lessons from the story of prophet yusuf / joseph

Post on 18-Feb-2017



Self Improvement



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YUSUF الكرمي ابن الكرمي ابن الكرمي ابن الكرمي(Alayhis-Salaam)

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Signs for those who ask

This story is from the best of stories because of what it relates from the varying phases of life; from trial to tribulation, from being tested to being blessed, from humiliation to grandeur, from slavery to kingship, from division to unity, from grief to joy, from superfluity to famine, from famine to glut, from hardship to ease and from denial to affirmation. So blessed be the One who revealed it in the best manner possible.

leaders live out their dreams


Jealousy drives a person insane. Jealousy is one of the most destructive emotions known to man and led to the downfall of Shaytaans and is at the core of most evil thoughts and acts.

Jealousy makes a person who is otherwise rational become irrational. Here we have young adults plotting and planning to murder their brother who is only 7-8 years old.

Our Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) warned us, “I warn you from jealousy. I caution you from being jealous because jealousy destroys your good deeds like a fire eats up wood.” [Sunan ibn Majah]

Jealousy is destructive in any form. Take care from it and seek Allāh's refuge from the effects of jealousy: min sharri ḥāsidin idha ḥasad.

Don’t obsess Over Others Like the Brothers of Yusuf (AS)

Look above

Our pastime= LOOK AT ME ! £ $ % * ;-)

Social media can lead to jealousy

الكيس من دان نفسه وعململا بعد املوت

When you Protect AllAh in your youth, AllAh will Protect you in your elder age

If you protect your faith and chastity in your youth and young life, Allāh will protect you in your old life.

This means that the young man or woman who has a strong relationship with Allāh rarely does such a person lose that faith later on in life.

When you protect the commandments of Allāh as a young man, Allāh will protect you as an older person. We see this in the story of Yūsuf ('alayhis-salām) always having that connection with Allāh.

Patience 1.  following adversity 2.  Restraint from committing sins 3.  Perseverance

upon what Allah(swt) has commanded

Patience brings about that which is best. The messenger came to release Yūsuf(alayhis salam) after he has been in jail for at least seven years in conditions that only Allāh knows. Yet despite that, he does not leave the cell until he has been exonerated and declared innocent of any crime. Know that you will not succeed until you have failed, and you will not rise until you have been debased and humiliated. Life is a sum of peaks and troughs.

Why? You are not going to succeed until you have shown Allāh that you can deal with failure. Realize the next time you are in a struggle and the next time you are in a down point in your life, that is your well and that is your prison. If you turn to Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta'āla), inshā'Allāh the metaphorical palace is right around the corner.

Born in the household of a prophet

Thrown in a well to die

Sold into slavery

In a palace treated well

Imprisoned wrongly

Becomes a ruler

SOURCES of happiness






Appreciate What has Missed you

Appreciate the blessings that have missed us just as you appreciate those you have.

Realise that for many of us, certain blessings will become curses because we don't know how to handle them. Certain blessings will become trials and tribulations because we are too weak.

If we truly believe that Allāh loves us, then we will have faith that Allāh will give us that which is beneficial for us. Imagine if one of us had even a fraction of the beauty of Yūsuf. Could we have withstood even a fraction of what he withstood? Imagine if one of us was blessed with a fraction of the wealth of Qārūn or of the 'izzah of Abu Lahab in his town of Mecca and the Quraysh. Imagine if we had that which many of us are jealous of others when they have it, and we are greedy about it and we are salivating and want that power and money. If Allāh had given it to you, perhaps it would lead you to your destruction.

That is exactly what the Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) said. He said, “Sometimes I give money to people even though I see others are needy of it because I am worried that if I give him that money, it will lead him to the fire of hell. It will be too much for him, and he will do things that he should not do.”

Just as the servant worships Allah during times of ease, similarly he should also worship him during times of hardship. For Yusuf (alayhis salam) was constantly calling to Allah, even when he entered the prison he continued to make da'wah, despite his difficult situation. Always try to give more than you take.

A believer must call out to Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta'āla) to help and overcome any sin.

At the point of temptation, Yūsuf (alayhis salam) is saying, “Unless You help me overcome it and fortify me against the seduction, I will never be able to withstand this temptation.”

When you are in a state of temptation and attracted to a sin, we learn from the story of Yūsuf that when you are thinking of the sin, you should start thinking of Allāh.

A lot of people have this concept that if they are thinking of evil, then they will do the evil and not think of Allāh because they think it is not the right time to think of Allāh. Allāh says, “She desired him and he desired her.” You must turn to Allāh when thoughts of evil come to you. It is the only way to protect yourself.

To forgive when you have power is the height of excellence; therefore, how much more so should you forgive when you don't have power? You have to forgive.

Our Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) was told through this sūrah: “A day will come when your own brethren are going to come to you and you must say the same thing.” That is exactly what he did standing on the doors of the Ka'bah at Fath-e-Makkah. As Quraysh were around him he said, “What do you think I should do to you? What do you think you deserve?” They were petrified. They deserved death and they knew it. They deserved execution because of what they had done for the last 23 years. Now they come trembling and scared. “You are the son of a noble brother and one of us. Remember us.” The Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) said exactly what Yūsuf said, and he never once mentioned the faults of the Quraysh after this, just like Yūsuf. He never once brought up that reprehensible past, even with those who personally tried to assassinate him.

If this is the case when you have power, then how much more so for me and you when somebody does us wrong. Shouldn't we also then say, “May Allāh forgive them”? Forgive in your hearts.

The end

“My Lord, You have given me [something] of sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of dreams. Creator of the heavens and earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim & join me with the righteous.” [Surah Yusuf: 101] What is important in the eyes of Allāh is the state that you die in. The state that you die in dictates your place in the hereafter and not the state that you began in. It is never too late to change. It is never too late to give up a lifestyle of evil and start a lifestyle of righteousness. The brothers of Yūsuf are a prime example of this. They began the story in one state and ended in another.

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