to be

used in business letters.

1. I am writing to apply for the position of …;I’d like to become a


2. Best wishes / Yours truthfully, Mary Williams;

3. Dear Sir / Madam; Dear Susan Collins;

4. I can’t wait to hear from you / I look forward to hearing from you;

5. You can find the necessary references in the envelope / I have

enclosed the necessary references;

6. I demand the money back / a full refund;

7. I for one think that you should… / I am confident that you



2.2 Types of business letters

A Letters of Application

When you apply for a job or a training course you should write a

letter of application.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Let’s have fun!

Q: ‘What’s teacher’s favourite nation?’A: ‘Expla-nation.’

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Useful tips:

In the introduction you should include the position you are

applying for, where and when you saw it advertised.

In the main body you should write several separate paragraphs

including the following information:

a) age, present job and education;

b) qualifications;

c) experience;

d) skills that are relevant for the job;

e) strengths, weaknesses.

In the final paragraph you should give details about the

references you can send, where and when you can be contacted for

the interview, etc.

N.B. Use the present tense when you describe your personality.

Use the past tense when you refer to your past studies and

experiences. Use the present perfect tense when referring to recent

studies / experiences.

B Letters making offers

Useful tips:

Add any facts which may influence your customer;

Point out the specific attractive features of your products (e.g.

they are cheaper than any other products in this domain; they have

a special finish. We can offer promotional prices for the first …

items, etc.)

Point out the novelty, the reasonable price, the convenience

and the ecological characteristics of your products / service;

Include specific information regarding the quantity, price, terms

of delivery, terms of payment, insurance information, etc.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

N.B. It would be useful if could you send your letter together with

the catalogue for that specific offer.

C Letters making orders

Useful tips:

The first paragraph includes the reference to the offer made by

the supplier;

The main body should include the complete description of the


Pay attention to details: size, material, colour, price, etc;

Specify the exact quantity and the exact quality of the goods;

Send samples or drawings together with the order;

State the time of delivery;

The final paragraph should include your hope that the high

quality of the goods / service will lead to further mutual deals.

D Letters making complaints

Useful tips:

The first paragraph refers to your complaint and gives details of

the incident (time, place);

The main body describes the specific points of your complaint.

Each paragraph deals with one specific reason. Be specific about

the loss or the inconvenience you have suffered and the adjustment

to be made;

The final paragraph should explain what your expectations are

(apology / full refund / replacement, etc). Be reasonable in your



Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

If you complain about minor matters you can use a mild tone:

e.g. I am writing to draw your attention on; I do hope you will solve

that matter promptly.

If you complain about serious matters, you can use a strong

tone: e.g. I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with your

service …; I demand a full refund or I shall be forced to take further


Regardless of the tone you may choose, make your requests


Use a clear and concise style.

E Adjustment letters

Adjustment letters are in reply to complaints.

Useful tips:

The first paragraph should include an apology or an expression

of regret for the inconvenience;

The main body explains the circumstances have which caused

the trouble. A new paragraph should include your suggestions of

the adjustment you propose (e.g. offer a discount, refund,

replacement, etc).

The final paragraph should express your hope that in spite of

the inconvenience, your customer will continue doing business with

your company.


Do not insist too much on the justification part. Let the injured

party decide whether the inconvenience is just a human error.

Do not take complaints as criticism;

Do not be too apologetic; don’t be too arrogant;

In the closing remark, try to regain the customer’s goodwill.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

stop and think

Exercise 2

Study the following extracts and identify the type of letters they are

taken from.

1. Although the contract stipulated 20,000 kg fresh bananas, we

found that the goods were below the standard quality.

Consequently, we cannot accept the shipment.

2. We have enclosed a catalogue with different samples as well as

the price for smaller and larger quantities.

3. I have helped my grandparents pick fruit in their orchard every

summer holiday. For the past three years I have been a tourist

guide for the tourists visiting my town (Saturdays).

4. It is possible that the mistake occurred because of our sales

clerk’s negligence. Compensation will be immediately made.

1 = ………………………………………

2 = ………………………………………

3 = ………………………………………

4 = ………………………………………



Exercise 3

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Read the advertisement and answer the questions below.

We are looking for a young, resourceful university student to join

our summer camp. Must be a good organiser, a sociable person,

patient with 13 / 15 year-old kids and good at doing sports.

Experience is not required.

1. What style would you use: formal or informal?

2. What is the reason for writing this letter?

3. What are the greeting and closing phrases that you should use?

4. Which of the following points should be included in the letter?

a your skills;

b your age;

c your physical appearance;

d your past experience;

e the sports that you practise;

f your personality;

3. Which qualities will be in your favour?

a easy-going;

b funny;

c reserved;

d fair;

e a good leader;

f athletic;

g out-going.

4. What type of letter should you write?

1 = ………………………………………………………………..

2 = ………………………………………………………………..

3 = ………………………………………………………………..

4 = ………………………………………………………………..

5 = ………………………………………………………………..

6 = ……………………………………………………………….

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I


Exercise 4

Write the following letter of complaint in full, filling each gap with

words from the list: forced, writing, in addition, inconvenience, firstly,

complain, afford, below, behaviour, appalled.

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am (1 ………) to (2 ………) about the faulty deliveries of the wrong


(3 ………), against out order marked no. 36 / January 12, we

received only 3 tones of corn instead of 7 tones.

(4 ………), the quality of the corn was much (5 ………) the


To make matters worse, I am (6 ………) by your personal

assistant’s (7 ………) who simply refused to contact you in order to

solve this (8 ………).

This is the fifth mishandled order, and we cannot (9 ………) any

more inconveniences of this kind. I demand immediate action,

otherwise we will be (10 ………) to do business elsewhere.


Exercise 5

Match the opening remarks with the closing remarks and identify

the type of letters they are taken from:

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Opening remarks

1. I am writing to complain about the hair-dryer I purchased

from your company.

2. I am interested in applying for the position of tourist guide.

3. We thank you for the letter of June 22, about the good and

bad points you observed in your first hours of testing our new


4. We would like to order two styles of sports shoes having

the following characteristics: ….

Closing remarks

A We do hope that this adjustment will prove to be valuable

to you.

B We would like to have the goods delivered on May 9.

C I demand an immediate replacement or full refund.

D I am available for an interview any Friday and Saturday

(mornings) and you can contact me on 2356781 after 5 p.m. every


1 = ………; 2 = ………; 3 = ………; 4 = ……….

Types of letters

1 = ………………………………………

2 = ………………………………………

3 = ………………………………………

4 = ………………………………………

Exercise 6

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

In English you can use the prefixes (il-, im-, in-, un-, dis-, ir-) in

order to give the antonym of certain adjectives. Provide antonyms to

the following adjectives using the above-mentioned prefixes.

e.g. moral – immoral

1. patient ………………………………………..

2. legal ………………………………………..

3. comfortable ………………………………………..

4. friendly ………………………………………..

5. responsible ………………………………………..

6. modest ………………………………………..

7. relevant ……………………………………..…

8. loyal ………………………………………..

9. satisfied ………………………………………..

10. happy ………………………………………..

11. acceptable ………………………………………..

12. available ………………………………………..

Exercise 7

Use the correct preposition in order to fill in the gaps below. Identify

the type of letter the fragment is taken from.

I wish to express my dissatisfaction (1 ………) the service I received

last weekend when I stayed in your hotel.

To start with, despite the fact that I had booked a double room, I

was given a single room. Such a thing is appalling (2 ………) me.

Secondly, the bathroom was dirty and the room service was slow.

In addition, the receptionist had a completely inappropriate attitude

(3 ………) my remarks.

I will not be staying (4 ……….) your hotel in the future and I will tell

all my friends to do the same.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Type of letter: ………………………………..


Exercise 8

Write a letter of application using the prompts below:

shop assistant, ‘Daily News’, weekly magazine

17 years old, ambitious, sales domain,


no experience, hard-working, sociable, new


afternoons, weekends available


Carole MacArthur














Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I



Unitatea de învăţare Nr. 4JOB INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES



Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I



By the end of this unit you will be able to identify the most successful techniques used during a job interview, using specific grammar structures and phrases.

You will also be able to make a job description and to use the specific vocabulary in contexts of your own.

Moreover, you will learn some useful tips before the interview so that you would be able to manage during the job interview and get the job.


2.1. The indefinite article

We use the indefinite article a / an in front of jobs as in the example below:

I am an engineerShe is a carpenterHe is a travel agent.

2.2. Language development


Exercise 1

Look at the following jobs and use I am a/ an in front of each job. Provide the rule. Write your answer in the space below.

Then see the solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

manicurist. businessman, housewife, opera singer, bank worker, teacher, gardener, florist, hairdresser, secretary, photographer, waitress, flight-attendant, electrician, plumber, piano tuner, mechanic, antique dealer, broker, optician, solicitor, driver, actor.


Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I


Exercise 2

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 14, page 27. Listen and fill in the gaps using a, an or the, where necessary.

Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

speaking Exercise 3

Express how you need to be in order to do the following jobs. Choose from the words below. Work with a partner. Write your

answers in the space below and then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

sociable, imaginative, a quick thinker, sensitive, caring, careful,

brave, young, tough, reliable, patient, organised.

Jobs: interior designer, florist, doctor, builder, fire-fighter, secretary, manager.





drillsExercise 4

Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective from the list below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.

creative, patient, friendly, intelligent, polite, accurate, courageous, persuasive

1. Interior designers should be very…… 2. Fire-fighters have to be…….. as they have a very

dangerous job.Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

3. Surgeons should be extremely……. and never make mistakes.

4. Scholars have to be …… in order to understand intricate phenomena.

5. Advertisers need to be……… to make people buy the products.

6. Shop assistants have to be ….. even if they might deal with fussy customers.

7. Teachers need to be …… especially when students take a longer time to understand the new information.

8. Receptionists have to be……… in order to make guests’ stay as pleasant as possible.

speaking Exercise 5

Which of these do you think are the most important in a job? Underline the five most important and the one least important

thing. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

company car, chances of promotion, flexible schedule, canteen, pleasant working atmosphere, comfortable working conditions, good pay, job security, travelling, training, nice colleagues, perks, sociable boss, much free time, freedom, responsibility, challenging job, health insurance, good pension, working in a famous company


Exercise 6

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 60, page 113.

Listen to the interview and choose the correct verb form. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.


3.1.Job Descriptions


Structures Examples

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

must + short inf. You must do your duty.have to You have to obey your

boss.have got to You have got to attend

the meeting tomorrow.should + Pres. Inf. You should be more

punctual.ought (to) + Pres. Inf. You ought to work long


Have to expresses external obligation Must expresses obligation imposed by the speaker.


Structures Examplesmustn’t + short inf. You mustn’t miss the meeting.can’t + short inf. You can’t enter this room.(you are

not allowed to enter this room).to be not to You are not to use the company’s

car(it is against the rules.)

Lack of obligation

Structures Examplesneedn’t + short inf. You needn’t write this memodon’t have to You don’t have to print this.

3.2. Language development

drillsExercise 7

Match the appropriate person for each situation. Write the answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1 You test people’s eyes. a a builder2 You teach people how to

drive a car.b a plumber

3 You build houses c a teacher4 You write articles in

newspapersd a piano tuner

5 You fix leaking taps e an optician6 You put out fires f a secretary7 You fix cars g a journalist8 You take photos h a teacher9 You do the house- i a fire-fighter

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

chores 10 You do the letters j a photographer11 You instruct children k a mechanic12 You make pianos sound

rightl a housemaid

1 = …; 2 = …; 3 = …; 4 = …; 5 = …; 6 = …; 7 = …; 8 = …; 9 = …; 10 = …; 11 = …; 12 = …

writing Exercise 8

Rewrite the flowing sentences using the word in capitals. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. You have to hand in this paper by next Monday.MUST…………………………………………………2. There is no need to write this in pencil.HAVE…………………………………………………3.I t isn’t necessary for you to work long hours.NEED………………………………………………….4. It’s not right that bosses are allowed to shout at their employees.SHOULD……………………………………………..5. It’s important to solve this matter soon.OUGHT………………………………………………6. It is obligatory for secretaries to be careful.HAVE…………………………………………………7. It’s against the rules to use the company’s car.ARE ……………………………………………………..


Exercise 9

Choose the best alternative to fill each gap. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. A doctor is a person who has to ……..patients.a. treat; b. talk to; c. see2. All the members of our ……. are expected to work hard.

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

a. personnel; b. gang; c. band3. An actor is required to .........a. repeat his lines; b. to be patient; c. to solve problems.4. A trainee has to do several months’a. education; b. training; c. coaching5. Applicants have to ……….. an application form.a. fill down; b. fill on; c. fill in6. I have all the necessary ……. to get this position.a. degrees; b. qualifications; c. certificates7. If you want this job you have to …………for it.a. demand; b. request; c. apply


Exercise 10

Work with a partner and decide what you have to do in the following jobs. Write your answers in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

a dentist, a secretary, a teacher, a school caretaker, a priest, a






4.1. Types of Questions

Yes and No questions

Are you an engineer? Does she work as a sales agent? Can you type this letter?

N.B. The word order is: auxiliary + subject+ verb.

Wh questions

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

What do you need to be a good bank worker? Where can I find a reliable job? When is the interview? Which skills do you need to have for this position/ Whose application is this? Why do you want to change your job? How long are you going to stay with the company?

N.B. The word order is: question word + auxiliary + subject t+ verb

Questions for the applicant

Why do you want this job? What kind of experience do you have for this job? What qualities do you think will be required for this job? What can you contribute? Why do you want to work for this company? What do you know about the company? What interests you about our service (product)? What can the new company offer that your company

cannot offer? Why are you leaving your present position? How long would you stay with the company? Which are your biggest accomplishments? Can you work under pressure? Are you a good team-worker? How much money do you want? What would you like to be doing five years from now?

Questions to ask the interviewer

What will be my responsibilities? Who will I report to? Where does he/she fit in the company structure? Who will report to me? What will be my salary? Will I be given free days for working long-hours? Is there a company canteen for lunch breaks? Will travelling be required in this position? What do you expect me to do in the first 6 months? What training do you provide? What level of performance do you expect from me? Where is the company going? Upwards? Expansion

plans? When will you decide on the appointment? What is the next step?

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

4.2. General tips

Have a positive attitude. Re-read you application. Prepare answers to possible questions. Prepare proper questions to ask. Show interest in the company and position. Find out everything you can about the company. Have a clear sense of purpose. Use convincing ideas. Be motivated. Dress smartly. Don’t be arrogant. Leave home earlier. Job interview body language: give out the right signals. Never lie. Do not slouch in your chair

4.3. Language development


Exercise 11

Fill in a word in order to ask grammatical questions. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. ………you drive a car?2. ...... …time is the interview?3. ……...do I start work?4. ………much money do I get?5. …….. do I need to be a good interpreter?6. …….. is the manager’s office?7. ………you aware of the responsibilities of this position?8. ………are you leaving your present job?9. ……... will I report to?10. …….. experienced is she?


Exercise 12

Work with a partner: look at he picture below and express the good points that could make the applicant be given the job. Write

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare scrisă şi orală în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

your answers in the space below and then see the possible solutions in the Answer key section.


5. SAA You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,

provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit. Use the information above as well as the bibliography included in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following requirements: the identification of successful interview techniques (55%), and the appropriate use of these techniques in contexts of your own (45%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Identify which of the following questions should be answered by the applicant and which ones should be answered by the interviewer.

1. Why do you want this job?2. Who will report to me?3. Who will I report to?4. What can you contribute?5. Can you work under pressure?6. What training do you provide?7. How much money do you expect?8. What will be my salary?9. What do you know about the company?10. Is there a company canteen?

B. Read the following interview and underline the typical questions that may be asked during an interview.

Interviewer: Good morning. What’s your name?

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Ioniţă

Tehnici de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză

U1: Letter writing I

Applicant: Good morning. My name is Steve Jameson.Interviewer: Sit down, Mr Jameson. How old are you?Applicant: I am 34 years old.Interviewer: Are you married, Mr. Jameson?

Applicant: Yes, I am. My wife’s name is Sandra and we have three children: a girl and two boys.

Interviewer: What are the children’s names and ages?Applicant: Hellen is 3, and the twins are 5.Interviewer: Why do you want this job, Mr. Jameson?

Applicant: I think my qualifications are appropriate for this type of job.

Interviewer: What can you contribute?Applicant: In my previous position I have coordinated the R & D department .

Interviewer: Why do you want to work in this company?Applicant: I have read a lot about your company and I know that you pay much attention on the quality of your personnel and of your services.

Interviewer: Any questions?Applicant: Well, I have a few questions. First of all…………

Centrul de Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureşti

top related