lecture 3 v2 – bonds and stock valuation

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  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    Lecture 3 BondsValuationFIN 2102 25 April 2016

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation



    1. e!ision. "iscounting #actor$ FV$ %V$N%V$ annuities

    2. &'at is a (ond)

    3. "e*nitions: +oupon rate$ +urrent ,ieldn -ield to aturit,$ /aret "iscountInterest ate.

    . "e*nitions: Face Value$ /aret Value$Fair !alue

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    A4N"A 2

    5. Valuation o# Bonds

    6. &'at is 7toc 7'ares)

    8. Valuation o# 7tocs.

    9. /ain role o# stoc ec'ange

    ;. 4

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation



    FV ? %V 1 @in

    %V ?FV



    %VA? A

    1 1

    1@ in


    FVA ? A

    1@ in 1


  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    &'at i# a copan, sells ,ou a certi*cate#or / 1$000 and proises to pa, t'e(u,er 5 o# / 1$000 i.e. /50 e!er,,ear #or 3 ,ears)

    And proises to pa, (ac t'e 'ole /

    1$000 at t'e end o# 3 ,ears.C'is is a DBondE

    / 1$000 is t'e Face Value 5 o# t'e Face Value / 1$000 is t'e

    Coupon Rate

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    &'at i#$ a#ter t'e copan, sells it to t'e

    original (u,er #or / 1$000$ t'e original(u,er sells it #or / ;13)

    Is t'e (ond !alue / 1$000 or / ;13)

    Bot'. / 1$000 is t'e Face Value and

    / ;13 is t'e /aret ValueFace Value ill ala,s (e the same

    #or t'e (ond.

    Market Value is t'e price 'ere t'ere

    is a illing (u,er and seller #or t'e(ond.

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    C'e ne oner ill recei!e / 50 #or

    t'e reaining 2 ,ears o# t'e (ond. i.e.up to aturit, o# t'e (ond

    Is 'e getting 5 return on t'e (ond liet'e pre!ious oner)

    No. =is return is /50 / ;13 ?0.059 or 5.9

    Is t'e coupon rate still 5) C'en 'at is5.9)

    +oupon rate 5 does not c'ange. It isdependent on Face Value.

    C'is 5.9 is t'e +urrent -ield anddependent on /aret Value

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    I# t'e ne oner (oug't t'e (ond at t'e

    (eginning o# ,ear 2 i.e. end o# ,ear 1#or / ;13$ 'e ill still recei!e / 50#or t'e reaining 2 ,ears

    AN" / 1$000 at aturit,

    &'at is t'e pro*t return #or t'e neoner)

    / ;13?

    / 50

    1 @ i

    / 50

    1 @i2

    / 1$000

    1 @i2

    @ @

    7ol!e #or i #or rate o#return

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    i is #ound to (e 10. 7o 'at is t'is!alue) C'e ne coupon rate)

    C'e ne current ,ield)

    No. It is called D-ieldGtoGaturit,E or HustD-ieldE

    It is t'e discount rate 'ere t'e price o#a (ond euates to t'e present !alue o#

    all (ene*ts arising #ro t'e (ond.

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    &'at i# t'e (ans outside are gi!ing

    interest rates o# on deposits)C'is is t'e /aret "iscount Interest


    7o #ro t'is eapleJ. +oupon ate ? 5

    +urrent ,ield ? 5.9

    -ieldGtoGaturit, ? 10

    "iscount rate ?

    Face Value ? / 1$000

    /aret Value ? / ;13

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    VALK4 >F B>N"Co o(tain t'e Fair !alue o# (ond$ use

    Ban interest rate

    Ban interest rate #air !alue o# (ond!alue G in!erse relations'ip.

    and t'e lengt' o# tie to aturit,.

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    -ieldGtoG /aturit,

    Ksuall, taen to e t'e rate o# return o#t'e (ond'older.

    It is ade up o# :

    C'e real rate of return t'e opportunit,cost or *nancial DrentE t'e in!estorc'arges #or using 'is #unds

    Ination premium

    Risk premium a special ris associatedit' t'e speci*c in!estent.

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    I# t'e no oner is'es to 'a!e a

    return o# sa, 12$ i.e. ,ield to aturit,o# 12 'at is t'e price 'e is ill topa, #or t'e (ond)

    %rice o#t'e(ond

    ? / 50

    1 @0.122

    / 50

    1 @0.12

    / 1$000

    1 @0.122

    @ @

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    Valuation o# stoc s'ares

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    "IVI"4N" VALKACI>N />"4L

    &ors on t'e preise t'at t'e !alue o# a

    s'are to t'e s'are'older is t'e proise o#

    recei!ing #uture di!idends.

    7o i# t'e coon stoc pa,s a constant

    di!idend eac' ,ear t'en t'e price o# t'e stoc

    ill (e:

    P0? D1

    Ke'ere P0 = price o# t'e stoc toda,,D1 = "i!idend paid

    Ke= euired rate o# return o# s'are

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    "IVI"4N" VALKACI>N />"4L

    I# di!idends are in constant grot' t'eprice o# t'e s'are is #ound (,:


    Ke g

    'ere P0 = price o# t'e stoc toda,,

    D1 = "i!idend paidKe= euired rate o# return o# s'are

    g? +onstant grot' rate in di!idends


  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    7C>+ 4M+=AN4 Financial arets eist to allocate

    capital #ro 'ouse'olds to corporations

    and go!ernent units$ it' *nancial

    institutions acting as interediaries.

    7toc ec'anges is an eaple o#

    *nancial arets.

    4aples: N-74 NA7"A

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    I/%>CAN+4 >F

    7C>+ 4M+=AN4 %ro!ides liuidit, in twoa,s:

    1. 4na(le corporations to raise #unds (,

    selling ne issues o# securities at #air$copetiti!e prices.

    2. Allos t'e in!estor 'o purc'ases

    securities to sell t'e at relati!e easeand speed.

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    /A4C 4FFI+I4N+-/arets are generall, said to (e e

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    4FFI+I4NC /A4C=-%>C=47I7

    7tates t'at i# stoc arets are e

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    4FFI+I4NC /A4C

    =-%>C=47I7Weak =ere past price in#oration is unrelated to

    #uture prices

    Crends cannot (e predicted and taenad!antage o# (, in!estors.

    Semi-strong %rices currentl, reOect all pu(lic


    Strong All in#oration is iediatel, reOected in

    stoc prices

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    47KLC7 >F 7CK"I47

    7toc ec'anges #ound to (e ainl,

    ea and seiGstrong (ut not strong

    %ri!ate$ insider in#oration is

    !alua(le #or uic pro*ts (ut it is


  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation



    As counication s,stes ipro!e$

    in#oration get disseinated #aster and

    securities la are #orcing #ullerdisclosure o# corporate data.

    7ecurities arets getting ore e

  • 7/26/2019 Lecture 3 v2 Bonds and Stock Valuation


    4F44N+4 Bloc$ =irt and "anielson$ Foundations

    o# Financial /anageent$ 15t'4dition $

    /cra =ill 4ducation 2011 +'apters10 and 1

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