lesson six acts 8:1-9:43 - jennifer garrett richmond · 1. read acts 6:1-7:60 2. skim ahead through...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Lesson Six

Acts 8:1-9:43

Acts – Seeds of the Gospel

Lesson Six

Acts 8:1-9:43

A Dwelling Richly Bible Study

Written by

Jennifer Richmond

©2020, Dwelling Richly

Jennifer@LaMiradaChurch.com ~ www.JenniferGRichmond.com www.LaMiradaChurch.com

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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...Looking Back over Lesson Five...

...Personal, Quiet Reflection Time... Take a moment before Small Group Discussion to reflect back on the previous lesson.

Welcome...if you didn’t get a chance to complete the last lesson, please take this time to...

1. Read Acts 6:1-7:60

2. Skim ahead through this lesson

After the Hellenists, a group of Greek-speaking Jews, complained that their widows were being

overlooked, the apostles told them to select seven men to help with serving. Stephen, who

would go on to do great wonders and signs and preach one of the most powerful sermons in

the Bible was among the seven.

Another group of men from several synagogues framed Stephen accusing him of blasphemy.

They set up false witnesses and had him brought before the high priest. Stephen gave a

sermon that reviewed how God brought Jesus their messiah through the patriarchs. He began

in Mesopotamia where God called the first patriarch, Abraham to leave his home and go to

what would ultimately be Israel. In spite of the fact that Abraham never received even a “foot’s

length” of this promised land, he was faithful. Abraham became the father of Isaac who became

the father of Jacob. Jacob had twelve sons – more actually, but we didn’t get into that – one of

whom, his favorite, was Joseph. Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and ended

up in Egypt where he rose to power, and through his wisdom provided food for Egypt and

other nations during a severe famine. During that famine Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt for

food and Joseph revealed himself to them. Their family all came down to Egypt and remained

there even after Joseph died. Abraham’s great-great-great grandchildren are all now in Egypt

under the oppressive rule of a Pharaoh who enslaves them and attempts to murder all the

children. Moses is born and his parents protect him. He is raised in Pharaoh’s house and

educated as an Egyptian. When Moses is forty years old, he visits his brothers and kills an

Egyptian who is abusing an Israelite. Moses flees to Midian after being confronted by one of

the Jews he was defending. There he marries and has two sons. After forty years God reveals

himself to Moses in a burning bush and tells him to return to Egypt and deliver the Israelites

from slavery and take them back up to the land that God had promised to Abraham. Moses

leads the people out of Egypt, but they rebel and turn to idolatry even after witnessing all the

wonders and signs God had performed on their behalf. Stephen concludes his sermon with a

bold accusation telling the religious leaders that they are just like their rebellious forefathers.

They are, “stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, always resisting the Holy

Spirit.” He accuses them of killing Jesus the Righteous One. The leaders are infuriated and take

him out of the town to stone him. The angry crowd gathers around Stephen and lay their

garments at the feet of Saul. As Stephen is being stoned to death, he sees Jesus standing at

the right hand of God, asks God to forgive the men killing him, and dies.

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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...Small-Group Guidelines... God’s Word is our standard. We’ll use the Bible - not opinion, popular teachers, or church tradition - as our guide for everything.

We are using the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible for this study.

We come from varying faith backgrounds, so please be thoughtful of denominational and religious differences. 'In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.'

Avoid commentaries or study notes in your Bible – do your own thinking. Trust God, pray, ask for wisdom, read and answer on

your own, then refer to a commentary for insight after you’ve done your own thinking.

We’re all learning. Be gracious and patient with yourself and with others. No one has it all figured out.

This is a Bible study – not an opinion or self-help support group. So, there are going to be “right” and “wrong” answers in

keeping with the truth of God’s Word.

You don’t have to share, but if you completed the study and have it with you, why not chime in? We all benefit from one

another’s thoughts and questions. I bet you have something great to share!

Discussion questions are written with care to move you through the previous lesson and prepare you for the lesson to come.

Please read and answer them all and do not skip over or make up your own questions.

Didn’t finish the study this week? Did you leave it at home? That’s ok. Life gets busy. You’re here! Yay you! This will be a good

week for you to listen and perhaps jot down thoughts as others share, saving your insights for another time.

Be considerate of how much you’re talking. We definitely want to hear from you, but also to allow time for others to share – limit

yourself to about 2 minutes maximum. Your group leader will help with that.

Watch the time. Teaching time is 45 minutes and begins at 7:40pm (evening) or 10:40am (morning). Leaders will wrap up the

discussion five minutes before that.

...Small Group Discussion... Let’s share what we’ve learned and how God is teaching us through this past lesson in Acts.

If you are new or didn’t get a chance to do your study from the previous lesson, please enjoy the fellowship

and insights of others in your group and save your insights on this passage for another time.

1. Recite together our memory verse from this past lesson Acts 5:29 (ESV) “Heaven is my throne,

and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord, or what is the

place of my rest? Did not my hand make all these things?”

2. Share your “Looking Back” responses. Share your responses to the following questions from the previous lesson... 3. Share your timeline. How did completing it effect your understanding of this passage?

4. Day 3/Questions: 9, 10, and 16

5. Day 4/Question: 8 6. Day 5/Questions: 2 and 16

7. Day 6/Questions: 10 and 13

8. Days 7-8/Questions: 3, 10, and 20

9. Day 9/Questions: 4, 7, and 12 10. Did you have a question or comment about this lesson? Any responses from a particular day you’d like

to share?

11. Let’s see your Create and Share! What inspired you? Did you share it?

12. Pass around the Prayer and Connections Journal. There is space for you to write down group prayer

requests and praises on the next page.

...Mark Your Calendars... Friday with Friends – Bunco! -- Friday, January 10, 6:30pm, bring $5 and a snack to share

Walk & Talk -- Saturday, January 11, 8:30am, Fullerton Loop

Next Dwelling Richly study -- Tuesday, January 21 or Wednesday, January 22 Refresh -- Saturday, February 8, 9am-2pm – a one-day retreat with breakouts and

a refreshing message

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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Praises and Prayer Requests “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your

requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

...Our Next Get-Together... Write the date and time your small group is meeting up before our next study.

Date: _______________ Time: ______________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________________

Details: ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact: ______________________________________________________________________________

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... Lesson Five Review Notes ... This talk is recorded to the Dwelling Richly podcast so you can listen again and share it with a friend.

Lesson Six zDay One

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:1-2 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts Chapters 8 and 9

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Isaiah 53:6

We’re writing our way through Acts. In this lesson we’re writing Isaiah 53. This is the passage from which the Ethiopian

Eunuch was reading, and Philip explains to him. It is one of the most significant chapters in the entire Bible.

Day One of every lesson is always set aside to read the entire passage we’ll be studying for the next 10 days.

As you read Acts chapters eight and nine,

complete the map on the following pages noting significant events, people, and details that happen.

Draw a line connecting each text box with the location on the map.

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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Acts 8:4-8 Acts 8:1-3

Acts 8:9-25

Acts 8:26-39

Acts 8:40

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Acts 9:20-23

Acts 9:1-19

Acts 9:26-28

Acts 9:29-31

Acts 9:32-35

• Joppa • Lydda

Acts 9:36-43

Lesson Six zDay Two

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:3 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts 7:58-8:8

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

1. Use the following passages to complete details about who Saul was before his conversion: Acts 7:58 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Present at the stoning of Stephen Acts 9:13-14 ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Persecuted Christians, had authority from chief priests to imprison believers 2 Corinthians 11:22 ________________________________________________________________________________________

A Hebrew and offspring of Abraham Philippians 3:5-6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Observant Jew from the tribe of Benjamin also a Pharisee Acts 22:3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Born in Tarsus in Cilicia, educated by Gamaliel Acts 22:20 _______________________________________________________________________________________________

He approved of murdering Stephen 2. Luke makes a shift from the opening of his gospel account in Acts to this new chapter. What point do you think Luke is

making by his wording in Acts 8:1?

3. Compare Acts 8:1 with Acts 1:8. As you know, chapter and verse divisions are not part of the original text and aren’t inspired, however it is interesting to compare these two verses and how they mirror one another. What do you notice in these verses?

4. How is Acts 8:1 a fulfillment of Christ’s command in 1:8?

5. Check your map. Where is Jerusalem in relation to Judea and Samaria?

6. List the verbs that describe what Saul is up to in Acts 8:1-3 Approving of execution, ravaging the church, entering houses, dragging men and women, committing them to prison

Lesson Six zDay Two

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7. What do the scattered disciples do after leaving Jerusalem? They went about preaching the word.

8. What was Philip’s background? See Acts 6:5. He was a Hellenist and one of the 7 chosen along with Stephen to help in the daily distribution

9. What does Philip do after leaving Jerusalem? He goes to Samaria, proclaims Jesus is the messiah, and performs wonders

10. Describe the signs that he did:

11. What was the result of Philip’s work in Samaria?

12. Compare Jesus’ prophecy in Luke 21:12-19 with what is happening in Acts.

13. Consider the of the new believers in Samaria (8:8) with the circumstances facing the new Christians. How do you explain this apparent conflict?

...Reflect on the Word... On Sunday, January 8, 1956, Elisabeth Elliot became a widow. Her husband, Jim, was one of five young missionaries who

came to the shores of an isolated river deep in the jungles of Ecuador. With plans to share the gospel to these unreached

natives, Jim Elliot and his friends arrived with Bibles and hope. But moments after they arrived, they were savagely

murdered by those natives. Where was the hope now? Why had God permitted this? Was it senseless? While horrifically painful to endure the widows and their now fatherless children went on to continue the work to reach the Aucas. This

wasn’t just five murdered missionaries and five widows and fatherless children...God worked a miracle beyond the deaths of

those five men. More missionaries reached out to the Aucas and the tribe was entirely converted. Those who martyred the

missionaries became repentant believers in the one true God and brought the hope of the Gospel deep into the jungles to more tribes than could have been reached otherwise. In the same way, Stephen’s death might seem sort of meaningless at

first glance. His young and powerful ministry ended so tragically and so soon. Not one person was converted after

Stephen’s sermon. Instead, persecution erupted violently, and the disciples were scattered. And yet...

the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the gospel. Consider a moment in your life that may seem like a failure – even a devastating loss. What could God be doing in and through you and that circumstance to further the gospel. Will you be

open to that today?

Lesson Six zDay Two

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...Dwell Deeper... Do a study on the word “joy” in the Bible.

What do you notice about joy in relation to worldly circumstances?

Give a few scriptures to support your thoughts and share what you learned below:

Lesson Six zDay Three

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:4-5 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts 8:9-25

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

1. Who was Simon and what influence did he have on the people? What did they say about him?

2. Contrast the miracles that Philip was performing and the magic performed by Simon. What do you see as the significant difference?

3. What shift happens in 8:12?

4. What is the impact of Philip’s ministry on Simon?

5. Up to this point, where has the gospel been preached? ___________________

Who has been there preaching it? ______________ What event changed all that?

6. Who goes to Samaria now and why?

7. What do Peter and John do when they arrive?

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8. Where else in Acts is belief in Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit two separate moments? At Pentecost Acts 2

9. Why do you think the Samaritans didn’t receive the Holy Spirit at the moment they were baptized in the name of Jesus?

10. Consider 1 Corinthians 12:13, Romans 8:9, and Ephesians 1:13-14 to help you answer the following: When do believers receive the Holy Spirit?

What does the dwelling of the Spirit say about us as believers?

11. What did Simon want to do when he saw the Spirit being given? Why do you think he responded like this?

12. What does Peter’s admonision tell you about how God expects his followers to address sin in the church?

13. How did Simon respond to Peter? Do you think it was genuine? Why or why not?

14. What did Peter and John do after this encounter in the city of Samaria?

...Reflect on the Word... “Whenever religion is used to make its leaders seem great and powerful, and whenever religion becomes a commodity by serving the

interests of those who have or want money, it has become corrupt.” (Robert Tannehill)

I think it’s easy to ‘tsk-tsk’ people like Simon. He becomes a Christian and starts trying to use the gospel to gain power. He thinks he

can actually buy the Holy Spirit. But before we shame Simon, take a look in the mirror. Any time we use the Word of God to get

something for ourselves we are exactly like Simon. We probably wouldn’t literally offer money to get power from God, but don’t we

come to church and worship to see what it will do for us? Don’t we read the Bible looking for how it will make us feel or even look to

others? Be careful and ask God to reveal to you any tendency you may have to come to Him with what you can get out of God. Come

to God only for what you can give Him: your faithfulness no matter what He allows in your life, however powerful or impotent, happy or

despondent, rich or poor, popular or unknown you may feel. Come to God for who God is and let Him reveal himself to you in His way

and his time for His glory, not your personal fulfillment.

Lesson Six zDays Four & Five

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:6-8 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts 8:26-40

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

1. Look back at your maps from Day One in this lesson. Locate the cities where Philip has been and make note of them on your map.

2. What other time have we encountered an “angel of the Lord” in Acts? (Make note of this. We’ll see it again two more times in this study.)

Acts 5:19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said,

3. List all the details that Luke includes about the Ethiopian man that Philip encounters: He was a eunuch, a court official of Candace who was the queen of the Ethiopians, in charge of her treasure, come to Jerusalem to worship, returning to Ethiopia in a chariot, reading the prophet Isaiah ALOUD What geographical detail does Luke take time to include? (8:26) ______________________________________________________

Why do you think includes this detail?

4. What does the Spirit tell Philip to do? How does Philip respond? Do you find that response interesting? Why or why not?

5. What is a eunuch? Write a basic definition, and also write what the Old Testament law and Jesus said about eunuchs: Deuteronomy 23:1 and Matthew 19:12

6. How would you describe the character of the Ethiopian man? What does this encounter reveal about his personality and character?

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7. Considering who he was and the country he was from, what does it say to you that the Ethiopian had a scroll and was reading from the book of Isaiah?

8. Of all the passages in the Bible the eunuch could have been reading from, he was reading from Isaiah 53. How is God’s sovereignty evident in this?

9. The question the eunuch asks is one that has been asked since Isaiah first wrote the prophecy. Jews who to this day say have not accepted Jesus as their messiah teach that this passage is referring not to a person, but to the nation of Israel (https://jewsforjudaism.org/knowledge/articles/isaiah-53-explained). How does Philip answer the eunuch’s question?

10. How does the eunuch respond to hearing Philip’s answer?

11. Based on the eunuch’s response, what can you infer that Philip must have included in his answer?

12. What does this teach you about... How you should share the gospel...

What details you would include in what you share...

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13. What happens to Philip after baptizing the eunuch? Locate this on your map.

14. What does Philip do between Azotus and Caesarea? (Be sure you have this detail also on your maps.)

15. Where is the eunuch headed to after this encounter? How do you think this may have impacted his life and work going forward?

16. Why do you think God had Philip travel to Gaza on his own, but he transported Philip miraculously to Azotus?

17. Read Acts 8:36-38. Read the footnote in your Bible about verse 37 and explain what you learned:

18. What is surprising about what the eunuch sees in Acts 8:37? (Recall Luke’s point in 8:26.)

...Reflect on the Word... This is my favorite story in the Bible...well, I might say that about many of them, but still. I love this story. I loved it as a child because it

seemed so magical – Philip hearing from and angel is one thing, but at the end of the story when *ching!* he’s transported from the

desert to Azotus? Even the name “Azotus” sounded magical to me. As an adult, the delight of this encounter keeps me enchanted. I

imagine it all so vividly. Philip isn’t the only person who God bopped from one place to another...Ezekiel was transported from the

present to the future and back, Elijah was transported from place to place to evade King Ahab, and Paul was transported to some

degree to the “3rd heaven” (even he wasn’t sure if it was in his body or in his spirit.) All that to say, God’s got his plan and his way of

accomplishing it. Philip’s encounter with the eunuch could look mundane in contrast to the miraculous and exciting idea of bodies

appearing and disappearing from place to place – imagine Philip’s shock! But it was far from it. God is breaking a huge barrier in giving

the gospel to this eunuch. Eunuchs were forbidden by Jewish law to enter the assembly the seeds of the gospel are not only powerfully

being spread in and around Jerusalem, they are being transported miraculously to lands far away and completely unexpected. The

eunuch (and isn’t it a shame that we never know his name?) returns to Ethiopia and from that moment forward the gospel is on the

move in Africa. God is good and let no one ever think that he didn’t make a way for all men to “come unto me.”

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...Dwell Deeper... Compare this painting, Rembrandt’s “Baptism of the Eunuch” with scripture. What details do you think are embellished?

What do you think are accurate?

Are any details in direct contrast with what you read in the Scripture?

Lesson Six zDays Six & Seven

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:9-10 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts 9:1-19a

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

1. So, while the gospel is spreading and Acts 1:8 is being fulfilled, what has the infamous Pharisee Saul of Tarsus been

doing? Locate Jerusalem and Damascas on your map. About how far are they apart? ____________

2. What name has been given to Christians at this point? _______________ (the Way Using the cross-reference verses in your Bible what else is recorded about “the Way?”

3. Why do you think Christians were given this name? Consider John 14:6, Psalm 1:1-6 and Psalm 27:11

4. Who is being persecuted according to Acts 8:1? _____________________________ 5. Who is being persecuted according to Acts 9:4? ______________ Which one is correct? Read Matthew 25:40, 45

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6. Read further details about this encounter in Acts 22:6-11 and 26:12-18. What additional details does Paul share in those passages?

his traveling companions heard something but did not recognize what was said since the comments were directed to Paul.

7. Illustrate or write details describing in your own words Paul’s encounter with Jesus

8. How long was Saul blind? _______________Do you think this time frame is significant? Why or why not?

9. There’s a few men named Ananias in the Bible. Who, according to Luke, is this Ananias? See also Acts 22:12.

10. Describe Ananias’ encounter with the Lord and how he responded initially and ultimately:

11. What details does God give Ananias to help him understand what is going on?

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12. Do you relate to Ananias in any way? Think about someone you know or even someone you know of who isn’t a Christian. Share your thoughts as they connect to Ananias and his initial response to the Lord.

Write the name of someone you know or know of that you would like to see saved: ___________________ Pray for them today. 13. How does the Lord appear to Ananias? _________________ How does the Lord appear to Saul? _______________ What details does Paul give about his encounter in these passages? 1 Corinthians 9:1; 15:8; Galatians 1:15-17

14. To whom is God sending Saul? ____________, _____________ and ______________ of ___________ What does God he must show Saul?

15. What did Saul do after he regained his sight? _________________________________ 16. A preacher recently was quoted saying essentially, “If God calls you, He has big, exciting, and prosperous plans for

you.” How does that statement compare with the calling of Saul? Do you think it is biblically sound to preach that God has “big, exciting, and prosperous plans” for those who answer His call? Why or why not?

17. When someone becomes a Christian we say it in many ways. They, “accepted Jesus as their savior”, or “turned to the Lord”, “became a Christian”, “converted to Christianity” or they “came to faith in Christ.” How do you refer to your conversion when you speak of it simply? Maybe you say it in one of these ways too. Write out how you simply refer to becoming a Christian:

“I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________.”

As you continue this study, make note of euphemisms for becoming a Christian. 18. Later, in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians he said, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old

has gone, the new is here!” Describe how that was true for Saul based on what we’ve studied in Acts:

19. How has that been true of you – becoming a “new creation?”

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By John Newton

Lesson Six zDay Eight

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:11 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts 9:19b-31

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

1. What detail does Luke include in Acts 9:19b? ______________________________________________________

Can you even imagine the conversations they must have been having? If social media had been around at the time, can you imagine the Tweets? The posts? The selfies?? Write and draw out a tweet, Facebook post, or Instagram update (with selfie of course!) from your perspective as a disciple who was among the first to hang out with Saul in Damascus right after his conversion. Bonus if you take or draw an actual selfie and put it here and post it on social media too. Use these hashtags and create one of your own! Have fun! #ILoveStickFigures #SelfieWithSaul #DwellingRichly

2. Now, imagine Saul...also on social media! Retell Acts 9:20-21 with social media. What does Saul do and say on his

favorite social media platform? How do his followers respond? Imagine it! Write and draw it out below...

3. How does Paul’s background as a Pharisee educated in the school of Gamaliel prove uniquely helpful to his new calling and mission?

4. Review how Gamaliel had responded to the gospel and the disciples back in Acts 5:33-39. What advice did he give? Was he accurate? Why or why not?

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Acts 9:23-24

5. What did Saul prove to the Jews? ____________________________________________ Why is this so important? Why was it especially significant for Saul personally?

6. What do you learn from the footnote in your Bible about the word translated “Jews” in Acts 9;23?

7. “My, that escalated quickly!” Draw or summarize the sequence of events in Acts 9:1, 9:16, 9: 23-24 and 9:25.

8. Where does Saul go from Damascus ______________________ to do what?

9. How do the disciples respond to him and why? Who intervenes? _______________________

10. What does Saul do in Jerusalem?

11. How do these Hellenists (9:29) contrast with the Hellenists from Acts 6:1-6? How to you account for the difference? (This is just pure speculation, but go ahead and think about why.)

12. What does Luke say that the church had in Acts 9:31a? __________ Considering all Saul and the other Christians are going through, how could Acts 9:31a possibly be true? Consider this in light of what Paul says in Philippians 4:7-9.

13. Describe the distinctive of the early church in and the outcome of this distinction Acts 9:31b.

Acts 9:1

Lesson Six zDay Nine

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Dwell in the Word... Write... Isaiah 53:12 on the “Write the Word” pages. Read... Acts 9:32-43

Think & Reflect...

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

1. Locate Lydda on your map and be sure you have this detail noted. 2. What is significant about Lydda’s location relative to Jerusalem and other cities mentioned in Acts?

3. What does Peter do in Lydda?

4. Notice Peter’s complete confidence (not to mention his good work ethic!) What does he say to the paralyzed man?

5. How did the people respond? _____________________________________________________________________ This is another euphemism for becoming a Christian. Make note of it in your Bible.

6. Consider the difference between physical and spiritual healing. Aeneas’ physical healing led to what kind of healing for the rest of the towns?

7. Locate Joppa on your map and make sure you have the details from this account noted. 8. Draw a picture or describe Tabitha...her character, name, occupation (or

maybe a hobby?), other details...

9. What happens to her?

10. How do people respond to this miracle? (another euphemism for becoming a Christian)

11. Watch this five-minute video of a Jewish man who turned to the Lord: Click Here from the online .pdf or go to my YouTube Channel and watch the video www.YouTube.com/c/jenniferrichmond on the Acts Bible study playlist Lesson Six Day 9.

~ Tabitha ~

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Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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12. What had he been told about the Christian Bible?

13. What did he start to discover instead?

14. How did reading Isaiah 53 impact him?

15. How did his father respond at first? And then...?

16. Share any of your personal thoughts and reactions to this testimony...

17. Start tomorrow’s “Create & Share” activity today. Read the directions and start thinking about your response. Pray and ask God to help you bring your thoughts together.

Lesson Six zDay Ten

11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other

name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

...Create & Share...

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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Memorize & Meditate ... Write Isaiah 53:6

Do you remember the day you first said, “Yes” to Jesus? You may have a dramatic before and after life or maybe, like me you accepted Jesus as your savior as a young child, so you didn’t get

time to rack up a lot of bad behavior – you know, the kind that makes for a dramatic retelling – like Saul’s story? Well, whether you

became a Christian as a young child, a teen or an adult, your story can help others know Christ.

Today we’re going to spend some time writing out our story. There’s no one right way to do that – it’s your story. Your experience. Your

turn from darkness to light...the moment when God called you out of that grave! Right? Below are some guiding questions to help you

write out your story. Use them to start collecting your thoughts into a nice flow that you could feel comfortable sharing with someone.

Write out your testimony in a journal or computer – whatever is easier for you. Then when you’re done, consider sharing it in writing on

social media. Consider this too...record yourself reading or just sharing your story then post that video. Wow. What a way to get the

beautiful, life-changing, great news of the gospel out there! I look forward to hearing your story!

When you share, be sure to use our hashtags #LMCCWomen #DwellingRichly and tag a friend in your post.

Don’t have social media? No problem...write it out and email it to a friend and share it that way. The idea is to get your story from your

heart and mind and out in print so you can share it. It’s a living testimony and heritage you will want your friends and family – even your

children and grandchildren to know.

Take a few minutes now to work through these questions so you can be ready for the next open-door God gives you to tell

your story.

My Life Before Christ

What about my life before Christ will relate most to the non-Christians I know?

What did my life revolve around? Where did I get my security, identity or happiness from?

How did those things begin to let me down?

How I Came to Christ

When was the first time I heard the gospel? What were my initial reactions?

When and why did my perspective of Christ begin to change?

(continue on the next page)

Lesson Six zDay Ten

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Lesson Six

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What were the final struggles that went through my mind just before I accepted Him? Why did I finally decide to accept Christ (or give

Him complete control of my life)?

My Life After Coming to Christ

How is my life different now? List some specific changes in your character, attitude and perspective on life.

What motivates me now? What do I live for?

Even though my life still isn’t perfect, how does knowing Christ help me deal with that fact?

These guiding questions are from the “How to Tell Your Story” at www.Cru.com

You can find other helpful resources on their website.

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Write the Word

Isaiah Chapter 53

Acts: Seeds of the Gospel Dwelling Richly Bible Study Write the Word

Isaiah Chapter 53

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