law of scientific hand reading - benham

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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'Ile <m l contains in iiself k'be event t'tlat phql! pre,entl,y 'lyefall il.

'Phe m'en 2 is only tbe acttlalizing of 11 thougkt.g'- lewtgasoN



54 ûortin ued stu dy and obsenration of 1he lines ln thehaud and by carefully tabulating the results of in-

tttmerable experim ents witll tlzetzl lt has beetl shown tha:liues found 51: sertgin y'/tvr'el always inrlicate the s%nz6 Mzkzl'lantl tbat certaizt formatilm s of tlzese Enes invarîably skowtlzt gotxl. bad, or weak operatiotl of- the tlziugs they indi.cattl. Tt has also beeu proven iu like m anaer that liues sbowdcuils of the 1+ and that wlzcu cvents have strongly im.preawd thtrmwlvtts uplm tkt, brzzz of z: subjtct lines haveappzared in x tuin parta of uie hwnd hpve disappeavbroken. or qNangtd in various ways aa uieaz eventa kaveprcduced gxxxl oz bad resttlts for tlld subjeck. By obsqrvingtimttsands of rrattlts it has been poM ible to laœ tu wâere inthe hand tbrz!n variatzs em otion: or instœn- aprear, audwltat 1*1, 0f lineq indicate G eir good orbwtl eleet. L ines areM eu in the llands of newhjrn bab- as w'ell ïts M 'atIIIItS ; theycroasln various direetio ns ofteu luake their appearanze WE<the skin has farm erly been slztx til and in m auy e.a- strongHnes fade an4 dîsa ppear, Ieaving a snzoosh surfRee of sklnthc.t shoo no ssgn tllR.t any line NnR t'ver ix'en there. LluesK ereqse in depth asd g'row in lengtb often dearly euttiugtM r lay aexnl tbe hau:. W ey' aûe va nLïh eu urely,

:46 The Laws ot Scientific Hand-keadln:

begiauingr a.t 11Y entl atld g'radullly dim lnishing untll t:ewhole line hms diBappeared. Tâesc K'J fpf&zz/ pt#bundz'z+ esn'ons mzd': > /:4, mitâi #' a .çeJ'tr/.M uay bdieve that evezy A tail iu tbe anatozny d tlze

hum atl lyeing is ctm strtleted for a specifc purpa xnd t%atuotbing wrts crem ed witlm ut a reason. *D us we are eitherfercvxl to declare timt tllt liues in 1% hand alx an exceptlpnto a11 the rest arld that tlze Creator dld a vain and ux leuthinr when these liues veere put iu îhe hand or else w'emust acknoveleige thut tbe lluea are tlzcre for a purpox .N ot so very long ago t*e llqM profession knew com .

paratively Ettle ttbout the kum ae organism . There arem'g'ana whox fuudioug Rrlatornists havfz uot yttt llîsctweredbttt these students of the hîtman body do not for this reason;claim tllat sueli organs bave uo useralness. One by one themysteries of our copslructiorz are beiug dix mrered anll it isthe belief of progressive students tllat in time the fttnctionof every pa


'rt will be revealed and uotlziug founcl 'tlm t is notneceasayy to u1e opuralion oftNe * untzn rnachinery. zts longas every physidaa u ndedook to mnaster the entire rangeof maediciue aud b; treat every foruz of disuase vze kad t:egenrrcl /'gaï&'@arr who pa- s-d only a gewertl k nowledgeof auatonly. disease aud treatneut. Iluriug this PeH odtlze real informauou about tbe several parts of tha bedy lxs.x ssed by any one m an was tzecessarily limited the practiceof medieine an; surgvry was ctu âv an; jkt results obtainedwerq ceuàparatively unsatisfaetory. B nt wKO one naa n bu-gxn d evotfng bis entire life to a slud y of the eye. anotherpf the ear Rnothtr of thq skiu and po on thtough everyoqgan af the bod y Mx bad the evolution of 1he speciallkand at ouce great progress was made nnd. wonderful z'esultswere aclzievell. Tlke wàole I'td

.r was tx cpmplqx and /$?p t'zka subject for one man to master. bttt the speejalist. by giving'a life study to oR organ, begau to tulderstat:fl tlmt org'antkorouglzlr, and in each was found auch an infiuita uumlxrot detaiLs that it lms taken m ore than a lifetim e to a= m ulatet:e pnxtut Kock of infor= e u abeuk tkem Z1. Stra sge Rsit m ay wvvn, tka b *nd :as been neglected in this xparatiu

W hat Lines Are For ;4/

af sm cialtles = 4 this most im portaut and w onderflti pmoî tke wlzole lmdy tbe oTgau wbiclz bears tla stamp oftke typu to widcb each subject belongs, and witicil containxtlle m ap of his tlatural eotu- throtzgll life is ollly begiuningba receive the attention it depervesAs Y misls, we are sacialists with tizu hand antl in

reacbing the polnt where vze are to stud y the purpose forvvhsch llœes are in the halld we clainz to llRs'e faund an;provcd this purpoae. T Eere ia a natural course tkro ug:Hfe that e eety sulj ect =vuii follow if nothlag took place tochange it aad n o eFort was udaule to huprove. Ix otllerT:ords xx believe that there is a geaeral outline of the

co Rr/e and linnitalions of the life of each su bjrct wbiekexists at the begiulïing oi' t'llak lif'e Tlziu gelwral rourx

ia vzhak tlze su bjecl x'ould n Jplrc/tr d o throl&gh life be-u'uzz.çlf of tlîe eom biuation of type qllalities wbich be poc,-- s. Tbis aaturkll life plan compzist's tbox things w'biektbe passenitm of these type qualities R'ould nuturally teai Mmto do, the kind of health his type lualilies woull tk'n r hîm tohave, and the result is stamped upon him by the lilzc.s iu bishand w'hich thus form a mttp #' â.ï..ç nzturai J/ 'z cotlrse Ifno change takes place in M s m ental or llhysical Rttitude audno accillents occur, tlzis course will be followed. Thua t:ellnes Ilz the hand are the m iting plat:ed lllere by H inl

who crvated tbe subject = ll wbeu tlze key to their meauingls usedj it enables u.q to interpret tlze life map a'rld. to jadg'ew 'hat tNe natural eourse of that iife will be. M aay G rnestthinke'rs lzaving followed tlte study of lla lzaud throug'llChirognom y, have half.ed when tlle lines were relzched andw:ile aflmîttilzg that lirle.s do euable us to read tlte eveats ina lifq = ll bdnK forced to acknowlœdm from wha.t bas beetzaeen of adu? ea- that the futupe is oRen o uuined tbeypatlse for the explanauoa as lo how tlzis is accomplislled.'Phere are now two well established facts, whieh wlzelz

brottglit itlto eombinatiotk explain functions of linea intlze hantl. First it baa been poftîvely m oven tbat Jfa-àangve g'v unim ze/fâ eâzngee 'r's Me moztal fz//ilzfzlT Y' aTvp r? ntkot /JiT.ç: bckgng'n Jr< 6vrelbt e'zl/r%râ te O rr his

348 T lve Laws of Scientisc H and-rteading

tewperamsmt zr;z'j àaractnrlïqW . It is IIISO proven that ti:ell'n6's reo zzgl /@ cA nges ft hralth f:W o'enstillôt@'en that theyindlœ ta mental atreng'tb antl reveal details in the lifz wlzenx rtain events lmve prM ucetl a powerful im pression oa the

mi izd of l subject- Thrrrferc r- may Jc-v wfr# W sltîurnrssfâc/ Ih6' JIiz': 1'n c: âand Jrg' /1T dirsd r(#= #' /Jr z'vjfrr/'lmlnfl mpz: Ihak JJ!, mhtd lAtldkrz: ecntrzo z?z' altzys fâzallûis slaterzsnt eonzpletil' expluïns t;e aceuracy of lhzes inoutû ninp past events, for tbin gs Tzhich âlvr innprcssed tkebrain are a pazt of the past au â it has proven a gatisfactoryexplunation of thù yur/ v: their usufulutss. Itis the aœcu.racy oflines in outlinicgyWfv re events vzhich has been diE -cult to exrlain Reeent experlnleuts by x ientEts havedtuzoustrate; tîat tht hnmn R beiu g is posga/e; of @ doubleeonsdou Kness or naind. O ne part operatex in our naaterialexistellee aaâ nuakes ta con saiotta ouly of lhose thhlgswhlG vze cRn sûe or h Kndlg anu the otber pazl qpcratcson the plane of our spiritull existence atld gig'ec ussezRzTrA.L conseiousness of tl4ings whielt we eatm ot seetotlcil, nor fully explqln. 'lkhi: second m ind rarvly m anifestzi'tself in an objentive way a


nd lllis is w hy it wcs not soonerdiseovered. 'flàe ftrst or worldly m sud bas limitationa ltis conxious only of thiugs wkiclz âcpr bappened, or i;rr bap-penirg before our very el'es. 'Phis side of our consciomsrzesscauaot pietee the veil of Lhe fklture or rise atmve our m atelialexislence ; it only knows tlze tlzings of wllich soon be-com e the thlngs of yesterday. 3ur intler cousciousnesq orapiritual zuiud has zlo suck limitatiorls as lms îlw objcctive.It knows uol only what âqs happened, l>u! what will Nzppen.It is rlot cocfinM within the prfsou of our earthly bodybut it cau rise abave eartlz aud peer into tlze future. If itke trle tEat mlin d ppod uees! eonaols, or alters tbe lines inthe haud these lines m uat be subject n01 Jslp bo t:e in; uenœegf the worldy or objH ive consciorsness or naind but almaof the subfeetlve or splritual #- eae Kpzzaak- x 'l kasKlpafAzv'iyz t?/'/& #mg/ and presenl zle thc pflzr nf /âe .#I/ya'nutnblf6'zlly ear pqst k'rTzrz4/ Ax z) Jza/vrr arr in Me # ssnriond fh6 'rwo Mrlkms a* /*&:1.jr; thrir fzjf- re /1& pash

lvllat Llnes A re F'or !49

pgwscnt gzldf vtùtuz'o is z/az//z'tf xl'zz 7zT ô..p mozus #' lh6' Szdt74J/I the kàa- ' wlttl wc know z'(#:J/ tâe pzzWdTbe accuracy of tiis hylxxdaesis rests upon the t- sbzus

nzeuts ;bsrsî that rnind produee: controls or rhangea tbe lixea

i11 the hancl; and

Second lhat theru aze tsvo nlinds the v'orldly ar oY ecd veand the spirituql or sttbjectivex with the funetions axtibetlto tbem .If tht'sfz two stwtemeuts lrt' true tîe Iogic oêour remo ning

is unqsm ilable our ilypothesis correct and this will gfve t'heuzueb.soag'lat aszswer to the questioa 'z H ow is it poasible tizaklines in the lzpnd ciu. prœ agu tiw future ? '' In sttpport oftbe 6rst bmsis of our llylyothesi, I off'er m y own expedenceancl tlzlt of m any studeats of tlle lm tld who have watclzedthe forzaation of ne%v lines a nd tûe changm or âisappearaneeaf o1d ones in perfect aecord vdth the establisked rules ofliae zuaâiu g. llhis fwzk cau be pruvvu by anyonq wNo pQlltqke t:e trottbie to obBerve D Iring the past Eve yearx I

ha%x nuule a spe al study of tbis subj ect a nd have mxanyruverded cax s whcre thœx chuuxqs hwve utvurrvd Itwould be inlpoag b1e owing to their àength b: present in.dividmal cases iu this work but t'Eze f R


ct tbat lines arn' thl'tsforme a nd cùauged i: so wd1 know'u to tbousands dstukients of the 'hltnd thrzt 'I' do pot believe this point will l')egxi nsaëd bh' a ny one. Jks to tîe corzectness of our secoudbadsk ihat the d ual ndnd exists and cserates as has beenstatedk 1 refer to the n4any KHe ntiEe pzorks now in exikenaun thgs subjeet wllicî have fuTly proveu tte fact. sfaay pfthe greatest sdentiks and e ola- of tYe day and age haverecordM tlle results of thdr investigations in sueh clear andconcisc form , tlka.t zm rx m ls lcft for (b ubt tlzu l1m mitd Lqdual in its xature tbat it operates in lllimitable sm , ls tm -hn- pereG by mntv ial sursou ndiags, a nd tkat it has in nwznycases leok ed intu the feturv. It is not aly purpose kere toppesent t:e individual oaaes n'hich have dem one ate tkesefacts.x lt is pft the plaee, aud the Ilteraqzre on the subject:: so volnnaiuoua au4 easy of acct as that a11 vzào w1b xu:y

!5o The Laws of Sclentlflc Hancl-keading

read it. I only s*neo fads tlzat M vs been proveu, so tizatwe m ay ttse îhmn in gupport of tntr ltypotxealm To sum uptlle umtter; we have started from a given basls r- taiued intwo statementu wbich if true m ake our lzypotlzesis correct6111(1 explain the fanction ofthe lines. 'rbese two lxazlic state-m euts we bave found ûbrc true tlwrefore our hypotlzesis 27cornct, d:u lines arr prod nned, contngleâ, an ; cblugedby Sie mind the dual mind h:s knoxûeGge of /k=/pm ewtz tzw;l J'uhtre atttl mlltzcwuug itselê thwuglz tbe llnewforms llze life map of a subject aasily rmoa by ona whounrlerstant'ls IKNb one will daim txat the m ap of any life m ay Dot lx

altered. O ur iife plan = ay be changetl by manhr drcum-gtancex There m ay be tile inîuenee of other people aod.deut. r ong desire bo ckauge backed by detennination orperhaps failing healflu Thus wllen these cix gas do or areto œ cur. 'new lines appear aad crass oblileratea weakenor strengtkeu as lbq case uzay be the lfaiu Iinxs vebichalx the anipinal éa4/ of tile life and strong linee fade anddisappear as the m izzil ehauges upon tlàe m atters thex liuestndiexte. Tlzere has bx zz a populaz tllcM ng tln t ia par.alyls the llne.s izt tlle hand disatqyear, axd tlle obliteraiionof liuo iccurriug wlwn tlzis de-at.k of tmrve takes placehas lxen dted to prove tlzat lines are formed and controzedby the brain. The llnes do not direppear V tl: all- alyties.'I't:e cottrx of îlze life iu some caa sgoes on uzdntezrupled bythe paralyels, tlzough Impezletl by it, for tlzough tîe Ixxlymay often be haTpless the mind m ay remain keen. In suchcases the liues orlly bx om e dulletl and dim med, but zloloblilerated. W ben tbe brain aofierls as 111 paree tlze lCn-do fRie aud vauish ia tht saa:e proyoruou as the rziud isdestroyed for as uzlnd disappears tbqre Ia xotbl ng lhat wi1lmtstdn vitallty in the Bnes and ieeserge theMc a: they wea .splaus thougE t%ere nâay be a braz u it 4:11 xot conte tkelines unlqsz it bas a srl d behlnd it and t:augh nzolion ofthe bod y naay be lost by paralysis. the rzind rzay 6t1I1 kebright a nd in operation. in wM * casq t:e linas vd1l be re.laiued Iu tbe âauds of insane whe luuacy conaea frorz

W hat Lines Are For 15 l

a. Iaek of meutal bplant'e bat not fronz cellular braîn destrumtlon, we (lnd strong linem 1<t tlzis cax Izzind iu presents butin aa uulmlaaced = ditiou. for tlle lxeeessiot of mind d-not alwaya wvu n mvnu l balauce Iu every easz where miMis cblit- sedi tlle lines in the harzd di>ppear.T be M ain lilzes illdleate what the natural cour!!e af tlze Iife

1, xw liues just beginaing to fornl shoe emotitms aufl itleasjust starting within tlze attbjert. hfau is au enimaa ; you dom)t kuow tla workîags of bis m itld as you talk to 11lm ohenkv dees not fully uudersbàn ; thenx hinlsebr If you looked at:15 brain you could notlearu his tûougùti Patieut stuGeutsa tœ, aed lA. been giving years of life u> t:e search for akey with wbiell they (xm tm loek the seeeets os the humanm ind. 'rhty lkave b= n'orkEag from many diferent direc-tion. but tlle objective point has always bxu tlze aRme-tlne key is the 'iand 1he serFant of the b nzin plainly insight ; auc: wftlk this key' you can tm lock 1he secret ehamlxrsof = y- m inçl. A qd whilû 1 rltp noL sv tllal tllerv Kz'u uootlter keys. I df/ aay that tNis is the most reliable of whiclt 1know, for while mell may be di%emblers they cuzm ot ehangeeie exprea;o u of the Nwud as diuy cau the face. By t:eband is nx= 1e t*e m au as 1: / not as he m ay m k nd ::I>e, an4 you can Iearn from it his m eatal attribtztes azlcl tbeirprobable outcome. One tlting you m ttst never forget. Y(meanaot futl tlw aarte evo ts mprked irl eN-ery hauâ. A ad ifm ttr snbjects are closely examine:l it will be fotmd thatthey are u ot all ppofouu d1y lulpreased by the sanle thin gs.TheM ore SxK r d aim you ca a read a eertaiu series of eveutsbefore examining your cliect's haa ds. Only lhe mzatuznswhich are hereditcy or are naiural ten dencie: #ë t% binl orthose lhin gs vrhicb Eave deteloped in hinr and lxve createda profotm; imprexiott upon his mind will be skmvn in ikisGnnd. Alwnifestly, as al1 subjeds a x not im preœ anke,and n % k nowing in ad vanoe wha: ha's mM fonxd iM f

Mpon any m ind you eaunot uulil you have exnm,'nud ekelmtxl ite s tell wlzat ht is posslble to rqa; frmzz it Bo tlxdaim d any palmist i at lze will tell everm ne wlm con-sults him a1l about 1@$,*: marriage, ww lth or auy cxrtain x.t


$54 The Laws of Scientific H and-Readlng

m u ifestly no one cepld mrer tabnlpte al of *he m ssibledi& reuce.a It lvon.*,e appartnt to .*'w' etw uy years ago tlzatunless a umrking â

.>/w./âr.vïa could be eztablie ed and a set efgeneral prineiples laid down which could be applied to anyJv:, and wh''.xh would never vu y' ruadizzg from the lines intlle hand wonld alwayz be uncertain Titat there was a re-liable working hym thesis I fels sure if ouly it eottltl be dis-covexd. Tizis I lzave found to be ltuc for blt by bit the oueherein laid down baa beer gathered tc etller unti: tod ay itis possible of applieation to ever.'r haud aud will never failif propuqly- appliud. Ev'qzt thoug'h yott do not at Erst acceptthis sypothesis as being true, uetrertheless give it a tdalaud apply it ûfthfully a nd carefuxy to your line reqding.ff this is done you will f nd that whetûer y ou beliuve ittrue or not ytm are able througll its application to etxwrectly read the liues ia the kaud allâ a Ner yo u have ae-quired tize abiiity to do tbis it m aLters little to you whetberthe theory be false or true.Of a11 tlze sngezs of tbe Izand tkat vf Jupittr is the ouly

one vzbicà ca n sta nd eruct by itself. 'rue other tb ree are sobouud tqgether that they eannok be sltaightelled o ut illde-pendently of eac: other 1h: us tht flzgœr oî J uyittr is thvm &gnet whicb attracts the life Clrrent that pasres throtlgh itinto t'lze body. There is uo doubt in the mind of ally thinkerbut lbat vzw art surrou udud o n a1l sides b y an atauoapb erqand that tbis atnlosphere is charged Tvith aouae im posderahleforce, whielz if not aetually electrieity is still very like it inaction R.nd rumllts. T his forca is wldely diffused intangibleand possesses grertt m wer. It is by tlle concentraeon oflbis fo= that tile life Curreat is formed whiclz is a cennecwing link between tlle htlraan being arld t3e Utlknown. 'Phis

foree 'w'e can ndther see nor fee! atttl calz onlh' Jud of its> Pprex nca by if.s results. W at at tizu m emqct of birtà zt qntersoar bod)r througll the Iinger of Jupiter forms a magneticO x nt vzûîch ceavukaé y travels thtougk uu d uriug life, 5scontlnually yqsdcg out of us agaiu and lbat it stops atdem ln I have uo doubt- A nd thfs is the sam e life CurrentsBlkeu of in Cluptvr 11., Part ï. 1 'W ve x (iesim

A W orklng Rypothesls 3.$j

now, nor is it aex k% ur to euter into any lengtily disctzr,-Zon to yrove the existence of this life Currentu but as itform s a gocd working hym tllesisj 1. dedre tbat you ux itI/:/ Ieast Mmrr/rkze , aa I hasx fmmd tbu.t tlzroqg'lz its applica-tion to tbe linea itt the hand it beeemes a key wlth wlzichMx caa ea<ly mnlock tkeir naeaning. Qêhe fngvr ef JupiterMx vdll theA conceive to be thq atkrautor vrbich standingerectk dm ws together the diFue foree surrounding ua audcoaeentrates it inlo a. steadily O wiug Curm ut. The m orenx study tllia boây of olzrs tlze m ore we fnd it to be like a!zelectrie dynam o, and thks llfe Cttrrent wbieh %'e baN-e comtxived isa gtmd deal like t!ze Blectric Crrreat whicb kvem tikedynam o moving. A ; everyone L<k more or 1e.- fam iliar qqtlttheom ration of an a ed ric Current I lzave fouud in teRchiugPalmistry t'iiat tM s simile ia tbe best l kn'e e


ve.r ux d pntlthat it conveys a mental pidure whicb is easily applitid tothe litzes. So I slzall call this Current bereafter tlle ElectricCurrent and wû will conoaive it to be flowing steadily intous through the fnger of Jtlpiter reachiag first the Hearllsue antl settiug itz umtîou tlle dmulation paeeing next to tlaàlead line an d a/za kenlng the mlind ; yn d wben clrculadonan d nûnd sta % to operate, life begius so thb G =aut passesotl to tla Llfe liue aud. courxs tizrough it. Iu tlzv study oftbe liaes we consider tEe whole sphere of their om ration tobe itz tlze llallcl îtx lf so wùelk tlze Current has passed throughtlze Life lirze we think of it as passing out again, trau lliugover t%e lines of saturn A pollo, aud. M ercury, and findingits egresa througlz thcse ftlgcrs.You w ill thus see thœt the beginnlng of tile line of Hea!rt is

under thq âuger oflupiter aud it îs reatl from this beplnningacrass tlte izand to the percuœ ion. 'l'he liae of the H eai isread ll! the same directioq antl the litle of N fe is read from11 start. under $1w f nger ou upiter doquwarcl. The lxgitening og p.lzese tllree lines covers the qarlier yeara of ltfe aldthe ends of the lines cov'er the latter years, whlle tEe cerltralm rtlol recm 'ds lllqt middle part of li9- It is not lm til theClzrretlt rukzzéë.ç a Mtle tNat ft hegins to opem te, a: since tlzllix of'Sptunl receives the Current from the end of tile Lifg

.T:6 T lze Laws of Scientlic N and-keading

line, m le a to reacl Et from the lmttmn upward; the lolperpart of tite line d' Satura coveriug tlze 5.1% years ofblife, thetopm ogt yortion tlze latter daysl azd tbe central portian tlxemlddle part of llfe. 'rhe lines af A pollo and M ercury k'ot11mx m a(1 ia tlzt smmne dirv x . Tlle M qia lizles ilz tlze Izandare six in num ber azd are called tbu H eart line the H eadlinej tlte Life lîl.e tlle Sxturn line, the Apcllo line and theM em urg line eacit one of whiclz ënclieates diFerent qualitieu.TXe lïercur y lina has Z so been deMg nated :lepatica Liverllne, a'nd line oc H ea:th but it is itk zealîty tlle line &' M er-eury, au4 1 sb a11 call it aG Iu ad ditiou to the àrain liuvsthere ara seven slinor lines 5Aie9e are the Nï ng ofSolom onm 1he Puiu: of Saturn tlle G irdle of Venus 1helines of wllfqctîou the line of zfarw the :ne of Iutuiuenand 1Ee Bracdets three in n umo r $ œt of wbich onlythe upper oue is wortlzhr o: consitleratiou Tbere is atjotkerhfin or liue cailed the Irîa Lascivia au d su pposed to be asister lille to t%e M ercury Tine. I do not consltier it asftu .y umre thaa a cltaace liutt aakt x nseqaently not eulîtle;to be gi ven a fxeâ plaee allon g t*e Afinor lines. ThesethldAxn lines when fo œa ; ia au hatzd are always in 1hesame zelative locatiou tlzeugh tlwlr start aud cuurse tllrougbtlze 'ilax


d vary infillltely. W ltb a little practioe you qqllhave uo trouble i1z loeatillg them or flz uoting tlleir abserloeW e do not f. rltl a1l tbe M ain liues in every hand but ulw uysmmle of them. The H entt Ilqe is ryeldoln abcetll thoughm ore oûen so lllau tlze liuvs of H eatl alld N fe. The H exd lineis prex dtt la nlnety-nlne 'per cent. of hacdsr thougk somotlm es very short. The U fe line i!k seldom entirely absentthough l have sueu cases w'here il v'as in stlbjrcts wllo kRdno robustnees of eonstîtutlon w llatever but existed entirelyotl tbeir nervous foree The line of Saturu is freqpeutlyabxut, azld the lines of A pollo and M ercury Izzore fre.quently so. Tbe Miuor liues are foqnd in varyillg degreesof frequvm cy. au; gs they iudicatg m culiaz qualitks gz'e mereoften preR nt in some tn >eB than others. ' d


ç)n exanaiulnï a pair of ha nds do not be disconcerîed at

n ne fndiug wll or a uzwj ority, of the Afain lineg bllt read

h( <n, sfinor, and Chance Lines 352

what are tîere and esïimate lm w' m uch those which are al-

sent llave taken away from the stlbjed. ylz xme llauds youwill âncl lzundreds of lines crx sing tbt palm in every direc-tion. Tlzis um ltitttde is m nde up d ehance lineru worrylines, and lines showing various em otious and esrer,r lineuot a M ain or M iuor line belonga to this cl- . 'ritismultiplicity of lines sitowlt an lntensely nervous personwho is a prey to inuumerable conflietiug emotionsr = 41.tbrough wlmse izand the Electric Current ix zigzaggiug inerrery (Iirection prY ucing electrie uenrotuslless. 'fottr 51.y1uwk iu suek a eaau sNo u1d bt ta piek out the Alainlines sue how much ther are inj ured by the confusionof ebanee liae: a ud for the E Mt part of your appa nlkx.skip iu linoreadiug tkis m twh.m yert lzaurl shoulfl be readsim ply as deuoting intense nervottsness. lseery one ofthese m any chatlce lines is att emotion Some begilz ilz uo(lefinite locatiou aall end the same w :y ; tllesu are fugitive

im pulgeBi vzhich bave starleâ the suhjeet vi goronsly ln sonled lA iou b ut the enthuaiasul *as died aud the eFott kas> en abandoned. W ilile gtlcil an em otion laated it wasstrotlg enough to burn its m ark ia the hand but ln tlle calnt to naugllt. T htrstz llutrs arl Mot worth real ug'.Otber chance lines begin on one M ount and end on axotberM ouut ; sttell lîaes will slzow' tbe couueetiou of the qualitiesos tizeae two M ouuts and have some valuable meauinpSom e challee line-s begin in tt M ain or M icor line aull endcitllt:r (m a M ount or oa auotlw r M aiu or M lllor liue 'PIZe



linrs are a11 inrlmrtaut. It will not be locg before you willlearn to distinguisll lxtwxen the lit:es of fugitive emotionsautl thox tkp


t are really valnable. By a11 mea'zus do notpuzzle and worry trying to read chance liue: until tlze M ainatld M inor lilzes are plal'a îo yœu. for t'he ability to reR


d e'ilancelines develops a.q &he M ain lines become easy to undqrstandFirst learn to observe wbether the :ines a x in pnqoe =

to the kau d. lf yo a En d a very 1% gt kand )'ou expectdeep, lœrge lirles a.nd a sm rtll iine hand sbould be dellcatelylraced. Tlle amotmf of Blectrie Current tNat is lttntcted intothe bcdy by a large ânger cflupiLer ou a llrge hand. will h@

35B The Laws of Sclentific l-land-rteading

Y usittem ble and the lines througll wlzich tkis Current is toflow mtust be lcge euou.glz to carry it jtsst as ml- tricioe.eneed large w irœ to carryv a larg'e Electric Current If in alarge hand the Ilnes be %ury ddica% lud rhin and of 1be <z2tbat wquld proytzly earry the Current atkracted bh' a snaallau% ect eie C urrenl attracled by the big kan d will be toogreat for smxall Enes and disaster in sonle form Dzill ensue.I remem ber a doctor who once cozksulted me ln wlzox bigûlnds I savr Hmes totzlly inadeq uabu ba carry tNe Currentthey #1ere attracunç. I advlsed hin: to use great cape ink1a = tal laboza, uot to ovvrdu, for tbc :lea; 1lDc wxœo t noticeably thin. Fle did n ot give tb e advice aeriouscon: deration atd in little këas tha n n yelr he vzas sent toan inpaue asyluuz a hopeleas w'reck. The :lead line cœulûn ot earry the stpnng C urnnlt attracted an G destuctionfollowed A s a contrao' propcd tiou if' the 'halld be smallaaâ tke Iiues very large and deup tkere k: too uluc: chanuel

for a smil sttbject to own v4th safety.1t 1 neee- ry' to analyae eooN line ninutdh' begin ntug

at its atartlng point and followlng lts courx to tlze end. It

wlll not do to jtldge a line in its entirety 'wstbout regarll-îtlg' every variation ln it.s dirccueu depth Zze color andnoting whether ik rlus dear an d even or whetûer itbtea ks. is crosswl or kas other defects peculiar to linew'l'be changœ and eventa in our Iiv'ea are read witk m oree,a- and greater accuraey from thi: mlnute examlnadou oftbe lines lllemx lves aleng M tv'r rntbke iw.jr/J tlm tl fromcllanoe lines.It is atrvisable to bavea m ethcd in theexam itmtion. Begin

witll tlle Hkart llue study next the H ea:l line, the LlI? line,and <p on. Tlzis vill accustœn you to be system atlc in workand 1es: E kely to overlook inlfffta nt nlatblrm If thp hlainûnqs iu tke hqud are clear aa â stron g and thu ukaucelines fe w t%e subjeet E elxn-e mod aud is largely- fol-loMd ug the natural couzse of his life. If the chauee liaesaye xzzny and cross the Afain lines in vadoua vzlyw tbe sub-ject ls iml preaslonable draw n in lnRay dlreetlq ns, and v:llckazlg'e his nattual life's mop.

'l'he Two R ands .!s9

Pay m a.ter attention to 1he two hRnds when readl'ng theline: thRn in your Chirognom ie examinations. People tlo

not so readil chazlge tlteir tym caustruction as tlzey t'lo tlzeïcourx of thelr lisxs. A Jupikdan su% vet -12 <% > be wJ upiten'xn but Tsofz =*y changg aud alkz t:e uahnmlcourze of lzla zfe. H e may rcdn a strong pllysitw e by ex-ce- s or he may allow llls ambitioas to undo him but he * 1always be altlpiterimz. though tlle cxmrse of his life has beendiverted. The type, Clzire lzom y will txll you ; tke x t-t'ouw of lzis t'am er mtw't be reml fram tlx m ap of tbu linexTlzus tba ld t lzazld is m ost accurate in slztywing you tlzenaturally designecl m ap of M s life, antl tbe right l.aud wil!tell yott llow the subject has altered R. rn tlle examinati*of inlm merRble eRses I bave seeu natttrally âne lives outlinein tlzçz left hulqt, while nzin akowed in the rigbt ; pn4 I lzavqx'en na.turally nerv'otts weak vacillatiug lhw slzown in tlzelefi ltatld changetl to stroug. well direeted lives in tke right,Poorly m arkecl badly tm cetl aud defedive lille-s in ozle handkcllalzg't'd to strong, elear, well mjtrktd lines ia tlze otller willsbew tlw clzguge in tize life of tix subject, dther û'om gootlto bad or batl to good as the case m ay be.5V6th a1l the lloes note vrhere tbey begin thf colr*e over

whieh lhey travel and the place tlley end. From the soureeof a liue tla origiu otï a trait m ay lxt determiuv'd Rzld by t:e'bezzds îa a lktm we m ay lexrtz wbat things lzave drawn it outof ita colztx and the fical outeom e is iudicatett by the plaoeat whieh ik ends.N ote every defect in the line. - whether these defects

destroy tlze lîne weaken i: or wllat change tIZt..F efect.àlotv a11 wdde â linel ister lines, or 'ndivid ual kgra wE cba- ugthen ar gepalr the lines. Befopa begi n ning a seyeratqeon :derad on of eaeh lfne it is M ecesssry to learn to distin-guis: a good line fronz l defecuve one lnd to tel1 wH tthq dtfecug are au; h ow tbey oâly bv zepainxl. DpNe nextclzwpter v611 accomplisb tkis, pud in it wql will R1* tbonsidtrtlze ixdividual sigza som e of whielz a.ra producH by defc tivelines and should be cxmslderell as sttell and all of whichshould. lx thorouglhly untlerst- l lefoe stm lng XWG the

M,. '

36.0 The Laws ol Sclentit!c H and-lkeadlng

sepagate ân es :s tbese drst ehapters I desire to xnake clearthe gkneral pdudples governing the llnes and to start youlo applhstig the Currelzt theory to them . after whiclz therewilf lx uo (ltfK-zlt ' iu z'enaivd tke seplrate litlex)' g'


c LA R A eT ER o e %IIn LzN =>- .ox Pz cTs hsD xApxrx--IN DrvrruA L src l s--sTpA x GTu cNzNo Llxas

,N exp miciug lino uote fr% tb< charqrter of the linegI thelnse:ees. n y tuis I m-l, their clearness, uvpu..evenness, alaâ whezber tEey are perfect or dereG ive. If tb=lat- r is the caae what is the defeût does it oover 1he enlireline or o n1y a part of it is the liue repaired after the defectdoes it rcgxin i:s original dzpth and dv na or does Itslmw dirsirlis%ing streugtk uutil it gratlually fv'aes away ?'f'lw first general prlnclple governittg liues is that tlze m oreeveuly lhey run the clearer they are the less thez areerossed broken islanded or ctllained a


nd t%e nearer piuk jucolor the better is tlle line a


tld the m ore vigorous and clearthe operatiou of its attributea T hese d ear even lines fur-nislz better c'izanuels through w hich tix Bllx tric Curre'nt exneow. o'Scrlug a


s tlzey do less obstruction and fqw er im pedi..ments to free elrculatioll Coneeid u.w tlze Elx tric Ctlrrentto be iowi:lg 1I1 acd out thrnug'll the f izg'er ends you e'nnrecdily see tha: a1l vertical lilles flqeililate it: parxqzag


e and a11horizonta: line!k elleck a


nd im pede its progresl T h'as vertl-eal lllles are N vorable atkd horizolltal lineseroM ltlg them aredefects. 'Phis is w ky vertical lines on a M ount FOOIIicdications azkd incroax tbe force of it: tj'm . an4 Iikewiwtbe reason w by grillea aud crx s.bRrs otk tbe M x nt aru bsdiudieatiorw snd obstructionsl brlnglng out the lxul àde afthe tym or 1ts healtll defects. Tlle stur!y of the lines m akesd ear tlte geueral law tlzat liues olv ate best w ûeu 1he ()t1r-a nt ha, tbe least obrruetion to its free paasapre mzd defectaantl batl eFecls are proclttcqd o'n a subjc t whem it i, izarplxlt




36a The Laws of Sclentific H and-lkeading

lYe Wighter the dd% and obstraetions aeun tke 1-m arketi are the had resulls and (xmverrely, the greater tlteolxqtructiou t:e worse the esects. Clear deanly cu: c'vewPIA lixes show the besk opc ation of any line ; and everybreak. cz- , island or obstruction of any kind wldeh m aycaaA tl)e Current to be impeded antl to sem er or overM vits bRTIM'K will produce a. defeclive operation of tâe qualitiesindleatœl by a line. N ote whether any one line i8 deem r orshallowe.r is tlmre defM ive or has a difrereat eham cter inauy way 1om other Iiues iu the kaad. If lines in generalare of the same gize and character but Bom e olle llrze is m ucbdeepet, clearer, betbar colored tban the oeiers tke tbiugwlzie.lz tbis dezep line indicate.s wîll lx tbe strongest tlling

toltl by tile lines in that subjeet's handrv If a11 the lines aredeep, well c'olozetl, antl dearly eut, a/d xme oue liue isfottn; much lex ' c rly cut and 4x p tlzyn the rest

, then kbeqmqlity th't ' ine indicates is the weakest IXA K Lookfor proportion co tantly, altd anything which disturbs itmust be usud for agaiust the clzanoua of tlze subject Ifthe llne ill the laa are blm d ancl shallow instead of deepand elear is n lm perfvd clkaund for tlle Curzcnt topaas through and lnstead of bein g a deep streanl full ofstrengtlz ancl m it is a shallow brx k and tlle Currentspreads ovqr too 'de a surface to m ake it strocg. 'Phisbroad and sballow ine is a feeble and weak one and is gen-eraxy fuB of defeets aad obstrlctions. 57 heu y ou see tûatlines are clearly cut deep well colored uacrosse d or un-spoiled by otber defeets. these lines oh ow vigor an d streu gthlu tbt operation of thdr several qualities steadiness of pur-pose. evenneu ef temper and theu ax the uuMecl whqwhile they uzah' have naan y diEleulties to encou nter over-couze Lhena. Broad sballoe peorly colonzd lines shovrwu kn- . vaeillation and di= nn g= ent and generally

these sublec:s aehieve fevz results an4 th are gasned only, VO er gx at t'Eort an4 witlz strong outside Jufluetlct's lo spurtltem, A1l of the eilanges, obstructlpns, aud defects thee.wmr itt the lilws themselves have special uRmes, aud. thexwe will cozk@ide.r separalell'.

Defects and Repair 363

bne oi tlze ârst defxtive linex to uoeoe is the a trzws /?',zd(t). Th1 is a line whieh, to a superflcial observer mayemwun to be a. gtxxt one, but ulm n R.. dl)x examination, it w'illbe x en fhat it c1,1 muclz deeper in certain N ts becom lngtkin afterwards x metim es lr oming brccd aaftslzallow andoftetl faiiug away eutirdy. Som vtim eskllis uneven line = ay stq.rt braad andshallow become (leep aud elm r andtileu Krow tbiu agaiu. 'n û unvven liueis one wbicth dres not run the sam e itltleptlz autl dearness dttriug its etktire1en gtb, and yu d oeB u % brea k ikandor sbow other sim ilar defects. It is itsun- nnt'ss of clmracter that distlu. 2gttishes it. 'l'lzis line must be read fromits beginuitzg. and if the liue starts thinit slm ws the Currtm Eowiug iu a llzinstream during tbe length eovered Y' this tltinlje% of the line.If it then grows deep, it sbows that a great întettsity ef m mm x lzas bqfm expended durilzg the ti= coverqcl by tbisdepth and thatthe Currentwas flowingstrong and cuttiugloodeeply d uring this x viv/ and con A q uently proiud n g adefvd in thfz linq. 1f, aftvr tkis dqptiz, tlze line grows lhiuagain, it shows that the glw t pressure of Curreut has bee:nfollowed by a z'eactioll p.ncl the tlzin plate Jollowiug llze dee.eone indicates a period w heu the C urx nt MMœ fowing is âeweak mn n ner. By folloqi ng the couc of an unevenzl;efrom its begiuzziug q'a4 by lpply-îng' to it tbe m- Rttrepl aadwhieil indinlte the ages of life urxm the lines you x nforral'tbe periœ s ot' streugtlz weakaesa iutexsity, atkd a11 feRrllingxqueut cllaagvs in tNe life of tize sublect. 'Pbû uater tbat a.e olvs the unequal spasm oclie v ration ef 11œ: q! Split lmdtbq particular line whiclz Ls found uneven. W ease erzl

tlzat in tlzis elza ter we am applying our stltrme. j , jajôz g'rnonl an4 ot to Are/ar tines, a:14 the ls oue wb

ahow a gew ? diferqut form auoas of uuevetled by m lnywhlcll may 1- fountl on ax.A a'zrz. - eingle e n, butN ext tty o e uneveu lines we have dthe return totlleorip

ltq. The Laws ol.3dentirc Rand-keadlng

' splits Rre aplinters wlziclz have broken tlle lines alzdpretllzced dqfœ ts 1zt any liae by relluriug iî: clqaruqw audstrength, alK impairing 11 ux fulne% by crippling its abilityto earry the Current wïthin tbe boundaries of tbe line. Thesesplita m ust zo t be mîstakelz for sister lists w r for islqlzds as

the.r do not join tlze line again aftm' split-ting aw a.y irom itv but m ust 1:e read assim ply split whiclt show a weak-eneti qualhy of tile liue during 11xperio:l of life covered by its continuance

. on the line Split: are som etim es verysm all atkd 5tx atld jf auy doubt evlmts asto whctlzer a line is zplit or not m akv Ikcareful exam inatiott w'iLII yottrglaas. 'Phetrue spIit line leaN-eg the M aill Ilne anclNo. 2 'does not eouze baek aucl attaclz itself to

R agailz. 'Phis split lix allun's a portiru of the Currvatto lx (live-rted from the M ain line ancl cltangeal to someeiew dlv tlon. Iris a leak ia t:e liue. T lûs dividts tllestrength of the M ain lilm b.y taking away frum it part ofits ability tu earry tlx Current in tlze ogiginal direction.'rizese split line are eften tae beginqing of a new eourse inthe Tlfe of the subjed. Tlley show that tlze natural life mapm ay have lxen altered at tlze dm e tlzey occur. If this Js'= e, tlze nrw line will conlinne to grow in leng'lhl and pullb.s: Curretlt from it: original channel itdo tbe uew one whichC:'tt ' ttizlg tkrouglz tlze lland

. lf split lines t'un (m ly a shortline' q and Kop, aud tile M ain linu continues stroug tlltsesre o 'nes will slzow that tlte attelnpts to clzlnge the naturaliu tlle .of the life bave fdletk s

.11fl whie tlley show by thePX ' Wz attem pts to chac v

, ttxy alw slw w by tlwir fgw rt-while ththey did rloù sttc- d. 'lY e elo- thege splits 1ia tocom.e tbtli

ne the les.: likely they are to divert m ueh of theweakztex .The wide'r the.r opea away from tbe liue ancl tlzetikeae sîtbje-1e

.q.= they Kre tlze more im - tauce mugt beafter glrext t 'i

lem , and the m ore likely they are to produce atk- , A ll o

oourse of tke life. If a split litle pulls awayoccur in the lh - *u=

' leœr =u; stroug to a hfvuat lt skm?*wt wm çG le er o ar. '

Defects and Repaqr 365

tlle g'rea.t attraction that Mottnt hnn for tke s'ubjœt au4 suclzsubjects will eitber sttongly partp


ku of tlze qualities (zi' t'lmtMount or will u k tile companionsNip of subjects of thattype. Thls is why older palmists read sucll lino brqakingaway frora tlze l'Ieart line as abowiug that the subject wouldmarry aome oue of tize type reprex ntetl by tite M ount tœwhich this line rau.

. W llezl the s'even types were 1- often coznbined tharl tiler'aru nom and ptlre spH rnens of the type: were plentifulit wa5 often eaey to der ribe the color of hair eyés ete oftlle perwn a subjed would likely warzy. % ia waa'paasibleby follow'iug tlze descHption of tize appearance of tlze typesindicated by tbe M ount to wbich the split lice ran. Suchfewtv are still poisible when the split lîzlea are ytroug an4tbe typea puze spedmenw and while iu m y own readiugs

I have never said that any sublect woxlzt many someone ofa. palligular apm arance, 1 lzave fyfteu dexnibed in tbis waythe appearance of the pero n w llo would ba m ost attra' ctive

to tlze subject ûs oae who would be his ideal and wlleeù ilewould prçfcr lo any other for a life pprtuer. Tlze split liuewill tell of m atly events, ranging from a m ere trivial defectof the line uhown bh' a stnall shor: split up to a.n etltlreclzaage iu tbe life of a subject. ellbqre must always be a dis-tind seN ratlon of a. lirle showing tilat it plainly didde.sttfore y ou sbo u1d read it as a split. svith care a nd praetieelxnz uan luaru properly to judgv such defectl Ilu; ug t:eAudy of this chapter exanzine as mxny handa aB N ibleloœkiu g for each of t:e sig us a nd liuea as treated bere andacmlstom yottrself to recogniza at on= the diferent forma.titmsx 'not trying to interpret tllem fully at fitst but learningfcp distinguislz tlzem qaitkly w hqu le<1. Rem em > r that adivided line is not as strong by one half as if tlle split lzadlzot (xturrecl atul tkîs will give y'ou the Pknpetgênerzl f& &to apply to split linei' Tl'te next defect is the island (3*). 'Pbis qign is oue wlzle..ltla: lxen :zdsundergtoocl an; impro- ly baudled b.v m lnyY mista. In tbe Nrst place the ixlantl is not a. single sign, batLqplxdncu bx the splittlng of R liae a0d tiTe rettkrn totlzetlrip

,366 The Laws of Scientific H and-lteading

imql lilw of tlze lower end of the pazt whic: has broken awaykCbalzce Iinvs wlliclz merely'- eaeh other in sucb a way asto make tlle Anae akaped fklzre as azz island (xe :$ B) (to notfonzz a >w ' Qlqnd. 'Phe faet txat tlte ends of these ehanee

li= overhp eaclz other eonsututingdelcl fcr each ouxr = ay spdl tkeoperadon of lm tlz tlte eharce lines but itdoes not fo= a true Lqiazzd. 0ae fact lwish te strongly imprexw- flkat a Ina.z'Jlgxff ls produced by a splitfing of the

' M aln liuq azzd a rct'um of tlze split to tlzeM ain line and tbat islanda are formed inno otber w ay. H auds as a11 sizes arefvuutl. raugirzg frgm thux whiclz are

NO' Z m ere dota antt distinguisbed only undertlte glass to those wlllch sweep wide drcles in t:e Ixantlaa11 iustantly attract your attenuou. W herzever you ânda figure in tbe sham of an islaud m ake younjelf sure tlmtit is prtducetl by a splitthlg of tlze line befotx it azz izwrd. If it is formed by two eizauca linesc ogsingeacb otlter or by a clm nee line cpwssing a M ain or M lnorliueat ixltlz ends read the clzanc'e Tînes x parm ly au4 not aa anislantl. The only renm.nn why palm ists bas-e beett at a1lguckoessful in handling the islaud aoeord ug to tlze presehltatsx ptation 4 wkq.t conslitutes an im nd ia tlzat tlze efect ofcikance linus craœ ng excb other is Mm ihr to some of the bafleffeets of the island and it hms noy beeu because tlm islandieuvzf kaa beem tlm roaghly undersltxxl. 'Phe island is alwaysa defed always a disturber a warning to look out for som e.tM ng, and mttst never be disregarde . 'l'he operation of c.ttislanll is to divide kize Cttrrent Eowlng along a line. Onehalf & the Curre at passes arpund one side of the islantl theerber lzalfgoing grouud tije otlker side. Tikesu diq'idod cur-m..111 reunite o'1 tke lower side of the ksland and resume theirtxm rse. The kvortl 11 islaud '' is takelz fz'om its geœgraplzicalmo-x ake, at d tlxl true isllnd in tlze hand is literally wlzatitq nqm e imr lies an ix lated surface of aklu surroutded by

tbe divitled 'ilze. Thas the islanfl is aa impeding object iu

Defects and Repair ,367

e e coluse of a line wlHch divides tlle strengtll of tlze eur.renta prcducing' a comsequeut dsvision of s'trezlgo 'aud fvrcfz.Tlze size autl lengtk oftlze island sitows tize extent af obatruc-tion antl ifs duzation and from tûe poiut at whîcb it is seeaon a liae you ean tertd tll.e age at whiclz tlzis weakenipg of 1heforce occura. It is not tlte intention here to do more thq.u toimpre-ss upon yotl the general meaning of the iqlnmtl 1>spedfie applieatiozt will be m ade to eacb line aa w e studyit. W hen an islantl is u n rememlv the did ded streamthe impqding, obstructing i/and antl tlze cxmx queut wxak-ncss au E Jnzpairauxzt of thc liue d uH rg ih pp- nx . andy'ou wi= always think of a uxznace to the subject frona somedireeueu.Bpaaks in the znes (1) are fpuquently eu countered and

always inditxae a defective ccm dition. In îllis case tlxe Ctur.rt'ttlt is interrtype ard âtopperl in exactly tlztz sa= manneraa w ben a telegraph wlre ls ctlt. The kind of a break willmake a great dilerence ia the oulcome of the deftvt atl; itis onlyby tbe ElK tric Current theory that m u will be able tojudge correctly ancl quiekly what the xwriousness of anylveak izz tlze lhw is. Tbe theory is tlzis : wlwn the Currvntreachea the break it is clluhcked aqndx me repair proeess is needed at tm ce -else the Cuzrant 'w51l ûow out of aI1 reg-ular ehrm nelG prodtzcing the sam e eon-dititm as tlle overllow of a river w hieh is

not pro- ly confined within its banks -. /' 'xthat (k' spreacling destrttction. Jf the hs fbnrak itl a linv is sm gll, wrld the lix ctm . î $inue% elearly after tile break and in a l /tclireet œ ur'A , the Cttrrent m ay skip overthe sm all break and eontinue in its m g-ular path. H this casa 1he danger ise ous, but uot însurmouiztable. IIz SUC,II an instantxe thetwo ends of tbe line will probably grow togethœ eveutually.'Phe wider the break the m ore serious it beœ mes aud the leasIikd llztxxl tlkere is of tlze Cunw t's paasiug over tbe slmcetetween tke broken enda. Every-thing ttzxllng to m ake iî

.3611 The Laws of Scientifie H and-lkeadlng

eao r to hold tlze Current ia its proper cotux or enabling itto g'et baG to it aitœ a. brtzak (Jccurâ le- us tke xziœus re-sttlts of the broken line and everyething tha.t rnskke: it harderfor the Current to conlinue its c'ourse without interruptioqatlds to the com plicatloa. 'rhus brolrp.n linp'q enny be re-

paired wNen the broken erlds overlap eaehotiwr. or by a sm all ezw emlilw lm itingthe ends of tlle two linea by sister liurart'ttlniug altmgside of tile li'ne a


tltt break

or by squares (5) ; a11 ef w'hick v- naI help tranm it the G rent from tke brokenend of t*e Iiae to f:s regular channelan d whilc duda g tkis break and its re-

pair there is a decided check to t:e best/operation of tke line Mill it is po% ible of

BQ' r' repair aud not ao x riouu .as ii' uuaecom.panied by auz sipn gf n pair ztlqvays a danger, breaksnlttst be tegard ed seriou< y, ard frona their Mze or 1hezvpair sîgtzs present, you o'vurutely- œ timatp G eirouteom e.

0ue of the worst ih 'm s to encounter is wlxu tl:e entl oftke liue turna back d tt)r a bmak wu(lstarts to run towzrds its sollrce (6) form-ing thus R so/ of hook. This probably1ed the o1d palnlists to uee this indicationfound in the Life E ne as denoting a fatalbzruziuau oa. a ud yo u Eave read ytrhaps MN>x

w Jtbat the Kï Life line brokun and turnlng ;$ y1

toqurd the th unxb nleans death.'' Tn this 1 /$1case tbe C arpent turcs back upoa itseland finds it harrler to continue its eoursewltlz sueh c. break tlzau in any otlzv'r for- NO' Bm atlon ; lt oveu ows where thereis uo cilannel to e.a.1& it for-ward. H' there is no means by which this Current cau becarricl back to ltsoriwinal courx , it prtzducea disastur. 'li ereare various methods of repvir some br lines joining 1heturned.back e nd ofthe Afaiu line by sixc lines squqres, orvxrlous Eneu wiïk attract tlw Currqut = (l take it b=k

lndivldual Slgns JIM.I

b: lLs regular c:au nel. %5a ese nletîods of gepair are shoqeuiq Fig. 6. E very turned.baek line is a - st yzrfpvœ cheekto thq sublo?t either as to life kealth or caneer ; theline on whicll it is fottncl will tell iu wkklz dilvctiou lbisclzeck leacls. If uurepwirod it is we11-nlgll fatalk even worse than wheu tlzeline encls abrupkly, ler in tlze lattercase the Current may be forcedfârexgâ nrtv #g/â.r, and may digyitself a new ebaund ; but w lzen it #'is delilxzately- turnzcl back to itssottrce there is little hom tllat it wiilever go on izt iks original direotion.Of all repair slgns t*e beit andm ost certain is tlze N ttare, G own in dtt F

Fig. 7.

>Pile Sqtlare (7) is an indizidual sig'rl and 'ltas been11$e4 by tbe o1d pabnists az an indicatioa of protection zoulsonle inlyen dlng da nger. It is always a good sigx,w'herever fouud. l;o naatter vzhat thv brezk ia a line orwhat 1ts menace to iHe m bject a surrounding it willpartially a pair a nd m itiga? tha danger. The gquare Icoo eeiee to be a box B'hieh fonns iteâlf arou nd tbe breakor dangvr poîu q aud eoncentrates and boxes iu thtC urx nt making v ape înnpo-ible. holding Kie overEo win check a nd fox iug Lhe C urrgnt tu ân û a nd dîsekargvitself again througb t:e regular ehannel no 'Dlatter hovzgreat tlze turmoil inside of the sqtw re m ay be. Somd im esa stuare is found o!z 1 M otm t where it dteB no' sur-rou nd a defect în m line SucN squares qd1l indicate olatthe dereets af t:e Llount v;ll not predouiuate vdt: t:is

su:j eet.M y conceptiou ig that liae.s are clzannels for tlle traare

mission @ tlle Rlectric Current and tlta.t our efort is toEn d out *ow e l *1ey cau a ud wi11 perfonn this fu nœfon. .If the Ilfe CurMnt has ln un obstrueted chaxndaenxm t:e handl Ske life Mâ1l be uuobskn-M . But if t:e

l7o The Laws of Scientific H and-keadiag

e'Amrmel sbows defects at a certain point we know tronble isgoiug to occur tlzere, and tbat if tke Current js kept in theciïauue.l ancl ftom bm aking its bouads aufl ovmdowbng tluzdnwger will be overcozx W lzeu 1>e deferzive pl/zv is &oxa inby the K uare, we * 1 tha.t the Currerzt ealm ot get oat of theJe.&', but n'utt f u(1 m14 dixllarge itxl througk its reg'ularchu nel. Thus a aquare is always a protection from daxger,a lxkxing in of the Current, antl a rem ir agent of certaintyaud rdiability. In tkx sauds of exam inations I âave zkevqrfailei to vetify tllis estimate of tlïe square.The Fork and tke Tassel W m foutzd at the ter-

minatîon of liaea, aad by applying tlzu gene.ral theor.rto tllel'a the.r are easy to underm nd.'Plle termiuatiou of a liae slmws tlze emdof tlze om ration of its pecttlipr lpw lltiesau d nau;t be noted to see in w'Nat m nm.ner tûe end gill be accenzplisb' z4. S ouze

z lines grad ually fade away' until tbe lineis H t in the eapillary lines of the skin ;in otEer casts tke 2ne ends wbrupdy,soxletinles vdt: a creas a Btar a dot orcu isla nd and oRen it ternzinqtes il a>

. : ,fork or tase Thex epq- ls m ay be

$@urd on the end aF a sho/ Life 'Iead or H eal lsne andw llenever fotm d iuclicate llle clissipatiot: ancl diFltsion of thestrqtlgtlz of tlze line and the qnd (yf lts tuw fuluesu. 'Phe CtuwTent instead of (xm tintting is im ttered and diFux'd andspreads Jtself like a tassel or fau dis: pating its force au4extlitlg the strong operatiou of tke qttalities indicxted by tlzeline. Jf a fork composetl of two lines cthet!r in the eml of aliue it amm m ts only to a split and is not so batl ms a. tasselfor G ia split znay f0= itself into an islaud aud ctm tintze tlzelitte l but the taxel compoe of npzny lines, is the dfstribu.tion of the Curreut over so witle l spaœ tlw re îs no llole thatit wil! 1= gatlxre:l togttlzer again in a singla strong linetlxntgh, lf ît ourt!r early in the llne had not at 1+ endj youmay m lztetim es a dugle tlzilz line x utinuiug a1tu. a. taeex t In xvw'- e'oqms you âlzd tlze t.- 1 prolx tetl by a N am'e.

Individual Signs 371

'I'he tasx l Is always a defecf souletimes overcome but prou4uciug w'hile it lasts gax:t disturbance of the Current. BJxfollowic the t:eorl' of the Curre nt over the 2ne yeu oqmaeeurately estimate tlle extent of serious-no s, tbt lmsfble repair and the outcomttlzonglz a tarael gerlerally Inarks tlze endof the txseflz:nass of a line.

Tlze Dot (9) is a sign whlclz is not fre-quently seen bu1 is worthy of note Itvaries in size aacl depth m e being m erespeeks. aurl othtrs large etm ug'b to pwt întlxu point of a pencil Doti aru always adefe t either of a line w hen seen on oneor tlzey m ay la foutztl iudepeatlen: of i e 'linea. O n a line tize (Iot form s an olMtrttction to tbe flovr of tlteCurrent atal if it is a largv (m e it protluces destrttetiou of tllelliue by lntqrpcpaing po deep a cavity tluat tlze Curxnt eaatm otpas'm V < y sm all dots are not sellous but often come aftersevfre illaess geuerally of a febdle character. I have seendots oa the Life lirze m arkicK tlze apot w hen a. sqvere attackof = rle or typhold fever had oelm rred on the H pnrl lineuuder t;e Mount of 8atum îu tleaf an; dumb subjtxtts, undertbe Mottnt of Apollo in beart-disear,e srlbjectG on tlze line ofM ereury shop'ing wheu x vere intestirzal disttzrbauce.s had

occurx d, and ia otiler parts of tlze lantlintlieating ihe txcttrreuce of dlëcultiespeculiar * !be pm s or tbe halzd ozz whiehtlzey were seem Dots m ay bu rell bllmwNite or yenow. and will indicate by'

i b ulîar to''Nx tbdr color tlw d stuz auces pec

tba lœ ality or line ou wbiclz tizzy appc r.>, 'Pller are sttbject to Tepair by a gtxxl.) squwrv.o

e ebained llne (10) ls fonnetl br the<K 1D joîning togetller %ç a. nnmler of links,

forzniup a lix uot clear even an4 deep. but otze w'lzlclz has acoxtitluon: series of obstnlctions from the beglnning. Theefvct of suclz fd line kq tiw wea.k oy ratlon of the qttalides of

lndlvidual Signs ,,/,,

lnd:cadon. If t:e trlangle is formeu by crossitlg ellaxee linesit is not as powxrful in i:q operatiou as w'hetz it is a sic ghzsign. still it adds greatiy to the su % ect ia %'b atever diroupu its locwtiou indicates. O u all of the 5!o lu :v a lrkvm g1eapplies only bn t*e upper vzorld of that àIo unt. It is notintended here to apply tbe sin g1e sigu: to thu Afouutlsugers, lînes a nd iu dividual pbalan gvs gi viu g tbeir uaean-iog in each locatio n b ut to ouuiue the gdn6e# p H nciplesgovernlng them an d in a subseq ueat cbapttr œ apply tb= .Remem ber the strougest triangle is tile slngle signp that it isalways a favorable indication never applges to healt: but

û #'

No,14 *0.12

a.dd: brilliancy to the tnental slde of th* lx atlon where lt h.fouud.'lYe t'lrille (zz) is a formation wllere lines are fouu:l eross.

i1:g. eaclz otller In suell a m anner as to form R network ordwrn througit whicla it is almost impessible for tbe Currentto pass ; as. for exnmplu iî au E lectric Currqnt were turnedinto R. wire netticg wben we know it wotlld öigzag in everydlrection, be obgtrud e; so lt coûltl not coutiutle its passage,ant! would be forced to eu pe througlz the ends of eaclz wirein tlw zwt. Tlzis would (lifuse and dissipate the Cttrrent.It would also inteusely electrify tke poiut where tlle ditlksionoocurred. In the lines of t'l:e hand we m ttst keep the Cttrrentftœ from obstruction so when tbe grille is found itl auyhatld 'w'e feel at once that if a deep liue slzows tlsat m uclzCturretlt is floleîng in its directiou we lzave ia tlzegHllc obxructiot and over:ow. ' ï; henever sx n the

374 The Laws of Scientzc Hand-lteadlng

grilling of lines is a serious defeet and a m ezmzv.. If it isvery proax uxlk ancl compostxl of dfxp 1.e41 liues llzenzenace is gtea: ; if only a confukng aui iu berlacin g ofaevetal smnll thi n Ents it is not as sedous. O n tDeàI opnts t:e grlllu ia a bRd sign, bù nging o ut tbe badàde of tbe Afou nt typem Mnce by eausin g the exdtin g Iplec.kie Current to osxro w itro tbmu it produeeq an abu ornzalcondition. It alpo briugs out proxaintutly tbeir healtb de.feets. 57 hea a grille is seen on any Afount, look for abad or syoîled specixaen of the type, or oue Trho Nas thehe< uz defec:g pecusar to bl type. lk squarc xzay rupRir agrîlle lf It boxes the dffect entirdy-, but such n4arkings arerRre, @nd even a@ beneûd R1 a sigu as the square cannot en-drely diaûycte the danger of a g H11e. slote the linqs in agdlle to see if they are deep or sballow a nd ifin proportionto tEe rtst cf tkx liues in tke haud Mxwkqr tkan tûey oretrorger. Jf ttle grille is ver)r strong. deepl and red.lined itwill be = re prououlzeud iu its bao. efeets ; ii' its lizles areluss dx p tlzan tlze otlzer linus it is leaa of a. fzaugv'r. S=whetaer tlte vertical lines cttt their wah' tllrtmgb the crasslilzea titl whidz ease it wi11 not be so bad a grille) or if tlzecrosg line.s cul tile verticxl linea cleanlyn Some Cttrrexzt ea!zpqss if the vertleal lines cut their way tlzrough : tjone cangd tlzrouglk if tlttt cross-llnes etlk tlle çleem st. A grille vdtltIines not rlm ning exactly vertical and bodzontal is not aabad as oue which is fouud c'om posefl (yf vertical atld horizon-tal lîues ruuuiug' at rig'ht angles. Thlw witb a)t o illesgauge with judgmerzt your estimate of their deztrudlveforce, aud ($o not apply the worst efect of a. barl grille to a1- dsngerous onq. Carefully eslim ate tlze gooll of your

snbjex!t by Chirormmy ill order to get the trtte effeet of thegrl e as app:ie to himj azl:l aîways use great care with tkissign.

(lross-baa (x3), or lzodzcm al lines closelygroupetl togetherwitkeut the vqrtical line.a of the grille, T olm sidvr a worsa in.dication than the gdlle itself for in tids case the Current is<# y IàwW aud Nnm no cba:zee to escam except by over.O wiug tlze obstrx tion' aztll to do tûis lt must fza4 overiow

Strengthening Lines .375

tlle stazrom zding parts. I have gis-en the nam e of Cnm up rstœ thia mazking as I have oftezl ezzcountered it as tt singleégn arid veziEed its bad tEœ ts. 'tY e croas.bars wIII bringotlt the bad side of a M ount sLteh as health defeetG andfortunately are not oftea fouM W lzen you encouater thissigu 5* how strong and deep are the en- linel alO izmvthey conlpare viith the re< of the lines iu the ba nd. Thedceycr tkey pre, the #zorse tke indication aud pir versa.Tbe Ctlrrent theory will always unlœ k thelr seriousrzea'Phe Cirele (z4) is quite a. rare sign aud is cbîesy valuable

w'bq n fou nd on tùe line of Life or on tNe N1o unt of Jk pollo

o@ r



N0. 1: FICNI 14.

or line of :lead u nder the slount of Jkpozo. Such nzxgklngsenapha:ze tbe Jkpollouian ben dency bo trouble n'it; the eyes.slzia in4icatio n I kavc veù âed ia & few iustances. s/kcuseen it xill be accurate as in dicating delicacy of the eyexbut is not seen cm the hands of 21 wllo aze eitber blind 'illwepx r d sion or wzak eyes. It is not usually perfectly m arked-Tmperfect dmles Bometime: elo* their etkes, hozeeverj andbleqnae ptrfect in shape as the dizscultiqs wiyh the eyesinurelwp.

sphe qYideut (z5) 1 foun d at the upper end of a line, issometime.s a ingle sig'n aud sometim es is cona% d witikdtker the lines of Saturn. Am llo, or Alereu rz. or Ndth aclmnee line tlzat runs iIz a vtrtical dired iou. 11 is a favom bleiudicatiou wilen fx nd on tlle upm r rnd of a llne aa it allowsag'te escape of she Current tllzougR proper ehannels. Itatlds streugtlt to the litle of A pollo, iukreasing its brilliancy

376 The Laws of Scientilic H and-ltead ing

aztd tlle ehapees of sucass fcrr the sttbject- The lrlclent is arare m arkit:g ûnfl always a good one. l:t m ust t'e m rfectlym arkqd to give its full m cauiug'.%Ye St'a.r (z6) is a.n important and vâlttable slgn, Tt is

fmm d i!l mnny hauds in q11 ptkuible loeatious aad is m m e-tûues a gxe indicatio u souzetiuaes a bad o ne dependingentirely u& n it: loeation. A s the Current Ibws alolzg thelines it is reafly at any m om ent to burst inte a flam e andilluminate it: surrotmdings. Jtlst 3s tlle Jsltrtrie Ctlrrentproducts tlze elcckrie ligh: so the Life Current also prollucesm riœ s m' points of iltumidlatioa. 'fkhu star is tlze electric

! w.

Nœ 1$ NO. lg

llght of Palmistry, tbe place at whlelz tblz Curreut sends out!ïs m intz of Iight from a commorl centre ; and thus tlle starlf sm all and eveu itt proportion meaus tTamintztitm large aud difuxd explositm. It ls always a lfrâfz'z?p x>and >t= i t'ng indieation whex&eer seen. 1% cateful inlxudlinp sta > tu note tbzir form Ktiou siwe dœplh of liue.locadon, an d relative proportion to t%e rest of the linexsrou :W11 aee stars pudx tly fornzeu svith qaek xay of thexknai- lengtll and c erdng from a eommon centre farming aperfeetly proportioneG znarkiug. 'D ese are tbe best stacs,and give the even illumination tbat lighLs up a M ount orliue withottt destroying it. W hen tlle star is im perfectlyfot'med aud the liae,s do uot preceed from a eom m elz celztrelt ls a m or Btar partaking of the defects of a grille and pro-tludng feeble light aud 5s in no setlse so brllllant a markinglz +G > pecêvct sœ . Ifthq vwœ 1 lwrge, w'itk deep, pœd liaea,

378 Thc Laws of Scientiliu l-land-Readlng

ing otlter lines. M wa note bow deep tize lines formingF!it %mp and How they ate 1x proportion to t%e other lines. Jktl t erare is a sigtl of grave import, esjxycially if highlycolored. The c'ro- Is azt obstacle ekr a defeetk and genem llyprotlucp.s either a bad quality, a health defed . or a chauge inthe om r'se of the stlbjeet's life The Current rttuning alongtl:e liue on reaeldng the u oss d' bttrnd out the fu> '' to 4tseekxtrkml ywœlance an4 a stoppage for repair is uecesgaryoûen Mutb tEe result oc eban giu g tbe cou Oe of the subjeet'slife. Ia any lecation it nzust be regxzdtd as uufavozable

'aod as indicatiug w defotu1% tbe repair of a ny lise vpzRk broken or defoeuvu in

auy way, S'ister linus (z8) are mlyst valuable. W henm'er yousee a w eakneM or a defect in any' line look to see if a sidterline 'rlm .q alongtd


de adding its strengtb or repairing quali-tles. A w eak llne witlt a sister line m hkes a gnotl com bitla-tion almost as good as a siagle stz'oug line. G oo:l lines areMzade kttter by sisbzr lines a nd in every place thty appearnx aM a isler line as of dx ided beuest.The stnd y of thc geuen l characeriria of tbe lines

and dgns of w'%ich thia cha pîqr tmmta is the keystoncto the atud y of the individnnl linea aud x bin tions.I have bee n ex plidt conceruin g each chau ge in tNe lines al1defeets and the way indid dttal signs are produced as I wishto get the geteral tileory of the Cunmtt well llxed in yourm iud. T he applim tion of this hypotkesis to tbe indi-vidual lfnes :nq kes it enqy to read tbeir inuulnerable vatsa-lions. and it is o n1y this eoneeptiou of tbe llleetdc Cu co twhieh will make it passible to reax u out a1I of tke Bxoxdblecembinatioz!s d 'lipo's you will be ealled upou to nua.



P to thistinze lb=e hp< not been dlexnrered auy wayof positilrely lelling from the izand the prexnt age of

a subjeet. 'Pilere is no markiug i'n t'he hand or ott tbe lineswlziclz will independent %t' everytM ag else indicate tllisBut by clesv observalioa of the geueral appaarance, colorand skin yott rx'tn approximale 1he con'ect age within a fewyears. Youthful skill is fresll lœ kilzg, elmstic gvnerally we:llcolored a nd has tke g ppuarancq of vitality. Jks age comuon the skin grow s less fresh lookiu g takes on a satiuy-glœ sy appear'auœ . apd gets darker often becoming browaiu spotu. This sau ny appearauce pçgirs at about 5 Ryyeaa of age, aud grows m ore p x n ou nced fnxn fhat thneon. The- is not m ileh trouble to dlstingl,i:k the ha ndsof youlh b)' < ze and appearanee, neither gs it hard to j udgethe uands of nf ddloaKed or o1d pzx ns. B ut 1om the yearsof twenty to âftr there is greater dil cllty in reaehin g ac-curaey, thouJ: profeieney clu be aoquia d by a elolzoY rvation of skiu con dstqucy color an d gc neY appear-anee. It is desirable to acquire skill i:l t'izi.s matter for know-

lclge of tlze present age of a subject will enable yotz to tellwlzat m'unts seeît iu his hau:l lzave pauedk and. aboutwlmt point t*e sttbject ltas reached in the life znap of tlzebancl at the tim e y'our reldiaw takes plaee. U ntil J'ott haverainecl som e proâcieucy in tbis resw et. it is mueh G tter toaak the subjed what age lle ilaa attained and nqe lzis atkgweras a kmsis. 1 do not Maeâ u tbat you should rely abK lutd yum n it, for a11 jerslm s will tlot be trm hful ; bm R ey will l)e


:$80 T he Leaws of Scientisc H and-Reading

witEin reasonable distance of the correct age alz:l you w ill

have to use your ow'n judgment ha d upon tile apm aranceof tbe haud as to :ow m udk they a œ nisleaiing y ou. Ihelleve there f, a way to telt thc agz œf a subject frouz thelines a nd have been ex peH nlenting qqth it for sonae tinawbut thc results do no: as ret A'atrant me in giving the fnethoclas xn absolutely eorzect cue. Jf tla ttm m rattue ol' your

room is exactly tigllt anrl G e stlbjed in perfect health youwill ofterz û


n':l by pressillg klie Life line eut'te ,izzaf from 'thetop dow nwa'rd so tbat you force a11 of the blood out of ilrepetkting if necesqqry tllis pressttte several times that therevzill sozn etiuxea a ppear, on1h' fœr a secolzd a pv bite ypot inthe line, In abottt ilalf of tize cR.u o!t whîdz I have triedthis experim ent this white Npot hâ


s show n itfjels at tlle oor.

rect age of the sutiect. Jt hus lxt'n sucœssful so oftem tbatI 'believe if tlle conditioa.s of healtll in tlze sttbject and tem-peratttre ef tlle rooiu were oïwa '& j11st Hght that the results) .wx ld be astouishiuw ia tltvir accuracy but we quctauntc

stle'h varying contsitions tbat I do not feel jugtifell in makingtke m sitive statelzlelzt tlzat age ca


n always be dix ovcret't intid.s way. Ik will be valuable to Palm iutr.r if this possibl tyean be fully establitlhefl.If our hypothesis that tlze linœ itl t'he haud are a m ap of

tlzu 'natural coar.x of tlle life is eorrect then t'he difereptportions of the :izles m ust show to wlzicr'lz parks of the lifethey m fer. .'Experlmfmt: hklve dearly sbown tlnat tlze begin-ning of a line (rememberi'ng always from whic.ll end the linein qitestion is read ) records tlle first ytxux aurl tbat as thellne continues it records the advaneing yeaars of that life.'Pike degree of profkclency possible to attaiu in reqtliz!g the

age at wllich eveuts occur dea zzdg Nmtirely upon the keenn-arzfl golxl Judgment of tlle practitionen There are somewho ean tell of an eveut aud fx tlze timtl witlzirl a. year, butthoge who bave reached auclz skill are fem Otilers are suo.cesgfut w itbix two three or âve yeats. N o otle eau do m orethatl fix tâeyear in whlell an evcnt oxnzrs if lzs relies entlrelyupon tlze rulcs of Palm istrp To sx scientifieally a. monthor spzdfk 4ay for any event Es impossible. Ndtlwr :.. il

Age as lndlcated on the Lines )sz

Smesible relying soldy on the Nand to tell tke naMle of asubjed. tlpe inirial of llid name or that or a friend m' relative.In every case when y'o u are asktd to write tktsu thiagx on apaper, nö nlatter w hat is apparently doce witb tNe paperyou m ay be absolutely eertain that tlle practitiouer is relyingupou steigllt of llqnd to enable lzim to rkad wlza.t you kavewritteu. 'Phere is uo Ixzsxible m etEod eitlzer of lx ating'' Itteky daysy'' a'ntl uotlling should m ore quickly give 1heslamp of fraucl tban sucb a statement from a practgt:oller.Neitizer does a sciemtiEc palm isf coniina him self entirely to

tLwfututkb tdling of wondertul things tbat will happen after'lte is goae. Sacb practitiouers succfxd lxcamx tlzere is justtnougll cretllllity in olr human nattlre to make us âsi/zr tkexthings- which are dways made to be plelsaut- vdll coule topasqt Any palmist wlm understands lzi, art can tqll A stezezzç and is he cannot deâl eorrectly with your clmracterllealtlz lem peracx ut and a gocd deal of your past life (lenot put faitb in his skill. '

Triqiu g e&xnta are not sb ou in the h&n d. nphe Mle:erautiae of livi ag uoes nut appvar iu the life uâap so auyclainl to traee your lire fronl day to day is a false one in.teuded xnerely to deeeive. (lnly im poftaut eventq seziorsiznqases, cianges of condition. sevtre trials, gTeal j oys ordangens will be seen or th ose tblnge or persons TrHo havegreatly lîliueucetl aa(1 have protlucetl stroug braia impres.sions upon you, or have m ade m arked chaages in tha courseof tlle life.To bu œ rrect în readlng age on tlx Iizas we m ust coasîtler

how long the average ljum au being live . ThoM aggm easurem ents oc tlle Life line wlziclz couliuue tlle life upto one hundred years and over are mnnifestly ino rrx tfor people do n ot oftelz reaeh sueh ages. T he Kubles of ex-pœcta ucy uzud by insu raacu corû punivs aTe cqrtainly near thefaeus for they are the resalt os large experience and arecousz ered suï dlzlztly reliable to form a basls from wllie.lltlze companie: sre wllling to zsstlme great fuancial riA s,T tables place yhe lengtll of töe lverage insurable life atyixty-fiveyears, but, for the purpose of allowiug txtm time t;

:8z The Laws ol Sclentific H antl-keading

our sutixtsr it is better to aasume tlmt tlle lzuma.u life exee


ptizl rare case.w will n()k grqatlh' excx d x venly yn rs. 'Plzuswe sfart a line at zero and end it at œ vxnty. 'rhe interven-ing' space we divide iuto sectix s m atùematical6y exact,which peint otzt tiku iutervenilzg yeaz'a of tbe life.The division of t*e Ivife Iil:e (:9) begirls at the stqrting of

:>'.. lilze uader tlle sngtr of Jupiter and eqcks at tke vasvdte ..tlze intenrening x ctionsre- ding a11 tlle t'ariottsyears of tlze life. Forconveuience and to faciE-tate quieknerz irl zeatlingtbe line I divide it ictùe centre, â xin K tbatpoint as fàe age 36 whichis approximately oue half

@ of 7o. 'Phe space above* ts tlliscentr'al rxxrnt I divide

1* iuto tke ages 4., 6, I2, zï,I l

k.1' 24. w , atld. tile portion ofA* 1

) tlle liue after the cetaral.543 point to ro'td aa ag'es 4;r,K' 5t. 6o, and 7o. To reaell4. a date as clase as a year,7o it is neceasary to subdi.

vide the line betweensz. 1: jj ; to ri-agvs 4 an 2o Iz pe

txls, uaclz reprex ndax one year aud mark tike spaœ onthe line as fev' can so accurately gauge it with tke ehaxW ith a little pradicu yx eatt rtcogaize q'lze.x tlze age.s 4,5, I2! I8h 24, 3+ 36, #y 5r! 6o, zad 70 are m arked on titeliue, and learn to read these ag'es quiekly aud ftcturately.Iu a. cax tlze indiem icm you are reading (1tlo not comeat one of these ages! you mayl if you w'Ish to be trer

.rp aceu.m tzi mark ofr the line iuto yeara aafl arrive at the exact date

as ixdicated abca-e. In reading tfâand wlthottt markinKtke llné w1th a m neil. always conâder whether the âaad isloug vr simrt, aud after frst uming the cuutral poiut ttu tlze

Age as Indicated on the Lines .,8:$

liue, wM clz indicates tlze 36.year division m eutallh' m ark (etlze x'veral spo- : z'p prsportinn to the kmgth of tbt kaud Along hand w111 hlve wider spadn g betqxen each 6.yaarperiod a nd iq a sb o/ one they will com e cloAv together.The above divii on of tïe Life line I have fo and nuve ae-curabz tkan any I ha ve ever uaed au â while the results

obtzned depend entixly' upon Kbe cornxt j udguzeat of thep = titioner tNey can be m G e veqr acenraœ if n ë cim tpains 1 taken.'bzldin g pedods of tiuze en tke lines af the lbeart an 4

àlead is oûen upeful ia ordqr tv see vzketbqr even w uzarke;op then& :t into conditions seen on the Life line. To esd.m nte tiuae on tbese lines tNe sanxe rules nâust be obeervedaad tlze sam e rem arks aud reaeming apply' to tlzese liuesas to tlze Lifu lirtc 'rlzey iagizz unltvr tlze f n> r d Jupiterand their cottrsa is ao'ost the hand. A s the- two liueshave m any variations in tlle direetion they prtrsae, I llavefountl it tyt'st to ust an imaginary liue beglnuiug ilz tlwmikldle d tbu Mount of Jupiter = tt ruuniug am'ckqs tlze lzarltlto the rercttœ ott as a. gtdtle to m easttre by. On this imagi-narg line (zo) 1 1ay out the periods of 6 r2# x3, 24, s0. ,36, 4.y5z, 6o a1t(i 7o a.url wbea anything is to l)e read on the H eartor H uicl lix uote under which of thex periois it liew eoflthis is fo uud to be t:e prom r age. If clos:r dates are de-< ped naark 1:e 'Ieaa or Ilead line into spaces representingsingle years, aud Iyrxxed as (titec'ttd iu the use of tlàe Life line.'Phe. above tRbles of m- qurements I have ux d with tzzuchsuccess, and believe tizem to be correct if properly applied.A ge on tlle Iine of Satltrn is read from the bottom upu rd

(2z), tlle sjmce from tlle raœette to Head lioe eoveriug theycars frozn o to 30, from liae of Heacl (uormqllh' plaeedl tqline of Hbart Jo to 4.5, atkd from lizw of H tml to fiug'e.r ofSaturn 4.5 to go years. By remembering tilese tltree generalsulxlivisions you will soou accustom yourself to qttickly readthe prindpal periods. If yotl wisiz to reatl witlziu a yrar,m ark oir tlze line and proceed R.s witll the Lil: liniz. Tilediirerent directions $n whieh the lines of H ead antl H eartoftett ru.u Rcross tlze 'lmud m oke tlm location wkere tlze 11*.

* .t! ... t, .. .h .Q . s w v o. > (7ie

j - $183


$ 6?#


J. %z/ e

a*3 yz'é * <o. zo

:4 AF

zf z-z> 4t


Jkge as Indicated on the Lines :85

oî Satwrn erlsges thenl not alwayg the gauae. sf they ateKalsplaced prod ud n g a vzlde or a narrovv qu adrangle do Lotrely on tke splee betw- thenz as ceveriug tht ages fronz3o to 45 but at oace naeagure the entire line of Saturn forcorrett dates.lphe llne of ?kpollo (2a) 1s read frcnx t:e louotl upward

as is tbe lint of Saturn and the sanze rules a nd nleasure.rlents apply b3 it as to t:e line of Saturn aa â also thesame nzethods of arziving at txact d ates. The line of Afervcu ry (23) i: read frona the bottonl u pward, the qmnne scaleand ruluw applyiug to it as to u1e other Tints txeept tkattNe spaees on this line are eloser together inasmllch as theline is ahorter. It is oftcn dvsitable to rcad agc oa this linvas It Is s'ueh lt v'aluable Dne in cfm lleetion w ith tlle litle ofLife. Iy is not nece- ry to I'Q!?ïI age on chance liues TlLexlines Të1l either cross the 5! ain linee start fron: th etn or so

ntar, that age ou tlze ckarlge line cau l)e readxw- t'ize Mainline. These chxnce linez whieh are the ehanges or resf-Mlidea in t: e naturzi m ap of thu Efe run in sa m anydired ious and start from sttch untxxpeded plac'ea that llorule can Ix i ade for reading age on them . You B'l11hovpzver, uever h* ve trouble ia arzivisg at the proper datesR4th tkese lines by eom: putln g fnxn the hf ain Iin es. 'Io partof Palcdstry requipes za ora practicu than t:e readin g ofdab>, and tiuae can be valua bly enzploye ; in gnining thkpracticc ztt Erk you wil! record rnany failures but it is

Jrour Jutlgment aud uot tlle rttles 'that is ftt fault. This youw1ll prove for ynurself as you e careful and deliberatein m mkiug up your m itd bdere y'ott apeak. N o oae readsdwtes so fluently as tbe beglntler Tlle older ln expetience1ze bœ omes, tbe more carefally l:e worka and tlte better re.1 h hieves Some disaplml' nLment in liue.lvadingsu ts e ac .

oame.s to beglnners from the f xct tbat they do not look intlx right placvs fbr events. A t present few lx k for inuee,sauywhere btzt orl tbe Life line, while the H eadl H eart. audM ercury lînes aatl tke M otm ts a11 recold health az ictioas,gheir d:te to be rea(l kpm thesv liue:.


. 'razl ruxe oe a xxzttr

PON entering our bcdies tlarough the fknger of lupite:tlle first ling reaclletl b tlle BlecLrle Curreut is tlie lineï

of :lea n. so llanled because It h as been fou nd to reiect ac-curabely the cooditiœ l u nd operatioll af this orgatl. It is avery ilnportant Iine as it deals w ith that central Dir.sustaill-ing m e barimn wbieh pumps and eotto ls the blood streamwhkh bg 1:s qttatltity atld quality w e have fotlnd aoIargely zfectz our btalth an d tenlperaolent. Dphe line ofJleârt rises locz sonle pd nt under or near the 5 nger ofJupiterl a nd traces i:s w'ay across the Amnd u nder theL:o uutsl cndin g on the percussion. lt is not proper to saythat this linu has pny nornnal stars n F place or an y n'rbneêstopplux plaee fur w hat raig ùt bc nqrnz w1 vzith orc subj trtwoul:l Iwt lx with azmtlzrr so the. line of Heart zaust alww s> fl;xz considerect în relation to tlzc individnxl o'n wlziclz it zsx tn. 'Phe o1d sqylizg tlzat a lxtrson llas u E' w œrm lzeart ''or tt .' reat deal ef heart ' ' Ilas bec'ome synoztymouswith theg' ,Idea that tllese m rsons ere aseclionate ancl sympatlzetk'Thls is largely true for we llave alreatly seen ths.t 'the aetlonof a strong heart ks ftglowed by' pink color lzlcucatizlw warmtlland healtb Ru d thîs >x k uow proiuces geuial sylupathetlcyeop:e. Fleuty of blood p!,u1pe4 by a <m u g heart oleanstbe antitbesis of whiteness lllld coldness So a '' xwarmhM '' veally refers to the p11&'Z ea1 1le a1th of tllat or> nand the xwarm th that follows good M ood stlpply. w hlc.h m n.ditlott jyrotlttees the conrequent attm etion towards ite fellow.m ex paetdiar to guch nam re: T hus w e Gnd that aM x ng phydcal heart m eans not only healkb but a sc ongat- ion for and to olbe- A, d oonvenœly a wc>k


Th'e Line of H eart :$g7'

Aabby' lbelart, p uuzplng tke bloo ; current Mutb nfe:x-fozcegath %xî ua-K Trhite color vrhlch indiea:lq a laek ofwaq a 'a u4 conx quent wm k or leM man etic or ener.gsr badlyzlity of Afections Th- ba whom t:e zeadiugnately pn: in uie afeedon: from tke âleartlina :aa x emHabsentlile have not recognized the direet eonneetion exist-in a vqweelz the strength of the phy ieal orgal: a nd tNe enao-eras, for every variaiion ia Kbe Kreugth of t:e heart'sactiœ: fcoduces naore or 1es* bealth apd a eorrespondin gvariau on ia the kind a n; skrtu gth of 1he aseetion w Q)h usthe 'Ieart line is in trut:k a revealer n ot enly of the nzusru.lar, vital rrength and R tiorl of the heart itse:f lm t as a



sult of tbese collditëons also of the stpea gth aud chpracter olthe aFerkioniN'ou h611 not f n d the line M ileart absvnt ln = ny

kan ds au d yet it x mdimes is. Y ou will x u otLly otœ litksz crossizlg tlle lzaud belew tlze M ouotsan d n'ill be at a losa to tell whethr it 1 the klead or lleartline. I have but oace seen tbe Ilead line entirely a bsentîizouglt I hasx seeu zual'zy lzanc'ts lackizzg t'lze H eart linm(1 had inlended at tlzis ptfnt to sùow this lzwnd witlz Heatllille absent but upon g'oing to csecupe a prlnt fotmd thata 'lead liue haâ a ppeated in the han; siuoe I last sawit a perio â of about a year.) H ve oo nsider tNat tùelines are O ntrolled b

.y the brai'n nud not by 1he hea


ztwe ca u unde O tclt; that thv 'Iead line h4l1 uearl ' alwaysbtz prex ct, bqing tlze indieator of that organ wlzlcik con-trol.q anâ prtxlLlces a11 Iines It is often reell boweverin a very elenxeutary statq uf developnâen u svhea aain gle liue is uucu oocupying a pasition vvbic: il rela.Hvely. vzhere the Ilead :ine ought to ke if ahould beelaased as a 'fead liue an ; the >leart line cousidere; tobe absent. ln order tbzt tbls slngle line nnay be con-sidered the Ileart line an d K ot the 'leed line it nlust

rise higll on the s!ou ut of J upiter (24), or in that wseiuity,and Iuuat trace its vzay acrasz tbe hand Just uxder K:eLlounts, and n ot by an y m eanelow enough to te la the 10ea-don ofthe Tlead line. ïuhex u;e ïleart line 1 abseu q i:v

388 T he Laws of Scientiâc H and-keadlng

absenee spelks of a laek of syma thy a nd K:e aside of làu dispoé u on au ; wptns us of oue w bblooded selfsh anâ w ho dedres personal successt:e ex/ense aud O triment of otherl It kq a bRdw bïch eaé;y leads frocl maere stlfshncas into ldecelt, lack of can der an d posilive dishonesty.If this m arking is see:t in the hand of a. bad M ercunu

K . 24 Nc aT

evetl of an Mntlsually shrewd speeimen of this tyre, it w ill atont'e mcan nam rat tem ptption towarâ disbonesty. If tlwfinger of M ercury is crooked arld twisted anll tize nal-ls are

narrow or short you may be sure tllat the sublect cannot betrllsletl. H e wil: 1ie swindlex chuat, utual or tlo anythingto get money- ; tbis is the hand of typieal cold.bloodecl dis.bonesty. O1! a M artian tite abcgm c'e of tke H eatt line wouldshow him to bu unm rupttlousj cold.bitxdell and even bltm dllzirsty allll daugerot'us. H e will burn wlthphysical ardor aud will gratify bis ltlsts w it'lz uo t'imug'ill oftbe cousequences to his W etilzx 0n a Saturnian it is a dis-tresdn g iu dicau on fer it Nvill add to h1s uatural basred ofm ankind h!s deslre to get evett w ith them bls avarlce; andco nseq uently, his chanees of beiu g disb onest v:ll be iu-uruasqd. &? Ne J upited an Tzill rarely bz fou ad vdtk such a niudieatfon ; wu lz he is somae one of tke tkree types j ustm eutionecl w ill be strotlg also, atd tlle traits indicatfxl bythe abx nt H eart line will oom e from tllair side of tile ltouse.Tlte Apollonian m ay have a defective H eal't line, but lt willaot be foktnd entirely absettt wikil lzim ; neither w111 it ler

i The Llne of Heax ;8:

skith the sren usiaa as these eeo types have too naucàtyo *cszm patb y and feeoug ever to ke absolutdy âesdelzt inho azt. 1)àe LuuaHa n zzay be foand wi* t:e line absuutpfr badly rlefidein.t as ike is naturally x ld amrl selfislu Forttt-Mately, yotz are no: likely to meet Ltltt:y Luuariaul So tlte'?absezlk line of Heart will tell yot: tlzat tlze subjxt lacks heartitl a moral way, is eold and MIESK â.:1d that he will also beeowarclly alzll sueakâag iu his dispositiou tkouglz sometimoa great '< blH er.'' 'rlze liue of H eart generally risex from

sôme point ou or near the Molmt of Jttpiter sometimes ex-teudiug over aa ; riiug oIl t%t hfou ut of Saturu. souae-thnes t:e line has forks at its begin ningk a11 of q'blch may

start frona J Rpiter and sonaetinaes lhcse forks spread like afan, extending ovcr ls far as Saturx.TG re are three veM-verised readings attachtd to three

stahing pduts and tbesz should be used as a basis far yourwork, modifying and chauging them in accordance as you seeyhe startiug points vary. r. Rising from Mount of Jupiter(25) w't reafl tlzc tlevdœpmttit oî tlle sentilm ntal side to tite

wa a Na zr

drectlons. Tl> subled is oua wltose los-e is ideal to wllomlove îu aa adom tioa antl to wlsora lovv qviza wit!z povertyattaehed is ltractbpe. a. Ris'g g beiween Jupilur andSaturu (26) the liue shows the com molz-xux praetical'' middle ground '' witlz the aFuctix w indicqting one wlzo isnot earrled cwar wit'h R ntim ent but wlto vfewc Iove fronl œpractkxl stanâm int ; is not '' solt '' or '' a '' but w'lmB X l

,3po The Laws of Scientific H and-lkeadlng

ls incliucd to tM uk tlzat love In a coitage witlltïut pleaty o!b= d and btltier is a m yth. T hfs person is neve.r c'arriedan'ay by sentlm eut and. wM le stronz in etFectiou is sensibleand tlot foolislt. 3. Rising rrom tlle Moual of Eat'uru (27)the mazkiag sltows the seusualism ln tlle afo tions of onewhose love Iu tinged witil the idea of pleasures from sexualrelation:. 'PM s is ini'allEble if with it is œ en a large M ouutof Veuus of pink or 7e;l v'ullm aut! witlz strong N fe audM vrcuty lines. 'Pheae n'ill fe:ll o! pllyslca.l tlesîre l)y thepoint at widclz tNe H eart line starts and of pby<eal streugtksuflkciertt to carry ottt t'ikese desires b.y t*e tytller iudicationw

we. ag so. z'A

svhere the H enrt lhle 'Hses from n1l Ihree of tllese w urt'es(z8) we hage iudicated the uaiun of xutimrut commou-geuse. aud w ssion. sbowing tbat lzeart is the strongest factorin tlze make.up of your stvbjec't, ancl a very finv! M egsk lueand a strong tltumb must be preseut to prevqç uea''' f omt rt rruling lzead. Willz tids stroug formation k g4l(')tt can. l)y' nOt !M'kicll of tlze tbree linea ia tite deelr ' . iuti: at t:e ztaTWn; PCI ,tell whether entlmetlt com : j tlw' ZXQVVnR

, Qf PIFZO Ss'trongest foree. Tizis always u r.

vl Itnxlllees a.ll affectioll Peson, wlzo hzs a. wann kear'A ' a great deal of il' alld ltpvesfritmd relation and mankl. , j klm' * V ill Vetteral' IXS d*DVW Ymuclt lleart, anfl he dx s (1

ulq, awn kn-t alwars Ttlok Rfteeterests wlleu coaaiderio 'Y D0

' those of OtberB' ?Phlereasecl lf tla fork fIC WII

''' Jlpittr 1!1 Btrtmgest, zntlh' tke midGle bmne/ rtml est beom x tlle PraditRlr

l is strong ,

T he Line of H eart :19z

wll1 tlzezl be promiuent. T he fork or tbe H eart line will =ot

alwo's lxt so pronounmd as thvt sg wn ln tbe lllxzstratixbut even' varùztîon of it can be read 'ased upeu tbe full in-dieaHan here gi ven. Sotaetimce: f*e line x;11 start in sevemalforks on J u piter alone in whitb ease it kuceeases te sentl-naeukality oî a skngle 2ne startin g frqnz tbpt poiat. TGsa cze rule applies to tùe otber starting pointB. 3rhe gxmeralrule applies tblt a siugle line tends to nllke tEe asketions

nzore self.eeutained lu d the subj eet lovûs femily an; âienAstrœn g1y b ut d oes aoL reucb out to everybody as d ues t:eane wh- Ereart linu forka at tbe stzrt. T:e deeper and

HeRTer the liue at the start the deeper. buL nlorq llkvly balx x lflab are the afecliona. Tlle more tbe branchîng, the

more they go out to many mople. ''Phe Iine beginning %'jlha fotk makes a suctxssrul suljeet for he has lnnny frieuds.Som etim us the lilzt of H eart iuclines to fall towazd tbe line

of Head at its start (w ). 'rlzis shows the N-a4. to l>elmwerfully in tla lead 1n4 tlmt wllea it com o lo a c'lzoîcebetweeu sentlment a nd utility the bea/ %511 be suoand

best. Smnetima the Xne Marts Tr> the llne of Hexd ûo)in whic: case ik wi11 s: ew that llead has eoutrol of heart andcenzplctcly deuzlnates it. thhisis espzdily true il tbt iïeqiIinr be zee/gr an d clearer than 1he Ileart line. Lï it 1 aomnark ed, read v; t% co nGienee that the head c= pletely rules.Tf the liuea of 'Iooa aau :start are uaarked Rs in the abovetwu caseq theru vzill kt a conlin ual stragglœ betpxen t% euafor supremc y, with the eharc*s in fav of tlze lzead w$ tlïe

Jpz The Laws of Scientific H and-Reading

H eart liae droops er takee 11 sourc.e from it. 'Pile constantefbrt 51: our stttdy of the haud is to discover what force.s areztrongeat irz the atxbject and what oacs will most iniuelzcuhinl. ln this hattle betq/mn head a nd heart reapon an dsàstjxaeu q ag n uhgyiu spect tbe e: yze of :he IEeart line au dv'gkb it tke cenngvrgtivc J/rrrz:é of t:e two lineq kleadAJd ylexu in ordem to tell wbCch w111 yule. 'Cote in praes'

tic'e t'itwt tlle E eart liue wlztn rising rrom t'lze H ead lëne does

not zlumya do so jnst at the start a.s in the illustration butnMay H se farther elonr in the eeutse of the 'Iead line (3r).In this case tke tluze pt which the llead Iine obtaintd con.trol nf the 'Ieart lite ca n be read by the Joint on t:e Ileadliue froaz which the 'Ieart line starts ; the age at which itoecurrqd bd cg read frona the :nu of llead accordiug te tkerules laid dowr iu Chapter 15:. 'ln the above exauziu atioua yo u Mi11 be naueh asdsted by

îaving frst claaeiGed your subjectinto bis propertype. 3rheSaturnian q'i!l be alest apt to be zuled by head. followed b).tke Luuariap thu lfvrcuziau thv J uyiteripn au; Ute lfar-tlanl naxaed in the order as tbis tendeney i: fonnd. 'êbe

Apollolsiau Rnfl Venusîan iucliue to have lzea'rt lead tbem .'svil1x the abos'e markingw base the strengtlx of your state.m euts of tlze itldicatîonz uporz the type aa well az tlze itdicz.tioau of tlze line itself and you .411 arrive at alx lllte aecuracy.T be length of tlle line s'àould uext be uote; for it 'wil! tell t)fm v or Iittlr lzearl If the line rises normally but runs only

T he Line of H eart 3%

a short diatance and gtom (3a), it indieate.s tlmt ths subjuwill have eeriotls diflietzlty at tbe fim e at wlaielz it entls evenif a11 the otker linea ge on to their =oz m al leu gkh. lêNiuabrupt ternûnation uf tEe àlaart line Maeans eitber Shat the

heart will stop beatin gj or else that the suM ect has îstlleheart or aFectiou for otkers Y ou cau j ud ge w hic: by tbedinections given later in lhis cbapter. It is ht elther casea poor sign. lf the H eart lille crceses the entire hancl (.a'$) itslzows that tbu subject llas tœ mtwh lwart wncl wi2 allowsentiment to guide llim ln everylhiug. In business lse w illuot eboose employees beeamse tlzey are bu'st f ttvd lo do kigworlq btzt becaux lhey ' ' uued a job '' and in a1l the walksof life he will be guicled by' O ntiment. IIe will becom eemsily jealouq azzrl will llax muc:b antl suftkr if he does lmtget m ucll in retatrn The older m lm lsts read a lins risitlgwell u p in b: the fnger of J upiter mld zu tniug clear ncrosgtNe ha nd '' failurv in a11 cutcrprises.'z llhis readiug waaprobably based upon the fzct tb Rt one n'h o is in eve rythingri ed by se ntlnzent ca u seldouz eope suecessfuîly xzit: col;Khemers. You can see that such a subject will uotnrlmsa ?'l'4..p l 6 fai 1 in all en terprix's ' ' thoug h he is not Tikelyto gvt along mà n'ell as one m orv -praetical in m altezs ofbeart. So our reàding, i % too m ucil keart ' ' is tke best.A fter satlsfying yotlrselF Jts to 411.:: lengtlz of the line next

rzotv ita coursc thrtmgil thv lzand. By this 1 do noL m ean totake a sweeping glance ôt the wllole line but that yoît noteits tvery variation in clirectifm . Stx in w'lla.t directions tllelinu i.q cleftectell lmw long it rtm : in this cou


rx t'ize charaoter of the line duling the change in course tlle aw at whiclxit ocmzrw aud. if m any of tbtse clzaugts take plaee note eacbone, its dttration and a11 tllat happens to the line during thevarious cbanges in dirH ilm lt is tbis m inute analysis of alina th at givzs its coraplete hle ry as applied to tG s ubJ uvtthe events that go V f.h it ms well as the ages at whiek theyoocur. By uoting the counx of 1kv lint I do hot refer todefeets in it whieh we will ronRider laterl but to tbe direcdtmit takep in crosg ug tbe ha nd. Avith the excepdon of J upi-kzr, vrker. it sbRr:B t:e nornual Ene of àltart nzarkl the

The Lîne of H eart !95

subject. You caa by noting lmw long tile line is deEectedfrom its eourse, tell, br readlng the age on the line whatm riod of years was covered by it. By tzoting bow m udl tbeline is pulle:l vut of its cx rae Jrkm can tdl kcw Jrrlk'zu theatlraction has bee n. Aro l %vill no@ ofula see I line pulledxide of its coumse for general:y, before sueh e gzeat d%q.-5pv caq occur, a chanee ltae *:11 splzY away frona tbe lfwlnllne an d riae to the roint of at/action D at you will olenencounter sliglzt variations G t:e lilze anfl tllex are inzlyor-taut, for any attractlon grûat euottglz to pull a M aiu line oatofits cottrsa is a strong orle. lf the H em t line is deEected

towanl any M ount tlle Ikeople of timt M olm t th'pe attrad tllesubjeet greatly auti exert a strong influence over him. 'rheyform M s kltal as to qualidœ gud wppearance and you candexhbe tbe H n d of a person y our subject likes best andolten how tlxey look by dtv vribing the areearanœ of tlle kypeof the M ount lo which the line ia defltxltcl. lf tbe line dipsdownward in its cotxre (,q5) it sllows lllat at tbe time of thisdeflection the ketnd lm s exerted a powerful lniluellce over theheart ; and reason and lzead dom înate x ntiment aucl lzeartDuriag stleb a m rlod t'ile ellbject will be ltdiFrrent to otizqrsavaridx s selsslz a ud cold-bearted. TM s dedection of tbeH eart lix m ay x'cur ak any perio;l iu its eourx . 'D e pointat wltieh it begins will tell the age at whiclz tillg tendencybegina If it is lost in the Head line (36)j it shows thatthvse qualitiez la vq swallowcl a:l furlhtr indem tdent actiO

,j# The 1 >ws of Sclentmc Hand-Readlng

of tlze aFe 'tm? 'IYeae snbjqcts are hencefortlz dominatetl byheaâ. If tize line of H eart O er slle.lx a sarious delluhcdon re.

gxius its fornler txmrse (3;$, it sbows tlzere is still left a por-tioa of the form er aFectionate dism sition antl tkat lzea.d azzdworldly interers bave not entirely overcome he-art anâ senti-m eut. Stzch a d tarac'ter will always be ting'etl strongly withm uclz ikeu.u and litl% hgart.'n ese deflections toward fhe H ead line are ven' frequent

but hz an infnite variety of degreei lphey vary fronl slightcurvings qf tNc line which arc awatcvly ptruepûblt to greatswx ps downward In whatever degree seen it allows thepulliug foree of tùe head strivjug to ovezœ me the seutimen-tul <dv of the subject's natarq and sucxxxuing in a greptcror less degree as the deflection is great or small. Yor. cxnalways zead the age ou tbe llne at whielt tu se eveuts ocettrand han' loug thq;, last l)o not forget to upu the type of;your sttbject, whicll will clear up any points of dottbt. De.G ctions occtm ingr downwarâ wikll Saturuiaus read quicklyand witim ut fear as showiug tite stronge-û dde of the indi.cwdou. Soften m ut judgment as you go over the typesj theVenusian seldom lxiug aE ieted vkit,k all hgad antl no iw rtQlbu variations of tbis line are iuEnite but yo u can accu.rately rea; eaeh oae of thena if yo u uudvrstaa i the g ozar/l

trivWez goverzdng, aud use g'fxd Judgzxr.t in estimatiugtke degree of disturbauoe ar differenoex There are caseswhea'e the line or H eart in dellœ ting dm vnward fzpm itscœurx , cuts tlw H earl liue in two instea:l of m erging with it

c'r golng back to its original eourse (a8). In tllis t'ase s'eriousinjury antl damage to the Hcxad lîuc are indicaterl aurl atthe tizx at which stwil a* cut takes place the subjeet willhave either an unbalaaeing of the m ental frtculties seriousbrain fever, or deat: S uvk a slarkbn g caa uot take pbzcvwitlzx t disasler. %Y e two atrong Currents in the H ead andIleart Iines cromsing each other will to uA electlic parlfmeeburu out tht fua: er cause an ux Soion aud as t:e aFairlxrurs on tlze H ead llne llle explosion will be in tlte bm in.Apoplexy is m os't to le feared followed by alz impairmelztoî braùz or plresis if tke acute aLtaek be aurvived. In sucb

T he Line of H eart 3q7

a onqe look n'e:l to the Mount to e. Jupiteriln.s are predis-posed to am plexy, an4 with such a mazkiug in tlzis tymyour diagnosis will i:e plain satttrnians are redism r*tl to. Pparalysis axcl with stlcb a type this will be hls troubleA polloniaus ure ppoGisposc; to bllnd nesa aud bcart diseapuso heart failure is the stron g prequ m ption here witl) blind-ness (a deftct su t:e heaâ) seooud. htezcuriaus prvdisposoi


N 0. :* NO. 39

to 'nervous, bilious trouble wsll point you to paralysirvLfartians w'iîh excess of blood supply alrcady greatlynzarked will likely h ave Alx4plexy. T.u narians and sFenu-iahs are not liktly to have tûis nzarking. Thougll tke acubcattack of apoplexy probable in the above cases nlay D otbe fatal it leave: an inlpairnaent and inju ry to tlze braiu.I n an y eve nt thîs Daarkiug, Nebun ulu 'Itart lice cula the:lead Iine mnust he considereâ very serio us. 11 ote b0th theliues of Life aud Saturn to see whether tlzey stop or are de-fleeted at the sam e age a.t whicll this cutticr eœ urs. lf sqthe indication is m ore eelious. This deileetion of the H eartlinfz anll cutting of t'ile H eq.f.l liue m ay oeeur at any m iul luits aerass tlle izand. 'Phe age at wlzicl:l it xcnlrsreads from tlle line. If at tlze poirlt wbere the two lines cutthey are dqup and red lbu cen ,>1 aenves are ra ope seriœusExam 6ne nxils to see if by color or flutings they sllow pre-dispositiçm to heart trouble or paralysis : ir so tbe dang'er lsgreater.W e may' sum up the rules for tv eourr.e of tlle Heart line

by sayiug that every variatiou ia its course m eazzs a ckange

398 The Imws of Sdentï c H a' nd-Reading

ia the qualitie for whlell It standG thu.t the age and petitxleoverv'd by these clmngw may be rvad from t*e litœ tha tlztyare m ore or 1e> pronounced in tkeir eFect and conseqttenœ sas these eha ges are slightly or definitely m arked. Pm clipewili eaable yov. to prppezly qstimate all tbex varlationsW e bave already considered tbe H eart line ss to its M uree

and cour* throtlgh the hand and 11111st uow note its term i-natio u. Jks the ylace frenà xvhseh the line auus indlcatestbe source of t:e qualities we rea â franl lt pa the p&xce wtwhieh it elz;s indicates their o utcoule, Tf the liue rises 4:11.der Jsîpiter aa d en ds undcr Saturq (39) it ubow': that theheart vzhich began with the rig ht port of aNreetious soonchanged aad tbe eolduess a nd diMike of nlankind peculiarto tbg Saluraian q uickly ckangvd the nature wbicù w azwarm ix tke lxginning. to one which has little laeart left.Saturnian qualitio have takea possessiotl of the aFectionsof tl:e subject and cbangeâ them from an ideal conclitiun tootle of fnditlkzo lee. If tllis marking be seen Took at nltilsfcf Iqzrall'sis ; nd heark dlsu ase at tbe Izfe liav to see if * dis-

NO. * NG 41

tuybauoe appeaa thex at the Line of M e= cg for liver andsbnnlae: dee ta, an 4 if these ïndications be present tb e lifeof tbe subjeet #d1I be skert--npt over tweaty-âq'e yearsas shown by t:e point wûere lhe Lfeart line teraainmtesunder Satqru, Tf the Dne termio ates u nder Skpollo (40), itâhovw: that Apolb uian ideas of beauty a nd art x rongll' at-tract t:e sabject prbo s'ill ke unsatisNed in nlnrriagm exoeptvTith an Am llonlo a or one approachiag that ly pe. ïf 84th

77 h e lœln e of 11 eart 399

this ternu nation tbe line rises on J upiter it ldll give ideallove, wbic: added. to that for tbe Jkyollonian cbarzcterlnakea one indeed fond of beauty love an d grace, .&s oneof the 11* 1t11 defects of G e Apollonian is heatt disease, if tlteàleart line enis oa tûiu 5!o unt exanalae nails characterof the H eart lineu Life linej and M enm ry line to fiattwllether the markillg does not inclieate heart disease. Byremem bezit.g tlle h- ltlz delects peeulia.r to tlzv th'pla anllthe m anner itl wllieh ni ls color ete. sllow thttm you willnever have auy trou ble in separating a ûbœtackr indicadcnfrvna a hcaliâ 4efect. svith thu ïleartline eudiu g on A pollo,look ont for everythin g baad n g on heart dieeape to con Ernz

N(). 42 N!:k d.R

#t. If ltealtk defects are not present, it indicates, not diq./eqse, but tlw trend of tlze aFectëeas.If the line encls idglz on tlx Mount of Mtrcury (4t)I it rzows

khat the alrections are largely inlluenoet:l by financ- . TheM fzrctuia.n sbrewduess guiie.s this H eart line and. lt m ustalways ltave money in sight before love is recoguizd . Tllelitle so terlaifzatiug does utft y'rsd lead us to look fora 11G 1thdefecl, as % eort uronble 1 not a defu of lhe Afercu Kau. ltis well, howeu r uever to ou;e a searcb in health directloust'v'etz iu plwt'ea wllqre wu dg zm t txlxzt to flnd them , for these= netim es take 11s tm aw ares.A t a11 tim o laar ln m iud the cotlrrre a H eart line ouglzt to

travel and renlem ber tbat tbe Eleetric Current ls llowlngtbroug'lt it. Xv'er.y e'lla


nge in its crm rse takt!s tlûs Curreut outof hs prom re-kanud auâ tum slt 10- atnivmepointtlxewas

400 The Laws of Scientific H and-Reading

uot deslglze; to receive it. -% line like Fig. 42 shows that theH qart liuc has uever ruu over îts prpper cba' zzlzol

, but pours adotzble Curret:t into tIIE H ead line It operatcs to make thesabject uxl.d qntl heartless aud sllould be read like att abselztHeart Cine. Tbesc m ople are vel'y aazbitious astlzeline ltiadsdown fro m Jupiter but will eon ider tùe wdfare of no onewhen furthering their ambitions. The line m ay ran into tlzeHead line fartiler aloag itp its course (45). Ia tllis ease theindieation point: in tlze Anrne direction a: Fig; 4.2, but irl a.m otlifed degree, as tlze line of H eazt raus longpr befm'e le lzgabsorbetl. In 43 it is prœcticall,r a H ead lirle bcgizlniug' witka fork, wltb the H eart line abgent. In 43 there is m ore of theH eart lilke pr- zzt, which prodc es a better eT'C'C?L If theHqart line tenninates on Upper M ars (+0 it lew qu tou vddu aspu.ce uacler the M ounts and the afections will œ ntre ollone of the Llaruau ty p>. T his will cause these subjects tolove ardently and with hfardan brusqueness a nd strength.It also produces a uarrovz quadrangle a nd consequently asecretive dispozuon. If th/ Ilcurt line takes a precîpitousdepreasion and ends on tbe sf ount of the Lfoon (45), it


s o . 44 No. 45

uâakes tke sa bject extr-ndy Jualous for there will be tocmucll H earl linw baekeâ by the imngination af tlle Luna-Han whicb will m agnify every act of one he loves into m mefornz OC uylfaitllfulu tss. %lhis fortaptiou is a znost u nk ayç?yone. llids does n ot n ecpRqn rily indieate a dan ger to life forthe 'Iean line nâa y n ot croas the llead line. If the H ead1ue foraxk a c'urve .u4 endg on tbe Plain of Ajars (46), k

X'he Line of H eart 4o:

p'ill be : verlous naenace fer gt will cut t:e 'Iead Enesquarely, will pour its Current into the Plain of Mars (theseat of temper and excitability), aud will eonsequelaly eu-dauger life by cuuing tlze I'Ieaé zne autl will a


l.'..m show tbesabjœ t to lx zxceedingly irritable clzangeable itt agediotlseollstantly e ing excitemeut and hard to get aloag witll.Carefully note tbe Life H ead, azli M ercury linea if this indi-

cation is e.een to 4elerm iue wketker tlle outcome is setioesBad defeds in these Iine.s ak the age at wlliciz the H ead lineis etlt woultl eonlirm this readiug. Be careful rot to ttonfllsethis m azking witlz ;1 Satul'n lânc 'rising 'in tlle Flain of M ars.If tbe liue gx s well up into Jupiter read it as t*e Heart line ;ifit roes iu bo Saturn or only to ;ze ed ge of Jupiter, read itas a Satirn line vvit: tNe I<eart line absent. Tf t:u liuecurvea around an d enda on the Afo unt of Arenus (47), it is asedoua iudication for it cuts botb tlàe lines of llead and Life.Iu tàia rarû rnarking, n ote earefully tke coriition of liuesx'Nere the cutd ng takes place and the eoo dition of Llead audLifv lines afîvrw'ardm If tlefccts appear i1l exher you knowdamage llas lxen done to the head and flzat lifu is ix tlangtz'.If the Life liue etkds or fades away soon after, you. know thattlzv life term inatexIt is not m y intention to give every pcesible varlatlcn of tlle

H eart lix kere, but it is my clezre to inilcate eonstqntly thegeneral prlndples goverrdng it, aud tlle m vtlzv sof remqm il:gout its com binations wbleh wlll start yott itt the wqy d lzsiugyourowu reasolzlng faculties ratlzer thnn of m em orizing a ryet

Wraa The Lawg of Scientific H and-lkeadlng

as illnstradons. lt is to teacik tlle w.;p and kabit of reasx ing

that I aspirek and thi: ia tlle onl.r kind os work that sany value. W hslz y'ou lzave acquiretl the babit aucl way olfilinking combinatiocs ont you cau tizrow bx ks away.3lhe cnarzdey of the Fleart line whi% qe Tzill next

consîder is Maost iuaportaut, a q; nlust be cazefully noteGuet in its q aurety, as l bave sai; bufopz but bit by bitfrom source to endiug place. 'lY e perlbek line ia one whichis deep ctù atld. sm ootb is rot broken islanded or (le-fecuvq in otbtr ways, is wdl colore; au ; of proper lengtE.Sueh a line indicales a gotxl phyzical condition of tile lleaztg'otd clrculation strong Rffections constant antl sm ooth lnom ratiotç onc m liable in love mattersy bla not frivolous nor

surztimental. Tbese sttbjects are brave cx rageous a.ullfearless. S uch persors Iokx arde ntly and reulain constantbut they do not make a display of' thdr feeliugs neitlker dothay e nj oy great denzaustrations fronz otbers T hey areoon sequentlr sonxetilnes thoug ht col; an d distant. Aphis k$iucorrtvt ; thty love dvvote4ly and gonstantlyr b ut they donot 6' wuar the heart on the slueve.'' svit: deup kteartliues there is little gxtr of heark dipease fronl a wu k convditbàu of the orgaa itself a nd t%ere is Zttle uae to look âvhualtk defocts of tbe Une. V/ith tbis H eal line tbe sub-

ju will have fewer love aNairG but what he has B%ll bestrœug. H e will have confdenee in 61 ox he lovtw anda lsappdn tuent will afect him sugerelr, for, while quieta nd un demon Mxatisx the Cura nt runs deeply. Such sub-jects tlo not piek up auy atltl everylme qatl make a greatdemx atration over tlzum but tlle.r Iove t*eir dear ones aadfriehds v4th a s* y devoteGness. svith such a clear linethere is 1be best khld of a eban ne1 for oze Current to ru nthrougb no obstruetionu a nd eou sequensy tbe beEt kind ofkean action an d the stro ugest and uaost reliable afvctions.If thv lioe is snzall a n4 tàin the person has liele cRpu

for others gs Aarrowum inded cowardly timid unsympa-thetic aud h as no real alectiœu for auyone. Jk11 displayof lovq wkick lle m iglzt vnnke ls i'rom a a- ire to furtiœ!selfs!z entls.

T he Llne of H eart 403

Do not enw'ke tl:e m istake of calling a H cart liue tlzin anllgiving it the above Teading 'ttnlees it Lç thitl wilile t*e otilerliue.s are well marked iu wbich cmse it lza.s its full m earzilzgantl mtts the ikeprt out of proportion to tize rest of tize lineaW ith a11 kitlds of H eart linesj apply them to tlle tyje of thc'subject. A Jupitezian antl Venusian will be cxlxded toIzave tize best kiucl of H eart linu . 'Plze Apollcniwn m nyhave M s health dvfect heart disease show on the Iine butwill bave outslçle of tlzls a glxxl lix aatt slrong affed ioni'Plze M artian n'ill be expected to ltatre a good H eart line, butit may be excessil'e in stteugth. A good specimen of tlteM ereuria.n ty'pq will lzave a geml H eart line buL w 1..11 s'lad.meu will have the tllin line slm wing the selEs'll disregard forotbers and tlae furtberiug of selssll entls. The Saturnial!kif g'eod, will bRve a good linu, if bad, a t'iliu liue. 'PlzeLtm arian naturslly eoltl and se156h wîTt be expeeted tolzave a thia or chained sizallow w'bite line- lf yoa sbeultlEucl the thin liue on a subject belonging to a type cm wMcilit is abtlorm al read the line properly, bllt do not gis-e it a1l/Jz!.,/'tzrzz' you would on a type where it is expected. Forevnrnple the tbill lirle found on a Venusian will not be readso strongly as tbu same liue otk a Luuà:ian.If tlze line be brtxul and shallow, the kear: ad ilm will be

phys6cally weak the affections w ill corre& ond anâ the sub-

jeet is fckle it' the lzaud be wtzak ; seutimetttal ancl lovinga display of afeetion if the rest of the haa('i be gqmd. Tbexsubjects fall violently iu :ove but quiekly change their a'Ifec.lions to tke next attractivq persorz who comes alozag. TheirH eart line is broad and skallow ; tbe afectiol:s are the samv.T hey like to be told lmw m uak you love them every tim e the)rm eet you, and tlxey are often the people wizo lm 'e you duziugpM m ritg, but tun, their lm cks itl tim es of trial. 'Phere is intixir zia.tttrq zm trua ring of d= p slzqmg afectiotl ; G ey areincapable of R lastin g at* nleut. grbis is wbat #pz cR11 asekttim ental àleart Iine. It ia ef great value ia the estinla'eoftke probable outconle of a xaRrrlage to know these fac:>for on tlleH eart liue can be * ld wlto is to be countetl on whentke clouds of advarlty lowtr. Do not forgek to applg tltu

4o4 The Laws of Scientific H and-Readlng '

broad anrl slzallow liue to the subjecl's type, arlti estimate tbeeffect of sttcil a lille on stleh a type. lf fotm rl on an A pollalliânit will poittt to tlu.e of his health defects, au


d yott sllould lookcard ully at color zzailsl aurl % c defrcts oa tlw Lifk liue tojudge tlle degree of its sedouenev . Note wllether this linealtmr has tlzis bm ad ftutl slzallow formntioa ; if so it zuust lxread in a ulost prenounced nuanser If a11 tNe lines are of

the same eharaeter the subject lms tbe ruame defects a:larvund. Tf tlle H eRI'C liuv is tllaitled it l'qvx nts a (mzluuktulseriea of obstrx tions to the Curreut and tlzs lzeart's actionis hTegular the circulation poor a nd there is in general apoor physical vondlu ou ef thv htarl. llote wx1l tht ty peaf subject ; if thure is ra nch Apollonhu in àdnlj eitherin the prinlary pecondary or tertiary type se o1l yourguard fer sevcre heazt disease. 1% Lîft Iine tbat is tkin,jslanded broken or defectiee in an y Tzay, conlbined vzith aebaiuecl E eart line will show tlze x rious m elzace of tize lluartto the life. If the Life line runs tt:xl duyeply in any one plaoeit will he m ost seriou: allil if t


stc.r be seen ln it stlddendeatû froza hea z: disease is eertaiu absclwtrly J/ if fou u4 ilIbotil hands tm der the M ount of A pollo.T he chained H eart line shows a constant ulzcertaiaty ilz the

aFfxtions. Tlzc subject thiuks tiutt day that he is in lotre anâeltarlges his m ind the riext. H e will rtlsh up to yotl andmzzotlzer yott with Ik gree.t demouatm uon of Rffectioc and tlzunexù time yoa m ûet he will hardly speak to m m H s tracil-lates aud changesy is cow ardly unœ rtain and w'eak T laeconstantly illlerrupted Current 1'n* no utlep m rzuauvnt cllau.nel, and the reslllt 15 no permarlent health oraFections. Notew hetller this ellainefl cotltm ioa appliesonly to tbe H eall llneand whetlzer a11 tlle ollzerliuzs are deep and weli cllt in whichcsse reacl the H eart line in a pronounced m anner ; if a!l thelines are chwinu'd the H eart liue is nDt more defective tlzaneverythsn g elEe. Proportion nlusî be iu rllnd constlntly.2k11 ofthe above kinds oflsues have been treated ba geueral

.- tlzat 1+ as if they were dcep aall well cul narrow and tlllnbrx d and silallaw or chaînerl dttriag the;r elltire letzgtlt ;lmt suck îs tlw exceptilm. You wili Ea4 tlw Heax line

'f'he Line of H eart 4or

generally deepand well ctttat tbe beginning and dlanging touthe.r form ations % lhe :izle ruzm ils cvurse acress t1:e haud'Phe quplitiea of the lines just dexribed apply to the line on#,>v'lp tâe â/v: /âe lfre skôwx /& - Jrpmpzcfzby& az d whentite character of the line changes the quqliues qf lhv subjectclzaugq. For every ehange iu the ciuaracter of the line

there will be a change in the subjock, By noting on the linet'lze age at which these chatlge.s take plaxand. tbeir duration orz tllc line yx cauread at what age the tlodiEcations tbeyilldicate took plaee aa ; how long eaelscondition lastcd. If tlze lirze begins deepancl **11 cttt (48) ancl eontinttes so untilit zeaelzes ttuder 1he Saturzl Engvr tlzmzbecomes broatl aud sllallmv coatitm ingt'hus until under the finger of A pollothen boaom es thin until uudtr M ctcury,and chained to the end it w ould read : ufx 4:deep and well-cut qnnlities up to agetweflty.four chaugcll to broad and shallow up to age forty-tbree, changed to thin up to age sixty and chained for bal-al= of life. luterpret as âglows : Thè su%ect duriug t:eearly yxvlion cf his 1îfz was very wxrnz-healede conskzuttrttstworthy aud strong in afreetsons ; at the age of twenty.four he chan gud iu tkesz zespects, aud be-nlne u akchan geable and inconstant ; at fo/ydb x e he gru w veqrse15sll cold.bearted a nd sought only to further hh ow'nvuds, which x ndition lasted uatil sixty. whtn 1* gm w'weak. had px r circulatiou becam e vadllating, cowardly,an d aurdiable in hia alections alMl these oondltlons lashxluntil the end of hIs life T his examnple showY the n>ztkodof applying general rules and iadications to eaeh part ofthe liut oa Tzhick di Fex ut formwtiœns a re seG). Q7henaanner in ehich tkepe eom bi nations occur ou a line vadeainsuitely but yvu Mill havv no tpouble in reading eae: eapzif you rem em ber what deep, slzallow thin or chaiuecllines in dicate au ; applj' the/e qtlalities to the line for thepeHod of yvars tb ey ooc upy. :n anx readiug = ke the

44:45 The Laws of Scientisc H and-lkeading

applieation as past events to those perts of the line beforetlzq pzvx nt ggv, wtd futsae evehts to all parts of tbe lit:eahead of the present age. If you have Jttdged the Iine l)or-rectly the plst ev-ents will be recognixed by tile subjectand ray expedcucu w1th future e veuts has been so aocugab, tbât you need have n o hesitation in boldly readin Kthenl as yhovzn by cha nges on tbe lfne. Before attem ptingsucb detailed reading, k owrver, learn to diagnosu the cbar-aebsr of t%e line verg aec lrately. In uearly z!i Ilezh linastheir kar: is deep aud well eut wbile they are geslerallybroad an d shallow' chaiaqd or tasszbzd at tbv eud. This iaeasîly ex plained whel vze remenber thlt du H ng tbe f rsttvzezity yeazs of life the heal is strongest in Lcdon ; st hasnot exerted itxlf aad beconze worn as is tàe fact in latery ears, so this deep and well.a t begiuning of the line indi-cates streu glb- Skt tùis thnv of life îhe subject kas nothad experiences vzhieh nàake hinx doubt the ZnceHth' ofm ankind conse quently the line îs rlore perfeetly naarkedJts o:l agv coules ou tG- aetiou of the hqart greNvs Avvakqrand the line becomes ddectivex the zttbject loves m tting anddisplay of affectlou from others and the liae iustead of theself.coutained deptlz wllich abows at tlw buginnlng whun stlcbtlzings are not sought so mtleh becomes sllaliow a.ud sentl.nlental.lvitb vvery 'Ieart liug celor plays a n im portant pa /.

qFhen lxgiunil!g the exam ination of this line it is useful topress the line from source to term iuatiotl witil t'lze fnggr auclllote tla facility with wlzich tlze blord Eou's under tlliq presr.-ure. 'Pbis wm indicate the strength of t%e 1:lfe stream Rn($will llelp to distinguish tltv colorofthe lice. In x me lineatlzeblvœ flcm's freely and îtl others the w hiten- uoder pressltreabows the vezak blood supply. Ia the lfeart line color isinlportaut for lt tells wheier 1 subject ls vnarna- or cold.lïearted. If with the deep w ell-cut H eart line we End whhecolor, it w111 llot be ee stropg au iudication uf a gootl pllysicallteurt ag if tbe color wera Wnk. W e know bg tEe deep Iiaetbat, while the llecrt was iutended lo be of full desxlopmentlcenehlag has takeu place as shown by whitg txgor, by

The Line of H eart 4o7

whieh lt has beezk weakened. In sucb a ease look at bothlzautls ; if the line colors well iu tlze left an4 slzows white intlle right, it will indivate plwirtly that the naturally strotlglleart ltas been irnpairetl antl weakened. W hite eolor in theliuc of H eart evea if the liue is otherwise good slzow's tlzeheart's action to bz weaker thaa norm al azld the affeetionscolder. W ith eolor aTways apply it to the type of the sub.juct. Coldner belongs to the Luaae u ptimadly, tEesaturnlan M rond M ereurian thirf while Açartians Apol-laniallsy Venusians antl Jupiterians are wnrrn.hearted &),witlz a widte-culored H eart liuc apply it: coldness to tlze typeos sttbled, a'td estimate the 'reqult. Jt wil: mt'tc.h reduce tllestrengtlz of tlte four warmer types atlcl will m ake tbt coztypzs colder. Avit: tNe thia and narrovz broad aud shal-1ow au d chdtled lines white eolor exxggerates their col;quaKties, au4 szlûskaess, vacillatiou, au û ûcklt Btss will beexceedingly pron ouneed arcordin g to tvhieh eeharacte:stietlle line llas. H ere agaln. ltm k at 130th hauds to see if mat-ters are growing bettur or w orse.Pink rolor will m ake a deep line opem te properlyj aud :111

*Lw' warmth steadfasluesa aad. reliabilit.y of tkis good Tîne

will be aceentuated. If found orz the warm types, it wmm ake them s'trong' ln the nattlral direetions. If found on thecold typcs, 1 t 51411 warm them up. Pink eolor wlll m nke R.tltin line leM selfish and nr row ; it will m ake a broad andshaiow or a ekainetl line less Sckle, ard often with tlleseferzzmtiqma piuk celor is tke tlliuw vzhkk saeea tlzlz aabgectfrom being entirely itleongtant. RM color ia tlle lntensitlr ofdcll w'arm làltxxl alzd ilz t'lze l'Ieftrt line m akes inteux a1lthe fres of afection. It sbows a lzeart * strong tlzat it maybe dangerota On the M artiaa tyfe we expeet lt but it isktoo strou g to be good fur au y of the othe ns. It is seeu ouJuplbariaus but Ia nok good qn this type. llaturally over-ealeps they tend to apoplex y and heart faiu pl So a deeprvd linu orz a pronuunce.d Jupitvria.u îs indlxd a ' (langvrsigtml. Rerl color irl R. M artiatl H eart line w3ll make tlle

aFvxrtious of the stlbled itztelzse anfl hism wions great. R willwarm up tlze cold lzexrt of a Luuarian e.114 m o e him 1-

The Llne of H eart 4%

d tlmtpbysical state tbe m ental ellaradetisties sncb qnnlltiesof lhe aFectieas; a uu,tàirû, it œAen showœ wben tkis nzenkalattitude YnR taken such hold as to poqxrfully dravr the gub-

JeCt in diferent direetions causin g deciiei preferentes whiel:ba:'e 1cd to certas n cve uts in his life. 2kll of thcse raattersare ntyt sllown in cwenv hand. The first and seoond alwaysare, but the thirct only at tim u . A s strong braiu iulpres-sious aloue produce clzauges in tlze linew m anifestly tize titirdwill be seen orlly in tlloe bantls wltere tile brain bas beenso profoundly impressed that tbe effeet has beea tzans.m ittqll to tlze liues If you encounter an unusual formatioaof the line or an y ehange fD m the normf y ou won derwlletlzer lt is health or eham eter lhot Ls imlim tM , Vottrfirsk thouglzt p ould be tbat it is a lzektlz indication, fur tlzeline Bhows, frsq the physical condition of the heart. N ofethe type of yottr subject au: whetlzer laart disumse is anatural defect of tùiz type. lf it iz the prezunzpticn isatrong that the m arking ls R health defeet. N ext exam inetùe =x>'lu aufl c,ee if thfz utrmzturwl heart-dix c'uv- fortaauq)uor blue color at the bape be yTegent and if b oth or eitherof these iodka'tiotzs a


re seen yccz sllo'ttltl l:e still m ore stronglyconviuced t%at it is a heRlth defect. lrote tNe Lisv line tonge if there iq an y uneven nelq v'hether it brexks splitqM ands is czosseda and G peeially if a liuq nlns frem the de-fect cn t'ile H eart line to tlze Life liue. If the Life line skowssueh defecrts be sître the indkation on tlte H eart line ls onevzhiell 'tcferg to Lhe plzysical lle'art The Saturn line w illoflen show confrm adons of a eheck to l e career x en in tlzeLife line by breakirg in two or by other defects T he M er-cur.z linc eitller by stoppîuw at the sacze age indicatefl by tlwdefect on flle T/fe line or by showing cxome defeet often givesa:l Rdde; couârm ation. llot fndin g lny of these heï tb de.fectsritis evident the xaark on tbe àleart liue 1 onu shuwiugsome charactedBtic of the afections and not diseale. Thisluethvd nlust be adopttd pit: evvry liue oa which you eu-cou nter a ckan ge frœlz Kke nor cxz condiuon Rw i- every-thin g bearlpg ou disease. Erst begin nin g Tëth the hefi

defoc:s oft:e tyçt to Tvhlnl. your slbjeet bebangq a nd aoting

Arh c Lin e of 21 eart 41 z

tnmteG by some af the Saturnia n q ualideg. If the subjuott wlztr.e lzaad yx Eukl tlzis liue Ls tkvelopH in hks laeutalworld. it will be tllis side of tlle Elatttrnia.n thak will attractlzim antl he will love one who has scbolarly attainm entmIf your clitmt's m iqldle world is xrozlgest he will love onewha llas farm ing rnining or bordcultural aptitndeG or scien-tilk talents If bis lower world is strongest he will love onewho ha the saviuw dism sitgorz of Slle Saturuiln Tn evmycase tltis subjeet will like bet one xbo lzas tlze sobernesscautio a a uz wisdom that beloug to the Saturniau ty pe.T he subjeqt hinuself nzay nok belunp ba tht Satu raiau ty pwbttt he will ad mi> tbese qualides. I have peen the Mlostgid dy persons witll Lltis zuaz k$n g. al:d beliesre tltey zealize

No. gs Mœ * wœ :1

tbeir nred of t*u Saturniau balauce.w bed. A split 1in e H >iug nnâer Apol:o (5t) rnust be reasoned as i1z tbe previouscase, au4 your subjeet will be drawn towani Jkpollouians.If y our subjeet lives In the nlental vzorld he wî11 love ouewDo is ideally al1 Artlst. Tf tlze lniddle vkw ld of your subjectis strougt'st ilq will lm.t one who is an artist bui he wa'ntsthis artist a b1e to nnake naouey frocl bis art. If tNe loRvr#lv1; is sttougest your subj ect #d1l lovv oae vzkp drespes ina sh owy fashion and vzh o kmohm how' to znake a digplay.R- mxber the Am llonlan an d that tbi: split Iine fronl theline of ITeart uxakes t:e subjcctlovv tîe qua:ucs ofthat type;you can carry your ex plœuaiion as far aq you plon Ap by de.scdbln g a11 that Apollol4iuu are, and saying tbat tkis is

4r4 The Lawa of Scientific H and-Reading

is. m ere dots beiug not m ore tban temporary disturbanceexwhsle tllqoe wkicll m'q large .nd ftetp cut are metmces to life.lslauds fouud in the H eart line under the M ounts vill gep-erally q(ltI a heart complication to scrme healtb defect of tlzatM tm nt typm W hm': x eu always lx ate the type of tlte swb-

ject and llunt for a hea1tll defect peculiar to M m. wlzieh iffou!ld m ust have heart weakn- added. In lhis way yx

N G. 57 hIO. 58

p.t'v oftetz waruetl b.y azl iylautl ou tht H eart liue azzd fm clback of it aâditionai trouble. lf chance lizles from any otbcrpart of tlle lland n1n to or near an island on the ITeart linetb.ey will give tlze clue by tlze plaee from wlzieh they start asto w izere you sEould lx k for inform ation wiziclz yolz cazz bringto bearon the isl&nd. lf 8plit lines ri* or fall ftom tlze H eartliue at or nuar an islaud thqse will tdl, by thu place tlzey erzdaoucething abo ut the outcon:e of the islan d. Avhen ap iqlan dis seen. searcb ulust be lnode to aax=taiu vzlletber it ia ahta1th ûtfugt and gMnurally this vdll te thu case. If notlonk to Iaeation chance a nd other lines s;r infornxation on some disappointmvut to tùc a


ltctions. Az1 îslandon tla I'Ivatt line under A m llo iil always a 'ilealtl't indicationa nd you RQ1l seldona fail So get the conl plete conâtnxationfrona nails ebz

Dots on t:e IleRrt liue (57) are generally hea1th deâxtsand their degree of x riouslwss is gaugecl by tlzeir sizu.W hea cseuu, always exam ine for heart disease. lf no indi-catiun is seen anynvllere else aud the dot ls Bmall tlle tsqqe1 nd - io us o e more prono unoed $be signu of heœe

T he Line of H eart 41 5

trouble walch are x en elx wlzere pnd tbe larger the 4ot tbem ore seriolls tlle diE attlty. Bre.aks of a11 degrees of size areoften seeu in the line' W ith nearly every hreak ene end oftlw broken litze will go wide of its course and will show w'hatlzas influencetl tla linv suEciently to break it Brealrs m 'Ae.eaiways be cousidered as yerious evtu tboqgh ac all anu wlzeuwltle or when the ends of tbe broken lizle are far apart = 4unrepaired îhey becom e serious enough in their meeaing towa rrant the readin g of proba b1e fatnllty. s7hea breaks ofany gze are seen look for repgir signs If t:e ends of thvline 1ap or have slster lines joiniu: tlzem squares surround.iug, or auything whiclx will help retain the Cltrreat in itscgurse, reacl it as sezious heart diEculty whiclz is preventeclfrom com ing to a fatal condubion by tbe repair signs. Mrithbreztks exam ine in the tlsual m anner to see if tlley are lzealtlldefects and if found to be so, read the hreak a: denoting 511.lzex ; if it Ls uot a healt'll iatzieatiou reac't it as au interruptioniu the gfections. If thv linq breaks aud rums up to Jupittr(.5:) it will be raaâ the same as t'lle Iine defleeted to thatMotmt or a.s a split line running to Jupiter slloqing thatJupiteriaa qualities attract t'bt dieut and tlzat tlw break illtbe :iae, if a he.a1tit ddect, is clue to a disLurbance of hcartbrouglzt about by tEelupite.ria


.rz tlisjo ition to overeat. Tlzi.swill prcdttce funetieual lzeart dlsttzrbtm ee Which can over-com e by removiug tlw caux lf t'ilt bntak be not a ltealthindigatigu it will sb ow that one of thu Jupiteziau ty pe hwscaused the brea k or that it has been ea ueed bytoo m uch am -biiiotl or pride (Jupïteriaa qualities). Jklw'ays exanzine thec haracter of the line nfter tke break nod u g the ehauges iuit whie'lz tell îhe outtom t fpf tltis break. If tke liuu afbzrw''a'rflcoatirltlœ deep it will be overcom e if it gnnvs thin orcllained or defective in otlae.r w'ay!l it will l>e a contlnulnceoî t'llfEculties and tlle age at whie'll each one of these chaogestxcurs carl la a açl frum the line. Jf tix linv brewks untlvrSaturn and rises to t'ile M ollnt (59) Erxt look for healthdefects.In tllls ease pm t ancl rheum axism sre tlle Satatruiâ.n 'hexlth(lefects that %*111 probab:,y compllcate trohble w


ith tlle heart'saetiou. and rlzeumatism of tlze hea'rk ia oihn de x xd fmm


416 T he Laws of Scientilic H and-lteading

this m arking'. Yott ean tell frcm the Life line atxm t how seri.ous tla m sults will be. If this break gs noL a lwaltlt indicatioait will show tizat eitiler a. Saturniar subject or tkat ilatlzrrzianqualitles have cêm red the break in the line T he greatestcareskould be used in zua king an esdnaate iu a1l of these casesThe type of yo ur subject will sh ow how nlucù he wo uld likelybe infuenceâ by tbe several ty pes d ther in a bea1th way oria bis aFeetlons. Ifthv Eleartline breaks u nder Jkpollo (60)it vzill be uearly concluive proof tkat t:e dieiculty is ahealth defect. içx am ine clM a1l other indication: bea : agon lzeart disease for wlzile tlus dqfq'ct is zmtttral to Am llo.nianw all of this type do not necessarily bavt heart diszasmSee if the broken line as it goes u p ilto the Rlount growsdeep an4 redric so it will add to the certainty oû diszusr. lfit 1 not a hea1th indicatioc it Mill tell ofthe a:ectio ns hav-iag been inc uenced by Jk polloniRn quaEtles or by œ1e oftki: type. llhis bzvak occurriug in tbe line under Jkpollois al agp forty--three. If lu A pollonian snbject has causodstron g attraeliolz at au varlivr a ge it will be sbovzn by acuance line conzinp froul tbu àleart liue ak wn varlicr ugc


on that lîne and zuu iu g to thu M ouct of Apollo (sz).If the line breaks under àlercury (62) 9. q,il1 u ot likelybe a hei th defect eoozing froln a uy .type qualities efsfereury, 9œ= tbe fact tbat lhe yx-ition of Llercuryreglaterz ixty years on the Tfeart Ene and tbe heart'saction gene raily gtus pxaker at tûis age aa û is likely to

disturbed. ln seekiug ua diacover if th1 break is

The Llne of H eart 41 /'

a health indieation bear ilz miud the age atd eonx qttent lia-Nlity to .'izeœrt weakness. A t tàis ag'e it i.s nok likely that anaFection will caue the break for 'the tkge of youthsul lotre i.spaasefl, If affuxflm towazcl a M ercuriau has izlïlueuced yourclient lt will m uck m ore likely be shown by a cilance linesinlilar to (61) tha n by thiq bgeak un der àfercury. Theugual investigatielk will probably tlisclex a lwalklz (ldkct; i.f

x N w

No. 6: *œ :: NG 64

not reasan out the break aa Js doue wdtb tbe other slouatsIn 11 of thu ba aks above m entioned we have co usidex d

thatthe broken line ûa: n1n Nyw a M a LTount. sçan y breaksd o not ule liue iluply pals aud skows a broken spauThese are eitlzer 'izealtb defects cr breaks in afeclion. ltea.son tlzem a11 out accordi'ng to their size by following the gen.eral plau outlilïed. If many brraks are bctm in thc lint (63)your client has eitiler had a consfxnt reeurrenee of weaknessin tlle baart's action or of broken love O airs If tke breaksconie clese togvther he islikely to kwve hea l âulure. lf theen ds of theae b naken lines turn dov;n Instead of Ksing to

the lfeuuu (64) then the head strou g1y iu :uences the sub-ject at the uuzes the breaks occur and cold rrason Eghtsagainst Tzarnl sentimrnt. If the broken tnds are short bea;does uot rult corzplettlh', but if tbe line Daerges Cnto tkeIle&d line reason otkains the mnRtery olxr sendnaent (654.Tf tlle break is Nzide at this tinle the Kubject mever entirelygets mrer it ; if it ia narrow hv doas thoegh unhappy at tlzetlnle. By noting eaeh break it can be told at what agathvœe eveu 1 occur, qa ; b)' noting vzhere 4:e euds qf tbv

4,8 The Laws of Sclcntlûc H and-Readlng

broken line go y eu ean tell wM t has c*u*11 them . Q*bevaHations a x in 5 nite but by apWyinp the gtneral prin-elples y ou ca n correctly rea/on out each one. If tbe en âDf tkq broken 2ue Qzops aud cuts the H< ltne shRrply(66), tbe tbing whicb cauxd the b< , be it heztb or


No. ss N= 66 pl 6:

sfrection svill seriously inlpaïr the head at the time theline c n&spas the âlead line. If at the tinxe this cut occurs

on tk e :lend liue R star is peen ot the juuction of t:e twoIincs (67) q n ux plosîou wi1! occur hz tûe flead liue cau/edby whlkever nlsde tàe kleazt lice break (health or aFectix )


atd bralu fever or exxu deat: uaay eusue lphg latler m ustbe judged from the Life line, aud the conditlon of the Headliue after tlte ctlt oocurslf an iqlant't be seen ia the H eacl ll1w following tke cut by

tbe Heal lëne (68), t:e ûead will be 1e2 in a delicate eon-diden afuurwards, tbiô Gelieacy H ting as Ton g as the islqnt)

T he Line of H eart 4lp

5s present, the age to be read on the E ead line. lf after q.bzeak in a Heart zae, tlle line is clained (6k), it abows tizwttize ileart x ver fO y recogers from whatever eaused tltebreak. If after a break the line has au islackd or islands (70)iL will be delicate duzing tke lim e occupied by thex islanda


NG Tl Nçk 72 No. Fa

Tf rt1tm. a break a q'em mngked star is seen 5lling tlle brm k

(7z) tlle suldeet n'ill die sudtknlzr or have a very scious at-tack of lzeart diw ase at tha age tke Btar comes on tùe line,'rhis is m ore certain if seen under Apollo. If theline breaksRu(l is cut by a cross.lxtr (7z), tlte Curzxnt caa bardly gvt by at


so. 'r1 pfa. 'a No. 76.

alls and sudden death by henrt failutv will (xxur in niaety-5ve per cent. of cases. If a break haa a cross-bar on brz'he nds of t:v lîue (73), dsstk franl heart dlseqse #H11 oocur inninety-nlne per cent. of ca se$ >low sedouu every case isjud ge b y the dlqieulty there %411 be to reyeir tke darzagva nd ge1 the Current into its proper cû ln nd agnin. ID t:e

The Line of H eart 4: l

tlze m riod: covervd by tlle islazlds. Tlne age at wlzjck w'oolleleent occurs can be raad from the line of H eart lf elh r astar the line becon:es thin and narron' (21) it teus that theillltss ukosvu by the star desttoys thq vigpr or thv heartwlliclz is always weak afterwards and thu aA ctions becomecold aa d vievz: selhsh and narrow'rhv combiuations of flefects aud tlle G aracter oc tlx line

ln il difbreut pëhs Rre poasible of iu Euite variatlon. JLRalong the line every variation os character nleans a d Xferentoperation of tbe lizle during the period it lasts llhe char.acteristics of eaciz form atiou of the line have been previouslyexplaiued ; so iti pradîce apply to each part of the line thecllaracteristk!s w hich belong to tlzat kiud or a. line reatliogthe age at whiciz tbqx events occur by tbdr position on thelitle U:e color to strengtheu a1l these m atters Rem em terbig red sbzzs iu dzcate greater inteusity thua big vehitœ ouesa nd Eiat yello x ones show mœ e nervous morbiA aud uglykualities. llvery def edt ori the line meaus an ev'enL either ofhgaltk or aflïctilm . M akfz this diutiuction by ru:ks alrvaçly


j/ 1/t

N w'Nx M*. '

Ko. x NG e!

laid down and tlleu tell what tlle defect means and bowseritm s it is.Keep always i'll m ind tlls tlxeory of tlze Current what it is

trè-inr to do aud llow we:l the line will enable it to performits fundious. 'Phink of tile s'tream as O wiug O zootlzly orim pedetl by defects. You lzave tlze ty-pes gs a basls fer tbewhole work and it is by uslrg atld com bining tilill knowledge,atd atlgptlng lt to eaclz particular cax that you will be en-

4aa The Laws of Scientific H and-lkeading .

ablotl to reason eutwhat epclz evemt showu on îlze lilm mealzr,,

llo. lt wl11 aFect the subject, and wùether it îs repaired orproduces destructlon. Go slow ly i1t rearling tlle line ; don'texpect the meauing to eom e tlle first time you look into R.haud. Do uot betxcue cxmt-ux tl becaux it dx s not but tlliukik over carefully. Jkbave a11 never allow yourpelf to bertzshed. D otl't begih to reAtl becat'tse you feel yotl m usL t; say'soazethinp '' Donft uay azt.pfâzk!.fr until ou have ît clearlyin nû nd. Praedce vdll inereasu tlze rapldlty h'1th qvhie: youcan vpark just Rs tbe child Krows fronz thu prinzer to hishigher readens. Clet lbe theory in xnin d frst then practiseunul you can apply it. Jk1l Mûy eFort in thky chapler hasbetn vxpen dtd to teach h'ul to read a line by usiug the gvn-e ral rules and indicatlons and applying tbeua to thqk lineI h a%x dealt anly x'ith chsn gts in tha lleart lile itoelLt! Rderstaud eac: separabz 51 aiu line thoro ughly. and whenyou have lvarued tùenl a1l yo u Avill be able to understalld a11the conibinations. %%be illustrations in thia cNapter surveocly to put you in the vazz of reasonin g out the possihlech anges iu the line -- they are only a fevz of tb e thousandsv'hiek art possible lrou w1l1 ând it exutllqnt practise totKka yvucil and paper aud draw diFerellt cornbiuatious fory oure f learniu g to reason thent out Remenlber reapon.'lnd good judgment lrlus't stand at your side when Juclgingthe H eart lit'ke, (llzd a.ll otlar liues .m> we'tl.

424 Thc Laws of Scieatï c H and-lkeading

'Iead line will denaand 1he closest stud y, in order to cor.reclly dehxquine tke quality aud qunmtity of brain poweryœesent.The orgen calle; the braln is the eentre faxn Tzhieh eml *.

nates t:e vibzl force tbat throbs a1o ng every nezve in thtbody, an d nlanifesdy w Natever rqfectsit is also a wo nderfulreveier of disease especially of t: ose disorders termed ner-vous. A s the httm an brain is lœ ked witlztn the skull aud isso em rem ely delica.te and sensitive tbat physical examiaa'uon of it m unot be vnnde with s'tfety it is on:y when acd-dent has laid bare cqrtain poruona that its workiuga can btstudied. Tlven the c:oseqt pnleroscopieal exanlin ae on faih torevtal auy eqoential ûiFenxace in strueturu betweell the braiaof a zzan of ûig: inballzctual endow= nts a nd blam d-naoral Efe and that of a cdnainal oflhe nAost brutsl type.This fact ; have seen vqziâtd in pex-inuro exnriin a-dons before a body of scientiNc experbK it ix becausu thebrain is so earefully protectetl tllat st eaunet be studied anclexam iued m iutaely duzing life tilat we have not yet learrleclto lotnte in !'; the seats of good and evil. Bat the âtznd 9alTela-psprrsetl' to lw studifzd au; irl tiltl H'wm,1 Jine it lzas beenfou nd that t*e inner workings of the nlind are dlsuûxc â.Theree e for t%e presellt %'e jnust be sattçEed to uRa theHkad liue ratlzer thau thu brairz ituelf to dix ovqr tile werk.ings of tlze m ind and we can feel satisfed tkat it aceuratelyrecords the inform ation. A11 of tbe tk ta wlziclk 5s h corpo-z'atqtl iu thiu cbapter coucerning tùe H ead line is the recortlof careft:l examltlatlons and velifications aud it is beeatusethese numerous exam inations llljve b= ao universally aœ a.rute that I unâealtatingly staie that the line of H ead rnpy berelietl upon as a revealer of the muount aud condition of thementality of any subject. In tlle same way it ia most acru-rate in disclosîng diaeases due to atk impairment of the lvainand extending from it to tlle uervous e stem .Ia W ginlziug a study of tlle line of H ead your firxt cara

shotlltl be to locate it and if it be absetlt to diseover that fact.A.s tlle miud wozking tlkrough the braia is tùe forx wltitzlzcrxtts diructly on a1l litleg the Head line is e tlom abxnq

4:6 T he Laws of Scientlfic H and-lkeading

A tlroas on the end of a slzort H eall line m ust be read aaalopping tlw Curretd euding tlze m eutality and pzoclucingdeath bnt not so zurely by apoplexy or in a sudclen manueras if lniicatet'l by well-formed stars. A cross on the ead ofa short Heafl line and of a L/ife lizle (87) zuttst be read as aIzindication wM cb is nearly as stong aa a star. Dpbepe de-fects stop the C urrent and life eann ot contin ue uoless theCu crent fows frecly. 5551h tkepz naarkings uote iu everyca ae tûe type of subject also color af the line or é gc. IfJupiterian (predisposed to apoplexy), Sattlrnian (pretlisposeclto m ralysis) M prtiau (wim ltas large blootl supply ia brain)theR Intlim tion!k will be m ore serious especîally if fottncl redor pro aou ncedly yelhow in color In al1 Kzort Elead linestlzu acx mpanyirzg signs on the Life liue M ercury line H œartIine, ancl M ounts m ust be nofed in order to distinguishwhether tûe subject 1ae ks rzeutality or is predisposed todiseapu. as in the above easeg Q'he long Llead line pvr zws'lAows abundqut mentality and the sllott line less of it.Ia tllîs txamination for tlw lung't.lz of thc liuv proportloa

x: ust alwaya bt kept in nlin d. If the llead line exteu ds


across the eutire lland l:z a. straight liue (88), w101 a Heartliae ngrmAl it will show tbe prepondezanœ of lzead anrl tixsubj ect < 1l be out of balanee în tbis respett. ITe < l1 bea variciotup &vi1! N'ivlv a1l thiugs Croaà the satuztal statzlpol ntsenthnemt will be subservient to irzterest lze will be practicalin at! thlngd antl m ore iuterestell ill wNatever ls eapable ofprtxlud ngr dirt'ct result: tlzazz iu beautiful things wlzio

4z8 The Laws of Sclentlsc H and-Reading

of llues, you will be able qy read chauges fponl the past:> a pre-Mat nlental attitude a=d qau tell thu subject kovzhe formerly regarded eertairz m alters and how he N'iews themwt prex nt.One of the flrk thingg to do in reading tike H ead line is to

distinguiah dîsea'e from <âartrzter of the mentality. To doG is it will be uecasv )r te ux zlœt olzly defed s ëzt tile liueadsing from *1m.ak.s dots islandsj and Rlmilar causes, butalao the narrown- and thiuu ems of the line as well as itsptoporuon to otûvr liuts Iaaiuluek as the llead liue indi.eates lxfth the extent azd cban cter af the m enkality and alsocli- s, it will be aeceasary at tim es when a defective liue isx en, to clistiugaish betwtxu îhe two aud to estimfae wlzethtryour srzbjeet is laeklng in character dlreetions or wketllerbrailz illueas or insMlit ' are indieabed. Jkny' defect seen?on tûe :1-% a liue M41l buuicate uzenud disturbapcv w'hichm ay be the result of illness, or it m ay be a!l indication of tllem lsteady clzaracte.r of the mentality. Irl m akiog a distiuctionbutween character aall disenqw's the Lifp liue sizould bu e=>amiued to see if it is tllso desectiv'e al qbotlt the sâme periodas tlx (lefect appears on tlze H ead liue. A uything abuor.m a1 founâ on the Life lin: will flx t:e defect cm tlle H eadline as an illnes: The nails m ust also be eonsulted itl eon-needon wit: the 'Iead liue for if badly Euke; thcy tell ofgruat nervous disturbance w'bich is ennanating froma tbecet tre of nerve force, the braia. Ifin ad diuon to a defectivellta; line ; uted aud briNle xail: are fouu; y ou arv waznetllat tlze subject is using up bis nervotls vitality faster thanit can I:e generate; and is iu dauger of paralysis. Tbis isfurtlzqr ocmirme:l if tlze subject be either a Saturnian Mer-eurianj or Lunarian * The eolor of 1he lm nd and particulatlyof the lines i: exeeedingly inlportaut in this iuvestigatiomIf teo white t'ize anœmic condition furnisizes little bleod audthe oleration of the brain Tzill be weau ned. O n the otherhaud, extreuze redntss qill sbow tkat blooû ln txeesévequa nuty a nd in toa great stren gt* i, being ûveed to thebrain. qithv of these iad latiolzs shovz a n ab nornaal con-diGon and in dicate disease wM teuess predlspoz ug to wo k.

W e Llne of H ead .129 and lusuK clenc'y, aad rednew indicaung liability u)fevers or apoplexp ?Pûe latter œ nditioa iz to be read fzomtke presance of stRrG erospas dote or deep euttin g af t:eline, re; color being also presela witlz tlzex markllzgeh'ssrllen a defœ tive H ead line is zzoted uee the Life liae aa

indicated above) the hfercury line ln the saone Tzah' as t: eIvife line, together wîtit nails and color, Cor all tlzese m ust 1>e

No. @9 x . x

consnlted alongr witlz the tyw tzfb tlza subjecta arld from tleeom bined point of view you wi11 be able to dCstinguislt ltealth(ldtct.s frpm metttal defeds,Tlze stxrdngupoint or source of tilè H eall line must be

noted. In tlte greater nttmber of bands tlte line zIx 6 fromth e lizur of Lzfe to NgNicû it is siightly lttae:H at t:e starl(39), Ind branches awcy frana tNe Life line eoraetiraes nearthe begi n nin g of that line senleE nles farther aleng (90).At tkis point tla H tzatl linc lxtgîstftra the early years oî life,and the aooner tile line o arals from tlle N fe llnea theyounger was the subject when be ::*> 11 to think for Mmseif.Thc long'er the H eact line is tietl to tlke Life line the luas xlf-confitlence has tlte suiject anfl the nmre he re:le.s upon tlaeatlvice of others, Tke long'qr tla m riotl covered by I isunion of tlze two lirles tlle later 1n life did tbe subject begin torely upon him dell Tlte H ea; lïne is not often bound to theLife lita lottger tlm u tlze twqlftâ m ar, au4 maay H eaû liur.sare seen whielt only fotm b tlle Llfe llne a.t ita beginrdng,sbowlag that as a mere child the snbjeet was self.reliant.Ja examinl g tke beginukkg' of tlze H ead line zwte k-

470 The Lasvs of Scientisc H ancbrteading

skarp the angle formed by tbe Jklus of H ead and Llfe. 'rhemxe poiated lllis angle (@$, the more seusitive the suljeet.the eaaier are lzis feeliugs buzt alzd if in additiou tbe seusi-tive jyadg are found on tlze eurls of lbe Eugurw tlzis sensitive(lisposition will 1ye extreme. 'rbe Bubjeet will do almost aay-tizing rathtrr thau kuzt the feelings of otlzers antl tlle lives ofsueh q4ll be oRen mnde unbappy by unA'nte ntiona: kightl

The type qf the suY ect an G his Nnger-dps mux be takeninto coui ûvration kvnx svitk pointtd ups yud this aculan g1e ille subject %411 bu tufrely lacz ng ln sdf.agia ncedlnid eœutiouG leaning constantlx upon son one else audsuFuzing a. fall m'=y tiuw tke supm rt ia taken aw wy. W itikthie.k fingers and square or spam late tips the indicationsR'ill not be extreme sensitivezless but m ust be reatl e.s denot-iaK prudvncc aud cauuon. 0 ûen tNe 'Iead line is tzecgedfn the Igfe line at the xtax and in thls case tbe head did notbegil' to assert itself but t'he subject dependzd upou othersuutil the year T/hun thn Ene breaks away from the line ofLife. % metimes 1he Fread line does uot leave the Llfe lineuuul well aloug iu its eo urse (g5). In tlis case thv zaeutal


N w

< @1 m Q2

H ivitie: began later izl lifm T lzîs elren Koes x far as toprodace iu some lzauds tlze formation of an obtuse aogle (:0,whic!it sltows tbe subject to be somewlza.t cal:ou: to sliglztsJ'f, wit: tM s latter markiag tàe Eugentie ba square oxspatullte wnd t:e â nge- a nd palm thick au d x d rhe sub.ject M%1! ke very ;e!)6e a nd i! ouly tbe lines of Fluad ITeartalzd Life are prexnt, it will izdicate denwntary lteaviness of

T lze Lîng of H ead 4;T

inteieet a nd uninxpres<onalph' lty. Thoe subleeùg vdll becautio cs noa.couzuzittz depen deut on otburu lackiug abG-kty to com nm nd, ttnoriginal blunt and taetlezs. W iten tlleline of Heatl is distillctly sepatatet't from tbe line of Life ((.u)it s'llow.u prim azily x lf-reliancx. 'rile sub.icck is orignal, isuot lxmnd down by the view.q of others aets for and depetlds

uJX)u hizaself cazl plalz Avell ss g ui ;cd 'by Lis o.T11 j udg.


No. O Nu. -

ment isln depeudent and couraqeous in bis d ews au d pe this separation if n ot too u'ide is a hne mlarking. 'P:ewider 1h. separaîiou tke greater the degass of self.telia nceconseq uently thu nrzrkin g ruay degenerkte iuto such bold nessa nd self.esteenl that the subject beeomes foolhardy an& nota safe cou nsrllor. svith this separated line n obu 1he tips,fors if pointed the sdf.relia nee nxay run to idealisn;, if spat.ulate to great energy auâ odginality proiueiu g a braiufertilv in AxNv guhuu,cw au d a: tbu subject docs not askadviow he is likely to com nlit g rave eronrs. Sq uure tips ar:safest for their goo; couneou.selzse will be = re<raining ele.meut. N ote tlze lengtlz of t*e fingers. for, ïf very sbort tht)quick nesq in m aklu g up the nlind. add ed to the selr-relianceof the separaled lincw 0, cily leads ba inap ulsive basty,a ud dangvrous conclu < ona If ia addition the Eu ggrs aresmooth, imptzlsiveness wil! be iutensilied. K nols indicate arestm iuiug elemeut thqt ik is g'x cl lo lmve prtx nt witll tbeseseparated linus 'lY ia m arking in wlzatm'er degree of sepa.ration it 1, seen alxzays illdicates a sllbjeet x'!th vrellql eNnedhtrllviduality; tlle wiief tbe feparatiou tlze mom 'nneketl is

43> The Laws of Sclentlse H and-lteadlng

the self-rellauce aud the eonsequett individuality. A lw ay:reg'artt tbia m arking us requiziugr carev for tlze owner is auunusuat suljectj anâ everytidng must be weig:ett i:rl orderto determ izte wlTether the self.reliauee antl seTf-esteem showaby the iaclicgtiozlg ru.zl to a datlg'cr pdnt.It migllt be suppcseâ tikat these separatetl lines would 1n.

i cate lack of seusitiveuess as does au obtux augle form edby the line sfxzting 1ow on the Life line but suciz ig not tlzecase. In fart the oppasite is truw for the separated lleada nd Izfe lines ppoduee nlost se usid ve peoplt. Isley donot alwaya show nor ovzn lt but such is thu case I havem ade up my mind after havlng jnvxstirated a great deal intla tnrleavbr tp discove.r wlly tlzis sig'a slzoulfl ûutlivwte stllsi-tivunesa, tha.t it is owing to pnvc for tbe subjuct beicg ex-trem ely self.reliant ancl eouEclent of his owlt ability, allows:is fwiiugs to be huzt by anythiug whiuk indicates thatotbers Have not the sanle degree of conEdence il bin, thathe h Rs la hiuaself. Sou, etinzes tlle liue of llead rises hœidetbe liue of Life on tbe lo wur àfount of slars an G aûer

er-sing' tlle I,i% lineu winds itB way across the hand (> ).Tlzia sublect is extremqlly vacillaticg. Hfz starts zuanytblugs with eutlm siaam and before he dil!a will llave m adeinntunerable c'llanges. H e is a shigter who constantl

.!r alters

his opicions atd does not cotktintw f:z thz salzle way of long at a. time. H e iz alw ays intet!se in hiq viewsxqRkes pzost violent resolutlonm and ehauges k;s nzhld Md uzfadlity, buL always vzitN the sanae s:g or. 3):e1: sabjucàare rarely suecesskfr:l for the.r do not stick to anytllg'ng longenoub to win. They are always aggressive, for the He.R:Iline rix.s from lower M ars consequently tlze.g are frequentlyin trouble alwxys pickiu g quarrels an d are avoided bytlrese wbo do =ot waut eeutention. T he shiftiug ulînd antlqnarrelsome diupoition are a poor combination for oue cannevxr tell vzhat tack tbese people rnay take next If fnecolor of the hauu atzd Iiuvs be z'ed îlzis will =14 to tlte un-pleazantness of eze indlcatio n if yellovr, the subj ect winbe lnb&lerably rAeau, ln aâdltion. The less naentality tbe

Lnud iniicateq tke 1ess #v;1 1Ne subject lt lble ba ove otnua-

lr he Line of E1 ead 4 3 3

t:e trouble but good Erst pbdrtr s to tbq En gerl a longx cond phalau x of dz um b wit: a long uarrow or paddl-s'hapecl iirst phalznx of that member *511 give the subjmtIcrres wit.h whieh he cal: largely eounteraet the slziftilag'dispositix indicatud by sucit a Hkatl line.sometlmes tlle Heatl line rixys from tile Mount of Jupiter

(95). Tlzis line shows ftne capability for leaderslzip, a pea'xswho cazz haadllz zx n witiz oaae uafl gct the m ost out of themoue who is self.cocfcleni I and this souree of the H eatl liue k'jatways n.u indication of strong m etttallty. There is clîplomacyprssent wlziclz enable: the subjœ t to dictate witlmut being'harsll to rule when he eeem s to be ruled to appea.r 4*.Iw ilent wlleu ke know's a11 depeuds o1l bim ; he is bralnybrillian: and succelsful. Jt:vrayY uobu his ty pe ; if of acoanse nlake-up the tact a nd dsplonnacy will disappear ; hewill lttu


4 laut m eu will Jeel M s stzmlgtb. !f' the hatd be f



he will accom plisl'l a11 he w'ishes autl m zn wilë not know

Ilow he does it. Sometlmes tNe Une will l'ise just at the bareof tke Mlmut (>f Jupiter (:0 , spmetfznes it will sweep dearup to the base of tize fknger aa in No 9r. Between tlze.x

two soume: are mlm iegrees antl yoLtr estima.te of the?' >strength of tize indicat:ou zat'kst be in proportio:l to its c'tfzgMof marking on tbe M otlnt. Sometimu the liue rix s fromtbe Lift line but a braneh rises to the M ount of Juplter (97).'IY la shows that am biuon and tlze dealre to ia greaî (n'famous rule the subjeet. lf the hand be purely a mentalonea tlle sublect's ambiLions will be for mental fame If the

4.!4 The Laws ol Sclentlflc H and-lteading

ikynd lx purdy attistie, his nm bitiolzs wtll be for f'ame in t'llR.tdirectiorl. If the hazd be purely m atarial his nrrbition wi2be for richel Ile vzill al prays striv. to rise and ibe lifegermrally fœllows an upward gludeYhe courre of tlle line tilrougll the hand Ls next to be cozz-

sidered. 1tz cutting its way acrckqs tlle handp the stralghter

tlze liaq runs (kO, an4 the leas it is cbangcxl iu its ceuro


Ko. pz No. ws

Ge nmre Gxed are tke ideas of 1he sublect tlle more eqrenlyis be balantxd mfmtally antl tlw zrlore praetieal ancl conlrzlon-sense are his vievz: T his line sb ows L%at He pursues anevmr eourse, and that outside in; uences have very litlleefeet ou biul 'Ie gauges everythiu g by a practival sta ud.ard and accepts vzbat he ebooses a:lowing the bf allœ topattq by withodt m akillg mtle.ll impressloa on him . Thetendelzcy or dauger indieate:l by tlziu llne Js tlzaL of 'becom-ing too uuimprexiouable ttxl inelastic too x rdid to allow

of adaptability. These subjects often do not make manyfrierzds, as tlzey waut everyone to com c to their ws). of

thinkiug. Everything is subjeeted to plain eommorssenseofte n uarropz w-le vzs al4d atlp hiug spteulative or id ea1 is : nabominatzou. 'Phia straig'izt line muzt bu th: gauge by-wbielz you judge a11 deflectioqs. W hen the litle of Heatlri- on or underlupiter we bave tlle q',olities of that Mtmutexvrting slroa g ia ûuruce ou tbe subject and it is srldonathat a line u'ill be se placed that it cal be de#ected up B=Mtol'ard the Lfount of Jupibzr but we d o fn ; tbt liue dt-fed ed under the other M otm ts. 'rbe line of H ead lzonually

T he Line of H ead 435

mm rua upwartl sliglzuy in the begzttlziug of its courx ltl4In nlost ha nda this curve is abouL nzidMcy belweeu J upitqrand'hvtl the litle eo pereeplibly c uJNx: uuder Saturn (99)

that its coursz is greatly chau ged it sho wa that the zubjectis stnangly tin gzd Rith Saturnian ideas Often when esxry

othur metllotl of classifyiug your subject irlto his proper tymhas failzd. Lbc H eatt line duflectect tolvarq't a M ount will doit for yott. Tile greater the deEection of the line ton' tlle m ore sureTy will Satttrniatl ideas be strong irz the

subject. You musk note 111u characttr oi' the haud willl tlzism arking ; lf the m euta! world 'rt'les then your client willlove t'lze sturly aud research for wllle.h the Saturuiau îsfam ous ; îf tiza m iddlu w orltl rules 'ize ldll lov'e farming,m illing', and horticulture ; if the lower world rtlles his ideaswill ruu toward the saving ot' nzouey. If the liue ia defeetecl

toward Apollo (x(Ex)), tlle slzbject's mind will run in Aptyllo.lliau ehanuels. If the upper worTd rtzle.s st w1ll be art pureaud simplv ; if the mlddle vk'orld is strolzger mottepnmkin, 4and love of beautywil: be combintxl ; if tlzv b w'er world docn-


N (7. 9 B NG 1 D()

nates. love of display, aod a c- rser love of the artletic willbfz itdicatect The h rger tbe deflectitm the greater is tlledegree of infllzencx exertqd br Apcllo un4 tlliu is true ocalldeflectiolm W hen thellne iq deflmted eoward Meretlry (zox)it show,s tlzq.t M ereurian ideas (tre strong'. If tbe upper worldrlllefl, fine pmvers of expree on peraulsrvu force esxn ora-torical power. are indicated. erile kiud will be alzown W tbe

The Lkne of H ead 4:7

t%z dececuoa occurs later thk: condition bega n tzter. If the<eGecdon % kigbt Qze heart will infueaca but not enun:yrule 1Ne Bubject ; if it 1 very gTeat tbe heal Td11 llrgklydictabz. It is necessary with t:ds indieation to note fzhichline i: the deeper and stron gvr. lf the 'Ielrt line thease ntlalent vEll guide and reasan %411 gi ve way. If the 'leadtLen reqs:n Nvill aaw=k itself oheu prod aciag nzental diqa ubeeause the dictateg of tlze heart m r'zzot bz followrd. Som otimes the line is found deflecting dowtlward (1œ0. 'Phesttaiglzt H ead line m arks tlze m ef tzm or uearest normal coa-dition, aud generally sm akizzg', u11 rising tltdectiozzs comefrom an uplirting force Rnd eonvergely a1I downward detle -tiuug com e from a flownward izz ueuee Cozuequently whenthe line of H ead is seen to defleet dolu ward we feel lilat tlzemnental attitude of tke su % eet has been loMtred duriu g tbeperiod covœrvd bytlia deûection. JLs the 4raight î!ea4 linesEows t*e operad on of a practical nzentality tNe dolvnw'arddeoection Bhol's thûl a departure froma the praetieal lines oftàought zccurs d ariu g tbv d ectction at vzhat age can beread on the line. Arbe hfount of hfoon the aeat of iuuagi-

NCK IQ3 *9. 11@

tation bdng st:t at tke base of tlze hand 5s cousidered ss tlzeattractin g power which eauses tEe llea â liue to skart down-

Mcrd. 1 ha*x observed in the hands of maa y sldtbtgan d of persons stron g1y imN ex o'it: Tx:ycûic pheuonlt nathat t%e perioâ at w'hich these Mlatters bega n to gTeatly In-tere. thena ceulâ kt detvrnaiue; by a downwaM deiectlon

of the îlead line. If tbe defectiol is sbort tbv subjeet i:

The Line of H ead 439

6tivity, tbe txm rse throtlgll the hand Indlm tes tlw cbauge.s-

which lzave œ ected it autl'lze tezm inatiou skowstlze ultim ateoutcnnxz. If the line be shorq either tba zzeotality is notgreat, or the tern4ination ofit eonaea early ju life by death or1- of m lnd, Tlfs m atter has bzetk trgalqtl uader tlze headof '' Leagtlz of tix Liue '' and will uot be recousidered hare.wellen t:e line is very short and terns upward toward saturll(108) tba mcnta: altituie of tbe subjed wili bu saturcian anda hea1th defect of Saturn vd1l cause eatly death. 3œ w'e azeconsidezing the Tlead line, tb/ healtk ûefevt nlust apply toyomethin g afœeuu g the bead w hich is naanifestly tba brain.Paralln?s being a protlineut defect of t:e Seturnian 4vi1l bethe cauâe to wlith you nlay astribt lht end. Jlails ; u a,Aarning back or brittle ydlow' eolor and nlany chauce linesin îhe hand l thiu Llfe llne chahled idand eâ broken orotàerwix deftctive win enable you to confkrm the iutlication.Older palmist: gave to thi.q line the rearling '' surlden death '''the reason for this m ust be apparent. Tf this lsne ratls up ot.tto the Moutlt of M turn (10)) tlle indicuilm is tloubly sul'e.lf it e1:d.: in a slar a crou or s. dot (1 Io) the snddec termi-

NO. ftf N0. 1Q9 KO. ! 1:

uatiou of tût nzeutality an d the 1558 is asmzred. If t:e llne

e nds in a taBgzl (zzI) paraly ka folloqved by paresss is indi.cated as the tasoT show6 the gradual diasipatitm and öifu.Zou of the naental powers acd n ot tbe sudden shock andcatatre ke wkic: tke crasw tbe dot er the stûr portend.The older > 1m IMs ascriked grave rcsults to a11 in dicalion:

iu wNc: Saturu w% coucern ed. Tâis was tecau/e of tbe

The Line of H ead 441

M ount of Venus large, ftlll aud red wifh H e.'- Iine deep atdred! nails short Afou n:A of slars large you will have ouewho to sakiafy lzis desires would becotx tximizlwl aull evencommit m tlrder. H is izqalt will not lx: atrong enough toeon.trgl tlle passiocs whiclz rage within him . If the Jiae up into Alx11O (; J4) tlze cuttiug ol tllu Helrt linetttnder Apolla by tlle H ead lme, will indicate a com plieationof tize heart dië cult.r of the Apoilonian and some disordcla tbe m a tk keikh m o a probably- apoplvxy. Note t:zMbtltlt of Jtlpiter, eolor of ila.nds lines n


ails and all other

iu dicRliuns wehieî luay throve ligkt oa tbe subjeet. 1f atthe point Av heru the two 1in es cross they arc d ecp cat a ndzzd the dqnger x'ill be serious. Jf at this point there is a

sur tz z5) tbe daug'er is very grave for t'h


e explA ou is mostlikely. Ir tllis marking is follow'ecl by an islaud (zz6) tizeshock will perozanently v'eaken tht :nind, and at the IeRrbrain fever is indicatud. ff the lhze oç 'lead turns bawardàlencury (T!y), it wili show horz slrongly the Afercuriqnqualitiea attraet :he slzbjeet i7o m atœ Tzhat side of the


N o. '1 l 1 Ii :). 1 1 9 :0. l 1 R

M ercttriaa is deîreloped tlwre will be ït love of atd taleut form œnqy.claking. F< strong is this desire for nzonqy tkat thesubject will ruiu his health or nxake any *neds ee to obtdnl1. As eazployers tûepe peqple are lyranugez a nd exactin g,they dedrz to uzake '. every edge cut '' au d vdll vrork euz.plDyeeq j ust as lou g as they eaaj an4 gi%-e Gem tbe lelstpohE b1e raabzrial witE which to do t%e wœrk. sxley &ove

44: The Laws of Scientific Hand-Reading

barglsns, and w111 go nli:es to aave a ûlv pennjeh ;$%Mly.tEiug is nzeasure; by its nlo ney v.lueW llen this linu is suen uola caref ally tike tym pf the m b-

jeee. 1r he be a bad or mean Saturnian the conabinltion oftlûs type witlz tlse H ead linu risillg to M uscrkzy is diutressiug.If lxe be a. erooked M ereurian you know that houestly or dis-henestly as m ay be lleeessary. lle ZZ'S/ have m ocey. Tlle

?h /

iR0. 11? N D. 11@ RcK 11%



; and t'wsstk!d scger, with short nails should causeyott to make your estimate stroug and if no H eart llne $8 peenyou know t:at the subject vzil: stop at nothing. lf you 5 ndthis line œa a good haud rea; it nœtrely as tbv kz'c of naouey.lf 14th lt the lledical Stigtnata is prese nt (118) whie !n-(llcates lhe especia: aptikude for m edlcine yoa wil: have tllem oney.m aldug plzysîcian if wgtk thls lille the tlûrd p'Izalanxof tlze Euger is ltm gest tlle m oney-m aking businessm an. lfomatter what the combinatioa the m oney side is strong. If1he lhle gotsdear up inlo the Mourlt (1 19.), Jt will bfz in adtli-tlou a health warnlng. The billous tendench' tlze stomaehdîsortler and the nenrousltess aTways present will affect thebea


4 113(1 produeevertko though seriotts results are uot oftene ncou nbzred frocz tNe indicadon pwr Jr. tlhe tinxe periodof t:e line when it has reaehed thîs point is about sevmltyand at tbak thne the end is uaturalsy not far dîstaut. Tfthelint skoulâ tnd ix a star (;20). saddeu deatb is ln dicRted.5V ken the line rrza into dzc upyer lfou nt of Afars (zzr) iteboww tbat prRetk=l eom m ln-sense ideas prevall. It ls the

The Line of H ead zgu

m a in.m position and th.e metltal qttûlities are not pulTefl outof lheir bdance. If upper M ars be we2 devulom d, lt wil!gitre its qualëtles to tlze s


ubject who will defend llimrielfw hen attaeked vzill be cool calra brave and vzarlike iusjdrit. If the M oara 'be dellcieut the lueutality will Btrtakeof tlzt.x deEdendes ln Martian qualities aud tlze subjedwill be easil:r discourage unuble to zesiut strong attacksjaud 1ar king in con Edence. V/ Hatever would be attributedto tàe sfownt attribute to tbe liuv But Avhptever thepzattributes m xr be tlle line euding here allpays gis'es practicalqtleas abottt everythlag. Tn s'ec m any haads the H ead linesloms morw or ltzss toward thv Momzt of the MtKm (z2O.This sloping of tba lilte G owa that tlle suhjeet is soznewhatsnfuetlced by itnaginatson and ls trkot practical to tlle exdu-siou of ùwqrytlziuw fzlseThere is a great miK orception prevalent concerning tlzi:

sloping H ead line whieh has been ztsed as iudkating daug'eraf insRnity. lrothing can be fzrther 9om tbu truth for sueha. H ead line is foundl on f he hlnd4 of m ol!t Fznsible, self.con-

N/. 12: NOk 12l N 0. 1Z7

tain ed practical yxrsonz. Mecause uue :aa thv ubilîty tolm ,: J,d does not maean that he is insane or likely to bend tiwr 'b es it follow tbat he is ullpraetical so if t'lle line of:fead be good deepj w'ell clt Ru ; clear litlle concqrn neqdbe felt because it inclines towa'rd the M otm t of M oon. W itltthis ilzdicariou as witlz a11 otlzers excess tuw


y m ake it bad.Other combinatitms witk the line ozv tlw clzarader of tiœ liae

444 T he Law: of Sclentific Hu d-Reading

ilBelf may spuil it but the general pro- ition ls tha linertmuing toward the Mool: sho'e.'s 'tha.t the subject iu not ex-tîzely m zterial itl hb gclea: lm t hfts t'lxe power èf im agination.Thla i.s arzmw mtial qualifilmtiotl for wrltçrs speakers and Iilz.gttists ancl i!l the most successful m en of these professiuaa à

! ''i<, . .:j6 j ;

(, : r


J > ' : .

$ q,jE



.% . ... Lt. .t,. : . . . :u.< tk<. .

5 ud a11 degrees of d axqp to tht 'Icad line sonne golng farduwn in uà the Afount au d these yerlxos hatx ability aswriters of Nction anfl pthetr

.v (x2:!). .k lîne to reacli the Mx tzrlm / lx R long oue so tllere is ill these cvses zlo lack of men.Mlity. It is only wheu the drx pirzg liut is seen on almt= type d subjvct or whr:t it is tbjzt or defective lbat ltis uufsvorable. A u ex'v'a of imagination is ore specîel of

The Llne of H ead zpu

jusauity'; the drooping H ead line with other utlravorable s




uswill cleprly indicate melltal dertuzgement. If the lix droom1ow on the M Dtm t and vnds irl a star (zz4) it will indirate iu.sanëty. Ilrooping to the 5f oon and endin g in a chasn (Ia5)it R,ill lell oc m eatal impainnetxt. lf it tlroops $o tbv M oon

No. 124 No. 1a5 REL je6

and ends itz a cross (z26) it wîll itzditxtte a chet'k to tbe men-tality. If it 4ruu

.lzs antl emds irz lm iylarttl (z 27) o'r a clot (128)tEere is dan ger of Exen :a1 disturbance In these capes t;esize o? the island or dot will tell how snrirms. Jf on tileMotmt of Moon the liue iu broken (z zt)) ancl inttrmittent it

1 '




a 1 J!'?' N I.'J . 1 211 N0. l 2 9

is auotûer ludleatietl of mental disttlrbauee. ' rnnrk-ings of the line are more daagvroas becûuse tbe line drotypsto the M ooa tlle imaginative tendqnries of the M ount m ak-ing it a fertne place for such tropble. In erery case theOnJVV baBxr4 the >foo:! n1145t be capehfly eonsidered. If it

X'h e L1n e of i! ead r t r

the ideas ru= evenly an4 stzoothly--no break q no J'arw butsteadixeas a nd etrenglh. T he deep an d weL cut EEead lineskows one w'No is self.eo utained does uot ''lose hEs hooz ''is not i%lùty er vrrauc but % dig=iEtd even.tem pepad,evenly balanced an d hag t*e ability to n&ake au d carry outlgs deternlicatieus. lf the Iolzg 'IeRd liue be utep aaû sve;cut, iks lzuglh shows great uleutplity auu ius dept: sNowsstrength of thig quazty. Tayn K 'Iead liues are often brokeaœr defeetive while the subjeets are very brigkt. Ftonz tûzsyou uzay thiu k tàat a dqep a ud nxIl cut line is not uecessaryto prod uee nlental stazninm Btlt elnse analyais wî7l Ahow

that w bile y our subjeet 1 brigkt an â has mz'.o% luentality itis net tbe stuady, deup, aud atzoag kin d but ia unstable.

The :en gth of the line sh @M% the gua m&y the depth andclearnesu sbow's tlw gttalll.v Owlleês of' deep weli eut He..RIIJines do nDt alway': raake up tkeir rûn âs as quickly butweiglz atld eonsider careflllly. Onee reaching tt decidon

subjects witiz sucll a Heatl lilze are f rm it1 execution ; tb.e.vcan concum krate tllmr ids


a.s pttrsua a single aim in life andbring to bear on this aim a funrl of strengtll and informationdrawa from m aoy suurct's. T lay are cool ia m omeuts ofdangar, collected not eaily tllrown o:ï their gujtrd andpossess self-eontrol in tbe greatest degree. A strong tllum blkddeâ to a def;p iulll wall cut H cad liur will make t'he stlb-ject Erm cool and irresistible. 'rhe large thumb inklicatcathe V II which domiuates otht'rs t:e deep and well etlt H eadline shows lhe will wlzich can control xl


lï Glve a stlbjedbotlz a large tûum b and deep and q'ell cut H ead line, aatl hecal accomplis!l Z most Ruy task if lle sets ont to do it.Obsezve t.1::: proporticm of the liucs tth tacl: otlzer km cl al*

t't'lu sizz of the hand. If the H esd lillu l:yz (leem r azltl cleakertllan the other lines thml the stlbjeet i6 a menial specimenof w'lzatqver type ke belongs to, aud ûis frst p'imlitlg'es wmcorzoborate this. Tf tite 'lla'l::1 and tlle liues ia general a



sm all bt:t 1he H ead lit:e is deep ant'l well ctlt it is a grav'e

dauger, for it izlçllcates more metttal m wer tllazz the stlbjecthas plzysical strengtll to carry *.1s11y. I ilavv Izottd a numbtrof incttrable casea of l saniky * t.1: thfs markingl ancl alx tbat

4so The lmws ch Sdendsc H and-Reading

the H ead line w as * e11 recl in color. so widle thedeep andwell cut Head line, othe.r tbiugs being equak is the bestmarkinp in evnqas it is oue of the worst. Tlzv deep liueshows t'xcellent physical healtll of tlle brain anâ with sue.ha normal line you rlrdy ûncl beadaehes or atty trohble frombrain disorders. It is onlyw lzqd tlze line is seen in qxtxiksivedevelopmenf atul retl that you sholtltl fear trollble and thenvertigo fainting sm llw a.ud iIz extreme caseg apoplexy orinsanity are indicated. Tizis is more certain if m ur subjuctis a Jupilerian espedally if tlle third phalanx of the fknge.rof Juplttr be tlziek. TV stztmg Htatl lix Nllows tlw ca.padlyof t%e brain to tltink and do work; it silows a bealthy bm ineouR tueu uy one whieh cau st nd :nueh exfrtios and can< so do Dsltcr vzork tkau a we or un healtûy orga u. It igless swayu by otherG M, one peliable alld in every Tzaystrongen Take the deep and n'ell cut W wmd liue ms tlm

basis for best rasultu iu esflmztting' a subject. Tlzere arem an)r hands in w llich tlte H eacl line is tilill and narrow' andtraces itself dellcatclh' across the hautl This tlzin lîne sllowstll.t the brain m wer is not vigorola but tilat tile sulject ism entallr delicate. H e m tty be d ever aud will be if tlle lineis long, but will lack mvulal W gor. H c will have glmd içlzuœbut V 'II be easily talked out of tllem nor Kill he make gream ental exertion for it tires llim . H e eannot put l.ks brainat qork for uu y leagth of tiuze for it beconzqs Nvcary. Elecannot pasz thrtm gh tria!s witilout headazhes and w hen.ever pas< b1< he avoids severe raeutal tension atzd greatbraia efbrt. H e tloes not like to coucentratc lzis zuind an4eazm ot do so for any lengylt of tirne. H e has little R lf.con-trol, but give,s way to his feelfngs, either tem m r, 1ow appe-tites laziuess or wlzate&xr tlwy may be T his thiu lineabowa m ental inertia a lack of desire and ability to om m teMdth vigor, laek of srnm eu agge on an; of stongmeutal cvonceatratilm. Its owoer ntzvezr dx s great thiugs re-quizlug coutinued mental exertion but he doe-q bright thingswhlc: conze to hln1 by intuitioa an: which d o not requirenlaeh bralu exeru on It is da ugeroua ba pvererow'd thuseekin 'Ieaâ ineq for uley cRun ot exn 4 it. The cbannel 1

The Line of H ead 45 j

m)t deep enough to ean'y a. large Current and if sueh a. ()ur-rent is foreed into it the t%il liue will gize vzay aud breakt<ere again observe proportion. If the ba ud apd lines a rezyrge and the 'Iead linu tbin greatest care nludt be :vsedN o m ental over.exeitem ent m rzt be allowed tzo low of slzepuo narcoliuw D o stiuculqnt. no excqss of a ny kind Thesubjeet rnttst Care for the stomzch and wbell fatigu.ed mustrvst ; a uy otb er sort of Iiping w'ill prldueq nzelltal disordersW itlz thtse tlziu lines orz tize lzands of mrn wlm make greatnlelltal exertious yott will orten see places w here tile linecuts aluch nlere deeply tb œu in others (z38). Thvsv dtepculs show tinles al wM ch the prexsure has been too greatand, at such a finte if the pressure ls eontin ue4 t%* bralawç1l collapyt, produd ng paralysis or ne:vous praslration.%lbe age at w hieh tbese dtrains oceur can be rea: on thelilye. S ueh znarkfngs wi:1 oRe n bz seen G1 the hands ofacd ve busineas cr profes: onal nzeu pu d tLe warz ap to%, ease up ' ' m ust always le gi $'en. By noting tlzex l'aria-tlous iu cleptlz of tbe lîae ),0L& can tdl t%e years of best bminpower, age to bu rea:l from tile lix

wœ 1- sœ 1s: sœ :*

Stgts, e rpsses, nn ; dots (r3v) on l thin line wil1 shovz2aa gtrg to thc nlpntal iife tbat uyust D ot go ue œ led.They sEove tbat e x ploé olla or checks will oceur unlcsa carebe use d as %xI1 as the tinae by the agt at w Kich tkey areseen. C utg vf tNc liue shoyv danger poin 1. If sxaall an4frqquent (:40) they indinn'- h-aHsuhus ; if deep and the

460 The Laws o/ Sclentlrc N and-lteadlng

wtp/lonht yeide love of display, beauty, de< pz fqr vaxitkand fame al aud cdgbrity oocupy thu tho ughts of rour

mtbjeet. If the split line en dx w'ith a star the prognosis isfavorable if wit'lz a dot tross or is1an4 tlm-rq is sm Rll c'izauce

h! / 1k ? /%

. 'q

lNœ 1 b


3 N


0. 1 54 N o. 1 55

of fmceess (x56). 'Phi: all.o applie.q lo a11 the M ountx If asplit :iuu zises utlder Mereury t'ile subject's thoughts will ruuin M ercurip


tl clzmlrlels. Either l:tt '$dll love tlze x ientiE



sitle i rl whlcll caye the secoTld p'halanx of the Enger will belonge< aud tlle M edical Stîgm ata will be seen on tlze M ottnt


N;. fo No.l,z Na 1%

(157). or he vzll1 love the husiuemq < de af sfepcury. ln v'llichcase the thlrd ph alRux Nvill be the best developed. .*11 splitlines rié n : and touching the LI eart liue (r58) sùow thatsentinlant love an d afrction occu py kba thcu ghb: of tbe

subject. Bveu wst'i't a deep aucl well-eut line he '$Wll be lessaordid * n4 nzvrceuary an; naore given to doiug ûv otherx

1714e Llnu of Ffead 46$

Sne bnmks. The age at wtick au vf uiex illnemcs ocx=ean be zead from tbe lizm If the lius is corltixually brokenanfl ladderdike (I7z) it shon's a'll utter lack of stabilisy ; thesubjed l.s


Eekle tm d shifting lza


s cxm tinuous beadac'lzfspoer lzealtb viuiolls phautaszu: and. lzule- cared far by

? t

No. !r.@ No. 16@ xo. lza

som tx q else goe.a insane or bordera on it frrwn nervousnessT hese su Yects :y oF oa tangents are alwvys seeking fortke uureazzable un4l if yxpinltd tipu are prestnt they areutterly t1u practical au d un reliable especialls' if tlze ITeadline goes far into the sroltlt of Afoon. Avith every break

N. x-% xx


Ik Q. 1 71 NQ. 1 Zz N 0. 1 P2

in the H eall line uottz whetller ît is repairecl by sister llnes,by the overlapping ends eonnecting bara gquare.s er allyother repair signs. T.r so tlte stlbjôr!t q'ill have a mqmtal .iarat tlx tim c of tlztt brcak wlziclz will be m ore or less M vereaeoordinr to the <ze of tile brvqk and to ltow' n'ell it is t'e.lxgred. If tlle end of tlLe broken liae ttlras toward any

466 The Laws of Sclentlsc H and-Readlng

M mm t, hamlle it as in the case of tlze split nm ning to aM eum . W herever the broken end gœ g it will show tbeforce w bielz prorlut'ed the break. N ote the m atlitiou of tlxline after a break alld it: wl11 tell whetller the break llas per.nhquenty im N im â the m ental staafua or whetker it ismmereome. N ote a11 signs like stars dotsk crosses or lslautlsafbzr a break an * they p41l tell of tke resttlt on the nbpntal

c'apacity of the subject. By foltowlng t'he Iine from sourceto l-a lnation aud notiug cvery change tilat occurs youwill have no trouble in handling any break encx ntered.

Stam fotmtl on the Head lillc (z73) are always a dangez.Tke dectric lig'bt oa the H eacl line dx s not produce bril-lianelr. but exploriot:. Tihis may m- u a sutklelz collapse,am plexy) or iusanity. Study the type' ef your subject ; ifJupiterian or Martlan interpret tlle star as apop:exy ; if Sa-tttrnian or Lunarian read it as paralysis or ilsdmnitlr. F0:-1ow a11 the instntctions given in dCagnosing disease tl'lldycm will never be at B. losi W atch for eilanee lines to thestar, whicî will he


lp to telt t'ile camse of it. ln every easecxmaitk r a stur en tbtz H :',.M liue a duugar antl seuk its ux-plzuatiou. oa tlle H eatl liize are also (Iangerous,atE:d if large anll deep are nearb' as muell so as a stan Theym ust be estim atell itl the rxetme m atner as starsTlle H eatl line presents so large a field for treatm etlt tkat

lt seems inexhaustible, l lmve laîtl down gerzeral m rthtxiswlkieh if applicd to indid dual cax s will unable c'very stu-deut to work out the innumerable conlbinations possible.M y q'Cork 11% beeu largiy d


irecttd towartl teaching thecorreet method by w M e'h to recson so tlm t w'ilen a new com -bination is seen m lt ean by opplying the getleral principlesvaArk lt oul, The :1 ead line w'hich reseets the nlind, is,

wiuz tbe tlmmb tlze most imm rkant subjeet to a palmist.lnâis chapter dealing vdtk tùe liue vzhicl: Iuost 4ireetly rt-Eects the wx king: of the brain is therefore conâ'n pn de; teyX T earnest x nsideratlmu

468 The Laws of Scientific H and-R eading

our hypotlxesis is xsf > ct it neorks out jtlst the M e aq 11it w ere, aad in the absence of any bctter explauatlozl ofb tllephenomenaofthe Lifa Iine wemuzt for the Iyresent a.t zeaEt

rest ulou tlze statement that the Ltfe à'pze z'ç IJ!l Auc/ of thesztural couzx of tbfz subject's life. W lltzj we tllink that tlleline sbows Iirst tlze health (zf tize m bject antl recond Ms



so. f a

plzysical streugtil we caunot delly' tbat witlz p. krkowledge ofhia stwte of health geuural s:lality, and pb ysieal strengt: ino ur possessiœll J7-e x'ould he poor reaqo aers in Gee; if Twzcould not take sueh iulormatiou aud frocz thcse caupzs âguruout tûtir resalts. It is frouà sucà a basis that tbe p nzsentvwark u pou the L6e lina llag beeu deduced and uxzu y ex-m rimemts plm x il * be correcy

4/0 The Laws of Sdentifc H and-Reading

DzNe Itife line usually rises lt t:e side of tbe hanâ u nderJuriter (178). Dphig is the hornlal scurce a nd uxnrks tkelagizkuiug of the Z e. som utîmfts, lmwever, tùe line riszsfmm the Mottut of Jllpiter (170. Tltis shows that tile life


NCK 1?6 NCK 1'r

is a. mos't ambitieus one filletl witlz desires fer wqaxh stloc'eus, wntl fame aucl tlzat 11. subjclzt Nvill tklk: uvqr.g oppor-trnity to beconxe aoquainted with people of note, If he bea saturnian he is a m bitious for sueeei> alou g Saturnb:nD uew suck as occult studies physics cheufstry, nzediHna

qo. 17: u 179

farm ing rniuiug or is grteily- for m ezxy actxzrdinK to wilichllhalatlx of the Satura snger rrles. lf izu ba an A pollonlanlze is ambitious for suceess and fam e as atz Rrlist a: amol:c.y m aker or as one who m akes a display irz the worldaeeordlug to whie phalanx of tbe ângtr ru1e:. If Ke bew lfvrcndna ke is nnnbitious aa au orator à sdeuthst or

4/6 The Laws of Sclentific H and-Reading

LHk lînes na usL be iloted eveu with eqastic oon/steuey, forsouletinaea a lack of enurKy is accou nted fur by a lack ofphysîeal vigor.Jk broad au G aballex' line (z82) skows an utter lack of

vitality. There is in this case no power to reslt diseasw aorobustue/s no strong eonstitutioo n o p hy:cal vigor n o

nlu wcular pov'er. 1Ve ûud the/e sublects an easy prey to 21kin ds of disorders. 'Phdr systenx iu iu aEabbyy x'eak colldition and furnishee aferkile :031 in svlliG bactttla ge rM n ate.Tbeu subjecis have n o euduran x nostam ina no coaEdence in tlxemselves,T hey hav? weak constitudong auû lackenergy an d p ush gpbis is becau pe theyare Mot plv siclzlly strong and m ust nckt betaken as an indication of inlzereut lazi.

'' nelts. Tlley are oouscious of a laboretlND' 182 efrort wltenever they ulzdeztake plzysical

exertion, au; from this kind of a Life line we get tlx ckrouia

complainers and tbose who rlever feel well These sttbjectsare vezy depelzdeut ; they ltlan on fziunds azzfl rqlatives andzloall fall iuto theway of buing looked afïer. They do not ofte.nacllieve greae sum e% for they have not the utrengtll to breastt112 tldfl ol com jyetilion arzd tlac $: hugtlc '' ef the ag'e. 'Pheylackaggreuion and atrength and conV quently m uqt M takencare of or they go under. Such Life liues are an illdicationof great nezv ousneas a a4 thzse :azblucts are uarrie; a rdyby their nervous force. Oftea when necessity- forces thenlto unakf stron g esorts theh. vzill work wkell tlzey feel thatthuy c;n hardly p ut one foot in front of tEe other. aulypasitionq whr e the vavk is purely routine easy a nd d oea

not require nzuch responsibility are suited b; subjeets withauck Life linea ïs'hen tùuy are foreeâ into vocatio ns p>quid ng greaber physieal exzrtio n ln d tàe sh oulâedn g ofresponsibilities they do uot :o14 out a great w'hile. Suck ?Life line on a :abby :au d iudscatus the extrenle of lazineas.Even an elastie eonqigtency cannot oNx= e the laek ofN'ital strelzgtlz lm tt euergy of a brow; aM shollowe Life lix

4/8 T he Laws of Sclentlfic H and-Reading

Pqsrzts are the safest rdiu œ for sueh subjects. The Li5zline running like a ladder (zB.!) ha


s tix > zue geueral esectas the broaâ aucl shallow' liae. 'Phe heâltlx will be very uu.âtablv anll interm ittellt witlz tllis liue aud .tm t olzly is tlmaukj ect delicata, b ut he bas repeateâ illnesses a11 of mnoretha n ordinary severity. sllhen t%e L1% llne 1: coulposed ofaeNœrai âue liues d 0:2 tegttûer (z84). iastead of a kngledeep linw it show's an lntensely rervous state of healtbg'reat delicacy, ancl a :iasility to general debility, ' A11 ofthfzse liuvs z'cdux the vigor of tvcry type, diminislz theirstrength anrt render them ler.q likely 't.'.A be pue ing activepetsons. Examine tlle M outlls to locate the hea:tll defectspreguut, wbick will bg lzxuggeratqd witk t'izex poor Lifelinea The very thiug that is caugfng your subject to bedeicate, and which s'llows tlttough tlze poor Life Tine issom e one o.ï t'lze healtlz defeds of the typem You need haveno tronble in lœ ating the sotzr'ee of tbe diiiicultp A eklinetlLif'e lille (:85) is otle w'llich shows great obstruetion of the111 Curreat, ancl tize subject wit: tlzis liue will bz delicate



No. ,M x dsç Ko. 1as

aa(1 suff'er repeattcl annoyirg illnesses. lf tlze elzainiug rtmthroug'lz tilz entire courx of tlze linw tids px r oonclition ofhealtk wil: be alwah's present but if it cover otlly a part oftbe line t'l'te ddlcaey w3ll ouly extend ove.r t'ile par't of tla lifetovered by tlze ehaiu. Tlze clzained line is an aggravatedaddition of delieacky to tlle broad antl sllallow line. Conœ ls'ethe Life Cturent bnrrIping overthe m = y rrv'lrq and skoals in

4so The Laws of Scientisc H and-Readlng '

never robua. If a:er tNe câlldla: dilcac tûe Ene ooudnueehi ned broad and shallow or otherwinz poorly m arkedthe subjœt will never be strong dtzring lifeu but will alwrkyslzavq a weak constitutiou 'lY ere are peritxl: ia allzlcp.e tveryone's life wllen he is stroager than a.t otllers. rven a wtxakeonstitutieu will have tim es ocrevival. This will G shown byan uneven lina iu tlza uomblnatlotzs of the cbarad er of'lle line m ay varyiniinitely. W e m ay fincl a line m arked Hke:87. Tbis liue wottlâ lyu rt'ad ; great delicac'y izk childlzœ dup to twels'ev at whic:ip tim e tlle healtlz fmprovetl to a zuarkibd

degree, though lhe stzbjeet was never robust ; at thirty aperie of greq.t delicacy devdopei lasting tlT= yeary, afterwhiclz time t:e mbject semned vntirely to rexver healthlm d become robust atd vigorous ; this coadition continuesuntil sRy, when t%e constitutiou beromea g'ratlra:ly weakeruntll tlle end of life- The com binations po% ible to be u nitl Lffe lilzes are so rnnny that alz indesnite number of illas-trations qœul; be give.a autl yet not a fzadion of t'ike Jms-sibilities be shown. By handling every s'ariation oî the lineh oww er, accordiug to the general rules govtrning tkt dif.ferent charactera of E nes and by follovzsn r t:e nzetkod ofreading as given in r87, yxqz call correeo y dedp:er evtryline. 5 aek of al1 oêthtsz delicacies of coaxitutiou tklnz areclusea w* b proâuce tûenl mnd tb epe cau,es are the healthdefeets of tlle tym s, which iu most eases are tlztw ie ailaents.Havîng tliscm'cred tkat your aubiect llaa a weak constitu-tioa, eadew or to discover what has m ade it weuk. In tllis

examltlation the type ()f the sttbjed will aid, for it will tell towhû.t ht is predispox d. A ftvr you lucxted his lypq orcom blnatlon of typea look at the m im ary M ount for grilleslcrto bars crosses or lm y m arking wM clz will euable you toloeate R :0 1th de/et of tlze tyw . Tf oae be seen go over thelist antl look a.t nails color M ercury liue aud from som u ofthese you will be able to locate wbie,h cne of his type healtlldefx'ts lzas underminu tke constitutiom W itlz tbis iuforma-tîon you can tel! M m oot only tlzat he is constitutionallyw eakk but wllat Is tlle ea1tzle. If you see no heakh defect ofh1.: prlmnry M nunt kok to tlle oeug tertia:'y aacl all

' lrhe lxëne of Life 483

the ot:er hfounkq tke Uppc Afoon (193), bouxl kruble orwhe e, if ouly loo .

iion is the diNiculty. If the erospbarcbauce libe will pointl.' k slou nt or Aloon (I:ç), espeeialll.ifeau le Prodncihg it an G

. j' siFnx is tbe didiculty. TM s is conz-the àfounth % he ndividdd ,, j line w ith an islaa; rurks to Saturne2 titeln, defect:, p

Indic kion Ls reliable m'qn tlzoug'b Jmwhen illne- s occurr'tlnll oa tlze M otm l of M txcl. Tf tilecross'bara cekttit:g thf

All lines wlûg'll f 'the Ctkrrentk and rat ka defective opfrration wsone qf healtb ln a q cab.perx nw tb-a Life lirle is continuum-'r kf'2J' and uo not cut the Life iF.s slm w innumerable worriesy tbe ),*111

nuvous condiuon au4 tbq subjeut îs ysnlall illaespes which ha ve kepf kial in aef depresfûu or of i11-hea1th. If tùesz crow.. .G 1x 'tbe illnes/ss have n ok b/en aerioua but annoylng, u'er AEoon

'am fe-ul

Sck 1&$ Nqk X<9

hRve lxen as m any aa tkere Rz'e bars ctttting t:e Lifeline. W these lxlrs be deep and cnt tlze Life line tbereha:x beeo severe illnesses. If they be red tbe illneNg h:sbeen by fever. It 1 by the dept: of thepe clx>liuesyou naust esflmnxte their eedousneaG &>d generally t%e!àt


erxl e ewkere ou a M ouut or litze w'hieh >dll givv Aaeaçl lidrw' * tlze natua d tize tzw bk. 'rlw ar at wl 'tl

48o Tfle Laws of Sclentlc l-land-lleapk- .

Dever roblst If qdpr the yhgdjsy deijpan- jl/e. 13 a Croçvchained broad and shanovr or othe. oil Baturn (l8p), tbet!te sul) ject vkçn amw Ix, stzouz (lurva ; M'àà;ll vkte m u canlzwve a wCG cozotitxuoti tra rvzzf the go to a

ooau:s llfe wl:ezt lze u strak &ar tlqn,, ...eonstltutfozl will have emea Itneven lin, ill wu a t1. coouzutltflze line mqy vary iufknkely, IP: m ay fsuz8).. 'rla gnu would bq reatt : great d.up fo fwellref at wkjcb jJ=s tljeâea:sl ;. .0degree, tlzougk the subject was ,. x <perfotf of gyeqç tlelieacy develon. Nx xwkich jime tlo yubjec.t se- ' .*Dd become robuut anll Nv. ' 'C S' *'

f '* 'iot'esunt f Gfts wllen ttle c No

. 191 NcK 1%

uotsl tbe etptl ofljrgin Life nnea are dyreak in tlïa Heart line undfr Apollo (1+9,tzatfoas amlrkeatt dfw ase 1 tlw outcocze catz be rrad fromxibililles t-pjxa or t:e term înatiotk of tlle Life zne. N aiis antlbowevêdn aicl to txmfirm tbe diagnosis If t'tte crossbarferrao a wavy lizm of Mertmry (19!), tlze fllncsa is htzllltioe



xa ::3 xe. 1+$ pl 1.$

or severe bil:ous rever ; age in a1: eases to be read frora th*rxé nt at Nrhïch tha r ctlts tne Izire licœ. If tba rrtes-dY az cua to a glillt ou llpper NI a rs (z ? a). pzitk th e 11 artiaatiss J ysron g


t: e trotlble *.i:: be eitber :2004 disorder or

#Pe2k, bu%' 4 brnnchial 4: oû:le. A7glls w'ill conâ rsc 1be latttc,PT r# ou tkm liue Qj AsezuluA'. lf tke go 'u:

484 The Laws of Sdenti6c H and-Reading

aqerwapâ (z98), t:e au%ecq naturdly xot robust âRs a* vere attaek of brain trmtble wide.ll leaves him delica.teaaud from wlzie.lz he tzever regaias his norm al strengtix. Thehead ls al<I left dalitxtu as a result of ibis illx su slzown bytlle islaud on the H ead Iine. Som etim es the eross.bars c'at-tiug tlw LiR line begin ou Irzllueuce liues ou lhe M ouut GVenus (xw). In these clse.s worry coccerniug tbq iuûuemceh.%.5 causetl the ïllnees show'n by the cross-bar. Tbis is espe-cially ttuq if tla l:tTlluenee lilze be deep ancl stroug. If r!lu to a narrow (paârangle tzx l it will be a. sig'nofasthm a ; the narrowing of tlle qtm dratlgle œs a llealhh in-dîcalioa Klow'a a ttndency to suGx ation ancl tlzis has beeufouzd to relate to aeenr'ka of aatllm m A lway's see the narrewquadraugle before usinr this reatling, as that i, the thlngwN e.lz lx atcs tîe cliscase ; a. liue zutm icg into a Ncvmalquadrangle would not give Buch an indieation If a c oss.barrttu to a Jaddeslike line (f' M ercurr (:01), it shows tha.t tlleillnqw cozx s from slchm auh trouble as that is tbe weakuesss%ow u by such a slercury line. Tf t%e run to an

idaatlell line of Mermtry (ooa), it sllows that tbroat and lung

trmtble is the diE eulty, tlzat beiug tbe itzdlm don of suulz .M ezcunr line.

Isllnc!s on the Life line (2cB) show tlmt the Clrrent isspl3t ia two flueîtlg tlzdr coatinuance and eousequently oper.utes wltlt a dim lnln ed fom e. 'Piley arealwaysindieatjons ofN 'ied.s of delicaey. 'Phe lmlnt w here tlle isla!zd begins wi:lrnntk tbe commencxm ent d' this ' of delicac'y and the

T he Liae of Life 48r

eu4 of t:e island will tell when lt ls ove.r provlded the litteis gtxxl afterward. If the islandbe a vmy small oue (2(1 , itwill indicate l sin:le illnesw aud yolz mlst procee:l byexm ining M ountq H ead H earl M erctm . chnnce lineG

/Ka. * 2 K1. * 3 % L%14

and al1 otber healt: fndlcations to N nd out the nature oftheillnels. If tke line eontain œ sedes ofislinds (zo5), it oyer-abzs like a chained linw ia iitating a contiuuous suqcx ioaofillnesses and de1.0acy, xn4 yon mlus: loeate the cau se oftreublt frouz othtr pacts of the llalal. Ifin t:ia case the Gnsl

lslahd be sm all and ther grow largc as they continue tlzelouble is iuereasing. If the reverse m arking appeRrss thetrouble ls dim iuishing. h s m ost islanlls aplx!ar larger thanm ere dots ikey generally indicate e. ckronic sllle of ill-healtll llursng thdr pro ence rather tlzaa acute attacks.Primazily thu illaH iudicates cldicacy', a.u41 gives wam itlçte lx k out for trlm ble.v Y qur frx dtvty 1u tp tli- er wlmt

ç88 The lmws ol Sclentlfic H and-R eadlag

w1ll 1otx.te gout or rheum atism qs tbe ea'wwx of tlze deliuacr

(zz5). A= island în the Lîfe liue with a. grille on Saturn andlinu conuectiug it wilh the islaad, with tluts vr islaG q ia tlzeH eatl line unde! Satutn. Iluted and brittle nalls, will 1(r*

paralysis as the tzouble (2z6). An island in tlle Lif: linel'with a liue ctmuccting it witlz a refl or purple dot onlizpiter,coler of hand and liaea red, u d thin H ead line, wû1 sbow au


a1. 2l4 NQ. :I: Nt;k rl:

apoplectîc lendvngy to be tlle eause of tlm trouble. Tlzis ismora ceztain if a grille or crosz be seec on IJPPC Mars (zz7).A u ialauti în Life line grille on sattlrn with Tine counecting,aucl wavy M ertury Iiue will sllow exkretlkt biliouulleo aud izwdigestion as tize tronble. Yellow color qill confirm tlzis andbaD f> ue nfy cutting tbe H ead line or sman idands ap.peariag ic it will skww bilious huadackes (z:8). In aE ofthese ca pes the i<hnd in the Life line enables one to diatiu.guish that the trouble is a GeAlt of health an d not oneasecting tlzu fnalzces or aa lrs of JifeDixase vze read frouz tht I/fe une f nancial aFdO fpana

tEe Saturn and Apollo llues. INw:r healtN rnay aFeet thepzDaattems, buttbty are not rea; freuz tbe I/fv line. It is %>nycanlozon to sze an léynd in t:e T-I1B line of vvonrzn at ageaforty-tqo to fody.aix. This 4:11 indieate the age at whichthdr ehau ge of Iife oeeurs and the durauon oflhe ikand Tu1ltell you kew long ît lasta X7 henever an island is aeeu iathls locatitm (ar9) it Gould always be read ln tlze Nands as rhaoge of 11%. The llne after tllis isTand w1ll tellFou kgw sxsouïy lhlm change a5ec1 thr uuM ecL lf the

' The Line of Life 489

IAlnnd.lx fcllowefl by a deep lixe tlze esv'et is only a. delicacy(luring the pericd of the cbange ; if tlle gne become thinoroa; au; shallow or cb Zned t%e su bjett never rtcovvrsher full strqngtlz = ll vigor aftmv ards. If wiliz tll!s islan4



N(). 21# hrœ 21@ hl(:l. Z'IS

tlzere appeara a grilleon Lower Mx u (zzo) female wxb'rzeuV II be an allded impztlim ent to a suoueasful change. If youread this hand before the ehaage llas œ ehrred it is rour

duty to advise tbat the subject take nMzdical treatnaent iuorder aa âzr az yoasible to renaove tbis di :Eculty before tke

N.z/ N#

Nlh F.m * . œ 1 N0. 222

fhlnge of life e= es on. Tr in this ln dleatlon a line con-nvct.s tke lslacd a


nfl t'lz.e grhlle the itd ication iG more cartainand ii'a starbe peen on the Mercunr line at or near the jttnc-tltre with the line of Head, it is alm lwtely corrxk (22z).n is ckaz)g'e of life is sbown uol ouly by the lsland, but byvtlwr dçfedivq xnditiplw of t.lzv N fe liue lt tlzis agt. Tf the

49z The Laws of Scientlfic H and-R emKn.g

t:e illneas to be goœt (a3o). lpkia ls enzphaslze4 by a liuerunning front l dot on saturn. F dot on Life line con nectedby & liue witk a gHlle, c- bats, a eross or poorly forzled

gt.r on Lmwer Afoon (zJz) skows tke attack to be kidueyor bladder trouble of an acute natu nx If on tbe Life line adot tt seen pphich W pronou ncedly yello K 1x color it vdlliudicate ldtkout fuzlher couûrmp uous an atuzck of biliousfever. s7hen a dot is seen on the Life line connected by aliuv Nvitk a cross qa Saturu (2zz) it will Ladicate ax aeddotas Saturnians are predispcseâ ba acddent

Breaks in t*e Life line are oAen Neen (2:3), and vûry înthelr sezlousness according to tûe kind of a line wY cb bIfesentj how wide 1:* tTeaks are an d 1 oTr repaired. 17 henthe Cursent tmvelliug along tlze N fe li= enoaaaters abrw's'lr it znust get past it into the line again and 1t la tlzeeaae with whic: this can be aecomplishecl whidl m akes ak eak more or le* x rious. A break œ eurring in a fleep.gtrong' linu is luss x ricms tlzan one wiliclz apm ars in a bromland sllallo. or chained llne. In the deep Iine the Cttrrent is

>Nœ D Q Nœ 2* NG M 1

Eowlng witlt volum e antl force at the thne it reaches tlzebreak, arzd consequtntly is lza.s tlze bejzest of itsowu m olzxn-tum to carry It past tba brnak and lnto the line again 1q havee n breaks in deep alld strlmg' Lîfe lines wkere tke line hassubstqp- tly- c'ut its way tkroug'k tîe lntenxnie slMs'e,form ing a good line. W itil shallow or chained lineG tl:eCurretlt is m os-lng sluggie ly' when t:e break occ'uzg atdthex is not the m om entmn to n,:q1st in l-- uiug ule zlnewoge.

The Lirze of Life zp :

All breaks lndieate a clzer.k or impecllmettt to tke lzqaltk, = -seqtteutly to the life of the subject and tlzese impedimetltscome ellizer from lllneas or accident. The matter (kf acd4entsî, lmrcl to diagnosq but 1 follow tlle rule tlzat iq a lzaztd wlziclz

N(). QR Nœ 233 N0. M f

iu lzealtlzy iu evety other wayj a break in the Life llne ohoulflbe read as au accidaut. Sivkness iu suelz a laaud woul; beshown ln some other way tlu n b

.r a break In a number of

hands îa wllîclz âne Life littea R I'e noted arztl perfect hea1tizoG erwise shown, bremks wvte VM GM as mxidents. There


b sN h'.b 1

) J ;Na. = Na. pze wo. = '

ls no qttestloa as to their Indicatiug Jar: to t:e 1:-1t11 wlzen-ever ec m N umerous inm nces are elluwolm tered where the(zaux of tbe brœ k is easilr lx ated by healtlt defects seeu olztlle M ountsj by c'hnnee lineu, or intlisqdtuql sigum small

breaks wlzich are at elzoz repaired (z3ç) IZeH not 1!* eotl-gide-retl as akotx serieua ehxn izaada ordots but wide I*''N'W

49 6 3rlle L avza of Scientis c If an d-lï e ading

lin. continues a dolble line Tdt: the splits runnlng d-kxpzther (z44). llhls zqiures tke strgngtk of the cou zitu.Hln during the period of fhe split, and vrhile it = ay notresult ia posiuve delicacy, it w;l dinainish t:e vitality.Sozautizaes suck a splik will vxtva ; for onl y a short apaceland o:en it w'$ll go t:e entire 1en gIY of t:e line. fn anycase the diviâed streu gth operates duriug the eeutinuance


N CL 1ç1 /cK 24s wû. :46

of the split, Sometimea the splits are fine and llainlike(z45), and do not dinzinish the siw c of' tzzu Main lium Tlwwlre gunm lly x qa wc2om pany; ng a deep llne and show tbeexcess of strength of the :ine. 'rbere is Izs it were a run-lzitlg oMc of vitxlity a'uf.l thta f uq 'bnlnlike sylits must beraad asœ nfi= lng tlle strengtla of a deep. stroag line. W llenfllle. hatolike litle.s are cyeetl rlsizlg frlmz tlle liue (246) stgtaerwlly oecars il tke qarly part of t:e line. This sbowathe upvzani eourpe of the sukj eet's life. rfe ss Nlled withaDxbioon flide aLd a dtsîze to achieq'e suocesi Dpht GneHsing lizlqs * ow that tbe Current wkiclz ovezdows from tizellne ls drawn upwant by tbe forcke of attm ctîon oî the M ouotsm zder tlle fagera Tlze exit of Tlla Current you rem mnberIs tllrotlgâ tize Gngeru of Saturn Apollo, M ercury, and tbeserislrlg ilair-like litlee fz'om the Life Iine Bllow that tbe Cttrrentis being impellM in its proper dired ilm willz a fom e strcmgvzkoug'lz to pull tlzqse ârle lines upward. Tite perlcd covure.:tby tllese risit,g lint!s on tlle Life line is that of the years o:

greatest power ilz tlle lire of ttze subjed. He wlll 11:$x idsKreatest earuing capadty a::f1 comm and oî lzis lyest brazn

'I'he Llne o! Life 49F

puwer al1tl strenr;!tt During tlzis time lzq ahould ax-omphNNthe zzlogt important part of lzis life's work. A dme will (m newlzen the little lioes do not rise from the Life liue, but falluowuwartl (z4.7). At tizis time tbkx îs no such atrenglh aaduring tlle m riod covered by thu riing liues. Tlle Currentis not forced upward by the great power of enthusiasm ant!vital energy, antl the life foraes ambition ard the capadtyto &), begin to wane from tbe time of life when the.x hairlille.d begin to fall dowuward. At the fxdtlt wizere the risingliaes eease to Hse azlcl t'lze drooping lines begin (248) ig t'lzeturninppoint in tlze life of tlza aubjed. Thi.s point mn'rks'the pinttaele of his capabilities. t'he period of greatest pnw'ertùe zenitû of ability to perforuz great tlizlgs and îe uillnevur be able to do aRerqucdg w'bat is posdble before tkispoint is relehed.TH s turnîng.point in tîe lisz vzas ! believe p:aced befûoa

us for our guidance. I have nlade a great study of tbia in-dicatlon an d have veH 5*d it in the lives of b un dredq ofm eu ancl women. From it yoa ean tdl yeur dieza when hem ust hava 1:1.: lzottqe iu order and be ready to begin the 61c-

hl ++

: ;. 217 N@. Z1@ NCK 249

aem t of tile 1zill of lifq. la fxxtze hauds it ig seeu early ilzlife 1.11 othars later bklk wilenever it occur's thw


t year m wrks

tbe point of greatest yKqver ia the subj ect's life. 57 hen aeenearly iu Iif. it is seuzetinzvs fo rM d arou ud an lland (249).whlch qi11 shovr that a dehtacy occu rring pt tkat tixae w'il1dsadrcbe t%e yowe s so that they >KIl never fully reeovtr.Viheu tke turalug.poixt âhvvwg at near Gly. it is tke uatural

4v8 The Laws of Sclentlfic H and-lkeading

decllne of physlcal power comlng on wlth age. W hen rlslngliuea or a single line fzom tlm Life line zixs to Jupiter (a5o),it simws tbe great ambition wlziciz leatls its posse- r corwstantly to struggle to will. s'ou catt tell in whicll warltl by

$ '

xo. crm No. z51 Ntx a z

the plmlanx of the Etlger whseh rules. If a rising liue runsto Saturu (z5z), it wûll illtlicate a. Krea.t dcsi' re of tlw subjq!ctto sucoeed along Satnrnia:l lineq. In wilich world will beindiuated by tlze phalaux G the âugtr whiclz rulerx lf a linezixs to Apollo (a.5a), tlze subject wiil lzave great desires in

zkpollonian directlon: tbe partlctllar vvorlfl b ein g read frora

the phalanx orthe scger. If a lsne rlses to hfereu ry (253),the subigct w'ill havq great desiru to succeed ia surae sfer.curian dipeetion indicated in nlora detail br t:e gulingpllalanx of Iinger. T hisline m ust not l>e cot!f aseql with theline of M ercmy. If a. lîne runs from tlle Liftl lix to Uppez

' qrhe uine of Life 49p

Mars (:z,54), t'lze sub.iect will be strongly ambltiuus ln Maztiandtrections ; and Lunar gpalitieq w ill Atrongly lnfluence thelîj-e if a split line is seen rltnrzing' to tlle Moolz (255). A11 ofl' these lines muat ba f na liues risiug + of tbe Lifa line and. .''t not chance lsnes crouilg or ctzttit!g tl'le line.'. In an estimnte of the Life lit:e tlze termination îg m ost âm-C

t t fer lt sllo'eiw how tlze life erlda In a11 of t'ile ehangespor an ,


N0. 25: < k N Nc ZSB

on tTze Ene %re GIMI that they have shm vn the slrengt!t of thecoustikutix dtzriug lifq varicms rzwtes of lzealtb strungtlzd dieach'. aa d n unlerous diseases. hNrhen we eomae to tbetevnnbtst''on of the Iine Tze learn tke outeonae of these sxeiou:umditioni 'Phe Lifu liuc 'edll 'rx foua.:l cndiug i.:z diicrcuthaads at a11 m riods of life. It w i11 'be foun.:l endgng in tlûf-fereut m auuers auc'l G at is what we eousider under thegeneral lzead np ef 'f 'Perm inauon of tlze liue.'' lf a line igdeep and strong if m ay end as strotg as is its courae tkrouglltlle hantl Tlis llne simply sf.ops short entling irl no <g1l

or special marking (7.56). Tizis indica.tes tlzat tlze subjeclw111 remaitl gtrong tilt tha etld of lifej will die of no lingeringor wastiug disease 'W ith sueh a term inatioa examiae theHea:l line, tlzu Hezrt li'lzz and stuuy tbe type of tlze subjectcarefully. Tf R. Jnpiterlan or Martian it will make bis quickelzdlng more certaiu. W kile no sigu is seen on tbe Life liuea deep cut or crosz a dot or & stsr uzsy be disczcn/d ou theEread llne coroespon d1a g to the age ab vrhic: 1he Lif: linevzuh antl $1:1a wiD be the elgn of tlte demise (.pJ?). Iu tlzis

soo The 1 z'w: of Sclentilic H and-keading

cax tbt abrupt terminatiorz of thq Life line will give the dueto a quick qmd., aad tke sig'n on tlze H OH lix will tell tlzatx me afection of the head will be tlle eause. In the samem auner au ilupairmemk c r tlze E eart lhze by spm e intlivitlttalaign, suclz aa a cuL a crosw dot or star will show tlzat lzearîfailttre will be the end (z58). W ith sudflen terminatlons oftlze Life Iine you slzould uot 1001c for elzronie diseaq- but foracllte attacks aucl tlzese are iadicated by individual zignslikt the dot eross, and star. soenetlcxes breaksiudkx:bz tût sauze thln g, lviL: the sudden tnding to tbeJ.ife linw aud a dot crass crosmbar cn a w'œvy line af Afer-cuxy, a sudien at- k of bilious fever will be ttMz t:ouble.the n'avy ling of hiercury skowiug a ckro aic teudenry tbeindividual sigll indicating the acute attack (z59). If a Iineskould ru.u from the etd of tlze Life lit:e to t'lzese signs it willm akt the reatliug umrq oe-rkain Iu tile same mauner a doton atty M otm t and tlze suclden term ination of the Life linewm show tlle eutl to be fr> an avute attavk (shvw'a by dot)of tbe healtl't de-fu'ct of tbe M otm t. If a line rtlns from tke

eud of Life line to the tlot, it wm m ake the indieation un-m istakable. Tbus wkile tlze termfuatiou ()f' tke life m ay' uotalwxys lye read from tlze Life line.z it is read from tlze otherHnes aztd M outats. Tf tbe N fe line end suddenly atld a dot i:---n ozk Jupiter (260) atxslexy G II be tlle tretzble ; if a dotis - on Satttrn paralysis and if in thlu case a star c=-er dot is seen ou tlle I'IG line uuat.r ym rn tbe ' g ig

The Llne ol Llfe 5o!

abxgute (z61). A1l of t:e ollter Molznt, must be hqndled intht same way wllen searching' for a sudden term ination tp lifq.W ith ea* M ount disease the one whiell Nvotqlrl kill quicklyis tlle probable crne ancl R. cbrunic trouble will not be tlleeause, W hen a deep Life line ead6 abruptly there is alwaysa clzanee that it m ay eoutinue. lvell tlzoug!z the liae lyeslzort, lt ts not as x riotts as if it eurled in a t'z'oaw star tasxl

dct, or hikv sigu; Lifo lines whlcll are deep aaçl stroubut G ort, and zornetilaes even sbort thin enea. often cuttlleir way tllrougk tbe hacd ferm ing new channels 1 for a'utrong will an4 determ inatioa to live oftuu m olong the lifeof naluy persons wit: such n&arkin gz. Avhen t:e line cndselear, Tdtî out a defect or tassel it shows that tbere is n ogreat im peczment at the time alzd that care aud detend na-tiun caa keep tNe life going. If a liuu vzhic: begius dvepand stron g begin: to tar*r as it cuts through tbe hlndgraduzly groudc g tbin ntr as tbe liue advances u ntil it faâeslpxy and disaysears in the capillary Iînes (262)k it shoqlthat tbe vieulty gtomz 1eas powerful as age couzea on Luïlit a1m ost diaappears, H vin g the su Yeet w>k narveleshaud tkeble. Theae subjects will not die from sudden dYtases, but deatb will come from exlzaustilm. They are liableto develop som e cllronlc ailment a: tlle line decruax s aullauy defect of thel type w5I1 be alnlost ceetain ta :e .By uzlking a thorougb exaacinauon yoà eau oiacov*r thedifrzcttlty. Tlzis fadinK N fe line dcea uot seaua so gtxxl a

!o4 The Laws of Scientlfic H and-Reading '

nM,v eeztaln is the indicadon. If a cuts the endoî tke Life litke (27r), ik is tlze sutidvu endiug of the life. Ix111 these cn- s the usual m etbods of exam inationwill disclosethe cause. It i: absolutely necessary w ith evel'y term iuRtionof the Life linc to e-xalnitœ botll lzancts. :f tbc liue and.tezm illation in the left hantl be good and strong, aud one oftlze defecdve terminations is see!l in tlie right, it Ia certaintllat O tx thittg Gnt clzanged tlze nalural life courx . Tlzesttbject rnny bave acquired a. vidous lzalzit wide.lz will silortenhis days, or m ay have developed sonle serioto m alady. Inatte.lz a cmse lom te tùe troub:e aa4 by tdliug him wlza.t tlzeoutcome %.111 be lxe m ay' be induced to abandon the habit Ifsuch it is and avert fie catastrophe. ln every iustanoe byrememburing wàa.t tke two lzauds âtand for you ean acclz-rately etimate the case. lf tile line ends in a dot (270. yoursubject will (l5e of aa acute attack, txe lzatttze of wlzielz eanbe ddqrmined in tbc usual m ltlner. lf the linc enda i!z (z73), the subject 1.111 die suddenly ; tlle catrse O n 1>elocatefl from the test of tlae hantl. Y ou wi2 eacxottlzter m any

N@. r l Nc Fc NW r 3

com binatio% of a11 tbese igus in tlle termluatiou of Lifelines. By tilis tizx you lzave dx bueas learnud ilow to usetllem itt combixation aM cu properly eztim ate th- .

s wi11 be fou ud appeatin g in tûe Ilfe line (z74).1):cc2 #dI1 be inzpedinzeu à to the life Current sud Kqcer-ally yoa will fintl on the Satrz'n li'ne or the Apollo line* me m arking (m trzing at G e s'zme age. Titis ohnnge i,

The Llne of Life p 5

geperally the restllt of gllness or acd deat. Crosges qtgtefretp-utly iatlieate aœ itleutaflfxza çzlz the Life liqv are a menace totlze life @y5). They

have been s-erifked many times as ilxlicvatingy sudden tleatb.

Tbe tym af the subject will lzave mqaclz to do witk tllesesigna. A fne l1e loviug tlze lfifu line atd ene g in a starnear it (a7O is atso a dangerous aku kl)4v-An' 'ng audtletl

NO. 2T4 ND. 2:5 Nc :76

desth. The star repzesentiug tbe expîosiou îlz tlte Life line,or at l- mt an intem.'x illmrdzlation ia aot a safe izlllitutio';t tobe fotmtl 'Tize color or tile Iine will be usaful as a furtller conGrma-

tlon of tllv streugtk er wx t'tlerxs oc tlzq cuustitutkm. W lziteeolor dimirdghes tlze m wer of a deep and well.cttt line audtlze subjem wi:l not lmve as mttcll robusmess and vitality as iftbe liue wem piak. A dx p azktl well.cut lice pink in colorwill lx tbe lyest for a. I 6fe line Yllen neitlzer defkcierzcy norexcess of vitalit.y is inclieatetl but a normll 'balanae. Retlcolor, *1t.1: a deep line, ls too inlense, anfl tlze subject will beliable to fabrile diseases and also venr ardent in m'qrytiklpg.antl will have stroug uppetitei lf s'tard erorwu . dot: orcross-bRrs are x eu on a line whiclz is very reê iu eolor tlleslzbject will ûave rsolne vio:ent attank at the ag'e indicate; bytize eiglz. Suek a eoetbjuatiotl is m ost dangerous to tûe life.A1l m arkings wbich indicate febile troables or inc mm a-tions w111 lye m ade m ore serltm s by a ver.r z'etl LIR llne.Yellow eolor in tlle Life litle will iatlicate c:ronic biliot!-nœa. aud all the dafx ta oç lzealt: = d charad er whlnh gre

5o6 The Lawa of Sclentilic H and-Reading

influt'ccl by bilc will bz aggravatelk Mritlz suclz a subject tbesrou1:t6 of 5 atu ra and slereury sNould be earefully studiedûs vTtl1 as l1l szattecs pertaiuiug to th ose 5To unts for beiu gof the bilious typu, yxllow color ia the Lifa liae will iucptapzanr healtk defect WNich these Af ou lts shovr. Sk vravy line

or a ladder-like lsne ef Afereur Tvill be sure to iurlicaba?severe bilioua complicztiozls aukl lnrligustioil. DotsI crosseGerore bar: breaks or islands in tlla M ercur

.v line m nst be

loakvd fer as these will lxdilt directly to sew-ere liver troubleia tbe shape of acute atlacks of bilia Is fœver erjau ndice. 12yello-pz shoTz: in tbe Life Iine the w'h o1e character will be ln-

fuucced b tbe irrîtatiug bile. 3lhe /ubj ect wi11 le crosw?uervomrs llable to Ntx of blrzes and if any of tNe baâ side ofhis type be inkiicatecl he will ba vicious ancl even crlmlzel.zt bad de velopnleut of saturnia n or Afvrcurian type witk ayellovz Hn z show's a trickster aud cheat a nd if the typu bevery bacl itldictttes a viciotcq wretch who wil: deligbt mreniu m urcler. Blue eolor O ows poœr circulation and con.:uqueut lleart wnakuuxs Tllis color present with a defec.tive and badly eolored Ileartline aild blloa nails w ill indicateau aûvqnvtâ skabt ?C iltqrt ttoublz. lphe blutr tht Life lineau ; thu nlopu in âicatians of defective heart action the Mnoreserlotls tlle estilnate. Mrith a b:ue Lif'e liu


e stara on tlleliuc wx be r oo urate as ia dicatiou o: suddcn deptb by brattdisuaae. Crohses dotG an d eros-kcrs ara baâ in dicationswith blue ûolor but t%e star is the woot Stars which areaot tlireetly on the


liue but nes


r it will kave almost a'snauc; force as if on the llne. 2k11 of the abova obserea-tious in regurd to colar cpply to thhl Life lines as well aeto deep a nd xxll.uut lines. 2t lhin line which ia extqed-ingly red is lnost dan gerous. for the line is not atrongenou gh to su ppol 1ke vitallty show n by very red colgr.sreslow îhiu lises uQ!l nzake the subjunt znlall yctty, andmean. W ith (R ainetl lines or broad arltl sllallow lilles whiteeo:or m ake: t'lzem waaker T hey hmrlz nota of tlze stm ngtlzwlzlch followe the m esenceof pixk color. Subjects with tlûnlines are cvoTd siekly complttining, antt vadlTatiag. '1Y eym k energy, ancl are =ot peram s to be relied um n. Pink

The Llne of Llfe 507

color m akes a broacl lnd sha'llow or a elzainei line sfrotlger.

The subled will làav-e more vitaliLy autl will not be desponcl-est as frequcnuz- as Mitk whlLe color RG vzill a;d naoresqrenglll but this combination Lq rare W hen found how.rver it s5o u1d be > aM ed as n o m en ace to thele lineG hrfhgy need û11 tEe Arel:gth wM ch call be givelz tNexz. Yellowcolor wîth broa â or chained lines îs * distressing corxbina-tlon. It vzill shaw inertia inten pe nenrousnes: a nd an uglystreak of meanness in tlle snbjed Tllîs combination proedut= a wtak siekly nerw uw petty person who will have ahard. time to get altm g ilz the world.'Phe line of Life is an intensely interesting stutly and one

wbich will am ply repay Rny effbrk cxxpendefl upon it Am agteo' cff the g'etleral pritlciples whieh govern the variouscizpuges iu tbt litke uucl its ilzfizlite eombîzlations wltlz otlzvrliues anâ M ountl will enable you wikh practice to zu cl it ac-cum tely. At firsl the eom binations m ag com e slocly butthis sNould be uo ca use for dilcotlrageoaent. Patieuce lndlabor 4:1 emnblt any stuô-'t to nanmbzr iu


reLtu s ozê INFLUJtNIIH

N tlle M ount fzf V euus atul insi' de tlze Lîfe line are a x'tof li> some of whieh ruu parRllel to tlle Life line

unu otkezs which rult acroas tlle M ount (277). These arem getl Lilzes oî Influenee antl are the first intrrducdon intlkis lxmk to azzx factors outktle G the sublec't N msdf, form-ing a part of wha.t îs callecl his '' ellviroa.= al.'' Ozlly those iudicatious whielzm :r owlz exm rlezzce as well as that ofotlzrr cartrful invlzutiglstors lzas fully veri-fkd are llere considered and al1 m attezswbich are a auitieud ot hypotbeucal havebeen leR out. A e H iad us have an elab- .orate sysqem of uslng Lhese liues of In-duenoe, a nd depend upon them for alarge pan of their nork. O uly the IineswhicN ra a p'awYr tEe L;b lîne apz prop- MO- 2Derly lineg ol Iu Ettence aud I h ave fouvd tùat they indi-eate persons who have M= plh' ïu Quenced tîe Ilfe dtberfar good or ill an4 that they generally represent nzeazbersof ohe's o#zn fanàîly or the closest ef fdends. If tbe lat-ter dasl and blood reTationshîp ls uot prepent lhey arethox wko :ave glowq into the life an G have b emnne apart af it. fn dt eawx they have stsan K înlqve- heacethdr#lam e. ln sotle :au ds few of these lines are seen îo

there are Mxany an; thp m - t%ere are the greater tbezimnber of persous who have exerted stroug iulluenm PlleleM the number the more self-eontMned is the suhjeet :he m akes few close frienclshipsj auçl evea blocd relatious dolmi pu tl)r lnfuenx hîm . 'Pbe Te- n th- lstlms al'e -

l-ln e: o! ( n d u e nc e ! cp

Is beoaux t:e inouences have mH v stroug lmm ex lons ont:e mind of tiu subject and these m= tal imm essix a l1asxshawm the nœ ve $n the hand. The Lines of In Eueuceboth vertieal and lzozizolztal fotm what is .nnrnenrrnly calstll&he Grille on tlze M tm nt of Venus. 'Pbis generally indlcate.satl inereme of Venusien qualitiee lurtieularly the sexttal ap-m tites. Tkis,jrtwercl reading of a lazge number of lniuezzx

No. z?e No. aa

lines oa tize M eunt of V enus ia correct as hRI beqn clearlyzlemtmstrated in the llantla of sabjeet: k:town to have BtrongA xlm ! apm tites. Rvery llne of tlle Grille reprev ts atl itt-fuencu wbiclz has RFucted tlze lifu and tàe cmre of tbeaethere are tbe rlore tbe Afon nt will hlve C urrents whiehexeitt it and eousvqueutly fuv its qualitëes. The abx uee ofliqe.s on the M ouut of Venua show: an o sence of fzledrify-lagCttrrents and this eqlm M ount expends its energy in a lovaof beauty gaydy, (/.01* , art, aad dressj insttxtd of itl 6exualdesires.Yhe line of Mars :ls a aister to tl4e llne of N fe, runnigg ln-

side of tllat lizze atd parallel to it (278). 'Plais is reallh' aalnNuence Iine but it ls an infltlence upozl tke healt: of thesttbjed sustainsng ancl strenglheuing it, and does not relateto tlle iuâuqmce of otlv pezw ns. 'rhe liuq v: M ars is t'otzl-paratlvely a. gare m arking and tha grea.ter numbzr of linas- alolzgside tlle Life line are simply Iniuenee linee. 'rheIzzfuuzzc'a line wlziclz ruus dosest lo the liue of Life is tûedoM infuenee. 'PM : m *y bq m otller, father, a brother

Elnes ot 1 n 1 u e nc e ! l 1

Jf Life yo a eau detennhte q'bether the line represzuw onucloxl ' conuected witla the sizbjlat or a more distaut relative)' .This ls importnmt iadicauon to m asfar thoroughly for thed- tlt of a rzlative will ofïeu ehange tHe oaurse of a life ancl

A N.l

> . zaa No. zes No. e,x

if some iutlication be encounterud widch canrzot bc rxplainedht atzy other way a Iihe of Influenca witll a star ou it maygive the clew. I.t1 gonnection witll the lirzes ol' sam n: andztpollo it is of constaut serviee. 'Pse death of relatives alwseaix sly impairs the health of some sutljects atd tlzus in a2diredio'ns Tniltteuc.e line: are vallzable' indicatious.

hh' '

j?o . :.%: Ncj. aw so. psT

W hen linqsof Ia:rxnce arv tlgep, strong, antl well eoloredthe icâuence Is povpurful ; vzhun tùey a rz thiu shallowqhlilll huegxn or broke l in any way (z8z) the lnfuqn oeis ntlt streng. W heu an Itduence line beglns deep and tkengrows tlziu undl IL v adually Cpaes awa.y the iniuence was


T1a The Laws of sdentific H and-Readlng

strorg in t:e begin ning, but kas gra âually g nyw n vzuakar

until it has n o eNbct (283). If this lice yhoul; be res; vedau; grad ually grow' seouger, the iuiueuee will zeturu iuto

t:a lifz of the subjûct and grow in povzer (c84). If a u In-; uenoe line d ravr away frona the Life lîne an d grow' thin-ner at the sarle tinlz the in ûueuct gradually grovvs aNvaylouz its nearness bo the subject and h nally disappear: (28j).

xo. 2* No. zeg %o. zao

ê.rhl is an indieation c.C the e'strangem ent of some near one.The ages of eaeh out of tbese occurreoeea eau be read frozutlze Life liuc. If au Influeuce liue beglnzzing early ancl eud.lng' jn a slar, 'llave beside it a line more distant from the Lifeline which grows strongt!r after the star it ilzdieate.s that tbem otNeror fatber haadiett at tize ag'e slw wn by th: starjaud thata dlstant relative ha: com e into the lif'e and taken the paretlt'splaee (a85), If uu Influt'tlee line begirt thiu an:l growstronger and break an.:i is replaeed by another line andthis by another it shows that one an er another relativeshavq rcplqce; taeh okher aa the Ieadiup iaiuencu w'itN thesxbject (c87). If Kbe Life line be very defeetive bd ng Sxin,chalned brozd qn; shallow' i< atlGe; or brokeu all; a lineof Izzueate 'Ea strqmg (z8d), it indicate


s tha.t whiàt t'la sub.ject's 'healtE hrts been deTicate eome rehtive ltas been Msyuaiustay in life. s7his lsue j ust describe; kas tbe sanleqfx't on ttle sulzjœ t as a line of Mars aud tbe iufluence mayby coltstant nuaing have kept the stlbjet!t aliv'e. I inclineto tkïs qpkuion ratker tlan to tbe iiea of the line beinr l

' Lincs of l n: u ence 5 : 3

nne of Afars. Tf t:v àlea; line be peor early in Iife, andgm dtmlly grow rstronger and all Influence line be strpng intile beginuing antl g'row fattller away frota the N fe lirze orbeeome tlzintxr llze wxak mental condition af tize ZIIIYKCin - 1y life ig sustained by the strong insuence of som e-one duzilzg th.e tim e sueh help was nx dtd aad as tlle be-adgrew strouger, the inâuunce w aa no longer needed and faded

alvay @% ). The rising branclles rrom tke Life lilze indicat-icg an upw'arrl tendezlcy in th< life of tlw s'ubject are seme.times (mt by W orry lines (a9o). 'Pbis markiz!g shows an im-m ihuent to tlte eareer of tlle stliljept a eheck to the upwarlltsndeucy'. lzhzgu ïiorry ûnes frcquently iart frona an In.fuence line (agI), an d this will indicabe that the inoueneeEas ca used the ekxek ln a large nu naber of easzs theseW orry line-q cntting au upward braucll from the Lifelina havebeea veriEed as indicating a Iegal disiculty, Older palnllstsused tkis uzarking as a u iudicutiou of 4ivorce llbe singleindicatio n nlunt not be given tùis readiu g, but with thisuzarkiug aud other co lErnzatory slgns it calz be so inter-preted viz. krtNe line cutting the ziiup braac; 1om tht Life

NQK 201 N 1. 292 NQ. ?ë3

:iue cross t:e han d and eut a line of union whie is forked(œ92), tbis reading wiîl be fau ud correet. lf the sM'orry linesbct froox an I nd uence lins t%e iufuence bas m;adv thetrouble. By itself tlle m arklng izdiaates a câeck to the upward career. lf a W orêy lîlze start fzxen a star otz the endof an Iniluenee line anrl cut a rising lix from tlze Igfe litke(z93), it iudivates that the deat: of a reladve cauned the

sI4 The Laws of Scientssc H aad-Readlng

troublo rf tlze Influ.e.m x litle bc (teep, tllen tllîn, au4 i w'cnatas in tlzis way tlza infuenx îs strong tllen weak an 1

oll!y exerts its jmwer spasmotlieally (2p4). If an Tnfltwnceline begilz away from tlze IJD line = f1 graduully cqxxe'toward it growing skrouger aa it progre- s (c95), it indicatestlfat tlte itlNutnce ofsome distant relatlve is g'radually cominzrearer to tike life of the subiect and growiug stronger. 'rlzîs

l . N'

$ hk

i l

N(). agl yIIS 2:: < N zae

lille m ay ct:t througll ot:er Inllhence lines lying' closer totlke Life liue showing that it ss becomiug taortl powerfultban tîey. If a 1ue of :u; aeuce break a=â aûer m sîortupace start xgain and thCs be repeated lt sh ows that the

iniuenct of the person on the life of the subject vaaîsbesand tben begi ns agxin havicg disappeared and ruturneâztxveral times (2y (). Jf irmide of a broken llzle of Inftlencestarung a'k t'vku ty to thlrtl' tllere be another line wllicll be-gins early in thu lifa of tbe subject and continueB uninhr-rupted past tbese breaks. it showa the intermittent eharacterof tlze w'ifv or kuubaors iulluenee streugtlatxtl by tlzc c/m .sbznt inEuenca of tîe nratîer or fatker Often such a

marking will heal atd correct a poor marriage (a9g).Ikands oa Iaûueuq'e line, paM lel to tlze N fe liue indicate

a delicate conditîon of the izœ uence an4 such a Hne entlirgia a star cpass, dotj or cr- bar (z98) wl11 âudleate that tNe)dalicatq lniuvnce dieG tke age ba kt read frouc tbe llne ofLlfe. ERx4zontal lines on tke slount of Venx (a99) areptrlens or evtut: whie havt our lives ana inzpedpG

L1n es of 1 n; u Jnce 5 11

a. Paralld ljnes anu nof Imm l= nts and whl+ th eybe vzeak or defective they are not it:uences strongly

hostile loour bt'st development. Crox.lilzes botiz im peda x riufltzence: and worry and. haraR us. 'rhis is why tilese crossljnes etttting tke Life line has'e lxetl eanecl W orr lbles. lfdx p azd red tizey are x riok'ts im m dimelzts ; if tiun azzd ptmyzineG they are only annoyance& llhese Avorry lfneq l'hicàcoutinunlly cross tbe Lîre Tlne nzust be zezxcde; as nzore or1eR8 sedousl accurdiu g to tbeir depth and exbnnt. ïihendeep, they indieate illness of a serious nature. If thesehe:zonta! Enes erosu the entire sTouut pf sruuus su d Lifeline fronz top to bothxn tûuy are cantinuoua worries lfoaly sh ort lines they a O ten pom ry an noyanoes. If fhey

cut some pactîcular Iniuerzcc liza rcpeatedl)r (Joo), tlzat in-flltence will have a continual life of worry and im pndim entIf a line of Influvxnce cut 'Eky a stroug cross.llne show ttfterthia cut a u island au4 e ad ln a star (3oz), sonze 21 suslvr :ashappeued to tha in Euence x'hie: Eas brought on delicacyRad eudep.ln death. Tf tke cuttiu g line be a dezt one and

) -:zï -1115, l


r Id0. 2:@ N(). 2#@

eke cut llne begin so early that ypu Judge il to be Rpanm t the eause d fie cu. has oûen been vedse; .asthe father. I have seen several eases of thh kind ; thefatber having diud or beeu iujttred lxs so shocked tQemom er tla.t sbe ne&xr recovered. If a ntzmber of Iusueueelizke.s zuu po- :lel to the Life litke atd these are ctlt byulinlprrnlx Ron x!l llx tizr Fngnlly lùre of the atibj ect Y n * iq

5z6 Tbe Laws of Bclent:hc H and-heamng

m any qax s beea fx nd to suser cottstant itdqrrtlptiotz ïtncl betuxhlppy ûoa). Ir a er- -line lsave an island in it tlzereB5l1 be sor:etbiug inost unpleannnl oo nneebwi Tuth this inz-

pudiuvznk. It vdll be a bar to Lùe 3u% tct's Sife owing to

t. )Nj.

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11 ïï$ ' i

NO. = NO. D 1 NG =

some fault uot Es owu (303). If thts litle ottly elzî the Euu'sof Influzzzce inaide tlw Life llnev it will l.< vxpcndqri orl therelqtives, bttt if it cttt the Life line it will afect llle 11% oft%e sublect. Do not eozlfouucl this markittg with tlîe iqTonllfrom Sa.turu inclicatiu rbvn&r*tisztx If au islwnfl on a litie of

. l 41 -1 1

NG x 6 NIN œ 4 NIX x 5

lnflaezlcu lzav'e runnlng from it uuzrlerous sm all bars cuttingtlle Lire line the delicacy of some relative wm prove a con-xaut veorry to the uubject (3c.). If on the Xife liue wni<wn4 appear aAer this poiut in Tife these cares or woai-will seriously G ect the lxeakh of the subyect. Probablydœ tlmrslng'of some izzvalicl relative brealuq ttle Izqaltlz (:505).

Lines of lntluenee 5 I ?

lf an Infltzence Dne deep at the beglnlziug graiually prowtlzinutf aacl ent! ilz a star ancl W orry linus crœ s from 1L tothe Iyife line w hic'il grow, thin auâ has a dot on it the in.creasiug delicc y of a relative ends in deatll azTd tlle wony

osxr this case briBgs on ielieaey of tht subject < ndlm g in wxevere illnsas ($c6). If the L1u liue eu d on tbss dot thesubjecL wll1 'lloy reeol'er ; if it go on 'ike will. regain


)NQ. ax No. ae No. ate

his Arength. If an Inâtzence lilfe end in a st,ar. ancl aW orry line clmned tllisk witll a dot on tûu Hkall line tizedeath of a relative w'ill brin g on a severe illness of thebri n (3a7). If a liuu of Inûutuee tnd iu a star a ud lhisbe counectetl by a 'WTorry- line witl't an island on tlle H eatlline (308) the delieac'y ancl deatll of a rektlv


'e prM uce a

wua keued mental condiuon of t:e subloet Iu eack one oftllese cases it is umderstotxl tllat you are to tryr and dixYvt.z'bow neRr a relattve has died by the clopeness of the lnflu-ence lise to thu Ieife lirze. If lincs rise from G e lines of In.fluence antl rtln to but do rtot eut tbe 1J% liae lt ahows thatrelatëvus will uplift the subject but if Enes droop from t'ileluiuunce lîrleil to tlze Life lirx tlze subject will be continu.<1y pulled down by 1:16 kin (3a.0. If a lintz of Influetlcewllieb lms been cliaguosetl as the w ife or lm sband llave a lineHsinK from it to the Mouut d Juplter, it intlscate.s tlmt thisrdatîve is most ambitious (JIo). If tbe Saturu linv la moretllatl ttsually gooi after this period it indîeatea tlzat thîs

om biuoua paltaer kaa spurze; the suMect on aud inervaseG

j I 8 The Laws ol Scientisc H antl-Reading

his sueeess. If a. line of Influenœ rssing tarly be suppcqtalby oufz wlzicll ziru at abottt tlze. tiua of mnrriage, the wife orhuBband hms supplanted tbe mother completely (3r I). Iftbe m arriage jniluenee be tltin antl tlze m other influeut!e tleep

h< K aza so. m e

aud stronm the wife is ulzdqr the dom lnatiou of fhe m otbermaybe lter own maybe he.r huabartd's (3:2)The gelzez'al prinoiples which must be applie; to linv:s of

Tniueuce are tha sauae 5u a1l cases as tîosu whieh apply toother liues. Remembering that tbese lines represent other

N ':

NCk â11 N@. $12

m ople. aud by dlscoverlng wllo tllex peraons are ln relatlonto tke sttbjeck you eaa eximate very dosely what effect theyhave ou lzis llfe. Defects ou Iniuenre lizzea connededby W orry linez witlt defects on otherlûnes will sllow tllat theinlluenee laas causetl the defect. Changes in t:e Life lin.efëlop'iug 4ef% or chauges L: Tu:ueaoe Tiuew sbow ekqt tbe

Elrles of lnfluence sI9

lrzfuenees have O ectecl tlze life iq a harmful manner. Inall suell eares tite plzarRcter of the L% llrke will tdl wbat tklsbad efeet lms been. In estitaating the Infuence line whicllrepresetts the husbat:d or wlfe it should be borue Jlz m itdtb at ln vzoxnen': hands it vzill begln at fronl eig:bee n totweuky.fve aud iu nzeu froaz thyeaty-ûvœ ba thizky, tkqseyeara representlng tlle average years when m arziages œ cur,In reading Influence lines clwars proeeed slow:y tm til yotthave gailztzd praetice enough to work out tlze com binpticlumA.s stuçleuts do not lxesitate to ask questions autl fitli outwhex you have m ade ntlkakex Am uire the generat prin-cîpluq :.url appl). them with goetl melhois of reasotling totlxe Inilatuce lines and tbey will prov'e to be an increasingzzuzoa of buneât.


Vmn, Lr-wq o, AeymcTroa

;:E Xnqp of JkTeetion or M qu iase as they are com m x ly'called 1le on the M outlt of M ercul')r all(l. rttn f rom tlle

pereuusion toqcrd the insiie of 1Ne paluz (3z3). In sorqghanda tbere are none of thepe lines a nd in others ra Rny a oeseeu. Froma Gnae imaxaen4orial they ha ve been used l)y olderpf m ists as îndieadon: of ntïrdaga or u nlons of the pexuhTàeir valwe in practice 9% eoniderable Jf used UP ko theirlinait and in eoulblpation b ut u sa ; by tûelnseTves as a hsrd.

and-fask indication of m arriagel tbey willleatl to constart trror. M urriage tlcpesnot afect evfary sulgect 311 the aame wsy.Som e people no m ore im pzxssecl oneutering intu this zvlatloa tbalz if theyw ere perlbrm iug any ordinaty routlne ofdaily lifc. Such persolzu v'ill have n/M arriqge lines Others sink lhelr wholelis: an â SOUI into a union n nd thesn lvillhave deep M 'arriage linœ . To nse tilew ord '' m arriuge hs ju cutznectitazl w ith tbelfues of Jkfsectio n is raisleading for ik is

in no seuât to be takan as Rlqrays in GicRting w legal rzir-riagm contract. Dpllese jlnes are aRen seen vTheq no suchcontract has evxr bee n entere â iuto but pzhen the subjecthas loved as fendly as if he hRâ beeq j d ned in Tzedlock.Tn 5uch subjeets a line of unio a wi11 appear the sanle astNohgh the cereuzony bad been perform H . sTore properlyspeakinv these Rre lines of deep afecuon ratber thwn lineaof m arHage or union and viewu froln this staud poiut they-sre rqnaarkably accuratu. In every on <* there nzuat kaqx

The Lynes of Affection 5z1

beeu a profound imprqV ua macle upon the subled by anaffection ixfora these lines will 1ye stroug azkd tlw more im .preskons an G afections wbick lukve existed, the raore ofthtse liue: of Jkfetlio n will bu seun in the hand.l*àe type of the subject will alvzays be a great d ; ln regd-

in g the lines of Jkfection as eac k ty pe :ag distiuct vieM-otk tlm ttkarriwgfz qtwrziom 'Ptx Jtpittdc.n #s indinu tomarriage anâ fa marry youllg. So in the llat:d of a Jupitvr.ian a llne af A ffectlott early ia life will most of ken be correctlyreall as m arziagc Tlw Saturniyzz dislikes m arriage l if he beof a very pronouneed or at a1l bad development a:1r1 even lugood specimnens ofthe type, a Saturniau does uot rusk intothe uzarziage atate. Thia type does not natxrazy love Eisfellow-crc tures and a nlost profoun G inlpressiou nzu x kttnnele o!z hirrl l)y som eone befot'e he will entcr tllt marrlgerelatiçm. Cotzsetluently iu tke lzand of a tsaturnian a line ofAffediozl slzottlcl be %'eçy strong', and occur well towaslmiddle life before y-oa are Justifietl iu readin it as mnzriwgvBveu wlzeu tlle combizlatioa of a M ount ol Verm s shows aSaturuian to bo posu x d of sexuA.l clesire he will prefer togratifr thene appetites out<de of the nmrriage stabz ra 61 erthan to tie hiDa self ycruuuxen uy to a nyone. zkpolloniansdeére bo uaarry', and do so vrhen youn g buttbey often nzakeunlkappy m arrlage,s beeause wllile tlzey Tike bzilliazzt partzterstlley do tzot always get tlzem . Litzeu of A A ction on Apol.lostiaus wm be quite sœ ly read as marriageu. M ercurlaasaregrea.t mafchmakers ; the . also many quite y'oung. On tllis)kype, linesof utleetiozz wzll very oftau mcan zcarriagq. M ar-tiaus aze proue to znarryz Eo with this type litje.s of Afeetionatso hlve futt m eal ng'. Im uarlans are vmy peculiûr a'ootttm aniage, som d im ts dtwpi' stug 1: aM sometim es m striugodd mastches and tbe line of JkEèctlon on this type mu/ beextxe vely strong to be read aa m arriage. Venusians cau-not keep from marzying, evelz if the;r cared to, for tltcy willuot be allowed to rv aizl single. becauM otber perrotls l.re1* attm cted tth them . On the Veuusian type it requireaorzly a sm1k!! liue ttl mean marriagt, tlm ug: on. tkfs lype youwill geuerally f'u:l strong lizzes. 'Piz/ practica of lx lring qk

52z The Laws of Salentlsc H and-lkeadlng

the Mbtult of M ercury and predlcting one: twq or ss m xnynuuviages as thqre are :iuqs of .iFection on the zfoulzt is anu-t inacc glate and u n saientiEc thiug to d + coustantlyleading to error, auG Dlakiag our seienee ridieulous. plopracu uoner shoul; say ia aûva uce as is t:e custoul withm= y professionalG that he can tell about m arziage. M anym ofessionals ia thesr printetl circulars claim to te.'il a client't gverything concerning love m anlag't diw rvx vt.m '' audsttch profesbionals âre kept contînually in hot water by theirmistakes. lf tbey did not prom ise what they could not per-forzn, tbere woltld be no trouble 'Ptte qmly lzoneat way isto m ake no promlrsesj for you eannot tell wbai a hazld willA ow uuul it has lv n wxn. It m ah' be asktxl '' lW z is itp )'nfvv'ssary to deal with m arriage at aIl ? 'J 'Phe auswqr tothis questbn is that m arriages do so m tleh to m ake or taDlar thû carver tkat a1l t:v lnforuâatiou pos: ble should bzhad far use in its general bearing uyon the life of a uubject.s!y only object ln infroducing the llnes of Jkfeetëon at thispoink î: that Nze maay be able to briu y 1heuu to bear uyon thqIlnes of saturn au d Jkpollo w'hich they oRrn powerfully,lu uenee,The srst tlling lo detennizze is whether Iineg of Afection

be prexmt or absent If none be seen your subject i!l lmtlikdr to lye powerfully itupressdtl by azlyone. If the stzbjectbe robûst and. beluaK to a'u ardent tym , lze zzzay lzave atronpdesire: toward the oppostte sexp but when these are satisfedhe relapses izlto a stale of ittfliforttnee ulail the supcm buull-anceof vitality agaiu tuznshis thougb.ts in tlle sam a dlecdon.'Plle!e stzblects are undemonstrative ancl a defective Heartlinm in a leud n'kîch has uo liue o: AFedion vvl1i iudicabeheart disease ao d n ot afbction. JC naany lines cT JkHbctionte rfesent (314) 1he subject is suseeptlble iu azaks of tkeûeart naere or leas seriou Zy so as thu : nqs are strong orweak. Theue litzes of Affection are alway: ercekg-llnesy audstart from the outslde of llze hazd 'mmetiu zs at 1Nw* bK kcutting arouzld into tbe M ount of M ercury. If only a eiaglellne le seen tllere w ill be bllt olle deep afrecdou, azltl it= st bt A tecl lzert tlkat tlw lîuea G A fRvflvtl a loe.x ouly

'rhe Lines ot Affectlon ,ju

to perxm s of tlze op- ite x x au4 tluxse wizo are in no wayzellted to us by bllxd . Tlzuy are never au indicatlon of tlle

love a sllbject may havee for hi6 familp If a liue of Afrectilmbegin v'itil a. fork (.3r5) it shows that tlze wFectlon is oî uu-usual strength tlze two linea of tile fork llaving unitetl tofo= a single line, prixlucing the efibct of two Cttrreltts tunledinto one, wllic)z tbus takes on double strength. 'Po rue tlke


wo. :14. wo. m : No. aI<

age on lines of Aflbctiott two methocls are emploFetl. Oneis to deternzine at w'hat age t:c afection occurs auG tbeother to * 2 how long it lasts. ln onier tœ ddermiue dbeage at which an afèeu ou oecurq take the H eart liue as alower mnvk aud N:e b:p oc th . s:euut of M > ,& as 6heuppm'. Tlxis space m ust be subdivided iuto tite averagtraars of life, biinging the lniddle af the M ount at tidrtpBix, aud tlze top at sevcnty years. Tlltts a1l lllles o'Afrgdion appearing before tile middle of tltlz M outt occtzrbefore the age of thirty.qlv, ancl those appearing lxyond 'hacectre og tlle Mburlt occur after tlzirtpsix. Tbe Rnle (315)will be found npproxim ating the correct aEws and aceurateentm gh for al1 generat purm x s. R canl howevar, be utillfcztber stlbdid dul if m ore exx-t dates are desired. To de-term iue the leagth atl aFection entlures, thu liue itselflzzttst bemexqsuretl from itu begiulzing to its tenuinatiom In tlzis way'also eveais in tlza coursu of an asectiol are often reeorded.Tla aM e of m easttremo t for sttch reading: begina wiG tbeltarting qf tla llnu aud vuds with its lerm inatiou, tlze llueto be d vlded iu the m ldd:a as age tlzirtsr-rsix au; e vertty to

sz4 The Laws of Bclentific R and-keadlng

be recorded at tbe en d The iutervening yeara can !œ sulwdividei a6 m iuutdy as ss necessary in order to reach tbe ageœf auy rnarkiugs eu u;e liue Nvhiqû is dléped (3:7). T%longur the lbae of Jkdbction tbe longer t:e afe on con-tintleq and whell a ntlm ber of lines are seen tlze duratioll ofeach aFair nRuy bv tstiplatt; by the leagth vf tkt severatllnes. lphe age at Tzhich each oocurs is reaâ frona t: e sIourtsubdivided and the d uration frout the length of the line.By tlis rzqthod read the nunibur of atron g attackuleuts the

pubject has had and h ow long each one ûuqts an d by tûelougest au; deepest :ue deteruine x'hich one has beendveptr thx n the rest (518). This.zlzarkiu g williudicate scv.era1 deep attarhnaentq 6 nally mllnlinatln g in the il-abm aFectioll by t'lle deep lirte. If tw() lirzes rulzaiongside of eac:iz btlzcr aud are of tlze same deptlz (2!zO thestlbject has loved iwo perrmlu equally wel: at the satue timeln everz cape the higheM liue of A Fectiou 1 tNe last puevzhic: 1ua: occurred an d aay liuas lon'er tha u it will recordformer alections. If a Mnmber of liues be seetl the uppe.r


orke a deep Ene, lm1 one of tlw early lincs dœep at tlze lmd, ltindicatœ lhat tbq early love lzas never eutirely diuppeared(320). From every combimqtion of lines selec:t tbe strongestattachm ents f= z tlx (leepvst lirzes auql also deœrm iav by1Eq cbaracbur of the linea how canlpletely this attqph n&ent5as yœœkqed szzay. If the last lice be a tbin ou% aad yet kl$11 lengtll * 4 œ lzsrrnntoz'y signs provea to lx ehm M arde

' T he Lines of A ffection .5:,

ll.1le. a.rd 11 a atronger line 1% closu uadvr il (3zz) tlze subjedlzas lnarrieâ for convenience or nloney but uot jrom strtmpust love.If t*e llues oî lkFx ux be thia ia prepedio u to olber

gnes in th: hEMd ths su @ ect bas no real atron g afecfions.H v 1= a krotherly or sisterly afrection fc'r tlze oae lze m aories, but lxr will not be tbe absx bing pao icm. Thesa sub-



il )l

No. = @ wœ = : :@.a=

jocks giving litue denlonstration of aFeetion are in diFerentcold an d irthay have nlany Iin es of A feetion are apt to be

flirts. If stzeh subleets be llancksatue augl attzactive tlteybrcak many lzqarts. If in a woman's haad 1he line: of Af'ec-tion are broad and shallow or chained tlte subjâet is s'tillnlore in di Cereut she will lead suibars ou far the pleasuretàf clisappointing fhum. 'Pizese slzbjects bave no real af'ec.tion and are selfiça coltl and crttel. W hite txfor will addto tb.e cc/lrlufzss t)f botlz fgf these latte.r liuea. Tie litzes whiclla'izow deepl lasting aFection are tllu deep a'ntl onesThex are strengthenecl if tlle:je lye also pink or reâ in eolor.

Sttclz subjuas love anlentls conskuatly. aull make sacrificesfor those tlley love. Tt is thelr pleasure aud pride to bu ctm .staut auQ trum If stmlz a deep lille rttn to iks end wikhotltfault or brealq the subject will parsuv a life of artlellt attack-ment af reliabilit)r ancl steadfastness, from beginning to end.If tba liut stlrt A ep anc! gmtsually grow thin t%e m bjectwill gradually 1- the strerlgtk of Ms attaehmeut (:122). Iftlze line start tlain and gpadually become strouger tlze mzb-

jcct will gmw' sfrlmgeria lzis altaehment (a2D. Tf lm islazltl

5z6 The Laws of Scientific H and-lkeadlag

appeaz ou tlze liTw oî AFeetion there will be <mw ulzhaplg,ness Ilttring tlze course of the aFaction (a:I4). If tize li= IyfAiectîotl le composed f)f islands the sttbject will zever havew'mvvqon enougb for auyozx to marry lziuz (3a5). If a er-

l( .

w(). = No. aa4 wa aa

.be seen m t tlxe llne of Alectiort there wlll be a serlotls im -pedinlent to the aFectîon U26). If this Ene end in a startlze alkaiolz will terminate in Rn explosiou (3zj'). If a lineof A geeticzt gend a braueh inf.o tlze M ount of A m llo wbidt

elzds ia a star the subject R411 have a!z G ectiou for some-


No. %% Na W * . >

one brilllant and famous (32B). If tlke line of Asectlon forklt its termix&tiolt (3zq), the affectiou will sercrate (tnd be-eome 1- strtmg. Tlus has bx tz ttsetl by the older palmieaa azz lndication of divm'ce. It is a likelilzood of interferenceix tlle m arrletl llfe but not alway's dlvoree. It shows tûe

le xuiug of tlke GiszipRtion oftla V 'ectirsn. lf tlze fork !>e

' 1r h e Lin es of /ï Yectio n 5z F

not wMe (330) the estrange- -.t is not sy serko as if lidivarga jruatly, as in 170. 3:9. Ifthe line end in a tdd=ù ara tassek lt shopzs tbf utter dissipation aa d scatterlag of theaFevtion (331). If branehts drpop frouz the lhze of A Fxux

&o. % @ * . O û < K a:l

tbe manied life vd1! be ful: of sorrows an4 disayvolnkuxMlla(33e). If branches H se frorx tHe line af JkNkction the :u:.JeCt 4/11 be uplihed a nd the afbction will be a bemest tobiuz (z33). If tûe liue te broken it #El: Endicate tkat theG e ion is ir bnrfereâ vziuz or bzoken iu senze Nvay- (:34).


dœ * 2 *1 KD Nœ #A

tm k for repalr slglis. lf tbe break be eucl- d izt a. sqtlaretlze sttltitct will reeover the distnrbed afection (335). If tlzeIine make a. ilook on tlm Motmta tlle s'ubleet w'1ll 1- hîsairecqlon, wlllcit V II not be regailled (:30. If a dot lx xerlon a liut of Afkdion, lt indicates an lmpedirnpnt to tlteMnrxkp of tiœ ax tions (:p)z the termlnatlml of ta linp

!:8 The Laws of Sdentitic I-land-lkeading

slmwing the outcolne. for if the lëne eucl î1z a fork trideâqor tassel tile afection will be dizsipated (:!3B). If after theIlot the line p 'ows thin, the aifediou disappears gradually(339). J:f W ozzy'< rtm from tlze Meuut of Veuus to tbe

wcq ax < â ax No. w

liue.s of Afl'ectiou, aud cut thex llnesp it sbovkrs that relativeaare interfering witil the married life of tlle subject (34t9.H tlle cutting line run from Influeaee litles ou the M ou.tlk ofVenus it cau bt dd crmipeû llow close is tlle kinslzip of thetelative <.110 i: cauping the diflicalty, If a llne from a dose

llne of H flaence c'ut a forked lizte of Aeecuon the m arliedlire of the subj ect Tzill be interfered 4v'ith b>' a near gelleq'e(s11). Tlzv forked l3=e rxllows tlzat tûe sublect loso xmeerljoyment of tlle marriage relationtlzrough this interferenœ .Tf the line of AFed ion etlrl in a tarv*l llle reading is in'

tenifeû (34z). If a lûae of alïïecti?a c œt by a bar havv l

T he Lynes of Affectlon 5,4

ebance llnv runnîng to azt islaud a cross a bar or a dot inthe 'Iead line an inledc ena with the nueaied v se af thestzbject will result in Emne form of :raill disturbauce (3ç3).In this m anner chatlce lines will be x ua runuirtg from ob-strtzctîota ju tlle lirzv of Affœ tion tovadous parts of the bandlxnaetirnes to defecliv'e lgifz lin es or heaTth defects of theM otluts. ln / 1 these cax's the treuble m iuted te will bebrtaugbt on by au ilzturferenee or blvmtslt sequ iu the line ofAflection. Eaclz one of these defects în tlle lina of A'Ihetionwil: indieate an mrent in the life of tlle subject. In a11 caxstlw lineg of A ffeetiozl shoulcl be reafl i.u (mmbinatiou wit'.lz 1n-Nuence lines oa tike M ount of Vcnua A s botlz rdate to the


e k e41 Ntx atl x . @*

comûng Ento the life of l new faetor w-iz. < - e outsideoftxe Kubject binlself they are interdtpùMadent.sfy advice to evxry practitiouer is to use great eare în a1l

lnntters rulating to ula ciage and bonle li%. The real objuctof an exanaba ation or the haud is tq give a elient a betlerknoTiledge of hinxself Iinless t;e raatbzr of rnnrdage 1 *9interwoven witlz his expskence t'iat the two aeem iusep 'L;**-le,it is oaly gratifying clzzit'sî' ty to deal with it a!a, oes nox a1 gooâ. W hell llis career is being ruintxl o rfe

,mxl=:ewitll by adverrye inotlenees, rnltttera sho tedbe Ixdnout. M erdy- te tdl about them inorder to s :1 'ouw' whet er ;cau do it or noq is loweriug the stattdard feo iowof tlze pmA surgeon woulcl not arnputate a. liznb tr' j: knewsizow tlle elmw. but he would (10 c:ty if :B- lim b r' t4 audeW ed KmPKG IK

t3o The Laws of Scientihc H and-Reading

tbq oyeration Tzould help the patient. Jk11 palxé Ms s%guldproceed u pon that idea. I)o vrha: is necessary for the Xelpor guidluce of tûe diu t blt notkiu uzerely to exhibit' Yakill. A stzict adherence to tids prln 'mple w lll win iu tlzelong rum, and nowllere IIIOR surely tlzan in the m atter of tbelines of A mxr'tâom


44 :T* m Rke our Re uueg and we çsll G em fde,''--; DrsmlxwL

'::I line of Scturq is the fo urth ATaiu line which receivesuxç Carzent, aud 1 a-requently ealle; $Ee n lise of

Fate.'' Tlpœq ErsL tkought it nzay Lpt bc apparqnt w:yfatality, good or bad has lxetz aseribed to this liz!e but tizeelaim is justifit.xt ia varieus wsys. 'Phe ljx of Saturn rixsat the base of tlw ikaucl aukl rtma upward tmvard tlze ângers ;and according to our lzypotlw si' u tlze Current wlzich w ssesinto it doea so on its rcturu frouà tNe bzRiu vzkere it h&dbeen 6ent fronz tbe end of t:e Life line. The line ofSaturn th ue reads franz dze bottonl u pvzard and tbe sealeindicating the va Hous years of life wiil be foand iu ChapterI:r. xtecordin g to tbis scale 1he peH od of ehildhood is theextrenae Iower parù of the llne an d old age is recorde;by it on the hfou nt of Saturn Fronl the liue of Saturnhealtb dlffimllties at'e not read nor is anything ohown cotl.cerniaç tbe general nnakevuB or eoustitut.oa of a suljeetsueh as ia indimqted iu other liues that %ve h ave consideredIt does indim te the cottrse of the subject ehrouglt life from astsM poîzlt of n1 aterîal stlceess a1ld elncavs vzk ethe r b e 1n11stmake lzis owzt wa wlletlaer $he will have a lmz'd tim.e orT. .wbdbgr tbis w1l1 appazently come easy to 'Mln. It 'w4llFSalpp loeate l,1s uzosf Icod uetiv'e periods. %? hîg ls xvh al tltev1d er paltniuts had in vn''n d Ve brn ther us naed the line ofSatnzn *& l/ate or IAestiu .' as kt is selzerally taken forY.rantlxl that one wbcœ l'lfe rut:s smx thly mttst tave luckza hIs favor :lA these cases it has net always beeu renlenl.bepe; tbat suc: @ subject znay have ha4 every quanfcatiqu

ss (,

s:z The Lawtl of Scientific I Iand-lteading

wk#ch would enable him to m :râf succrss arzd tllat he hasacùiev.d it becpust hz âas R'orked a ud beca use suceess llaslxetl rlev ved. Combinecl witlz a gcmd liue of Satttra there= ay be health bm inq determinatiorl a'rnbition and sim i'larqualities an4 iu that case the prese nce of lhese qualiïesaccoutll: for the good line of S aturn pzxich consequently

ildieates tbat tke subject wi:l get throu gh the w'orld conl.fortably au d successfully. zk colubination of aueù forcvs asthe abosas if wîsely an d faithhzlly used prod uces so-calledluck ayzd m oat of the persons who are poittted otlt as pan iett.larly fortunate or lucky attrilm te tlzqir saccess 'prim arily tebrains heaks ellergy, am bitlou and kitdred allies and notto bliu:l cilenctz luck or fate. There is however w mem agic glam clltr arouncl thu words 11 fata '' and dï luck ''which seems to sleak of resalts achieved without effort andtbis hag always beun thv gual to ward Avh:vh the vyes oflazyfolk are turn ed. Such people are ever ready to account forfleir faëlures by sayillg. .' O tbers are luck y ! aux not '' butthis sheuld 1>tl ftglowttl by l11e furthttr fzxplunadon tbat m ostoften the t ' lucky '' sllbject isa umrkdr and the ''unlllcky '' oneis not. D tty dream ers exped luek to reaeh dowlz anu: touchthem with a m agic waud 'flzosc wllo are calletl luck.y aaytbat the m aglc walld i!l z'n.%'.ustt

.;;' In m any cares luc!k 0 11.

sists in having 'Lhe foresigllt to seize opportuilities. t ' Uu.lucky '' ersens tell of eizaucus t'iey llavepassed and consoleP ,t'Izem selk-es lày saylng that ltlck was not on their side In

tbe Kaajority of eases it woul d be xaort proper to say thatfpr:zrijrâ/ aud pcrsnvrance were not. 'Plzis mueh mozalizingI beg to introduce here because I wish it distitlctly under-stoed that I do lmt btlîûvl i:l bliud fa.ttz or cikancz.In tlze begirm ing of a. stlldy of tbe line of saturn or line

of Fate I wish to glve my tlefiuition of that word aud to as-sure you t% t we art) not tu plutlg'u from'a truatmenk of tlzehand wlxic:il has tllus far proceede:l entirely under laws ofcause an( eirect itlto one whiell deals wltlt eltanee. Tlleline of Saturzk is a wouderfttt liuv its m velatious are accmxteand important, bttl we shall iintl callses L%r a11 tlle efied s wem et upon it. Ou ever,h- Iint of saturn wt uote periods wlzvtz

3'h e txln e of S aturn 5 g 3

everythîng is propit:p us fer tïc suljvct. llkeau are thehar&xst periods of bis life. Jkt sucà timaes %x 5 nd goo:health the presence of nlental powers such as diseernxzentwill am bitirm au4 vazious gtxd com paaious wilic.iz he m ayttlrn to lzis acoottnt or w hicit lle m ny leave ttnused. D uring

these pedc'dsl life ''t easier for tlze subject. He zs well = tkin pcsseasion of his full powxrs. He works G tit leas efortand in sltperstitious parlan.'.'.!e he is ' $ 1( ' ' ancl '' fate ''îs o1z M s sille M auy persolls take advauLagt of tiaw per.icds of grea.test possibilities aud 't m ake hay wllile the scn

shines.' ' Other.q pas: such time.s irl eojoyment an4 lqzi.uess, coM dent tlzat . ' luck is witik tilem '' and will nvwrzrleave. W hen the powers begin to wa'rke ltLek ig not 8o ctm -stltlàt ill attendnnce ; it takes more ellbtt to auxemplis'lz tkesam fa rtaults, antl â


ually. Zt kindg oî qFort fait to prodnceaaything consCderalale. At tùi!l time the cly is raised'' luek has gone.'' The trutlz is that tlle stlbjeet has paasedhis ûarveat period aud kas kept :is golden nzouzen:s away.Tlle opportunitîes plaeed before hin: have not been seized ;ke Gnntaken kis plcasu re u uriug the tinae w'hen be shouldhave worksd h ardek, a nd bô' the-law of coulye=aatio n he

lnust toil to nlake up for it '' Q-ou can not eat your cakeRzd lnva it tea' ' rx cauuel wastv yom' kurvest days lnd. b?z; $*. luckp '' H e wllo haa warketi tilrough his m oductive tim emay rest wlteu powers fai: Tlle laws of cause and effectare prea nt in tlze Iine uf Spturu or Fale as everywhtra vlst:.It is otzly after m ueh obserm tiotl of titi; line that it is possi.ble to skate wlzat can aetuallr be tolcl fronl il. The super-fzciality w Nic: Nas been sizown in its trustmuut has servtflprlncipally to diszuat senBible personn. W ily the llne sllowstkex matters whidz are so obviously beyoud tlte cousdous-n- s of l e individlsol can only be explaintd ort thil Rlr'eatlystated hyrmthesiG that tbe licea are the life zaap of everypersou, placed bcfore hinl in order that he nlay be guided tothe aG ievement of his besk rea ultusêhe liae ofSatunl when stron g, enlph asizesthe Satnrnian

traius especiqlly if :k2 linv bg dvep on the 56ou Lt an4 thesetralts ar. vzixd nun zoberness and tNq Cyculty of se ug life

534 The Laws of Sclentisc H and-Readîng

frx z ita x dous aicle- 'lkhe fx't llllt tIM)Se baland ng qttali-tles al'e present in some degrea with a gootl line m ny accx ntfor tlw success izl o1d ag'e wkieh comes to one willl a stronglinu on tlza M ount. Saturuian traitu art etwrgy aurl fzugal-itp Rs x'ell as studiousrless and tlte ability to think, ancttlzex qualitits * 11 do m ttt:h to m ake a life suecerxsful. TlleSatatraiazl luas a pax ikaut for exploratioag ia tlze tart:k auîlhas fronl thls natural love been 1ed to discoverin g goldsilver coal a u4 other niue treasapes île has fotuld gasand ot1 wells, and thus, througiz following lziu natural incliua.tiouq d $ fate ' ' has 1. ll said to be with kirn xnd tlle Sattlr.piaa has for these rtasoas been calM the i' ehlld of fate.''The greabast part Kkat faba or luck plays nitâ bnnnw nily isb: give one perso u raore bTnins an d a better type tbau aa-otûcr auû this hxq buen sunzetiuzca eallvd tbe '' aceiient ofhdrtiz.'' In these eases the tmbjent will also izave the bestSatum lizte. The Apollonifm atul Veausiau or n gootl Jupi-tezian or M ezcuriau are m uclz Krva.tfzr qxamplgs tv m y m iudof a kintl fate tllan is tbe 8atttrnian.The llne of Satttrn is not found in every katd . Oltler

palm ists rave to a hand witbottt a Saturn liue tize inttzrprq.tatimt of a. '' megative existence. '' Obserlratiol will & owehnt tbe lita is abxztt in the kaads of'zaatly succexsful px plt,u ql in otker progperous subjeds it iu prexnt only ilz rttdimen-tary form . 'rkex person: have not letl uegative Xve-x so thissuterpretatiou canaot be eorrect In a great m any caso ofthiskittd com ing under zuy obx rvation I have found that tizezubjeds arewbat are commonly eallell $$ œlf.mademetl '' thatthey lxxgan life iu lm mble ptraitions, mzd osly by dltrt of vn-trgy aml application have they m ade thelr way in the world.'Plm;wx '< œ lf.m atle '' ople are not Always btilliant lo startwith buk tlzey lzave tltttrminatiou antl energ:r azd will etlu.cate th-m- lveq even if it m ust be dtm e at nlght after theday's work is over aud they w ill not fail to seize every op-poztuuity for p aAiress llhvy seeuz to feel tkat reo'/a gdcpoêh vpk?v tân'r prezl forts aud no m ount of lalmr i:allowed to statd between tllem and ultim a.te success 'rheyare t%e kind of men who m a l'carry tlze mcaggge to Garcim ':

' lrh e Line of Saturn 5 3 5

J% tbe remwlt of my obR rvation I rea; handg lu which uoswturu l'ne is seen as beTougiug bo a suMeet Nvko uâ ust *e-pend upou hinz M;f entlrcly; vzho should uok trcst ba luck orsortu clte drc uulstances. but if he wotlld acconlplisN nluehin the Nvotld it na ust be the resi t ofhis ow'n rForts.The lina cf Satlzrn m ay slart from one of mnny platxr,.

These are always at tlle base of the llantl (.344) but may 1>e

Aa - Nc. ao No. -

Rny m izlt between 1he entl of tize Life line and tbe M cmntof 5f oon. Som etim es txe lirle rises inside the Life lixe anllsometim es as M glz aa the upm r M ouut orM ooa. T> courseof tile yaturn line ia alw ays tozvars the M ouat of Sylurnsouletinles reaching the sfount a nd sœn ednaes fallilg f?rsûort. It always runs tîroug: the centre af the palnl.T&'hen tbe Saturn Zne ripus insidv the Lifu line aod ruus outo the Afottnt of satnrn (345) it indicab:s that tbe subjectwil! have xzaterial sueeess ia life a nd that near rdadvawill assist lzim greatlp W heu tlze line zisea fr= tlze centreof the jxa:m (346) and runs into the Mount of saturcj thesahîcct wX acllieve suxess 111 life large7y by his own efatts.W hen tlze 2ne rix s from the M otm t of M x n aml nm s on totbe Motmt of Saiurrt (>7) tlle subject'x ilz life willke m ateriatly assisted by otte of the opposlte sex. Tbis m ayeiLlzer lya by good advlce m' by renderlng ûrzancia! aid. Illave notetl tai, tnarking on mam - hands w bere tbe siveshav'e beeu of great aesistauee in the eareer of the subject.Ia most instamxs tlx eourccs of tlze line wl11 be ill one eftllese three patitions: *1 other beglnnings beicg a zzltdifbt'-

5:6 Tlze Laws of Scientific l Iand-Reading

tion os one or tlle other of tllem antl a11 reaiings sllould belaorltfiefl ilz propozti.oa ils tke x urc!z of tlzt liue is from t'ime..athree pronou nced centreg. Sonnatinles the line does not

rise 10w iu tlle hallcl, but starts higller up C.'.>t8). r!tt this casetlle subjrxt will kave a zao're nvgativc qtxisttmtx for the firstpart of 'lle Iife afk tllis point is ùbe time whell he i.u so 'lqxtngthat 1le can aœ omplisiz litkle by his owlz fxozts azld suG abeginning to the line indieates tllat lze wag not born with a41 silver sm tm iz1 his m outh.'' H is best perind will begin at11m tim e îim iiza starts, for wlzile tlle abscncc of tlze lix deflsnot slmw tizat influences are a: work lo preven: the acw ânce-

ment of the subject tbe presence oï a gcxxl line tlpc.ç skowtlua som ts espudwl advantages are present durinp its uz st.enc'e. The abeence of the line shows that eonstant esort isuettlecl whilv a good litte will slmw tlzat duricg ëts best lxrilxlof forzaa Eo:z the greatest effarts slloulf be exerteâ lf tNelargest results po gslble are to be aohieAred. The bigbe r intlle Lnnd fle lilàv sLurts th u latvr iu lift vdll bv tke m riod ofeasiugt sailinp W henever a clefieiency ig noted irl the Saturnline you will Elld an explauatiou ia some of the other littes

pa s.z so. e s Ng. o p

or sign.. scith 1he ;ue absent at the beginuillg it xaaybe found tlmt tllu Xifu line will slzow great dulicacy forthe same periotl of y'ears thaf is coverecl by tlhe absence oftlze Saturu lint (349). Tbus you will know tbat tla subjtctdI(l lfttle dllring the earller years becauae he wx dellcate, A sthe Sattznl lille bqvîns at the yime this delicac'y ezzy.ç on thelâfe lîna, he NviI1 at tkat uuvz begia a perho4 vzhick hq xaly

The Llne of Saturn .tJ:$7

'vmke produd ive. rf the Lire line bc tM n wiletk lt beglns toreeover, and grows tlliaker as it pm gresses a.nd if the satttt'n

line dce.s the same t'he subject will cotltlnue to do bttter i rz abuslneas way as lzis streagkll incrvaees. It will be uoted thatit Iu necesEv y to read t'ike beginning of the sat'ttnl line fromtlze lmtto'ln antl the Life line from tlle top. lf wit'l'k tllt Iiu/rising late Mre Gnd a dtfect:ve Head linq at the start (3.50)

N :h. e N@. JIBl

tlle S'UIAJeCI will have îis Ftart in life impedud by brain weak-ness, ancl the Saturn line wiil ncït grow tqxxl until tlze H eadlintt tlx s. If tlztl Hkatl lita be weak at the start azld kls mxmas it recovers tbe Lfeart line buoanae wu k tbe Liôz lineb:i nii thiq az of tllis tinze (J 5 r), tb e career of th e stlbl ectwill be hinûcred ârst by hea; trouble and then by heartvreaknea: and he does not begin to do his best until tùesehave passed away. If tbe line rise M g'h la tlle hantl ancl theIines of H ead or Hkarl are zmt ddective m u m ust lx k forltealtk tlefects ln otberparts of tlle hand on lines and M otm teattd em cvwlzmx you wlll discover tlle cattse d ' the alyseuceof the Satttrn llue. Use botll bauda witlz tlze Saturn liufz'.lf the lEne beg'sn 1ow in the left 17arlsl and Hr.e ltlgh i:l tltefgla you wil: lm ew thst tlle natural course of the Eue wmsfavorable but as it s%ows ih defects in lbu rig ht haudsonlethiug has oeeurtid to alter the od ginal plan. ThisMlay bu health laziueas or iu iuvcces fronl faluily frieudsar outsiders a nd Llasm nch as M* do nEk believe that rnereehanee làas prcducerl tlze alteratfon m 11111st look Jm newherefor tlzq uufavorable condition wlklclz lzas prmreated the Hmlng

,$38 ThL: Laws of Sclentlâc H and-lkeadlng

of tlw Saturn line 1(:$$r in the riglzt ban4. Tke abx nce of aSaturn line w ize-ru it sûoul:l nonnally begin will often beexplaiued by some accident to the parents. A s this earlyperie ol' the lint covet's tlke ckildlzoutl ef tkq subjetzk, it willnot be through lzi: own fault that the atart in life is not a:gce as lt shou:d lx. If a. line of Satunl tise lligh in thehand m)4 a liut of parental iufluetlt:e oa tùe M ottak of Vûuu:?end zn a star eazly in tbe line (352), the death of a parentha: prevente; a zood start in the life of t:e sublect. Rt-Duqulber a1l indications ou the sRturn line Tefer to E nandalaeaiM.'çext ln order the eharacter of the 8aturu liue nz ust ke

n oteâ. If the line be not so deep as the otber lines o n t:ehand, t:e iudicadous peeuliar to the lî3e are not in theirproper propoztioas aa4 Nvill uot be us uroug us if a11 thvlipcs wœre ia bz aace If t:e Iine be very deep a nd clear cut(JS!), the subject will be rou nd to have exteptionally 5 uequalities with a proper use of w'hicî N: uhoulû be e xabled toaclzicve grzat auccere. lf tlals deep llne extend up on to tlze


k '

NG * 2 N0. 3:3 N(). SM .

M otm t of Saturn these R vorable eonclitioc!g will contiuue(turing tkt eattm life. If tlze liue bz slzorf, îlzey %411 bepres-ent only- dtuing the Iength of the llne the age to be rea:f'rom t'lle Ene. lf tlgs deepnesa of tht lint 'be c'arly ia lE'l'fe tlzesubâect Tzill have his best puriod dudug ckildh ood (a!4).nphis is a n u nfortunate oaarking. for at this a ge the subjectjs seldolu ol; eaough to take adva atage oî oplortuuities

T he L1 ne of Saturn S3.p

,1*ix deep line of Sattlrtt is tbe m ost favom b!e line toA tllln liue r.:.k55) will sizow tlzat tlze subject has muclz l11 lllsfavor in the way of natural arlvantag'es and whi:e be willhave to exezt hitlpelf nzore to brlng foztb great zesults thana subject with a deep Iine he Nviz suli b ave an easier d nle toöuccheetl than one with a defectlve line or + t.11 no liue at all.A braad 'aud alzallow linc (3

.5s) indicxœs a cpndiliozl little


w . a NIX e:6 No. ar

better than no line at a11 and if the Satnrn litle alone be olsuc:k a. elzwracttr wlzile tlle (ytller linès are well m alkedk thestlbjeck will have continual utruggles. A cYinlnei li= of Saburu lutucate.s tllat the eztr'eer w ill be a hard one. If tize line ix

clzained durlng its eutire letlgth tile stlbject will ha.v'e cotl-tinuous obstrucdons anG tNe lifu w21 be a kùbo nxl one fullof disappointmeuts (357). If chained only part of tlze way,tlze fîiflisztvltiv's will Iast during tlzis eontlition.Color being an inâication oî tize stzvngtù aud conditîtm

ofthe Blood C urrent does not a Fect the lire of Saturn, asit does other lines for this line is in no m:auner an lndexof the ltealth (>r the dlseaze of the slzbjed anll tlma t'he liueof 8atutrll will be tbe first line to whicb it is unnecessary toapply tlze color test.A11 defects ill tbe Saturzl line are Imrortant, for tbey

rlloe how m any and what killtl ef im le iments will = ur

in tlze sttbject's life, lzow serlous tlzey will 12., aud as thtcause prodtteing m% t of theR ehecks can be locatul in vari-ltls pm s of tW W ntl it is quitg possible to t'emedy or am iit

,640 T he Laqvs of Scientlfic H and-Reading

a good mauy of tbc'm. Al1 defects Jouud iu tbe begningof tûe line re* to the chihl Nood of the subject, an d d ur-iug tbis PeH oG tbe child is too you ng to do Mzuch by hlm %p1$dthc bavzard ira pzossux er hindvriug bis condiLiou. Conoquently) a11 defects or im pedinlents to cbDdhood are eiuzerthe result of ill-health or colne frozn paternal inouenceGboth of vvhick art bzyonû tke Ieyçqr of the child to coa-erol. T he death of parents, their fnancial digicapty o>cuzriug at this tiuze ar estraugeuzeuts whicll uzay occurbetvzeun the parentw are aE peaé bilitiqg a n: are al1 ea use5Trhich vrill eheck the prosgerous career of a cblld vzhosexart in life naay tb us be iazpeded by daese coudllions Sowhen we see a Saturn lûne defective at tlla start but gm w-

ing deep atd A'ell eut (358) we krow that Avhate ver thecstu';,e of thu troubl!z at tia buginnium it has lx un ovtm xm e.sucll a line ailowa either tllat the improved condition arireafrom the removal of tlze catlx s wlliell wete om rating Rgainsttile s'ubjfzct, or tlzut luz hps Mazxlf Hseu sulxrier lo tlze ob.stades. It m akes no diFerence as to tbe cbaracter of tile

NG KV Mœ D @

defeet whlck appears fzt tlle beglnnlng of a Saturn line thegeneral rule is the sanze. It in dicab:s an inlpedùnent b;tbe early y ears of the subjcct If a shert In; ueuce llne ontbe Mount of Venrls end iu a star and tile Saturn llne beLcllained a.t the lkginaing, tbu deat of a pcrett has doude.dtlzc early carl'.qr of the subject (35:). 'i'lze age at wlziclz tîism reaa die can be read from tlle clisto ce tla star reache oa

lr h e Lin e of S aturn 5 4 1

t:e Life : nv. n e ûatc at whick the im prov- ent in tbea:œ rs of the subject occurre:t ean be read from the line ofjkturn. If a short liue of Jnsaenee ead ia a star alld a.W OI'U liue run from it anrl cut a rising branch on tkx Lifeline ending itl an island on tlke liue of Head tzfx))j the cleatllof a pazelzt :as brouglzt on a clzeck to tûe upward eourse of



the gubject's life which has afected his rueutal strengt:, andtb us checkeG aud retarded his career.

Iszau is in t:e Saturn lizle t56z) bavr very grnrrazyrecuived tNe interpretation of a cNeuk to the cazeer arisin g

from tl1e tnarital infidelity or moral depravily of the was recognized by older palmists thaf islands always indi.cated trouble and a.s the above reading of imp oralït.y origi.pated iu lauds w'here vittue anxong B'onzen vzas rarer thanin tkis cou ntry it waa seuu o u tùu Lanûs of mzany Avomenvrho had bad reputations and rulned aud cbeeke nhi eareerzThese wom eu lxing kuowa to be profligate this interpreta-tion of im m orality was given the ikantt iu tke linu of Saturu.'Phis indieation llas causetl m ueh fiiscu%ion am ang palmietsau4 Dzuck colùùdou and ertor alnong praetitioners JkRereaxfe cu dy of the subjH I can say thut wu izqnd iuthe Saturn Sitze indiuvates a period of financial diëcultyl last-ing tlw ltm gtiz of tla islkmt't and that tlle m arkilzg is notlk''&6 an indication of in âdelity. This conclusio a has becnreached aher the exa mination of h ut drrds of hands havqn gsuck a markiug, iu whlch fna adal tro able or looes have

,$42 The Laws of Sclentilc l-land-zeacllng

b= a com pletely veriûed au4 izt whloh onlr a. few cases olin Edeitr qeze faund acconay.n ying it. In thepz latter eaeesI anl sure that the inâdezty caused t;e Enancial trouble.A= isiaulk if fouuçl at tlze txgiuniug of tke Saturu line,could not Indicata iuEdelity of tbe stlbject for he iu tllen tooyoung to make stzeh a. thing pcesible. Finaucial diR cultymiglkt be preseut in kis lîtk tllreuglz a diFzculty of llis pa.rents. If sttcll be tile eam W orry liues will often be seeqrltuuiag from Infuence lines on tlle M ount of Vellus to theizaa d in Saturn line (35g). If the Llfv line be defactive atthe baginning, either broad a nd shallovz cEalned lMandedsplit or broken an; if tbis eontinue pasf the perioi covtredby thq delicauy of childhood use <1y szcn ln this 1ùze, and lfan ikand be also see n in ihe beginning of the Swturn linej

the prdongu delie3ey ef the subject's healtk vd1l causedi:iculty in early life, an ; vvill last until the Saturn linagrows better (363). Ifthe llead line be defective early in i:scottrae, 'vdtlz an island at tlle begillning of the lizze oi' Saturn(...J644, poor mvntality will be t'ix impediment wlliclz is caus.


Nœ x z Nc we wœ wg

1r g t:e c:eek to the eareer of t:e Fubject ln thepa cax:of il1 health tlle Life line arld otller parts of tlle hatld wil! 1àeweak ix sympatlzy. Tf a short Influctktxi ltae ozt tlw M orm tof Vvaus encl witlz a star w illx an island In tlle Szle ofSaturh at its begiunin g. the death of a parent pd1l causeQuaucial dipieulty d udng earlg life (365$ llhl iudîvat;l uhR intensiâed if svorry liuqs ru a to tàq iduna fpauz this atar.

Tht! Llne o' f iaturtï j4.j

lf W orry lines ruu from Iuflufm oc lines on M ouut olsreuus tcau islnmcl at tlze beginning of tlle Saturn line constant an-

noyauees itl the early life oi' the subject 'briag about a clleekto his eareer (366). Tizis showa quite plainly, for t11e.x'IXFOI'Z'.F lines eut tbe Life line and point to the e'fi'eck 'tbey pro.dttce 'by- the island on tbe saturn Cine. q'itlz a11 sslands at t'hebc# nniug @û tkv Saturn linc iee la au explauauon sonus


%. , '-''.-

4 h k

#lœ ao < k. x s NCN a:z

where in tbe Aand as to the oquse whleh ptrolluces tbem ,'Phere is mo elem eat of c3zalzee in Ahis indication other thanheqltlz ur btx dity, antl tiku tausfz vau 1àe found if you app!gdiligenoe antl gorxl reasoning. W hen an iuland in tbis loca-tion L% u :1 go over eeeo' lsae itt the hand and htm t fortlefecta Go over tûe i


nfuenca iiuus ozk M tm ut oî Veuus f.odix over what part relatives llla.y play ; ltmk to tiie M ountsfor healt:lz def'eets of a1j thq tym s, alzd for c'ilalleelines polnt-ing from these defods to tlze island. In l'lzis w''ay the ca



of trouble c'a.n be


rs cuttiug tbe Saturn line (367) are ohstrudloMto the caresr of the subject. Each onu of tht; bars is :. xpa-m te obstruction â


ucl b,r noting the dept.h of each you ea.n

tell hoAv seHous it ia If ouly faint lines vrbieh do not cu,throug: the Naturn llne but pass over ik they lndicate con-tinual anuoyln g interfereuees apd inlpediulents. lf tkey cutthe linr in çwo thvy are sed oas c:eeks whicN threaten tode xy the sxccess of tbe subject. Zzhv age wt sçbieh tatboftk acg interferentes occurs onn be read fronl the iklturn :hw

:44 The LaNvs of Sclentifle H and-k radlng

tlzeir seriousnoss by the depth of the eutting lil:e tlleir txm xfrom otlzer line and zigns and tlzeir outcom e by tile term ina-

tion of tbe Saturn line. Dreaks in the lino (368) are most= ious. A t tùe tim e tW )r œ zur some forct ilas lztau sulâ.-cienlly strong to clkeck the career eutirely and if the linetakes a tlevz character starts in a nevz direetioll or does notstart at aD these breaks Ju dieaLe au eutire cllange in t:eccursa of a subject's life-work If Hle saturn lina be re-peatedly broken it iudicates a continual tlum ber of reverseGaud tizv subject will lzlve a laborious axld troubled lifm Eackbreak stjilicatee a diflkxretlt m isfortune qn4 is more or lessrerious as t> brextk is w ide or is repaireG. The age of eaehbreak can be read from tûe Saturn liuu. If tîe line bu broken

in matly places but is repaired (:469), the stlbject aftervumerous disappoilztmezzts will fight hLs way tveatually tosuccess. It qill be a continual figlzt lzowv 'er and a

subjeet Tzill require great #zill poTger to carry hinz along.sVitb breaks ia tke Saturm lilx b0th haads skould al&vpysbe expml'ned for fronl tùenx y'ou will read whether a11 oftbe


)< s!: No. as: No. ârà

i im euts irz the litm arc a part uf thc tatural phu or arethe reeult of am ttired habits m istakes of calculation i11

12a1th er ot:er causes. Tu a Iarge majodty af ease % theSatuza lix is mud l bqttvr in tûe luit tllan izl the right hgutl,showing tlla.t a grea.t many of our tlials are brought on lv

ouzxls-es. If a liue of Saturn be uneveu (,370), alternatdxdeep and tllin in clzaractt:r thtz subjxt will havc intcrmittcut

The Line of Saturn 545

m riodg of prosperity, attd one witlz sudz a. llne m ust use con.tinual watulzfulness in m der that during the jerioda indi.catecl by the tilinness oi the line all which was gaiueâ whiletbu :ne vzas deep Mzay' not be Josu Th1 line indicabzs anunr/iablu aud varying state of afairs. If the line ofSatuin be w=1'y- (3yx). it iadicates tbat the subject wil:follow' a consta ntly ckan gio g ceurse. If in additiou ba ilg

xc .;1 Nc. w z No. r A

pzavy courye, thiz line be uneven or defecuve in oLhqr wayqthe subject wil: have incnaaped dieiculty in bis jonrneyth rougk lsfe. If a line of Saturn begins deep at the base,and runs to thu liuz of 'Ivx ; and tkvre stœps (37a), thecareer of 1be SUY ecl M%11 be favorable up to tîihy, whtnerrors ofj udgnlene will inbHrfere a nd fromn tb at ticle he vzillhave a lmrklvr tî= to gvt wloag'; lze m ast zelr entirely uponeFort rot cltance aud do the best he can to force lzis w ay.His pedod of greatef!t prcduction haspassed. After tlze ageat wlû a lizze of Salurn stops tlze salbject will lzave to exettgreat efort in order to accomplish much as it fs clurlng tlleIife of the llne that lze m ust aelzie,!?e t:e greater part of ilisresttlts.M acy Saturn llues n'ill be x eo whiclz have little flzlc lito

risizlg from them or falling ln a downward direction (373).RWiug lhles G lt îtdicate tlze upwartl tendency of thelife, and w il! add Btrengtlk to tlze line on wizic.k tlzey are - e..Durlng whatever portion of' :he line tllese branchee aw ear,that part qf tlw liue w lll be Etletl with hope and ambition antlwl11 be m org succea ful thau atzy otlze.r pezicd. Duziug :1*

546 The Laqvs of 5 cientilic H and-Reading '

time whvn dowmward bratlelles are seen the life wm Ixha oder lnore hlled svith disco uragqnaun 1, a nd progreas wi2bz (tië eult The arpearance of thes: upward alrd dow nwardbranehea I hwvv fou ud te follo < tûe lvealtk of the subjectelosely. ïg'hen rpward braucîeu are sezu tbe phy dcalpowxrs will be foua; gootl. W itlt Gownward brancikes orttlze Saturn line and aa island in t:e Llfe liae tlle unfavonable condition of the Saturn line ix to be accouuted fgr bydelicacy of bealth (a74). lf dovrnward brauches te seenAvith au %laud in the :lead line or 'Iea / :ne at tkc saraeRge, the di:senlty will be brain or beart dssease aceording

to whidt litlt slzows tlze marking (37,5). lf rheumatie incll-catiqms be seun ou Satarn and M iddle M ouut of M ooa ancldownward branches are on tlle Satttrn liue tlle diïculty willbe rbeunzatisua or nlay te g out (37ô). The Life IhMz wi:geuerally be defective during the same pnricd. In everycase the tlifliculty duriug the ped otl intlieatecl by thesedowuwarfl brmwlzeu cau be atxqm ntzzd for by tldvcl x e.zz IuO me other part of the hand. The downwa.rtl branelles arethe warning to lx k. fer troublv Rllïl the task of the palmist


. ln Frç NG F& n r :

mu be ba 5 nd out wkat wiI1 cause it. Upwari branebeson the Saturn line beitg favo n ble do uot need tM s earefor duriug favorable tim es m ople gd aloug well euougb ; itis the periods of trouble that need to be guarded agafnst.There is one markin: of the vupwarcl branehes kowesxrp'hiek is u pzûzl. lvitk up wur; branekes frouz tbe Saturnzne, 1 W r ry lines fronl Afount of Srenu: cu% tbe Life :n4

The Line of Saturn r47

and ln turn cwt tkese upl'ard branehes the Jour:e of tkssubject, whkh Ls upwttrtl, will bu eoaataatly interferedwith (377). W'hila tlwq- iaterferex'es may not be ableto destroy tile ell'ect of his favorable peaiock tlwy 'willmaterially hampe.r ao anuoy hitu In many lzanda W orrrlinez froaz tkœ sivuut of Aieuuw lines fronl the Afount ofAçoon, and chance lines fron4 al1 parts of tke haud will be

FY' I 12

. Xy .

! $ N

Nc. az7 *œ r ô >o. &n

found cros<ng and Joinln g them &el%a% lo tbe line of Saturn(378). This is partieularly tbe cago.with nerzous personswEo îave xauch linud and rayed kau :s. Each onv of tkrsuevents pensons illnessas or n'batever znay be the in berpl-tm itàzt 'z'J the x veral litzes *411 ia some w ay affeet tke careerof the sublect. Some of tbese vd11 be p. Bzsitive tletrimextotllers w'il! strengthen ancl Ititl in tlle advancem erzt of the

suNtxt.As a general prom sitlon al1 lines w'lzicll cat the Saturu

line weaken it Cmtl impecle the prorrees of the sttbject a.t tizeage iudicated by the cht (319). Jktl; a!! lines which mRergelnto or ru= alongwlde tbe line stren gthen it. TheA ztlesM4H H se froul al1 parts of the bandj and wil: represent dif-feruut facters which aru a detrim eut and a eheek to theauljcet's progreas, or vzhich aid hinz. In a1l cn ses theplaoe f= n vehich thepz liues s:zrt will giFe you the clewlo the iniueuqe. If a chwnte liae frorz a star on Afou ct ofJupibar cubs t%e Satlrn llne tEe subjcct wi11 suier a severeeheek from tte m uch ambgtion. H is endeavor to ktiow dis.tinguished people will lead hïnl bo do foollh thlngs x'Nic:

s4; The Laws of Scientific H and-lkeading

inlure bb prospects (380). If this ehance line runs to anialand ip the Saturn line âis anlbikion b; mnove in the froatzauk will cause him to 1ye extrw lgant, and ûnancial difE.-cultiea wi2 result (38z). if witlz a bed Mercuriaa hantl,grilled M otm L twiated iiu er, ud Targfz tllircl pllglatkx ofhlercury a ehanea liae fnxn tïe 5Toul1t of s:ercury cut tbe

Saturn liuk, tlle dislmnesty of the subject w.111 bring lkim togrid (382). In these eases the type of your sulzlect will al:l'yml greatly, atkd the end of the Saturn Iine w ill give you theotttcom e of thc cuttingk If a lst?e of Saturn be cut by fk linerunni'ng from an Iufluet:ce line on Motmt of Venus acd theSatftrn lille be brokeu for tlle rest of 1ts course an influe'nce

n4ll causu w seriuus dlsasttr (383). If you correctly j udget*e Inquence liue fnaln x'hich thi: cuttinr line sta d> to bathe Mdfe or h usband alld if fronx it a cbance line run toMount eclupitcr tlze arabitions of tile wife or husbaurl lzaN'e1ed the subject to extravagances w hich he eould not afbr;atzd if the Satura line b.a tlefective for the balance of its c'our!.ehu will uizvqr recover frc,m thu rcverszs (38ç). If tlze Satœraline be cttt by W orry :ines fronl the Lifz liuu w hich iu dufec.

/' . t/ t,.,/j

.: .s <.X . x. ..y

< . Ngo N(). a:I xo x a

tlvey il1 health will 1:e


a bar to the m ospeets of the subjedatld if the Sattm l liue 'bz defxtive after 4lle cut tlle sttbjectwill never be able to get oNxr it (385). Tlle eom'biuationa oftïesecutting eha.n- lines are izlfkuiLu ; iu somu hands seveeralw1ll be seen eac:lz orze ofwhicll irldicates a check from a difer-elzt source. Il1 tlleM rlaxs every cuttsng liue is an oiéx't ofgpedal inqpsry. M auy cllalzce ll e,s ru.n tuwward the Satum

T he Lîne of Satnrn jo

tlne but tlo not txmeh it (386). ln ese litzes are cvents or ilsfluenœ s, accordiag to thvir souzeeu but are abortive attemptsto influetlce the career and while they exist as possible m en-acx s


j foc the liues m ay grow uutil thty cut fhe Satum llue

4 /.

/d1 ',

<. . . 1 -...%hx' . xx'.j h 'h h 7 h

b 'ih k ;kNo. es: xtx :e4 No. s,:

they arq uot lmtmezlîate tlaugcrs. Sollle dzance liaes m ergqiuf.o tlze Satuz'n line (Ji4). 'Piœx lines represent eventu orlniluences whieh hsve come izlto aud. beeom e a part of the Iifeof the s'ubltct but ws they do zlet tllt tlm lit:e tlze career isnot cbecked- If tlze Saturn line be' thin or defective in aay

X.N .N !

i h. j h ' '. k ?

No. ax xo, ar No. ax

way', and tbege induencinp lines aru doep aud strou tbewill ad d to the praspeHty of the Bu bject and assik to over.cotle his dil culte If in the beginnin J, a Saturn llne becûained or otherwise defedive and a chauce liue m ergas intoit after whiea it become.q deep, t%e itd uence widclz ikms comelaba $bv life hœs iaaproved tke subject's condition. lf thi:

s,p The Laws of Scientific H and-Reading

chance line eomes from t'he M otm t of M oon it will 'be Exxrne'

eutside iufluellce (388) ifb it cemes from Motlnt of Venus it willbe the infuunce of close reiatives (389). Xkt vihatever pointthele chauce line: naerge lnto tbe Saturn line the good cfeetof dae in iucace will be exvrled at t:e age iudicwld, a nd thesub- q uenk condëion ofthe Saturn line will show hon' m uehMrength the illsuenoe has given. If a Saturn :iae defo>


t'h -x. 'k l.z, ) f jRo. - 110. G


O < g



tive at the skartl llas a chanc: line mergiug lnto it arld lf lheSattln: Iltle beeomes ouly thitt aftetwazds or pzfë g


W .ft' îoëf/r/î'wc, tNe ic; cœnce 5.: uot bequ very benefcial. If t*esaturn ljne beoom o deep.tb e beneht has been great, Otherchauce liaes whiely do r ot touch the Saturn liue but ru ualongsidu of it (590) arc liue: exertin g a strong iniuenceon the subjeet's capeer for by helpiug n41: supportin g theyact aa siste.r Enerv By tlle place from wlziclz tlzesz lilll)s atartyott ean jttdge wha.t tiley are and. by the esect they have ontlle Sttturu line you t'att t'ell how muc'iz gooct they do. lf aSatuzlz lil:e bc brokcn and a dzailce liue frmn tlw H fia:l llnertm alongside o? lt t%e sub

.iatlt's gaotl judgment will cometo hïs rdief a nd M'5!! carry hina over h@s disictuty (39z). Iual1 cases vzheru dqfects in tbe line are seen leok srst for theireause a'lltl then to t'he repair ictlications. If a. def'ecth'e sat-uru line ha


ve a




tlee liue f rom a .s1n00t11 aud gocd U pperM ars rtm ning by its side tlx resistance of tbu M ount willnot pennît discouragements to overtkrow t'l:e subject aacltlzis determ iuatloa wîll saN


''e hizu frouk trouble (:w$.ln most Izantlqz t'izva'v arm two place


: whez'e 'tlw saturn llng

' Tlw l-lne of gaturn ,$sl

sllows the greate8t rumber of defeetm Tlze f


rst C: at tlzesu'tzt of the line whicll pericd covees tafa îs brx gizt iuto tizechilcl's life by llis parents an4 whiclz ahow the m auner itkwhiclz lze is sllrtttl in Jilk. If tize Saturn line at this periotlbe deep aud stzongr ia wiLl ilave little diificulty in getting

starte:'t in life. It ix a noticeable fact that thcee subjeetswho have the best kind of a slart ofketl .fall inta trouble

Iater on teelluse never having exm rieneuxl it tlw 40 not. , ' ?kzlow ilow tck act utd er adversity atld how to take Its con.sequunt ka.rti kuoeka. There sœ ms to be a given mmotm tof experiellce nscessary to each individttal alld if he does no:receilre this at one time he does at anotber Those handsoî1 vvhîcll tlze Sattlrli ltlze is d efectivv at d1e start ge nerallyimprove. for the subjeet baving aclversity wlxn youug earlylearus to avoid thv dangeru thyt b esek hinx a nd bzcopàcs abluto do g;r hina srlf. 'Pùe aecon d yariod which is so oftuu âlladw ith disiculties iq frotl Khirty to forty.Eve in zaost handsfilling the peê'ied or spâce M tween 1he H ea: and Heart linesTlfs is tke eritklal time io most business careers attd is tbe

l l


No. m hko. e9: No. e:f

formûtive ftnandal petiM itt life. In m ust llanrls befox tllis

age tlae ,ublM lzas beeu cared for allll g'nided by arfzzzts Qr?nfauvqs A s thu dm û appslaehes when thusz alds aTe =0longer so closely depeM r.u upoa, the sabjeet begins to beruitlecl by- his ow= ideas. If be good, he gets alonga11 Tigbt but if helelieves thattllfzexperience of others willttot appl'y to M m , lle will hava uisappeiutmeutch and wm

5* '

.5$z The Laws of Sclentillc Hand-Readlng

have :& $6 pay for his expeHeuce.'' T>udn r t:e pedod ofl:eindicated bg thv space betwcen thu lfead aud H eart liuewx metim % begin ning earlier than eiis the greateat nuuzbcrof defecus are generally seen in the 8atltrn line. Bets'eencbGdhood and the age of twelzty.fvt nlo. Satura lines aredtep. It is m est inte-resting to note the uum bt:r of lmrds invphich the line is defecti&'e at tkirty to forty.Eve (3p3). It

No. a >xx a < t ar7

uitetk bqlxmzes gooâ afterwarda and often no line is seen afterfortp Eve. AI1 of t'lle defect.q see.rl (iuiing tltirty to fortn flveyears are disastrous iu pzoportion as they are destruclive tot'ile liue of SRturn aatl m ust be so estim ated. Often tize linegets th1 as it approackes the Tlead bne and often Sie b m a%and defects cn.n- inso a dztp stroug Iine. 57k1u the vntipzspace betwe= tbe Lleaâ an d ïlea/ lines is flleâ Tzith anisland there w 51l be eontinuous ; naneial diEàculty dtlrën g a11of t'hese yeazs (3g4). If during this m riod tlac litw 1xt w'avy,tlze career at this timu will be variable (,595). If in thi.sportlon of the llne a break sllould be repalzecl by a square,

one side of whicll cnntiuuts the subjtct 7d11 havu a seriousrevezse at tke age indicatetlk but w ill be able to get tllgougll11 (3qO. If t:e ikt'urn lines between Heatl aud. Heart line becovere; with erosses the subjeet wlll llave rcveatgtl rvwerseswlziciz 'lze %411 witlzataud if the line continues after tids pzriodbut whicN M:1l ovepcouze hin; if it does not (3:7). If thisyorsioa oftîe Saturn 2ne be =ut with cr/as-bazs tbe subjoct.i1l Daeet vzith obq-rles to bls career (3p8). If tbu lbae cu 1

* lr h e Lkn e of S aturn 5 5 g

tkrough these bars an d Rvers shtm tàq aubject will e tllc (liFmulties ; buL if tlzese bars cut the Saturn liue hewill llave great diK cnlty in doing so. If this Ixttiotl of tlteSaturlz line l>e ctlt by chanee Iines f rem thc H eatl line the

NCK :98 NRK 3:9 KQ. 49:

dix ulties v411 adse fpaux errora of judgment (399). tfthe Saturn llue dudn g tbig period be cut by chance lines

Crocl tâe àleal 2nq the subjeet perluits his asteLious to gtttEe betier of hinl a nd sen; nxent in businuss 1 disastrous

(4:x$. If t:le U fe lin.e be defective and ehanoe lines from it


$8 $'h).,L ''$.


cut tke Satum line at the perstxl bqtwœ n thirty and fony.Evtt i11 ltealtit has obstructed the eareer dnring the Euandalformative reriod (4oz). If an Ittlluence llne on M otmt ofVenus ends il.l a. star, and a htoznr line from it cuts t'i:e Sat.uru line between the Hnes of H ead and Lifu, the dqatll of a.rdpu


v'e will œbstruck t'ia quter at R is .'I>edml (40.8. Tf ttsia

554. The lmws of Scientific H and-lkead' ing

W txrry Iine ctlts a 'riéng line ftom t%e Life line. t:e death ofa rdative witt bring ou a elzeck to the upwazd caz'eer of the

subject (403). It must be uueleratoott tkat dcfects in auy paztof the zne m ttst be I'ea!:I at the age they oocur. A11 iine.s donot sbow a11 of tlleir ddects in childllood or the form ativeperiod. 1 emplzasize tilese two periods bzcaux l.iml' are m ostfrequetltly found tlefedive buï tlte indications given for tbogeparts of tlze liz:e apply to any defeetive periotl allcl a11 sup.ports or ztrengtilening infuenees act equally well upon anyporkion of the line,It has


been customao' to rea.rl auy linfa risillg at the baseof the hand and running to tit: various M ottuls a.s a Sqturnline 'with succe-ss com ing from the attributes of the M ounton wllic'lz it tearninutvs Tlw sitlzru liuv earulot trnr.t o1l alzyM mm t but Saturn wi:ll the one exceptioll tilat it m ay ruzl toJtzpiter. ïf the Satuml line runs through i ts usual eourse iathe oeu ce of thv haud and vnds ou thv slount of J upiter thesuccuss of the subjuct M41! be tb n result of great auzbition(4c/). If the Saturn line be deep nnd rises from in: de theL!% line ending on the s!o unt of Jupiter the inEueuce of

j/ N



o. .*4 xo 4cs xo. 4e7

'relatives antl great am hition uuite to m ake the eareer of tllesubject a Gut'cess (405). IC the Saturn Zat rixs itiside theL'îft: lh e ruus deep for a wllile and tben becomes defec-tiq


'e, tlze assistance ûf relativ'es a


nd am bition he:p for a whilebut do not bring ultimate suceew (4* ). At the Ixdnt wlaxtht ill succesu bcgias look for a cauue. TH s xnay be illlze tll 1x 5 of mvnyal power, uuhappy etwironm ent or K rkle

The Line or Saturn :5/

tl:e M ount of Saturn bnt ends rsomewhere below it- Indicat-iug as it does the periods af prtxltwtive capacity it is notstrauge tka.t it should lxt ilbufznt irl eld age, for at tllis tîlxe dis.ease or dellaaey genem lly m akes tlle eareer negath-e Tlzepreselzce of a M outtt without a liae shmvs at least tlzat noforces an wprking' asrqînst tize subjœt and if the liue be go:glin jts early cou npe it shovzs th at l prod ucuve life ia buhînd

' z. N'Q ,

t kNts 413 Nf). 41ç N0. 416

Mm attd it will be fotmd tlzat he ia enloylng' h old age tlaeresult or bis early labors. Q) n sohle A1 ounis a deep line isgeva, and thls îs a strong in Jigation of o1d age.ln any event the point at which tàe liue ceases be it inyouth or o1d age, yernliuates our work with it exzept thatwe ca.a elky tu thfx;e wlw se line hms stoppecl anrl no other hastaketz #ts placeu that tlle f utttre ia aa thuy m ake it. If a dfzepIisze rtuls ouly f'or twenty years the sttbjed cael be promi*da productive puriod only during tlzat time; tlze ptzritd after îtis as ke m akes it by efibrt. Jf tke Iine rltna deep for part oftbe vs'ay autl terminates in a was'y litle (416) tbe careerdurlng tlle latter years will be unœ rtz u = fl tizfzre will lxvzorles in old age.So tùeae dqfuc4ive haxaîuatious 111 the Afouut nzay not

xlean peve/y er ml oney losses in old agq but they ullyvzeau f uatcial eheeks to the cateer frool dlqaldloln tnlents inchlldren or Zmilar troablvs. I DaeuE on this ih orGer towarn againet a adh g defed ive term inadons as nœ ea xrllyr4eauing povelh' w'heu t%e saturn line baa previously bevq

,58 The Lak's of scientific H and-Rcadlng

deep for its eutire eouzx Bre4ks ijl the line bars ulzttlngit crosses or dots following a. M therto dezp liue w ill indioatetn'nls a nd crosses in o1d age. If the Saturn :ne breaks ontln M ouut, wnd. tlw Life, Heatl, aud I'I= t liue.s te defedis'e

..k / g

11 0. 4.1 R 11 o . 41 r < 41 R

at the sauae agc, ill Eealth ia c14 age vvlll ren der the 1as,days ones of lrottble (417). If the iiatttrn line end in al1 ic,-latltt auft downwarcl branches be seen ou t:e Life liue uitlza long tassd âuaucial diz mzlties due to ill heatth w il: cloudthe Iast days of tbe subjeet (4 18.). If the line be coasecl by



: ..ë

),' ;

. 1?

bar.s w/ch cat Ct on tlze Mouut the subject wlll sufrer lo- sand trhls in old age Gr9). If the bal's 1:e faîut atd t!o notcut the lilze tlley- are troubles aud wonies. If tlze ll= hasmw ges on tlze M otm t great trlals and m lsforttm es will hararxq

the latter yearfr oli the subject (420). AlI of tiese tvrmina.tions applyto tlze line on tlze M outa of Saturn and lza.v'e tlleir

nrhe Line of saturn ' s59

vatiousludieations î1z olcl age. If the line termlnate ln theseslgns at any age eze reading w ill l>e tlx sam e except lhat ltapplie: to thq: agc indicated on tia lja/ at the tim e at wlziclt itx curs. If the line lx dtukutive cludng' its cntire course andterzniuates iu aay G these sigtls tlx iudicaux will lx worxthaa w'hen these naaekiu gs ternliusbz a deep line for in fhc

fiz'st iugtance the subleet will not lzuve a prospecous life lxt-ltirlr.'l hil.a durillg whieh lte m iyllt have providfd for o14 ag'e.No. 4zt n411 g've v'arinlus exatnples of sttch defe tive tîaes.%''e laa'v'e liow followerl tlle Sattlrl: lille frtvlu babyhecd to

extrem e olc'l age and have seea how' st reeords success a14dfailure as well ax the etkuge!k w hieh llave prodtlee:l them Jtis poor eonqolation for one to look bat!k tlpon a life of m eagrefruitage antl say 1$ If I had. o:11y- krtovvll khe pnxluetix.'eN riods the ezld 'm ight have been diFerent. '' This oft.repeated exclam ation is sadly trtte for in only few lives a.reprod œcuve ytdo ds taken advantage ofin thuir fullcst rxqas-u pe. If by a careful Rp plicath;n of thc rultN 1ai4 dokvu intbis cbapter y'ou a7e enabled to htlp stru wgliu g hulaauity îonaake use of the barvcst purtion vf Uleir lives an d thusprovul' (z for tlle days whtzz vital forees wane alld lah)r calknu longur bc done y'rau will lzave wasted 11o tim e 'wqliclz lzasbeen spezlt 1.11 a study of the lîce of saturn.

,6z The l-aws ol Sclentlflc H and-keadlng

bettvr uamu lna tlvur lxen glvun tbis liue thatk tbt Lshe tfCap biltb. 'Pikig uante expresses in a nutsbell tile 'Weawhiell should be appliecl to tlze line. It indicates a t'abz-Iiyb'f.v or buslle 'ly' of accemplialzing a. great dqal &v.Fe14 i uwbie'h the capabizty will best operate to l>e allown bjr Cizirop-llonurj illdieating t'he forceg krlzintl wllich will direet theabGity îuto n zïe calliug wbicï pzod uces zqsults. at goo;line of ztpolio is ulldo ubtedly 2n in dica don af the posse-sio a of the eharaeteriqies of the .ipoionian vzh o nxakesfrienis uzoncy Rn4 rcputution uzore ewsily tb wn auy oulertype. M nt in readin g the q ualities of the line ba sure flzt

yo w have placed 1*e subjeet iu his proper w'orl; aAer whiehyou can suceussfu;y a pply the brillia ncy indicated by lheline to the afairs ofthat world. srott w'ill not fnd a greatnunlber of sea/y fne Jkpollo lines though y ou will see egoolt m uuy of zpnuz value; but by far fhe g


reaeat number ofhands examined will have no Aptm o :ine at a1l.The presenoe of a fkue îiue ol' Apollo i: a!z inxlieatio!l t'hat

thc subject has been endoweâ with excuptional lalentsfor getting on ln the worlti and if other partz of t'he 'hazldIr'e goot 11e nlost suaxly wil! do stx The liae ef Apollom ust bz estim ated centinually lz1 tile light of tl'te Chirogno-mic development nf t'he subject. A fâne line of Apollo isruitzec'l by a Cabby hand a weak tlm m b a poor H ead Znepoor >:o uuks gf Alaru J npiter sîurcrry an ; Ven uG or otherdeEdeneias which onay be seeu in the hand. Tn n:sking afnal esKlnRte of &ht Nvorth ol auy lilxs ultse factors uaustall bu takzu into accottnl'Phe absunce of a line os Apollo tloex not uecessarlly indi.

cate tlzat a sablvcl will bu uasuccesstkl for Igs Jlx the eax ofan abaent litle of Satum the t'Iualities that m ake 'T self-tnpdem en ' ' m a exert tltemselutu aud produee even greater re..F ,

uults tlza.n come from tbe brilliaut talents whiciz a fnq lizze ofApollo indicates. In my exam inatioa of llauds dtlting tilestttdy of tlzis line I Gud tllat in most cases tlle mtkieets hav.izzg A pollo lines rely too m tlch 'apon tbeir t'alen!a anilrzot enough on the ludttstry and perxesreranee tha.t shonld beexpended in dtvelopîng them . For tlzis z'eason 1- talented

The Line of Apollo 563

plodders ofhnx produce greater results ln life tha n tlagr farnlore tale? bed brethren. Jf o nly the taleats of a 5 ae linqof.tpozu wre eoupled wit: rnewy alczout ununaited surcelxis porzible. It is abx lutel!.r incorrect to aay t'hat the abx''nceof a liue of Apollo intlieates i1I succ'ess irz life btlt it z.'tq truetbat ttcpr6seyta' oi' tElis lila makes suqxxss eaaier It muslbe vulderstood then tbat in the treatnlent of this line vzhen


/No. 4aa Nck 4:+

we tlr.e tbe word su'cevs.n it applius to efbrt ia f& arpr/ë z'r

wâiclö /& suQkd fazlzuv Remember that the proper worltl towlaidz tùe llne Inust be applied ia determ itzcd by exam iztatitmof tlle tk= worlds of tlze hand as a wholqt 1ull au slzon'a bythe tlnree pbalanges of G e sngers.The line of Apolb 5s like tlle Saturtl litLe in llmt it does

not give auy lzdaltlz indicatiorus. 'rhq efrect of i1l hfzaltlz m aybe seen as nfttctœ,bv tlle liue but the line itself wlll not glvethese iudieatious.The lenKrtik of tize line deturmirles thv t'xtv'nt of its iafla-

enee ; the longer the liee the more lt will sway the subjectaa d the sû orter the less ilupM allt is lt foun d to be. Skliue of Jkpollo reacbing froaz tbe w'r1st tœ tLv zf ou Lt indl-catrs the possesdon of g peat O ent, so gnxzt tbat it will

eoautRuv ba 4evxlop d uriug the life of the subjectk aud he*:11 achieve nlueb (4c:). If tbe liue begîns 1ow aaê runsonly a sh ort distance, the su bject has taluntw but tbey*:71 not be prod uctive af great reeLuts (4a4). If the lineTlsea bigher an â coveru t:e bvax between the llead andàlearf lines the sfecial bHlliaucr of tbe subject uQll opœrabe

564. The Laws of Scientific I Iand-Reading

during tlze fœ znative pedotl of life ankl wJ11 be of assix.ance in aiding kinz to pass tûis critical puriod n'ith greater

ease (42J). If the line run 6 on to the 5: ount the su b-jv't't < ll be wdl etdowect with Apollotlialz clzaractvdstic:and in whicbuver vvorld he nzavcs will be brilliaut an d acsquire reputation (426/ Frequen fy the ldnes of Swttlrc an4zkpollo arv iuterdepende lt a ud ia lnaxly cases eue Mi1l bexrong at a dm e wEen tbe other is weak In sueh an in-stanee they operate upon eac N other as sister lines and onerepairs tlm damage to the otller (4v7). Tllt prttsqtlzce of p.good line of Apollo with t'ile Szturn line absënd will ctjmpen.sate for tlze loss of t'lzat line. lf tlle line of A ptm o be prlraenttkeu disappears aud aûerwarA beginu agaiu tke talents of

the subjeet (luriug the periocl covered by the hreak in tlleliseaze simply latent (428). Thc period o: lize covervd by tlaisbreak œ n be read accordiug to the x ale laid dow'n in Chap.ter IV Tllere o ay be a speeinl eauge why the litle vanishesfor a tin;e as iz healtlz nzay rtnder iuoytrauvu evua tkemlost brilliant talentm XYith suclt a break look for derectein the other lines aud hfounts w hsch ulay aexount for it

d fRCK 41: NO. 4:: NO. 47:

If during this perbd the Life line be in any way defecth'edalieate healuz is agailwt the operation of îlle subj ect's tul-en1 (4a9). lf at the agt indicated by this space in theJkrono linq the 'Iead line be defective the nlental power ofzke subjoct is weakened and ûe cauaot Zvc thc attentioan to raakz his afirs succesful (4g0). Sinlilar desfecty Aen ia otber portimls of tlze haud wlxtlzer conmv tell

The Llne of A m llo 565

by chanee lines to tûe spaoe 1 the A pollo liue or not sbowsonxetklng vihich has for the tiozv being irayxded tbe career

of tke au% ect, by suspen ding tha operalien of his stron gesttalentlTo be regarded a9 a true line of A pollo, the lina rlust

beghl nlore or iesslow in t*e han d directly under the llouataud fiuger of Apollo. A line eomiug from tlle Lift line and

Or /J

.f f/- . h 'x

l 1 (

N o. 42: txo. #2: 40k Ace

enrllng oa t'ize M ouut of Apollo while it will largely havethe efect of the alpoilo linu is sull not proptrly speakiug.tlmt Iine but is a chatlce line skowi'ng qttccesu of tllu subjectarisiug frorzt the aame set of qualities wbbk m akes the Apolloline iudicate forttm atv œ nâitious (45z). To avoîrl possibleco'rlfusiorl it is tke:t to Em ik the Apollo line to a line whellyuncler tlze M 'ouut aull if neeessity arises to read sttcll a lineas is iudicated in N o. 4nz, zxzcl it as a ehauce lizle ftxtal tlleLife Tine to the M om4t of Apcllo ancl not az t'ile Apollo ii'neUR everytkiug for what it rectny is and do not get izzto tlzehabiL of calling a11 sons of clm nee lineq A pollo lices. Inlike m anner read a. line rixing from the Sa.turl't litle Im ct end.lng on the sfo unt of JkIello as a branch of t:e Saturu liutadding grepuy to thv beccess or the cr ev . nather than

eall it the Apollo Hne (4:!a). W bgzz tht llue of Apollo risesfrom t:e top of the Mbunt of M oon near tize percussion (433),it îtdicm t:s im agin4titm azltl tlte power of lauguage; to a. lineso riaing w e should if tlze m cutal werlfl le strongest, saythat the subjeet uill acbieve succesz as aa autbor. lfG e ups be cmzic and fugers sm ootll. he B.5l1 love poetzy.

st-ô The Laws of Scientific H and-lteading-

14 N% f ngqrs be kuoetr or aquare, he M411 vrritv histery,eplc poems, historical novels or Tzorks of that nature Ifthe M ount of M ars iye largej ke w ill write of battleu azsclheroes. If V enus 1M iarge he w ill m tEe heae aati briugtears to the eye go near to nature and ha nlan sylnpatbywill be his productions. If Saturrt be M glt 11e wili write

otk chemistry physicsy or scientise subjecq:s 1znd. often onhistory. Tllis subjeet will alBo be lt great writer of uneanugstozits. Buslug your tstim att vpt)u Cbirognom y you. catztlzus lotxte tlw s'Iwt'ial tlircvtitm in 'whicb thtd liutz wil! bringsucceu . lf a. line of A pollo rises from a gooi Upper M euutof Mars tlle subject will by the display of calmnesa resig-nadon resistanee and the fack thaf he doez not allow him -selfto beconle diseouraged ac hieve success and reputation;tlle worlcl in wlzich he will operate to be locatecl Clzirog-nomical:y (4:44).In its course tlzm tlglz tlle hancl tlle lirze of Aptglo m ust run

towar; tilt M ount of ztpollo for it is tlze eifect of th2 quki-des of tM s ty


'pu which give to t'he line its meaning and itsuame. Tlmre is a coustant dangar of reading clzance linœ

* . *51 No. #:t; . ND. #Y

ws the Apollo liue Rnd to avoid doil'lg tlzia t'ile rule m ust beExtd that while in its course tûrougiz tlze hand tlle ApolloIiae may âlkâtly deflectj may stop at any poillt throw outbranches or be m ek strengtlzened or erossed by chance lttleâthe general dim ction of the line itself m ust lye from the M otlntof M x n to tlle Mbttnt af A pollo. A ny liae whicll catlnot pce..libly be thus spedGeally elassed as the liae of Apollo, m ust l)e

lrh e Line of Jk p ollo s 6 ?

x u as anehe llne. Yhis w ill kncreux aoeuracy; for qnlythus cau a lllze hlve its pruper meaniug anfl tize erroneousreadin gs n'hich are congta ntl)' gilen to supposed Jkpollo Eneswi2 be lvoided. Afept nlistakes Tvith tlze line conze faxn aaenthasiasxl d ue to tûe faet tbat 1be inGuence of an Jkpolloline is knoq'n bu b: so beneEd < that praeddonerq aretetu pled to os'e restinlate th e suecess of uleir clitlltl 171::

) tJ A

Nœ o ç Ma 4M

ss esptekally true beeause praise ia what gï ves greabest satYfacu on a nd ls vzhat clieuls a re nlost. a nxious to hear. It icpomier and nlore proftable for tbe palnlixt for it is r= r hovr clients ag nae with tbe pepGer Tzhen told of bril.liaacy wonderful perceptio u littut tulcal egz aud eaehone w x say he has llways thou g ht this was Kke cu ; butTveg utver q uibz suru of ir before Palnal w v'ho hasx apleasant sto ry to lel! gut the naast clients aud tlûw beîugk nonul to professiontls leads to a sysbenl of iattery totzlyotlt ef proportion to tlze sublxt. Most of this is referred tosuppo.xd linec or A pollo for corroboratiorz. Our efort hereis to rertcll the facts olllyy tllat m'e may dez


l witll tlle linejustas lt dex rve.s anâ in order to dcl tls!s we m ust litnit ourselvesto tlle consideratiori of the ztxe.s whose cxm rse betwaeu 1heMounts of tla Moon alzd Apollo ntark them ttnmisiakabb'as Apcllu lines.The character ol' tlle Apollo liue indicates tbe lntensity ftttc:

N wer of tlze qcalitîes it representa. 'rhe beat line is tllat

whiciz Is deep and. well cut (4.35). 'Pllis gives itl the hiwhest(iegree the bezresdal qualities of the Iine, indilzatts suclxm

568 T he Laws of Sdentlnc rland-Reading

anû repukauou and givxs to l subjed cu>dve polxr ::wu tever world he oyeratgs. 'fe is not one wh o is aaerely;o32i of co:or paintin g an d art bul àas tbe cruauve powervzhiuk vvill enable iduz to prodttce w'or k of nlerit. It distilz.glzisbus the real artfst fruza the lovxr o f or dabbler ia artand when the first phalangra of the Engen , esm cially if thatof Apollo be lougtst. ancl a long deep Am llo line cuts the'

izaud, yuar diuut i.'.l kuztitlrd to bt toltt t'iat in tllc artisticworld he m ay at'lkieq'e fame. qFitll proyer combinationa thisline ls alao st' in 11ke hands of celebratecl literary m en a.1.10.women. If the second phalanx of tlze fitlg


f;r btt lcm gest witlzt'he Erst x'ell desxloped he will still b: the artist, btlt woalso lzave tlle abillty to zuaktz m sm ey from 14ls tztlet4ts This

subject is succeasfu: ln the busincss wxvld aud evea hismonep makil:g is clone in aa Rrtîstie way. In using tlleword '' anist '' do not unflcm tautl thttt it means olzly apainter of pictures 1t nlaje nlean a pout an actor a sin Keror refer to auy otber of the artiatic eallings. On allsides of his e'llaracter t>'.' h ollonian loves beauty nma, P ,

/J tl


G K 4* Na #U

whatever i: pltaiing to the em or sezlx . If tlzv thlzdphalanx bu Iongesq especlally if it be thick and a deap lirleof Apollo is seen lhe stlbleet îs uot an artist for he will likecDpxnos better thau the old m wswo iex >iR love highcoloza, flashy dressing and will seek to display ids taste onalloecqtliorl: muc'.ll to tite am usezllent of people of trtze artlstie

feellnz's, wkose u iety be oA cts. Suelt subjecta are always

The Llne or Apollo 569

m tm ep m akerrh These t'hree lllustm tElm: shtm' the m et'keof applyiug a deep line to tlze tlzrce werlda cf tlze Enger, bygiling an inlr:ae inhvpretation Ka the line âased upon the

qrrnll ty of the subject. A thiu llue of Apollo (436) will tle.cruase tlw intftnslky oi' the reading. 'Pize sttbject w,ill nothave tlle great creative power of the dee

.p ljrte If an artist

lze w ilt be more guide; by tile esects producell by otlar ar.

No. <w No. e @

Hstq an d qvhether 1he n&ental buqiuegs or Duaterial Trorldsrule :lle will achieme less celebrity a'nt'l make ler.q mone'y. Hq. linfz bv broatl antl s'imllow (4.:$7) it will sltow that little oft'il: Apollonian power is lefk. Tize subject will like prettyt'bings, will be fozd of artistG w ill afsect a liLtle bolte nianismbut will avoitl attemplilzg any procluetious llimse.'lf If thehaud be coarse irl it: development the taste will be forshon'yt'hingsj atlcl little refinement w ill be iejtlieated. lf 1he handIx refned tlze subject will dress tqxe will have Ru eye forlzannon:r iu cxgorings, his hom e will be tasttfully furnislxtland lle m a'y do a little dabbllng ln w ritsng or painting.From this clao comv thc arnzy of literary atd art copyistsA cizained liue of Apollo (43B) will iudicate a.n utter lack ofartistic taletlt although the subject may be impreMed withhis own knowlvilge on m atters of art w ost of which is in-correct. Tbese subjects do not rualize thqir sltallmvufxss autlm ost of their erort is expended itl talk. I!1 dealing with111ese lizles, apply eaclz olze to the subjeet accxxrdiug to theworlâ in wlzicll lze moves aad give its defecttvc opem tion to

sl'o Tlw Laws ol Sclentlfic H and-Readkng

tbe aFairs of G at world. Color in the llne of A pollo Is no#an imptrtant consideration for this Dne Cloes not bear tt:lotthe hulllt.lz oj' tlle subjeeu To a pitlk colored liuv givfz a bet-ter estim ate of atrcngtll than one wM t':h is wbite or yellow.This 5s as far as color w'ill l7e considere; as Ilfrecltillg tlle lilwof Apollo.Defed s in the liae whieh fonn special eigns, or which de-

str'oy its contiutzity will impede Jts bu'st operRlien. If th.eline be altzznatirzg deep aull thilz (...k39) tize subject will izav'a(t reries of succereas Ittll'.i failttreq but there w ill be no even

steady operatiou t; Iz strtmg litx Tlzta sublects makc sqmwe'or? Tzhlch Srin g nloney an d rep atation and theu relap/eïnto a utate o: iuacEon which is peH pdically repsaced byotàer serie: of eForts follovixd by stagnatiou. Such subbectgare brîlliant it spttrters ' ' bttt eannot be reliecl upon for con-tinuous aetîon aud acbievement. lf tids lin.z be stroug wheait term inateB on the M ouut it is a m uch m ore favorable in-dicRtion of Enal sucœ ss antl reputatlon as the last periocl oftûe Efe 4vi11 be oue of its better vFork:. If the line be vzavy(440) It indieates that Sze subject vrzl have a vazinating

< 4* NCK 44f

cqreer. H e will be dever and able to do m uch gn ids pa>ticular 470r1d of efsnrt btlt Niill be erratic uustable :1l1re1i-ablc aud bohem iqn. Theslz pzoplu are vcrsatlle blzt go olat m G ngeot, and waqte tlleir brilliancy and talent.s #u1' chasing bukterflies '' iustead of pttshing forwarcl ste ilyilz one dirc uon. 'flze x teotx of saclz a line is uncertaia

T he L;n e of Jt. pollo 5 7,

The subject may do salnething wonderrul or vny pa%everytlzing by and accomplislk notlzinp lf tbis line becomes

strong on tke Motmt of Apono, the subject 5$411 Enally roîtuclup witlz fom e ilz sœtue dlrecuon IC mily bv thwt ile becozx aa graat wa nderer very erratic or a crar k but he w'ill earnrerlxtatlon for son, ethin g. Tf tkis lille slzould e1&d in a star

(44.:) tûe life wi'll eud brilliimtly, tke subject will lzave

Kœ +* wo. *w

aehleved wlde reputation and an ln keady though talented

gttbject will have his work Snally rronmed with success.Llke directioa fro m R'ûicï tkis sucoesu vd1l coazt ulu x beesdntlted Cbirog nonlically. If islands be seen in the Ene(44a) they will prove serious obstructions. IMands appear-ia g in a deep line M'ill shovz that lhc rtalizati/ n of 1vea1tha nd fan,e n'ill be ilnpeded and tha subject stan ds iu dangeror a positive loss of reputation alzd of m onep In whatevern'orld tke aabject movesj hu vdll wttempt Sziugu whiclzprom ise reward, btlt the failtzre of whiclx will bring him lœ s.H the A pollo finger be as long or lotlge.r than Saturn thesubject cdll be a tt lungcz, ' ' ile will dsvvle tla xxk IzzarketPwith hls darlng and will take desN rate chaaees to wln lfhis Hkacl aafl L îft Iines be widely separated t'his plttnging dis-positioc w111 ba increased by his extrem e x lf coaûdcuce Butwith t'lle lslantl ln the A po:lo line he î!l in nonstant danger of aloss of m oney, alzd of lais reputation a


s 5R 11. lf t'he thirclpkzlanx of the Apollo Eng'er be loug and tllick witlz thepbove conzbiuatiol this guhj ect MNl1 be t5e conznzon gunl.

5)z The Laws of Sdentlfic H and-lteadlng

bler. If tlze M ereury fnger be crooked ancl twisted thelfeart line thin ar lbsint aud tht hwnd otkerNvige badhe wGl be t;e Ca:J sb wrper an i trickster Tzho resorl tocheating, aad ua> tbe brilliancy aford ed by the Apolio lineto further tbe baa t unds. S uch a liue in au y hau d nornatter how gxe sb ould be a co nskant warning to the sub-

jecl. Bars cutting the Iine of Jkpo::o (443) 4:11 show cox-stant irlpedinlenls to t*e aucces: of the subjzct. Nlrhenthese are seen Grst Ioeate the suY ect's Tzorld of aetionauQ then apply tbtse inapudiraenls to it. spbese bars rëayahse fronl vadous causes a11 of Tzhich nzay ke located bychance Hnes Alounts InEuen ce lines or otber indieations

If t:e /k pouo Cfnv cuts through thvse bars the subject u411overcam e the obstadM . If tike bars cttt the line tlze impeâi.metzts will serîously aflbct tlle cateer. If tbese 1xq.r5 arelittle âae linus w'iziclz seqzu tmly to run over tbe ttjp oî thlzAm llo Iine they are annoying interferenees which keep the

subject coclatantly worried alld b)' diutufbin g his melltalpwwca im peâe his progruss. Do1 on t:u wkpollo liuq (*$ç)


j j1

are l nnenace to tbe Teputatlon of tNe subject. lf tkey be= all they ouly iudicatc thv Avhispe ; n gs of enenaies b ut iftbqy be largu aud deep, they indicabn the actual loss of goodnanxe. C hance lines an; the usval indications #dll locatethe causes '

Breaks ln the A pollo line (445) indicate setback, to theambidon and upwxrd cou ne of the subjed a nd are ime -meaks wkich destroy the usd uluess of tke line = 4 zw der

T he Llne of A pollo 575

Efty, tbe aubject #zI11 fall ln nlental m wea. whfeh gdn ekeckhl career an â put a sbop to his suceess (4sç). If a risiu gsplit franl tbe llea ; line runs b; a bar on Eie slouat IBerror in caleulatioq w6l1 cwusa a ckock to thu subject's career

II .Na * 2 Kx e a Nl e 4

fronz whicN he 60es not recover (455). Cdten this refers toinve<m ene nlade early în 1Ve an d Tzhich turu out badly.Jk craAs ou the end of thv liue of zkyollo (456) is a w'orse ob-stru ction tkan a bar. lt naeens an absolute blenllab to ule

reputation of the subject. It also îpdlcates poor judgnlent

so. 4r.: Nck 4* Ntx 4sz

= 4 tbe sublelzt w111 make rnwuy mixakes in the cx rse ofhis lifeo widell consequently term inates lzafavchrably. All chfthese term ination6 we are presum ing to llappen on g'oxl llnqsof Almlb . lf tlley should xxxtur on m orly m arke;. defetds''eIiues, thdr zu ding m u.qt 1>e intensiEedk and m atle to ag-m oportionately witb tlze px rtless în quality of tlze line.

m '

r/6 The Laws of Scientific H and-Reading

A a uare oa tike end of a line of Apollo (457) Bill indica.teprotection from evila of a11 v ts, It 1Wll exert Its intlttenœnot only on the end of the life but during the whole of it.sxzis is lwrgvly true of a11 Zgns tkat teraziugte a liuv ofJkpollo b It il b parleularly true ofthe square. If a squareshould surrouud alzy of tlle ttnfavom ble term inations of the1in e, it Yvill to a Iarge degrœ tailigate tùeuz. ztu islau; c:z

so. 4* No. 4% NG 4*

the end of the ljlle of Apollo (4.53) is a most unfavorab:e ln-dication. N o m atter how good the line m ay l>e this mark-ing will cloufl tlle latterdays of the uubjeqq fchr it wîll iudicatethe lo&q of m orey and reputatltm . A fork on the end of theliue of Apollo (45p) wi11 indicate tllat the sublect lzas talentin Inote tllml one dlrcctlon anrl tlmt this dlverslty d talentwill eansE him to dth 1- witlz what he has tila'n if M K efortBw ere concentratetl. A w ell m azked tzident ott the end of the

liue of Aptzlo (460) Is nearly as gooql a. markiug as a star.It indicates celubrity and wealth from mental eli'orls. If twoparaTlel sister line.s are seen on the M ount olle on eaell so eof tlle Apollo lilze (46x) tkey givc thair mldett streugtlz to analrcady fine indicatlon. Tlle llne of Apollo is intenm ll'favorable bh' itself. lm t wllen supported on both sides byatrong siszr lîues tke sublect h.ill lznx tlze greatest s'ttc-T beau were nam e:l by older palmists lines of reputstion. Iftlle Apollollne rmls to the M ouat aud on tlze M eullt there areseveral or many vertkal 11nes (46$, the subâect w'âll havq svmrtalent in many dlreetions and becausa of this diversity will

a= plis: Etfe. If tbe Jtrollo D ne ends in a * 1 (463)

T he Line of A pollo ,7/

l%e snkj ect vdll seatter bia vsork: în so m any directlons tbathe vzill aecompll: lltue. Dpalent he bas, but too dîverifed.If oa the en4 ef the Jkpollo line, o ne b raaek goes to tkekîount of Saturn aad una ba tàe sîounk of àfarcury (454)

/ l lp' '

NI3. 4$1 NO. 462 NO. :63

tke subjtck will h RVe conlbined wio a (satutn) brilliaucy(Apollo) and allrewdneM (Mercttry), and with this combina-den he TVi1l reap Mœxûth and renown. Branches or faelines

n:z'vzr franz tbe linc of 2t pollo (465) 1d11 inerease tbe goodefect of tHe line and wu seen en a good line w'ill nzake


6! ..



*a. * : < K e na. e :

the succ- of the sublect more certain. His life xeml'buoyant enough to rise over obstades that may et in itsFway, atd tlm s he âoats over tla top of diTzculty m stead ofbeing dragged under by it. Mne line-syc//fzlg from t:e liuelndicate tlzat tke SRbJG will tleetl grelter atd more eonetante.;R ?rt to oohieve mvxess. H e will % ve an up.saill pull = 4

5 /8 The Lawg of Sclentilic H and.lteading

tltc q wl11 l)e timgs whelz tlle load geta very lzeavy. H e 4oe:not overcome obstacles easily antl such a line beara no suq:bpromise of a brilllnmt life as when the branches rise.Br.m clzes wlzlck leavt tlw A pollo liuq aarl run to o'ther

litlea signs or M ounta will eK iz lzave a sm cial m eaningwhielz is to be read from the pllce where tbey term inate. Arising brauciz going to tlze M ount oç Jupiter will show tlmtcouplecl with great talent the subject has atrong ambitionaud tlze power of leadership. W ith lhis com bination' he wmbu stzccezsful and is sure t.o wiu fwlza if he docs not sqcurevrzalth. Tf in addition l sb:r be seex on the 1: ount of J npiterthe aua biueu w;1 be crovzned xdth suceess. If a star healso saen on tEe Afount of Jkpollo (466), be is certain toacbieve great ren ow n. If suc: a lnarkin g ke seeo tbeCllirognom ic iudicatious s'lm uld at olzee be studied. A softhand, large M otm t of Venua, azld conic tip.s will m ake llilzta. m usieiac. I.1e will love m e:cxly best azlti tûce'e gay tune-ful eoulposit:ous w'bicù appeal to the keart a u4 tnove tûefeel. lf a large Afouut of lf oon bu addud Ne w4ll also loveclaxsical nausio. If tNe su gPrS ba square he vzill haverùythma a LG aattrt and conâpose well. Jf tips be spatulqtehe will ilare tile power of exeeution and be a briluatlt m r.fonner. If the fingers be square and the tim spm llate hqwill be a eompouer and m rformer as wdl. *1111ex are iu theartistic world. If tke pracdcal world rules he will be agreat m oney.maker, w ill lead the busino s comm ttuity wlker-tver he lives lnd attaln cd ebrh)r irl this dirte on. W ithtlze lower world predom inating l!e will le a mottey-m akerkut loud and coarse and M.i1l drees aud lisx with v ulgardisplay. Jf a brannb frocl the Am llo liue Hses to t:z Af ountof Saturn, vzisdom snberneel frugality, a ecsenti:e turn afm ind atltl the halatlcittg qim lities of Stttttra will iuerease 1hesuccess of tlze sublect- W iklz tilis combiuatiou, if hia rxntalw orld prada iuates he will excel in occult e ence.s chem-lstry, ph ysies or rzathenzaties. lr tis fugvrs be sczoouz bew ill be guitled by inspiration ln tlzr.x v xtters ; if witizknotty jointa be will be tbe reasoner =4 c&leulator ; squlreâtlgel's wlll give him great exzetnesq auû spltttlate tim

lr he (.lne of zkp ollo 5 /9

arlxlnality. TM s Aw llx ian-spturnian 4:111 not be Ie4 bytradiu onal but w4ll thlnk for hinlself. Jdl of theae facultieswillinx - the certainty of Nis success an4 fame. If a starbe leea on the b rauck to Satura thq q ag/t:es of that hfuuntwill bring great gttccess, If in additfort one be seetl ott the

Mount of Apollo (467), the sueeess of the subjed is more ee.r.taiu. If tke practical world rulu: thfz subject will g'aîn

- - ï' ) --

. ?r/ ' $N.Nx

xo. +A Nc. e e pœ e q

az %'e1l as fame fronz bis eforts and if the lower werld bestrong, he wilt be eeonom ical frugal and even stingy. Ifthe thulub k* stDï this s'ill ke nuz oz celaix. lf with thisuzarkinw the ha nd be bad the subjqct will be reust succcssfalin his Maeno ness. If erosses bars dots or other defects

teruûuate tlze linew 1he subjeet *511 be unsueeessful pn d will10se instead of paiaing re putatiou. If tke liueu hpvv bsster

liues on the Alouuts he n'ill ha ve the gTeabast sueces: (468).If t'lze lincs s'izoulrl not rcaclz t'lw M otm ts aud ett the M ountsare seen many vertical lines, tile attbject will fail of ultimatqsuoeess b

.y reason of too great a. cuversity ofellbrt (46p). If abrauth from t'ite Iintz of Apollo risv: lo tke M ouzp of M ercurythe qnnlities of that M otm t will come to tlne assistance of tla

suhieet. He will bave sllrewdness busiuess ability. a sden-lifk turzz of mind aad g'reat m wers of vxpressioa itl additionto a11 the train of Am llotlian brilliancles and w111 achievedistiuguiskeâ succuss in x me dfrediom If tlle m entalw orlâ rules tbis Am llonian.M ercttrlgzz will have fucncyof expns: oa and make a sucee%ful quthor writer or

speaker on any subject whie.k lïe may' sttkdy If hl< finger:

580 The Lawg of Scientific H and-lteadlng

lutl tim be rquare he will ellco!e commott.seuse prad fcqlBubjûcts. lf uoaic or yoiubed urustic or idealistic uzatburswill be chox n. 'ff spattûate he w ill be origiua.l in 'llia ideasaucl mttlzods of expresfou and if tlze be smoollz 'willdepend upou ics/ra uo n. lf h;a 5 nge a be k notty he willhave everythin g eut an d dried prepôred In ad vanee and am ason for everything on tlle en4 of his tougae. U M s ûngersbe long he will g


o iuto the ddail blt if sl.ort he will readlhis climaxes and eoneltlsions qtzgckly. If the hand be elastiehe will love to werk and will acxom plîsk m uch but if softtbe subject will do mare tllinking than execttting. If t%esecontl phnlûux of M ercurybe lonzhewil! Trlnke a go:xl doctortlslxciall)r II' v/rtical lirltts be sttœn olz thœ M ouut of M crcury,or he m ay l'e a good lawyer and bribg to bear in the pleadingof M s cases forensie a


'M lit.y frmn botll the Ajxllloniall and tlze

M ercurian types. H q will be sludious ingunimu and lovereienti'lic investigations. svitl1 es'ery subject bdng to bear alltlle Chirog'nolztic indieations ilz yuclz t'tases ; tim s you eall tdlfrom what standpoint every act will be executed. lf witlz

llle subject marked as No. 470, the third phalanx of the :5:1 er-cu.ry ûuger is longest, lae will be devotu to busiuesGshrew d calculating keen and hard to leat. H e knowsmxen thoroughly reads character easily and understan ds Rgood busineas propasition u'heu it iu pnxenu>z. 8patulatetips ?Ql1 nMzke : hn origixal squzre give great regnladtyancl system , dastie cousisteucy will give him t:e power toûo antl to accemplisb and a large tkumb the deturm inationbo use :ls powera. sueh a conlbin ation is an indlcation ofgreat sueeess a nd vp::1th1s starz be seen on the M ouzlts of Apollo and M ercur.r

(47oJ, the sucee.x bs intensife ; If crosse, (IMG blrs, or otherdefectw tlle sukiect will mnke coxly rzisenbes. lf with thlsm arking the M ermtry fnger be crx ked or twisted or botik

tlle sublect may ux his brsmant talents to get the lxst ofpeopx If a bmuc;k from the Aw llo liue Hses to tlze M ouutof Mars (4.7x)I the subject will llave adderl to h5s ApoAmiancllaraeLer tke sterlitzg qualities of M ars. Thus he will bexlfzrellaat, o le t.o dd eui lzim self, lzot caslly dixouraged.

The u ne of A pollo s8T

and îf neee- r.v will foree his way tlzxowgh 1he world. lf hebe a zx zktal t.ylye of slzbjout âe vill ure tiiere physical qtlali-ues 17 strengtben hiB ulental abilitle. If a nlœbadal subjectbe wilt upe hl< talents iu tke buéneas Nvorld or he * 1 be .soldier. If the latter Ne v:% vqn reu own Jf crospes dotqbars, or other deftm s be seeu œ l the M ottuts of Apollo andMars, tlte subject will izasx trials hard to overcolzm. lf si ster



* . 4- No. 4?l Np. 47z

liueg rttrl hesiâe the liae ou the Moutlt of Mlrs the subjectwîll have rzlldecl rtn/w


tu If' a bzatlc'iz from tlle Apollo Iilwcomes from tlze Motmt oî Moorl (47a) tlze subjqct will havethe power of ltïtagitiatlon tlxe abillty to paint wort'l plcturesaud a goorl pgwqzr of qxprcsaiom A s azz autlzor lae wlll besuceessftll. If the lland l>e a m usical one he w ill love oclythe d assic form . lf tlle fhlgers be smoofh ancl tips couk'

he 'ivill be an iaspired writer aurl wlll tlval izt rom alzce andpceatry of a romantlr cltaraeter If the fngers be knotty he1411 w; bz prose, au d if at a1l poedc will ineline to the epicfornu lf a star be seeu on tha eu d qf the ztpello lêac thesublect w5ll achieve gTeat ren opzn front tbese spberes ofaction. If crossew bzrs dots or other defeets elul the liuehe will make errors w hieil will interfere witlz lzia reputation.Tf a line runs from the A pollo line to a strong M ount ofVenus (473) tlze subjxt will be pasrionately fontl oî musicof a meloiiou: clxaraeter. 'Pllis will be aceentell if tile fln-gers be smootû autl tips conic or lxdntecl. If thls snblect bean instrumentale he will excd iu expression atld fK liuk.

5Ba Thc Laws of Scientillc H and-Reading

If the Iinsers be square, be will exeel in rhyo m and metresaud if spatulate ilz techlziqum :f he has square fkum s anllspatulate tips lle win hava botll G ytizm anâ tecllniqlze. Ifwitlt sucll a hand tlle consistency be W t or flabby, the sub.

jed will lovc to kear music but will ntn'e.r have the qzlergyto acq uire proEcieney in lt lf a star be seen on tha

Motmt of Am lb, tlb.e slbject will aehieve great dislinctioaas a m usjeian. If czoascG IX'U!G 1b ts, or otlle.r defects lxseen on tM s line or tEe term ination tiley m ust ba read as

impedimeuts to tlze musical sttcceas of tlàe subject. Abranc: from tlze liae of Apollo m ergiug iuto tike H ead line(474) will itttlicate that t;e subject wjll receive support fromM s mental powers. lf tlte H ead liue be utroag au4 W gorous,it will show tlza.t a powarf lzl brain has given izim j utlglxzentantl self-centrol which bav'e coctributecl to lzis success. 'lYeformation oî a taifllzgle at klle poi nt where tûe branch reachtstize H ead line is an iadication of unum al m ental power. lf aline from tbe line of Heart merges into tlte Apolio Iine (4yj)the subject will be muck asuistqo by gx dness of hqlart.W arm til of heart sympatl:y and all alrectionate dispesi-

3 '

xc +;a Na 4z4 xo. 4;s

tion lhal-f frle u ds veâ o uzaterially assist 'tl proulotillg tl:liaterests of a subjtct 'Infltlenee Tjnes from the M ount of Veuus whieh run ukong'

the <de of !he line of Jkpollo uhow the assistanee of relativeslo eie succeus of the subject (476) lrbeae ha ve often beenrEad as legaeies fronl re:atsves bat tbey do not neeexsadlyindicabe thls particulnr foznz of ûelp. T hey are syznpalhy:

'J'he Line of Apollo 583

couuset azld supm rt, as well as snaucia! aî4. If a. linebrwnching frona the 'Ieart line cuta the line of Jkyollo t*eaffections will stand in tlze way of tlze subjeet's suecess(477:,.Tbe llne of Jkpollo, vrpen 5ase4 upou aad stted to tte

sttbject. cau tlztts iu mlmy waya be matle of wonderful valueiu tbe com plete dellueation ofthe hanll. ipnncling as it doe.w

$' . / ?t

Nok 476 NQ. *77

when good for a brilliant cekrttr we cannot atlbrd to pass gtby because of error!k that havt crept into ils treae en: inthe past. By keeping exmstantly ia milld the fact tlaat it

dges ngt alw'ays apply to art but to 6%%. a/'pewl of daily occu-. #Cpatio n p:e cau disvcst it œf the ilzaccuracles tb at ha vt gro#zuarountl it w hen ebstim ated only as Telating to R.n artisticcareer. Rem em berlng that it is the ' ST ine of Capabilily, '' andthat it indicatts the posibility of a vast anzount which eanbe atconaplizhtd ia scm6 dirmctîou we xuay by the aid ofChiropnomy tell in wlzat directiou the cppability txists Byfollowing t%e lina frorx sou ax to bnrmaina: on and by notin geacb vahatlon in ita ebaraeùer exch defect w hlch mnny ayepear, (à!l ehRrlc'e llnes whicll m erge into mltx or rutl alonguside of it by uotiug t'lte sottree of efteh of tbese c'hanoe linesyancl by- applying tlze qualitio d tlzis sourct ms a lzdp orllindrauce to the line you can reavm out aay fernzatiolz areon&bination of t:e Jkpollo line v'hich can yxxwibly occ nr.



TR l T.INM op M FJterR Y

IIE llne of Afercllry has been variously ealled the lineof :rea1th the line of Lis'er au d the Ilepadca. It

G oul:l str t on 1he M 'ount of h'roon and run upward on 1heperc'4exlon to the M otm t of M erztley fmom whlch it takes itsnanle (478). This line is pnlua b1e a: a n indicabar of thestate of the diges/ve apparatus the operaiion of tbe liverand it nlgzi shows tûe presence of w'ariot:s m aladies and con-ditioas wbiek m ay ariae from the im painuent of tlzex m ostim portant functiens. ISMI contlitions suen irt other parta of

tbe lzaull can often be referrq:l to a px r-

M ercury linq fer explanation, and w rrxof the most accuzatc work pousiblc Cn thventire raug'e of band.readiug ca.n be douewitiz tlze aid of tla M grcury line. jzz cxm.nuetiou vdtlz tile lines of Life Satunl antl

Apollu it is an importura adjuncta andin al1 eopxbiaations a ny iadication >ee n outhe slereury llne should be giveu g reat

. Nvelgbf ssvhea 5ve realenzber w'hat ao

i: played by the digestive apparattls au dby îhe proper u rd ion nnd dlacb arge of bile w'e see thattb e 1in e or sTerellry' ltas bnfu e nce llpon 1u any parts olour lives a u d tlzat it is an e ver.p reseut factor in otlr suc.cess or fa'lure. Physlcians say' that w ith a gocd digestionantl a


norm al ;ow of M le dirsen


se w'ould be 'tm knoœ u to thehum an M M . In a large pv eentage ofillxexe.m Viih oat doûbttbe corpeed on of deran gezae nt of the digzstlve apparatus andw control of the bile supply' curez tbe padent. It is aûuy a


The Llne of Alercury 585

f:et tH t the bilious tyy.s are the 01,1). ones whîc: agereully crinfn Z okher ty pœs ioiug bad things under 1 Btressof some excitizlg cau- . Bad types of Saturnians and M encurians prefer tlle eriminal w'ay of doitzg tbiugs t.q tlw boto tone. Ai1 tlzrote lz thv atacly of lztzm au nature and charaeterwe see the i11 esèet and plague of bile x'hen not pz operly

rqg ulated. slhe :1er/ ury line is exceeoingly upeful as aguide hà businesg succeas as uo fpctor uaore surely enablesone to COJA Teith the alairs of tEe worTd than a clear brainanfl notidng m ore surely keeps 'the brain from clogging thazta gotxl digeetion and an active livm'. A ddud to good healthllo set c; qtlalities vzill lnore su rely' aid in obtaining tlle blltrusr;ts fronl bu gl:o s tllau tllose peculia r to t he 51 ercuriantype. zks the M erx ry li ae itldicaLes b oth the con dition ofthe digkstive orgalls atld the utûte of tlle liver aud accelltsthq strelzgth of tlle M eacuriaa type, ît ia m artifœ tly of un.usual assistance wilen estitnating tbe outoome of a busixeOcareer.

The M ercury liue in its relation to llealth mttst kways be

usecl iu connection w4th 1he tym of the subjeet. If we seeindigestiun or bîliousnew ia the hand of a Jupitfrriau subjoct,a type naturxlll- predisposed to overeallng, w e consider tbatto llim it means an itzcreased dallger. And as certain dks-ordurs of thc stomach camse vertigo we know tEat if the co*be very pronou nced the sutject i: likely to be skie en V:KNone of his type diseases apaplexy. In a < milar raan nert'lzu M urcury liae wlll aiG irl estinm tiu.g tbe degret of daugerlndicated by bealth dafects of a1l tlx tym s. In corm ectiouwitll defeets in the H eatl line the M erctuy line is a. valuableassiztant, for it is v;q11 ku ewn tûat tke sbanzRch aad Xverlargely in; uence the condi: on ofthe pkydcal brain. Fu nc-Gonal disturbaxces of the heart are also brœaght on by hu-digesuon, consqquently a dqfective 'Ieart 2n* aaay 5 Rd itgdisturbing cause indieated in t:e àfercury line. Pogr healtkDzay wreck a bHlliant career and the sTerchry line nlay ex-plain defeets seen iu tbu saturn or A pollo Nnes. A11 trie.rthe haud the infltlenee of the defects it indicateB zaay be felt* 4. iu phy w rplexing case do not fc get to examine the

,686 Tlte Laws of Scientific H and-Reading

M ercury llne befcrre com pleting the estiraate- Tlle M ereulylirzfz will no


t 'be found in a11 hauds. W illmut beîng able toMate tlle p'rnd percentage, .1 shottl:l u .


.n that at least one halft'he llazltls will l>e withota it. I1l few cases i.q it a perfet't:ym'trkvd liue acd tllis is uot bartl to explain when perftctbea1th is the 'on of so few. I d o not regard tbe ab-pence of the slercury line as necessarily a detrinzent for onmaay ltazzds wkich I kaa'e vxaminefl whilc zrnking a study ùftllis lineu t*e health of tiloge w ilo kave no line was fountl tol)e unifotmly goot!. If there is to be aehoice betwven no lineor a ddvctivq orx it is preferable that uoue be werl. 'rheabsexce of 4he Satl,rn line Teaves a suMbet free to carve hisway thro lgh tbe world aa ; in a shuilar ulauntr the absenceof tlzq 'M ercury line aûow.s tila.ù in its health directiocs tlaere

are no disturbauees which pzvs'/ cause a subject trouble atidif la taktzs q:4= t,f ltis stomadl aud liver he hus open to hirathe poKsibility of l:o trlm ble ftom them . H is 11ea.1th itl t'lheeedirections will be largely '' self.tzlacle '' arktl proportiollate tothz care he takes of hinuelf. O ne otbqr con uition is gen.era:ly present pzhen the Aleocury line is ateent : the han d i:not usually lnugk lintd alal rayed for if it wtre a slereuryline n'ould sllrely be preseut. Slwh a hand ilaving few lineGis txmsequeutly les's uervouc,s aud as llervousuess greatlyincreases tbe im proper actson of the liver a laek of nervous.'ness increaxys the subjecra favorable condition In mnkingthe Snal estsmate for a subject cotlsider that witlz the Mer.ccu'y liae absent s.e has to fave at leass uo hnevitable dix age ofdigustion and no disorder of the liver tlzat he lsannot controlby caring for hiulself.Tke hlepcury line zâculd rlsz fronx tbe Atount of lfoon

xqlt in practice it rarely does. In tHe largest nunlber ofeases it ziqY baward the Saturn or Life liue Rljd frolu thectmtre or bax of tile lzazzd ollea in lllu Plain of M arz. 1kis ntuc: betb:r that the line sbould rise between the saturnliLe and tûe y. oausion (429) than betlxxn the Saturu E ueand the Life liue (1Bo) ; riiag froul t*e Life :ine (481) i,one of the m œqt u nfavorable ntarkin gs. To give tbe nloxfavorable health iudications as nxIl as the best pzonaisu of

The Line of M ercury 587

busiuess sueeess, the M ercury liue shonld at no time touchthe Life liue but brarlelzes from tiLe Life line m ay go to lt,or r.'zke Tersab or chanee Sines m ay eocneet the two witlum t

bad results. The Kttree of the Mereu; ' liue outâid.v G itg? ,unfavorable ctm nectlon with the L/ife llne, ilas no gpedelm eaninp Unleas it risea from or toltciles tlke Llfe line Itm ay 'be cpnsidered a nonnal line.Y l:echRracter ofttx l1uq gs lmporunt. A deep llne of M en

No. 4T9 < #Y Ac 481

cary ïndleates a good dige6tion a healtb y aetian of the 11%a=good vitality. strolzg co nstitutio a a cle ar brain a ud goodDzenxory. ïs'hatuver the type vf yo lr so bjeet or wkateverhis occupation he will bave KNe asdstance of tùese powerfdallies. If tke U fe line be tllin (R ained or otherwi.* c'lefec-tive. anct t'ize M ertzury liue dx'.p uatl srroug (482), its e-G':'C'tupon t


lle Life line will be fully as favorablc as a stroug Tîneof M arg to build up and streugthen w'ilmteq'er delicacy exista;an; sucû & ATercu ry llne w311 nzany times replace the func.tieus of tbe Life Zne. This wil: oûcn accouut far the heal:Nof a perso:: lrith a defedtA'e J.ife llne.Qpùetc are = o Dzorc potent facto ns ln tke healthy a nd

vigoro us operation oc the braiu tsan a gxe ds gestiou andthe proper adion of the bile seereuon. 12àe frst eFect ofdyspepsîa is b; prod uce iatense deiatsdon. The sutjectbœeonnes rnorbid and sees everything th rouzh a gkksscolored by a d sordeM shxnach. lvhen the atua ofdyv A a has , liK brlln dea- up and he aeotklngs In thelr proper llgkt. Tb us the >fere 1ry liue wKl

588 Tbe Laqvs of Scientific H and-Readlng

be învalanlal- in eonlunctiou ldth tlw Heasl liue In q<l-vmnting mental Ktrenrth and bak nce. A gtxd H ead linewill be mucb 4isturbe4 by a. ppor Mezeury line (483),and. a defective oondition of tlx lzeacl m ay be acccmntvtl ferby R bad Mercury li ne (48é). Disturte action of tlle stom.acb w nzetizues produu'es fttuctioual derazlgemeut of the lzeartand a poor :Ieart line vzit: a defective bfercury Iiuu wiûoften entirely account for a condition of so.cRlled chronieheart di/eusv (485/. Iu sueh a case E îbe anedieal treat-nleni be direeted tow'ard tbe ztoulach the heark diseape willpass away. In :he ease of a poor Eleart llne iudicatingstructural dishculty of the or gan, qitû t:e n Zl: b lving 1heforraation peeuliar to this disord er an d a11 in dieadons ofcolor pointillg to a serious case of heart disease a deep liueof M ercury catzrl indica.tes sucb exeellent digestion aud liveraetion tha: the eFecta of tlle weak lleart m ay nes'e.r be m ark.edll' exbibitel. On a llatltl havlng strong Ilfu H O'UI andH eart lines aucl a linu of M ars a deep liue of M ercllry wlllinditmte a st,bject who will virtual:y nes'er know a day's sick.ness. If st'telz a eom binatiorz be seczz on a lzaull wlzicll ia ani-



, /V

Nc * 2 < K #l1 ND. 49#

mal ln its Chirognonlie cqpset the intense gocd healG a'nd

strength of ritality #dl1 render the sublect Geree in hisSewdonm inerdîu abz ln h1s appeù bas, an d froal tbis clnqqoften conze ra plso and dru nkagds S ue% s shouldpever choese indoor occupatious. They need 1e* nir andpleuty of exercise to vvork oz tb e aniuzal vitalitr. If vdtbtlds conzbination tkere be the addiu on of red hplr tha ludlca.

Rnle Llne of Afercu ry 589

dons of great exa rxV g will be illtvusifv


tl ard quiek Eerytem per w9ll be ad deu Black hair sNows an abundau oe ofvolatîlc q ualities a nd needs no addition frouz red If thtMereury line be thin it slloqrs tlzat tize subject may still ilavegoocl digestiou proper action of tlle 111,% aud tlmt his healthan d Afercuriwn altributes vu11 nct ilz eonjtîlzetiorl to prod ucvsuccexs i!l btlsiness, 3pbe uzere thiub ess of a sleruury 1in e



Fltk 485 0 . 4M K0. 4r

doeg not lellMn its inlluellce for it shows lhat 111e nubject igreeeivlu g support fronl good operation of the lisxr thou gkzlot iu suclz a degrqe as witlz a deep line. lf tlze typq ef tlw

subjed be reiined and shows gotxl but not exceRive vitality,t'hlz tlziu lictl is lxtter for him . I'a a11 estiznates of the M qr.cury line the proportCtm of tlle line.q m ust be kept in miudfor heoz as e Fe ry where else tbe u ornlal balance in beM . Sk

broad sh Zlow Alntcury liuv (486) shows tlzat 1he sublect isnot s'ittklly strong antl any selrere tax upon M a sLomaclz willrtsult iu its deraugemmlt. The liver is unsteady in itsorerâtion a'nd secretes its bile in unequal qc ntities As aeoeseq ueaee tse sublect i: freq uently despoudent is prcdi-posud to sudden a ud violent Lqadaeheq heartb urn = rstomaeb, alld d yspepda. D urin g the iutervals when the funotious a x pxv ly' perDaled.the subleet gets nlnn g allrlghkbut u%th such a M erc ary liue coustant careis uecessary as todiet aud ltyglene, for wMle sueh sttbjtbcts cannot ipe slicl tobe Wekly they are lmt over lealtlly, aucl thîs weakenetl con-dililm of vllality tezs upcm the qlwrgivs tke a


tzlbitlotls end.t:e b Rsine/s lise. Sk ehained line of hfercury (487) indi-

5:0 Tlte Laws of Sclentific H and-Reading

vatts a yxsitive coadition of dlseused Ever au4 slonzach.T his xnust not be confoundeâ wikh islands in the line b utthe cka@ns m ust be short Ioom . W itll tlxis marking the slb-ject will be predib'poxfl to ilkiammatîun of tlzu Kall dud gallM ones, cirzhods at d rurle rous structural liver troubles


wllielz are always sezieus and often R tal. Tlze cllaiuefl Eue isone of the worat fonuaticmG and the subject wilo has it susenintenrely uot ouly from the dio H eondition of tke liverbut fzom tlze coux qx ut m ental tora r ancl depression. H eîs pe mistics sttspieioua intenx ly nervous crau and lifeis a burden both to hsnlself atld to his rrien ds. Afallifestlysueh a suM'œl cpn not îa&'t a clear brain keen fopeigbtcomm autl of M 1f energy and kindred qualities necessary lothe suceessful pursuit of busiuess ccmsequeut:y the ellainedlûne of M vrcury was rcatl by thfz oltl palm istw '' Bxlrs-e''v'u'uin businec.s '' From our standpoiot it catl be seen wliy' suclta reading was takml alzd that it is eorreclTlw leugth of tilq M ercury linu adds to t'ile powerof tba linu

a.ntl its l'mefulnes.: 'If the line be long rutlnillg from the baseof the llatzd to tl)tl 51ouut of M ereury ils Crlfluence wil: be

>KN * 6 Nck 4:9

fdt during tbe subjvd's etktîre lîf'e.. If the long llta btt alsoa gcxxl one its lnfltzarlce m ean: goo:l health and aueoesa dnr-ing the entire life If tMs long lille be a defective otle itw ill iudicate i!l llealth aatl uttendwut irldilcxnt budue.wsucce% dudng tlle entire life. Bg tize letlgth of i'ile line arkdits eha.raeter dttritx tlle diFeretlt periods of lif'e you ca


u tellvvhat yeazs TW E be bleplxl witk tke gxvatest strcngth best

17 he I-in e of hf ercu ry 5 91

action of eie liver gooû d gw tiou and oansoquently tkem(>!L produdive pericds In a busineM wap If the lilze starts

deep, tben grows thin and tltetl is deep again (48y), tlwreia a. pezitd x Mqrr!tl by- tix tkinnqas of tlze line whell theNealtlz is impalre:l ard at suclt 2. time the subject must usegreat eare, take m utrh sleep, fiud avoid dissipatiou Jf tllia btz(lone, witlz the gfiotl etxliug of tize liue trouble may be

!; I

hlo. 4% . Nc 4qI so. * 2

mvoided. lf (reading of œurse from its source upward) theline begins deep attcl grows chainetl (489) the good healtk oftlze frst yfars ou tba Iizm is fozowqd by some serious affeetiotlof tbe lizer ancl conseqttellt stom acll derangemeut wili lmpalrthe healllz aml sucœsç of the sltbled ; thz 2:,e: of a11 reriodsto be read frcm tlze lix zcading, of course, alw ays fr/rn itssource ltpward. If nith tbis marking the Life line lx: ddec.tive after tlw clzaining begius the ca* is serlous (49t$. Ifafker tlze chaining of the M ercury liuu bv'gins tlze H ea:t lines%owslslanc:s or otkt.r defectG the llver tronble will afect thumetztal strcugtk X tlw sttblect. This will often account forsudclerl attaeks of teznporary insansty, vsnlx îq.lll' if a star beteeu iu or zlear tlle Head llne (491 ). lf tilu Mercury linenm s to tlte H uad llue azlcl i: abx ut or defective tlaring t;espaœ between H ead and H eart line but runs agaiu i?m tkeMoltt,t of Mercuty (4fp), the s'tzbject wm need to do as muc.lzas possible before tix u q of thirty, for at that tlme the pcrw'-erful allies of tile good M ercur.f lint will for a tim e (leMhim aucl as tùe years betweelz H ead and Heart linœ areamaong tle muost inzpottaut iu hb life he will 108e thp.p

Tlle L ne of M erdury r9j

:te m pre eheerfu: Rnd cousecjlzeatly tllrow oll m auy of the illeFecta arisiug from improm r acuon of bile. 'Pize SakurnianfirBt, M ercurian second anrl Imnariau third will slzowyellow color easily'. On a Saturnirm subjed we expect yd-low, for he ia always more or lqss lmpreguatod with bileawhile the M eretlriazl ilas bile enough to give him arl oliveeomplexion. TM Luaarian may be zellow blt wbite moreoften. Jk SRturuia n wko : aa a bpd Aiercury line wil: bedo ubly aure to be gloonl z pes< nllstic and disagreeable andwîth such a subject az defects ia a hlercury line rnust begiveu thtir full iuhrpreta uon fgr w bad slvrcurh' liue on asaturnia n is an exceedihgly unfortla ate eonlbin ation. Lfyellow color be seea *eitb the vrarnzer ty pes it shows thattbe defects iu tha bferq ury liue are nzost p rono uuced forwhen the natural reâ or yE uk of these rypes has been over-con,e by yellow the paiuo u bas bzken serlous holG. In al1qstim ates of color with the M ercury lirzt take full aczocmt oftbe type of tbe stlbject anâ tlle natural color ize shottld showfrom which ie cau O juclged how seziously lze is asected. IfLhe Mkrcury line slzows indigestiou aud yellmç cuior be like-wise presettq the latter indirates that the sttbject has also Jz'zt'r'tlLqtwtler eveu though it is not m arked ia the M ercury line.If pezfx t h0 1th always p- iblq we akoultl 5nd

perfect slereury Iines bat as x large pad of the hunlanfataily have bodily ills uzore or 1es: in evidence Tee sn da very ûcm proporuon of thege liaes dcfçctive Jk wavyline (493) în diea b:s eh ponie biliousnesl Qphix subject vd11ha>x attauks ûf bizous fever /3 Zaria and various livkrcomplicwdeus oûeu endiu g in enlargrmtnt oftke liver a cd

Jaundice. There lsk a very frequent complication of rlzeu-matism witlz biliousaessp aud wltlt wavy M ercur.v llnes theindieations of rhettm ltic diK culty' slzoultl be ltm kqtl for. lftile suhject be a satttrrllan witll a wavy Mercury lilze be willhave seriotw bilioug attaeka W hen this is seetz on othertym w tlzq liver trouble oftea bririg's mtt tlzose healtlz defectsof tile type thaf Rre irlEttenced by an exceas of bile. 'PheJupitee n will have gout ; the Saturnian biltous feversjgout, rhetlmatism aud uerve dix rders ; the Apollonh n

,94. The Laws* of Scientific H and-Reading

funcuonal kvart deratg- nt ; tbt Afvrcudan ludlgevuonnerFe difficulty, ard g'rave liver disorders ; tlte M artlan in.tesdnal inflam m ations ; the Lunarian gout or ;and tlze V enusian acute attacks of biliouu fever.W ith a wav.T M ereury line the busiaess eareer of the shb.

jeet will be unsteady aud subject to uzany vicissitudes. Auuuevqzl liue of Merm ry (49.$) iadicates a ftful conditiun ofthe stom ach and Iiver. 'Phere will làe periods wben tilesubject ltRs evrvdleza lwalth an4 at audz tlmes will dowell. Th.v will be followed bjr m riod: wlzelz tlze liver deeunot properly perform its functions tbe digo tion wl1l be poor,an i life bscorzes a drag, Thex alttrnaling intezvals of goo;beaIth an â vreakn'ees raar life's steadiness an d prevent the

eccoclplishing of uzuch result. 17he11 tlAe liue of slercuzyrises in thu fornz of a ladder cuulposed of brokea fragnzenta(4q5) it in dfcales the word foral of stonlqch trouble. Ilysmpepsia, with ibs traiu of ills gastrie fever cqtarzb of thestomack or iu zsunqw or in ûwm = atio u of thu bowqls aream x g the acpte di= ders which aa likely to attâck t:e

*a. *as no. 494 xo. o s

suNect. If in tlle eourse of stteh a line tbere be a Mglllycolored dot (4t)6) an Rttqek of severe stemach dllm'tler basoecurzecl Rt tke age indlcatccl by 1ta position. lf tlkis dot behighly colored red or purple it has M en vely zevere. Dotson the Mereury liue (497) whezever xyen or on wbatever kfkztlof a line indicate acuk albzcks of bilieus or storaack troubleat tlze age a.t wiliclz they x cttr ox tlte linm If red tlzey indi.

37 he Lin e of 51 ercu ry g 95

cate fevers. #f Tzhi:z soMae disorder ari<ug froaa a ehronic dL-ease. 5V hen a ;et is seen on tbe Afezeury llue uote qruey:er acbance line fronl it pointa to a hea1th defect oa souae l3ae orlloant. lf none be seen tke linqs and Alounts should ber atlnetl for m azksngs iultieating chronie (x' acute attarlrmtllat may làe refqrred to the dot on the M ercury line foran ex-planatioc. Health clei'ects en thv Mbunk of Jupiter (498) will

)/ .


Ro. 4js wo. .f'v qo. 4.

nzean tlze natttrll stolmqell delicacyof t'heltlpitetian wMe..lz lzascaucr'etl this troubl't. If the tlzird phalanx of tbe Jupiterfngerl:* large an:l ft'll! tizia is certaiu for lbis sttblect will abusehis stomaelz. lf the third phalarlx of theltlplter Enr rsbowstllat it has beeu fttll but lzas become :abby, tlzt subjca'sstœuach ltas bvcotx so ddieate tim t lzu itas lzq:l to limi: hisdiqt to the simplesl kind of food and a cllrorlic state of dys.pepnix is probably preseut. A healt!i defect Saturn w iL'lz.'a dot ilz t'lw M crcary linz wî11 itldlcalc a'a acl'zte attack ofbilioua fmrerif t'he dot be red 2 if it be pale or ydlow an altackof gotlt or rbeumatism . Tllis w5ll be moze certain if a. cllauceTine rutts from Saturlz toward tlw Llfe llne atzd oue from tlwmidulu of tbu Mx nt of M oon to the Life linu (499) If eieàlqad line u nder .Kpollo shows an ic nd, break, or ddan G a dot Rppears on tbe sfereuty lhx a severe attaek efheRrt troublq brought on br derangeczqut of the digesuveorgaas, will ocrur lt tlte age ltldicâtetl byr tlte dot on theM ereury liue. A grille on A pollo witk bltte calor and beart-o ase uaîls will intensify tkis re.adîug atxl iudicate tlatt'lze lrtmble is chrrmk (yx1). If, wîtlz a dpt on tlze Mercunr

595 The Laws of Sdentific H and-R eading

llue tlw lizte be broketz m ' ollletwise deseetive otz the M ountof Aîerenrh' a severe ot bilious or gwstdc fever hasoccurre; at the age indicated by the dot ln the Alepeury line(501). If, witb a dot iu tbe Afercu ry line, the (Jyver 5!o uut

' h

NO. 412 Ka ;à(Kl N(X K 1

of >lars s:ovrs a gdlle or bars vspecially if on its loqxrtlkird n. Fevere attaek of inflam m ation of the integtilleB appeudicitis m ritoaltis or sonz e other ac ute illtestillal dzsorderhas occurred at tbe age denoted by tbu p œitiou of the dot

on the slercury line (so2). If *dtk a dot in tHe A1 encurg


linel the m idclle tltlrd of the M ount of M omz be grilled, goutar, mzort likely, rben-ntk fever ha* gtxx cred at tke ages:ow n by t:u dnt in tNe hfercury llne lf the upper thinlof tlle M otm t of M oon be grilletl the same elzaracter of illtes-tinal dix rders wllich arq pecallar to tike lower part of UpperMare are indicated (5oa). Cross-imrs euttillg tbe Mereuryline (5aç) Indleabe illpfs:es at the agk at whic; tbey are

The Llne of M ercury !9/

- n. Tl:ex bars will vary from the fnest little littt's whie,hseexz to ruu over tùe top of t:e lfercury line aud ouly fretit, to deup bars which cut the :ne in ewo T he extent toTzhlch they cut the llne naust indicate the severîty of t: eyttqcks. Lû they be only 5 ue frettisg 1iu e:, tkey lndlcate'

bilious or sick beadaches. lf they are deep-cutting ba nRthey are severe illnesses an G yo u should look to the linesaucl M ouuts in the usua! mantler for a.n vxplauatiun of tkemlf tbuTe be only one or tvzo bars crossin g the line tûere willonly be lhat nxan y serioup illnesses cause â by tbe pecu.liaritîfrs indicktte by tbe lszae but ic tlay toutirhtzu'll.'r cut tlaline dttring itz erltire lengtil, tlzey xdll indiexte continuousskknees if deep, or headaelles If Eue. There are often seena. surills of Ene lmra eroasiug tlze M ercury lix and also fine'

Iurs cro%ing the Hea.d Iine (5(:5*). This indicste.s great suf-fering from nen'oas bilious or slck heatlaclzes bttt they a11aziae frouz innperfect acsion of 1he skonzach and liver. S ueha nlarking ofte n results in a n inzpairnaent of tb e :lead liueafbzr the bars are see n sho willg tb ae the beadaeheB haveNyqakxnz; it. svit: evvry f/rnâ @nd v ariutiou a ud every


defect lu thv slercury lîue tbe llead llne should be at oncecmzsttlted.A.n ishnd Eti the Mercîtry line (5* ) itdim tts a delimcy 4

bealtk duriug it: presence. This m ay arise frora the liverand stom ach or from appm dieitis inllam mation of thé in-t- ines or it mlar be a diiiculty of head heazt or auyptber orgxu, whicb one c:n 5e XXMM by th? exqnzination

5p8 Thfz Laws of Scientïc H and-Rcadlng

of M ou ts and lice.s. The peculiarity of the isialld ln tlleM œrcury liue is 'Nat îts detgim ental eG'ect upou tûe btaltb isnot always conflnetl tostomaclz and liver disorders but relate.stqually to otller kinds of illneases ordelicacy. A sillgle islandmusk lx reatl as a delitwacy to lxaltù just as is doue ia titeLife line and itq canxp located in tile mstml m atm er lf tileM erctt!y iine l:e islande; (luring its eutire cx rm s'àowing

KQ. X T NG rœ

two, three, or more islands of gœ d size it is an indicatlon

of great de:cacy of the throat an d luugs (so7). Th-is:an ds are nœt Rlwazs perfqctly fornze; but whei er so ornoq they will be nàost accurate indicadons. hR'he n thisnâarkiug is see h at on ee exalniae the nails for any approachto a lm lbous eondition aad a.1x réx lf tlle uplwr M euat ofM ars be grilled orcrorus.barred. lf these eorllirrzlatory mark-iugs be present, the easo is a strong oae, and wi2 be easilyvvziûzd. If, in adfliuon, au islaud be see.u on lhtz M ouat ofJupiter (5* ) the ellject will neeâ to uge the greatast eare toavold a Ly exposu O wN ch m ight itduoe the develo pm eut ofconsunzption brouchius pneumonia or pny di= ofthroatbronchia or lu ngs. I have recently seen this mlarkin r on aw tient sufferipg from (xtnu'er of the throat. An old readingof tlx Mkrcuzy linu wlzea islanded was as au iudicatilm off 1 Bankruptey.'' This came from tbe fact that tlle health ofthox with sueh a m arkiug was precarb us aad precludvxl thelikd ihooâ of euoqg'h eforl to m oduce stkccess in lzttaiuew .Tbia oltl reading, while it has a strong foundation w ill not bea= m te % applies to your elieutx You vill En G m any

The Line of M ercury 5pp

lsla=ded linas of M ercurg irt the hands of those who are br nomeans financlally Banknlpf bm wlm ars Baakrnpt iu hea:tlt.Sue.!t subjeutsa if lzl busix gs must spelzd atz much time in thccare of tlzeir llealkll that btlsinau will probably be tleglected.

Certûiu it is a delicate subjec!t cannot pugh busiuess with thevigor of oîa w bo is wltl! a


ufl tlzrse 1.em5


()1> lu(l to tize inter.pretatiart of i' Bankrupto' ' ' bjr older palm illts. W ilen the

Mercury Iizke is broken (5* ) it indicates that tlze subject'shealtlz will bq im pwired, at tiza time of tlze brqak, aud, cou-sequellt ufxm thiG his buqiness career will stzflkr. If theline lzave ouly oue or thro brvitks Rnkl is geoti tbe rest of theway, fncl tlze cause of the breaks in the usual rnnnne.r Ifthe llne be eolztlntloLuly broken lt shows extrelne delicaeyof t'iit stom itzhu autl Itzws thz spcw eflçct as a. laûdfzred llneYhe m ox the line be broken the :nore con; n uous wil! bethe successiou of iznesseas and suek (L line will ehow a sub-jtrk to btz irl a coutinual state of dyspepsia. Suctt u. subjtxtwill ûave m any beadaehe:l and will have to usu conatauteare uet to (listurb bis digestion. W itlz broken linea repairsig'ns rn<'y be seea azld squalw wil! be m ost beneficial. If a

wql x $ ' N@. s'a

serlous break be seeu ln the sfereury line surrounded by Rsquare (510). a daa ger to the life ef ::: subject hay bee qavetted Allze ea use of tEe trouble Mnay conle froul sevtraldirectious. sroa raay bu able bo locate lt by a defect ln theàlead line or f nd âealth defects on lhc Afeu nts or âe d ousddicacy or danger to life Iu the Life linw a11 of whie:sbould be bM wht to bear upon tbe repaiœd bn ak as a

fxxl The Imws of Seientilk H and-Reading

Y don of the cause for Ct. ôister lines are usehxl 5n poyœizing brtaks a hd a11 naarkings w'bick help to coutinue fhuCttrrent in tlze line m ust lx) conzdered as benesting tllebroken eonditltm just tlmt muelk. If tbe Memury line rttnsdvep onto tlze M ouut of M ercury atzd brptmlles rise from it(5r z), the subject will llave excellent health axd great srte.ces: ill business. If fram a deep liue hranches droop tlowlz-


Nqk $11 NO. 512 NCk 5l3

ward. tlte slzbject will succeed but will have to work H Mtwrte aceoGupllh these restuts (512). If a bra neb leave astroug Afelcury Iine and run to tbe Arount of ) upiter lhesltbject will be s'uecereful in businecxs aideâ by his ambitionand his ability to Tead a nd control xaeu. If a sbzr be seen outhe sîoaut of J upiker inJ ueutial auquaintaaoes and fdendswil1 greatly a msist hin: (JI3). lf a branch rlse to the Lfou ntof Saturn (5z4) tlle subjeet aide; by aobernes: wis4x 9u-galjty carefulneas and b--w usu he looks on the dark aswdl as the btiglxt <de in undertakit:gG will be successful ilzbusiness. Thls is p gocd m arz zlg for u. baaker. If a brxacllfrom a. stlxm g M ermu'y llne rlse to the M ount of A BgloG1.5) tbe subjed owiug to g'reû.t sbrewduess auc: btksiuvr,sabiliky, aidtd by brilliaul mirzd and agtxeablq m anners willbe nlost suecessfœl. Tbis ia an ideal putrkia g for a naer.ckaat. T% loug sfercuryliue in these easea Id1l shosv thatthistl'pe li1l lead and the braac: llnea shovz vzhicb type v:l1Ri4 him .lu az kktœe knenmco pllœe the svlject in h1. yqxqxl u ld

The Line of M ercury 6oz

by t:e phalangts G lzis M em uty flztger. If he have tlze thirdworld strongest he wîll lzave business suoeesB, pf the recondbe atrongeet be will have succeas in tlze xlentific or profes-sioual world. If tûe firwt plmlaax 1>e stw agvst lw will succeetias ark orator or wrlter and tHis latter indieatiou will be ix-creased if a brauch fronz the upper thirG of the llou nt of

:1 ocGl nzergex inlo tke llercuzy line (5:6). 2k bra neh ftoczthe ltereurg llne dsing an â mzerging into the 'Iéad line(517) vdll indicate succels due to the su% ect's moltulpevpzrs. S''nh persocs N/ill ke twst adaphxl to likrv y arsdentiEe cageer: espeeially is the llêad line be d eep andstrou g. :1 ote hepe the rormatio a of * tziaugle #ehic; intlzis m siuon alwalrs indicates zx zztal bzilliaucy aull powxr.Dphe t> inatlon of the hfercury line pzill it âicate tbegenvral outcou:v of Ule careqr of tbe salject as regatdstlle healt: qualltles of the line and the auccess of lbasu.blect in tbe directions pectuliar to the Mercurian th-pe.'Phe M ount oc M trrtmry hws st3 m an)r markings that x lne oftllem m ay be confused witlz tlle termiuwtiua oE thv M treur.vline if eare be not observed. If t%e line ettds on tbe M ount,

N (k. 5: # XG 85 5 NO. R1 6

the linea ol AFœction msy c'ross i: (5zO. If tllere are a num-lxr of tilex linew oue of whicip is tlerp and euts the M ercurgliue sbarply, there will be ona aFection w hlc: will be a bar

to tlzq 1- 1 iutereats of tlle subjeet. Tf tlle Menmry lineends in a bar or a cros: (!z9) tbe eareer of the sablect wlllbe llamm reG an4 if the tym of lzaad be bad, witlt ctw kedsltgersI aad the H eart litle thfn or a'b= t the dehvltful or

6o2 Tlze Lawa of Scientlflc H and-Reading

tdeky quliitles of a bad srercuria œ w4lI ea'4m. the lack ofsutçea:. If a griie teraninwtes lbe linq tven wœrx ill.sueoessis in dicabzd resulting f. either poor âealt: or dishoccxty.If w ith thls m azking a dot be seen on the M otm t of A pollo

thesubjevt will lox lzis reputatien. If the lilze terminates in astar 1bx) tlze career will be successful in the wurlfl ludieatedby tlle phalaages of the Nngers, and if tlle lines of Apollo

NQ. ti: 7 R D. 1i1 8 Nc : l 9

aud Saturn be px sent an d good thE Ladication nil) bestrengtlxatd. If tlle Mercury liuc tfzrmiuateu izt a fork (5zz)tke sttbjeet 'kvill divide his energy among xvera


l taleuls andwill not aehieve as great success as R'ould be possible byconeentratio n. If the line teraaiuabts in a taagel the cFortsM411 be so scattered that no great succeRs can be achieved.If t%e Nfereûry line ha< a star at the po#ut whu e it crom/stke Alead line ît îm Cn a wom wn's hand au indicationof serious fem ale trottble. In the lland of a m an it indicateslir on a gtxd Iiue au atlded brilliatzey, and if on a defectiveline, danger of surious brain troubl: evun iusauity. Ifbathe woman's itand tile lower tkird of the M outit of M oon begrllled or cross.htrretl (s2O. the female weakne% wM bevkry serioum Suvll subjvqzts wjtl lzwve grext diEualty iztchild-bearing, and with a Life line which ruus close to thethumb and restric'ts tbe M ount of V enlzs the)r will m oblblybe cklldless. Tùi: is valuable as a age inâicatloa.Nk-uenever this m arking is found the w= an ls xereous andhig M y x ruug. She will at tim es becom e deprem-H aai

lr h e Line of 51 ercu ry 603

t:en reoover her cheecfulnew alternatiug beeveex exi u dxan d despair. Th- snbjects should reeeive the greatestcare, q nd ought allxys to be the reeipien 1 of very tendertreatmzent. T b>y oien Daag=ify or uve n inzagine illl buttkey suEèr j lst as mn uch aa if th *9: were real IT ysteriaaucl hhToehonclria are olten thus iudieate an4 pronotzucqdmerltal ttubalanciug freqtlently (xm'zr? If the star qhouldnot lye exadl:z im tite lirle it still gives the m me itjtlicatiou.Tlze combinations of tlze indicltkons cozœaiaed iu lbis cbap

ter are inuumerable blzt tite general principles governingthem are alwayx the yam e. If a gocd M ereury Tiue slzmvs (10.fcdu it is nol; so bad an indieation aa wheu p Jr/âwlz'r.z6 line baathese sam e flaws. Jf a. wav'y hine be dtfg/ full of istands itis a vk'orx uondition tllau wla n a strniglzt deep liue llas 111=Ofl l; tberu are tvwa diFerent defucts uetn in a lëne and eachwil: refer to a diFeretlt cause. n ese cat: both be fotm d i:l tlleusual m atmtr. The M ercury linv silould be ux d etmtinugllzrin counectiox with the Life H ead H eark and Apollo liueG

aa d the type of each subgeet should n ever be o verlook edk

xo. x : Ko. * 1 Nc Mn

llke valae of the liue is largelh'l:x rze ln nzw &lnahbn andespeclally is tllis trtte wltk tlze Life a.n(1 H ead Iines. H ealthan4 braitw are esx utial to Ettr'r- qrr'll livea, and the M ercttryllne, fn œ zm ectiou with the Life ard H ead lines, will alwayseM ble one abstgutely to estim ate thex elem entm lly keep.lng. in m incl for what the line stands, what vK lz change in itsd karacter and eacb dsfect meanq and by followlng tkt Iine

604. The Laws of Scientisc H and-Reading

from = = to R rm îuation noting eveay cltazlge = 4 work-ing oat ita meaning, tlze M ercury lîne wlll yleld a furld ofeonfiernn:tor

.v evidence which will sustain tlte testim onygiven by otber lines and signs and enable you more eom .pleLely to ttnderstani your Mlent.


.1> ozuor.x ov vxxgs

H ER.E iy a group of mnall lines knowx lg M laor ll<w'hich do not lppear in every band but vzhich oceur

often enougll in tile sam e lx atloms to take therzl oue ofthe clar,s called clm tlee lineq antl to form tllenl into a divisiorlby thetasdves A s a rule these M iuor lines are tlok of greatimm rtanee, often having ollly a siugle iuterpretation buttlay art reliable as far as tizey go. 'Plw first of tla M inorlines is tlw (Xrdle pf Vcnua whid t riaea bdwven the fiugxrsoi J upiter wnG Satur'n and runs aeross tlze M otm ts of Saturnand Apollo, ending between tile Gngers of A pollo and M er-cury (Ja.3). .Tbe Girtlle of Venus doe: rlot Zways rlm exaclly (wet tbis

path but O metimes rtses otz the M ouctof Jupiter and ruus over ozzto the M euntof M ercury- w mttinzts vutling en tlze m r-cuséou. It ia in part, a zlter :nœ tothe H eart line a nd in some hands M'hcnthe lleart line is absent takes the placeof that llne. Older palmisO conceivedthe idea that Tehe I they s&%' thiu line inœ h and vrhbph had atso a stron g Tfeartlilze lûat beiug s'irtuall a sisle r line to' !the I'Ieart llzze it indleatcl c. doRble No. =au pply of :ea l quaQues. Th1 was notmeant in a pkyical szum: b ut as a gards the qFeetïons andfor thia reason the 1in e was naux by tûtnz the Cliedle ofAien uq mueanin g the Cjirdle of IgxFe. Jks tkls reading of theline vzas frst n:ade ln the days wb= lœve nzeaut likxn pz thein tatîaa Mns attached to it that asyoug Bi ei sucb aa

606 T he Laws of Sclentific H and.kexding

abtm dant supply of aœ tioms would seek oecae n to lavisbtlzem, and thu Girqlleof Veuus bqcam e tlze syux ym of lîcquseprogigacy debaucNery, mn â was consldered dke m ark of u n-chastity and abaudonnlent. T hgough a11 the verltCngx orPalmie y thia interpretatioq îas bcen largqly adbmre; tooften wlth evident m isgivings on tlle part of some v iterswho have fraukly statell that they were û.t a loss for atl ex-planadon of thia line. Some few lzave doubte lts acctzracy,ltnd manh' practitiouers have abxndooed 5ts nse entirely be-cause they ceuld not recoacile ils aeeepted iuterpretation totbe lives of the mbjeds tlley encountered aad many crzbar-rasén g e rrors u re occasioned by tbe œse of thy llne. Qhoarrive at a cxrrvct solution of thb uàueù vexxd quvstion pxhav'e only to apply ottr general hym thesis and to adapi /âz'Jz'zle lo /â< suljàt not the subject to the line. Al* to remem.ber that this is tbe twentieth century, iastqad of 4c0 l.e.,when the original reading wms given an d thmt eondiEonstmday are diFerelzt from those prevailiag at that tim e.From an exizaustivu study of tlle Girdle of Vezzual I bave

founcl that it dtye'q rlot as a rule indim te debauchery andlicvnse, but that ir zzearl always s'i1es indicatfz a


u izztrnxrate of nervou suess and ln a large nlaj orlty of eames greatliability to hysteria. In a large m reentage of Dalzda i.uwlziclz this Girdle of Vctm s is fourtd, thv lmlrlz wi11 be c dby innumerable lines running in mrery direetion. This by

itself is suEeieut grountt for prououucing tlle subjeet in.tensely nertzotts but witlz tlze adtlition of a Girclle of Venttsthere ls an lncx ased degree of nerFou: exdtability. Inseekiu g the raîimlale of uie line renzenlber that 1he vhalC urxnt e nters thnnu gh the fnger of J Lplter rnns dow n theLife liue goes to the brain and returni ng. tra usfe ns itselfto tlze lic s of Cxatt'a'n A pollo and M ercury. whiclz are itsnatural channels of egreu from the bcldy. W hen tbis Gm rseis pursîtefl witilœlt interntptïon the actiott ef the fluifl isnermal. But the G lrdle cf V unus being an abnorm al lineby 'eirtue of its location detlects part of the Current fromits u sual eourse iuaoâediately upou its t ntraace ilzto us an4Nke balante of tbe e u nvut x eM ng em gs from the body

T lze Girdle of V enus rm

tlzrtlttgh t:e lines of Saturn Apollo and M œrcur.v ou its re.kurx frozl the braiu Gows agak'nst thu Azrfr y/x # #z Me'J;'rm :< M- = and c: un ot eazly : ow Jazthroug: the , nger.endz, but, V IZF obstructed by tite Girdle ollre#ows into thepalm of the Eand As the entive Current is seekiug ep 'essttlrough the fingers of Satttrn A pollo and M m'c.m y thezw/l'ryCurreut is thus obstrueted ordG ecte bytlze Girdle and over-Nows, cutting rxw cllRunqlu for itsulf 'ix m any (lîrectiors andthus prcducing tbe m ultiplicity of liues that we fee Thelarge am otm t of vital Curretlt tlm s ttu'aed lx se to iigsu.g it,sw'ay out of the hancl as beut lt cau act: ulxm every nerlreeledriftzs itv lntvnaifie.s ils action and from tlzis exeilitionof tlle nen-es M'a have the produrtiotl of a hlghly uervouspersozl. Tlm s as a Erst reslzlt of a Giydle of Venus we ofteuhave intense zzervous activity.H ad ug tlzis rlzuclz inform atiou to bqgin witlz we have

reachett t:e poirlt where we m ust applr the line to tNe snb-ject. In the greater number of instance: t:e Glroe ofVeuus is found itl tlze hands of w om en tlm ugh 311 som e tylx'sof subjects men's hands shmv it. If thu subjtxt lxd uwtumllya delieate aervous finely ezmatitltted person, the nenrcm s-ness prlxlttcetl by the Girdle will be greater tilan if ile bepillegm atîc atzcl heuvy in collstruction. In the first case thenervous forca M 11 eledrify kia organîzation to a great degree.Sueh an one will sufi'er from auy sliplzt or iuuttezltitm willbe ewfly depre- d and in the world of tod ay, wilqn evenlxople n'ltlz the best iutentioas hav'e not tim e to humor tizevcu ntricilizs oc nqnrutus llumnuity' he will stm eome tothink that he has no place in the Teorld an4 that no ontcarea for him . 'rltla brooding onea tegun, Frows instead ofiecreeqy's until every at?t of even hi: lyest friends is distorte.devery grief is xaaKnî âed paiu is snlagiued Trhepe there lsnooe and qe have a fully developc; ea sz ofhysleria f)n aharld with few lines â.11tl a plzlegm atic tempergment, the(Mrdle or Vmzus ss uever of so great im portanx as at indica-tEon of Aysteric and g'rcai r/tfe'zsizdq$w4.çl as 9l1 tlle M ghly strtm gKbjecl but it may tura to tke okller llern of the dîleznlnam d if the hand be coa- or x'ztzuRl have a N ollen M otm t


6* T he Lasvs of Scientific H and-Readûng

of Vknua aad lx) red Rt14 auimal in its geueral e'voko up. thereMq11 1kkd y be present the lnpn'vio usnesg which :as alwayebeen the acoepted reading of tNe llne. It is frana the typeand C hirognunâic mzakt.u p of a subjeet that you uzust deter-pline q'hieh fnterpretaion should be given- In every casuthe Clirdle vqill in dicste my,e degree of ne n'ousnea: and somwdegreu of ûrdor b ut to reach a correct estiuzate œf tïe extentof eitiler yoîtr stliiiert must iirr ba correctly egtimated and.tllen the litle apphb?d To âim. Jf the Moutlt of Venus 1* ilataud fabby', tke Life lint ruzm ing clox te tlze tlz''rnb tlzecolor white tlle thirtl pbalaxge oi' tlle lingerx w'aist.likez andt'ike H eart liue t'M n, a Girdle of Venus will 'lm t inclicate 1a1.clviousness fer tize physlcal makoup a.rlf.l x nditioaa of thenubject preclttde the poreibility of suelt a. thing. Tllix sllb.jeet will lzowever ttndoubtedly be a prey to intense nervoms.ness aud dzjudion and lzysteria lza.u a fertile soil iu wizich lodevelop. On the other haud, ii' with a. Girdle of Venus iiteM ouut of Venvts be large swolleu autl grilled the t'lliepNalan ges of the â nge > thick the â > 1 pkalau gvs abortthe Life line ru nning %5 de into tbe palm , tleart line deepand red îhe s!o unt: oî slars full an4 t*e colar of tbeha nd nz witN black or any appx ae: to a ubprn or nzhair o n the ba nds lt shottld never be > ad œs indieaïn guervousness and ûysu=îa but as tâe gTeatest htgciviousn,-qpcssiblex addncl to a taqte for drink and general âebaurlkery.A G irdle of Veaus on suelz R. hat:tl m ust be givell the fullstrength tKi its old trallitiotlal ilzterpretptiou. A 11 t:t' tlzenervotlnese irl such a subject will betxene nervous energywhich will be expentled in g'ratifyiug animal Ilppetikea, Soîlnprfzss it uptm your zninll at ouce tlzat lhe form of iatzrpre-tation whicil you give to the Girdle of Venu: must depend

entirely tzpou tlze kiad or subjeet ou wllîclà ît is eeen'rhere is anotizer danger from tbu Girdle of Venuz w hich

com es to a1l tym s of hatlds whie.h have it. This m ay onlybe a trausîtor.v daagu', or it = ay resctlt iu tlze form ation ()f* perm wnenL lxablt if not cbecked early ln llfe. A t the age ofpuberts wllen the youth pasge: from the child to tlle adultsnbjeets B4tk thv chitdle of sreuua are liable ta indulge hz

' The Glrdle of Venus 6%

pelf.abuee. Ix tlte sublect with animal hnnds lhls arise:from tlze heat of llis lmssiox te nature which 5* its outletin tbis way. Bnt Tzith such aukja tbe danger of a cou.t;i uance of tûe babit is otly sligkt for they uickly bave re-, 5latious witlt tlte oppoaile x x, aud do not umtiuue self.abux .Jtl tlle vm ' zlen'ctzs àstld pabuwrll' lyrbags a sear<t cf d/iirrv

Np. al

:ut in such weak plzysicul nattu'es tbis Is Zargel!r a menltd

eoudition. Titere is no real lzewt or wqrmth of plzyaical as-?kuûxa . but tbe nzind becenle5 in Eaxned Rn4 has lascivloûs

S uch subjects a rz ftll of imaginati= but veeak in4rea:a *Qykcal keat. It gives thenz greater delfght to think of?zntereourse tbazz tite aetttal experience would brisg tllem .W itb sueb subieetq when tla age of puberth' givea 1 :*1n a

61 o T he Laws of Scientih c 11 and- R e ading

kno Wledge of deske, they eakly faR vieunœ to dke habit olsulf-abusu. If thu lower tï rd of tkv Afgunt of M oDn belargely devdoped. with a tbin, bony han d fat Afou nt ofsrenus, G irdle of Venuq wake ; tklr; pbalauges of theN ngcs, desdent slounts of sfaza and thlu Heah hne (524).tbe subjeet AIT beca- of llis imaginings, eommît the act efself.abuse. TV se subjects ate hlni to break of tke ixbitfor thel lack of real phyzical heat zaakes thern preôzr aelf.ab use to actu/l inte oaotlpse. Qphey are sby. dissdent andretiriug by nature an ; nsither ccurt nor lo vt thc sotiqty ofpeople in gene ri or of the opposite pax in yorticulRrMany sucb sttbjects are found in fhe Saturniart tym . 'Wrùen

rsucll a lmnll is txte:l if you lx k into tlw upturucû palm iu-k i ' d an eozyleqtly then at the ,ubject withott say ng a wor

perspiration vrill sooll bagia to fornl i a the palal. 3lllis wizbecome m ore plc tiful the longer you uoutinue tlzu exm ri.meea! and sue.h qubjectg w'il! not ofteh dety the charge ofA lf.abuse. If tbese indications are x*11 in tlle llazzds of clzil-drqu! g'oetl wlmlesomg allvice aud plain talks from tlne parentswill often prevent the farm ation of tllis vicioas hahit.

)( j 5î j'/ ww r'A x.. .'

'x w . = . wsw


- '.w xw.x .Nw . x


M N. N



. 92: NG :2$ N (). %tT

'Pbc Gitdle oç Vtnus is usualll' a ilzglv deep liue. T lgsIs mask oiken seea on tize least nqzvous ll= llz and iu for llzisreason not so frequenfy an indicatioc of h ysted x Rs orin-< rease of auinlRl appetitei Oûeu fxe Girdle is conlpoped ofbroken fraglnents Lqust Thls xillincrewwz tbe nervousneasthe danger of hysteria, and also the retiring dispxsition. If

SUC.IZ sabjœts fall itlto ba; practitx's, t:e halzfts arevery lzard

The Girdle of Venus 61 1

to ovmw m e. lf 11. Citxlle of Veuus l>e compoe of doubleor trlple llnes which ls cften the Ca


M (!2Oj it will ma


ke hsindim don w hethe.r of health or temN amem r (loubly strenpIf' tlze Girdle be compesed. of u. uumber of broken liues (5z7)and the regt of tiua iland be a nervous one the danger fromkysberia is great auû 21 uqrvous syuzptouzs Izi/ be ia bunsiefud. If with such a naarklng there are indicauona of feuzale

*v. hw

v ..wpc 7q2x NN lx'

No. :2a >lck wap ND. =

trxble (5zO .he subjeet V II be a great guferer and ncnxma' jdepression. i1l-health, and consiant dWxmtent and unizapp -

ness will surrouud h= Tbe.x subj% shou:d be taken toa. speclalist wiko may relieve tllem btzt oftax tlze rewl troubleis not kno wn. svith such a raarking you #g1l leqlently5u4 very dqfecuve Lîfe an ; ll/ad liues. Iflhe âleai Iine inthis clpu should have islandl dots croases or a sœ oa i:there w11l l>e gmve danger of Insanlty (529). Tlze ultra-nvrv'ous condition slzow'n by a bacl G irdle of Veuus will lza&'eits eg'ect lzpon eveo' pllase of Iife. Defects in tlze Sztul'n orAe lo lirtes may be accounted for by a lmd Glrdle of VerumTkey m ay comc f'rom dtûer laxigiouscessor ill.ltealtlz ; w lziclzone may be indicated by a Clziroguemiu exxmittatitm aldby the M aia lines. W itk tbe Glrdle of Veutks, a factor whicikntqy 'ke re poteut in il;s operatiott tlkere will be mauy combi-

j 'uatious in which it witl play an mportaztt pgrt. If tkv Hkad

line slopes low' into tbe M ount of M oon D d on lt or near itsterm inatîon a. star dot crog: or islantl be seelz with a brokettGizl of Veno Knd many lines ix 1kt N.= 4 (s3oN tît

6Ia The Laws of Scientillc H and-Readlng

sublect is In grave da nger af insanlty as 1 result of lntenaettervousnerss atld. exeessive imagination. This subjeet willbe erratic crankr, wutl lzarrl to get along witlz. If Ik czoss la)seen on the M ount of rxaturn a broken G irdle oz Venuw dotsor islauds in the Ilead lihe under Saturn a grille on theMouct of the Moou. with bf ittle or l'luted tzails, the stzbjecrtw111 be in g


rwsx danger from ppralysis (531). Jf the haud betidck at the fingers tizick color red lines deep and redwitb a deep Girdle of Venus, and the lines of Life autt H eaclslzort ancl tndiug in defects thu subject will be likely to ilievery sudâeuly at 1he age at whie'h the T ife :ine endt.s as a re.sult of dissipation akzd excxss G,rp). If tlzc' hatd lx.' sunsualîu fomvlnt:on witiz a Gizâle of Vezms w hic: euta a tzoubludSaiurn line deeply; and a dot be sccn on the Mount of AN loqr ontlle Apollo lzne near ttv ttrm înation thv excesqs of thesubject will rtllzl llis career and end iu tlle entire loss of lzisreputxticet (5J!). I't w'îll be notetl ia the foregoiog illustra.tlons that the Chirogrzomic type of tlw lla.u; is takea izlto ac.count, alzd tlzat R &rvkcn Girdle of Arenus indicates the vwrzwzlzcozzditiou autt p. êeep Girdle indieates its arsxtçft': side lf a



deep Girdle nf Venus cnts a. line of A/ection tlze H eart linehnm drooping lines ft'om it, the H ead line beeome: defectlveîoward '>'e eucl an4 termluate: in a star and tbe Saturb linels cut by a bar wlzicll stom it tlze excesxs of tlze subject willndn his nlarrled 111 and cause great sonm v; flnally ending inan impairment ofthe mentnl fletzltle.a insanîty, and the ruln-

ing of bis caree.r (s34). Yoa will meet the Gîrdle & Venus iu

The G rdle of Venus 61,3

.11 kîndu cll' lmndu. Smne of t:e best mezk and women havel'nd it anG tkeir careezs have never suffered. It has beenarglbzd that fke adâed Toumath gnaparbzd by tHe (llrdle ofV> us gives a greater dch ness to the cbaracter that canhnld it 'd thin bnunds. Frnm this standrolnt it w: v1â beconédereG as &n Qbsolute blesshlg, B ut its preseuce xaayprol u ce u npleasant reuults an d in raany x'ayi The disi-


%D. 53: NfK E34

calty of telling wlliclz meaaiug to give tïe Girdle is madeeasy wken you fit the line lo tbt type t)f hantl whidt has itaand. do not try to ût lasciviottqmlss to every pzrrdm ojz wlmmthq Girdle is seen. A ptmr, trembling, txrîrousj cold-hazde.tlstlbject witlA tt GirClle of Venus should uoL 1ze told that heicduzges i11 great extxsses for to such an oae an extra cupof eoff'ee or tea would meau grelt disépa.tifm and yet it is on

slclz subjeets tlat you will fnd a large percelltue ofGirdles.Gord jndgment acd a cles.n way of lookins at thiugs mustbe displayed in handling the Glrdle ef Venuw wllicb, usedwit: &'so-imina* n Bill prcduce only Jood rœ ults for tûelpractitioner. Th re are tbose who seek uu pleasant sides toelxry cbaracter, au d for such the (liri:e has peculiar cbarm:butin the largestuu nzber of eases, pity a ad tenderness shpul:be t:e feelin g it inspirzh

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