lesson overview 11.4 meiosis. lesson overview lesson overviewmeiosis chromosome number...

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Lesson OverviewLesson Overview11.4 Meiosis11.4 Meiosis

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Chromosome NumberChromosomes—those strands of DNA and protein inside the cell nucleus—are the carriers of genes.

The genes are located in specific positions on chromosomes. video

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosisDiploid Cells

A cell that contains both sets of homologous chromosomes is diploid, meaning “two sets.” Diploid- 2N

These two sets of chromosomes are homologous, meaning that each of the chromosomes from DAD has a corresponding chromosome from MOM.

All somatic (body ) cells are diploid!

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

MeiosisIf egg and sperm had same number ofchromosomes as other body cells . . .baby would have too many


so..MEIOSIS is the way…to make cells with ½ the number ofchromosomes (N) for sexual


Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosisHaploid Cells

Cells that contain only one copy of each chromosome are:

haploid (n), meaning “one set.”

All sperm and egg cells are haploid.

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosisMeiosis

Meiosis is different than mitosis in several ways

Purpose is reproduction, NOT growth! 2 rounds of cell division. Four daughter cells produced

Not genetically identical to parent

Haploid gametes (sex cells) produced.Meiosis dance

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosisWHAT MAKES MEIOSIS DIFFERENT ?DNA replication will only occur before Meiosis I !!

Crossing over (synapsis)- Homologous chromosomes pair up during Prophase I of Meiosis I and exchange bits of DNA.

This group of FOUR (4) chromatids is called a tetrad

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Meiosis vs Mitosis

Metaphase I: chromosomes line up as homologous pairs on the metaphase plate (independent assortment of chromosomes)

Anaphase I: homologous chromosomes separate (reductional division)-halves the number of chromosome sets per cell (diploid to haploid)

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Independent Assortment

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Genetic Variation

3 Events that contribute to Genetic Variation

1. Independent assortment of chromosomes

2. crossing over during prophase I of meiosis I

3. random fertilization of eggs by sperm

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosisGametes to Zygotes

The haploid cells produced by meiosis II are gametes.

In male animals, these gametes are called sperm.

In female animals, generally only one of the cells produced by meiosis is involved in reproduction. The other 3 are called polar bodies.

Fertilization—the fusion of male and female gametes—generates new combinations of alleles in a zygote.

The zygote undergoes cell division by mitosis and eventually forms a new organism.

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Gene Linkage and Gene Maps

How can two alleles from different genes be inherited together?

Alleles of different genes tend to be inherited together from one generation to the next when those genes are located on the same chromosome.

Thomas Hunt Morgan’s research on fruit flies led him to the principle of gene linkage.

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Gene Linkage

Morgan’s findings led to two remarkable conclusions:

First, each chromosome is actually a group of linked genes.

Second, it is the chromosomes that assort independently, not individual genes.

Alleles of different genes tend to be inherited together when those genes are located on the same chromosome.

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Gene Mapping

In 1911, Columbia University student Alfred Sturtevant wondered if the frequency of crossing-over between genes during meiosis might be a clue to the genes’ locations.

Sturtevant reasoned that the farther apart two genes were on a chromosome, the more likely it would be that a crossover event would occur between them.

If two genes are close together, then crossovers between them should be rare. If two genes are far apart, then crossovers between them should be more common.

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Gene Mapping

By this reasoning, he could use the frequency of crossing-over between genes to determine their distances from each other.


Sturtevant gathered lab data and presented a gene map showing the relative locations of each known gene on one of the Drosophila chromosomes.


Sturtevant’s method has been used to construct gene maps ever since this discovery.

Lesson OverviewLesson Overview MeiosisMeiosis

Gene Mapping

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