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Post on 08-Dec-2021






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Geography 4



LESSON 3 Let’s Build a River Model

Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Behavioural objectives • To play in group nicely.• To work in group and

adopt a “Think/Pair/Share” approach.

• To listen to the classmates in a respectful way.

• To complete the given tasks.

Language objectives• To try telling what a river

is, giving definitions.• To learn and use specific,

geographical words related to the river.

• To grow familiar with the basic geographical vocabulary.

• To become aware of the pronunciation of words and phrases.

Content objectives• To develop awareness of

what a river is.• To be able to recognize

the meaning of the river key words and the related definitions.

• To share a planning idea.• To plan a project.• To cooperate in order to

build a river model.

30 min Starter The enigmatic stones è un gioco che consentirà un divertente ripasso del lessico del fiume e delle relative definizioni.Fotocopiamo con l’ingrandimento desiderato le pagine 118, 119 e 120 di questa Guida, le quali contengono tre tipologie di card contraddistinte da forme diverse. Incolliamo quindi le pagine su cartoncini rigidi, poi ritagliamo in modo da avere un set completo di “carte”, cioè le 15 Word Cards delle parole del fiume, le corrispettive 15 Definition Cards e le 12 Language Cards dei comandi per condurre il gioco.

PreparazioneUsiamo due corde per delimitare due estremità dello spazio di gioco (all’aperto o in palestra): esse rappresenteranno le sponde del fiume. Nel “letto del fiume” posizioniamo 15 cerchi in dotazione alla palestra, con i quali delineiamo un percorso di “pietre” entro cui saltare per raggiungere la riva opposta del fiume.Collochiamo nel primo cerchio una Definition Card capovolta e nel secondo inseriamo la Word Card capovolta con il suo termine corrispondente.Sempre nel secondo cerchio posizioniamo una nuova Definition Card e procediamo quindi con questa logica “a catena”, che ricorda il gioco del domino.Quando avremo finito, avanzerà una Word Card: andrà posta sulla sponda del fiume e rappresenterà il traguardo.



(timing about 3,30 hours)

Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used


Teacher “Children, would you like to play The enigmatic stones game?We are going to play the game in the gym or in the playground because we need a large indoor or outdoor space.I’ll explain the game to you.We can use two ropes as a boundary to build the riverbanks. These 15 hoops act as stones placed in the river to allow you to cross it.Inside each hoop you will find a Definition Card , which has got a rectangular shape.The child who starts the game has to turn the card over, to read the definition and to guess the word related to it.Then the child can start crossing the river, stepping on the next stone/hoop.There, he has to turn the Word Card over and check if he has guessed the word related to the previous definition.If so, he gets the Word Card and goes on reading the next Definition Card.If he doesn’t guess the word, he loses his card/s and sinks in the river... where crocodiles will eat him up!The child who reaches the opposite riverbank and gets all the Word Cards, wins the game.”

• Playground or school gym

• Activity 3: The enigmatic stones, made up of:

- 15 oval Word Cards (page 118)

- 15 rectangular Definition Cards (page 119)

- 12 Language Cards (page 120)

• White cardboard and glue sticks

• Two skipping ropes• 15 hoops

Whole class

Geography 4


Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Modalità di giocoChiediamo ai bambini chi vuole iniziare il gioco: colui che si propone entra nel primo cerchio. Consegniamo le 12 Language Cards ai suoi compagni, i quali guideranno il gioco del concorrente fornendo il comando necessario per ogni passaggio, secondo la progressione numerica delle card. Altri due o tre bambini, invece, interpreteranno il ruolo dei coccodrilli e si posizioneranno liberamente nel corso del fiume, in agguato per “divorare” il concorrente in caso di errore.Il concorrente legge la Definition Card e prova a indovinare il termine del fiume corrispondente pronunciandolo ad alta voce. Per verificare l’esattezza della sua risposta, viene invitato dai compagni che danno i comandi a saltare sulla “pietra” successiva, dove trova la Word Card con la soluzione. Se ha risposto correttamente, conquista la Word Card e prosegue leggendo la Definition Card seguente. Ogni volta che l’alunno salta sulla “pietra” successiva, i bambini che danno i comandi ripartono dalla Language Card 2.Se il bambino non indovina perde ogni Word Card conquistata e viene divorato dai coccodrilli in agguato. Il gioco quindi riprende da capo con un altro concorrente. Vince chi raggiunge l’altra sponda del fiume con tutte le Word Cards.Lasciamo che gli alunni autogestiscano il gioco e interveniamo solo quando è necessario.



Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used


T “Who would like to start the game?”Paolo “I would!”T “Great! Paolo, go inside the first hoop.Now, some of you can have the Language Cards. Pay attention to the sequential number written on each card.Take turns and give the directions to Paolo.”Classmate 1 “Ready, steady, go!”C 2 “Turn the Definition Card over.”C 3 “Read the definition.”C 4 “Read aloud, please!”P “It’s a large, natural flow of fresh water travelling in a channel to the sea, a lake or another river.”C 5 “Can you guess the word?”

“River!”P “Waterfall!”

C 6 “OK, go ahead!”C 7 “Jump onto the next stone.”C 8 “Turn the Word Card over and check if you have guessed the word.”

“Yes, it’s river!”P “No, it isn’t waterfall, it’s river...”

“OK! You have guessed!”C 9 “Oh, no! You are wrong!”

“You can have the Word Card.”C 10 “You have lost the Word Card.”

“Go on!” C 11 “You are sinking in the river! You will be eaten by crocodiles.”

T “Who would like to take Paolo’s place?”Laura “I would!”T “OK! You have to start from the beginning.”

C 12 “Congratulations! You are the winner!”

Geography 4


Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Main activities:Le attività che andiamo a proporre in questa Lesson si configurano come un vero e proprio compito di realtà, in cui il prodotto atteso è il plastico del fiume.

step 1 “Sharing a planning idea” Domandiamo agli alunni che cosa pensano dell’idea di costruire un plastico del fiume. Sicuramente saranno motivati e disponibili alla realizzazione di un’attività di tipo artistico-manipolativo. Dividiamo la classe in piccoli gruppi di quattro bambini.Diamo a ogni gruppo il compito di ricercare immagini di paesaggi di fiume da utilizzare come riferimento per progettare il plastico.Mettiamo a loro disposizione libri, riviste o, se possibile, aiutiamoli a cercare in internet le immagini di cui hanno bisogno.Quando la ricerca sarà terminata, chiediamo a ogni gruppo di selezionare l’immagine ritenuta più significativa. Invitiamo i singoli gruppi a mostrare l’immagine scelta alla classe, chiedendo ai bambini di motivare la scelta. Per esempio, un gruppo potrebbe aver scelto l’immagine di una cascata perché è ben visibile l’idea dell’acqua che scorre verso il basso. Le immagini scelte saranno collocate su un tavolo e tenute in considerazione per la costruzione del plastico.

step 2 “Planning a project”Diamo a ogni alunno una copia del Worksheet 7 Planning a project.La scheda prevede una tabella con quattro sezioni per annotare:• il tipo di prodotto che si andrà a costruire;• i passaggi per attuare il progetto;• i materiali necessari per la sua realizzazione;• eventuali modifiche rispetto a quanto


20 min

30 min



Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used


Teacher “Children, what about building a river model?”Children “Yes!”T “I know that you like art and craft activities.Working in groups of four, you have to search some pictures of rivers from these books and magazines. We can also search them on the Internet.We need to find some useful pictures to keep as a reference to build our river model.”

T “If you have finished, choose one meaningful picture among those you have found. Now, one group at a time shows the chosen picture to the class.Why have you chosen that picture? Has it got the right features to help us build our river model? Let’s see... In this picture there is a waterfall, this one shows a meander...”

T “Well done, children! Now, let’s leave the pictures you have chosen on this table, so that we can use them as a reference to build the river model.”

Teacher “I’ll give you the Worksheet 7.As you can see, there is a table that will be useful to organize our project. I’ll explain what to write in each section.”

• Geography books, magazines, computer with Internet access

• Worksheet 7 (page 121): Planning a project

• Blackboard or IWB

Small group

Whole class

Geography 4


Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Spieghiamo alla classe che compileremo questa tabella per organizzare la realizzazione del plastico. Invitiamo gli alunni a leggere il testo nel primo riquadro, cioè la sezione in cui appuntare il tipo di prodotto da realizzare.Traduciamo in inglese la loro risposta e scriviamola sulla lavagna/LIM.Sollecitiamo i bambini a riflettere sulle modalità con cui si può realizzare il progetto di un plastico.Se necessario supportiamoli fornendo qualche suggerimento: per esempio, il primo passaggio potrebbe essere quello di disegnare un bozzetto del corso del fiume, poi condividere un’idea progettuale, scegliere i materiali, costruire il plastico, infine, presentare il lavoro ultimato.Guidiamo quindi gli alunni a scrivere quali potrebbero essere i passaggi necessari per realizzare il progetto e diamo loro il tempo di confrontarsi. Annotiamo sulla lavagna tutte le proposte e invitiamoli a trascrivere nella corretta sezione.Chiediamo loro di quali materiali avranno bisogno per attuare il progetto. Quindi, prendiamo nota, traducendo in inglese e aggiungendo i materiali che non sono stati nominati (per esempio, facciamo notare che ci servirà una base su cui costruire il plastico, perciò potrebbe essere utile un foglio di compensato).Attraverso domande/osservazioni, aiutiamoli a riflettere sugli aspetti morfologici del paesaggio che devono costruire: per esempio, in quale modo ricreare l’altezza di una montagna?, come dare forma alla montagna?, che cosa utilizzare per colorare la montagna, la pianura e l’acqua del fiume?Lasciamo il tempo agli alunni di annotare i materiali (a pagina 122 di questa Guida è presente un elenco dei materiali che possono essere utili e una proposta di procedura per la realizzazione del plastico).



Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

T “Let’s start from the top section. Can you read, please?”Children “Product Write what you are going to build in your project.”T “So, what are you going to build?”C “Il plastico di un fiume.”T “OK! Let’s write: build a river model.”

T “In the following section of the table, you can read Method. Down, you have to write the steps you will need to carry out the project.Have some time and think about the steps you could need to build your river model.”

T “Would you like to tell me your ideas, please? For example, the first step could be to draw a sketch of a river.What about sharing a planning idea? It could be the second step.The third step could be... the choice of the equipment/materials.The fourth... the building of the river model.Then, the final step could be the presentation of your work.Now, copy down these suggestions in the specific section, please!”

T “Let’s consider the Equipment andresources section. What materials/items would you need to carry out your project? For example: are you going to build a mountain in your model? So, what items would you use to build a mountain? You have to consider the height of a mountain. What do you think about using recycled plastic bottles?”C “Yes! Good idea!”T “OK! Let me write down what you are suggesting on the blackboard/IWB.Then, what else?What are you going to use to cover the plastic bottles and give them the shape of a mountain?”C “I fogli di giornale o delle riviste.”


Geography 4


Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

L’ultimo riquadro sarà utilizzato alla fine del progetto per annotare eventuali variazioni in corso d’opera (modifica dei passaggi, dei materiali...).

step 3 “Drawing a sketch of a river”Proponiamo un lavoro in piccoli gruppi.Chiediamo a ogni gruppo di disegnare un bozzetto del plastico del fiume che andremo a realizzare.A conclusione dell’attività, esponiamo sulla parete i diversi lavori. Invitiamo la classe a osservare i disegni e stabilire quali sono le caratteristiche importanti di cui tenere conto: l’insieme dei vari bozzetti ci servirà come base di partenza per la realizzazione del plastico.Per esempio, se un gruppo ha disegnato una cascata, facciamo notare che nel plastico si dovrà predisporre la costruzione di una montagna con un pendio ripido.Se si vuole creare un meandro, si dovrà progettare il basso corso del fiume, quindi una pianura.

20 min



Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

T “Right! Newspaper sheets. What else?”C “Nastro adesivo marrone, colla, acqua...”T “Yes, brown packaging tape, PVA glue, water... And how are you going to colour the water of the river, the mountain, the plain and so on?”C “Con le tempere!”T “Exactly, tempera paints! Please, take note of the suggested materials/resources in the established section of the table.I think we need something acting as a work surface to build our model.What about a piece of plywood? It’s already written on your worksheet.Do you agree with me?”C “Yes, we do.”T “At the moment, we won’t write anything in the last section. We will do that at the end, if we change something.”

Teacher “Working in groups of four, you have to draw a sketch of the river model you want to build.”

T “Let’s exhibit your drawings on the wall...Children, look at the drawings! In your opinion, what are the important features you have to take into account to build a river model?If you expect that there is a waterfall, you have to consider building a mountain with a steep slope.If you want to build a meander, you must provide the model with a plain, that is where a river meanders.”

• A3 white paper sheets and drawing material

Small group


Geography 4


Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

step 4 “Let’s build our river model”Per costruire il plastico del fiume si rimanda a pagina 122 di questa Guida dove sono contenute le istruzioni.Dividiamo la classe in sette gruppi. Organizziamo la costruzione del plastico in tre step, corrispondenti alle tre sezioni del fiume (upper course, middle course, lower course) e affidiamone la realizzazione a tre gruppi diversi che si alterneranno nel lavoro. Altri gruppi interverranno nella pittura e nella preparazione degli elementi decorativi, nonché nella creazione delle etichette per denominare le parti del fiume.Durante la produzione del plastico, scattiamo delle fotografie per documentare il lavoro dei gruppi. Potranno essere utilizzate successivamente per ripercorrere le tappe del progetto o per presentarlo a un’altra classe.

ConclusionChiediamo ai bambini se hanno gradito le attività proposte e che cosa hanno trovato interessante. Diamo un breve feedback sul loro lavoro.

Self-Assessment Consegniamo a ciascun alunno una copia del Self-Assessment 2 e invitiamo a compilare la tabella.

Authentic assessment(Valutazione per competenze) Valutiamo il lavoro di costruzione del plastico del fiume attraverso l’Assessment Rubric (rubrica valutativa) presente nelle pagine 124 e 125 di questa Guida.

About 60-90 minfor each group

10 min

50 min



Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Teacher “Now, it’s time to start building our river model.You will work in small groups. Three groups will be involved alternately in building the upper, the middle and the lower course of the river model.Other two groups will paint it.Another group will make the items to decorate the model.The remaining group will prepare the cards to label the parts of the river.”

Teacher “Children, have you enjoyed the activities proposed in this lesson?What have you found interesting?I think you worked cooperatively!”

Teacher “Have the Self-Assessment 2.First, I would like you to answer the question putting an X in the boxes. Pay attention because there are some activities we didn’t do.In the second exercise, answer the questions in your own words.In the last one, give your opinion about the entire Geography module.”

• Activity 4 (page 122): How to build a river model – materials and instructions for the teacher

• Camera

• Self-Assessment 2 (page 123): The River module

• Assessment Rubric – rubrica valutativa (pages 124 and 125)

Small group


Individual work


Geography 4


Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Il compito di realtà osservato è pianificare la costruzione di un plastico del fiume.La competenza presa in considerazione è progettare, esplicitata attraverso tre dimensioni, declinate in altrettanti indicatori, per stabilire i livelli di competenza raggiunti. Inoltre, è presente anche una tabella in cui possiamo registrare la valutazione delle competenze degli alunni.

Summative assessmentDiamo ai bambini una copia del Test 1.Spieghiamo che devono leggere accuratamente le frasi relative al fiume e colorare solo i cartellini con le affermazioni giuste. Facciamo notare che devono prestare molta attenzione perché alcune affermazioni potrebbero essere ingannevoli.

Consegniamo il Test 2. Spieghiamo agli alunni che devono leggere attentamente un termine alla volta della colonna di sinistra e abbinarlo alla definizione corrispondente della colonna di destra, scrivendo il numero nel cerchiolino.

Proponiamo il Test 3. Chiediamo ai bambini di leggere attentamente il testo e di completarlo scrivendo le parole della Word Bank al posto giusto.



Learning objectives Timing Teaching procedure/Activities Interaction Language identification

(Lexis and structures)Teaching aids and

learning materials used

Teacher “Now, it’s time to test what you have learnt about the river.Have the Test 1.You have to read carefully the statements related to the river and colour the right ones.Pay attention because some statements could be tricky.”

T “I’m giving you the Test 2.I’ll explain what to do.Can you see the words written on the left of the sheet?Read one word at a time.Then, find the related definition written in one of the rectangles on the right.So, match the word with its definition writing the related number.”

T “Children, this is the Test 3. It’s the last one. Read the text carefully and fill in the gaps using the Word Bank below.”

• Test 1 (page 126): The river

• Test 2 (page 128): The river words

• Test 3 (page 130): From the mountain... to the sea!

Individual work

Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelActivity 3

The enigmatic stones - Word Cards

riverbankriver bed

source stream waterfall

tributary affluent emissary

meander estuary delta

erosion transportation deposition

Pagina da fotocopiare con l’ingrandimento desiderato

Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelActivity 3

The enigmatic stones - Definition Cards

Pagina da fotocopiare con l’ingrandimento desiderato

It’s a large, natural flow of fresh water

travelling in a channel to the sea, a lake or another


It’s the place where a river begins.

It’s a stream or a river flowing into a

main river.

It’s a wide S-shaped path eroded by a


It’s the process by which the energy of the moving water erodes rocks, soil and vegetation from the bed and the riverbanks.

It’s the bottom of a channel.

It’s a small, narrow river.

It’s a stream or a river flowing

into a lake.

It’s the river mouth.

It’s the process by which the flowing water transports

or moves the eroded material


It’s the side of a channel.

It’s fast-flowing water falling from

a height.

It’s a stream or a river flowing out of

a lake.

It’s the process by which the material

is deposited or dropped.

It’s a fan-shaped channel at a river


Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelActivity 3

The enigmatic stones - Language Cards

1 Ready, steady, go!

4 Read aloud, please!

7 Jump onto the next stone.

2 Turn the Definition Card


5 Can you guess the word?

8 Turn the Word Card over and

check if you have guessed the word.

3 Read the definition.

6 OK, go ahead!

12 Congratulations! You are the winner!

Pagina da fotocopiare con l’ingrandimento desiderato

OK! You have guessed!

Oh, no! You are wrong!


You can have the Word Card.

You have lost the Word Card.


Go on!

You are sinking in the river! You will be eaten by crocodiles.


Geography 4

The River

Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................


Planning a project

Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelWorksheet 7

• plywood • recycled plastic bottles of different sizes and heights

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

Product Write what you are going to build in your project.

We are going to ....................................................................................................................................... .

Method Write down the steps you will need to carry out the project.

1. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5. .............................................................................................................................................................................

Equipment and resources Write what you need to carry out your project.

What I changed...• ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

• ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

• ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

• ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelActivity 4

How to build a river modelmaterials and instructions for the teacher

What you need• plywood • recycled plastic bottles of different sizes and heights• brown packaging tape• a plastic spoon• PVA glue• water• a bucket• newspapers• pebbles, sand, soil

Instructions • Use a medium-sized piece of plywood as a working surface to build the model.

To build the upper course... • Assemble some recycled plastic bottles of different sizes and heights. • Secure the bottles with some brown packaging tape. • With the help of a plastic spoon, mix some PVA glue with water in a bucket. • Wet some sheets of newspaper in the bucket and use them to cover the plastic bottles. • Model the paper in order to give the bottles the shape of a mountain range and hills. • Model other newspaper sheets to draw the river gradient and its pathway. • Trace another small river flowing from the hills into the main river, acting as a tributary.

To build the medium course... • Model newspaper sheets and shape a river pathway flowing into a lake. • Use newspaper sheets to form a circle representing a lake. • Go on shaping a river pathway flowing out of the lake.

To build the lower course... • Model newspaper sheets and shape a meander. • Shape a delta at the mouth of the river with newspaper sheets. • Add some pebbles, sand and soil acting as debris.

When the three courses are built... • Wait until the paper gets dry and then paint the model. • Put tempera paint into plastic dishes and colour the model using paintbrushes and sponges. • Use the blunt-tip scissors to cut out small, white cardboard rectangles; stick them to the tip of skewer sticks and use them to label the parts of the river. • Decorate with some small plants, twigs, moss and lichen, if possible, and all the items you like.

Some examples of suggested decorations: • houses made with small recycled boxes; • trees made with corks as trunks, toothpicks as branches and green paper as leaves; • plastic animals on a farm; • boats on the river using some walnut shells filled with plasticine and decorated with sails made with toothpicks and small pieces of cloth.

• tempera paint (brown, light and dark blue, white, black and varied green colours)• plastic dishes• paintbrushes• sponges for painting• blunt-tip scissors• a white cardboard• plastic gloves• skewer sticks for barbecue• small plants, twigs, lichen and moss

Geography 4

The River

Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelSelf-Assessment 2

The River moduleSelf-Assessment

Name .......................................................................................................................... Date ..................................

I liked the module very much.

I found the module difficult.

I didn’t like the module.

1 Answer the question putting an 7 in the boxes.

• What did we do in Lesson 3? We played “The enigmatic stones” game. We shared a planning idea. We watched a documentary about the Po River. We drew a sketch of the river. We chose the equipment/materials to build the river model. We sang a song about a river animal. We built the river model. We worked in group. We presented the work.

2 Answer the following questions about the entire Geography module “The River”.

• What did I like the most? ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................

• What did I like the least? ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................

• Did I like working in group? Why? ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................


3 Now give your opinion about the module. Colour the appropriate face.

Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelAssessment Rubric

Assessment Rubric - rubrica valutativa


Sa assumere un ruolo definito all’interno del gruppo portando a termine responsabilmente l’impegno assunto.

Ha difficoltà ad acquisire un ruolo all’interno del gruppo e porta a termine l’impegno assunto solo se guidato.

Sa acquisire un ruolo con l’aiuto del gruppo, portando a termine l’impegno assunto anche se con qualche incertezza.

Sa acquisire e mantenere il suo ruolo nel gruppo e porta a termine l’impegno assunto auto-nomamente.

Sa acquisire e mantenere il suo ruolo nel gruppo con responsabilità, portando a termine l’impegno assunto auto-nomamente e con spirito di iniziativa.

Sa riconoscere la fattibilità di un progetto in base alla possibilità di realizzazione, mettendo in campo forme di flessibilità nel perseguire l’obiettivo.

Sa individuare l’obiettivo da raggiungere solo se guidato e lo persegue in modo parziale in base a criteri stabiliti.

Sa individuare l’obiettivo da raggiungere e lo persegue in modo complessiva-menteautonomo.

Sa individuare l’obiettivo in base a elementi di fattibilità ricavati in modo autonomo e lo persegue attivando un atteggiamento flessibile.

Sa individuare l’obiettivo in base a elementi di fattibilità anche impliciti, ricavati in modo autono-mo, e mette in campo aspetti di flessibilità finalizzati al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo.

Sa elaborare un piano di lavoro in modo finalizzato ed efficace.

Sa elaborare le fasi più semplici del piano di lavoro.

Sa elaborare un piano di lavoro negli elementi essenziali.

Sa elaborare un piano di lavoro in modo logico e finalizzato allo scopo.

Sa elaborare un piano di lavoro finalizzato, personale ed efficace.

Subject/Disciplina: Geography

Competenza: progettare Livelli di competenza

Authentic task/Compito di realtà: planning the construction of a river model – pianificare la costruzione di un plastico del fiume

(*) Dimensioni





















Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelAssessment Rubric
































Legenda dei livelli di competenza raggiunti A = avanzato B = intermedio C = base D = iniziale

Geography 4

The River

Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................


The river1 Read carefully the statements related to the river, then colour the right ones.

Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelTest 1

Rivers change the landscape by erosion, transportation, and deposition.

At its lower course, on the plain, the river has a lot of energy and a very high gradient.

At the upper course, you can find rapids and waterfalls.

The mouth of a river is called the source.

A river is a landform.

A delta is a fan-shaped channel at a river mouth.

It is a large, natural flow of salt water travelling in a channel to the sea, a lake or another river.

A river usually begins from a source on a mountain or a hill, well above sea level.


Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................

Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelTest 1 solutions

The river

Rivers change the landscape by erosion, transportation, and deposition.

At its lower course, on the plain, the river has a lot of energy and a very high gradient.

At the upper course, you can find rapids and waterfalls.

The mouth of a river is called the source.

A river is a landform.

A delta is a fan-shaped channel at a river mouth.

It is a large, natural flow of salt water travelling in a channel to the sea, a lake or another river.

A river usually begins from a source on a mountain or a hill, well above sea level.


1 Read carefully the statements related to the river, then colour the right ones.

Geography 4

The River

Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................


The bottom of a channel.........

A stream or a river flowing into a lake.........

Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelTest 2

The river words1 Match the word with the right definition. Write the related number.

river1 A stream or a river flowing into a main river.


A stream or a river flowing out of a lake.........

The place where a river begins.........

A small, narrow river. ........

A wide S-shaped path eroded by a river.........

The river mouth.........

A large, natural flow of fresh water travelling to the sea, a lake or another river.


Fast-flowing water falling from a height. ........

A fan-shaped channel at a river mouth.........

The side of a channel.........











affluent12 ......../12

Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................

Geography 4

The River


Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelTest 2 solutions

The bottom of a channel.........

A stream or a river flowing into a lake.........

The river words1 Match the word with the right definition. Write the related number.

river1 A stream or a river flowing into a main river.


A stream or a river flowing out of a lake.........

The place where a river begins.........

A small, narrow river. ........

A wide S-shaped path eroded by a river.........

The river mouth.........

A large, natural flow of fresh water travelling to the sea, a lake or another river.


Fast-flowing water falling from a height. ........

A fan-shaped channel at a river mouth.........

The side of a channel.........











affluent12 ......../12













Geography 4

The River

Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................


1 Read carefully the text and fill in the gaps. Use the words in the Word Bank.

From the mountain... to the sea!

Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelTest 3

Word Banktributaries channel estuary waterfall

bed delta source meanders affluentsea emissary stream riverbanks

A river flows across the surface of land in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

The bottom of the channel is called the _ _ _ and the sides of the channel are called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A river or a _ _ _ _ _ _ usually begins from a _ _ _ _ _ _ on a mountain or a hill, well above sea level. Here, the river runs very quickly because of the height and can often form a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ add water to the main river, increasing its size.

When a river reaches its lower course, it flows more slowly, gets wider and can form S-shaped paths, called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A river can occasionally flow into a lake; in that case we call it an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A river that flows out of a lake is called an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A river eventually ends in the _ _ _ . The mouth of a river, where it flows into the sea, is called an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Because of the sediments deposited at its mouth, a river can split into several channels forming a _ _ _ _ _ .


Geography 4

The River


Name ............................................................................................................................... Date ............................................

Lesson 3 Let’s Build a River ModelTest 3 solutions

From the mountain... to the sea!

c h a n n e l

s t r e a m s o u r c e

b e dr i v e r b a n k s

T r i b u t a r i e s

m e a n d e r s

a f f l u e n t

1 Read carefully the text and fill in the gaps. Use the words in the Word Bank.

Word Banktributaries channel estuary waterfall

bed delta source meanders affluentsea emissary stream riverbanks


A river flows across the surface of land in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

The bottom of the channel is called the _ _ _ and the sides of the channel are called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A river or a _ _ _ _ _ _ usually begins from a _ _ _ _ _ _ on a mountain or a hill, well above sea level. Here, the river runs very quickly because of the height and can often form a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ add water to the main river, increasing its size.

When a river reaches its lower course, it flows more slowly, gets wider and can form S-shaped paths, called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A river can occasionally flow into a lake; in that case we call it an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A river that flows out of a lake is called an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A river eventually ends in the _ _ _ . The mouth of a river, where it flows into the sea, is called an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Because of the sediments deposited at its mouth, a river can split into several channels forming a _ _ _ _ _ .

w a t e r f a l l

e m i s s a r y

e s t u a r y

d e l t a

s e a

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