laura street tjuringa aspendale...stuart kerr convenor – buildings & grounds subcommittee...

Post on 08-Oct-2020






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TJURINGA ‘Message Stick’

Term 1 Week 5 Thursday 20 February. 2020

Laura Street ASPENDALE 3195

9580 3255

From Sarah Burn, Yr 2 Leader

Dear Parents,

Night on the Green

Our fifth annual Night on the Green was held last Friday

evening in our sunny courtyard. It was great to see so many

families join in with a picnic, jump on the jumping castles,

and eat all the yummy food. A huge congratulations goes

to our 2020 student leaders, who received their badges at

a ceremony on the night. The badges were presented by

our local member, Mr Tim Richardson MP, alongside Ms

Larrieu, Mrs Regester, Mr Pearce and our School Council

President Kevin Riant.

A highlight of the evening were the musical performances!

It was lovely to see so many students up there to showcase

what they have learned in Performing Arts over the last

four weeks. A big thanks goes to the members of the

Community Events Committee and their convenor Jenn

Adkins and Sam Morris for their organisation, the families

and staff who were able to attend and help us tidy up

afterwards, as well as the instrumental teachers for giving

up their time to entertain us!

School photos

Just a reminder that next Wednesday is school photo day.

Please make sure that you send your child with their photo

envelope on Wednesday morning and don’t forget to

arrive looking extra sharp!

Sibling enrolments

Thank you to the families who have already submitted

their enrolment forms for younger siblings who will be

attending Aspendale Primary School in 2021. If you have

a younger sibling that you wish to enrol, please return their

enrolment form by the end of next week. Thank you for

your co-operation, as this will assist with our forward


Year 2 Who We Are Unit of Inquiry

The Year 2’s have been

loving learning about

how ‘Our health is

influenced by many

factors’. They have

been inquiring about

accepting differences

and getting along, as

well as how their health

can impact their

learning. Each student

has been investigating a question that they are interested

in that relates to our Central Idea and are working their

way through the LAUNCH inquiry cycle. Drop by Year 2

if you would like to find out more.

Trauma Informed Practice

On Tuesday evening our staff attended a Trauma Informed

Practice professional development session. There were

great insights into how children who have been exposed to

a trauma in their life might respond in different situations.

A lot of what we learned can be applied to all children. A

couple of take away ideas that might be useful at home are

how the brain is structured and the Regulate, Relate,

Reason model.

The clip below shows how we can demonstrate the

structure of the brain and how we can regulate our


As you will see, this clip explains that we need to be able

to regulate before we can access our cortex for higher

order thinking and reasoning. The Regulate, Relate,

Reason model is a biologically respectful strategy to

support a child to calm down. Regulate in the brainstem,

relate with the midbrain, and reason with the cortex.

Relationships Relationship Community Team

Our Respectful Relationships community team met last

Wednesday the 19th of February after school. This team

was formed in 2019, when our school was also chosen as

a Lead School within the Bayside Peninsula North Cluster.

We are continuing to implement the Respectful

Relationships program and embedding this culture of

respect within our whole school community. The team is

made up of students, parents, staff and community

members who will share their expertise, perspectives and

personal experiences throughout the year. It is led by our

Respectful Relationships Leader, Eoin Blane, who is

leading our school's involvement in our Community of

Practice. Other team members include: Jemma Dyer and

Maadi Rogers (student leaders), Allison Wainwright,

Nadine Lamb and Laura Bione (parent members), Jenni

Aldersea, Steph McGorlick and Tom Pearce (staff

members) and Perissa Amirinia (community member from

Central Bayside Health Services). If you would like more

information about the Respectful Relationships program

or our community team, please feel free to approach one

of it’s member.

Kind regards

Sarah Burn

Yr 2 Leader

Foundation Working Bee Saturday 29th February 2020

10am – 12pm

See attached flyer.


Staff in Profile – Stela Matthews

Hi everyone! I’m Stela Matthews, the

new Performing Arts teacher. I’m so

excited to be jamming out with all of

you in 2020! I have over 30 years of

experience as a Music and Maths

teacher in both primary and secondary


I enjoy travelling with my family, taking

my dog Ricki Baker for a walk down the

beach, caring for the environment and

rockin’ out with my band called ADDS.

Chat soon. Happy playing!

New Members - Buildings & Grounds Subcommittee

Dear Parents and Carers,

The buildings and grounds subcommittee is looking for

keen individuals to members of our team. You do not have

to be handy, but just have a genuine willingness to help

improve the school environment for our kids and the

community. The commitment is usually one meeting per

term, attendance of at least one working bee, and helping

out with the odd grounds-improvement project throughout

the year. If you are interested please contact Stuart Kerr

directly on or contact the Front


I look forward to hearing from some of you soon!

Kind Regards,

Stuart Kerr

Convenor – Buildings & Grounds Subcommittee



Saturday 29 Foundation Working Bee


Wednesday 4 W6 Whole School Photos

Friday 6 Summer Lightning Premiership

Monday 9 W7 Labour Day Holiday

Tuesday 10 Curriculum Day

Wednesday 11

Wed 11-25

Division Swimming

Yr 6 Girls Footy Day - Seaford

Life Ed Van

Thursday 12 Marine Ambassador Workshop

Tuesday 17 W8 School Council 7pm

Monday 16-20 Yr 1-4 Swimming Program

Monday 23-27 W9 Foundation Swimming

Tuesday 24 Yr 4-6 House Athletics

Friday 27 End Term 1 Dismissal 2.30pm


Tuesday 14 W1 Term 2 Begins

Friday 17 Yr 1 Team Building Incursion

Monday 27-

May 1

W3 Dental Van Visit

April 29 Playground Craze F-2


Wednesday 6 W4 Yr 1 Flying Bookworm Inc

Monday 18 W6 District X Country - Cornish


For your convenience Lost Property will be displayed out on the decking every morning from

8.30am – 9.15am & every afternoon from

3.00pm – 4.00pm If you have lost an item please come and have a

look as there are quite a few items that are not


We ask that you please ensure that all items are marked clearly with your child’s name

as this will assist us with returning your items to you.

Foundation PARENTS and families

come along and join us for TERM 1 WORKING BEE

SATURDAY, 29th February 2020, 10.00am –12.00pm

Dear families in Foundation

Term 1 School Working Bee will be held on Saturday 29th February at 10.00am for the parents and students in your child’s class.

Each term the Buildings and Grounds Sub-committee of the School Council organises a working bee aligned to 1 or 2 levels of the school. You are asked to attend just one Working Bee each year. Any amount of time you can contribute will be greatly appreciated, even one hour would be great, as a number of labour-intensive tasks are planned for these mornings. It’s also a great way to get to know other foundation parents!

The convenor for this Working Bee will be Mr Stuart Kerr. Please see Stuart upon your arrival, (At the front of the school near the veggie garden)

Light Refreshments will be provided at 12:00pm for all adults and children!


Thank you in advance for contributing to the maintenance and beautification of our grounds to the benefit of all students.

Yours sincerely, 2020 School Council Buildings and Grounds Sub- Committee

Please return this slip to your child’s teacher by TUESDAY, 25th February. Thank you

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPLY SLIP - Foundation Working Bee Saturday, 29th February - 10.00am – 12.00pm Child’s Name: _______________________ Grade: ______

YES, I am able to attend …….. No. attending NO, I am unable to attend Signed: ____________________________ Please print Name: _____________________________________



EQUIPMENT REQUIRED School has a lot of equipment. If bringing your

own, please clearly name this. Grounds & entrances Removing sand, rubbish, leaves, from all asphalt &

yard areas, paths, entrances, steps Brooms and rakes, gloves wheelbarrows

School Hall (if required)

Sweeping/blowing around exterior, clearing/killing weeds as required

Brooms, Blower, gloves, smaller container for weeds

Sandpits Raking and removing debris, tidying edges on long jump pit as required.

Rakes, forks, wheelbarrows, spades.

Play equipment areas Spreading/turning over soft-fall mulch Spades, forks, wheelbarrows Weeding (if required)

Killing/clearing weeds –a) around fenceline; b) within play equipment areas c) around all steps, porches, concrete areas.

Gloves, brushcutter, wheelbarrows, Smaller containers, gloves

Drains Clean out/sweep all drains. Shovel, broom, gloves Gardens Pruning, weeding, spreading mulch if required,

some watering (from tanks) Wheel barrow, spade,

Congratulations to the follow 34 students who h represented Aspendale Primary School at the Chelsea District Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 19th February. Well done to Evangeline Teirney and James Milner for being voted in as the 2020 Swimming Captains, displaying outstanding leadership and being an inspiration to our younger swimmers. Congratulations on outstanding swimming results. 14 students qualifying through to the Kingston Division Swimming Competition on Wednesday March 11th. Aspendale dominated the relays, swimming 5 out of the 8 on offer. Good luck and swim your best!

Congratulations to Collins House for winning the 2019 House Swimming carnival held late in December. Well done to Ruby Overton and James Milner for collecting the trophy on behalf of Flinders.

Year 6 Year 5 Year 4

Evangeline Teirney (C) Olivia Heck Tessa Meeve

James Milner (C) Charlotte Mounter Henry Watson

Madeline O’Donnell Zoe Rewell Elliott O’Brien

Ruby Overton Camille Stephens Tahj Hasnat

Tyler Vorrath Louis Hetherington Bryony Kerr

Hamish Macdonald Brody Wanless Kacey Moore

Meg Perkin Corey Fletcher Kobe Metz

Maverick Lisi Gray Ben McIver Lily Mackay

Max Byrns Jasmine Sorrell Oscar Granger

Lara Seeary Ava McIntosh Liam Moss

Thomas Street Melissa Nguyen Ava Adkins

Grace Patten

Nathan Page

Jesse Page

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