leading our nation towards energy independence · pdf fileleading our nation towards energy...

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Leading Our Nation Towards Energy Independence

George SverdrupGeorge SverdrupNational Renewable Energy National Renewable Energy

Laboratory Laboratory --Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure TechnologiesInfrastructure Technologies

Presentation to Stanford University

Global Climate & Energy Program April 14, 2003

U.S. Energy Dependence is Driven By Transportation













1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Source: Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 22, September 2002,and EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2003, January 2003



of B

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er D

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Domestic ProductionDomestic


Actual Projected

Light Trucks

Heavy Vehicles






U.S. Oil Use for Transportation



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• Transportation accounts for 2/3 of the 20 million barrels of oil our nation uses each day.• The U.S. imports 55% of its oil, expected to grow to 68% by 2025 under the status quo.• Nearly all of our cars and trucks currently run on either gasoline or diesel fuel.

President Bush Launches the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative

"Tonight I am proposing $1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles.

"A simple chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen generates energy, which can be used to power a car producing only water, not exhaust fumes.

"With a new national commitment, our scientists and engineers will overcome obstacles to taking these cars from laboratory to showroom so that the first car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen, and pollution-free.

"Join me in this important innovation to make our air significantly cleaner, and our country much less dependent on foreign sources of energy."

2003 State of the Union AddressJanuary 28, 2003


Distributed Generation





Natural Gas











Why Hydrogen? It’s abundant, clean, efficient,and can be derived from diverse domestic resources.

President’s FreedomCAR and Fuel Initiatives

DOE partners with USCAR and energy companies to develop hydrogen and fuel cell technologies simultaneously:

FreedomCAR focuses on fuel cell vehicle and hybrid component technologiesHydrogen Fuel Initiative focuses on hydrogen storage and production and delivery infrastructure technologies

Government leadership will help advance commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and infrastructure by 15 years, from approximately 2030 to 2015.

Goal and Timelinefor the

President’s Hydrogen Initiative

Hydrogen Infrastructure and Fuel Cell Technologies put on an Accelerated Schedule

• President Bush commits $1.7 billion over first 5 years:

$1.2 billion for hydrogen and fuel cells RD&D ($720 million in new money)$0.5 billion for hybrid and vehicle technologies RD&D

• Accelerated, parallel track enables industry commercialization decision by 2015.

Fuel Cell Vehicles in the Showroom and Hydrogen at Fueling Stations

by 2020


Proposed Decision Criteria:R&D and limited demonstrations results in acceptable durability, 35-55% efficiency, and potential to approach $400/kW. (Projection based on 100,000 units production, exact cost targets depend on specific applications.) Verified by independent audit and testing

Proposed Decision Criteria:Validated Phase 2 systems achieve improved durability, 40-60% efficiency, and assurance that $400/kW can be achieved (Projection based on 100,000 units production, exact cost targets depend on specific applications).

Commercialization:Goals of $400/kW, 40-60%, 5 years stack life and 25 year system life achieved. Industry decides on commercialization.

2000 2005 2008 2012

Large System Demonstration and Commercialization

Fuel Cell/ Turbine HybridsDistributed Generation

Coal Based Central Generation

•Develop stack design•Develop manufacturing methods

•Incorporate lower cost, robust materials

•Optimize system, thermal integration

•Use small system technology in larger hybrid and coal based systems•Hybrid efficiency - 60-70%•Coal based efficiency – 60%

R&D to improve cost, durability and efficiency

Target 2 to 25 MW sited by 2008

R&D to improve cost, durability and efficiency Target: 500 MW sited by 2012

Investment to establish full manufacturing capacity and product

warranty to successfully compete in the market

Go/No GoDecision Points

R&D to establish initial performance and reliability Limited 3 to 50 kW prototype tests


Phase 1Cost Reduction/

Technology ImprovementSmall System

Phase 2Cost Reduction/

Technology Improvement/Limited Commercialization

Small System

Phase 3Large Scale

Commercialization/Multiple Applications

Small System

Proposed Decision Criteria:R&D and limited demonstrations results in acceptable durability, 35-55% efficiency, and potential to approach $400/kW. (Projection based on 100,000 units production, exact cost targets depend on specific applications.) Verified by independent audit and testing

Proposed Decision Criteria:Validated Phase 2 systems achieve improved durability, 40-60% efficiency, and assurance that $400/kW can be achieved (Projection based on 100,000 units production, exact cost targets depend on specific applications).

Commercialization:Goals of $400/kW, 40-60%, 5 years stack life and 25 year system life achieved. Industry decides on commercialization.

Stationary and Distributed Generation Partnership Timeline

Go/No-GoDecision Points

Invest in substantial numbers of all stations

to be H2 capable

Provide sufficient stations for consumer convenienceMost cost effective sources by region

Generate hydrogen from multiple feedstocksRenewable & fossil fuels

Demonstrate H2 fueling station; Analyze fuel optionsPrimarily trucked in liquid

Infrastructure ObjectiveandHydrogen Source

Invest to establish manufacturing plants

and sales/service

Demonstrate commercial viability of FC fleet vehicles

Evaluate use of FC vehicles under real-world conditions

Test fuel cell (FC) vehicle performance and feasibility

Vehicle Objective


Phase 3Commercial Readiness


Phase 2Controlled Fleet

Test and Evaluation

Phase 1Technical Feasibility

Proposed Decision Criteria – Phase 1: Hydrogen vehicles achieve 1000 hrs durability, $200/kW cost (projection based on 500,000 units production), R&D results project 2000 hrs durability, $125/kW, $3.00/gallon gasoline equivalent (untaxed).

Proposed Decision Criteria – Phase 2: Hydrogen vehicles achieve 2000 hrs durability, $125/kW cost (projection based on 500,000 units production) & hydrogen at $3.00/gallon. R&D results project 5000 hrs durability, $45/kW, $1.50-$2.60/gallon gasoline equivalent (untaxed), and 120 g/mi greenhouse gases..

Proposed Commercialization Decision Criteria:Based on capability to achieve 5,000 hrs durability, $30/kW fuel cell system cost (at 500,000 units), $1.50 /gallon gasoline equivalent (untaxed), 120 g/mi greenhouse gases, and other market factors.The decision to enter a commercialization phase will be made by industry.

2000 2004 2009 2015

R&D Continues Concurrently to address key cost and performance barriers

Transportation and Infrastructure Partnership Timeline


The President’s FY04 Budget Request for FreedomCAR and

Hydrogen Fuel InitiativesOrganization Million $

Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE)


Department of Transportation (RSPA) 0.7

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program (EERE)


FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program (EERE)


Office of Fossil Energy (FE) 11.5

Total 272.8

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program

HighlightsMajor Activities FY02 Approp.

FY03 Approp.

FY04 Request

Hydrogen Production & Delivery $11.2M $11.8M $23.0M

Hydrogen Storage $6.1M $11.3M $30.0M

Safety, Codes & Standards, Education $5.9M $6.8M $21.8M

H2 Infrastructure/FC Vehicle Demo $5.7M $11.9M $28.2M

Fuel Cell Systems & Components $46.7M $53.7M $62.5M

TOTAL $75.6M $95.5M $165.5M

• Advanced production technologies (reforming, separation, photoelectro-chemical, photobiological, electrolysis)

• Solid-state hydrogen storage materials (e.g., carbon, hydrides)

• Safety, performance & connectivity standards for hydrogen fueled devices

• Integrated fuel cell vehicle and hydrogen infrastructure technology validation

• Fuel cell stack component cost reduction (catalyst & membrane) and stationary systems development

Program Focus: Research, develop, and validate fuel cell and hydrogen production, delivery and storage technologies for transportation and stationary applications

FY04 EERE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Budget Request (Key Activities)


Production/Delivery ($23.0M)

Storage ($30.0M)

Infrastructure Validation ($13.2M)

Safety, Codes & Standards and Utilization ($16.0M)

Education and Cross-Cutting ($5.8M)Transportation Systems ($7.6M)

Distributed Energy Systems ($7.5M)

Stack Component R&D($28.0M)

Fuel Processor R&D($19.0M)

Technology Validation ($15.0M)

Total FY 04 Request $165.5M

Technical Support ($0.4M)

Fiscal Year 2004 Hydrogen Production Funding ($38.5M)

Renewables - $17.3 million (EERE)• Direct water splitting using solar energy• Thermal processes using biomass• Advanced electrolysis from wind power• Biological WGS Processes

Nuclear - $4 million (NE)• High temperature chemical cycles for splitting water

Coal - $5 million (FE)• Separation of pure hydrogen gas from synthesis gas (CO and hydrogen)• Technologies also applicable to biomass feedstocks

Natural Gas – $12.2 million (FE/EERE)• Small, distributed systems to begin making hydrogen available at local refueling stations• Centralized Production

The Department of Energy’s Offices of Fossil Energy, Nuclear Energy, and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy are collaborating on cost-shared hydrogen production R&D:

Energy Independence through Diversity of Domestic Supplies

Research, Development & Demonstration Needs

Hydrogen Production

Key RD&D NeedsProduction Conversion Applications


StorageLow cost distributed production using natural gas reformingProve large scale hydrogen production using nuclear and thermo-chemical processes

Accelerate direct production using biological, photolytic, and other techniques

Improved gasification for greater fuel flexibility

High efficiency and low cost electrolysisImproved separation and purification methods and materialsEconomic, scalable carbon capture and sequestration techniques

DOE Contacts:Peter.Devlin@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-4905Lowell.Miller@hq.doe.gov Ph. 301-903-9451David.Henderson@hq.doe.gov Ph. 301-903-3097

Hydrogen ProductionTechnical Barriers fromHFCIT Multi-Year Plan

Production Conversion Applications



Low cost distributed production using natural gas reforming- improved catalysts for reforming and water-gas-shift- purification

Economic production using nuclear and thermo-chemical processesPhotoelectrcochemical production from water– improved materialsBiological production

- photobiological processes (organic substrate & water substrate)- dark fermentation

Biomass to hydrogen- improved gasification for greater fuel flexibility- improved catalysts for reforming gasification & pyrolysis product streams- economic generation of valuable co-products

High efficiency and low cost electrolysisImproved separation and purification methods and materialsEconomic, scalable carbon capture and sequestration techniques

Hydrogen Delivery

Production Conversion Applications


StorageCodes and standards for pipelines and transportProve performance of hydrogen delivery infrastructureSystems and economic analysis tools and data to improve evaluation of alternative delivery technologies

Evaluate efficacy of existing infrastructure for use in hydrogen deliveryTesting and validation of existing and improved delivery systems

Key RD&D Needs

DOE Contacts:Mark.Paster@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-2821Christopher.Freitas@hq.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-1657

Hydrogen Storage

Production Conversion Applications



Key RD&D Needs

Large scale demonstrations of hydrogen storage devicesImproved materials for containmentof compressed and liquid hydrogenCodes and standards development for hydrogen storage devicesMaterials performance evaluation and testingManufacturing scale-up processesNovel materials and advanced storage techniques for 9% by weight storage in 2015




chem. storage

cryogas tanks

compressed gas

liquid H2

concept product

Product Dev.Engineering Dev.Lab R&D

DOE Contact:JoAnn.Milliken@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-2480

Hydrogen Conversion

Key RD&D NeedsProduction Conversion Applications


StorageFundamental research on electrochemistry, interface, and advanced materials for fuel cellsLower cost, more durable, and easier-to-manufacture fuel cellsOptimized hydrogen combustion in engines and turbines for stationary and mobile applicationsDemonstrations of fuel cells, engines, and turbines in mobile and stationary applications including distributed power and combined heat & powerProduct safety standards for hydrogen based fuel cells, engines, and turbines

Technology Application

Gas Turbines

Reciprocating Engines

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM)


Phosphoric Acid (PAFC)

Molten Carbonate(MCFC)

Solid Oxide(SOFC)


Fuel Cells

Distributed powerCombined heat and powerCentral station power

VehiclesDistributed powerCombined heat and power

VehiclesDistributed power

Distributed powerCombined heat and power

Distributed powerCombined heat and power

Truck APUsDistributed powerCombined heat and power

VehiclesDistributed powerCombined heat and power

Portable power

DOE Contacts:Patrick.Davis@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-8061Victor.Der@hq.doe.gov Ph. 301-903-2700

Hydrogen Applications

Key RD&D Needs

Product safety standards and environmental regulations for vehiclesLarge scale demonstrations of existing technologies – vehicles and distributed powerGovernment as early adopter customerInfrastructure development

Community-based clustered applications and installationsPublicize existing and future showcase demonstrations

Production Conversion Applications



DOE Contact:Sigmund.Gronich@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-1623

Outreach and Education

Key Needs

Broad public-private coalition to support the initiativeEducation strategy and curricula for grade school, high school, universitiesOutreach to raise general awareness

DOE Contact: Christy.Cooper@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-1885

Codes and Standards

Online publicationwww.hydrogensafety.info

Key Activities

Hydrogen Codes and Standards Coordinating Committee: communication across hydrogen community and development of consistent codes and standardsProposed amendments to International Code Council model building codesInternational Standards Organization Technical Committee 197: development of international standards for hydrogen technologies

DOE Contact:Neil.Rossmeissl@ee.doe.gov Ph. 202-586-8668

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