leadership quotes eng

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The Newest on Leadership

Summarized by Peter Goryalov

Executive NLP coach for Leadership

For contacts: E-mail: peterg@dreamersdo.net

I believe that every person can strive for leadership and be a leader. That is a matter of personal choice. Inspired by this idea I have collected the quotes presented to you herein.

- Peter Goryalov

“While 80s were the years of quality, 90s – of the

engineering, the accent in 21 century will be on


- Bill Gates

“Focusing solely on what you can potentially do better than any other

organization is the only path to greatness.”

- Jim Collins

“Good is the enemy of great...” “The vast majority of companies never become great, precisely because the vast majority become quite good – and that is the main


- Jim Collins

“All the good-to-great companies had Level 5

leadership at the time of transition.”

- Jim Collins

“Level 5 leaders are a study in duality: modest and

willful, humble and fearless.”

- Jim Collins

“Humility is about ‘I can’t do it alone. I need help’ ,

humility is about ‘we always have things we need to get

better at and improve’, humility is about learning

from everyone and everything.”

- Carly Fiorina

“...How can I tell whether the person in front of me is a

manager or a leader?

- A very good question. If I were you, I would listen very carefully what the person would like to talk about. I

would ask very general questions. Assess whether he or she is predominantly talking about profit growth,

process optimization, business plans, solving operational problems. Or he or she talks about his/her

vision for developing the company, about discussing the strategy with the rest of the team, for distribution of

responsibilities, for motivation and inspiration. Whether he or she talks about big change or just about small

changes is the key.”- John Kotter, Manager magazine, June 2007

“There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose

time has come.”

- Victor Hugo

“The elements which make up a typical leadership situation involve (a) a

leader leading (b) others toward (c) a goal within (d)

a system.”

- Robert Dilts

“The general idea is that “vision without action is just a dream; and action without

vision is meaningless and boring.”

- Robert Dilts

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into


- Warren Bennis

“A mission statement doesn’t have to be some

big, formal document. It can even be a word or a phrase, or something creative and

entirely different such as an image or a symbol.”

- Stephen Covey

“In many ways the most fundamental instrument of

leadership is your own body and nervous system.”

- Robert Dilts

“Leadership is communicating to people

their worth and potential so clearly that they come to

see it in themselves”

- Stephen Covey

“Leadership is more a state than an activity.”

- Gilles Pajou

“Few of us can do great things, but all of us can do

small things with great love.”

- Mother Teresa

“For the most part, families don’t have the kind of mission statement so

critical to organizational success. Yet family is the

most important, fundamental organization in

the world.”

- Stephen Covey

“Leaders aren’t made or born, they are self-made – leadership is function of


- Stephen Covey

“The fundamental reality is, human beings are not things needing to be

motivated and controlled; they are four dimensional – body, mind, heart and

spirit. … the four basic needs and motivations of all people are: to live (survival), to love (relationship), to

learn (growth and development) and to leave a legacy (meaning and


- Stephen Covey

“He that would govern others first should be

master of himself”

- Philip Massinger

“To know and not to do, is really not to know.”

- Stephen Covey

“As a leader, never assume that success means you can

stop growing and developing.”

- David Baum

“If I win, I win for the whole people.

If I lose, I lose only for myself.”

- Vassil Levski

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

- Einstein

“You’re going to be “off track” 90 percent of the

time. So what?”

- Stephen Covey

“To practice a discipline is to be a lifelong learner. You

never arrive; you spend your life mastering


- Peter Senge

“If there is one thing that excellence in sports and

excellence in work have in common, it can be summed

up in a single phrase: focus of attention.”

- Timothy Gallwey

“You have to practice longer things that you can’t


- Wynton Marsalis

“What a delight this isI cannot tell! All this

inventing, this producing, takes place in

a pleasing lively dream.”

- Mozart

“We must be the change we seek in the world.”

- Gandhi

Reference MaterialGood to Great, Jim Collins; HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York, 2001

Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy, Digital Nervous Systems, Bill Gates; Warner Books, Inc., New York, 1999

Speech of Carly Fiorina, HP CEO (1999 – 2005), at HP Winners Summit 2004, Mexico

Visionary Leadership Skills, Robert Dilts; Meta Publications, Inc., Capitola, California, 1996

The 8th Habit, From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen Covey; Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York, 2004

The Fifth Discipline, The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Peter Senge; Random House, Inc., USA 1990, 2006

The Inner Game of Work, W. Timothy Gallwey; Random House, Inc., New York, 2000

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families, Stephen Covey; Golden Books Publishing Co., Inc., 1997

Strategies of Genius Volume I, Robert Dilts; Meta Publications, Inc., Capitola, California, 1994

Tools for Dreamers, Strategies for Creativity and the Structure of Innovation, Robert B. Dilts, Todd Epstein, Robert W. Dilts; Meta Publications, Inc. Capitola, California, 1991

Leading with NLP, Joseph O’Connor; HarperCollins Publishers, London, 1998

The Randori Principles, The Path of Effortless Leadership, David Baum, Ph. D., Jim Hessinger; Dearborn Trade Publishing, Chicago, 2002

Tackling the Monster, Marsalis on Practice at Tanglewood Music Center, presented from Muzzik TV channel in 1994, Wynton Marsalis (“exploring ways how different types of music relate to each other and how training in music can help you with any type of training”); A Sony Classical Film & Video Production in Association with BBC, CST, NHK, NOS, PBS, AND Thirteen /WNET

Search For the Leader!, John Kotter interview, Manager magazine, p. 46-48, issue 6, June 2007, Bulgaria

Source of pictures: www.google.com

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