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Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Leading Health IndicatorsLeading Health IndicatorsTen Major Public Health IssuesTen Major Public Health Issues

• Physical activity• Tobacco use• Responsible sexual

behavior• Mental health• Access to health


• Overweight &obesity• Substance abuse• Injury & violence• Immunization• Environmental quality

Key Objectives:Key Objectives:

• Describe the current epidemic of obesity.• Define obesity and overweight.• Describe health consequences of obesity.• Describe benefits of physical activity• Describe current rates of participation in

physical activity.• Discuss the tobacco use & the adverse

health affects.


Chronic Disease EpidemicChronic Disease Epidemic

Obesity Obesity TrendsTrends Among U.S. Adults Among U.S. Adults between 1985 and 2003between 1985 and 2003• In 1985 only a few states were providing

obesity data. • In 1991, four states had obesity

prevalence rates of 15-19 percent and no states had rates at or above 20 percent.

• In 2003, 15 states had prevalence rates of 15-19 percent; 31 states had rates of 20-24 percent; and 4 states had rates more than 25 percent.

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19851985

No Data <10% 10%–14%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19861986

No Data <10% 10%–14%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19871987

No Data <10% 10%–14%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19881988

No Data <10% 10%–14%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19891989

No Data <10% 10%–14%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19901990

No Data <10% 10%–14%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19911991

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19921992

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19931993

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19941994

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19951995

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19961996

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19%

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19971997

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% ≥20

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19981998

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% ≥20

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults19991999

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% ≥20

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults20002000

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% ≥20

Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsObesity Trends Among U.S. Adults20012001

No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% ≥25%

Changes in Obesity Rates For the Changes in Obesity Rates For the Traditional College Student age group:Traditional College Student age group:

• In 1991, for adults aged 18-29, 7.1% were obese. • In 2000, 13.5% were obese.• More than 60% of U.S. population is overweight

or obese

Source: CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

How do we define obesity?– very high amount of body fat in relation to

lean body mass, or Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher.

Overweight? – BMI between 25.0 to 30.0 or a Body wt in

excess of a reference standard such as a mean wt for a given ht & frame size grouped by gender.

What is Body Mass Index?• Body Mass Index (BMI): a measure of an adult’s

weight in relation to his or her height, specifically the adult’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his or her height in meters.

Low risk

Moderate risk

High risk

Desirable Range for adults: 18.5-25

Grade I Grade II Grade III

Selected Health Consequences of Overweight Selected Health Consequences of Overweight and Obesityand Obesity

Table 9.2

ACSM Weight Loss Program Criteria:ACSM Weight Loss Program Criteria:• >1,200 calories per day for normal adults • Includes foods acceptable to the dieter in terms of

cultural or religious background, usual habits, taste, cost, and ease in acquisition and preparation (these foods should be low in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium).

• Negative caloric balance (not to exceed 500 to 1,000 calories per day), resulting in gradual weight loss.

• Maximal weight loss of two to three pounds/week.

ACSM Weight Loss Program Criteria ACSM Weight Loss Program Criteria (continued)(continued)

• Uses behavior modification techniques to identify and eliminate diet habits that contribute to improper nutrition.

• Includes an exercise program that promotes a daily caloric expenditure of more than 300 calories per day (for many people, this may be accomplished best with moderate intensity, long duration exercise, such as walking).

• Provides that new eating and physical activity habits can be continued for life to maintain the achieved lower body weight.

So Far:So Far:• Prevalence of obesity.• Definition of overweight & obesity.• Associated health problems.Next:• Physical activity

– Only 22% of U.S. adults engage in regular activity– 4 in10 adults never engage in any exercise, sports,

or physically active hobbies (NCHS)

What is physical activity? • Activity performed by the body that results in e-

usage above resting

• Dying prematurely • Heart disease• Type II diabetes• Hypertension• Colon cancer• Feelings of depression and anxiety

Risks of Not ExercisingRisks of Not Exercising

• Build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints

• Promotes psychological well-being• May reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety,

& improve mood• Helps immune functioning• Helps prevent/reduce high blood pressure • Weight control• Improved cardiorespiratory fitness

Health Benefits of Physical Activity?Health Benefits of Physical Activity?

The fitness components that have the The fitness components that have the greatest impact on health: cardiorespiratory greatest impact on health: cardiorespiratory fitness & body composition.fitness & body composition.

Table 10.1

Cardiorespiratory Cardiorespiratory endurance/fitness:endurance/fitness: Ability of the circulatory & Ability of the circulatory & respiratory systems to supply respiratory systems to supply OO2 2 during sustained physical during sustained physical activity.activity.

AerobicAerobic exercise improves exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness. cardiorespiratory fitness.

Smoking in the U.S.: • Tobacco use is the single most preventable

cause of death in the United States• Each year, 444,000 die of tobacco related

diseasesCollege Students and Smoking• Cigarette smoking among U.S. college students

increased 32% between 1991 and 1999.• 70% of students who smoke have tried to quit.

Our Smoking SocietyOur Smoking Society

• Cancer – American Cancer Society estimates 85-90% of all cases of lung cancer are tobacco related

• Cardiovascular disease – smokers have a 70% higher death rate from heart disease than nonsmokers (smoking ages the arteries)

• Stroke – smokers are twice as likely to suffer a stroke

Health Hazards of SmokingHealth Hazards of Smoking

• Respiratory disorders – breathlessness, chronic bronchitis, emphysema

• Sexual disorders –male performance problems 2-4 times more likely in smokers verses non smokers

• Other effects: gum disease; use of more medications

Health Hazards of Smoking Health Hazards of Smoking (continued)(continued)

• One third of smokers attempt to quit each year• 90% of attempts to quit fail• Breaking the nicotine addiction:

– Nicotine replacement products– Pills, inhaler, gum, patches, nasal sprays

• Antismoking therapies:– Aversion therapy, operant strategies, self-

control strategies, group support

““To cease smoking is the easiest thing. I To cease smoking is the easiest thing. I ought to know. I’ve done it a thousand ought to know. I’ve done it a thousand

times. “ - Mark Twaintimes. “ - Mark Twain

When Smokers QuitWhen Smokers Quit

Figure 13.4


Major Health Challenges facing college students today:

1. Definition Overweight & obesity– Body Mass Index Healthy Range– Key components of a weight loss program

2. Physical Activity?– Cardiorespitory fitness, Aerobic exercise– Benefits

3. Health hazards of tobacco use– Benefits of quitting– Methods of quitting

Methods to promote healthy Methods to promote healthy decision-making by studentsdecision-making by students

• Sessions will have a range of active learning methods, including practical exercises, role-plays, debates, group problem-solving and presentations.

• Dietary analysis• Fitness assessments• Health quackery project – consumer ed• Physical activity

– Use stages of motivational readiness for change model with pedometers to educate students about the importance of daily physical activity.

Example of Stages of ChangeExample of Stages of Change

1. Precontemplation - student shows lack of interest in change. Educate student.

2. Contemplation - thinking about change. Show them risks & benefits of not changing (e.g. starting an exercise program)

3. Preparation – student is doing some physical activity but not meeting recommendations.

4. Action – student is doing recommended amount of exercise but it’s < 6 mo.’s

5. Maintenance – action maintained > 6 mo.’s

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