learn to speak demand generation

Post on 31-Aug-2014






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A guide to speaking the language of Demand Generation, from selling the concept to the board, to designing and executing programmes within your Marketing Automation platform with ease.



Learn to speak

ContentsIn the boardroomSpeaking Demand Generation to the C-suite

At the marketUseful Marketing Automation vocabulary

Meeting peopleInbound Marketing to bring people to your website

Knowing what to sayContent for Inbound Marketing

Knowing how to say itLead Generation or Demand Generation?

The world of marketing is changing so significantly and so quickly, it doesn’t just require you to learn new techniques. It actually requires you to speak a new language: the language of Demand Generation. Our phrase book will help you learn and understand the language of Demand Generation. More importantly, it will help you generate more demand, and conversations with buyers, than ever before.

To increase your vocabulary, simply visit our Resource Centre, where you can find out more from native speakers of the language of Demand Generation.

In the boardroomPhrase Pronunciation Translation

When you are trying to get support for an entirely new approach to marketing, you may find yourself in the boardroom, trying to communicate with a group of C-suite executives with only a very limited grasp of Demand Generation.

In this situation, it is essential to use simple phrases which they can understand, and which will help them to realise the importance of speaking the language of Demand Generation.

Here are a few of those phrases, which will help you to prove the real value of Demand Generation.

You can find more useful phrases and more detailed guides in our Resource Centre.

Revenue Generated

rev-en-yew jen-err-ated

The most important business KPI

ROI ar owe eye The results of effective use of Demand Generation

Cost per Prospect

kost purr pross-pekt An analysis of acquisition efficiency

Close Rate per Channel

Klowes rayt purr chan-ell

Identifying appropriate resource allocation for

future activity

kall to ak-shun ef-ekt-iv-ness

This means making sure that as well as using phrases such as…

call-to-action effectiveness

[ kall to ak-shun ef-ekt-iv-ness ]

community engagement

[ kom-yew-nitty en-gayj-ment ]


optimal times for activity and conversion

[ op-tim-ul tie-mz for ak-tiv-it-ee and kon-vur-shun ]

you also make sure that you talk about…

demonstrating and improving revenue on marketing activity

[ dem-on-stray-ting and imp-roov-ing rev-en-you on mar-ket-ing ak-tiv-it-ee ]

This places the accent on business, not just marketing, and will ensure that internal stakeholders not only understand what you are saying, but are also in favour of developing long-term Demand Generation strategies – even if they do not speak the language well themselves.

Demand Generation is the new language of marketing. But the accent spoken in the boardroom is different from the one used in the Marketing and Sales Departments.

Marketing and Sales understand email opens and click-through rates. But use that sort of vocabulary to the board and you will be almost unintelligible – because their accent is always on demonstrable marketing value and return.

So if you want to prove your mastery of the Demand Generation language – and, incidentally, protect your budget – you need to communicate with an accent the C-suite will understand clearly.

Same language,

different accent.

In the boardroom

At the marketThe internet has made the marketplace bigger than it has ever been before. This means you now need to communicate with thousands of people every day. And no matter how well you speak Demand Generation, that’s clearly impossible without some help.

Marketing Automation is the effective way to hold customised, one-to-one conversations, at the right time, with the right people.

Here are some of the expressions you may find useful in communicating on a larger scale.

You can find out more, with more detailed translations, in the Modern Marketing and Demand Generation eBook.


Content engine kon-tent en-jinThe automated way to

deliver relevant content to potential customers

Eighty-four percent ay-tee for purr-sentThe amount of

top-performing companies using marketing automation

SoLoMo sow low mow Social, Local and Mobile automated communications

Zero touch Programme

zeer-oh tutch pro-gram

A low-cost method of customer communication,

achievable when lead scoring, nurture

marketing and data management are automated

Pronunciation Translation

So, for example: Companies using Marketing Automation have a 53% [ fiff-tee three purr-sent ] higher conversion rate from marketing responses to marketing qualified leads.

They also have a 9.3% [ nyne poynt three purr-sent ] higher sales quota achievement rate.

Whilst you may be happy to hold Demand Generation conversations before you are completely fluent in the language, you will need to know how to listen effectively and gauge how well people understand you in order to improve your linguistic skills.

For example: Statistics show that fewer than 25% of companies with a Marketing Automation platform use it to its utmost.

So even companies already using Marketing Automation could almost certainly benefit from talking to a native speaker of the language of Demand Generation, such as Ledger Bennett DGA.

nyne poynt three purr-sentAt the market

To be an effective communicator in the language of Demand Generation, you need to know and understand numbers as well as words.

Numbers can be particularly effective in certain situations. However, you need to be aware that translating numbers is not always straightforward. As a rule of thumb, numbers in the language of Demand Generation are almost always higher than in traditional marketing.

Speaking in numbers

Meeting peopleMeeting and getting to know people is one of the main reasons for learning the language of Demand Generation. Used effectively, it can guide unknown visitors to your website where they can be introduced, where you can build a relationship, and where you can ultimately convert them into customers.

Inbound Marketing [ in-bownd mar-ket-ing ] is the most useful Demand Generation expression to use to meet people. It’s also worth knowing that in Demand Generation, ‘an unknown business problem’ translates into ‘a known business opportunity’.

Get more inbound marketing help here.

Content engine kon-tent en-jinThe automated way to

deliver relevant content to potential customers

Blogging blog-ing

Continual creation of newsworthy material people want to read,

share and link to Authority

Authority or-thor-rat-ee

The ‘weight’ and reputation your website gains from links from

other reputable domains

Keywords kee-words Search terms which help your audience find your site

through search engines

Phrase Pronunciation Translation

swop sum-thingStart blogging [ start blog-ing ]Blogging has been shown to generate on average 50% more leads per month for B2B companies than blog, compared with non-blogging organisations.

Be more social [ bee moor so-shul ]PR is an old-fashioned way of speaking to potential customers, and if you sound old-fashioned you will be perceived as out of touch. On the other hand, 94% of business buyers state that social media participation by a company’s C-suite enhances the company’s brand image, and 77% say they are more likely to buy from a company whose CEO uses social media.

Swap something [ swop sum-thing ] If you want something from the person you are talking to – their name and contact details, for example – why not offer to swap something valuable for it? It could be an eBook, a webinar, a guide, a report – the choice is yours. The greater the perceived value of the item, the more information you should expect in return.

The language of Demand Generation dictates that you do not start and lead a conversation; your potential customer does. All you can do is make yourself look like an interesting, useful and willing conversational partner, and then – if you do that effectively – potential customers will be more than happy to open up a dialogue with you.

There are a number of ways you can demonstrate you are ready to talk and – more importantly – worth talking to:

Meeting People

Conversational etiquette

Knowing what to sayYou have learned some of the language of Demand Generation. You have found someone to talk to (or, more accurately: they have found you). You are ready to strike up a conversation. But now comes the hard part. What do you say to them?

If you don’t have anything new or interesting to say, your potential new customer will disappear before you have a chance of forming any kind of relationship. So you need to give them some new information about their business, challenge or need, if you are going to persuade them to stick around and eventually buy.

Essentially, there are four types of content for inbound marketing which prospects will find interesting and attractive. See our Content Marketing Resource Centre for more useful guides, cheatsheets and infographics.

Thought leadership thawt lee-der-ship

Generating content which creates the perception of your organisation as

an industry leader

Brand equity brand ek-witty Creating content which adds value to your brand

SEO ess ee ohGenerating content which

enables more people to find you via search engines

Amplified message am-plif-eyed mess-ij Content which reaches beyond existing contacts

Phrase Pronunciation Translation

Conversations in the language of Demand Generation can be long and involved before they get results. That’s not unique to Demand Generation – it’s a fact of life of B2B purchasing.

There are several ways in which you can interact with contacts and prospects, to keep the conversation going and ensure it leads to a sale:

Attract unknown contacts through breadcrumb content

Identify prospects through ‘gated’ content

Nurture prospects with relevant content

Convert customers with timely and personal trigger campaigns

Remember: if the people you are talking to are ever to be converted to customers, you need to get to know all you can about them.

You need to talk the talk, but you need to go further to persuade prospects to put their money where their mouth is.

Knowing what to say

thawt lee-der-shipTalking the talk

Knowing how to say it Sign languageJust when you’re starting to feel more confident in the language of Demand Generation, we need to talk about dialect. Because while Demand Generation is the language, in some areas you’ll find the dialect becomes Lead Generation, and that people often swap one for the other almost without noticing. They may even talk in both languages – sometimes simultaneously.

The fact is, in the most successful B2B organisations, you’ll find Demand Generation and Lead Generation being spoken side-by-side with no confusion and with highly effective results. After all, the aim is always to provide sales with more opportunities that are better qualified, at lower cost.

So why would any sensible marketer refuse to use any language that can help to achieve that ultimate goal?

Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the differences – and highlight the similarities – between the language of Demand Generation and the dialect of Lead Generation is with pictures, not words.

These differences are not hard and fast. There is some cross-over, and some interchangeability. A native speaker of the language of Demand Generation – such as LBDGA – is not afraid to use Lead Generation if it helps to get your message across more clearly to more people.

See the difference between Lead Generation and Demand Generation to find out how we do it.

Anchor Text: the visible, clickable text part of a text hyperlink. This text gives search engines and visitors information on what the page being linked to is about.

Buyer Journey is the process buyers undertake, from identifying a business problem through to purchase and beyond.

Campaign Canvas is the command template used in Eloqua that co-ordinates the programming logic of a marketing automation programme. It determines which responses are sent under what circumstances and the ‘flow’ of the campaign.

Content marketing incorporates informative communications focused not on selling, but on adding value for readers to help move them along

the buyer journey. The information appears in a variety of formats including, whitepapers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, and photography.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the active management of every interaction with every prospect and customer in the sales funnel, whether telephone call, email, request for information or meeting.

Demand Generation is a dynamic, integrated process involving marketing, sales and technical tools and expertise. It drives awareness, nurtures engaged prospects, converts them to customers and increases their value to the supplier’s business.

Digital Body Language (DBL) is the aggregate of an individual’s visible, digital activity. This will include Google searches, emails opened or clicked, website visits, forms, social media referrals and attendance at webinars. The information can be used to segment and personalise further communications, making them more targeted.

Inbound Marketing is the continual process of attracting unknown prospects, converting them to known contacts and optimising channels to improve

programme performance and efficiency. Inbound activity incorporates three main areas; search, social media and media (both traditional offline and online). Tactical elements will include Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The aim of inbound is to guide a buyer with a business need towards companies who might fulfil that need.

Keyword Density is a measure, expressed as a percentage that indicates how often a keyword or phrase is used on a website compared to the total number of words on the page. As such, it helps to determine how search engines understand the topic and themes of a web page.

Lead Scoring is the process of assigning a ranking to sales prospects based on the fit of the individual (job function, seniority, demographic, company size, industry etc.) and engagement (level of interest, past activity, content consumption, buying intentions). Lead scoring is used to prioritise hotter prospects. It improves productivity and conversion by engaging when prospects are most likely to buy.

Link-Building is an important aspect of SEO that increases the number of backlinks from relevant, authoritative websites to a given web page or website. Tactics used include guest blogging, PR integration, social media and interesting, high-value content that readers share with colleagues.

Marketing Automation is modern technology that enables businesses to automate email sends and processes based on predetermined criteria and logic.Using marketing automation replaces generic broadcast activity with personalised dynamic communications targeted to the needs of each individual. It results in greater productivity, effectiveness and alignment between sales and marketing ultimately driving revenue growth.

Organic (natural) Search Results are unpaid search results ranked by the search engine according to relevancy to the term searched by the user. First position is typically below the three paid-for spaces within search results. The aim of SEO is to achieve the top rank position for targeted keywords and terms.

Outbound Marketing is targeted communications to known contacts where specific messages are built and delivered

to a specific segment of the target audience. Channels for communication include direct mail, email, phone and sms.

Responsive Website is a site which is designed to provide the optimal viewing experience to the user across a wide range of devices, where elements of the website resize and reformat to the screen size of the device.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of internet marketing that improves awareness of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM incorporates search engine optimisation (SEO) to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages or pay-per-click listings.

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) are lists of web pages that are returned to a user by a search engine in response to a particular keyword query.

Wireframe is a visual guide which represents the framework of a website. The wireframe depicts the page layout or arrangement of a site’s content including interface elements, navigational systems and how they work together.

Glossary of terms


Visit our website for more information about Demand Generation

You may also enjoy reading:

State of Demand Generation infographic

Inbound Marketing 101 Guide

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About Ledger Bennett DGA

We are a B2B Demand Generation agency that uses sales and marketing know-how to help customers increase revenue by deploying Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing and Marketing Automation strategies. Our highly focused Demand Generation programmes drive our customers’ business performance, helping them to:

n Generate more opportunity

n Convert that opportunity into sales

n Retain customers and grow their value

Using more measurable and cost effective techniques than traditional full service marketing agencies we are able to maximise business revenue in the modern world where the internet has fundamentally changed the behaviour of the buyer.

B2B Social Media and Engineering Communities

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Telephone: +44 (0)8458 383883 Email: info@LBDGA.com

Milton Keynes:

Ledger Bennett DGA Tungsten House, Warren Road Little Horwood, Milton Keynes MK17 0NR


Ledger Bennett DGA 1st Floor Centric House 390-391 Strand, London WC2R 0LT


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