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Post on 04-Aug-2020






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Lesson Plan Course: Introduction to Criminology Start Time: 14:00 Finish Time: 15:00 Room: David Hockney level 4. 13Unit: Crime and Deviance Teacher: Khatoon Bi Week No. 24 (20.04.15) Topic/Aims: Describe the key aspects in the relationship between Crime and Media

Objectives: This is what all student should be able to do: Be able to describe what is media stereotypes Be able to evaluate how certain groups are stereotyped in the media in relation to crime Be able to examine how media amplification of crime can cause a moral panic

In Class activity: Group activity- identifying how the media portrays certain groups Pair activity- using examples of real life situations explain how the media represents ethnic minority groups. Plenary activity- summarise what you have learnt in 3 minutes on post it notes

Some students should also: Be able to discuss how the media representation of ethnic minority groups, influences the public’s attitude towards these groups

Some students could also: Be able to evaluate why the media would ‘amplify’ certain crime reports

Differentiation There is a learning assistant who supports the class. I have asked her to work alongside Eveline who is an ESL student, who sometimes requires extra support in her written work. She will be also be supporting Ali by keeping him focused on the tasks and give general group support to students if they need help, when I am helping others.

There are 5 ESL students, who sometimes need extra support with spelling and grammar. Eveliene sometimes shies away from participating, and answering questions, I will aim to involve her in the discussions and

get to work with the more vocal students so they can feed off each other. I will aim to keep Reece, Kaainat, Sabrina on task and focused as they often display off task behaviour, e.g talking over

others. I will do this by keeping them engaged in the discussions and activities. I will challenge Mona-Lisa and Alexandra further to critically think and analyse the topic, as they have shown clear

understanding of the subject knowledge. I will try to engage all the learners to think critically to enhance their learning and understanding

Health and Safety: No scheduled fire alarms, in case of fire alarm take students to the nearest fire exit and to the designated area

Time: Teacher & Support activity: Student Activity: including differentiation

Assessment: Resources:


Get students seated and ready to learn as they have had their break, the register has already been done in the first session (Sociology).

Students will settle in to the class, ready to learn, and take out any pens and paper.

Questions and answers PowerPoint Smart board Pencil/pens/Paper for

Lesson Plan







Introduce the session with the new topic and read the learning objectives, ask students where they position themselves on the progress bridge.

Explain what media stereotypes are. Set group activity. Go around making sure students are aware and understand what they have to do. Get the LSA to work with Eveline and also Ali.

Explain how the media represents ethnic minority groups in the media. Use Afro-Caribbean youth as an example. Ask student to discuss how they think Black youths are represented in the media today and why? Get students to think and share their thoughts in pairs.

Discuss how after terrorist incidents Muslim youths were represented as dangerous and potential terrorists. Get students to think about how the media representation of Muslims, affects the way the public perceives Muslims.

Explain how the news media claim they are reporting an area of genuine concern.

Explain the process of amplification of deviance

Students will listen to the session objective, note where they stand on the progress bridge in regards to the topic. If students have any awareness of the topic they can share their thoughts in the class

Students will work in small groups and sharing their thoughts on how the media stereotypes certain groups. Students will feedback their thoughts to the whole class. Will try to ensure that all students participate in discussion.

Students will pair up and discuss how they think black youths are represented in the media today and why. They will share they thought with the whole class.(slide title has an error in spelling on purpose, to see if students are able to identify the incorrect spelled word.)

Students will pair up with another student this time, to discuss how the media representation of Muslims in the 21st century, affects the way the public perceives Muslims.

Students will discuss to what extent they think that they news media are reporting an area of genuine concern.

Students will try to think of reasons of

Questions and answers Class discussion

Group activity Question and answers Class discussion

Questions and answers Pair work Class discussion

Questions and answers Pair work Class discussion

Questions and answers Class discussion

Questions and answers Class discussion

students if needed White board

Image of -Black male youths-Asian males-white males-Muslim females

-young females

Pen and paper

Pen and paper

Lesson Plan 1.55pm


Ask students if they had spotted the incorrect word. Ask students where they would place themselves on the progress bridge.

why the media would report crime in an ‘amplified’ format

Students will be shown the incorrect spelt word. For the plenary activity, they will have 3 minutes to summarise what they learnt today, they will do this on post it notes or on paper. They will do this in silence.

Plenary activity Pen, paper/post-it-


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