leaving a godly legacy. max jukes jonathan edwards

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Max Jukes

Jonathan Edwards

Everyone wants to leave a leagacy and to know that their

life made a difference.

Everyone will leave a legacy.

The question is, “What kind of legacy will you leave?”

You have to be intentional to leave a positive legacy.

Joshua is an example of someone who was intentional

about leaving a positive legacy.

1. Get rid of other gods in your life.

Disciples who are intentional about making God their only god

leave a godly legacy.

2. Walk closely with God.

Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall

meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to DO according to all that is written

in it;

for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you

shall have good success."

Disciples who are intentional about walking closely with God leave a godly legacy.

3. Ask God to give you courage.

Disciples who are full of faith and courage leave a godly legacy.

4. Glorify God.

Joshua 3, Joshua told the people, "Hereby you shall know

that the living God is among you...."

Humble people who are intentional about giving God the

glory leave a godly legacy.

“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you

will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered.

Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.”

(Charles Spurgeon)

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