lathkill dale latest

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Lathkill Dale FieldtripGeology Presentation – 23.11.10

Group and Roles

•Cheryl Bennett – Note Taker and Fossil researcher.

•Deb Royle – Photographer, Presenter and Rock researcher. •Michelle Townsend - Photographer and History writer. •Katy Dixon – Note Taker and PowerPoint designer.

•Kelly Marie Farnsworth – Photographer and Summary writer.


Past and Present

Lathkill Dale Map

Entrance•Limestone bridge over river.•Fossils (mainly bivalve molluscs) have been revealed due to the wear of visitors shoes on the now polished stone.•Area was once a limestone mill featuring a large water wheel.

Site One

Limestone rock on side of path.

Visible bedding planes dipping to the north.

Saturated with water allowing plans and fauna to grow.

Site Two

Mining hole – would have been mined for iron and lead.

Mining in Lathkill Dale has taken place since the bronze age.

The hole would have been a way of draining the mine for ore. This method was called sough.

Site Three

•Mandale Mine: this building is limestone as are the pilers used to carry water over the valley to power the water wheel.•There is a legal obligation to protect the area.•A popular potholing site.

Site Four

Jacobs Ladder fossil area included; Brachiopods also known as Gigantas procuctus (pictured top right) and sea lilies.

Limestone was quarried by hammering in large pins, so as to split evenly (pictured bottom right).

Site Four Continued

•Sea lilies, also known as “Derbyshire screw” consisted of a stalk and tentacles. When the lilies died they lay on the sea bed and were imprinted into the fossils we see today (pictured right and below).


Thanks for watching!

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