lecture 1 understanding risk management for events

Post on 19-May-2015



Economy & Finance



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Event Management

Subject Code: CEM4104 Lecture 1

Developed & Presented by : Roy Ying

Understanding Risk Management for Events

Note: Pictures used in thispower point file is for academicPurpose only

Agenda1. Introduction2. Course Outline & Administration3. Definition of Event Risk Management 4. Legal framework related to Event

industry5. Duty of care6. Protecting the legal interests7. Trademarks and logos8. Case tutorial

My job now• Public Affairs & Media Relations• Government Policy Lobbyist • Professional Standards Regulators• Event Organizer• Network Builder • PR & MICE Lecturer• B2B Marketer

Self Introduction

Past 16 years…..Jardine Matheson

HK Trade Development CouncilMission Hills Golf Club

HK General Chamber of Commerce

Roy Ying

Your Turn

• It’s time for me to get to know you

• What’s your name?

• What’s your job?

• Have you managed events before?

• If yes, what are they?

Course Objectives By completing this module, you should be a

ble to:

• identify threats to events;

• comply with standard and customary event regulations and procedures to control potential event liabilities; and

• develop ethical management procedures.

Lecture 1 to 5Outline:• Apr 15 – Understanding risk management for


• 29 Apr – Classification of Risks

• 30 Apr – Financial SafeguardsHanding out of group assignment

• 6 May – Contracts, Permits and Licenses

• 20 May – Mid-term quiz Event Risk management Process

Lecture 6 to 10Outline:• 27 May –Strategic Responses to Event Risks

• 3 Jun – Tactical Risk Control Measures

• 4 Jun – Risk Management Procedures

• 10 Jun – Ethics in Event Management

• 11 Jun – Group PresentationsReview

• 2 Jul – Exam

Course Administration

Format(Must have 80% attendance)

Weighting (100%) in total

Written Examination 60%

Continuous Assessment (Assignment) 20%

Continuous Assessment (Quiz) 15%

Class participation 5%

Definition of Risk• It is the exposure to the possibility of loss,

injury, or other adverse or unwelcome circumstance; a chance or situation involving such a possibility

Oxford English Dictionary (1655)

What is Risk Management?

“Risk management is the way in which uncertainties are properly identified, judiciously analyzed, and pertinently responded so that they will have the best chance of a beneficial outcome and the least chance of a detrimental one.”

Event manager is a risk manager also.

Group Discussion

• What can go wrong in an event?

• Get into groups of 3, list down at least 5 incidents where something went wrong in an event you organized or attended

Legal framework related to Event Industry

• In a nutshell, in Hong Kong, nothing is illegal unless the law says you are not allowed to

• Law of Hong Kong is consisted of:– Basic Law– Common Law / Case Law– Statute Law

Legal framework related to Event Industry

• Basic Law – not a concern. The main principle is “one country two systems”

• Case Law – not really, but we have to remember it’s a system where the judgments are based on “case precedence”

• Statutes – yes, there are a number of them that we have to pay attention to

Ordinance relevant to Events

• Company Ordinance

Corporate Structure

• Limited liability companies can go bankrupt, but shareholders / directors are generally not personally liable

• Sole proprietorship companies will drag owners into bankruptcy also


Sometimes, it’s necessary to establish a separate entity to handle a major event. A prime example was the 2008 Olympic Equestrian Company

Ordinance relevant to Events

• Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance

What is it?• The ordinance gives power to Home Affairs Bureau, and

licensing authority delegated to Food & Hygiene Department

Duty of care for directors

• Legal Definition – the event company’s director’s duty of care is measured by his or her own subjective standard. The person’s attributes, education, working experience and intelligence all count towards this standard.

Duty of care for event managers

• Duty of care requires everything ‘reasonably practicable’ to be done to protect the health and safety of people who are in the vicinity or come into contact with the event for ALL stakeholders

• The duty holder must show that it was not ‘reasonably practicable’ to do more than what was done or that they have taken ‘reasonable precautions and exercised due diligence

Reasonably practicable

• ‘Reasonably practicable’ means that the requirements of the law vary with the degree of risk in a particular activity or environment which must be balanced against the time, trouble and cost of taking measures to control the risk.


What are ‘negligent acts?

• They are situations in which injury is not deliberate, but it is foreseeable.

• Due process ought to be followed with proper documentation because if the injured party files litigation, the process can be lengthy and expensive

How to discharge this duty?

• In order to satisfy or ‘discharge’ that duty of care you must behave as a ‘reasonable person’ would but taking into account your position, specific skills, knowledge and experience.

• The duty of care requires you to consider the consequences of your acts and omissions and to ensure that those acts and/or omissions do not give rise to a foreseeable risk of injury to any other person. Clearly one is not expected to guarantee the safety of others, merely to act reasonably.

Trademarks and logos• Regulating authority in Hong Kong

What is a trademark?

• A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of others.

• Typically a trademark can be words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters, characters, numerals, figurative elements, colours, sounds, smells, the shape of the goods or their packaging or any combination of these.

• A sign must be capable of being represented graphically in order for it to be registered as a trademark.

10 general rules for trademark

1. Use the ® only for trademarks 2. Use the ™ for any brand or mark that is

unregistered.3. You do not need to use a trademark symbol with

every use of the term in print. 4. There is no legal obligation to use either

trademark symbol – but they put the world on notice of trademark rights (and non-use of ® can bar trademark damage claims).

5. A mark is typically presented as follows when used as a brand – COCACOLA ®

10 general rules for trademark

6. A trademark is an adjective – a descriptor – not a noun or verb (though consumers disregard). Say: SNICKERS® brand candy bar is one of our best sellers. Not: SNICKERS are our best seller.

7. Trademarks are property through actual use with goods and services.

8. Trademark rights can last perpetually if used perpetually (assuming proper use) – unlike patents and copyrights.

9. Trademark rights (like patents and copyright) are specific to regions or countries in which they are used.

10. Keep control of your trademarks. Use them properly and only let others use them with your permission (e.g., by license).


• Word

• Name

• Symbol

• Slogan


• Design

• Device

• Sound

• Domain

Use of Trademark

Trademarks are adjectives

• You need to put a noun (i.e., the product’s name after it)

Logo is not a legal term!

General principles

• Determine what central motif the logo will need to represent. The central image of the logo should be something directly related to the event

• Create a color scheme for your logo. Depending on the event, this may already have been done as events affiliated with a particular company or organization.

• Decide upon an overall shape for your logo. Though the actual images used can be complex, most logos can be outlined as one or a few basic shapes

General principles

• Develop standards in using the logos, and enforce your standards

Do’s Don’ts

Case Tutorial

School Music ConcertThe show starts in 3 hoursYour enquiry hotline received a bomb threat

1. Which law is relevant to this case?2. Which government agency can help you?3. As event manager, what duty of care do you

owe to your stakeholders?4. Should the concert go on, postpone or cancel?

Present your ideas

• Get into groups of 3-4

• Answer the questions

• Nominate one representative to give answers

• 10 minutes to discuss


• See you next week

• My email: taurus.ying@gmail.com

• My mobile: 61899520

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