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Lamar Public Schools

Lamar, Arkansas

Parent & Family Engagement


Lamar School District

Parental Involvement Plan


Mission Statement:

•Lamar School District encourages and expects parents to be actively involved, in the education of their

own children. Lamar School District has developed and implemented the Parent & Family Engagement

Plan and will strive to meet the specific needs of students and families.

Lamar School District Parental Involvement Committee Members:

Jay Holland, Superintendent

Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs/Curriculum/Dist PI Facilitator

Mike McCarley, Elementary Principal

Lance Spence, Middle School Principal

Mitch Harris, High School Principal

Shane Gordon, District Assistant Principal

Emily Morrison, Elementary Teacher, Parental Involvement Facilitator

Lacy Zachary, Middle School Special Education, Parental Involvement Facilitator

Jeanna Cook, High School Media Specialist, Parental Involvement Facilitator

Sheila Key, Instructional Facilitator Literacy

Jennifer Hignite, Instructional Facilitator Literacy

Dave Meador, High School Counselor

Chris Arnold, Middle School Counselor

Angie James , Parent

Michelle Bacchus, Parent

Aimee Pearson, Parent

Salvador Flores, Parent

Paula Ober, Community

TK Clubb, Community

Miranda Kenner, Community

School Board Approval: July 15, 2019

Lamar School District shall:

1: Jointly Developed Expectations and Objectives

Involve parents in the development of the District Parent & Family policy & plan and the school

improvement plans

Establish expectations and objectives for meaningful involvement, reflecting the specific needs of

students and families

Involve parents in the process of school review and improvement under Section 1116 of NCLB June 18,


Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Action: Quarterly Evaluation meetings Timeline: June 18, 2019; October 28, 2019; January 22, 2020; April 1, 2020; June, 2020

Conduct an annual meeting June, 2020 to update policy for next year's Title I, Part A program. Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Timeline: June, 2020

Establish parental involvement contact person at each of the Title I, Part A schools. Emily Morrison, Lamar Elementary; Lacey Zachary, Lamar Middle School; Jeanna Cook, Lamar High School Contact Person: Jay Holland, Superintendent Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Timeline: July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Involve parents through an annual survey and review to improve school effectiveness. The Annual Survey to be used in the Annual Review(June, 2020) will be conducted April, 2020. Contact Person: Emily Morrison, Parent Facilitator Contact Number: 479-885-3363 Timeline: April, 2020 & June, 2020 Develop district parent community advisory committee to create a Parent & Family Engagement policy and implement parental involvement activities, as well as, disseminate information to the community to promote Parent & Family Engagement, in the Title I, Part A schools. File with the Department of Education by August 1 [Indistar] Lamar School District will submit, to the ADE, the comments from parents who deem the schoolwide plan unsatisfactory Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Timeline: June 18, 2019 and ongoing

Monitor each Title I, Part A School to ensure that each school performs the following tasks:

Develop Parent & Family Engagement policy

Offer flexible meeting times

Provide information to parents about the school's program, include parent information guide

Develop and use the School-Parent Compact

Parent-Teacher Conference at Lamar Elementary, at least annually, during which the compact will be

discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement, September 18, 2019.

Provide training for parents in working with their child to improve academic achievement, to include

training on the phone notification system in order to have real-time access to their child's attendance

and achievement.

Contact Person: Mike McCarley, Elementary Principal

Contact Number: 479-885-3363

Timeline: June 18, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Provide a copy of the Lamar School District Parent & Family Engagement Plan at each School Building, District’s website, for parents to view, as well as, provide a copy to each parent, included in the District’s Student Handbook. School Board approved July 2019 Ensure, to the extent possible, that information is sent home in a language and form parents can understand. Parent signatures will be obtained from each parent, acknowledging receipt of Lamar School District’s Parent & Family Engagement Plan. Contact Person: Lacy Zachary, Parent Facilitator Contact Number: 479-885-6511 Timeline: August 1, annually each year

Convene annual school meeting to inform parents of their school's participation in the development of the Parent & Family Engagement policy and their right to be involved. Contact Person: Jeanna Cook, Parent Facilitator Contact Number: 479-885-3344 Timeline: August 6, 2019 & September 9, 2019

2: Building Staff Capacity through Training and Technical Assistance Enhance the awareness and skills of teachers, pupil service personnel, principals, and staff in reaching out to, communicating with, and working with parents as equal partners. Contact Person: Lance Spence, Middle School Principal Contact Number: 479-885-6511 Timeline: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Encourage parents to visit/volunteer at school by assisting staff in developing volunteer opportunities as

well as training staff to encourage and build volunteer efforts.

Contact Person: Paula Ober, Community

Contact Number: 479-885-3344

Timeline: August 14, 2019 – May 21, 2020

Lamar School District will ensure professional development requirements are met for teachers and

administrators through Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative; approved on-campus training;

Arkansas IDEAS

Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs

Contact Number: 479-885-3907

Timeline: June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020

Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support to schools in:

Jointly-developing school parent and family engagement plans

Implementing effective parent and family involvement activities

Jointly-developing school-parent compact

Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs

Contact Number: 479-885-3907

Timeline: July/August, 2019

Lamar School District will provide training through Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative; approved

on-campus training; Arkansas IDEAS, to train teachers, specialized instructional support personnel,

principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in:

The value and utility of contributions of parents

How to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners

How to implement and coordinate parent programs

How to build ties between parents and the school

Contact Person: Mitch Harris, High School Principal

Contact Number: 479-885-3344

Timeline: June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020

Provide training annually for volunteers

Contact Person: Emily Morrison, Parent Facilitator

Contact Number: 479-885-3363

Timeline: August 15, 2019

3: Building Parent Capacity

Provide information to participating parents in such areas as national, state, and local education goals, including parents' rights as defined in Title I, Part A. Contact Person: Jennifer Hignite, Instructional Facilitator Literacy Contact Number: 479-885-6511 Timeline: August 6, 2019 & September 9, 2019

Provide resources and assistance for parents to learn about child development, child rearing practices,

and academic strategies that are designed to help parents become full partners in the education of their


Contact Person: Sheila Key, Instructional Facilitator Literacy

Contact Number: 479-885-3363

Timeline: August 14, 2019 – May 21, 2020

Provide assistance to parents in understanding:

The challenging State academic standards

State and local academic assessments

The requirements of Title I, Part A

How to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their


Contact Person: Chris Arnold, Middle School Counselor Contact Number: 479-885-6511 Timeline: August 14, 2019 – May 21, 2020 Involve parents through an annual survey to improve school effectiveness, to guide the evaluation process of School Improvement Plans Contact Person: Lacy Zachary, Parent Facilitator Contact Number: 479-885-6511 Timeline: April 2020

Approve reasonable and necessary expenses associated with Parent & Family Engagement activities. Contact Person: Jay Holland, Superintendent Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Timeline: August 14, 2019 – May 21, 2020

Provide materials and training, not otherwise available, to assist parents in supporting their child's academic achievement. Contact Person: Dave Meador, High School Counselor Contact Number: 479-885-3344 Timeline: August 14, 2019 – May 21, 2020

4: Reservation and Evaluation

Develop procedures for collecting parent participation documentation through sign-in lists for workshops, meetings, and conferences; schedules; brochures; meeting notes; and other means as appropriate throughout the school year. Contact Person: Lance Spence, Middle School Principal Contact Number: 479-885-6511 Timeline: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Assist in the development of Parent-Family& community engagement advisory committee at each school. Each School’s Advisory Committee will be involved with the review and approval of its Parent & Family Engagement Plan & Improvement Plan Contact Person: Shane Gordon, District Assistant Principal Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Timeline: June 18, 2019

Survey parents annually, including questions to identify: Barriers; Needs; Strategies Contact Person: Lacy Zachary, Parent Facilitator Contact Number: 479-885-3363 Action: Each school will conduct a survey to identify , barriers, needs & strategies Timeline: April 2020

Provide an opportunity for the parents to assist in the development of the evaluation procedures, including analysis of data collected. Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Action: Quarterly Evaluation meetings Timeline: June 18, 2019; ; October 28, 2019; January 22, 2020; April 1, 2020; June, 2020 Use finding from evaluation process to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parental involvement, June 18, 2019 Provide suggestions for designing school improvement policies, as they relate to Parent & Family Engagement. Develop and disseminate an annual parent activity evaluation report to share with parents, staff and the community. Contact Person: Kaylynn Holland, Federal Programs Contact Number: 479-885-3907 Action: Quarterly Evaluation meetings Timeline: June 18, 2019; October 28, 2019; January 22, 2020; April 1, 2020; June, 2020

5: Coordination

Recruit parents to serve on District School Improvement Committee to develop the Title I Application. Lamar School District will provide multiple opportunities for regular meetings, at flexible times, for parents to formulate suggestions and participate in decisions concerning Title I part A and the education of their children. Contact Person: Mike McCarley, Elementary Principal Contact Number: 479-885-3363 Action: Quarterly Evaluation meetings Timeline: June 18, 2019; October 28, 2019; January 22, 2020; April 1, 2020; June, 2020

Encourage the formation of partnerships between schools and local businesses that includes roles for parents. Contact Person: Miranda Kenner, Community Contact Number: 479-885-3966 Timeline: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Involve parents through an annual survey to improve district & each school’s implementation &

effectiveness of Federal, State and Local programs & activities

Contact Person: Lacy Zachary, Parent Facilitator

Contact Number: 479-885-6511

Timeline: April, 2020

Each School’s Parent Resource Center is located in the School’s Library

Contact Person: Jeanna Cook, Parent Facilitator

Contact Number: 479-885-3344

Timeline: August 14, 2019 – May21, 2020

Lamar School District Goal:

Lamar School District will engage in effective, on-going two-way communication with Families &

Community to Improve Reading Levels K-12, as measured by growth in the five family plan sections from

August 14, 2019 – May 21, 2020.

Identified Key Elements:

Use open, respectful, and honest two-way communication

Offer and use a variety of communication tools

Support families to assist their child(ren) with developmentally appropriate learning (tutorials, ideas, articles)

Resources/Actions to help achieve the goal:

R.I.S.E. Arkansas Short Promo Video

Link: resource

“Arkansas Guide for Promoting Family Engagement “ resource

5 Ways to Prevent Summer Slide:

summer-slide_us_5b51dd08e4b0b15aba8dfe06 resource

Each School will provide resources and support to ensure student achievement & improving

Reading Levels K-12

Theory of Action:

If School Administrators, Faculty, Students, Parents & Community members, use open, respectful and

honest two-way communication, through the use of a variety of communication tools; supporting

families to assist their child or children with developmentally appropriate learning, through the use of

tutorials, ideas, articles, etc…Then families will have the support needed to engage in their Child’s

education, ensuring student achievement and increasing student reading levels.

Timeline: June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020

Action: The District will meet with each School’s School Improvement Team & Parent Engagement

Team, quarterly September, 2019, October 28, 2019; January 22, 2020; April 1, 2020; June, 2020. The

quarterly meetings will analyze data, including but not limited to, BOY, MOY, & EOY reading data; ACT

Aspire Summative & Interim Assessments to measure Student growth in Reading & effectiveness of

Reading instruction, programs, activities and Parent Engagement. The Building teams will review fund

allocations; supplemental programs and activities effectiveness in Reading Improvement & Increasing

Parent Engagement.

Monitor: School Meeting /Parent Activity Sign-in Sheets ; K-12 , BOY, MOY, & EOY reading data; ACT

Aspire Summative Reading Score; ACT Aspire Interim Reading Scores; STAR Reading; RTI Progress


Lamar School Student/Parent Compact

In order for your child to be successful in school and learn to the best of their ability a strong voluntary

commitment must be made by individuals to themselves and to others.

As a Student … I Promise To…

*** attend school every day

*** be on time

*** bring pencil, paper, books and be ready to learn

*** complete and turn in classroom and homework assignments

*** ask for help when I need it

*** do my best work in school

*** respect and cooperate with others

As a Parent/Guardian … I Promise To…

*** see that my child attends school every day

*** see that he/she is on time

*** praise and encourage my child each day

*** help my child learn to respect the school staff and the cultural differences of others

*** provide a quiet place for my child to study and read

*** attend all parent/teacher conferences

*** check my child’s backpack every night and tell my child what I like about his/her work

*** work with my child on areas that need improvement because I want my child to succeed

As a Teacher/Staff/Administrator… I Promise To…

*** show that I care about all students

*** have high expectations for myself, students, teachers and staff

*** communicate and work with families to support students’ learning

*** provide a safe environment for learning

*** respect the cultural differences of students and their families

*** encourage students and parents with regular student progress reports

*** be patient and understanding


Activity Date Responsible Evidence

Summer School

Meeting 6/11 Mike McCarley Sign In Sheet

Title 1 Meeting 8/6 Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet


Calendars Ongoing Emily Morrison Signature from parent

Start Smart 7/29-8/1 Amber Deen Attendance

Volunteer Meeting 8/15 Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet

Water Day 8/22 Mike McCarley Attendance

After School Reading

Only Tutoring September-

April Martha White Attendance

Parent Teacher

Conferences 9/17 Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet

HAC Information 9/17 Emily Morrison

% of parents signed up before and after PT Conferences

Facebook Posts Ongoing Angie Rider # of people engaged in posts

Grandparents Day 9/6 Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet

Reading Strategies

Parent Training 10/1

Sheila Key & Deanna Bates

Sign In Sheet

STAR Testing Ongoing Mike McCarley Grades

Fall Carnival 10/25 Emily Morrison Tickets Sold

1st Quarter Data Review School

Improvement & Parent & Family Engagement

October 28, 2019 @ 1:30pm

Sheila Key & Deanna Bates

Sign In Sheet

Literacy Night 12/12

Sheila Key & Deanna Bates

Sign In Sheet

Thanksgiving Feast November Kindergarten Sign In Sheet

Refresher Volunteer

Meeting 1/9 Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet

2nd Quarter Data Review School

Improvement & Parent & Family Engagement

January 22, 2020 @ 1:30pm

Sheila Key & Deanna Bates

Sign In Sheet

Parent Teacher

Conferences 2/6 Mike McCarley Sign In Sheet

Internet Safety March Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet

3rd Quarter Data Review School

Improvement & Parent & Family Engagement

April 1, 2020 @ 1:30pm

Sheila Key & Deanna Bates

Sign In Sheet

Parent & Family

Engagement Survey April 2020 Emily Morrison Survey

Teacher Appreciation

Week May Emily Morrison Volunteer List

Parent & Family Engagement Final

Review & Update 2020-21

June 2020 Emily Morrison Sign In Sheet


Activity Date Responsible Evidence

Heat Awareness

Meeting July 2019 Brett Sampley Sign In Sheet

8th Grade Orientation

July 23 & 24, 2019

Jeanna Cook Attendance

Title 1 Meeting

August 6 @ 7:30pm

Mitch Harris Sign In Sheet

Open House

August 6 @ 5:30-7:30pm

Mitch Harris Sign In Sheet

Volunteer Sign up August 6 Jeanna Cook Sign in sheet

Volunteer Training

August, 2019 Jeanna Cook Sign in

Senior Orientation August 2019 Dave Meador sign In Sheet

Little Free Library showcasing Lutherville

on FB

September 2019

Jeanna Cook #of people engaged in post

HAC Information

September, 2019

Jeanna Cook survey

Parent Teacher

Conferences September

17 & Mitch Harris Sign In Sheet

February 6

College Night

October 2019

Dave Meador Sign In Sheet

1st Quarter Data Review School

Improvement & Parent & Family Engagement

October 28, 2019 @ 8:30am

Donette Crotts Matt Little

Sign In Sheet

EAST Night Out

October 2019

Cindy Dunn Sign In Sheet

Little Free Library showcasing Hagarville

on FB

November 2019

Jeanna Cook #of people engaged in post

Little Free Library showcasing Ozone on


December 2019

Jeanna Cook #of people engaged in post

2nd Quarter Data Review School

Improvement & Parent & Family Engagement

January 22, 2020 @ 8:30am

Donette Crotts Matt Little

Sign In Sheet

Little Free Library

showcasing Knoxville January 2020 Jeanna Cook

#of people engaged in post & Check out lists

Little Free Library showcasing Lamar

February 2020

Jeanna Cook #of people engaged in post

Literacy Night March 2020 Donette Crotts Sign In Sheet

Little Free Library

showcasing Flat Rock March 2020 Jeanna Cook #of people engaged in post

3rd Quarter Data Review School

Improvement & Parent & Family Engagement

April 1, 2020 @ 8:30am

Donette Crotts Matt Little

Sign In Sheet

Parent & Family

Engagement Survey April 2020 Jeanna Cook Survey

Daddy/Daught Dance April 2020 Jeanna Cook Sign up sheet

Prom Safety April 2020 Cindy Dunn Sign In Sheet

Parent & Family Engagement Final

Review & Update 2020-21

June 2020 Jeanna Cook Sign In Sheet

Lamar Middle School Parent and Family Engagement Activities

Activity Timeline Contact Person Evidence

Heat Awareness July 9, 2019 Brett

Sampley Sign in

4th Grade Orientation July 22 & 23, 2019 Lacy Zachary Sign in

Book Talks Monthly 2019-20

Donna Vorster/Lacy

Zachary Survey/Sign in

Open House August 6, 2019 Lacy Zachary Sign in

Volunteer Sign up August 6, 2019 Lacy Zachary Sign in

Volunteer Training August, 2019 Lacy Zachary Sign in

Parent Teacher Conference September 17, 2019

Lance Spence Sign in

1st Quarter Data Review School Improvement &

Parent & Family Engagement

October 28, 2019 @ 10am Jennifer

Hignite Paula Holt

Sign In

Incentive Days(ACT Asprie 2018-19 Growth) November 25 &26, 2019 Chris Arnold survey

Safe Talk Fall 2019 Chris Arnold sign in

Author Night Fall 2019 Jennifer Hignite Sign in

Wellness/Health Night Fall 2019 Miranda Kenner Sign in

STEAM Night Fall 2019 Lacy Zachary Sign in

WITS (Writers in the Schools) Spring 2020

Jennifer Hignite survey

2nd Quarter Data Review School Improvement &

Parent & Family Engagement

January 22, 2020 @ 10am Jennifer

Hignite Paula Holt

Sign In

Parent Teacher Conference February 6, 2020

Lance Spence Sign in

3rd Quarter Data Review School Improvement &

Parent & Family Engagement

April 1, 2020 @ 10am Jennifer

Hignite Paula Holt

Sign In

Parent & Family Engagement Survey

April 2020 Lacy Zachary Survey

Literacy Awards Ceremony Spring 2020 Lacy Zachary Sign in

Parent & Family Engagement Final Review &

Update 2020-21 June 2020 Lacy Zachary Sign In

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