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From: lutsyshyn@iloguest.orgSubject: MailChimp Template Test - "Department Newsletter #1 - Final Version (copy 01)"

Date: 8 May 2018 at 09:27To:

Promoting full and productive employment by developing integrated employment, development and skillspolicies that are inclusive, gender sensitive and sustainable.

Issue 1 - April 2018

Dear Reader, I am delighted to introduce this inaugural issue of the Employment Policy Department E-Newsletter. Themain aims of the newsletter are to better connect, share and communicate with each other, and with ourconstituents, development partners, and international organizations, among other key stakeholders. Herewe can share what we are thinking, researching, and creating – our latest and forthcoming publications,reports, global tools and products – as they relate to policies, programmes and initiatives on employment,development and skills. We will also include other information and news items such as upcoming eventsand initiatives in which we are engaged. From time to time we will feature global products and toolsproduced by the Department, in addition to dedicating whole issues to special themes and topics. I inviteyou to circulate this newsletter among your colleagues, partners and professional network to give it aswide a circulation as possible.

Sangheon Lee,Director, Employment Policy Department

Latest publications - Publications les plus récentes - Últimas publicaciones

Recognition of prior learning (RPL): Learning package. Describes thekey building blocks of a well-functioning and inclusive RPL system, andoffers a wealth of case studies and examples of how different countrieshave approached this endeavor. More

Skills policies and systems for a future workforce, Issue brief 8. Partof the Future of Work briefs prepared by the ILO, this Issue Brief providesan overview of skills requirements for the future of work and considershow skills development systems can be transformed to meet these needs.The brief also discusses issues about the financing of lifelong learningand the respective responsibilities of governments, enterprises andworkers. More

Constraints and good practice in women’s entrepreneurship inMENA, Impact report series, Issue 10. Reviews women’sentrepreneurship development in the MENA region by providing a detailedassessment of the barriers that women face when starting a business andthe landscape of active labour market policies (ALMPs) available tofacilitate women’s entrepreneurship. More

Mainstreaming green job issues into national employment policiesand implementation plans: A review, Employment WorkingPaper No. 227. The paper documents in detail the type of measures thatan increasing number of countries are adopting to promote more andbetter employment and a just transition to environmentalsustainability. More

Complementarities between labour market institutions and theircausal impact on youth labour market outcomes, EmploymentWorking Paper No. 224. The paper analyses theoretically and empiricallythe effects on young people’s labour market outcomes of two specificlabour market institutions and their interaction: employment protectionlegislation and active labour market policy. More

legislation and active labour market policy. More

Creating jobs through public investment. The document providesinformation about the main components of the Employment IntensiveInvestment Programme (EIIP) of the ILO, namely Employment ImpactAssessment, Public Employment Programmes (PEPs), Public and PrivateSector Development, Green Works, Community and Local Resource-Based Approaches, and Emergency Employment. More

Country briefs examining the gender and youth dimensions ofemployment, paying particular attention to the rural economy – producedas part of the Taqeem Initiative on What works in Youth Employment:- Jordan: Young women’s employment and empowerment in the ruraleconomy;- Morocco: Young women’s employment and empowerment in the ruraleconomy.

Research briefs on national employment policy (NEP) implementation inselected countries:- Employment policy implementation mechanism in Argentina;- Employment policy implementation mechanisms in Burkina Faso;- Employment policy implementation mechanism in Brazil;- Employment policy implementation mechanisms in China;- Employment policy implementation mechanisms in the Republic ofKorea;- Employment policy implementation mechanisms in South Africa;- Employment policy implementation mechanisms in the European Union; - Employment policy implementation mechanisms in Germany and theUnited Kingdom.

Upcoming events - Evènements à venir - Futuros eventos

Innovations for decent jobs for youth. 2-3 May. Geneva, Switzerland.The event is part of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth.It provides a platform for governments, social partners, youth and civilsociety, private sector, foundations, UN entities and beyond to explorecollaboration on innovations that work for decent jobs for youth under the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More

Global forum on migration and development (GFMD): Thematicworkshop on skills and labour migration. 3 May. Geneva,Switzerland. As part of the GFMD contribution to the United Nations’Global Compact on Migration, this event on skills and labour migrationwith the participation of the ILO Skills and Employability Branch andLabour Migration Branch will be held in early May. More

Forum on evidence and impact measurement: What works in youthand women’s employment in MENA? 7-8 May. Cairo, Egypt. The ILOwill join partners to share the current status and progress on what works inyouth and women’s employment in the MENA region while promotingmulti-sectoral collaboration to define and address priorities for policyformulation. More

E-discussion on quality, innovative apprenticeships for the future ofwork. 14-25 May. Online. The online discussion aims to examine the roleof quality apprenticeships, and other work-based learning programmes, aspart of the solution to the challenge of youth unemployment and preparingthe workforce for the fast-changing skills demands of the labour market.Organized by the ILO with support from partner organizations such as theEuropean Alliance for Apprenticeships, the European Commission, theOECD, UNESCO and the Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN). More

Recent events - Evènements les plus récents - Últimos eventos

ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up. 23-26April. New York, United States. The ECOSOC Forum on Financing forDevelopment follow up is an intergovernmental process with universalparticipation mandated to review the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AddisAgenda) and other financing for development outcomes and the means ofimplementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Ms. SuktiDasgupta, ILO Chief of Employment and Labour Markets Branch,participated in a Round Table on "Trade, science, technology, innovationand capacity-building". More

2018 Global Commodities Forum, "Building skills for sustainabledevelopment". 23-24 April. Geneva, Switzerland. The Forum provided a

2018 Global Commodities Forum, "Building skills for sustainabledevelopment". 23-24 April. Geneva, Switzerland. The Forum provided ahigh-level, neutral, multi-stakeholder platform to discuss issues related tothe production and trade of commodities. ILO participation includedremarks by ILO Director of the Employment Policy Department SangheonLee during the Opening Ceremony. Session 1 on Skills for Trade andEconomic Diversification was organized and moderated by the Skills andEmployability Branch, with the participation of the Employers ConsultationAssociation of Malawi. More

11th WAPES World Congress. 19-20 April, Marrakesh, Morocco. The11th World Congress of the World Association of Public EmploymentServices (WAPES) met in Morocco on 19-20 April on the theme of PublicEmployment Services in the Context of Sustainable Development and theDigital Age. Under the new WAPES Presidency lead by Morocco and theManaging Board, the following issues were discussed, some involving thedirect engagement of the ILO: the impact of digital technology onemployment, entrepreneurship for job creation in the digital age, digitaltechnology in the delivery of services for PES, e-learning and increasedemployability and digital literacy - a basic skill to survive in the digitalage. More

Inter-agency capacity building training on skills needs anticipationand matching. 16-20 April. Turin, Italy. The course discussed theunderlying principles, general methodologies and different approachesthat can assist national policy-makers, experts and stakeholders inanalysing and identifying present and future skills needs. The ILOprovided resource persons for this event. More

Policy course: Designing an integrated policy framework for thetransition to the formal economy. 16-20 April, Turin, Italy. The coursefollows a policy cycle management approach and aims to build capacitiesamong government officials, social partners and relevant stakeholders todesign, implement and monitor integrated policy frameworks that facilitatethe transition to formal employment. More

High-Level Conference: Future of work: A lifecycle approach. 21-22March. Sofia, Bulgaria. The objective of the Conference was toencourage an exchange of views on challenges and opportunities relatedto the future of work in the context of a lifecycle approach. TheEmployment and Labour Market Branch of the Employment PolicyDepartment participated in order to share the ILO’s expertise in, andcommitment to, this subject area. More

E-discussion: Lifelong learning for the future of work. 16-29 March.Online. The online dialogue brought together a range of stakeholders todiscuss concrete policy options in developed and developing countries forpromoting lifelong learning. It has been organized in the framework of theILO Centenary Initiative on the Future of Work. More

News - Nouvelles - Noticias

Why anticipating the need for skills helps spread benefits of tradeand growth. Q&A with Con Gregg, ILO Specialist on Skills NeedsAnticipation, for the 2018 Global Commodities Forum in Geneva, 23-24April. More

Our impact, their voices: “We cannot live without doinganything”. Article highlighting the impact of the Kinofelis public worksprogramme in Greece, which has helped some 45,000 beneficiaries find ajob, giving new hope to communities in the crisis-shaken country. The ILOwas asked by the European Commission to improve the programme byfocusing on skills, social protection and the payment of the minimumwage. More

Nuestro impacto, sus historias: Ecuador: En busca de un nuevofuturo después del terremoto. Una familia residente de una ciudadafectada por esta catástrofe producida en 2016, se recupera rápidamentegracias a un programa de la OIT basado en la creación y desarrollo denegocios. Más

Gender and European Economic Policy: Survey of Europeaneconomists finds sizable gender gaps in opinions. The study finds asizable gender gap among economists in Europe, with women and menholding different views on a broad range of issues such as austerity policy,

holding different views on a broad range of issues such as austerity policy,regulation of high-risk financial transactions, renewable energy, hydraulicfracturing, drilling in the Arctic Refuge and genetically modified crop. More

How do skills development systems, policies and strategies impactour lives? This article provides an overview of the goals of the project“Applying the G20 Training Strategy: A partnership of the ILO and theRussian Federation” that aims to strengthen national and sectoral skillsdevelopment systems in Armenia, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, VietNam and five regions of the Russian Federation. Also presents highlightsof interventions and impact of the project to date. More- News release on the Applying the G20 Training Strategy project

Multimedia - Multimédia - Multimedia

Video. Rising to the youth employment challenge: ILO evidence onyouth labour markets. The presentation was part of a panel titled“Promoting Youth Inclusion for Sustainable and Resilient Communities”, inthe framework of World Social Work Day 2018.

Podcast. UN Gender Focus: The economics of genderbalance. Presents viewpoints that emerged from a study supported by theILO looking at the differences between the sexes on economics and publicpolicy.

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