legal instruments and documentation of international road ... federation_3.pdf · intergovernmental...

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Regional Meeting on Harmonization of Legal Instruments and Documentation for cross-

border and Transit Transport by RoadBangkok, Thailand, 16-17 December 2015

Legal Instruments and Documentation of international road transport by Road in

the Russian Federation

Bilateral Agreements of the Russian Federation

All international road transport in Russia is made on the basis ofbilateral agreements concluded between Russian Federation and morethan 50 countries (in recent years were concluded new agreements withSwitzerland, The Netherlands, Greece, Jordan, People’ Republic ofKorea).

Concerning these intergovernmental bilateral agreements oninternational road transport the transportation of goods and passengersare performed on the basis of permits, which are issued by thecompetent authorities of contracting parties (e.g. in Russia – TheMinistry of Transport of The Russian Federation).

Bilateral Agreements of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation reconsiders the basic conditions existing bilateral agreements.

For example, we try to make amendments tointergovernmental agreement with Poland concerning of duty-free fuel importation in vehicle tank and free transit provision.

Also amendments are considered for agreements withLithuania, Latvia and Finland in part of road chargesinduction, weight and dimensional values, etc.

Most essential requirements to bilateral agreements:

every single transport operation demands permits (single-usepermits);

common quantity of issued permits should be accepted viabilateral negotiations (quota);

cabotage restriction (making of internal transportation betweentwo points in the territory of the other state is prohibited).

Types of permits

In terms of the kind of transport single-use permits divided into:

bilateral permits transit permits third countries permits

special permits (for heavy, oversized and dangerous goods)

These permits gives the right for one journey – outward and return.

Also it should be mentioned that in EuroAsian Economic Unionbilateral and transit road transport between countries-membersas well are made without permits.

Visa facilitation

Visa facilitation for drivers should be considered as another barrierremoval for road transport development. So, in CIS and EurasianEconomic Union visas for member-states are not required.

According the Agreement between European Union and RussianFederation is provided the issuance of 5-year multi-entry visa fordrives involved in mutual international road transport.

The facilitation of visa regime with EU-countries includes: fixed term of staying – 90 days in half-year; the national road association’s application can be sufficient and

substitute the official invitation; reduced list of submitted documents in consulate.

Ministry of Transport of The Russian Federation supports the work in multilateral level:

Treaty of Eurasian Economic Union provides a coordinated transportpolicy and single transport control procedure. Nowadays several documentsare developed for its implementation.

Agreement between SCO countries on favorable conditions forinternational road transport was signed in 2014, ratified in Russia in 2015.It will foster the international road links development in SCO region usingtransit potential and vehicular network

Draft of the Agreement between Russia, China and Mongolia onInternational Road Transport along the Asian Highways establishes mainregulations and principles for road network development and facilitatesroad transport movements in the region.

Challenges and suggestionsMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation as a competentauthority takes necessary efforts to set priority issues in the field ofinternational road transport market development:

Protection of Russian carriers interests in multilateral and bilateralpermits quota negotiating, taking into account the principle of paritywith our foreign partners;

Increasing of Russian carriers competitive ability on internationalroad transport market;

Removal of barriers related to customs and control procedures,restrictions on technical issues, etc.

Thank you for attention!

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