let’s get ready dialogue reading reading comprehension useful expressions grammar focus practice...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Let’s Get Ready



Reading Comprehension

Useful Expressions

Grammar Focus


Listen Up


I Haven’t Decided On My School Club


Let’s Get Ready

► Discuss these questions.

1. Which animal in the pictures is not a fish? Please check.2. Do you know any other sea animals? Can you name some?3. Do you have a science club in your school? Which club are you in?

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

Let’s Get Ready(Answer)

► Discuss these questions.參考答案  1. The sea lion, the seal, the walrus, the dolphin, and the whale.2. Yes. For example, the seahorse and the starfish.3. Yes. I have a science club in my school. I join the music club.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

sea lion 海獅 seal 海豹

whale 鯨魚 salmon 鮭魚

walrus 海象

trout 鱒魚

dolphin 海豚 shark 鯊魚

ˇ ˇ ˇ



Dialogue(Sally is talking with Eric.)

Sally: We need to decide on a school club.

Which club will you choose?

Eric: I’ve checked dozens of them, but I

haven’t made up my mind yet. What

about you?

Sally: I’ll join the science club. I’ve been

crazy about insects, like butterflies

and bees, since I was in elementary






Eric: Have you ever visited the insectarium

in Taipei Zoo?

Sally: Yes. I’ve been there several times.

By the way, have you finished your

science report yet?

Eric: I’ve already done most of it.

Sally: Really? Can I see it? (She reads

the report.) You wrote about fish?





Dialogue Eric: Yes. I like sea animals, and sharks are my favorite.Sally: Your report looks great. How long have you worked on it? Eric: I’ve worked really hard on this report for three weeks, but it’s still not good enough.Sally: Believe me! You’ve already done a great deal of work, and it is good enough. I haven’t even started mine yet.






Eric: What? Are you serious? It’s due next


Sally: Shh...keep your voice down! You

know, I always do my homework at

the last minute.

Eric: That’s not a good habit.


True or FalseTrue or False




Dialogue (中譯)

(莎莉正在跟艾瑞克聊天。)莎 莉:我們得決定選個學校的社團 了。你要參加什麼社團?艾瑞克:我已經查看過很多個社團, 但是我還沒有決定。妳呢?莎 莉:我想參加科學社。從讀小學 以來,我對昆蟲,例如蝴蝶 和蜜蜂,都著迷得很呢。


Dialogue (中譯)

艾瑞克:妳去過臺北動物園的昆蟲館嗎? 莎 莉:有啊。我去過好幾次了。對了, 你寫完了你的科學報告了沒有?艾瑞克:我已經寫完了大部分。莎 莉:真的嗎? 我可以看一下嗎? (她讀著那份報告。 ) 你寫關於魚的報告哦?


Dialogue (中譯)

艾瑞克:對。我喜歡海裡的動物,鯊魚 就是我最喜歡的。莎 莉:你的報告看起來很棒。你花多少 時間做的?艾瑞克:我已經非常努力花了三個星期的功夫 在這份報告上,但是它還 不夠好。莎 莉:相信我!你已經做了很多 工作,而且它夠好了。我 甚至還沒開始寫我的呢。


Dialogue (中譯)


下星期二就要交了耶!莎 莉:噓…你小聲一點! 你知 道,我總是等到最後一 分鐘才會開始寫的。艾瑞克:那真不是個好 習慣。


Dialogue (聽力測驗)

CD 內容1. Eric has decided on a school club.2. Sally has been crazy about insects since she was in elementary school.3. Eric wrote about fish for his science report.4. Eric doesn’t like any kinds of sea animals.5. Sally always does her homework at the last minute.



• 1. make up one’s mind to+V 下定決心

= decide to + V DialogueDialogue


• 2. by the way… 順便一提 是個承先啟後的片語,連接兩個句子, 第二個句子語意與第一個句子完全不同。



• 3. How long 多久 = How much time (1) 強調一段時間,經常配合完成式。 (2) 以 since +過去式句子或 for +一段時間作答。• 4. still 仍然 (1) be 動詞+ still (2) still +一般 V (3) still +否定助動詞… (4) 肯定助動詞+ still...• 5. enough 足夠 (1) enough +名詞 如: enough money ; enough friends (2) 形容詞/副詞+ enough 如: good enough ; carefully enough



• 6. due 的用法:  (1) 到期的  (2) 預定的




重點講解重點講解(Tony got a letter from Eric.)

Aug. 15, 2009

Dear Tony,

   It has been one and a half months since the

summer vacation began. How have you been? I

have been busy with my science report on sharks

for several weeks. My aunt took me to Hualien

Ocean Park to collect the information about sharks

last month. I’d like to share some of the interesting

things about sharks with you.

More Things To Know About Sharks

Pre-reading Questions:1. How much do you know about sharks? 2. Why do some people kill sharks?





For example, sharks appeared on earth earlier

than dinosaurs, and they haven’t changed for ages.

There are about 380 kinds of sharks in the world,

and most of them do not attack people. The largest

kind can be as long as 18 meters and as heavy as

40,000 kilograms. But their teeth are quite small.

They have to keep swimming, or they may choke

and die. They can smell and feel things miles away.

In fact, we still do not know them very well.







But according to reports, people around the

world kill three sharks every second. If we do

not protect sharks now, perhaps they will

disappear some day. Do you agree with me?

Do you have something interesting to share

with me? I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend,



Reading (中譯)

(東尼收到艾瑞克寄來的一封信。) 2009 年 8 月 15 日親愛的東尼: 自從暑假開始已經有一個半月了。你這陣子都好嗎?好幾個星期以來,我都一直在忙著我研究鯊魚的科學報告。上個月,我阿姨帶我去花蓮海洋公園蒐集有關鯊魚的資料。我想要跟你分享一些關於鯊魚有趣的事情。


Reading (中譯)

  例如,鯊魚比恐龍還早出現在地球上,而且牠們長久以來一直沒有改變。世界上大約有 380種的鯊魚,而牠們大部分不會攻擊人類。最大品種的能夠長達 18 公尺且重達 4萬公斤。但是牠們的牙齒相當小。牠們必須持續游泳,否則會窒息而死。牠們可以嗅到並感覺到好幾哩外的東西。事實上,我們仍然不太了解牠們。


Reading (中譯)


你的朋友 艾瑞克



• 1. How have you been? (你好嗎?) = How are you?

= How are you doing?

• 2. share A with B 和 B 一起分享 A Jane is ready to share her life with Joe.



• 3. for ages  一段長時間 = a long time

• 4. die (現在分詞 dying ) die out  漸漸消失 Many old customs are gradually dying out.



• 5. protect 保護   protect A from B 保護A免於B• 6. hope 希望 (1) 動詞+ that +子句 如: I hope (that) you can be successful.

(2) 動詞+ to +原形 V

如: I hope (that) I can meet you again. ( that 子句 的主詞與前主詞相同)= I hope to meet you


(3) hope 亦可當名詞,如: This is my only hope.


Reading ComprehensionChoose the correct answers.

How long has it been since the summer vacation began?(A) It has been one month.(B) It has been two months.(C) It has been half a month. (D) It has been one and a half months.

What has Eric been busy with?(A) He has been busy with his science report. (B) He has been busy working on the farm. (C) He has been busy writing letters.(D) He has been busy chatting online.

Reading ComprehensionWhat did Eric want to share with Tony?(A) Interesting things about sharks. (B) His summer vacation plan.(C) His report on insects. (D) His new web page.

According to the reading, which of the following is NOT true?(A) Sharks need to swim to live.(B) Three sharks die every second.(C) Sharks have changed a lot these years.(D) Sharks usually don’t bite or eat people.

What will happen if we do not protect sharks now?(A) Sharks will live longer. (B) We can know more about them.(C) Sharks will bite or eat more people.(D) We won’t find any more sharks some day.

Ben: What did you do yesterday?Melody: I cleaned my bedroom and the kitchen all day. It almost killed me.

Useful ExpressionsA. Act it out.

Helen: Susan, which school club are you going to join this year?Susan: I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet.

David: (Shouting) Hi, Jack. I have something to tell you now. Jack: Shh…. Keep your voice down. We’re in the library.


★ Keep your voice down.

★ I haven’t made up my mind yet.

B. Create your own dialogue.

Useful Expressions

A. Act it out.Tony: Hey, Andy. What are you doing?Andy: I’m looking for some information about our math homework. Have you finished yours? Tony: Not yet. When is it due?Andy: It’s due next Tuesday. Tony: Today is Wednesday. You still have about a week.

★It’s due next Tuesday.

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A

Lisa has worked hard on her report for

a long time.

Mr. Chen has taught math fifteen years.

從過去的某一個時刻到現在為止:1. 所持續的時間;2. 所完成的動作;3. 有過的經驗─用現在完成式表達。

I have been crazy about insects since

I was in elementary school.

Harry has known Mike 2001.

Grammar Focus

work on her web page / yesterday / two days

→ Jane has worked on her web page since yesterday.→ Jane has worked on her web page for two days.

live / Tokyo / March 20 / half a year





Keigo has lived in Tokyo since March 20.

Keigo has lived in Tokyo for half a year.

Speak and write.

Grammar Focus

be a teacher / 24 years old / five years



Julian has been a teacher since he was 24 years old.

Julian has been a teacher for five years.

play the piano / finished her homework / forty minutes Anna has played the piano since she finished her homework.

Anna has played the piano for forty minutes.



know each other /     years /     Jimmy and Dorothy have known each other for six years.

Jimmy and Dorothy have known each other since 2001.



Jimmy Dorothy



Speak and write.

Have you finished the science homework (yet)?

Has Cindy

到目前為止,已完成的動作,可以用下列副詞強調:1. already (已經)─限用於肯定句; yet (尚未)─限用於疑問和否定句。2. just (剛)─指動作剛剛完成。

Grammar Focus

Sentence Pattern B

Yes,I / we have. I / We have

(already) finished it.she has. She has

No,I / we haven’t. I / We haven’t

finished it (yet).she hasn’t. She hasn’t

Grammar Focus

see the movie

Q: Has Kevin seen the movie (yet)? A: Yes, he has. He has (already) seen the movie.

have lunch

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

Jenny Has Jenny had lunch (yet)?

No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t had lunch (yet).


Speak and write.


A: ______________________________________________________________________________

Grammar FocusSpeak and write.


Has the rain stopped (yet)?

Yes, it has. It has (already) stopped.

buy a new car

Has Leo bought a new car (yet)?

No, he hasn’t. He hasn’t bought a new car (yet).

wash the dishes

Has Lucy washed the dishes (yet)?

No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t washed the dishes (yet).



Lucy ×

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________

the rain

Have you they


been to New York City?


Has he Lisa visited

the insectarium?

the Louvre Museum?

Grammar Focus

Sentence Pattern C


I / we


I / We

Theyhave been to

New York City


several times.


No, heshe hasn’t.

HeShe has never visited

the insectarium.

the Louvre Museum.

1. 表示到目前為止有過的經驗,但沒有明確說出發生的時間 和地點,常用 never, ever, once, twice, several times 等副詞 來幫助回答。2. ever 多用在疑問句中。3. have gone to +地點  已經去…(地方),強調動作完成。 Tom has gone to New York. (He is on the way to New York or in New York now.)

4. have been to +地方  已經去過…(地方),強調經驗。 Tom has been to New York. (He isn’t in New York now.)

Grammar Focus

Taipei / Yes / many times

Q: Have Coco and Mary ever been to Taipei?

A: Yes, they have. They have been to Taipei

many times. Kenting National Park / Yes / several times


Speak and write.

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________



Has Jay ever been to Kenting National Park?

Yes, he has. He has been to Kenting National Park several times.

Disneyland / No Melody

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________


Has Melody ever been to Disneyland?

No, she hasn’t. She has never been to Disneyland.

A: ______________________________________________________________________________

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________ ?

Grammar FocusSpeak and write.

Italy / No

Tainan City / Yes / three times

Have you ever visited Tainan City?

Yes, I have. I have visited Tainan City three times.

Ben ×

Q: ______________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________

Has Ben ever visited Italy?

No, he hasn’t. He has never visited Italy.

have been to Tom has been to New York. (He isn’t in New York now.)

have gone to Tom has gone to New York. (He is on the way to New York now.)

PracticeA. Grammar in Context Choose the correct answers.

Lisa: I’ve decided to join the piano club. How about you, Carol? Carol: I don’t know. I   1   made up my mind yet. Why do you want to join the piano club? Lisa: Well, I’ve been crazy about playing the piano   2   I was little. Playing the piano makes me feel great! Carol: That’s nice!   3   have you played the piano? Lisa: I’ve played the piano   4   more than eight years! Carol: Really? When are you going to play for us? Lisa: Maybe on my birthday.

(A) have (B) don’t (C) didn’t (D) haven’t

(A) for (B) since (C) in (D) on

(A) How much (B) When (C) How long (D) Where

(A) for (B) since (C) with (D) about

PracticeB. Ask your classmates.


Listen Up(A)

A. Listen and choose the correct answers.聽力內容聽力內容

(A) Yes. They’re very fine.

(B) No. I don’t like them at all.(C) No, we need to know more about


Listen Up(B)

B. Listen and choose the proper responses.

(A) Not yet, but I’ve done most of it.

(B) No. I write about insects.

(C) Yes. It’s my science report.

(A) I haven’t been there before.

(B) I’ve been busy with my work.

(C) I haven’t seen you for many days.

(A) Maybe I’ll do the same.

(B) I’m going home soon.

(C) I haven’t even started it.


B. Listen and choose the proper responses.

Listen Up(B)

(A) Yes. I’ll go with my mother.(B) No. I haven’t learned about the place yet. (C) Yes. My father took me to L.A. last summer vacation.


(A) He hasn’t decided on a new program.(B) He doesn’t know the new program.(C) He doesn’t want a new program.

Listen Up(C)

C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.

(A) In junior high school.

(B) He hasn’t started it.

(C) For about ten years.

(A) He’s never been there.

(B) Almost every year.

(C) Never. But he’ll go there this summer vacation.

(A) Read some books.

(B) Look it up in the dictionary.

(C) Surf the Internet.


Listen Up(C)

(A) They’re going to disappear.

(B) Fewer people will eat them.

(C) More people will protect them.

C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.聽力內容聽力內容

Info-huntRead and answer the questions.

Dear Jenny, Sep. 10, 2009    It has been three months since you left for New York. How have you been there in your new school?    In the past two weeks, I have been busy with my science report. My science teacher asked us to write a short report on sharks. But I had a hard time because it took me so much time to collect the information and it was not interesting at all. You know what? The report is due next Friday! If I can’t finish it, I will be in big trouble.   Tell you one more thing. I joined the English club this year. I’ve been crazy about learning English since I was in elementary school. I study English very hard now and hope to study in the US some day. This is something new about me.    Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend, Linda

  leave for 動身前往

How long has Jenny stayed in New York? (A) For two weeks. (B) Since last week. (C) For three months. (D) Since last month.

Info-huntRead and answer the questions.

What does it mean in the second paragraph? (A) The information. (B) The report. (C) The shark. (D) Science.

When is Linda’s report due? (A) In three months. (B) In two weeks. (C) This week. (D) Next Friday.

Why does Linda study English hard now? (A) It is because she has to take tests in school. (B) It is because she has to write reports in English. (C) It is because she wants to study in the US some day. (D) It is because her mom wants her to study hard.

  paragraph 段落


1. choose (v.)  選擇 I have to choose a new topic for my report.

2. dozen (n.)  一打 (1) 數字+ dozen +複數名詞  I bought two dozen eggs this morning. (2) dozens of +複數名詞 許多的…  I’ve read dozens of comic books.

3. make up one’s mind (v. phr.)  下定決心;做決定 I haven’t made up my mind yet.4. crazy (about) (adj.)   ( 對… )熱衷的;癡迷的 He’s crazy about sports cars.

5. butterfly (n.)  蝴蝶 There are many butterflies in the bush.




6. bee (n.)  蜜蜂 She’s as busy as a bee.7. since (conj.)  自從 I have lived in Taipei since 1994.

8. ever (adv.)  曾經 Have you ever seen such strange flowers?

9. insectarium (n.)  昆蟲博物館 There are many kinds of insects in the insectarium.

10. report (n.)  報告 Our teacher asked us to write a report in English.

11. shark (n.)  鯊魚 Sharks eat other kinds of fish.




12. believe (v.)  相信 Believe it or not! Lisa is Tony’s girlfriend.13. serious (adj.)  認真的;嚴重的 I can’t believe it. Are you serious? 14. due (adj.)  到期的 This homework is due next Monday.

15. keep...down (v. phr.)  減弱;降低(聲音、音量) Keep your voice down. We are in the library.

16. habit (n.)  習慣 (1) a good / bad habit  好/壞習慣 (2) break oneself of a habit  改掉某種習慣 (3) get / fall into bad habits  養成壞習慣




1. aunt (n.)  姑媽;舅媽;伯母;姨媽;嬸嬸 My aunt lives with my grandmother. 2. for example (phr.)  例如 Do you have a hobby- for example, playing basketball? 3. appear (v.)  出現 We waited a long time and finally he appeared.

4. earth (n.)  地球 I’m the happiest person on earth.

5. dinosaur (n.)  恐龍 The dinosaur disappeared long time ago.6. for ages (phr.)  很長的時間 I haven’t seen Tom for ages.7. kind (n.)  種類 What kind of job are you looking for?




8. attack (v.)  攻擊 The dog attacked the boy and bit him.

9. meter (n.)  公尺 The table is about one meter long.

10. kilogram (n.)  公斤 The famous singer says she’s just 40 kilograms. Really?

11. teeth (n.)  牙齒 (tooth 的複數 )

Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.

12. quite (adv.)  相當地;很 You have done the job quite well.13. choke (v.)  窒息 She choked on the food.




14. mile (n.)  哩 It’s 30 miles from here to the sea.

15. according to (phr.)  根據 According to John’s words, Mr. Lin was in Taipei last week.

16. perhaps (adv.)  或許 Perhaps the weather will change this evening.

17. disappear (v.)  消失 The man disappeared behind the building.18. agree (with) (v.phr.)  同意 (某人 ) My mom agreed to let me go home late tomorrow.19. hear from (v.phr.)  接到…的信息 Have you heard from your brother?



Listen Up- 聽力內容A. Listen and choose the correct answers. 1. Which school club do these students join? (A) They join the math club. (B) They join the science club. (C) They join the dance club. 2. Where did Eric find the information for his report? (A) He found it in a book. (B) He found it on the Internet. (C) He found it in the newspaper. 3. What was the shark doing? (A) It was attacking people. (B) It was playing with other sharks. (C) It was eating some fish. 4. How long has Miss Lin taught English? (A) She has taught English for 2003 years. (B) She has taught English since 2003. (C) She has taught English for 23 years. 5. How many books has Coco read since last month? (A) She has read three books. (B) She has read four books. (C) She has read five books.

Listen UpListen Up

Listen Up- 聽力內容B. Listen and choose the proper responses.

1. Do we know much about sharks? 2. Have you finished your report yet? 3. How have you been these days? 4. How’s your homework going? 5. Have you ever visited the US?

C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.

1. W: We need to decide on a new program. Have you decided yet? M: No. I haven’t made up my mind yet. Q: What does the man mean? 2. W: How long have you listened to this English radio program? M: Since I was in junior high school. W: Wow! It’s almost ten years. Q: How long has the man listened to the English radio program?

Listen UpListen Up

Listen UpListen Up

Listen Up- 聽力內容C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers. 3. Boy: Have you ever been to New York? Girl: No. How about you? Boy: I’ve been there several times. My father often goes there to visit his friends. He takes me with him almost every summer vacation. Girl: How lucky you are! Q: How often does the boy go to the US? 4. Boy: How did you know these things about sharks? They’re so interesting! Girl: From the Internet. I’ve also learned many other things. Boy: Can you show me now? Girl: Sure. Q: What might the boy and the girl do next? 5. M: This kind of fish is going to disappear on earth soon. W: Why? M: Because more and more people love eating them, some people have to catch them. Q: What is going to happen to the fish soon?

Listen UpListen Up

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