lecture 7: the system collapses april 12, 2010. end of weimar & rise of the nazis...

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Lecture 7: The Lecture 7: The System CollapsesSystem Collapses

April 12, 2010April 12, 2010

End of End of WeimarWeimar

& Rise of the & Rise of the NazisNazis

19241924 19281928 19301930 19331933

Nazi Nazi vote vote shareshare

3.03.0 2.62.6 18.318.3 43.943.9

Principles of NazismPrinciples of Nazism

Racial superiorityRacial superiority Living space (Lebensraum)Living space (Lebensraum) Unswerving loyalty to the leader Unswerving loyalty to the leader



Greater East Asia Co-Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereProsperity Sphere

“…“…a union of neighboring states, a union of neighboring states, sharing to a greater or lesser degree sharing to a greater or lesser degree common racial and cultural origins common racial and cultural origins and geographic propinquity, founded and geographic propinquity, founded by their voluntary agreement for the by their voluntary agreement for the purpose of assuring their common purpose of assuring their common safety and promoting their common safety and promoting their common happiness and prosperity”happiness and prosperity”

Appeal to Asian Solidarity

“We will obliterate the former European and British superiority complex and American and British worldview. Europe and America don’t want Asia to awaken. Therefore they prevent Asia from remembering a common culture and ideology. But now the dark night enveloping Asia has begun to break and the light of hope has shown from the East. Now Asia is on the verge of overturning European control everywhere.”

Relative Share of World Relative Share of World Wealth (%)Wealth (%)

19201920 19301930 19401940

UKUK 1616 1111 1111

GermanyGermany 1414 1414 1717

FranceFrance 55 99 44

USSRUSSR 11 66 1313

ItalyItaly 11 11 22

USUS 6262 5454 4949

JapanJapan 22 44 66

Military Potential, 1937Military Potential, 1937

National Income ($ billions)

Percentage on defense

US 68 1.5

UK 22 5.7

France 10 9.1

Germany 17 23.5

Italy 6 14.5

USSR 19 26.4

Japan 4 28.2

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