laptop as wireless router-ad hoc-computer to computer

Post on 07-Apr-2015






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Wireless Network Properties Tcp/Ip properties –ip address -

Subnet mask - ok

Only If your wired LAN ip is private Give above ip otherwise not

1) Share Wired Ethernet (Properties) with--- wireless Network connection

{ If 1-LAN(Eth) , 2-Wireless Network , 3-Bluetooth r enabled – Then on Wired LAN(Eth) Properties Advanced Tab will be like following fig. }

(If any 1 out of 3 disable –then on Wired LAN(Eth) Properties Advanced Tab will be like Following fig.)

2) Open wireless Network Properties wireless Network tab or icon where wireless Networks profiles saved e.g. Intel®proset/Wireless

3) Create New profile name (e.g. Parimal) it ----by (Add)

Give SSID Name Mark on Device to Device (ad hoc)


Set password 0f 10 hex values(0 – 9 a b c d e f) or 5 characters [if WEP 64bit]

e.g. 1234567890 or zaxsc etc.

Keep Key Index - 1

{{{ Set password 0f 26 hex values(0 – 9 a b c d e f) or 13 characters [if WEP 128bit]

[{ Network Autentication- OPEN , Data Encryption –WEP if asked }] }}}


Ensure wired Ethernet (LAN) is connected to internet.

4) Open Profiles.

5) connect name(Parimal) network (On laptop which is acting as a router)

In Laptop which is acting as router(Wireless Access point) will look like this.

[ Before connecting any laptop to this ]

Now it will start Broadcasting SSID to other Laptops.

6) Try on another(2nd) laptop…….. view available wireless network for the name (Parimal)

Connect ---Enter key 1234567890 or zaxsc ….

You will find ----IBSS Joined or connected

In Laptop which is acting as router(Wireless Access point) will look like this.

It will show IBSS Joined or Connected. (or Signal Quality: Excellent , Very Good ….)

Start Browsing on Laptops or Mobile..….

It’s working…..

FOR WINDOWS default adapter

GO to wi-fi adapter –properties-wireless networks- add -

Give –ssid—name

Network key -1234567890123 or any u wish..

Don’t forget to MARK this is computer-to-computer(ad hoc) network

Ok & view wireless – connect to Parimal ( whatever ssid u’ve given).

It will start broadcasting your SSID –connect –provide key u’ve given…….enjoy…

Have fun of sharing……

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