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LDI Connect 20 PortfolioProduct Disclosure StatementARSN 162 155 795APIR SLT0035AUIssue Date 24 December 2019

Contents1. The Fund at a glance 3

2. Your checklist 4

3. About MGD Wealth 6

4. Introduction to the Fund 8

5. About Equity Trustees and WillisTowers Watson 12

6. How the LDI Connect 20Portfolio is managed 13

7. Fees and other costs 15

8. Risks and risk management 18

9. Keeping you informed 22

10.Tax 24

11.How to invest 26

12.How to withdraw 27

13.Your rights and other importantissues 29

14.Glossary 31

Investment ManagerLDI Connect Asset Management Pty LtdABN 72 605 180 238a corporate authorised representative ofMGD Wealth LtdABN 53 009 079 725, AFSL 222 600175 Melbourne StreetSouth Brisbane QLD 4101Ph: + 61 7 3391 5055Web: www.mgdwealth.com.au

Administrator and CustodianBNP Paribas Securities ServicesABN 87 149 440 291, AFSL 40246760 Castlereagh StreetSydney NSW 2000

Responsible EntityEquity Trustees LimitedABN 46 004 031 298, AFSL 240975GPO Box 2307Melbourne VIC 3001Ph: +613 8623 5000Web: www.eqt.com.au/insto

Asset ConsultantTowers Watson Australia Pty Ltd

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 1

This Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) was issued on24 December 2019. This PDS is for the offer of interests in theLDI Connect 20 Portfolio ARSN 162 155 795, APIR SLT0035AU(referred throughout this PDS as the “Fund“).

The PDS has been prepared and issued by Equity TrusteesLimited (ABN 46 004 031 298, Australian Financial ServicesLicence (“AFSL”) No. 240975) in its capacity as the responsibleentity of the Fund (referred throughout this PDS as the“Responsible Entity”, “Equity Trustees”, “us” or “we”). Theinvestment manager is LDI Connect Asset Management Pty Ltd(referred to throughout this PDS as the “Investment Manager”or “LDI Connect Asset Management”). LDI Connect AssetManagement is part of the MGD Wealth group of companies(MGD Wealth).

The Responsible Entity has authorised the use of this PDS asdisclosure to investors and prospective investors who investdirectly in the Fund, as well as investors and prospectiveinvestors of an investor directed portfolio service, master trust,wrap account or an investor directed portfolio service-likescheme (“IDPS”). This PDS is available for use by personsapplying for units through an IDPS (“Indirect Investors”).

The operator of an IDPS is referred to in this PDS as the “IDPSOperator” and the disclosure document for an IDPS is referredto as the “IDPS Guide”. If you invest through an IDPS, yourrights and liabilities will be governed by the terms andconditions of the IDPS Guide. Indirect Investors should carefullyread these terms and conditions before investing in the Fund.Indirect Investors should note that they are directing the IDPSOperator to arrange for their money to be invested in the Fundon their behalf. Indirect Investors do not become unitholders inthe Fund or have rights of unitholders. The IDPS Operatorbecomes the unitholder in the Fund and acquires these rights.Indirect Investors should refer to their IDPS Guide forinformation relating to their rights and responsibilities as anIndirect Investor, including information on any fees and chargesapplicable to their investment. Information regarding howIndirect Investors can apply for units in the Fund (including anapplication form where applicable) will also be contained in theIDPS Guide. Equity Trustees accepts no responsibility for IDPSOperators or any failure by an IDPS Operator to provide IndirectInvestors with a current version of this PDS as provided by EquityTrustees or to withdraw the PDS from circulation if required byEquity Trustees.

Please ask your adviser if you have any questions aboutinvesting in the Fund (either directly or indirectly through anIDPS).

This PDS is prepared for your general information only. It is notintended to be a recommendation by the Responsible Entity,Investment Manager, any associate, employee, agent or officerof the Responsible Entity, Investment Manager or any otherperson to invest in the Fund. This PDS does not take intoaccount the investment objectives, financial situation or needsof any particular investor. You should not base your decision toinvest in the Fund solely on the information in this PDS. Youshould consider whether the information in this PDS isappropriate for you, having regard to your objectives, financial

situation and needs and you may want to seek professionalfinancial advice before making an investment decision.

Equity Trustees, the Investment Manager and their employees,associates, agents or officers do not guarantee the success,repayment of capital or any rate of return on income or capital orthe investment performance of the Fund. Past performance is noindication of future performance. An investment in the Funddoes not represent a deposit with or a liability of Equity Trustees,the Investment Manager or any of their associates. Aninvestment is subject to investment risk, including possibledelays in repayment and loss of income or capital invested. Unitsin the Fund are offered and issued by the Responsible Entity onthe terms and conditions described in this PDS. You should readthis PDS in its entirety because you will become bound by it ifyou become a direct investor in the Fund.

In considering whether to invest in the Fund, investors shouldconsider the risk factors that could affect the financialperformance of the Fund. Some of the risk factors affecting theFund are summarised in Section 6.

The offer to which this PDS relates is only available to personsreceiving this PDS (electronically or otherwise) in Australia.

This PDS does not constitute a direct or indirect offer ofsecurities in the US or to any US Person as defined in RegulationS under the US Securities Act of 1933 as amended (“USSecurities Act”). Equity Trustees may vary its position and offersmay be accepted on merit at Equity Trustees’ discretion. Theunits in the Fund have not been, and will not be, registeredunder the US Securities Act unless otherwise determined byEquity Trustees and may not be offered or sold in the US to, orfor, the account of any US Person (as defined) except in atransaction that is exempt from the registration requirements ofthe US Securities Act and applicable US state securities laws.

If you received this PDS electronically, you will need to print andread this document in its entirety. We will provide a paper copyfree upon request during the life of this PDS.

Certain information in this PDS is subject to change. We mayupdate this information. You can obtain any updatedinformation:

• by contacting LDI Connect Asset Management on+61 7 3391 5055; or

• by visiting the LDI Connect Asset Management website atwww.mgdwealth.com.au

A paper copy of the updated information will be provided freeof charge on request.

You may also contact Equity Trustees:

• by writing to GPO Box 2307 Melbourne VIC 3001; or

• by calling +613 8623 5000

Unless otherwise stated, all fees quoted in the PDS are inclusiveof GST, after allowing for an estimate for Reduced Input TaxCredits (“RITC”). All amounts are in Australian dollars unlessotherwise specified. All references to legislation are toAustralian law unless otherwise specified.

2 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

1. The Fund at a glancePhilosophyMGD Wealth and LDI Connect Asset Management believe that the key to prudent investing is to match clients’ financial goals andobjectives over the long term with appropriate underlying investments, with regard to the risk and return expectations of thoseinvestments.

In simple terms, our investment philosophy is based on the implementation of portfolio management strategies and activities that aimto ensure that cash reserves are available to meet portfolio liabilities as an when they fall due.

It is a philosophy that we call Liability Driven Investing.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio

ARSN 162 155 795


Snapshot To provide a concentrated portfolio composition with asignificant focus on growth based investments, therebyattempting to enhance the long term return potential of theinvestment portfolio.

What we invest in (see section 7 for details). • Cash & fixed interest: 0% to 30%• Credit: 0% to 25%• Property and Infrastructure: 0% to 50%• Equities: 10% to 100%• Alternatives: 0% to 60%

Performance objectives • Returns of 5% p.a. after fees and expenses above the CashRate1 over rolling 7 year periods, and

• 10-12% p.a. target volatility as measured by the standarddeviation of returns.1

Level of risk High

Suggested investment timeframe Minimum 7 years.*

Fund inception 4 March 2013

Management Costs 1.38% p.a. of the Net Asset Value (“NAV”) (including GST lessRITCs)

Minimum initial investment and account balance $25,000 for direct investors.

Minimum withdrawal and additional investment $1,000 for direct investors.

Applications Monthly

Withdrawals Quarterly

Distributions 30 June and 31 December. **

Speak to your MGD Wealth Investment Advisory specialist orIDPS Operator about whether distributions are automaticallyreinvested.

Entry/exit fee None.

Buy and Sell spread Both 0.25%, but zero for reinvested distributions

Unit prices Monthly

1 The Cash Rate is the 180 day Australian Bank Bill return.

*LDI Connect 20 is best suited to investors with longer investment timeframes

** Distribution amounts will vary and there may be occasions when there is no distribution paid.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 3

2. Your checklistThis section summarises some important information, consistent with ASIC policy. You should however read the entire PDS and seekprofessional advice before making your investment decision.

Hedge fund disclosure Summary Satisfied? For more information


1. How we value assets Listed assets → quoted pricesUnlisted assets →independent valuations(wherever possible)

Yes Section 4

2. Periodic reporting Annual Report,

Monthly and Quarterlyupdates are available fromMGD’s website and

other Fund reportingincluding allocation to assettype, liquidity profile andleverage ratio.

Yes Section 10

Disclosure Principles

3. Investment Strategy This Fund is concentrated withexposure to a range ofAustralian and internationalinvestments (includingequities, property,infrastructure, credit, fixedinterest and alternativeinvestments, as well as somecash) many of which arethemselves further diversified.Various techniques includingresearch, monitoring andfinancial instruments are usedto manage risk.

Yes Section 7 and 9

4. Investment manager Investment manager → LDIConnect Asset Management,part of the MGD Wealthgroup of companies

Asset Consultant → TowersWatson Australia Pty Ltd(Willis Towers Watson).

There have been no adversefindings (significant orotherwise) against us or theInvestment Manager or AssetConsultant, or any of thesenior investmentprofessionals at theseorganisations.

It is the Asset Consultant andthe members of theInvestment Committee thatplay a key role in investmentdecisions.

Yes Section 3 and 4

5. Fund Structure Unlisted Australian unit trust,

registered with ASIC,

can invest into otherAustralian and internationalinvestments.

Yes Section 4

4 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

Hedge fund disclosure Summary Satisfied? For more information

6. Valuation, location andcustody of assets

Valuation is independent ofEquity Trustees and LDIConnect Asset Management(where possible),

assets are held by aprofessional custodian.

Yes Section 4

7. Liquidity Withdrawals are usuallyprocessed quarterly,

some underlying investmentscan be illiquid, but the Fund isexpected to be liquid for thepurposes of the CorporationsAct.

Yes Section 4

8. Leverage Direct borrowing is limited,

some underlying investmentscan be leveraged.

Yes Section 4

9. Derivatives and structuresproducts

Derivatives are used whereconsidered appropriate,

both for risk management andto gain investment exposures.

Yes Section 4

10. Short Selling Some underlying investmentscan use short selling.

Yes Section 10

11. Withdrawals Quarterly Yes Section 13

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 5

3. About MGD WealthAs specialists in providing complete financial advisory solutionsto business owners, professionals, high income earners andself-funded investors, MGD Wealth sees itself as a critical link toits clients finding peace of mind in their financial affairs. MGDWealth believes it offers a level of comfort, allowing clients torest assured knowing that the financial advice they receive isaligned to the achievement of their personal and lifestyleambitions and the financial goals that underpin them.

The visionMGD Wealth’s vision is to be a market leader in private wealthmanagement services through its commitment to providing itsclients with specialist wealth management solutions that deliverenhanced performance, a vision, the attainment of which, ishighly correlated to achieving the goals and aspirations of itsclients, its people and its advice partners.

Achieving that vision is underpinned by living MGD Wealth’sclosely aligned values of:

• innovation,

• delivery,

• integrity,

• enjoyment, and

• collaboration.

That vision now encompasses the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio, andLDI Connect Asset Management is pleased to offer you theopportunity to invest in the Fund.

Solutions focusMGD Wealth specialises in providing integrated financial advicesolutions to business owners, professionals, high incomeearners and self-funded investors.

To achieve this, MGD Wealth has built a suite of specialist advicecapabilities and developed an advice model that seamlesslyintegrates them to deliver optimal financial advice – a completewealth management solution without the traditional gaps information and execution.

MGD Wealth’s services include:

Total Wealth ManagementTotal Wealth Management (TWM) is a comprehensive wealthmanagement methodology designed to provide MGD Wealth

clients with an optimal wealth management solution tailored totheir unique financial and lifestyle needs and goals.

TWM offers MGD Wealth clients a specialist wealthmanagement solution that seamlessly combines essentialadvisory, administration, compliance and, through LDI ConnectAsset Management and the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio, fundsmanagement services.

Investment AdvisoryBuilding prudent investment portfolios for MGD Wealth’s clientsis an integral component of the TWM philosophy. LDI ConnectAsset Management’s tailored investment solutions are carefullymatched to its clients’ short, medium and long term personaland financial goals.

Self-Managed Super AdvisoryFor those with appropriate levels of superannuation assets, theadvantages of using self-managed superannuation funds can besignificant. MGD Wealth has been in the business of advising onsuperannuation for over 30 years, including assisting with theset-up, administration and compliance of self-managedsuperannuation funds.

Tax AdvisoryMGD Wealth’s Tax Advisory and accounting service group isspecialised in identifying opportunities to mitigate the impact oftax on clients, their business and their investments, allowingthem to build wealth as tax effectively as possible.

Personal Risk Insurance AdvisoryMGD Wealth understands that years of hard work and prudentinvesting is the source of its clients’ wealth. This is why it aims toprotect its clients and their families, their business and theirfuture. To that end, MGD Wealth offers clients a full suite ofinsurance options tailored to their personal and business needs.

The MGD Wealth difference is not only found in its innovativeintegrated financial advice model. MGD Wealth considers itselfunique in its ability to deliver on the promise of a completefinancial advisory solution. It can achieve this by either acting asits clients’ lead adviser or as a key member of their financialadvisory team.

About MGD Wealth Investment AdvisoryIntegrated advice for complete financial clarityUnderstanding their client’s position and providing them with aninvestment strategy designed to meet their goals and needs isthe focus of an MGD Wealth Investment Advisory specialist.

The MGD Wealth Investment Advisory division adopts a bestpractice approach to creating an investment solution thatdelivers for its clients.

Liability Driven InvestingMGD Wealth Investment Advisory believes that the key toconstructing an appropriate investment portfolio is an intimateknowledge of its clients’ financial affairs and goals.

That is because their investment portfolio is ultimately there toprovide the funding requirements (known as ‘portfolioliabilities’) over the short, medium and long term. MGD Wealth’sLiability Driven Investing (or LDI) approach factors that in, andforms the backbone of the investment strategies prepared forclients.

If a client is in or close to retirement, their portfolio liabilities arelikely to be focused around retirement income requirements.For younger clients, portfolio liabilities are likely to focus aroundobjectives such as wealth accumulation, their children’seducation and debt reduction. Each client has a unique set ofportfolio liabilities to plan for and it is critical that a MGD WealthInvestment Advisory specialist understands these liabilitiesintimately in order to tailor an investment solution that is rightfor each client.

The outcome of the Liability Driven Investing process is thedevelopment of an appropriate investment portfolio strategysuited to each client’s unique needs.

The LDI Connect 20 Portfolio has been designed to assist whenappropriate in the implementation of that investment strategy.

For more information on MGD Wealth’s approach to LiabilityDriven Investing, speak to your MGD Wealth InvestmentAdvisory specialist.

6 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

Implementing your overall investment strategy -your investment portfolioThe LDI Connect Asset Management investment research andportfolio construction process is designed to ensure completealignment of each client’s overall investment portfolio with theirpersonalised investment strategy.

Importantly, no MGD Wealth company has any ownership linksto any financial institutions and MGD Wealth and its groupmembers operate under MGD Wealth’s own Australian financialservices licence. MGD Wealth believes this enables it and MGDWealth group members to take an objective view in theirinvestment research framework and provide investmentrecommendations that are in clients’ best interests.

Whilst MGD Wealth favours the use of specialist investmentmanagers for the majority of client portfolios, it alsoacknowledges the role that direct investments (e.g. termdeposits, shares and property) can play in meeting therequirements of certain investment strategies.

Investment principlesRegardless of the state of investment markets or the economiccycle at any particular point in time, there are a number offundamental investment principles to which we subscribe whendeveloping portfolio solutions for its clients.

• Client portfolios need clear objectivesAn appropriate portfolio solution can only berecommended with a comprehensive understanding of aclient’s investment objectives and their portfolio liabilities inmind. Client portfolios must be tailored to individualinvestors that help to meet these objectives and liabilities.

• Diversification mattersDiversification across asset sectors and within asset sectorsis a key strategy in building robust portfolios and inmanaging the risk versus return dilemma. The old adage ofthe higher the return, the higher the risk remains valid.

• Some risks are worth takingOver the long term, investors can be appropriatelycompensated for the investment risk that they are preparedto take on.

• Investing for the appropriate timeframeThe overarching portfolio strategy needs to be structuredwith a relevant investment timeframe in mind with regard tomeeting portfolio liability obligations, and reviewed on aperiodic basis to ensure it remains appropriate to changingclient requirements and circumstances.

• Trust the expertsA belief that carefully constructed combinations of specialistinvestment managers is the key to long term wealthcreation, although its primary objective is to outperform theCash Rate after fees with acceptable levels of risk.

• Use defensive, alternative and growth investmentsappropriatelyDefensive, alternative and growth investments should beused appropriately within portfolios and the allocation toeach broad category carefully considered in the context ofclients’ goals and their portfolio liabilities.

For more information about MGD Wealth, visitwww.mgdwealth.com.au.

The role of the LDI Connect suiteLDI Connect 20 is one of three managed funds that form the LDIConnect suite of investments, the others being:

• LDI Connect 3 Portfolio and

• LDI Connect 7 Portfolio

Please ask your MGD Wealth Investment Advisory specialist orvisit www.mgdwealth.com.au for the product disclosurestatement for these funds.

LDI Connect Asset Management’s fundamental belief is thatover the long term the prudent selection and appropriate use ofspecialist, actively managed investment funds is a best of breedportfolio solution for the majority of its clients.

The LDI Connect suite of funds is a fully implemented portfoliosolution that combines asset allocation, manager selection andrisk management services that aims to deliver each Fund’sobjectives.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 7

4. Introduction to the FundReady-made portfolio solutionsThe LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is an integral component of MGDWealth’s Liability Driven Investment approach which provides aframework on which its client investment portfolios areconstructed and then maintained on an ongoing basis.

At the core is the belief that the key to prudent investing is tomatch a client’s long term financial goals and objectives withappropriate underlying investments, with regard to the risk andreturn expectations of those investments. In simple terms, LDIConnect Asset Management’s philosophy is the implementationof portfolio management strategies and activities that aim toensure that cash reserves are available to meet portfolioliabilities, as and when they fall due, by achieving regularcompounding rates of return above the Cash Rate, whilstlimiting major losses of capital in difficult market conditions. Theaim of the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is to provide a Cash Rateplus style of return for investors over 7 years.

The LDI Connect suite of funds provides low maintenance, coreexposures for investors looking to outsource the difficult task ofcreating well diversified exposures across both mainstream andalternative investments, and access what LDI Connect AssetManagement believes are some of the best investmentmanagers available.

The LDI Connect suite of funds may also be particularly suitablefor those with smaller amounts to invest seeking oneall-encompassing and well diversified portfolio solution.

See Section 7 for more information about the investmentobjectives of the Fund. There is no guarantee that the objectiveswill be achieved.

In its investment decision making, the LDI Connect AssetManagement Investment Committee is focused on deliveringinvestment returns in line with the objectives of the Fund.

The types of investment usedThe Fund is multi-manager and multi-asset class, employing aflexible approach to asset allocation and a broad range ofpotential investments.

In order to achieve the objectives, the LDI Connect 20 Portfoliois able to access investment opportunities, markets and diversitywhich individual investors may not be able to access directlythemselves.

Additionally, the Fund has the flexibility to minimise exposure toinvestments believed to have a high risk of deliveringdisappointing returns, operating within wide asset allocationranges rather than being tied to rigid strategic asset allocationbenchmarks.

The LDI Connect 20 Portfolio can also often gain access toinvestments for less cost than individual investors could achieve,and use highly efficient portfolio construction and riskmanagement techniques that are often not available to retailinvestors such as using derivatives selectively to help reduce theimpact of currency fluctuations.

The Fund can use “alternative” investments, which can provideuseful diversification benefits in difficult market conditions. Seesection 7 for a description of what “alternative” investments caninclude. Although some alternative investments can be lessliquid than mainstream assets, overall portfolio liquidity ismanaged with the goal of providing acceptable withdrawalperiods to investors.

We would give at least 4 weeks’ notice of any material change ininvestment strategy.

LDI Connect Asset Management InvestmentCommittee and AdvisersThe LDI Connect Asset Management Investment Committee(IC) is comprised of experienced investment professionals,which can include members from MGD Wealth, LDI ConnectAsset Management and other professionals.

This IC is LDI Connect Asset Management’s principal investmentbody.

The IC is responsible for setting the investment objectives andthe investment strategy of the Fund. It is also responsible for theappointment and oversight of the Asset Consultant.

The IC has appointed Willis Towers Watson as the assetconsultant. The Asset Consultant is responsible for the day today management of the Fund. This involves asset allocationdecisions, manager appointments and terminations, cash flowmanagement, currency hedging, and rebalancing.

Willis Towers Watson is a globally renowned asset consultantwith approximately 900 investment staff. It has deep resourcesto cover all aspects of its role from investment operationsthrough to manager research and selection.

The current members are:

Stephen Furness

MGD Director and Chairman of the MGD InvestmentCommittee

With over 30 years’ experience in banking and financial servicesand the last 18 years in private practice, Stephen has built anoutstanding reputation for delivering high-level strategic wealthmanagement solutions for his clients, including high net worthindividuals, professionals a driving force behind the vision forour investment portfolio offering and total wealth managementphilosophy. Stephen works closely with MGD Directors andclient advisers to deliver robust investment portfolio solutionsfor clients. As Chairman of the MGD Investment Committee,Stephen works with specialist advisers, investment partners andresearchers to develop a leading edge investment strategy forour clients.

John Barton

MGD CEO & Director

With 25 years in banking, financial services and wealthmanagement roles, John brings substantial experience andexpertise to MGD. In his role as CEO, John heads our firm and isresponsible for ensuring our team of professionals and supportstaff are always ready, willing and able to provide the very bestadvice and service to our clients. John’s experience iscomplemented by his knowledge and passion in the area ofbehavioural economics – the study of emotions and psychologyand how they influence real-world finance and investmentdecisions.

Brett Schmidt

MGD Executive Director

Having advised successful business owners and entrepreneursas a specialist tax director and partner of one of Australia’slargest accounting firms, Brett has built a reputation fordelivering high-level, innovative accounting, business advisoryas well as domestic and international taxation solutions for hisclients.

Conscious of the gaps in the financial advice solutions that manyclients were experiencing led Brett to join and acquire asubstantial shareholding in MGD in 2005. Brett was instrumentalin the development of Total Wealth Management (TWM), anuncompromising no-gaps financial advice solution, whichunderpins MGD as a leading integrated financial advice service

8 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

provider. Brett’s extensive experience is complemented by hisbreadth of knowledge and technical skills, enabling him toprovide a range of strategic advisory services for his clients,including high profile professionals, entrepreneurs, businessowners and foreign migrants and investors.

Richard Marsden

Director – International & Executive

Richard works closely with professionals, executives andbusiness owners, both Australian-based and international, tohelp navigate the complex Australian tax, legal and investmentframework. Through careful planning, prudent advice andsupport, Richard is able to deliver optimal client outcomes fortax effectiveness, asset protection and wealth management.Previously holding senior wealth management Adviser positionswith NAB, Berkley Group and Tynan Mackenzie, more recently,prior to relocating to New York for a few years, Richardperformed the role of Queensland State Manager for TynanMackenzie in Brisbane before joining MGD. Richard has alsodeveloped a keen interest in biotech, having joined the Board ofImplicit Bioscience and co-founding Vast Bioscience in June2015, Queensland-based companies in the field of drugresearch and development.

Rachel Barlow

Senior Client Adviser

Rachel has built a reputation for building and maintaininglasting relationships with clients through her professional yetpersonal approach. With more than 15 years financial planningexperience, Rachel’s focus is the delivery of optimal advice toclients on all facets of their financial affairs. Rachel works closelywith her clients, including professionals, self-funded retirees andhigh net worth individuals, to develop and review tailored totalwealth management strategies to ensure their financial goalsare defined and achieved. Clients describe her approach asmore like a ‘personal service rather than just a businessrelationship’. Rachel is a member of Council at the University ofSouthern Queensland.

Chris Caton

Chief Economist, Caton Economics and Independent Memberof the MGD Investment Committee Dr Chris Caton is a leadingeconomic analyst of the current and future state of both theAustralian and international economies and their potentialimpact on individual industries. For 25 years, Chris was the ChiefEconomist at BT Financial Group where he advised clients onthe financial implications of economic trends, policypronouncements and major political developments. Prior tothis, Chris was the Chief Economist of Bankers Trust and theformer head of the Economics Division of the Department of thePrime Minister and Cabinet. He has also worked for the Bureauof Census and Statistics, Australian Commonwealth Treasuryand spent 13 years working for an economic consulting firm inthe United States. His extensive experience coupled with hisimpressive breadth of knowledge enables Chris to providesuccinct and tailored advice to his clients across a range ofindustries. Chris has also received a number of accolades for hishighly thought-provoking presentations.

Dr Chris holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania.

Michael Furey

Managing Director, Delta Research & Advisory and IndependentMember of the MGD Investment Committee Michael Furey isManaging Director of Delta Research & Advisory, one ofAustralia’s leading independent quantitative research andinvestment consulting firms. Michael has worked in the financialservices industry since 1999 and is a former Head of Research atSuncorp. Michael started Delta in 2012 to provide investmentadvice and services to professional investment committees. He

is a frequent presenter at some of Australia’s leading investmentconferences and is also regular author on investment matters forboth Professional Planner magazine and Portfolio ConstructionForum.

It should be noted that the investment professionals involved inthe provision of management and advice in respect of the Fundare not exclusively dedicated to portfolio management oradvice as they have additional responsibilities outside ofmanaging the Fund. These responsibilities include otherbusiness activities, including the management of otherportfolios for other clients which may reduce the time that LDIConnect Asset Management and Willis Towers Watson and itsofficers and personnel spend managing the Fund.

The officers and employees of LDI Connect Asset Managementand Willis Towers Watson will devote as much time to the Fundas deemed appropriate. Typically IC meetings are held on aquarterly basis, whilst the Fund is managed on a daily basis bythe Asset Consultant.

Investment processThe investment process is a dynamic one that aims to ensurethat the investment objectives of the LDI Connect 20 Portfolioare met.

In short, the aim is to help investors create wealth carefully overtime by building portfolios that are designed to do well in risingmarkets, but to also limit major losses to capital in difficultmarket conditions.

LDI Connect Asset Management and the Asset Consultant dothis by:

• positioning the Fund with the appropriate asset mix toachieve the investment objectives based on forward lookingscenarios, including asset class valuation models, andeconomic forecasting

• investing in value creating opportunities across differentmarkets, investment managers and strategies through itsrigorous due diligence process,

• focusing on preserving capital by aiming to limit majorcapital losses during difficult market conditions, through itsuse of diversification, alternative investments, and portfolioprotection strategies, and

• taking a medium to long term approach.

Due DiligenceAll investments selected by the Asset Consultant, are subject toits due diligence process. Due diligence is the process of askingquestions and undertaking research to gain a sufficient level ofcomfort prior to giving advice or making an investment. The duediligence process includes a review of the underlying investmentstrategy, the investment manager and in-depth operational duediligence.

The Fund can invest globally including into international funddomiciles such as Luxembourg, Ireland, the Cayman Islands andthe British Virgin Islands. The Asset Consultant and EquityTrustees have experience in investing in these jurisdictions andothers. However, if necessary, the Asset Consultant and EquityTrustees reserves the right to seek external legal advice in thosejurisdictions.

Equity Trustees also conducts due diligence on the Fund’sservice providers including the custodian and its registryprovider - these can include service reviews and service levelmeetings. Such reviews are conducted at least annually.

Valuation of AssetsEquity Trustees maintains a unit pricing policy for the valuationof the Fund’s assets. A copy is available to unit holders onrequest. The way in which assets are valued can impact on the

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 9

value Equity Trustees gives to the Fund and this impacts on thevalue of units. The Constitution of the Fund generally allowsEquity Trustees to determine the methods by which it calculatesthe value of the assets.

Generally, the valuation of assets occurs as frequently as issueprices are determined.

In general:

• Equity Trustees uses independent valuations (i.e. unrelatedto us), administrators or valuation service providers itconsiders reliable,

• in the case of securities quoted on any stock exchange,Equity Trustees uses the last sale price on the day that thevalue is calculated, and if there was no sale on that day, thelast sale price.

• for unlisted managed funds, Equity Trustees uses the issueor redemption price most recently quoted by the underlyinginvestment manager, including estimate prices issued by theunderlying investment manager if a final price is notavailable in a timely way, and

• in the case of a cash deposit, Equity Trustees uses theamount of such deposit.

In calculating Net Asset Value, Equity Trustees may rely onestimates of the value of unlisted funds in which the Fundinvests, which will be supplied, directly or indirectly, by theunderlying investment managers or the administrators of thosefunds. Such valuations may not be considered independent,may be subject to potential conflicts of interest, may beunaudited or subject to little verification or other due diligence,and may not comply with generally accepted accountingpractices or other valuation principles.

None of Equity Trustees, LDI Connect Asset Management, theAsset Consultant or MGD Wealth, nor any person who assistsany of them, may have sufficient information to confirm or reviewthe completeness or accuracy of such information.

In addition, the value of unlisted funds in which the Fund investsmay not be provided on a regular or timely basis, with the resultthat the values of such investments may need to be estimated.The Fund’s value may be based on a valuation for an unlistedfund provided as of a significantly earlier date, and thepublished final valuations of such investments may differmaterially.

Certain unlisted funds in which the Fund invests may themselvesinvest in assets which are difficult to value and may face conflictsof interest in valuing them.

In the event that a valuation estimate subsequently proves to beincorrect, no adjustment to any previously published Net AssetValue of a Fund is made nor would any compensation bepayable in respect of such error.

In practice, Equity Trustees outsources the calculation of the unitprice to the Custodian.

LiquidityAlternative investments, as well as property and infrastructure,can at times be illiquid. This means that at times the Fund mayhave difficulties in liquidating the underlying investments inaccordance with stated liquidity objectives.

As at the date of this PDS the Fund has an exposure greater than10% of their Net Asset Value to these types of investments,some of which cannot be reasonably expected to be realisedwithin 10 days.

Whilst the Asset Consultant conducts research and duediligence on the underlying investment liquidity, underlyinginvestments may not be able to be realised in a timely way.

The Asset Consultant aims to manage this risk as far as ispracticable by carrying out research on underlying investmentfunds, monitoring the Fund’s liquidity levels and seeking toensure they have, or anticipate having access to, enough liquidassets for when it is anticipated they would normally be needed.

LeverageAny direct borrowing (or leverage) in the Fund is limited: fromtime to time amounts may be borrowed on an interim basis tofund short term portfolio obligations, and then only if theborrowing is considered to be prudent and in the best interestsof all investors. Such borrowing is only from leading banks.Security may be granted over the Fund’s assets.

Whilst some investment strategies use very little or no leverage,others can utilise leverage, and at times the Fund will haveexposure to underlying investment funds which are leveraged.

Please see the Risks section for further explanation of riskassociated with borrowing or leverage.

DerivativesThe Fund may use derivatives where considered appropriate toreduce portfolio risk, such as currency and interest rate risk, or togain exposures to certain types of assets.

The Fund mainly employs “over the counter” foreign exchangecontracts and exchange-listed futures.

Derivative counterparties are highly rated Australian and globalfinancial institutions. Collateral requirements are small and theFund is not expected to use derivatives to create an exposure tomarkets greater than 25% of the Fund’s Net Asset Value. The useof derivatives can result in leverage (or gearing) in the Fund.

The underlying investments made by the Fund will include somefunds that use derivatives as part of their investment strategy.The Fund does not impose any limits on the use of derivatives bythose funds as to do so would preclude investments into certainunderlying investment managers. To the extent consideredappropriate and practicable the Asset Consultant aims toensure that underlying investment managers have derivativesstrategies which are considered acceptable.

Please see the Risks section for further explanation of riskassociated with financial instruments.

10 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

Who does what?The main organisations involved with the Fund are shown here:

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 11

5. About Equity Trustees and Willis Towers WatsonMGD Wealth and LDI Connect Asset Management havepartnered with Equity Trustees and Towers Watson Australia PtyLtd (“Willis Towers Watson” or “Asset Consultant”), to assistwith the management of the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio.

About Equity Trustees LimitedEquity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298 AFSL 240975, asubsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited ABN 22 607 797 615, whichis a public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange(ASX: EQT), is the Fund’s responsible entity and issuer of thisPDS. Established as a trustee and executorial service provider bya special Act of the Victorian Parliament in 1888, today EquityTrustees is a dynamic financial services institution whichcontinues to grow the breadth and quality of products andservices on offer.

Equity Trustees’ responsibilities and obligations as the Fund’sresponsible entity are governed by the Fund’s constitution(“Constitution”), the Corporations Act and general trust law.Equity Trustees has appointed LDI Connect Asset Managementas the investment manager of the Fund. Equity Trustees hasappointed a custodian to hold the assets of the Fund. Thecustodian has no supervisory role in relation to the operation ofthe Fund and is not responsible for protecting your interests.

About Willis Towers WatsonTowers Watson Australia Pty Ltd is part of the Willis TowersWatson group of companies. Willis Towers Watson is one of thelargest investment, actuarial, insurance broking and humanresource consulting companies. With roots dating to 1828, WillisTowers Watson has 40,000 employees in more than 140countries.

Willis Towers Watson Investment Consulting is a line of businesswithin Willis Towers Watson’s Investment, Risk and Reinsurancebusiness segment. Globally they advise more than 1,200pension funds and institutional investors with total assets inexcess of A$3.2 trillion.

Their Australian and New Zealand investment consultingpractice was established in January 1999 with the strategy toposition themselves as the premier institutional investmentconsultant. In so doing, they have sought to leverage off theirglobal strength, and to align themselves and their businessmodel with the success of their clients and stakeholders.

12 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

6. How the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is managedMulti-manager, multi-asset classThe LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is multi-manager and multi-assetclass.

This is an investment approach that combines asset allocationadvice, investment manager selection, risk managementservices, administration and reporting into convenientportfolios.

Having these services combined can save investors time, moneyand stress, as these important tasks are undertaken by adedicated team of experienced investment professionals.

Active managementThe LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is actively managed to reflect coreviews on the way markets are expected to develop over themedium to long term. Comprehensive research and portfolioconstruction. The underlying investments are blended to targetthe appropriate portfolio outcome and access some of theworld’s premier global mainstream and alternatives managers.

The Asset Consultant’s proprietary research and investmentmodels, together with selected research from respectedproviders, are employed in the management of the Fund.

Allocation of assets is made to carefully selected investmentmanagers who are considered to be specialists within their assetclass or sector. The Fund will also invest directly into assetclasses when considered appropriate to do so.

Why diversification is importantThe aim is to ensure that the Fund is truly diversified. Truediversification is key to minimising the impact of unexpected riskand return outcomes.

There is flexibility to invest across wide asset allocation ranges,ranges not constrained by strategic asset allocationbenchmarks.

The focus of LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is on investmentoutcomes according to the investment objectives of the Fund.Investment decisions do not take into account labour standardsor environmental, social or ethical considerations in theselection, retention or realisation of investments.

Why alternative investments are importantAlternative investments are those other than long only shares,property, infrastructure, credit, cash and fixed interest.

Alternative investments are important because they can providedifferent sources of returns, returns that can be lowly correlatedto those investments that make up mainstream markets, so thatwhen a market correlated investment falls in value, an alternativeinvestment that is lowly correlated with that mainstreaminvestment may fall far less or may even increase in value.

Alternative investments can include:

• hedge funds,

• managed futures,

• private equity,

• commodities,

• alternative risk premia strategies, and

• gold and other precious metals.

Investing alternatively also includes investing in traditionalmarkets, but in non-traditional ways. For example, aninvestment manager may “short” equities, allowing them toprofit when traditional shares fall in value.

Why use this Fund?Investing in the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is designed to providea source of investment capital for the funding of specific longterm portfolio liabilities (refer to the section entitled LiabilityDriven Investing) that fall due beyond 20 years or more whereaccess to ready capital is not a high priority in the short term.

It is a concentrated portfolio but with a significant focus ongrowth based investments, thereby attempting to enhance thelong term return potential of the investment portfolio but withthe flexibility to reduce risk in the absence if investment ideasthat meet strict valuation guidelines.

Designed for the assertive investor, many investors use this Fundto diversify their existing mainstream investments, and some asa growth focused investment solution.

BenefitsThe Fund can help investors by:

• actively managing asset allocation and manager selection inone convenient portfolio,

• offering a higher growth portfolio to complement satelliteinvestments,

• helping to meet long term portfolio liabilities, and

• providing access to specialist investment opportunities.

What the Fund invests inThe Fund is concentrated, with exposure to a range of Australianand international investments, which may themselves bediversified, and seeks opportunities across various assets,sectors, styles and strategies.

The Fund offers exposure to a broad range of local andinternational equities, infrastructure, property, credit, fixedinterest and alternative investments, as well as some cash.

The Fund is generally managed within the following assetallocation ranges:

Asset class % of Net Asset Value

Cash & fixed interest 0% to 30%

Credit 0% to 25%

Property and infrastructure 0% to 50%

Equities 10% to 100%

Alternatives 0% to 60%

Alternative investments include private equity, hedge funds,alternative risk premia strategies and commodities. Some ofthese alternative investments may exhibit low risk, incrementalreturn characteristics.

The actual investment mix can change significantly and quicklyas markets move, and occasionally we may move outside aspecified range by up to 10% of Net Asset Value (and at timesexposures may remain outside their range, for example whererisk is being reduced or to plan for upcoming redemptions ordistributions).

Performance objectivesThe Fund aims to produce returns above the prevailing CashRate after fees, over the long term with medium to high risk.

Particularly, the objectives are to achieve, over rolling 7 yearperiods:

• an after fee and expense investment performance greaterthan the Cash Rate plus 5% p.a. (the Cash Rate is the 180 dayAustralian Bank Bill return) and

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 13

• volatility of 10-12% p.a as measured by the standarddeviation of returns.

but remember that neither of these are guaranteed, forecast orpromised.

For performance and asset exposure of the LDI Connect 20Portfolio, please speak to your MGD Wealth InvestmentAdvisory specialist or visit www.mgdwealth.com.au.

14 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

7. Fees and other costsThe warning statement below is required by law to be displayed at the beginning of the ‘Fees and other costs’ section of productdisclosure statements for managed investment products. The example given in the warning statement does not relate to anyinvestments described within this PDS.

DID YOU KNOW?Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your long-term returns.

For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your account balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to20% over a 30 year period (for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).

You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better member servicesjustify higher fees and costs.

You may be able to negotiate to pay lower contribution fees and management costs where applicable. Ask the fund or yourfinancial adviser.

TO FIND OUT MOREIf you would like to find out more, or see the impact of the fees based on your own circumstances, the Australian Securities andInvestments Commission (ASIC) website (www.moneysmart.gov.au) has a managed funds fee calculator to help you check outdifferent fee options.

You should read all the information about fees and costs because it is important to understand their impact on your investment. ForIndirect Investors, the fees listed in the ‘Fees and other costs’ section of this PDS are in addition to any other fees and charges chargedby your IDPS Operator.

The following table shows fees and other costs that you may be charged. These fees and costs may be deducted from your money,from the returns on your investment or from the assets of the Fund as a whole. Information about taxation is set out in Section 10 ofthis document.

Additional Explanation of fees and costs

Type of fee or cost Amount How and when paid

Fees when your money moves in or out of the Fund

Establishment feeThe fee to open your investment

Nil There is no establishment fee payablewhen you set up your investment in theFund.

Contribution feeThe fee on each amount contributed toyour investment

Nil There is no contribution fee payablewhen you invest in the Fund.

Withdrawal feeThe fee on each amount you take out ofyour investment

Nil There is no withdrawal fee payable whenyou withdraw investments from the Fund.

Exit feeThe fee to close your investment

Nil There is no exit fee payable when youclose your investment in the Fund.

Management costs

The fees and costs for managing yourinvestment1

Management costs: 1.38% p.a. of the NetAsset Value (NAV) of the Fund2

The Management Costs include theresponsible entity’s fee, investmentmanagement fees (which include assetconsulting fees), investment committeecosts, custodian fees, administration feesand other ordinary expenses.


Indirect costs: 1.21% p.a.

The indirect costs are calculated withreference to the relevant costs incurredduring financial year ended 30 June 2017.See “Indirect costs” below for moreinformation.

1 All fees quoted above are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and net of any Reduced Input Tax Credits (RITC). See below formore details as to how management costs are calculated.2 Management costs can be negotiated. See “Differential fees” below.3 The indirect costs are calculated and incorporate estimated amounts with reference to the predicted relevant costs incurred duringfinancial year ended 30 June 2017. See “Indirect costs” below for more information.

Additional Explanation of fees and costs

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 15

What do the management costs pay for?Management costs comprise the additional fees or costs that aninvestor incurs by investing in the Fund rather than by investingdirectly in the assets.

The management costs of 1.38% p.a. of the NAV of the Fundinclude fees payable to the Responsible Entity, the InvestmentManager and the Asset Consultant of the Fund including formanaging the assets and overseeing the operations of the Fund.The management costs are accrued daily and paid from theFund monthly in arrears and reflected in the unit price. As at thedate of this PDS, ordinary expenses such as investmentmanagement fees, Asset Consultant fees, custodian fees(excluding transaction-based fees such as trading or settlementcosts incurred by the custodian), administration and audit fees,and other ordinary expenses of operating the Fund are coveredby the management costs at no additional charge to you.

The management costs shown above do not includeextraordinary expenses, including such as litigation costs andthe costs of convening unitholder meetings. If they are incurredin future, they may be charged additionally to the Fund.

In addition, management costs do not include transactional andoperational costs (i.e. costs associated with investing theunderlying assets, some of which may be recovered throughBuy/Sell Spreads).

Indirect costsIndirect costs include fees and management costs (if any) arisingfrom underlying funds and a reasonable estimate of the cost ofinvesting in over-the-counter derivatives to gain investmentexposure to assets or implement the Fund’s investment strategy.Indirect costs are reflected in the unit price of the Fund andborne by Investors, but they are not paid to the ResponsibleEntity or Investment Manager.

The estimated components of the Fund’s indirect costs arebased on the financial year ended 30 June 2017. Actual indirectcosts for future years may differ. If in future there is an increase toindirect costs disclosed in this PDS, updates will be provided onEquity Trustees’ website at www.eqt.com.au/insto where theyare not otherwise required to be disclosed to investors underlaw.

Actual indirect costs for future years may differ. If in future thereis an increase to indirect costs disclosed in this PDS, updates willbe provided on Equity Trustees’ website atwww.eqt.com.au/insto where they are not otherwise required tobe disclosed to investors under law.

Transactional and operational costsIn managing the assets of the Fund, the Fund may incurtransaction costs such as brokerage, settlement costs, clearingcosts and applicable stamp duty when assets are bought andsold. This generally happens when the assets of a fund arechanged in connection with day-to-day trading or when thereare applications or withdrawals which cause net cash flows intoor out of a fund.

The Buy/Sell Spread is a reasonable estimate of transactioncosts that the Fund will incur when buying or selling assets of theFund. These costs are an additional cost to the investor but areincorporated into the unit price and arise when investingapplications monies and funding withdrawals from the Fund and

are not separately charged to the investor. The Buy Spread ispaid into the Fund as part of an application and the Sell Spreadis left in the Fund as part of a redemption and not paid to EquityTrustees or the Investment Manager. The estimated Buy/SellSpread is 0.25% upon entry and 0.25% upon exit. The dollarvalue of these costs based on an application or a withdrawal of$50,000 is $125 for each individual transaction. The Buy/SellSpread can be altered by the Responsible Entity at any time. TheResponsible Entity may also waive the Buy/Sell Spread in part orin full at its discretion.

Transactional costs which are incurred other than in connectionwith applications and redemptions arise through the day-to-daytrading of the Fund’s assets and are reflected in the Fund’s unitprice. As these costs are factored into the Net Asset Value of theFund and reflected in the unit price, they are an additionalimplicit cost to the investor and are not a fee paid to theResponsible Entity. These costs can arise as a result of bid-offerspreads (the difference between an asset’s bid/buy price andoffer/ask price) being applied to securities traded by the Fund.Liquid securities generally have a lower bid-offer spread whileless liquid assets have a higher bid-offer spread reflecting thecompensation taken by market makers in providing liquidity forthat asset.

Transactional and operational costs are payable from the Fundand vary from year to year. Transactional and operational costsinclude brokerage, spread charged by a Fund’s investments andcosts associated with any hedging. Many of these transactioncosts are recouped via Buy/Sell Spread. For the financial yearended 30 June 2017, the net transactional cost to the fundtotalled 0.82% pa. Based on the $50,000 fees and costs examplebelow, this would add $410 to the annual cost of yourinvestment.

However, such costs for future years may differ.

Can the fees change?Yes, all fees can change without investor consent, subject to themaximum fee amounts specified in the Constitution. EquityTrustees has the right to recover all proper and reasonableexpenses incurred in managing the Fund and as such theseexpenses may increase or decrease accordingly. We willgenerally provide investors with at least 30 days’ notice of anyproposed change to the management costs. In mostcircumstances, the Constitution defines the maximum fees thatcan be charged for fees described in this PDS.

Payments to IDPS OperatorsSubject to the law, annual payments may be made to some IDPSOperators because they offer the Fund on their investmentmenus. Product access is paid by the Investment Manager out ofits management fees and is not an additional cost to theinvestor. If the payment of annual fees to IDPS Operators islimited or prohibited by the law, Equity Trustees will ensure thepayment of such fees is reduced or ceased.

Differential feesThe Responsible Entity or Investment Manager may from time totime negotiate a different fee arrangement (by way of a rebateor waiver of fees) with certain investors who are AustralianWholesale Clients.

16 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

Example of annual fees and costs for the FundThis table gives an example of how the fees and costs for this managed investment product can affect your investment over a 1 yearperiod. You should use this table to compare this product with other managed investment products.

Example – LDI Connect 20 Portfolio


Contribution Fees Nil For every $5,000 you put in, you will be charged $0


Total CostsComprising:

2.59% p.a. And, for every $50,000 you have in the Fund you will be charged $1,295 each yearcomprising:


1.38% p.a. $690

Indirect costs: 1.21% p.a. $605

EqualsCost of Fund

If you had an investment of $50,000 at the beginning of the year and you put in an additional$5,000 during that year, then you would be charged fees of:$1,295*What it costs you will depend on the fees you negotiate.

* This example assumes the $5,000 contribution occurs at the end of the first year, therefore management costs are calculated usingthe $50,000 balance only.

Additional fees may apply. Please note that this example does not capture all the fees and costs that may apply to you such as theBuy/Sell Spread.

Warning: If you have consulted a financial adviser, you may pay additional fees. You should refer to the Statement of Advice orFinancial Services Guide provided by your financial adviser in which details of the fees are set out.

ASIC provides a fee calculator on www.moneysmart.gov.au, which you may use to calculate the effects of fees and costs on yourinvestment in the Fund.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 17

8. Risks and risk managementRisk is a part of investingAll investments are subject to varying risks, and the value of your investment will rise and fall over time. Changes in value can besignificant and they can happen quickly – the greater and faster the changes the greater the volatility. As a general rule, the higher thepotential returns, the higher the level of risk.

Different types of investments have different risk characteristics which will affect investment performance. Neither the performance ofyour investment, nor capital invested in the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio, is guaranteed. As risk cannot be entirely avoided when investing,the philosophy employed for the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is to identify and manage risk as far as is practicable. We cannot promisethat the ways in which we aim to manage risk will always be successful and, if certain risks transpire, your distributions and the value ofyour investment could be adversely affected.

A comprehensive and disciplined risk management framework is used to monitor and manage risk, consistent with internationalstandard AS/NZS ISO31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines.

The risks associated with the LDI Connect 20 PortfolioSignificant risks associated with investments in the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio and how the LDI Connect Asset Management InvestmentCommittee (IC) addresses those risks are discussed below.

Investment What’s investment risk?

This is the risk that the value of an individual investment in a Fund may change in value or becomemore volatile, potentially causing a reduction in the value of the fund and increasing its volatility.

Reasons can be many, and include changes in an investment’s operations, management orbusiness environment, or what people think of the investment.

How is this addressed?

The IC chooses and monitors the chosen underlying investments and managers carefully, andchanges them when it thinks it appropriate. The Fund is diversified, including by setting limitssuch as at the individual investment level, although the Fund has higher expected riskcharacteristics.

Market What’s market risk?

This is the risk that an entire market or economy changes in value or become more volatile,including the risk that the purchasing power of the currency changes (either through inflation ordeflation), potentially causing a reduction in the value of the portfolio and increasing its volatility.

Reasons can be many, and include changes in economic, climate, financial, technological, politicalor legal conditions, natural and man-made disasters, conflicts and changes in market sentiment.

How is this addressed?

The IC and its Asset Consultant, monitor markets globally, undertaking research as well asanalysing leading market research, and using sophisticated tools to model portfolio behaviourunder various conditions. The LDI Connect 20 Portfolio is diversified across markets andrepositioned strategically as considered appropriate.

Financial instruments What’s financial instruments risk?

This is the risk associated with using sophisticated financial instruments such as derivatives,including swaps and options. Risks associated with using these tools include the value of aderivative failing to move in line with the underlying asset, potential illiquidity of a derivative, theFund (or the underlying investment) not being able to meet payment obligations as they arise,potential leverage (or gearing) resulting from the position and counterparty risk (counterparty riskis where the other party to the derivative cannot meet its obligations).

How is this addressed?

The IC may use derivatives where it considers it appropriate to reduce Fund risk or to gainexposures to certain types of assets.

We employ leading professionals and have a thorough understanding of the financial instrumentsused. We deal with issuers and counterparties we consider to be reputable. If using a financialinstrument brings with it the potential to pay more money, the IC makes sure it has the money orassets set aside.

Collateral requirements are small and the Fund is not expected to use derivatives to create anexposure to markets greater than 25% of a Fund’s Net Asset Value.

The market exposures created by individual derivatives positions are monitored frequently andthey may be adjusted to maintain appropriate exposures. To the extent considered appropriateand practicable we aim to ensure that underlying investment managers have derivativesstrategies which are considered acceptable.

Unfortunately, using derivatives to reduce Fund risk is not always successful, is not always used tooffset all Fund risk, and is sometimes not cost effective or practical to use.

18 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio Information Memorandum

Interest rates What’s interest rate risk?

This is the risk that changes in interest rates can have a negative impact on certain investmentvalues or returns.Reasons for interest rates changes are many and include changes in inflation,economic activity and Reserve Bank policies.

How is this addressed?

The IC monitors interest rate impact on the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio, and adjusts them as itconsiders appropriate. It may also seek to offset (or hedge) some interest rate exposure wherepracticable and cost effective.

Inflation What is inflation risk?

This is the risk that increases in inflation will undermine the performance of the various investmentmarkets in which the Fund invest. As noted above inflation can also have an effect on CentralBank policies.

Reasons for inflation are varied. Some reasons can include (but are not limited to) growth of themoney supply and the rising costs of raw materials, labour and/or production.

How is this addressed?

The IC monitors inflation rates in key economies that could impact on the Fund. The Fund caninvest in diversified assets whose goal is to partly or fully reduce the risk of inflation on the Fund.Such investments can have anti-inflationary characteristics such as inflation linked bonds, goldand products linked to the price of gold.

Currency What’s currency risk?

This is the risk that changes in the value of currencies can have a negative impact on returns.

This risk arises because investments which are based overseas or which are exposed to othercountries are often denominated in other currencies. When currencies change in value relative toone another, the value of investments based on those currencies can change as well.

Investment managers sometimes aim to “hedge” some of this risk. This involves some financialarrangement designed to offset changes in currencies. Sometimes derivatives can be used for thispurpose.

Unfortunately hedging is not perfect. It is not always successful, is not always used to offset allFund currency risk, and is sometimes not cost effective or practical to use.

How is this addressed?

To the extent it is considered appropriate and practicable, the IC may hedge some foreigncurrency risk or use investment managers which do so from time to time.

But in spite of some potential hedging from time to time, currency risk remains and currencymovements will have both a positive and negative impact on the Fund.

Liquidity What is liquidity risk?

This is the risk that your withdrawal requests cannot be met when you expect.

Cash is paid to your account when you withdraw, and as such investments in the Fund may needto be sold to pay you. Depending on factors such as the state of the markets, selling investmentsis not always possible, practicable or consistent with the best interests of investors.

Alternative investments, as well as property and infrastructure, can at times be illiquid. This meansthat at times the Fund may have difficulties in liquidating the underlying investments inaccordance with stated liquidity objective.

This is also one of the reasons why the constitution for the Fund specifies limited circumstanceswhere there could be a delay in meeting your withdrawal requests. The law sometimes restrictswithdrawals.

The Fund is not listed on any stock exchange, so selling your units through a stockbroker is notpossible and, although you may sell your units, you may not find a buyer or a buyer at the priceyou want.

How is this addressed?

Equity Trustees seeks to meet withdrawal requests soon after the Fund receive them. The AssetConsultant aims to manage this risk as far as is practicable by carrying out research on underlyinginvestment funds, monitoring Fund liquidity levels and seeking to ensure it has, or anticipateshaving access to, enough liquid assets for when it is anticipated they would normally be needed.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio Information Memorandum 19

Structure What’s structure risk?

This is the risk associated with having someone invest for you.

Risks associated with investing in the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio include that they could beterminated, there can be changes in the responsible entity or our chosen investment managers orinvestment advisers (or in investment, management and advisory teams or key relationships),someone involved with your investment (even remotely) does not meet their obligations orperform as expected, assets may be lost, not recorded properly or misappropriated, laws mayadversely change, insurers may not pay when expected or insurance may be inadequate.

Investment decisions, although taken carefully, are not always successful.

Investing through an IDPS also brings some risks that the IDPS Operator may not perform itsobligations properly.

And investing in the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio may give inferior results compared to investingdirectly (for example you avoid the impact of others coming and going and may be able tomanage your tax situation better).

How is this addressed?

The Responsible Entity and the Investment Manager only deal with people who we believe are ofthe highest reputation. We diligently comply with laws. We have, and regularly test, disasterrecovery systems and procedures. We maintain insurance as law requires. We employ a range ofpeople we trust, who are ethical, experienced and professional.

Borrowing What is borrowing or leverage risk?

This is the risk associated with borrowing (or gearing or leverage), particularly that borrowing(both direct borrowing or indirect borrowing using derivatives) magnifies both good and badreturns. Also the inability to borrow as and when needed, and a lender who suffers financialproblems, can adversely affect the Fund.

How is this addressed?

The Fund does not borrow to enhance investment returns. Any direct borrowing in the Fund islimited: from time to time amounts may be borrowed on a short term basis to meet redemptions,distributions, or short term Fund obligations and then only if the borrowing is considered to beprudent and in the best interests of all investors of the Fund. Such borrowing is only from leadingbanks. Security may be granted over the Fund’s assets. The Fund is not expected to usederivatives to create an exposure to markets greater than 25% of a Fund’s Net Asset Value.

Whilst some alternative investment strategies use very little or no leverage, others can utiliseleverage, and at times the Fund will have exposure to underlying investment funds which areleveraged. We do not impose limits on leverage of its underlying investments. Rather, the AssetConsultant uses its knowledge in investing in alternative investments to evaluate what it considersto be an appropriate approach to leverage for the underlying investment funds.

Example: The thing to remember is that borrowing in any form increases the potential return andalso the potential loss. In a little more detail, borrowing magnifies profits when the returns fromthe asset more than offset the costs of borrowing, but losses are magnified when the opposite istrue when the costs of borrowing more than offset returns from the asset.

For example, if the Fund has assets of $100 and it borrows $10 to satisfy a payment requestpending return of $10 from an underlying redemption then the Fund has borrowed 10% of itsassets. If the underlying redemption is not paid then the Fund still has to repay the $10 (plusinterest) that it borrowed. This would mean the Fund has made a loss of $10 (plus interest). It isimportant to note that the Fund does not intend to borrow to speculate on investments.

Short Sale risk What is short sale risk?

Some of the underlying investment funds included in the Fund will use short sales. Short sales areimportant as they can generate performance in declining markets or provide a hedge to longmarket exposure. Short sales involve selling a security an underlying investment fund does notown in anticipation that the security’s price will decline. Short sales may help hedge againstgeneral market risk to the securities held in the Fund but theoretically present unlimited risk on anindividual stock basis, since the underlying investment fund may be required to buy back thesecurity sold short at a time when the security has appreciated in value.

How is this addressed?

The Asset Consultant uses its knowledge in investing in alternative investments to evaluate what itconsiders to be an appropriate approach to short sales for the underlying investment funds.

Risk generallyThe significant risks of investing in managed investment schemes generally include the risks that:

• the value of investments will vary,

• the level of returns will vary, and future returns will differ from past returns,

• returns are not guaranteed and investors may lose some or all of their money, and

20 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio Information Memorandum

• laws change.

The level of risk for you particularly will vary depending on a range of other factors, including age, investment time frame, how otherparts of your wealth are invested, and your risk tolerance. If you are unsure whether this investment is suitable for you, we recommendyou consult a professional financial adviser.

Further information about the risks of investing in managed investment schemes can be found on the ASIC’s MoneySmart website atwww.moneysmart.gov.au.

How risks are managedWhenever investments are made, the IC carefully assesses the potential for returns in light of the likely risks involved.

Risk is considered at every stage and level of the investment process. As far as is practicable, risk is managed at both the individualinvestment and the Fund level, both pre-investment and post-investment, and equal emphasis is placed on the portfolio constructionand the portfolio management processes.

This disciplined approach includes:

• the careful selection and monitoring of underlying investments and investment managers, including monitoring their key risks andexpected behaviour to quickly identify and address any exceptions,

• applying a rigorous portfolio construction process using sophisticated proprietary risk modelling systems,

• ensuring appropriate diversification across investment managers, investment sectors and geographic locations,

• using sophisticated financial tools to offset specific risks,

• conducting comprehensive investment and compliance monitoring and reporting,

• employing straight-through-processing for many operations via central databases and automated systems, and

• maintaining a comprehensive business continuity plan including a remote site, fully tested at least annually.

However, many risks are difficult or impracticable to manage effectively and some risks are beyond our control altogether. If you haveany concerns regarding risks, you should contact your MGD Wealth Investment Advisory specialist.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio Information Memorandum 21

9. Keeping you informedRegular reportingReporting to you is regular, for example:

• every transaction you make is confirmed, reporting to you isat least monthly (if you want an update at any time, just ask),

• you are sent a tax report as soon as possible after the end ofeach financial year, and

• the accounts of the Fund are available on MGD Wealth’swebsite as soon as possible after the end of each financialyear.

If you have any questions, contact your MGD Wealth InvestmentAdvisory specialist or Equity Trustees. If you provide your emailaddress, we will use that to stay in touch with you.

Remember, however, that if you are investing through an IDPSthen reports on your investment will come from the IDPSOperator.

Information that we are required to disclose to satisfy anycontinuous disclosure obligations will be available on MGDWealth’s website at www.mgdwealth.com.au and you canrequest a paper copy free of charge from your MGD WealthInvestment Advisory specialist or by contacting Equity Trustees.

If a change is not of such a nature that you would be materiallyadversely affected by not receiving notice of it, the PDS may beupdated by notice at www.mgdwealth.com.au and you canrequest a paper copy free of charge from us or your financialplanner. Otherwise, this PDS will be replaced or asupplementary PDS issued, and we would give you reasonableadvance notice.

Additional Annual ReportingWe will report to you at least annually on key investmentmatters, including:

• allocation to asset type,

• liquidity profile, and

• leverage ratio.

We will make available on MGD Wealth’s website atwww.mgdwealth.com.au/portfolio- solutions/performance amonthly report on investment matters. This reporting willinclude:

• Net Asset Value,

• key service providers if they have changed,

• net return,

• any material change in risk profile,

• any material change in strategy, and any change in theindividuals playing a key role in investment decisions for theFund.

We will also make available on MGD Wealth’s website at leastannually a report on key strategic investment matters, including:

• allocation to asset type,

• liquidity profile,

• leverage ratio,

• derivative counterparties,

• investment returns, and

• key service providers if they have changed.

We will also inform investors of new underlying investment fundsor structures that represent 10% or more of the Fund’s Net AssetValue.

How to find out moreIt is suggested that you first direct enquiries to your MGDWealth Investment Advisory specialist or to LDI Connect AssetManagement at advice@mgdwealth.com.au or on+61 7 3391 5055.

MGD Wealth’s website has plenty of further information aboutthe LDI Connect 20 Portfolio, including the latest:

• unit prices,

• performance figures,

• investment reports, and

• press releases and media.

You can contact ASIC or us to obtain copies of any documentsEquity Trustees has lodged with the ASIC, for example, theaccounts of the LDI Connect 20 Portfolio.

From time to time updated information such as a new PDS willbe available at www.mgdwealth.com.au

Complaints resolutionEquity Trustees has an established complaints handling processand is committed to properly considering and resolving allcomplaints. If you have a complaint about your investment,please contact us on:

Phone: 1300 133 472Post: Equity Trustees LimitedGPO Box 2307, Melbourne VIC 3001Email: compliance@eqt.com.au

We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint as soon aspossible and in any case within 3 days of receiving thecomplaint. We will seek to resolve your complaint as soon aspracticable but not more than 45 days after receiving thecomplaint.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, youmay be able to lodge a complaint with the Australian FinancialComplaints Authority (“AFCA”).

Contact details are:Online: www.afca.org.auPhone: 1800 931 678Email: info@afca.org.auPost: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001.

The external dispute resolution body is established to assist youin resolving your complaint where you have been unable to doso with us. However, it’s important that you contact us first.

Your privacyThe Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and the AustralianPrivacy Principles regulate the way organisations collect, use,disclose, keep, secure and give people access to their personalinformation. At Equity Trustees we are committed to respectingthe privacy of your personal information throughout theinformation lifecycle and our Privacy Policy details how we dothis.

Equity Trustees may collect personal information about you andindividuals associated with you in order to provide products andservices to you, and to ensure compliance with legal andregulatory obligations (including under the Corporations Act,the AML/CTF Act and tax related legislation). You must ensurethat all personal information which you provide to EquityTrustees is true and correct in every detail, and should thosepersonal details change it is your responsibility to ensure thatyou promptly advise Equity Trustees of the changes in writing. Ifyou do not provide the information requested we may not beable to process your application, administer, manage, invest,

22 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

pay or transfer your investment(s). We may also obtain orconfirm information about you from publicly available sources inorder to meet regulatory obligations.

Equity Trustees may disclose your information to other membersof our corporate group or to third parties, where it is necessary,in order to provide you with the products or services. Those thirdparties may be situated in Australia or offshore, and we takereasonable steps to ensure that all third parties with whom wehave a contractual relationship or other influence comply withthe Australian Privacy Principles.

The third parties that we may disclose your information toinclude, but are not limited to:

• stockbrokers, financial advisers or adviser dealer groups,their service providers and/or any joint holder of aninvestment;

• those providing services for administering or managing theFund, including the Investment Manager, Custodian andAdministrator, auditors, or those that provide mailing orprinting services;

• those where you have consented to the disclosure and asrequired by law; and

• regulatory bodies such as ASIC, ATO, APRA and AUSTRAC.

Equity Trustees or the Investment Manager may from time totime provide you with direct marketing and/or educationalmaterial about products and services they believe may be ofinterest to you. You have the right to “opt out” by contactingEquity Trustees.

Equity Trustees’ Privacy Policy contains information about howyou can access information held about you, seek a correction ifnecessary, make a complaint if you think there has been a breachof your privacy and about how Equity Trustees will deal with yourcomplaint.

Full details of Equity Trustees’ Privacy Policy is available atwww.eqt.com.au. You can contact Equity Trustees’ PrivacyOfficer on +61 3 8623 5000, or email to privacy@eqt.com.au torequest a copy.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 23

10. TaxTax implicationsThis information is a general guide only for Australian residentinvestors who hold their investment on capital account forincome tax purposes and is based on our interpretation of theAustralian taxation laws and Australian Taxation Office (ATO)administrative practices as at the date of the publication of thisPDS.

Tax can be complex and this guide is not intended to be acomplete statement of all relevant tax laws. Investing through atrust can also mean different things for you from a taxperspective. It is important that you seek timely professional taxadvice concerning the particular tax implications before makinginvestment decisions.

DistributionsThe Fund usually distributes income annually effective at theend of June each year, however distribution frequency can bechanged by the RE without notice. Distributions are calculatedeffective the last day of the distribution period and are normallypaid to investors as soon as practicable after the distributioncalculation date. The Fund’s policy is to distribute all cashincome of the Fund unless we consider it in the best interests ofinvestors as a whole to do otherwise.

The Australian Government has enacted a regime for thetaxation of managed investment trusts (MITs), referred to as theAttribution Managed Investment Trust (AMIT) rules which mayimpact how the Fund’s tax calculations are prepared (referbelow). Where the Fund is a MIT it will make/rely on an electionto apply deemed capital account treatment for gains and losseson disposal of eligible investments (including equities and unitsin trust).

Attribution Managed Investment Trusts (AMITs)

Where the Fund is subject to the new AMIT tax regime:

• The taxable income of the Fund is attributed to you by theResponsible Entity (RE) on a fair and reasonable basis and inaccordance with the Fund’s constitution. You have rights inlimited circumstances to object to any such decisionhowever, we expect that for the most part, all investors ofeach class will be treated the same.

• Subsequent to its annual distribution, the Fund maydiscover that it under or over distributed its determinedtrust components (e.g. where actual amounts differ to theestimates of income used in the distribution calculation). Ifthe amount distributed to an investor exceeds the taxableincome attributed to the investor, investors should beentitled to a decrease in the tax cost base of their units.Estimates of these net cost base increase or decreaseamounts will also be provided to investors through the AMITMember Annual Statement (“AMMA Statement”).

• Unders and overs of trust components will generally becarried forward and included as an adjustment in thecalculation of distributions in the year of discovery.

Non – Attribution Managed Investment Trusts (non-AMIT)

Where the Fund does not qualify or elect to be an AMIT, it willbe subject to ordinary trust taxation provisions in the taxlegislation.

Investors in the Fund will be made ‘presently entitled’ to anddistributed all of the income of the Fund each year, and will beassessed on their proportionate share of the taxable income ofthe Fund each year.

Taxation of Australian resident investorsAustralian resident investors will be required each year toinclude in their own tax calculations and tax return filings theassessable income, exempt income, non-assessable incomeand tax offsets allocated to them by the Fund.

The Australian tax law may impact the time that income isbrought to account as assessable and included in an investorstaxable income. Broadly, the Taxation of Financial Arrangements(TOFA) rules may affect the time at which gains and losses fromfinancial arrangements held by the Fund are recognised forincome tax purposes, including whether the gains and losses arerecognised on an accruals or realisation basis. Certain foreignincome may also be recognised on an accruals basis.

You may be entitled to tax offsets (such as franking creditsattached to dividend income and credits for tax paid on foreignincome) which may reduce the tax payable by you, andconcessional rates of tax may apply to certain forms of taxableincome such as capital gains. The ability to utilise these taxoffsets and concessional rates of tax may be subject to certainrequirements being satisfied.

WithdrawalsAustralian investors may be liable for tax on any gains realisedon the disposal of units when they make a withdrawal from theFund or when ownership of their units’ changes. In calculatingany capital gain or capital loss under the CGT provisions, anytaxable capital gain arising on disposal of your units may formpart of your assessable income. Some investors may be eligiblefor the CGT discount upon disposal of their units if the units areheld of a period of more than 12 months, and certain otherrequirements are satisfied. You should always obtainprofessional tax advice about the availability of the CGTdiscount provisions.

Offshore tax rulesThe Australian tax treatment of offshore investments is complex.The type of offshore investment held by the Fund may impactthe nature of the income and gains derived, as well as the timingof when these amounts are recognised. For example, gains inrespect of certain offshore investments may be treated asdeemed dividends for Australian tax purposes and capitalaccount treatment not available.

Under Australia’s offshore tax rules, the ATO also expects thattax be paid by Australian investors on some gains made on anaccruals basis even though those gains realised offshore are notyet received by investors in Australia. This can mean there couldbe a cash flow issue for investors where there is a liability with nomatching payment to fund the liability. If Fund distributions areinsufficient, you will need to independently fund any such taxliability.

The Fund’s offshore investments may also be subject to foreignincome and withholding taxes. Investors may be eligible for taxoffsets in respect of these foreign taxes where certainrequirements are satisfied.

Foreign investorsIf you are a non-resident of Australia for tax purposes, theResponsible Entity may be required to withhold tax from taxableincome distributions allocated to you.

Additionally, certain laws focus on investors who are notAustralian residents for tax purposes. These laws include the USbased ‘FATCA’ laws, and also the ‘Common Reporting Standard’which is designed to be a global standard for collection andreporting of tax information. Generally, we report this to theATO, who then shares this with relevant foreign authorities.

24 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

TFNs and ABNsYou do not have to disclose you tax file number (TFN) or anyAustralian Business Number (ABN) you may have, but mostinvestors do. If you choose not to and you do not have anexemption, we must deduct tax at the highest personal rate,plus the Medicare levy, before paying nay distribution to you.

What else should you know?We will send you information after the end of each financial year(June) to help you to complete your tax return, including detailsof taxable income allocated to you for the year and any net costbase adjustment amount by which the cost base of your units inthe Fund should be increased or decreased.

At the time of your initial or additional investment in the Fundthere may be accrued income or unrealised capital gainsincluded in the unit price which, if later realised, may beincluded in the taxable income of the Fund allocated to you.There may also be realised but undistributed income or capitalgains in the Fund which may be included in the taxable incomeallocated to you.

Sometimes when we are administering the Fund we learn newthings about past tax matters and need to make adjustments.Where these matters cannot be treated as under and overdistributions, it is possible that we will ask you to adjust your owntax records, or the Fund may pay tax or receive a refund and itcan be the investors at the time that are subject to this.

Indirect investorsTax outcomes can be different for indirect investors. We stronglyencourage you to seek timely professional advice before makinginvestment decisions.

Tax reformTax laws change, often substantially. You should monitor reformsto the taxation of trusts in particular and seek your ownprofessional advice that is specific to your circumstances.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 25

11. How to investApplying for unitsYou can acquire units by completing the Application Form thataccompanies this PDS. The minimum initial investment amountfor the Fund is $25,000.

Completed Application Forms should be sent along with youridentification documents (if applicable) to:

MGD WealthPO Box 7074East Brisbane QLD 4169

Please note that cash and cheques cannot be accepted.

We reserve the right to accept or reject applications in whole orin part at our discretion. We have the discretion to delayprocessing applications where we believe this to be in the bestinterest of the Fund’s investors.

The price at which units are acquired is determined inaccordance with the Constitution (“Application Price”). TheApplication Price on a Business Day is, in general terms, equal tothe Net Asset Value (“NAV”) of the Fund, divided by the numberof units on issue and adjusted for transaction costs (“BuySpread”). At the date of this PDS, the Buy Spread is 0.25%.

How quickly do we process applications?Equity Trustees generally processes applications on the firstbusiness day of the month only, so usually your completedapplication and cleared application monies needs to bereceived by 5 pm the business day before (usually this is theFriday before).

For applications, the unit price next calculated after 5 pmSydney time on a processing day is used.

Please note that Equity Trustees does not pay applicants anyinterest on monies received prior to processing days (anyinterest is credited to the Fund).

MGD Wealth’s website contains a timetable for processing daysrelating to the Fund: visit www.mgdwealth.com.au.

Additional applicationsYou can make additional investments into the Fund at any timeby sending us your additional investment amount together witha completed Application Form. The minimum additionalinvestment amount is $1,000.

What is the latest application price?Ask your MGD Wealth Investment Advisory specialist or IDPSOperator, visit MGD Wealth’s website atwww.mgdwealth.com.au or contact us for the latest unit prices.

The unit price of the Fund is determined at least each monthbased on the information most recently available.

Unit prices are calculated in three steps:

• the value of the investments of the Fund is calculated andfrom this, the value of the liabilities is taken away – this givesthe Net Asset Value,

• this is divided by the number of units on issue, and

• an adjustment is generally made for the Buy Spread.

Terms and conditions for applicationsApplications can be made at any time. Application cut-off timesand unit pricing are set out in the initial applications sectionabove.

Please note that we do not pay interest on application monies(any interest is credited to the Fund).

Equity Trustees reserves the right to refuse any applicationwithout giving a reason. If for any reason Equity Trustees refusesor is unable to process your application to invest in the Fund,Equity Trustees will return your application money to you,subject to regulatory considerations, less any taxes or bank feesin connection with the application. You will not be entitled to anyinterest on your application money in this circumstance.

Under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-TerrorismFinancing Act 2006, applications made without providing all theinformation and supporting identification documentationrequested on the Application Form cannot be processed untilall the necessary information has been provided. As a result,delays in processing your application may occur.

Cooling off periodIf you are a Retail Client who has invested directly in the Fund,you may have a right to a ‘cooling off’ period in relation to yourinvestment in the Fund for 14 days from the earlier of:

• confirmation of the investment being received; and

• the end of the fifth business day after the units are issued.

A Retail Client may exercise this right by notifying EquityTrustees in writing. A Retail Client is entitled to a refund of theirinvestment adjusted for any increase or decrease in the relevantApplication Price between the time we process your applicationand the time we receive the notification from you, as well as anyother tax and other reasonable administrative expenses andtransaction costs associated with the acquisition andtermination of the investment.

The right of a Retail Client to cool off does not apply in certainlimited situations, such as if the issue is made under adistribution reinvestment plan, switching facility or representsadditional contributions required under an existing agreement.Also, the right to cool off does not apply to you if you choose toexercise your rights or powers as a unit holder in the Fundduring the 14 day period. This could include selling part of yourinvestment or switching it to another product.

Indirect Investors should seek advice from their IDPS Operatoras to whether cooling off rights apply to an investment in theFund by the IDPS. The right to cool off in relation to the Fund isnot directly available to an Indirect Investor. This is because anIndirect Investor does not acquire the rights of a unit holder inthe Fund. Rather, an Indirect Investor directs the IDPS Operatorto arrange for their monies to be invested in the Fund on theirbehalf. The terms and conditions of the IDPS Guide or similartype document will govern an Indirect Investor’s investment inrelation to the Fund and any rights an Indirect Investor may havein this regard.

26 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

12. How to withdrawPayments we make from the LDI Connect 20PortfolioDistributions are automatically reinvested, unless youspecifically request otherwise.

Distributions are reinvested into the Fund at the price equivalentto the Net Asset Value per unit on the processing day, followingthe end of June and December. You should be aware thatdepending on your personal circumstances you may need tomake a cash payment to the Australian Taxation Office for tax onyour distribution, regardless of whether your distribution isreinvested or paid in cash. If your distribution is reinvested youwill need to independently fund any such tax liability.

Any distributions payable are usually paid within 6 weeks afterthe end of June and December each year.

Indirect Investors should review their IDPS Guide for informationon how and when they receive any income distribution.

Making a withdrawalInvestors in the Fund can generally withdraw their investment bycompleting a written request to withdraw from the Fund andmailing it to:

MGD WealthPO Box 7074East Brisbane QLD 4169F: +61 7 3391 1711E: advice@mgdwealth.com.au

The minimum withdrawal amount is $1,000. Once we receiveyour withdrawal request, we may act on your instruction withoutfurther enquiry if the instruction bears your account number orinvestor details and your (apparent) signature(s), or yourauthorised signatory’s (apparent) signature(s).

Equity Trustees will generally allow an investor to access theirinvestment within 10 Business Days from a withdrawal requestbeing processed, by transferring the withdrawal proceeds tosuch investors’ nominated bank account. However, theConstitution allows Equity Trustees to reject withdrawal requestsand also to make payment up to 180 Business Days after therelevant time that the NAV of the Fund is calculated (which maybe extended in certain circumstances).’

The price at which units are withdrawn is determined inaccordance with the Constitution (“Withdrawal Price”). TheWithdrawal Price on a Business Day is, in general terms, equal tothe NAV of the Fund, divided by the number of units on issueand adjusted for transaction costs (“Sell Spread”). At the date ofthis PDS, the Sell Spread is 0.25%. The Withdrawal Price will varyas the market value of assets in the Fund rises or falls.

Equity Trustees reserves the right to fully redeem yourinvestment if your investment balance in the Fund falls below$25,000 as a result of processing your withdrawal request. EquityTrustees can deny a withdrawal request or suspendconsideration of a withdrawal request in certain circumstances,including where accepting the request is not in the best interestsof investors in the Fund or where the Fund is not liquid (asdefined in the Corporations Act). When the Fund is not liquid,an investor can only withdraw when Equity Trustees makes awithdrawal offer to investors in accordance with theCorporations Act. Equity Trustees is not obliged to make suchoffers.

If you are an Indirect Investor, you need to provide yourwithdrawal request directly to your IDPS Operator. The time toprocess a withdrawal request will depend on the particular IDPSOperator and the terms of the IDPS.

How quickly do we process withdrawals?Equity Trustees generally processes withdrawals on the firstbusiness day of the quarter.

In all cases Equity Trustees usually needs to have yourcompleted withdrawal request by 5 pm the business day before(usually this is the Friday before).

For withdrawals, the unit price next calculated on a processingday is used.

Processing after the end of June can take longer – up to 6weeks.

What is the current value of your investment?Ask your MGD Wealth Investment Advisory specialist or IDPSOperator, visit MGD Wealth’s website atwww.mgdwealth.com.au or contact Equity Trustees for the latestunit prices.

The unit price of the Fund is determined at least each monthbased on the information most recently available.

Unit prices are calculated in three steps:

• the value of the investments of the Fund is calculated andfrom this, the value of the liabilities is taken away – this givesthe Net Asset Value,

• this is divided by the number of units on issue, and

• an adjustment is generally made for the Sell Spread.

MGD Wealth’s website contains a timetable for processing daysrelating to the Fund: visit www.mgdwealth.com.au

There can be delays in accessing your investment

An investor may ask to exit the Fund any time, but there is noobligation for Equity Trustees to satisfy the request.

Equity Trustees can delay access to money invested in the Fundincluding:

• if the Fund (or the underlying funds in which they invest)become illiquid (the law and the constitution dictates this)(the Fund will stay liquid so long as at least 80% of the assetscomprise assets which the law prescribes (such as cash,shares and interests in managed investment schemes unlessit is proved that Equity Trustees cannot reasonably expect torealise them within the period specified in the constitutionfor satisfying withdrawal requests while the scheme is liquid,that period being 180 business days), and if the Fundbecomes illiquid Equity Trustees can, if it wishes, make somemoney available and the law requires Equity Trustees toallocate this on a pro rata basis among those wanting toexit),

• if something outside Equity Trustees’ control impacts on itsability to properly or fairly calculate the unit price (forexample, if the investments are subject to restrictions or ifthere is material market uncertainty) (then Equity Trusteescan delay payment for so long as this goes on, or in order tobalance the access to your investment with the potentialilliquidity of some of the underlying investments), and

• if the Fund receives requests in respect of any withdrawalprocessing day, which if paid, would result in 10% or more ofthe Net Asset Value of the Fund calculated on that dayhaving been withdrawn over the previous 4 weeks (thenEquity Trustees can stagger those withdrawal paymentsover a longer period as Equity Trustees considers in the bestinterests of investors and payments to investors must be inthe proportion that their withdrawal monies bear to all otherwithdrawal monies which were payable at that processingday).

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 27

• Unit prices are generally calculated at the time the delayends.

Can you be forced to leave the Fund?Yes, but only in very limited circumstances. Sometimes EquityTrustees can redeem your investment without asking you first: if

you breach your legal obligations to Equity Trustees, to satisfymoney you owe Equity Trustees or anyone else, you fail to meetany minimum holding we may set from time to time (currentlygenerally $25,000), or where law allows, or stops you from legallybeing an investor.

28 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

13. Your rights and other important issuesRegulatory and contractual informationThere have been no adverse findings (significant or otherwise)against Willis Towers Watson, Equity Trustees, LDI ConnectAsset Management or any of the senior investmentprofessionals at those organisations.

Equity Trustees has appointed LDI Connect Asset Managementvia an arm’s length investment management agreement. In turn,LDI Connect Asset Management has appointed Willis TowersWatson as its asset consultant. There are no unusual ormaterially onerous provisions in those agreements. Each can beterminated in appropriate circumstances, for exampleinsolvency and material unremedied breach. There are notermination fees payable, although the agreements do haveminimum terms.

The ConstitutionThe Fund is governed by a constitution that sets out the Fund’soperation (the “Constitution”). The Constitution, together withthe Fund’s PDS, the Corporations Act and other laws, regulateour legal relationship with investors in the Fund. If you invest inthe Fund, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Fund’s PDSand the Fund’s Constitution. You can request a copy of theConstitution free of charge from Equity Trustees. Please readthese documents carefully before investing in the Fund.

We may amend the Constitution from time to time inaccordance with the provisions in the Constitution and theCorporations Act.

Who holds the assets as custodian?Equity Trustees has appointed BNP Paribas Fund ServicesAustralasia Pty Ltd ACN 002 655 674 trading as BNP ParibasSecurities Services as custodian of and to provide fundadministration services for the Fund (the Custodian).

The Custodian has overall responsibility for custody of the assetsof the Fund, although it may appoint sub-custodians from timeto time.

The Custodian is not responsible for the investmentmanagement of the Fund and has not caused the issue of thisPDS.

Equity Trustees maintains a service level agreement with theCustodian which has certain limits on its liability. Equity Trusteesperiodically reviews the Custodian’s compliance with the servicelevel agreement which includes meeting at least annually withthe Custodian.

Who is the registry provider?Equity Trustees has appointed OneVue Fund Services PtyLimited as the provider of investor services (including registryservices) for the Fund. They are not responsible for theinvestment management of the Fund and have not caused theissue of this PDS.

Who is the auditor?Equity Trustees has appointed Ernst & Young (EY) as the auditorof the Fund. EY is not responsible for the investmentmanagement of the Fund and has not caused the issue of thisPDS.

Terminating the FundEquity Trustees can decide to terminate the Fund anytime, and ifit does, they will generally sell all the investments, pay all moniesowing (including fees and expenses) and distribute the netproceeds to direct investors as soon as they considerpracticable. It can take some time to finalise this process.

Limits on our responsibilityThe constitution has some limits on when Equity Trustees isliable to direct investors for example, it may take and may act (ornot act, as relevant) on any advice, information and documentswhich it has no reason to doubt is authentic, accurate or genuineand subject to any liability which the Corporations Act mightimpose which cannot be excluded, is not liable for so acting ornot acting.

Subject always to any liability which the Corporations Act mightimpose on Equity Trustees, if its acts in good faith and withoutgross negligence, it is not liable to direct investors for any losssuffered in any way relating to an investment in the Fund. Theconstitutions also contain a provision that the relevantconstitution is the source of Equity Trustees’ relationship withdirect investors and not any other laws, except those laws theycannot exclude.

Limits on your responsibilityEquity Trustees has included provisions in the constitutiondesigned to protect direct investors. The constitution limits eachinvestor’s liability to the value of their investment in the Fundand provides that they will not, by reason of being an investoralone, be personally liable to indemnify the responsible entityand/ or any creditor in the event that the liabilities of the Fundexceed the assets of the Fund. But an absolute assurancecannot be given about these things – the issue has not beenfinally determined by Australian courts.

Keep your details up to dateIt’s important to keep your details with us up to date – pleasecontact the registry provider to correct them when required.

You must in a timely way and in such way as we require give us allinformation that we reasonably request or which you suspect weshould know to perform our functions, for example, your contactdetails and regarding your identity or the source or use ofinvested moneys. Indirect investors do not need to update theirdetails with us: we hold no personal information about them.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter TerrorismFinancing (“AML/CTF”)Australia’s AML/CTF laws require Equity Trustees to adopt andmaintain a written AML/CTF Program. A fundamental part of theAML/CTF Program is that Equity Trustees must hold up-to-dateinformation about investors (including beneficial ownerinformation) in the Fund.

To meet this legal requirement, we need to collect certainidentification information (including beneficial ownerinformation) and documentation (“KYC Documents”) from newinvestors. Existing investors may also be asked to provide KYCDocuments as part of an ongoing customer duediligence/verification process to comply with AML/CTF laws. Ifapplicants or investors do not provide the applicable KYCDocuments when requested, Equity Trustees may be unable toprocess an application, or may be unable to provide products orservices to existing investors until such time as the information isprovided.

In order to comply with AML/CTF Laws, Equity Trustees may alsodisclose information including your personal information that itholds about the applicant, an investor, or any beneficial owner,to its related bodies corporate or service providers, or relevantregulators of AML/CTF Laws (whether inside or outsideAustralia). Equity Trustees may be prohibited by law frominforming applicants or investors that such reporting hasoccurred.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 29

Equity Trustees and the Investment Manager shall not be liableto applicants or investors for any loss you may suffer because ofcompliance with the AML/CTF laws.

Indirect InvestorsYou may be able to invest indirectly in the Fund via an IDPS bydirecting the IDPS Operator to acquire units on your behalf. Ifyou do so, you will need to complete the relevant formsprovided by the IDPS Operator and not the Application Formaccompanying the PDS. This will mean that you are an IndirectInvestor in the Fund and not an investor or member of the Fund.Indirect Investors do not acquire the rights of an investor as suchrights are acquired by the IDPS Operator who may exercise, ordecline to exercise, these rights on your behalf.

Indirect Investors do not receive reports or statements from usand the IDPS Operator’s application and withdrawal conditionsdetermine when you can direct the IDPS Operator to apply orredeem. Your rights as an Indirect Investor should be set out inthe IDPS Guide or other disclosure document issued by theIDPS Operator.

Information on underlying investmentsInformation regarding the underlying investments of the Fundwill be provided to an investor of the Fund on request, to theextent Equity Trustees is satisfied that such information isrequired to enable the investor to comply with its statutoryreporting obligations. This information will be supplied within areasonable timeframe having regard to these obligations.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”)In April 2014, the Australian Government signed anintergovernmental agreement (“IGA”) with the United States ofAmerica (“U.S.”), which requires all Australian financialinstitutions to comply with the FATCA Act enacted by the U.S. in2010.

Under FATCA, Australian financial institutions are required tocollect and review their information to identify U.S. residentsand U.S controlling persons that invest in assets throughnon-U.S. entities. This information is reported to the AustralianTaxation Office (“ATO”). The ATO may then pass thatinformation onto the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

In order to comply with the FATCA obligations, we may requestcertain information from you. Failure to comply with FATCAobligations may result in the Fund, to the extent relevant, beingsubject to a 30% withholding tax on payment of U.S. income orgross proceeds from the sale of certain U.S. investments. If the

Fund suffers any amount of FATCA withholding and is unable toobtain a refund for the amounts withheld, we will not berequired to compensate investors for any such withholding andthe effect of the amounts withheld will be reflected in the returnsof the Fund.

Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”)The CRS is developed by the Organisation of EconomicCo-operation and Development and requires certain financialinstitutions resident in a participating jurisdiction to documentand identify reportable accounts and implement due diligenceprocedures. These financial institutions will also be required toreport certain information on reportable accounts to theirrelevant local tax authorities.

Australia signed the CRS Multilateral Competent AuthorityAgreement and has enacted provisions within the domestic taxlegislation to implement CRS in Australia. Australian financialinstitutions need to document and identify reportable accounts,implement due diligence procedures and report certaininformation with respect to reportable accounts to the ATO. TheATO may then exchange this information with foreign taxauthorities in the relevant signatory countries.

In order to comply with the CRS obligations, we may requestcertain information from you. Unlike FATCA, there is nowithholding tax that is applicable under CRS.

ConsentThe Investment Manager and the Asset Consultant have givenand, as at the date of this PDS, has not withdrawn:

• its written consent to be named in this PDS as theInvestment Manager and the Asset Consultant of the Fundrespectively; and

• their written consent to the inclusion of the statementsmade about each of them respectively which are specificallyattributed to it, in the form and context in which theyappear.

The Investment Manager, Asset Consultant and the Custodianhave not otherwise been involved in the preparation of this PDSor caused or otherwise authorised the issue of this PDS. Neitherthe Investment Manager, Asset Consultant, the Custodian northeir employees or officers accept any responsibility arising inany way for errors or omissions, other than those statements forwhich it has provided its written consent to Equity Trustees forinclusion in this PDS.

30 LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS

14. GlossaryABNAustralian Business Number

Administrator or CustodianBNP Paribas Securities Services

Application FormThe Application Form that accompanies this PDS.

AFSLAustralian Financial Services Licence.

ASICAustralian Securities and Investments Commission.

Asset ConsultantTowers Watson Australia Pty Ltd

ATOAustralian Taxation Office.

Business DayA day other than Saturday or Sunday on which banks are openfor general banking business in Sydney.

Buy/Sell SpreadThe difference between the application price and withdrawalprice of units in the Fund, which reflects the estimatedtransaction costs associated with buying or selling the assets ofthe Fund, when investors invest in or withdraw from the Fund.

ConstitutionThe document which describes the rights, responsibilities andbeneficial interest of both investors and the Responsible Entityin relation to the Fund, as amended from time to time.

Corporations ActThe Corporations Act 2001 and Corporations Regulations 2001(Cth), as amended from time to time.

DerivativeA financial contract whose value is based on, or derived from, anasset class such as shared, interest rates, currencies or currencyexchange rates and commodities. Common derivatives includeoptions, futures and forward exchange contracts.

FundLDI Connect 20 Portfolio

GSTGoods and Services Tax.

Indirect InvestorsIndividuals who invest in the Fund through an IDPS.

Investment ManagerLDI Connect Asset Management Pty Ltd a corporate authorisedrepresentative of MGD Wealth Ltd ABN 53 009 079 725, AFSL222 600

Net Asset Value (NAV)Value of the investments of the Fund after deducting certainliabilities including income entitlements and contingentliabilities.

PDSThis Product Disclosure Statement, issued by Equity Trustees.

Responsible EntityEquity Trustees Limited

Retail ClientPersons or entities defined as such under section 761G of theCorporations Act.

Reserve BankReserve Bank of Australia

RITCReduced Input Tax Credit. Equity Trustees will apply for reducedinput tax credits where applicable to reduce the cost of GST tothe Fund.

US PersonA person so classified under securities or tax law in theUnited States of America (“US”) including, in broad terms, thefollowing persons:

(a) any citizen of, or natural person resident in, the US, itsterritories or possessions; or

(b) any corporation or partnership organised or incorporatedunder any laws of or in the US or of any other jurisdiction ifformed by a US Person (other than by accredited investors whoare not natural persons, estates or trusts) principally for thepurpose of investing in securities not registered under the USSecurities Act of 1933; or

(c) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the US; or

(d) a pension plan primarily for US employees of a US Person; or

(e) a US collective investment vehicle unless not offered to USPersons; or

(f) any estate of which an executor or administrator is a USPerson (unless an executor or administrator of the estate who isnot a US Person has sole or substantial investment discretionover the assets of the estate and such estate is governed bynon-US law) and all the estate income is non-US income notliable to US income tax; or

(g) any Fund of which any trustee is a US Person (unless a trusteewho is a professional fiduciary is a US Person and a trustee whois not a US Person has sole or substantial investment discretionover the assets of the trust and no beneficiary (or settlor, if thetrust is revocable) of the trust is a US Person); or

(h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than anestate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary for the benefitor account of a US Person; or

(i) any non-discretionary account or similar account (other thanan estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised,incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the US for thebenefit or account of a US Person.

Wholesale ClientPerson or entity which is not a Retail Client.

LDI Connect 20 Portfolio PDS 31

Equity Trustees Application Form – 2019

Financial details and customer identification declaration

Equity Trustees Application Form – 2019

MGD Wealth

PO Box 7074, East Brisbane QLD 4169

Additional applications may be emailed to: advice@mgdwealth.com.au






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