laid u p o i ^ i i i i . n u l t u m h e h o u s e · 2017-08-23 · laid u p o i ^ i i i i . n u l...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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L A I D U P O i ^ i i i i . n U L t u M H E H O U S E Na:



I'or several decades, the ratepayers o f Ipswich and the full suite o f ttie media have identtfted and documented seemingly isolated political and financial anomalies that have never been satisfactorily addressed All too soon, and all too conveniently, another news-worthy event distracts the majority, allowing business-as-usual for the eomplicit. TIkisc few who dare to publicly speak out have been marginalised, publicly heaped with derision and privately attacked w ith insidious campaigns o f retribution.

When collated and presented in chronological order a distinct pattern emerges within this culture; not a government f w ihe people, by the people, as is our constitutional and democratic right, but rather more aligned with a self-serving coiporaiion, at the expense o f the people.

This document forms the briefest summary of events linked to Paul Pisasaie in the two decades leading up to 2010. and some pertinent questions in post.script. Ibcre is little doubt that it only highlight.s a few narrow facets o f his enterprise during this period.

Over lime, several crates of documents were submitted to the CJC and subsequently the CMC. 'niese documents were then tabled with the PCiMC, and subsequently excluded from public scrutiny, under the act o f Parliamentary Privilege. As a result, the public discussion of these issues now constitutes the deformation o f a significant public figure.

There have been numerous investigations by the CJC. CMC and CCC. It would appear that the terms o f reference o f these previous investigations have been prescriptively narrow, so as to ensure the preterred outcome. Their efforts seemingly conccmraied on identifying and marginali.sing whistle-blowers and dissidents.

A list o f significant individuals and affiliations i.s provided from pagc.s 14 to 17.


The scope of this document is to;

♦ to propose a series of, as yet unanswered or unsatisfactorily answered, interconnected questions; and

• to summarise, in chronological order, events which to many constituents are perceived to be not in keeping with open and accountable government.


•All statements can be referenced for further investigation via a superscript numerical annotation. This numerical annotation further references the documents in the appendix, under: Summarised Chronology of Select Events.

Ntrte: ih f seifuem.i' o f referencing has, in places, h e a m e .wmcwliat sm'onsisiem. Shaukl ihe readier fin d ihL'i um m aly . acces.\mg an earlier n r Imer tfem m the seifuettce, w ill us miilv rectmclie the search



Relating to the following organhatiims, the Beattie Labor Government, the Bremer Imtkute o f TAFE 0nr. Ipswkk College of TAPE}, Ipswich YVPl - Skillshare, Ipswich YUP! Inc., Ipswich YUM Challenge, Challenge Employment & Training, Challenge Learning Institute, The Challenge Group, Westfalen Park lands, Boystown and individuals with links to these various organisatians.

A. If. luck o f confidence in the ahdiry o f Mr Bill Saunders to act in Ihe bust inieresis of the facithy...' ** is documented in 1997 and 199!?, by Educational Officers of the Bremer Institute o frA I'E .

{l),..w hy did the relevant Institute Directors and members o f the institute Council take no action to address the issue, but engaged instead in a protracted campaign of obfuscation and retribution that amtinues to this day?

B. If. as is documented by the Bremer Institute o f TAFE. ‘A unique horiicidture training facility has been dewloffcd at the Bremer Institiile adjacent to iIk Hutidattiha luis been delivered, .in amenity horticulture...gnan- keepmg...arbnrkuUure. turf management. nursery, ganlening. Jlorkuliure and landscaping... * and as is further documented. The Bremer Imtitute o f TAFEs Conservation and Environment Sludie.s Unit is .seiring the .stamlards fo r conservation fm 'us in TAFE .stud ies.^

(1) ...why does the Bremer Institute o f T'AFH’s invcstipiion into itself, document that.

• ‘...the Jn.stitute had m .suitable .site to conduct horticulture training and therefore used Westfalen to facilitate the training

• ...but. as is dtxiumcnted by the Bremer lastitutc o f TAFE. '7hc existing Jdcilitie.s at the Bremer Institute 's Wesijakn Camptcs are inadequate...

(2)... and. why dt>e.s the Bremer Institute o f T'AfTi’s investigation into itself, document that.

• ‘...The Insiiimc has .sub-contracted courses to YUPl largely because o f lite lack o f Institute re.sources to conduct tlw courses... ^

• ...but, as is documented by the CMC. ‘... rUPI is not accredited to deliver the modules isuhjecls) for which the Bremer Institute of TAFE has contracted it for...

r. If, as is dtx-'umentcd by the Bremer Institute, the Bremer institute o f T'AFE entered into a.‘ . contract regarding the o f YUPl trainers delivering training for Bremer Institute..." and the, ’ ...course is curnmtly being delivered at the YUPl We.stfalensite...

• ...and. a.s ii is dficumented by the CMC, YUP! is noi accredik'd to deliverthe modules (suh/ecis) fo r which the Bremer Imtiiule o f TAFE has contractedit for...

• ...and. 'The Manager. Finance is currently in the process o f validating andverifying all payments to that the services., were actuallydelivered.'

• .. .and. Although Mr Saunders approved the invoke.s fo r payment, it apfuar.s that a fu ll verification process did not occur when the Institute paid YUPf's invoices.

• ...and. ' is difficult to positively clarify whether the Busine.<t.s Unit verifiedthat .service.^ had been fitUy delivered... '

(I)...w hy is it documented tha , ‘... the report did not establish any official misconduct, maladministration or improper management affecting public funds.'... ? ®

D. I!', as is docuniemed by the Bremer institute, a ‘ . .course is currently being delivered at the YUPl Westfalen site... and, ‘...YUPl trainers have been used became no other provider... can deliver training on their .site. ‘

( I) ...why does a supporting dtwument to a funding proposal, signed by the then Bremer Institute Director Mike Guy, document YUPi Inc’s Westfalen Parklands site as. ‘ . . .Bremer ln.siituie's Westfalen Campus. . . '?

E. If, as is documented by the institute, the Bremer Institute o f TAFF entered into a.■.. .contract regarding the me o f YUPl trainers delivering training fhr Bremer Imtitute... ' and the , ' is currently being delivered at the YUPI Wesifakn site... ’. and. ’...YUPl trainers have hem used because no other provider cun deliver training on their .site...

(I),..w hy is it that Bremer Institute o f TAFE teachers / tutors and teachers tutors under casual contract to the Bremer institute ofTA FE regularly delivered training on the Westfalen Parkland.s site during 1997 and 1998?

F. If. a.s is documented by the Institute, the Bremer Institute o f I'AFE entered into a,

L..contract regarding the use o fY V P ! tr a in e r s . . .and. ‘... this contract falls within tin’ Bretner YUPI Strategic .Alliance..

.. .and as is documented in a memo from Bill Saunders to Paul Pisasaie and Mike Guy, ‘ .. . / have had discmskm.s with members o f YUPl executive and it has become apparent that the strategic alliance us it stands may not appropriately cover the tyite o f activities in which we are disctis.sing fitr the future. ■

(l).,.w hy is it that no searches under the Freedom o f Information Act, nor the Bremer Institute's investigation into itself nor the CMC’s discrete enquiries am id discover an official signed and dated ■...gccmer YUPI Strategic Alliance... ‘?

G. If, there was no conflict of interest, or as documented, the, ‘...('M i'...also clearedIp.mich ‘v deputy max’or Cr Pisasaie o f a/ty criminal conduct or official misconduct inconnection with the awarding o f contracts to YUPl Inc. ’

(1).. .why. was it that in the capacitj o f Deputy Chaiiperson o f the Bremer institute o f FAFC Council ...Paul Pisasaie lodged an individual submission and comments from Y V P l...’, in response to a. \ . .V E T Legislation Taskforce...' request tor, ‘TAFE Institutes lodge submissions to the to help re.slutpe ihe current legislation... as is documented in the Bremer Institute Council'-s minutes?

• .. .and. at the time Paul Pisasaie maintained an active conflict o f interest as founder and Director o f a private Registered 1 raining Organisation. ^ Deputj- Chairperson of a public Registered Training Organisation and an elected Local Govemmem Official.

• ...and although, he subsequently (just prior to LG F.lcctionl, made a public show o f resigning from YUPl inc., it is documented. ‘...Cr Pixa.sak- remains an honorary’ life member o f YUPl. .he is now Bremer TAPE chairman.

• \^'hy i.s Challenge Lmploymcnt and Framing to be found on Ipswich CityCouncil’s web site?fhttp .'v'.mv.ips»ich.<!'communi!y.'diret;lorii;s, «immutiit)/imic\.phr.’artii>n"vie\v4',itl=75)

H. If, a.s is documented by the then Institute Director, John Sweete-Kcily,

• Westfalen ..continues to expand with funding committed far...the constructkm o f new nursery faciUlws. ’ *

• ...and iurtherdsKumented by the Bremer fn.stitutc of I'AFE, that for the, ... facilities at... Westfalen ..Minister Santoro had approved expenditure ...far the development o f ike site... student.<t are currently in the process o f developing a commercial plant nursery...' and AutoCad files exist tosubstantiate that the planning and development wa.s facilitated by Educational Officens) o f the Bremer Institute o f TAFE;

(1)...why is this publicly funded and established nursery, subsequently documented as.

• ' . , , Westfiden Parklantk Nursery ■... established six years ago on the site o f the former We.stfalcn Coal Mine, the fam ily owned business... ’

• ...and further documented thaL ‘ Westfalen Parklands Nursery, Coliingwood Park... owner .Nigel Saunders...the Collingwmid Park family busitKss . .and with a second nursery at Ripley .supplyingplants... the team at Westfalen grow their own stock... ’...? '*'*

• .. .and turthcr documented that, YTwner Nigel Saunders... We.stfalcn Nursery is still powering on. taking over the Tivoli Nursery four immihs ago... local our wholesale mtrsery at Ripley.


I. if. as is documented in !>epartmenta! Policy, as stated in Administrative Instruction 18 - Purchasing and the Slate Purchasing Policy, and the departments investigation into itself.' ...contracts...greater than SIOOtl .require invilatiom to offer or quote...from at lem t three

• H '^6 44gem m e competitive .mpplier.s...

• .. and. as is documented. .., The CMC mvestigaied a lkgatiom o f conflicts o f interest in contracts iw ardcd through a 'siraiegiv ai!iancs>' bem een YUPI Inc and Bremer TAFE.' **

• .. .and. is further documented, that a, ' from the Departmentinternal audit unit dated January 1999 revealed...the Institute had identified tendering/suhaontnuqing discrepancies involving Ip.swich YUPI and an officer at Bremer's Richlands Campus in April J99H... *

• .. and as is documented by the C’JC, "... The Commission is in receipt o f a complaint which alleges that Mr Bill Saunders...ha.s misused hisposition. approvals were granted wilhotU the required three quotes beingsolicited from other .sers’ice providers. ’ ' '

• .. and as is documented in the. '...Report by Interna! Audit Unit requested by the CJC all cases, delegated officers (either Mr Bill Saunders or the Associate Director Cor/xirate Services) have approved the contracts without having formally sought erpre.'i.siom o f interest from qualified training providers. ’

• ...and as is documented in the, ‘...Report by Internal .Audit Unit requested by the CJC ...Mr Bill Saunders...has entered into...contracts with YVPI... ’

• ...and as is documented in Ihe ‘...Report by Internal Audit Unit requested by the CJC addition, ... other contracts....Stones Corner Skilhhare... Impact Connections., have been entered into... formal e.tpre.ssions were not obtained. . . in three case.s. no contract has been signed with the private training provider...

• .. .and as is documented in the . ‘...Report by Internal Audit Unit requested by the C.JC addition, other contracts ...awarded to YUPI without im’itations to submit formal offers to lender being i.s.sued... Boy.stown Training... '

• ...and as is documented in the , ‘...Report by Internal Audit Unit requested by the CJC ...contrary to the advice given to Mr Saunders in April 1998...Mr Saunders issued an invitation to Offer to deliver training ...lo only two provklers... YUPl amiA.l.M.M. Industrial Training Pty Ltd... ’

• ... and tliat the. '... report .statedsteps hud been taken to ensure the departmentrectified the situation... it was forwarded to ilte ( riminat .Justice Commission and to the then Director-General o f DETIR Bob Marshmam, **

- 6 -

• and. it is further dociimenled in the Bremer Institute o f I .AFE's owninvestigation into itseif, that post I April 1998. Mr Bill Saunders. a.s Vraining C entre Manager for the Bremer institute o f TAPE: continued to breach State Purchasing Polkv to the financial benefit of the private training provider. Y lJPr/rhallengelnc.*

(1) is it documented that ■... the report did not establish any official niiscondtici, maladmmistruiion or improper management affecting public funds. '...?2ti. if)

(2)...and. why was there not an actiott under the proceed.s o f crime laws which provides that the Stale can restrain property or proceeds if there is a reasonable su.spicion of a serious crime-related activity , even if there is no conviction.

J . If, as is documented (27/.V03) that the , ‘...CMC recommended tlw qualificutioiK asvarik-d to Jarmer Ta I E faculty- head Bill Samuiers, now workittg at Yl 'Pl s Westfalen site, he revoked.

• ...and that the. ...Bremer TAFE has also been asked to show cause why qualificatiom issued to jive other Bremer TAFE and YUPI Inc s ta ff members .should not he wilhdrawn. .two teachers and one admimstrutkm officer remain at Bremer TAFE.

• ...and that VirFEC Policy dated (1/4/98), .states that a teacher / tutor must possess qualifications, '...relevant to ihe mndule.iunii being facilitated/, and should be at an equivak ni or higher level to that required by the module/unit o f competency...

• ...and furthermore, VfiTEC Policy (1/4/98) also stales that. '...Registered Training Organisatiom are advised to em urc that the qualifications ...o f staff are .such that any possible court action concerning deficient training and or asses.sment could he defended... '

(1)...why is it that the Bremer Institute ofT.AFE's investigation into itself, asked if the qualifications in question (Cert 111 in Applied Environmental Science - Conservation Practises), awarded to Ms. Karin Hall, could have been achieved in the very limited timeframe as dixtumentod; but did not deem it expedient lo ask if the Trainer and Assessor o f said qualifications (Mr. Ron Mitchell), actually held the required Vocational and Educational qualifications (Workplace 'Irainer & .Assessor); as legally- required under VEfFX' Policy?

(2)...and how. in the interests o f Ouafity Assurance, is if that all students trained and assessed by- individuals, subsequently identified by the CMC as not holding valid qualifications, have not had their inappropriately awarded qualifications revoked?

(3) ...would subsequent qualifications awarded and the resultant profits to. both the Bremer Institute o f f.AFK and Ipswich YUPl /Challenge Inc. constitute the taking o f monies under false pretences and /or fraud?

- 7 -

K, If. as is documented, the CMC deemed it nccessarc' to strip Mr. Bill Saunders (former. Business Unit Manager - Bremer ln.stitute ofTAFF. now YUFI/Challengc Inc. etnployce). o f his fraudulently acquired qualification (Cert IV in Workplace Training. Cert 111 in W’orkplace Assessment);

(I) ...why did die CMC not deem it similarly appropriate for iellow enroiecs and classmates, Mr. Steve Damm {fmr. Director - Bremer Institute o f f.AFE. now Chairperson - YUPl/C'hailenge Inc.), Ms. Pamela Damm (Enterprise Management Systems and Solutions Pty Ltd), and others (staiTof YliPl Inc. and Boystown), to be stripped o f sirailarly acquired qualifications?

L. If. as is documented (l!/!2 /d8) in D lil’IR’.s internal audit. ...Air Sauwiers dui not follow■orrect pwrchmingpracedurcx when awarding contracts to YUPl... ' 2b

• ...and. '... Mr Saunders never completed requmtionfiirchasc o n k r s relating to YUPI...

• ...and. ‘...Imtitute Director. Air Mike Guy. advised Internal Audit that ..Mr Saunders to have close link.% with Mr Steve Damm. President o f YUPI in that they are “drinking hwkiies''...

• ...and. ‘ ..information discussed at the Imtitute, in the presence o f Air Saunders, has been rtdctyed back to YUPI within a day and it appears to .Mr Guy...via .Mr Saunders.'.

• ...and. '.Mr Damm is the form er Director o f the Ip.mich College o fT A F E(. - Bremer ln.stitute o f TAFE) and whose administration o f the college was Que.stioned hv the Oueemland Audit Office in the Parliament and the press in 1995... ■ ^ ~

• .. .and as recently as 1999, a member o f the Bremer Institute o f TA FB C ouncil issued a, ‘...Request to Invoice...' to;

'PO Box 752IPSWICH QLD 4305...'^'

• ...and Ipswich City- Council records as late a.s 2001, document Cr. Paul Pisasaie’s postal address as:

'PO Box 752IPSWICH QLD 43115...

(1).. .how is it documented that, ‘ ... ih.’ report did not establish any official misconduct, maladministration or improper management affecting public funds. '...?

(2) often can a private &/or income-generating properties be fltted-out, renovated, re-fitted, re-located &/or landscaped at public expense (the W'ork-for-the- Dole Scheme providing labour & materials), before the action constitutes misappropriation of public monie.s.

Some of which are listed beiow':

- \2 Hampdon Court. Ipswich;- Colliers'Masaallah Restaurant, (formerly oj) 37 Roderick S t Ipswich

relm aied to Westi'aien Parklands)- 45 Kllcnborough S t Ipswich;- 29 South St, Ipswich- 60 South St. Ipswich;- 20 Grey St. Ipswich;- Unit 15/1 Turley St. Ipswich;- Westfalen Parklands, Dunlop St, Collingwrtid Park.

(3) ... and further that the, ‘ ...CMC ...also ckared Ipswich's lieputv mayor Cr Pisasaie o f any criminal conduct or official misconduct in connection with the awarding o f contracts to YVPl Inc '

M. If. as isdcKUTuented (23/6/01). Cr Paul Pisasaie masterminded apian. ‘... dtfraudingthe Commonwealth o f m tre than $25.500... ’

• ...and that ' Cr Paul Pisasaie...Esk Mayor Jean Bray... ' and, '...form erIp.swkh Area Consultative Committee f.iCC) CEO Brian Damian Lewis... ' benefited financially from this fraud including '.. . travel Israel...

(I)..,w hy, '. late 199H... in the ‘...Ipswich Court... ‘ was, ' ...Former Ipswich Area Consultative Committee tACC) CKO Brian Damian Lewis.. ' the only individual o f the three individuals named by the Judge: to subsequently be prosecuted?

(2>...and why was there not an action under the proceeds o f crime laws which provides that the State can restrain property or proceeds if there is a reasonable suspicion of a serious crime-related activity, even if there is no conviction.

N. if. as is documented in the press (23/12/03). Cr Paul Pisasaie .stated, 'I don I have any personal private businesses. 1 don 't run any private husine.sses.'

(1) w'hy did the Au.straiian Securities Investment Commission list Paul Pisasaie as either Director, or Chairperson of the following privately listed companies:

- Queensland Events Corporatitai;- Queensland fradc Zone;- Queettsland Trade Zone Foundation Pty Ltd- Ultimate Solution Pty;- Assaly Ihy;- Global Info-Links Pty l td:- Greater Bri.sbane Tourism & f^velopment Assn. Ltd:- Ip.swieh City Enterprises Pty Ltd;- Ipswich Events Corporation;- IRIK’ Ply Ltd;- Navari Pty Ltd;- Walthill !A> Ltd;- Australian Business Zones. &;- Vice-President o f Ausfralia-Malaysia Business Council? '*

. q .

O. Why would The Courier Mail risk a defamation suit by comparing Peter Foster to Paul Pisasaie? ”

• ‘ . .Peter Faster is weli pniciiced in the art o f spin. . Australian Federal Police ( 'ommissioner Mick Kcclty said... "... Peter Foster is .someone who ha.s been convicted in our own country fo r three counts o f inducing a witms.s to give testimony... "...

• , Fo.ster - a eom kiedfraudster who has been jailed in Australia. Britain and the US - i.s also wanted over a hank .scam in the Federal States o f Microne.sia. '

• ‘ controversial hit.sines.sman Peter Foster....4u.stralian Feikrai Police charged him with a money laundering offence reliHing to a fraud

P. Given that Paul Pisasaie and Denise Hanly were both elected to represent the people of Ipswich, variously as Councillors/Deputy Mayor/Mayor: both (according to documents From the Office o f Fair Trading) were founding executives o f YDPI Inc. a private training organisation; and both hold (or have held) executive positions on the Council (Board) o f the Brentcr Institute o f I'AFE. (formerly Ipswich College ofTAFE). a public training organisation;

( t) . it appropriate that the quorum of Ipswich City CounciTs committees approving funding transfers between these organisations, be just two members of said committee, and that those committees be exempt from keeping minutes'?

Q. For possible altrui.stic purpose would Paul Pisasaie be director to several private companies that have business names, strikingly similar too, or an anagram of, publicly funded Government initiatives; as identified by the Australian Securities investment Commission?

(1) a. Queensland Trade Zones Foundation - a Govcnimcnt initiative;b. Queensland Trade Zones, a private company, Cr Paul Pisasaie as Director.

(2) a. Ip.swieh Regional Development Corporation - a Government initiative; b. IRDC - a private company, Cr Paul Pisasaie as Director.

H. Ha.s Paul Pisasaie breached the Local Government Act in relation to his participation a.s;

• ...Chair o f the Economic I>evelopment Committee o f Ipswich City Council.• ...Chair of the Global Info Links Pty Ltd (GIL) of Ipswich City Council,

(a public asset with Ip.swieh City Council the sole shareholder);• .. .Deputy / Acting / Mayor of Ipswich City;• ...Director o f ITF.I. Community Telco (a privatised public as.set) on bchalfof

the Ipswich City Council's 17..r7% shareholding;• ...holder o f a personal shareholding in i'FEL Community felco (unlisted

public compaity); and.• ...holder o f .shares-in-trust for Ipswich YUPl Inc ?

- iO-

s . How is it that so many documented (vww.cfp' iri.alo business inSerests have not been declared on Ipswich City Council's Pecuniary Interests Register?

T. Given that Cr Paul Pisasaie was the Director o f YDPI Inc, and is listed by ASIC as the Director of Walthil! Pty Ltd;

and. that Walthill Pty Ltd is drwumented (14/8/06) as the vendor in the sale of a property known variously as - Collier's > Ma.saallah Restaurant;OTd. Cr Paul Pi.sasalc and his wife arc listed in the same article as sole owners o f Walthill Pty Ltd;and, that accounts submitted to die Office off-air trading documents a tease arrangcmem between YUPl Inc and Walthill lYy Ltd for the ofCollier’s / Masaailah Re.staurant;and, that YUPl Inc. purchased consumables, new catering plant, building renovations, landscaping, and paid the labour cttsts for the restaurant; and. that YUPl Inc's Collier's / Masaallah Restaurant initiative was funded under the Federal Government Job frain program; and. that the Bremer institute of TAFE facilitated no training, nor were any qualifications i.ssued for this 'free training’.

( 1) Does the subsequent sale o f this restaurant to Mr. George Cheihk (Bankrupt) o f the QLD Group constitute profiting from the proceeds of crime; given that Mr. Cieorgc Cheihk’s creditor at this time was the convicted cocaine dealer, Joseph Frangieh?

(2) Also, does Mr. George Cheihk's donation to Cr. f’aul Pisasale’s Mayoral election campaign constitute profiting from the proceeds o f crime? Given that the under the proceeds o f crime laws, the State can restrain property or proceeds if there is a reasonable suspicion of a serious crime-related activity, even if there is no conviction.

II. Given that Cr Paul Pisasaie referred to Tuckerbox in his pecuniary interests to Council;

• and. that the Federal Government’s Job! rain Program funded YUPl Inc to run a catering business known as 1 uckerbox (a catering facility within the Bremer Institute ofTAFE, Ipswich Campus;

• and, that the unpaid labour force for this enterprise were the unemployed people of Ipsw ich; making and selling sandw iches etc., to Bremer Institute o f 'i'Al'E sta ll and students, Ipswich City Council employees, and to other surrounding businessc.s;

• and, that this initiative was advertised locally as free training and w^ork e.xperience;

• and. that Cr Paul Pisasaie. as Board Member o f the Bremer Institute o f TAFE Council, signed a contract for a o fk u x c ' for access by Tuckerbox to the Bremer Institute o f TAf'E canteen at the Ipswich City Campus;

• and. that this initiative was not facilitated at YUPl Inc's Collier's i Masaallah Restaurant (some 200m away);

• and. that YUPi Inc accounts, for this contract in 19<)7-98, show an expenditure for accommodation not reflected in the Bremer Institute of I'AIl-: income statements or financial accounts for the same periixi; ”

(1) As YUPI Inc is registered as a Not-for Profit organisation, where did the profits from this catering enterprise go?

V. How is it that so manv perceived ( conflicts o f interest do not appear to be conflicts o f interest under law?

• it appropriate that Cr. Paul Pisasaie’s signature, on an Enterprise Development Solutions Ply Ltd contract with the Bremer institute o f TAPL. is witnessed by John James, documenting his position a.s an employee of the Bremer Institute o f TAFE and lurther on the same contract documents his position as an employee o f YUP! Inc...? ' *

W. Is it deemed appropriate that although;

• YbTI Inc has amassed assets of over $5 miUhm dollars... ohtainedfromCiovenrment fttnds... ostensibly for the training ofthe long term unemployed youth of Ipswich;’*

• .. .and . .this excludes the in exivs.s o f $6.5 million that was oh tahvdhr Westfalen Parkltmds tfmmgh the Department o f Employment and Training... under the pretence of being a Campas under the auspices o f fAFEQfi); ’

(1) ...that ' ...on 22 Jtote 1999. altmmt two wars after Cr Pisasaie has sew n’d all ties with YUPl Inc Ilte i ovncil meeting records... '’...Cr Pisasaie disclosed to llte meeting a materiid personal interest in... a received for futulmg assistance... that Council provkk' $9,000'... at WestfalenParklonds..."... ' ? ’*

(2).. .and . Tl^rc arc more mimilcs in I 'oumil to .sfmv that funds ivtw provided through Ipswich (.'ity i ouncil. while YUPl Inc had over S3 5 million dollars in bank accounts obtained from Covcrnmem fimds.. , ' . . . ? ’*

X. If, as is documented by the then Director o f the Bremer Institute o f TAFE. Mr. John Sweele-Keity;

• '...I am planning a number o f funclion.s fo r the .Minister and other .seniorexecutives to attend...imluding the generul opening of: ...We.stfdlenCampus... ...;

• .. .and subsequently documented by Mike Guy, Director ofthe Bremer Institute ofTAFE. We.stfalcn...was donated to the lp.swich YUPI Program Inc in July 1995...

• ...and documented in the press. '...YUPi's ChuHeyige Employment and Training attracted fum h from the Federal Government run training at We.stfdlen. then im oiced Bremer Institute for training...YUPl Inc were double dipping in public funds... '*

• .. .and. . the ( 'JC also quesiiom arrangements hetween Bremer TAFE and the YVPl owned We.sifakn Parklamls, alleging the site was never an Instiiuie campus, as puhlidy stated since 1997.'...:'^

• .. .and. '... in duty Mr Guy told the QT that the Yl IP I owned Westjak’n site was never a eampm o) the Bremer institute

• ...and turthcr documented in the press, ‘...none o f the Bremer TAFE, YUPl Inc or the Department o f Employment ami Training could produce documentation recognizing Westfalen as ucam pm . **

(1)...what has happened to the public funding, allocated and 'or devolved to the Westfalen Parklands, under the pretence of the site being a Campus o f the Bremer Institute o f TAFIi. as diKutnenled b> the Bremer Institute aitd members o f the public...?"'

(2).. .what is the status of the ‘qualifications' issued by unqualified VUPl Inc personnel to the unfortunate unemployed youth of Ipswich and surrounding areas?15,4S,26.6.V

(3) is it that Nigel Saunders, with respect to Westfalen Parklands Nursery; claims in 2l)0d lo have been, '...owner o f nine years...' *** * when his father. Bill Saunders maintains it to be a TAPE campus up till the fraud was finally exposed in 2001 .

(4).. .how is it that the CJC was aware of ' anomalies...' between. ‘...M r Saunders and Ipswich YUPl as long ago as April 199H... ’ but tcK)k no decisive action?

l^ould this action eon.slitute fraud and the subsequent profil.s constitute ., .the proceeds o f crime ...miles the Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002?

Y. Why did Mayor Paul Pisasaie find it necessary to appoint a freedom o f Information DlTicer lo Ipswich City Council? '**

Z. II’committed to embracing the precepts of openness and accountability, why did Mayor Paul Pisasaie find it necessary to e.xcludc the media from all the mecling.s o f the new SouthF.ast Queensland Council ofthe Mayors? '’ (IbrmCTly SEQRCXi).

Ciiven that f lansard documented concerns of. financial mismanagement o f Ipswich TAFECollege ... and questions the agreement ‘...henveen a TAFE imtituiion and a private training provider...' {YUPl inc.) ” , back in 1995; why is this seemingly fraudulent paitencrship still functioning in 2017.

Given the close financial relationship between the follovving individuals and companies, and the consultancie.s/services provided at a public cost to the ratepayers o f Ipswich; does all o f the above, seemingly unrelated issues, constitute at least a prima facie case o f Official Corruption &/or collusion to defraud the public?


Persons of Interest:

M r Peter Beattie;• //ie then. Prem ier of Queensland;• Master’s thesis. The Window o f Opporluniiy: Ihc Fiizficrald Expcnment and

the Queemhmd Criminal Jusiice Commission.• then. PCJC Chairperson;• then, responsible for concealing the outcome ofthe CJC / CMC / PCMC's

enquirj into these matters, by utilising the provisions ot Parliamentary Privilege.

M r Paul Pisasaie:• fmr. Postal Address; PO Box 752, Ipswich.• fmr. Councillor - Ipswich City Council (1991 - 2000)):• fmr. Chairfwrsttn, ICC Economic Development & (ilobal Info-Links Committees;• tinr. Deputy- Mayor o f Ipswich (2000 - 2004));• also. Pounding Director & Life Member of YUPi / Challenge Inc.;• ihe then. Member - Bremer Institute o f TAFE Council (1992 - 2005);• then. Deputy Chairperson - Bremer Institute ofT.A.FK Council (1996 - 1998);• then. Chairperson - Bremer Institute ofTAFF. Council (1998- 2004);• Mayor o f Ipsw ich C ity (2004 - 2017);• Chairperson - Bremer Institute o f T.AFE Council (2005 - present).

- documented as provided consultancy services to EDS Pty Ltd- signatory to quotes for EMSS Pty 1 id consultancx services lo ICC. 27/4,'98: *

also, is or has been Director (source; ASIC)Queensland Events (Corporation;Queensland 1 radc /one ;Queensland Trade /o n e Foundation Pty Ltd l-iltimate Solution l*ty Ltd;Assaly Ptj' Ltd;Clobal Info-Links Pty Ltd;tircater Brisbane Tourism & Development Assn. Ltd:Ipswich City Enterprises Pty Ltd:Ipswich Events Corporation;IRDC Pty Ltd;Navari Ihy Ltd;Walthill Pty Ltd:063896195 Ltd;Shareholder - Australian Rental Group :Chairman - Ipswich Global Info Links (GIL), later known as iTel;Director - Ipsw ich City Enterprises Pty Ltd;Member - Club 51; also is, or has Ireen: (source: ASIC)

o President, Australian Business Zones: o Vice-President. Australia-Malaysia Business Council;

fmr. Director - Ipswich City Properties Pty. Ltd. (2017); fi/ir. Director - Ipswich City Developmenis Pty. Ltd. (2017):


- 14-

• fm r Director - Ipswich City Enterprises Pty. Ltd. (2017);• fmr. D irector-Ipsw ich City Enterprises Investments Pty, l,ld (2017).

Mr Steve Damm:• fmr. Postal Address; PO Box 752. Ipswich.• fm r Director. Bremer Institute ofTAFE (1984 - 1992);• Chaiiperson. YDPI/Challcnge Inc. (1992 - present)• Commissioned the Ipsvvieh Regional Development Corporation for a

Irasibility study on the redevelopment o f the Westfalen .site.]• Consultant to I;MSS Pty Ltd. & EDS Pty|

Ms. Pamela Damm:• Wire of the above;• Director - r.nterprisc Management Systems and Solutions Pty Ltd• Consultant to EDS Pty Ltd.

Ms Wendy Protheroe:• thv ilwn. Director - Bremer Institute o f T.AFE ( 1993 - 1996),• 01 D IX'partmcnt o f Economic Development and Trade;• A/CF.O - Ipswich City Council (ICC);• Manager o f Finance - ICC;• (icnera! Manager - Boy.stown Couti.seiiing Scrvice.s

Mr John Sweet-Kelly:• the then, Director - Bremer Institute o f l AFl: (1998);• t.iencra! Manager - TAFE Queensland.

Mr Carry Wolfe:• the then. Manager - Finance - Bremer Institute o f ! AFE;• then. A/Dircctor - Bremer Institute o f T.AFT; (1998);

Mr Mike (iuy:• the iheti Director - Bremer Institute o f T,A FE (1998 - 2094);

Mr. Ray Chandler:• the then, Manager - Staff Services. Bremer Institute o f I'Al'E;• then, Queensland 1 Icalth

Mr. Tony Chrbtinson:• then then, TAFE Organiser - QI.D Teachers linion;• Member - Bremer Institute ofTAFF Council:

Paul Tully:Councillor - Ipswich City Council (since 1979);A/Mayor - Ipswich City Council (2017):Manos ITevelopments (Manos also employed Tulls 's wife): Chairman ~ Ipswich City F.merprtses Pty. Ltd. (2017,n Chairman - Ipswich City Properties Pty Ltd. (2017);Chairman - Ipswich City Dcvolopntents Pty. Ltd. (2017):


• Chairman - Ipswich Citj' Hnterprises Investments Pty. (2017);

Mr Mark Hinchcliffe:• the then. Editor - The Queenslutui Times:.• also. Chairperson - Bremer Institute o f TAFE Couitcil (1993 - 1998);• also at the time, neighbour to Mr, Patil Pisasaie:• Joumaiist - The Courier .Mail.

Mr Brian Bennion:• the then, Investigative Journalist - The Queensland Times:• then. Media Officer to the Mayor's Department - Ipswich City Council.

Mr. John James:Postal Address; 29 .South Street. lp.svvich

...a YUPl Inc. owned property.

...and also the address of Challenge I.earning Institute.• fmr. teacher. Bremer Institute o f f.Af'H;• Member of the board of the YUPI - Challenge group of companies;• J rca.surer - Yl.'PI i Challenge Ciroiip;• Director, linterprise Development Solutions (EDS) Pty Ltd;• EDS Consultant to Ipswich City Council];

Mr Tim James:• fmr. Teacher - Bremer Institute o f 1 AFE (B11);• then, A/Commercia! Services Manager - BIT);• then. Manager, Resources Unit - (B1T);• also. Member ofthe Board - VliPl / Challenge Group;• Site Manager, Westfalen Parklands - YUPI / Challenge Group.

Mr Bill Saunders:• fmr. l eaeher - Bremer Institute ofTAFE (B H ):• then. I lead of Faculty - (Bi f);• then, .A/Assistant Director. Development - (BIT');• then. Training Centre Manager. Richlands & Westfalen Campuses - (BIT):• Director - Out Growth Enterprises;• Manager - 'A'cstfaien Parklands Nursery ~ YUPi / Challenge Group;• M emberofthc Board —YUPl Challenge(Sroup;• Director - Out Growth l inteqrrises;• Manager - Westfalen Parklands Nursery YUP! i Challenge Inc.• Owner/Manager Wholesale Production Nursery, Ripley Rd. Ripley.• Signatory to contracts,'purchase orders/requisitions for the YUPi / Challenge

Group, on behalf o f the Bremer Institute ofTAFE.

Ms Karin Hall:• /»«r. YUPl Inc. employee;• then. Tutor. Bremer Native PlantNursery - Hrcmcr Institute ofTAFE;• also. Trainer. Challenge Learning Institute; a YUPl / Challenge subsidiary .• then. Manager - We.stfalcn Parklands Nursery - YUPl / (Challenge Inc.


• «/«». Honiculluri- & Conservation Consultant - Out Orovvth Cntciprises;• dmn. Team member, Natural Areas team, Ipswich City Council (ICC):• atiii A,'Conservation Management Officer. IC'C,

Mr Nigel Saunders:• Son o f Bill Saunders {listed above):• fmr. Landscape Contractor (Bankrupt ?);• then. Manager - Westfalen Parklands Nursery , Coliingwood Park;• then. Proprietor - Westfalen Parklands Nursery;• then. Owner - Westfalen Parklands Nursery;• Owner Westfalen Parklands Tivoli Nursery. Ml Crosby Rd, Tivoli.

Mr Ron Mitchell:• the then. 1 utor - Bremer Institute o f 1’AFL;• aha. son o f Jack Mitchell, Founder & Manager - Juck Mitchell - Law

Maintenance Farm Forestry V• Dismissed from the Public Service. I‘)d8,/d ?,

Mr Paul C'asos:• CEO. &/or Consultant to the Board - SE(.)LD Community' Telco (formerly iTcl

Community Telco):• Lsecutivc Chainnan - Ipswich Events Corporation;• Director - 1 orque Communities.

Mr Bruce Casos:• fmr. Promotions Officer, Moreton Shire Council;• fmr. Councillor. Moreton Shire Council (1985-1991);• fmr, lAecutivc Research Ol'flccr. Ipswich C'ity Council (ICC);• fmr. Councillor, ICC.

Jatnie Quinn:• fmr. CEO - Ipswich C'ily C’ounctl i 1990 - 2006).

Carl Wulff:• fmr. C K O - Ipswich City Council (2011 - 2013):• fmr. Director - Ipswich City Properties Pty. 1 ,td.

George Cheihk;Director - QLD Group Developments:Coliingwood Park Developments;Director - Haver Rd Developments;Co-Director - Aussie Rent Ihy Ltd (White Goods Import);Co-Director - Sirathfieid Mobile Phones;Director - Livesay Road Developments Pty Ltd;Director - Mobile Hut Pty Ltd;Director - Mobile i ron Ply 1 .td;Director - Nobutl I 'ones Pty Lid;M em ber-Club 51 Bankrupt, 2007;

- 17-

• Employer to Patil Pisasaie’s daughter;• Charged with assault with a flick knitc. but no conviction rectvrded;• 35'" Birthday party attended by:

o l.ord Mayor C.ampbell Newrnan; o Mayor Paul Pisasaie.

John Grant• Co-Director - Aussie Rent Pt\ Ltd;• Member - Club 51;• 1 )irector - Australian Rental Company.

Joseph Frangieh• Convicted cocaine dealer;• Property Developer;• Crcditor to George Cheihk;• Appointed as Director to seven o f George Cheihk’s companies when Cheihk

re.signed due to being declared bankrupt.

Raymond Frangieh• Convicted cocaine dealer;• Property investor;• N i ght C ! ub Promoter;• Creditor to George Cheihk.

Warwick Mir/ikinian• Co-Director - Straihfteld Phones;• Owner - m 8 1 elccom tor Mobiles;• Professional Hi-stakes Poker Player.

Denise Hanky• Councillor - Ipswich City Council;• Secretary - i l ei Community I'eico;• Executive - YUPl Inc. ( 19‘)5);• Secretary' - Ipsw'ich Events Corporation (1995).



AIM M - industrial Training 1^- delivered training out ol'Riclilands Campus under the direction ol' Mr. Bill Saundcis

Boys'l'own Link UP - etttploynieni program for unemployed persons. Beaudeserl.- participated in joint venture training with Bremer Institute ofTAFE & YUPI Challenge inc.

('haiienge Employment & Training -/»»•, YUPl Inc., part o f the Challenge (iroup.

E1>S - Enterprise Development Solutions.A Convoluted consultancy variously with the Principal/s: Mr. Paul Pi.sasalc. Mr. Steve Damm. Mr.s. Pamela Damm & Mr. John James.

EMSS ~ linicrprisc Management System.s and Solutions.A Convoluted consultancy variously with the Principal/s: Mr. Paul Pisasaie. Mr. Steve Damm. Mrs. Pamela Damm & Mr. John James.

EPUY - Educational Program for IJnempkiyed Youths, - became YEfPl litc.)

Impact Connections ~ A Manageniem Consultancy Ser\ ice.

IRDC - Ipswich Regional Development Corporation.

f)ut CJrowth Enterprises - Environmental/Honicullural Consultancy Director: Mr. Bill Saunders Consultant: Ms. Karin Hall

Skillshare - Stones Comer. Skillshare

Tuckerbox - A YUPl Inc. / Challenge catering venture operated out of the lp.swich College ofTAFE canteen (Ipswich Campus).

Westfalen Parklands - A degraded former coal mine donatctl by Oceanic Coal Australia Limited to YUPl Inc, / Challenge (July ldd.5). in lew of environmental rehabilitation.

YUPI - Youiig Unemployed Persons o f Ipswich. -Jmr. RPUY

- 10.


Innum erahk pertinent quesiiotts remain unanswered.

(a), if there was no case to answer and no public monies had been corruptly misappropriated; why did Premier Beanie, in 2002. deem it necessary' to concealed all o fthe evidence under Parliatnemary Privilege.'*'

<b). By what determination of law i.s it deemed apptxtpriate for an individual;

• ...with close personal and financial links to billionaire developers.

• ... deemed not to be a ‘f i t ami proper person ' to hold a gaming license,

• ... with criminal convictions for theft and assault, "*

• ... with close personal and/or financial links to convicted paedophiles.

• ...and with close personal and/or financial links to bankrupt developers and drug dealers,

• .. .but. seemingly a lit and proper person to hold public olTice as the " . . .Mayor oflpsw u'h eitirusled to representing the Eeonotnie. Environmental ami.Social best interests ofthe ratepayers o f Ipswich... ", a.s is stated in the C'ouncil's f'ive Year Plan?

<c). (jiven that YUPI/Challenge holds several million dollars o f Ciovemmem f'und.s in variou.s bank accounts the proceeds of inappropriate financial advantage as the It ofMr. Bill Saunders '.../immciai anomaiie.s... ' in his activitic.s between a Public &. a Private Training Provider and an extensive real estate and sham portfolio; docs it not appearincongruous that they would also be calling for public donations?

On the weight o fthe evidence based on the documents collated, the paucity o f investigation and prosecution, the ferocity and duration ofthe subsequent campaigns o f retribution, and the total failure of the relevant government kuJies to satisfactorily address the issues; it would appear that the aliove stated issues arc just a symptom o f a much greater and more serious culture o f corruption.

Ciiven that:

• ‘in pursuit o f a Master degree ...Peter lieattie wrote a thesis he titled; "The Window o f Oppornmity:... " which examinc(d) the fitzgerald inquiry and its offspring the Criminal Justice the time he graduated, in !9h6. Beattie had become Premier and the Minister resftonsible for the CJC. now ... the C'rime and Misconduct C? the last pages o f his lhcsi.s, Beattie...went on to quote from the Sunday Mail o f October 25 1992, in which an editorial


vvanied the CMC and the Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee could “easily be nobbled"' by a majority goventtricnl...Beattie, iit his thesis, had mix-ked Justice Tony Fitzgerald’s suggestion the PC'JC would be non-political and staunchly independent, saying, "...he mderesiimuted ihe power qf politictilparlies and their influeme on individual memher.<i who rely on the party fo r their endorsement and hence future. "...

• Premier Beattie, while ... espousing opennes.s and accotmiahilit)> in govemmem ’ has ...made a mockery o f Freedom o f Information laws. The lasi jigure.s showed he was iknying FOI retfue.sts at the rale o f625 a month. ’

• ‘...the worst-kept secret in Queensland wa.s vanjim ed this week. Our ptditical leaders are rogues who deliberately perverted the to make it impossible fo r reporters to conduct kiw fid freedom o f information .searches... ■’*'

• '...ifK' State Government has rejected a parliamentary committee’s (PCMC) recommendation that all departtnents publicly reveal their efforts to prevent and investigate misconduct...Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg accused the "pathologically di.sbonest ’ Mr Beattie o f trying to cover up any misconduct or corruption in government departments.'

• ...departmental investigations are generally a whitewash designed to protect tho.sefurther up the ladder. . ’and, ' . compluint.s to the Crime andMiscondvct Commission... are at present routinely referred back to the department about which the complaint was made, to investigtUe iheinscdves... ’

• When Beattie '...wa.s opposition leader he initiated a private member’.s Bill to outlaw the titulerhanded practice o f taking documents to Cabinet... to avoid scrutiny finder freedom o f inJormatUm provi.siom. De.spite hi.s undertaking in oppo.siiion. Mr Beattie has allowed the to continue... '

• Premier Beattie has concealed the evidence ol' the above listed issue, under ‘...parliamentary privilege..,’, since June 2002; by taking the dctcumcnts to Cabinet.

• '...B oth Labor and National Party ministers wheeled documents into Cabinet to make them exempt from scrutiny. By muzzling reporters the politicians arc. censoring your right to know..."

•2i -


Civen lhal the CMC deemed it appropriate that the Mayor’s l-lood Relief Appeal kept no records of donations or cxjiendiiure; how much o f this public money was expended on the rc-fit, rehabilitation, renovation &/or landscaping of Y U Pi/Chal !c nge fee i I it ics/propcrf ics?

\k'hat was the relationship with the developer that resultai in Paul Pisasaie. Maris HinchclifTe & an F.xecutive member o f YUPI Inc., acquiring three neighbouring parcels o f land in i iampton Court, Rrassall?

Whai was the relationship during ihe construction of 12 Hampton Court, Brassall; between Paul Pisasaie. a National Bank (NAB lp.swich Branch) Cu.stomer Scrr ice Officer, the then freasiircr o f YUPi Inc.. her husband (an employee o f Bremer ln.stitute o f TAITi). several credit cards linked to the accounts o f Yt.d’l Inc., but otalised by Paul Pisasaie?

Is it appropriate lhal Paul Pisasaie was the Founder and Director o f a private training sirganisation (YUPl / Challenge Group) and concurrently the Chairman of the Board o f a public training organisation (Bremer Institute ofTAFF), whilst in a personal relatiotsship w ilh the then Director of Bremer Institute o f 'FAITi.

Is it appropriate that Bremer institute ofTA FE statT and students facilitated the construction and fit-out of the kitchen at 12 Hampton Court. Brassall?

Is it appropriate that a significant area of the Haig St. Ouarry' Environmental Park w as cleared adjacent to the property o f Paul Pisasaie and Mark Hinchcliffe?

Is it appropriate that Ipswich City Council labour. Centenary of Federation and Work-for-thc-Dole funding was utaliscd to establish a picnic shelter, barbeque.s and a kxjfcout. in the Haig St. (Quarry Environmental Park adjacent to 12 Hampton l-'ourt. Bras.sail?

What became o fthe Italian sports car, a gift to Paul Pisasaie from fmr. bankrupt property developer George Cheihk?

What was the relationship between Paul Pisasaie, liddie Obeid jnr, (son o f fmr. NSW Minister Eddie Obeid and Australian W’ater Holdings' CEO. Nick di Girolamo?

Have the financial records of Ipswich Mayor's Community Fund inc. and Forward Ipswich Inc. been fotcnsically audited, or did the CCC allow these companies lo investigate themselves?

W'hat is the relationship between Paul Pisasaie, fmr. QLD Premier Campbell New'man (other senior LNP members), and Sekisui House lyevclopment Corporation? Wa.s the gift o f real estate part o f this relationship?

is it appropriate that. Cr Pisasaie co-owncd a $ 1 million Brisbane apartment with Ihe wife o f Sekisui I louse Australia director Stephen Williams?

- 2 2 -

References:1. A nderson . A. I ‘W . {Mcmi»!. (".sot/j/ o /w , 16 A ttg f*W ,C',!C,

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40 . Ip .m ic h s O w n. ( 2 0 0 1 B rem er 'I .AFli co m es o u t tops, 2X,'9/04 - 4/lU /O l

41. /p n i ‘ic /i 's O u '« (2 0 0 4 ) H undam ba 1 .AM. n a m ed Q l IP s best. 3 -9 /9/04.

42. Ip sw ic h .s <3wn (2004 ). D iscover the secre t a! W estfa len Park!and.v N urse ry . l()-16/9>'04

4.1. Ip s w ic h 's ( M n (2005). B lixun iltg M arv c lio u s . 26 ''8 /05.

44. M arsh m am t. f t l . |D -(.i 141 'riR ] 1998. (L e tte r), B u tler. B . (C h a ir C M C |. In le raa i A ud it R c p m : Di.scrclcitttju iries in re la tion to a lleg ed co n d u c t o f M r B ill S a u n d e rs , C M C . 2.1/12 '98.

45. M itchell, R . (6 M ay 1998). F orest F a-m m g - A n ex c itin g oppo rtu n ity . The B rem er Brag, (S ta f f N ew sle tte r) , c d n . 4. P ro d u ced by fh e B rem er Irtslitu tc o f TAl-T..

46. M o ito ii, K. t2 ()03). L e tte rs lo the lid ito r. F D I D lf tc c r to p ro tec t counc il. T he Q ueen .stand T im es. 26 /4-03.

47. N txm an , K . (2 0 0 5 ).l.e n d an e a r to reb e ls w ith a cau-se, 'ih e ( 'a u ricr M ail. 4 ./6/05.

- 2 4 -

4M. fT M a llc v , H. {2(>03), B oysl'ow H lo ses !op c x c e u th c . Tln' C t/w ie r M ail. 13<'l 1/02.

4y. I’am e ll. .S. |20ti-J). P rem ier w o n 't th row <rpi>n co rru p tio n files. H iu C m irier .U m h I )/0/()4.

5 0 . P am c li. S . (2004 i. A dvocate la.shcs oul at s ta te 's c lim a te o f fear. T h; C o u rier M ail, %'! 0-04.

51. P arn e ll, S. 12004). {.'rim e U iitchdog theory a t o d d s w ilh h a rsh rea lity . T he ( 'm ir ie r Mail. I l '9/ft4.

52. P isasa ie . P. i 15 July 19h8j. C ouncil I pda te . th e B rem er /Jrag , (S talT N ew sle tte r), lidn , 6 . P fttd ticed by The H rem er In stitu te o l 'T ,\F H .

53. P isa sa ie . P. 200 5 . T/ie Ipsw ieh .-ichvrtiser. C o m m un ity'c . 20,-'D/OS.

54 P ress R eie,ise . (2^) .August 1W 7). th e B rem er l-A pands its <)pcra lioos. The H rem er tirug. (S lalT N ew sle iter). eUn. 13. P roduced by The B rem er In s titu te o f TA i-'i;.

55 I’ro lherire . W . ( I 'cb . W 6 ) . . The B rem er Brag. (S ta fl’ N cvvsletfcrl. I'.dit. 1. P roduced by fh c B rem er liistiliJtc o f TAFK.

56. Prothenx.*. W . (K ept 1996)., The B rem er Brag, IS ta lT N ieu s le tic r) . Kdii. 12. P rtu luced by T he B rem er ln.slitulc o f f.A T t:.

57. y u in n . I--. S tuden ts fo rce TAl'I-: shm vdnsvn. The Q u een s la n d T im es, 15/.1’04 .

58. Q u in n , E . (2 ()04 ).H orticu ltu rc .students fee! le t d o w n . T h : Q u een s la n d tim e s . 18/3,-’t')4.

59. Q uirm , E. {2004). S tuden ts got a poo r d « l : r,AF'K, T he Q iu en sU im t Times, 1W3/04.

60 . R chb ion , R. s2 0 0 3 i. t-.ditoriiil: F inal W histle . The Q u e e m la m l Tim es. 28,''J-'0.3.

61 . S au n d ers , B. (2 3 O c t 1996). 7 'fe S re m c r S rag , (hT a lT K cw slc ttef), f.dn. l.t. P roduced by 'ih c B rem er In s t i tu te o f l.AEE.

62. S au n d ers , B. 1998. (M em o). A udit N ote. I tre m c r In s titu te o f T .A If f R ichtand.s C am pus.

63. S au n d ers . B . I ‘>98. ( M em o), S ira le g ie .U H ance. B re m e r In stitu te ol'T .A FE. R ich lands C am pus.

64. S w e ic K elly . J . {13 A ug 1 9 9 7 ) ., The B rem er B rag. CSuiff N ew sle tte r), fvdn. 12. P roduced by The B rem er In s titu te o f T/VEE.

65. S w c tc K elly , J. (1 0 U ecem b er 1997). ‘tis th e sea so n to b c jtiliy . The B rem er Brag. ( S ta t f N ew sle tte r) . E dn. 18. P ro d u ced by ITic B rem er In s titu te o f I'Al-'E.

6(v. l e a ch in g S ta f f lin g in ec rin g . (19981. M em o to M ik e G uy . D irec to r B rem er lits titu tc o f I'A FK . lAiek a j re sp o n se h i fa e u lly co n cern s . 10 S ep tem b er IW.S.

67 . The C o u r ie r M a il {2fM)J>. l.o o k in g lo r P e te r (o r P au l) o n th e b ig sc reen , 18./9/03.

68 . The < 'ou rier .Mail, (2(Xi4). E dito ria l: C ro w n use^ couit.s to g a in a notebook , 11 ■'12/04.

69. The C m irk-r ,W «i/t2(K)5(. S ecre t stxricty o f le ad e rs p la n s o u r fu ture. 25 /6 /05 .

70. T he C o u r ie r .MtiiU. 200.5). EdiU.irial; P rem ier m a k es rig h t m o v e o a hosp iu il rc p o n s . 24 /9 /05 .

7 1. The lp .sw ich .ic h v r lis e r , (2 0 0 4 ) C ia ss itled A dvcrti.sem cnf. C h a llen g e T eam ing Institu te , 2 2 /6 /04 .

72. The O u e v n sh m d tim e s , 200C). ( I la ss ifiuds). C Im llertge 1,e a rn in g in s ti im c ,..a d iv ision o f t'h .a llen g e E rap lo ) m cn t & '! raitting . 2/8./00.

73. The (JitecH slem d Times, 2001 . T e tte rs to th e E d ito r, 9 /6 /()l.

-25 ■

74. The Q tie cn s la m i Tim e.i. (2001 ;. B rem er t'.'Vf-K leatfc. the K lale. 6 .'0 /0 l.

75. T inw orth . B . 1 9 0 7 - 9 S, H '^ .tf/ukn T w kU indx N w .te iy , B rem er Instituk* u f TAFK. ButtUamba.( A u io O d F iles).

70. W hittaker. B. 1999, The ( o u rier .Mail. \ e l b e ts c o n n e c tio n s in Ipsw ich hca rlland . 31.'6.'99.

77. W o lfe . Cl. 25 F eb . From th e D irec to r. The B rem er Hrag, (Staft'Ne%v,s!ctter). l-.dn. 1. B roduced b> I 'he B rem er In s titu te o f F.AI F,

W’ (wtvw .crttisasalcftrrtnavor.oom l 2004. WItm C r B m l P isasaie cloe.s not iranryou to h im r . ?/.7.'04,

TV (w w w .p v b .co m .au 'a ftic lc .h tm ) Ci>o/?fcr t t f in terest, du fu o u s repu ta tions p a r fo r ihe w ith l i i h v r

80. W ykcs. S. 2004 . (F lection Flyer) H 'h a lyo u s h o u ld kn o w h e /o re y o u vote o n 2 7 J 04.

XI. f a r r u m . .M. (2IK)1). B ene fit W asted . The Q tie e n s k m d Time.s, F e tters to th e F d ito r, 21 /6 /01 .

S2. M cC arthy- J . 2007 . The C o u r ie r M a il co n is p lay in g fo r h igh stakc,s. 6 /1 /07 .

8.7. The C o u r ie r j?{K (7).Convicled frauAster F o ste r beh ind b ars again - th is tim e in V anuatu . 7/2/'07.

84. V icka ry . R . (20 0 6 ). M ore than ju s t p lants . Ip s w ic h 's ( h m . 7 /i2 .'06 .

85. W alsh , t.. 2006 . F hc C o urie r M ail. P roperty deal ’atx ive board". 14.'S06

86. F ill. J . 2007 . T h e C o urie r M ail. B id fo r freetkm i. 7>’2 '0 7 (p . 2).

87. W a lsh , F . 200 7 . D ru g D ealer qu its C h e ih k C u m p a n ie s , The C o u r ie r M ail, 16 /1 1,''07

88. The Ip sw ich d r y h u k p e n d e m . W'in w ith W 'csifslen Parkland,s N ursery . 18/'9/09.

89. T he Ip sw ich ( 'ity hu lependen i, N u rse ry lends a h an d . 2.5/*y/09.

90. The Ip sw ich ( ' i ty Im iependen i, N u rse ry len d s ,1 h an d . 25 /9 /09 .

9 \- T hc Ipswich.4ifrerri.<ier. W estfalen Need.s 1 Ic lp . 2 7 /1 /10 .

92 . h ltps:/./w 'w \v .parliam ent.q ld .g fn .atFdocu tttcnL V liansard /1 9 9 5 /9 5 1020ha.pdf

O th e r D o c u m e n ts ;

h ttp :/ /w w w .p a il ia m c B t.q i ti .E O t .a u /tlo c u n ie n ts /ta b le O fr te e /! iib lcd P a p e rs /2 t i l 7 /5517 F 9 6 9 .p iir


A Summarised Chronologj' of Select Events:

Relating in the following organisations, The Bremer Institute of TAFE, YU PI Inc., Ipswich YUPI Challenge, Challenge Employment & Training, Challenge Learning Institute. Westfalen Parklands; and individuals with links to those organisations.


t onk, M. 2002. Technically Spcahin);: 4 hislnry of The Bremer Institute o f TA FE, The Q u e e n tb iid l im es, tp s » ieh.

‘In 1984, Jack Robertson retired as Princi/tal and was replaced by Steve Damm, who had previomfy been a psychology teacher... ’

‘Under Steve Damm'.s leadership...the Department wished to introduce a .scheme known a,s EPVY — an Kducational Program fo r Unemployed Youths ’

'The Bremer Imlitute o f TAFE operate.s seven cainptue.s - Buiulnmha, Ip.swkh City. Boonah, .Springfield. Guodna. Riehlands and Salishttry.'

June 1993

Zh("ook, M. 2002. Teehnu alty Spmkiag: .4 history of The Bremer Imtitute o f TAFE, rheQ o«eo.slan ii i im es, Ipsssicli.

■'Me are surroumled by change, amfuskm, lack o f clear direction at national, slate and local leveh. and within our own organization...imforiunately this situation... directly affects my ahiliry to give you clear direction. "

Q uote from , <’oi H obinson, V lli re c lo r , B rem er Institu te o f I'AFF,, Ju n e 1993,

Februarv 1996

P ro theroc , . (Febe 1^%).. The Bremer Brag, (Siaff Edn. I. PrcMiuvcd hj T he Brefiiei In s titu te o fFAKE,

' ..the positions descriptions fo r Manager Studies. Commercial Ser\fcc.s...are currently being drafted... Tim .fames...will he acting... '

'The Faculties of... Built Environment have made the deci.skm to have the Head o f Facidties Itecome an appointed position - as a fu ll lime educational position... Bill Saunders. ’

August 1996

3Vftoa. (Aug. 19%>. tRfraslrHcture Gm atv The Bremer |SUff NewsklterK Eda. 9. Prodweetl b> 1 he Brefuer

la« litu te o n AFE.

'..members o f the Imtitute management ...Manager Studies - Tim Jame.s ...A.ssistaiit Director Business Development - Bill Saunders...'

September 19%

^ \n ^ n . <Sept. M oves, The Bremer Brag, {SlaiTNcwslcUerK Edn. 12. E r ^ u c e d by fh e B rem erfostMute o f 'I AEE.

■.. Tim James - Acting Manager ( 'ummercial Sen-iccs...'

September 1996

P rotheroC tW . (ScfH 1^96).. 7%e 5 ra^ , iS to ffN cw sk tte rK E da . 12. Produced bv I'be B rem er In s titu te o flAFH.

Vlv otK pari o f ihe Working Better Tot^etfwr inhiaimr Minisier Santaro gixve an undertaking to reconstruct the Institute Ctmm-ii '

‘The Membership o f the Council for the coming three I’ears is: Mark Ifinchcliffe (Chairperson). Paul Pisasuie, Colin (Coh Ryan. Myrtle Green. Jim Litcey. Grant Pitman. Kenneth (Ken) Clift, Stephen (Steve) Wilson. Janet White, Anne Barnuleen, Wendy Pnnheroe.'

23 October 19%

S auB tlcr,. B. (2J O ct 1996). The Brem er Brag, N ew sletter), K<Ib. 1 J . Prnduced bv T he B rem er In s titu te o fr.VFE.

...Bill Saunders A/Assistani Director Busimrss- Development Directorate...

9 April 1997

ittM inehriiftc, M. (9 A p r 1999). la iilitu tc t'o u o c it fh a i rp c r s o o S R eport, The Bremer Brag, {Sfalf N ew sletter).

Kdn. 5. Prm lueetJ b j 1 be B rem er Institu te o f r.VEE.

‘T.4FE Institutes were recently invited to lodge submissions to the VET Legislation Ta.skforce lo help reshape the current legislation... Paul Pisasale lodged an individual suhmiHsitm and comments from YUPI, including the Bremer in the proposed recommendations and benefits...'

26 May 1997

Hoyti, N. (I99S). ttepnrt hy Internal .ituSt Vnit ruiuesled hf the CJV in retatignto aUegatiom made against Mr BUI Saumlers. I I Bee 199H, O E IIR .

'...,Mr Bill Saunders ...ka.s entered into...contracts with all cases, delegated officers (either Mr Bill Saunders or iIk .Associate Director Corporate Services) have approved the contracts without having formally sought expressions o f interest from qualified training providers.'

■Westfalen I. 26/5/97-29/8/97....Westfalen....$12.100... ’

10 June m i

Boyd. N, (IW 8). R ^ t l b f Internal A ad it I 'n it requested hv th e C JC in relaiioa m aUegatiaia m ade against Mr BiU Saunders. H l> « i m B ^ i i a

...Mr Bill Saitnders '...ha.<; entered inlo...cunira€t.'i with all cmes, delegated officers (either Mr Rill Saunders or the AsstKiate Director Corfwrak’ Service.s.i have approved the contracts without having formally .sought expre.ssium o f from (jualified training providers. ’

'Westfalen 2,10/6/97- 12/9/97,... Westfalen. ...$12.100...'

24 June 1997

* A ndrrsnn , A. tWt. iM e m a ).C o m p ia in lof______„ 16 Aog IW d .l JC .

‘Chronology o f tlw complaint...24 June I997...fncorporation o f Ipswich YUPI Program Inc. a registered training provider.'

12 August 199726

Boyd. N. Report by l^ e r n a t A udit Unit requested th e CJC in relation to a il^a tio n s m ade a^teim t M r BillSaunders, 11 Dec 1998, OK I J R

‘...Mr Bill .'samuier.s’..,has entered into...contracts with all vases, delegated officers (either Mr Bill Saunders or the .is.sociute Director Corporate Servicc.s) luive approved the contracts willumt having formally sought expressions o f interest from qualified training providers '

'Boystownll. I2 /S /9 7 -7.'}l./9-^....Rk‘hkmds....S4.956... '

‘A review o f the contracts with YUPI has fmmd...coiilrucl signed hy Mr Bill Saunders... ’

13 August 199765

Sweic Kelly, .1. ( U A ag 1667)., The Brem er Braj’, (,StafT>ie»*tet(er), f!d«. 12. P rodueed by T he B n -iae r In stitu te « f l A l l . .

7 am planning a number o f functions fo r the Minister and other .senior executives to attend... including the general opening o f ...Westfalen CumptLs...

18 1997

Boyd, N. {1998). K epen by In trrm l.•tu d il I 'n tI requested Igr th e C JC in relation to altegaiions m ade aq a im t M r Bill Saunders, 11 t>ee I99S. »K U K .

'...Mr Bill Saum.ler.s’...has entered into...contracts with all cases, delegated officers (either Mr Bill Saunders or the Associate Director Corfxtrale Servke.s) have approved the contracts without having formally sought expressions o f interest fro qualified traitting providers.'

IVesifalen 3. i m / 9 7 - 2U II/97 ,... We.stfalen, ...37/. 15S less 200... (first 30%t... ‘


29 August 1997

Previ Release. {29 Vugu&t 1997). T he B rem er i.x p an d s its O perations. The Bremer Brag, {StaiT N ew sletter^Tdn. 13. P rodtieed by The B rc a tc r la s t i fu tc o f lA T E .

'A unique atu-rnuiivc...has been cateredfor at the Bremer's new Westfulen Campus at Redhank. ’

10 September 1997

VnoB. (iO S«pl 1997). B rem er Bouquet. The Bremer Brag, < SlalT N e»slettcr), eda . 14. P roduced by 1 he B rem er (n .titiitc o n \F F ..

' ..Bundamhu Camptes four or more year.t ago am! recall the nnr. barren and iminiere.sting landscape surroundings will appreciate the recent achievement... annual Ipswich Garden Competition, the Bremer’s nomination was successful in three categories: prize - iMrge Commereial prize - Communin\ and Highly C ommended - Native Garden. ’

October 1997

** I'eochine .Staff - Fngineerinfi. (1998). M emo to M ike tiu v . D irecto r B rem er la .t i lu ie o f T , \ F t . t.ach o f response to fa c u lty c e m e n ts , 10 .Septetnber 1998.

Memo From: Representatives o f the Engineering Faculty.To: The Director.Re: The lack o f confidence in the ability o f Mr Bill Saunders to act in the best

interests o f the. Engineering Faculty.'

10 October 1997

26Boyd, N. {I998>. Report by iraernul ia d h V n it requested hy th e CJC' in re h th m to a lieg a th m m ade sg u im i M r BiU

S m n d ers , 11 Dee 1998. DE T i l t

'....Mr Bill Saunders'...has entered into...contracts with other training providers... formal expre.s.sions o f interest were not obtained fo r these contracts either... '

'Slones ( 'vrner Skillshare. 10/10/97- 22/12/97, ...Browns Plaim ,...$11,219...’

8 December 1997

Boyd, V. (1998). Keport by Im m m lA a tB t I'm r requesteC by th e C JC in relation la allegations m ade against Mr B ill Saunders. 11 Dee 1998, D K H R .

‘....Mr Bill Saunders'. ..has entered into...contracts with YUPI... in all cases, delegated officers (either Mr Bill .Saunders or the Associate Director Corporate Sen ’ieesi have approved the contracts without having formally sought expres.sion.s o f inlcrest from qualijied training providers.'

'Work for the Dole,...8/12/97,...Westfalen....$14,19H... '

- 3 0 -

10 December 1097

^ S w c te Kell>. J . (ift U ecem ber 1997), *tis. th e season to be JoHy, SfW?iirT (S ta lT V w sie tte ri , Kdn. 18. P rodueed b j f’hc B rem er in s titu te o f T A f K.

'Thi' IVesifalen Training Centre cominues to expand with funding committed for the refurimhment o f the existing facility and the aomtruciion o f new nursery fucilitiex.'

^ Aooft. i 10 Dec 1997). O u r Vchicvemeots: The B rem er In s titu te o f TAPE, The Bremer Brag, (S ta ff \c « s le i t c r ) , E do. 18. P roduced by 1 he B rem er In stitu te o f 1 AE'E.

'...the construction o f new training facilities at Westfalen...the site is owned hy YCPI Incorfxirated o f Ipswich... ’

Boyvtown at Beaude.Keri has taken advantage o f the Westfalen .site's unique location...'

'A unique horticulture training facility has been developed at the Bremer Institute adjacent to the Bimdamba has been delivered on site from Cunnamidia to Ikirvey Boy fo r trainees in amenity' k.'eping...arhariculture. tu rf management, nursery, gardening, floriculture and landscaping. ’

18 December 1997

■ lin w o rth . B. 1997-98. (Aaf«< a d files), Westfalen Parktands .Slursep’, B rem er In s lh a tc o f I 4 I E, Bvndxm ba.

Mr Bill .Saunders (Training Centre Manager), directs member of Bremer TAFE educational staffer Bruce Tinworth to develop plans for a state-of-the-art production nursery for Westfalen Campus. AiitoCad drawtng.s last saved to disc. 18 December 1997 & 30 Maa-h 1998.

19 January 1998

^ Boyd, Si. < 1998). Kepon tty Internal iudit I'nit requested by the CJC in relation to aUegatiom made against Mr BiU Smtttdrrs, 11 !>ec 1998. i>E i ' lR

'....Mr Bill Saunders'...ha.s entered into...contracts with other training providers... formal expre.ssions were not obtained for these coniruct.s either...'

'Stone,s Corner Skillshare. 19/1/9H - H/5/9H,... Redhank. ...S13,0H9...'

9 Februaiy 1998

Boyd, N, (1998). B efm rfH ' /m ern a l 4 u d t/ l /n i i requested b}* the C JC m reit&thn to aUegnaiitm meu/0 a ffm m i I f r BiB Suunderft, 11 Dec 1998, BETIR.

... Mr BiU ,Saiinder.% '...ha.s entered into...contracts with YUPI... in all, delegated officers ieither Mr Bill Saunders or the Associate Director Corporate Scrvice.s) have

-31 -

approved the amtracix without having formally sought expre.mons o f interest from qualified traM iig providers. ’

‘Bovstnwn Training IV Project. ...9,'2/9S - 8/H/9H,...Richlands,...$S,668...fir s t 50%)...'

‘•1 review o f the contracts with YUPI has found ...contract signed hy M r Bid Saunders... '

25 February 1998

7Aaon. (25 Feb. 1998)., B rem er ia s tttu te o f TA FK sets tbe st«ndard . F \c e rp t from W W F SKQf .D R ainforest

Reeovcr> The Brem er (S taff N ew sletter), fckJn. I. Prodiicedl hy T he B rcincr in s ti tu te o f 1 A FT.

‘The Bremer Imlitute o f T.4FE'.s Comervation and Environment Studies Unit is setting the .standards for conservation focus in T.AFE studies. ’

‘Fur the past three yeans, teacher Karin Hall has been e.xposing her students to an array o f practical conservation ac.nvitks...the Westfalen reach o f Six Mile i'lvek at Redhank will he the focus fo r a major T.AFE initiative itt 1998... ’

TAFE sta ff and studcnt.s hope to achieve these goals in conjunction with.. . Young Unemployed People o f Ipswich YUPI...'

^ A a»o. (25 Feb. 1998)., t he B rem ei \a« ivc P lan t N u rse r j , The Bremer Brag. (S taff \e w s le ttc r) , etla. 1. P roducetl b \I he B rem er In s tiia te o f TAFK.

I'he Bremer Imtitute o f TAFE is a Centre o f Excellence offering...Horticulture, Conservation... Environment Training Services Vnit operates a nursery! at the Btindamha Campus.'

The Bremer Muive Plant Nursery .specialises in producing rare thivatcned or commercially imavailablc local native .specie.s, early European and Ahorigtnal plant use .species, Agro forestry ttree farming;, rainforest specie.s, woodland species, and native wildflowcrs fo r the cottage garden.'

The Nursery is currently .supplying plant.s to Greening .imtralia. RA.AF Amberky, Main Roads Department. Ip.swich i 'ity ( 'ottrtcil, and community green groups

25 February 1998

^^VVtilfe, G . 25 Feb. 1998)., F rom the O iree to r, Tbe B fen terfirag . (S tafl N en .le ttiT ), F iln . L P ro t lu re d h j I he B i^ m cr Institu te o f l AFK.

'The title o f Faculty heads has been changed to Training Centre Managers... Bill Saunders i.s now ..the Training Centre Manager.'

1 April 1998

" A nderson, A. 1999. ( \ le ij i« ) ,to n ^ /a « ir . 16 .Au^ 1999. t ’M f ', rfaoted in B oyd , N, (1 9 9 8 ). R ep o rt b y In te rm it .tu d i l i/'nit re tjtK sle il hy the ( V ( ' in rc ta liu n to a U eg a tio m m a d e a g a in s t M r B ill Saunders. 11 D ec 1 9 9 8 .1 )1 FIR.

...Insfilule identified tendermg/'mhcontractmg dixerepancies involving Mr Saunders and Ipswich YUPI Program Inc ...Mr Saunders was athised o f correct...procedures and was requested to establish a Preferred Supplier arrangement for training providers through the Institute's Purchasing Ojficcr, in line with the State Purchasing Policy.'

6 May 1998a.

-Mitchell, R. (6 M ay 19^8). F orest F a r m i n s - An (^ p o rtu a ity . The Brem er Brag, (S ta ff \e\v-sletfer>,Frfn. 4. P rodure il by T h e B rem er In s titu te o f T.AFE.

TAFK is presently developing a training course hased on the Mitchell Low Maintenance Systetn...Run Mitchell Environmental Studies.'

II May 1998

Boy ti, N. < l99Sy Repart by im ertu tl A ad ii V n it reifum ted hy the C JC m reiaiian to aHegutiam m m ie a g a im t M r Biff Saunders, i l Dec 1998, O E I I R

'...Mr Bill Saunders'...ha.s entered into...contract.^ with other training providers... formal expre.ssions o f inlcrest were not obtained for these cmnract.s eiihtfr... '

Impact Vonncctions. I I ‘5'98--11/6 '98,...Richlands,...SI.OOll...Richlands,...$200... ”

18 May 1998

64S aum lcrs, B. 1998. (M emoK Strafegk' riiUanve* B rem er in s titu te o f T A F E , R iehlands C am pus.

"Memo From: Bill Saunders. Training Centre Manager. Richlands Campus To: Paul Pi.sasak

Mike Guy

...I have had discussions with members of YUPI e.xecutive and it has become apparent that the .strategic alliance a.s it stands may not appropriately cover the type o f aclivitk's in which mv are discussing fo r the fu ture.'

1 June 1998

^ Anden«n, ! 'W . (Memo). Com plaint, lb Aug 1999, < Ml ', qitotcil in Boyd. N. (1998). R e p o r t tty I n te r n a l 4 u il i t C u lt req u e s te d by th e C J C in relation to a lle g a tio n s m a d e u g a in s t S ir R i l t S a u n d e rs . 11 Dec 1998, DETiR.

'.. Mr Saunders i.s.stied an Invitation to Offer to deliver training for Seme.ster 2 199H to only two providers (YUPI and .-UMM... )...contnuy to the advice given... April 1998. '

25 June 1998

,S.iun(ter5., B. 1998, (M em o), A udit Note, B rem er tn s ti to lc o f TA PE. Richtand^ ( umpu».

'Memo From: Bill SaundersTo: Theresa H'alters, Finance Manager. Bremer Institute o f lAFE

Date: 25 June 1998


This auiUl note relates tu a contract regarding the m e o f YUPi trainers deliwrin^ training fu r Bremer Jmtitnte ...course is currently being delivered at the YUPI Westfalen site... YUPI trainers have been used became no other provider can deliver training on their .site...this eimt root falls within the Bremer YUPI Strategic Alliance...

26 June 1998

2A nderson, A. 1"W . (W tm a iX 'um p la im , 16 Aug 1999, < A |( , tjuuied in . Bi>> d. N . 1 199S). R eport h y In te rm it lu d il

( rut req u e s te d h y th e ( ' in re la tio n to a iteg a tio n s m ade a g a in s t M r B ill Saunders. 1 1 D e c 1998. D li H R .

The Manager, Finance, in a memo to Mr Saunders, reqiie.sted details o f preferred .supplier arrattgemenls put in place. '

Unknown date... YVPl submitted an undated offer document... '

15 June 1998

** Anon, ( f l je r j . 15 June 1998, Farming and its Implications far the Region.....

'The eommuneement o f the course will coincide with the development o f a "forest farming " plot at the We.stfalen I 'ampus.'

15 July 1998

*** Ab»b. (IS J u l) 1998).O ur tUBservalMiH effo rt a ttrac ts m edia a tten tion , Tlte8rem i<r Brag. (SUIT .Ncwsteiler), F.dn.6 . Produced b> flie B rem er In s itiu te of'I'.APT:,

'...ABC's Lamliinc visited our We.stfalen Campus to Mm part o f a segment about the Farming concept....the initial site survey and launch o f a forest farm research p lo t.'

The Bremer is de.sigriing a Farming based on the .suece.s.vful ideas o f recogni.sed native timber plantation developer Jack Mitchell.'

Teacher Ron Mitchell tdm interviewed mi .site... '

'The inaugural forest farming course will commence mi July 29... about 70 people have indicated their wtlHngness to participate....second course will commence on (k'tnher 3 '

...Channel lO'.s Totally our Butuiamhu Cumpn.s to film...two o f our teachers, Ron Mitchell and Karin Hail. .. were involved in this .segment.'

6 July 1998

Anderson. A. 1999. (Memo),Complmnt, 16 .Atig 1999, f M f ’, quoted in Bovd. N. (1998). Report by Internal Audit [m il requested by th e CJC'm retiilion 10 allegaliom made against Mr But S m m la r t, I t Dec 1998, DP ITR.

‘...Mr Saunders attended an hmtintte “Di.scii.s.sion Day " at which Preferred Supplier Arrangements were di.scm.sed in the conte.Kt o f Depurimem and State Purchasing Policy urrangemcnts. '

- 34 “

15 July 1W8

P. (J5 J«{\ V W ). C ouncil rp d a tt. The Bremer Bra^, {Staff Vewslcuer), edit. 6. Produced lr> The Bremer lastittftc of r.\FF,.

T/ks is my first letter to y m us Acting Vhuirmm o f the Bremer Imtitute Council. I have heen Deputy Chuirper.wn since (kiober 1996...

\..lhen> b no room for 'knttckers'’ ...we must go Jane aril. The Bremer will xtirvive and win on the optimism o f its people, their commitment.. '

18 August 1998

(Joy, M. (IW8). The Bremer tmTUuteaf TAFB: Westfaien Campm Birect Fonding AppOcarion i>«>cuments.Prepared by the Bremer iii.slitute of 1AFE, IH Aupu f

'The existing fiudliiks at the Bremer hi.stitmeWe.stfalen Campus are inadequate... '

'(Ijjivial .student contact hour targets for the Westfalen Campus hinv not been .set...there i.s no allocation oflmur.s fo rthe Westfalen Campu.s...program.s currently being delivered are part of the hours allocated an Stale Profile fo r the Institute.'

'... Minister Santoro had approved expenditure o f $95.01)0 fo r the development o f the site... YUPI is planning to invest an mlditionul SISO.DOO into the .site and the Bremer Institute i.s set lo capitalise an the training opportunities...tmtentiat to deliver up to 120.1100 .student contact hours to 400 young employed people fter yvar.'

’Students are currently in the process o f developing a commercial plant nur.scty... '.

'.4 course has been developed in conjunction with Mr Jack Mitchell farming... Bremer Institute recognises the potential o f the husiness opportunities in forming an alliance with Mr Mitchell... '

'Westfalen...was doimled to the Ip.swkh YUPI Program Inc in July 1995... '

'YUPI commi.s.sioncd the Ipswich Regiomtl Development Corporatkm to undertake a feasibility study on the redevelopment o f the .site. '

'Campus (Iverview:We.stfalen Campus..Po.stal .‘ The Bremer Institute o f TAFK.POBox 13K BIKWAL QLD4304...Senior Officers: Mr Bill Saunders,

Director. TNE.Matmger o f Richlands and Westfalen Campuses..

Staffing: There are no sta ff permanently based at this campus.The We.stfalen C 'ampus is atlministeredfrom Richlund.s by Mr Bill .launders.'


10 Septemher 1998

Ttaching Staff- Engineering, (1998). Memo to Mike Guy, Director Bremer Institute of i .\EE, Lat k n f m pom e tu faatlty ctmcerm 18 September 1998.

7n Ociohttr 199~ a memo sent lo the then Imtitute Director rer the kick o f confuknce in the ahility o f Mr Bill Saunders to act in the best interests o f the ...Jacultv.'

Despite this memo, and apparent approaches by some individuals, no ai'tion has been taken... ’.

Wc must conclude therefore that there is a hidden agenda . '.

13 October 1998

Boy d, S. (1998). Hepun kv Internal . iudit Limt requested by the CJC in retatina tn attexaliom made against Mr HillSaunders, II Dec 1998, DEIIR.

The Manager. Finance, issuttd a memonimhim to the Direclar Resource.^ Unit, highlighting Mr .'launders ' failure to comply .

'... the Director, Re.wurces Unit notified the Imtitute Director o f Mr Saunders' breach o f purchasing policy.'

13 October 1998

' VBdercoo,,V. 1999.(Memo).fwHfifatW. 19Aug I999,< MG,

Chronologv o f the complaint... The Finance Manager documented Mr Saunders' fatltire lo comply with reqne.sts fo r implementation details o f Preferred Supplier .■trrangement.s. The Institute Director tm v notified o f Mr Saumkr.s breach o f State Purchasing Policv.'

16 October 1998

' Anderson, A. 1999.(Memo). Con^daint. 16 .Aug t999.CAK .

'Chronology o f the complainf... Ihe Complainant contacted Ifu- Commission and made the following allegatkms about his former supervisor. Mr Bill Saunders in relation lo Ipswich YUPI. a .sen'ice/truining provider for the unemployed...misming TAFE resources fo r the benefit o f Ipswich YVPl...a TAFE .staff memher admitted she was writing course material for YUPI during college husine.s.s hours ...Mr Saunders ignored the requirement fo r three quotes when purchasing materials...alter purchasing documentation to .shosvproper prwedures. .destroying docunwnt.s...'

'The complainant ...had meniinned his concerns to the Institute Director Mr Guy. ’


20 October 1998

' * Barnes, M.A. {C.K ), 20October 1998. (l.*ttcr to Thatcher, ( „ mrecli.r-OeBcrat. OK OR1, AU liG ED OFFICIAI.•um om vc r 8 f m naLSAvmEHS,

'The Commission is in receipt o f a complaint which alleges that Mr Bill Saunders.. . has misused his position...

...approvals were grunted without the required three quotes being solicited from other .service providers. '

‘...the provision o f materials purchased from the Institute's resources.'

‘ ..your ussislant e is...requested in forwarding a report detailing the kkn tity o f YUPI and its .status with the Bremer imtitute o f TAFE... ’

'The Commis.sion would also appreciate your advice on any other relevant matters invalvirtg .Mr Bill Saitnders and his association with YVPl... ’

5 November 1998

^ Boyd, N. (1998). Repurthy ItUirmit .AuUil Enit rofueslett hy the CJC in retalian m atlegatii/m made afiaimt Sir Bill SaunkeK. 11 Occ 1998. OK i lK.

' ...Internal Audit visited the Bremer Imtitute ofT.AFE to collect information reque.sted by the U.JC A formal imvstigation wa.s not eonducted. ’

11 December 1998

* \ndfrsoo, V. 1999. (Memo), Ife.Vna 1999. fVK .

Chronology o f the eompluint ...Mr Saunders re.signed Itcndered 29 November 1998/ effective. ’

11 December 1998

Boyd. N. (1998). Reptm by tmerm t Audii Unit requested by the CJC in telatiom to aUegatiom made agrnnst Mr Bill Saunders. 11 I»ec 1998. OK ITR,

'This rejktrt contains information collected as a result o f a request from the Criminal .htsUce I 'ommisskm li ’,/( V to provide details in relation to altegaiions made aguiiist Mr Bill Saunders. .Acting Director, Technology and Natural Environment...'

.aUegatiom involve irregular purcha.sing ami sub-contracting arrangement.s with Ip.swich YUPf Program Inc. (Yl iP li.'

7 .April !99H... Institute identified tenderingNuhcomrucUng di.screpuncie.s involving .Mr Satitifiers and Ip.swich YUPI Program Inc . . '


'INFORMATION FOUND... Ipswich YUPI Program Inc., Incorporation numhcr IA2H43, Incorporation date - 24 June 1997.'

‘Yl 'Pl is a Registered Training OrganOation with the Depanmeni o f Employmeni, Training atul Industrial Relations...YUPI is not accredited lo deliver the modules Ouhiccts) for which the Bremer Imlitute o f T.4FE has contracted it for... '

'The Imtitute has sub-contracted courses to YUPI largely became o f the lack o f Imtitute resources to conduct the courses... ’

The Manager. Finance is currently in the process o f nilidaling and verijying all payitu'iUs to that the services...were actually delivered. '

'.Mlhough Mr Saunders approved the invoices for payment, it appears that a full vvriftcation proves.s did ttot occur when the Institute paid YUPl's invoices.'

' is difficult lo positively clarify whether the Bu,sine.s.s Unit verified .services had been jully delivered... '

...the Insiiiute hsuJ no suitable site to conduct horticullttre training and therefore used Westfalen to facilitate the training.'

'...Mr Saunders did not follow correct purchasing procediire.s when awarding contracts to YUPI and Mr Saunders tm e r completed requisition/purchase orders relating to YU PI'

'/I review o f the contracts with YUP! has three ca.scs a contract wax awarded without mvilation.s to submit formal offers to tender being is.siied... Work for the Dole contract value $14.19H... signed hy Mr Garry Wolje: ...Hoystown IV- contract value S3,6fiH. .signed hy Mr Saunders;...BoystoM’n 11 ~ contract value S4.936...signed hy Mr Saunders... '

'...Imtitute Director, Mr Mike- Guy, adx'ised Internal Audit that ...Mr Saunders to have close links with Mr Steve Damm, President o f YUPI in that they are “drinking buddies"... '

...information dUcussed m the Institute, in the pre.sence o f Mr Saunders, has been relayed hack to YUPI within a day and it apftears to Mr GUY... via Mr Saimders.'

'Mr Damm is the former Director o f the Ip.swich College o f T.AFE (... Bremer Imiittite ofT.AFE) and whose administration of the college was questioned by the Queensland Audit Office in the Parliament and the press in 1993. '

...the Director, Resources Unit, advised Internal .iudit that Mr Tim James who is the Development Officer in the Technology and NiPural Environment Business V n it« also on the board o f Y U P I'

'Mr Saimders has tendered his resignation, and his employment within the Queensland Public Service has terminated from today, II December 199H. ’


22 December IW8

Mar^hmann, RL. (0C-DE HR1 1998. (Letter), Brendan Bwlcr, B. |Chair CMCl, C'ttnduvl o f Mr Bill Saunden .Criminal Justice Commusion. 23.'12/98.

7 refer to your letter dated 20 October / 99H seckiny, the cattperation o f the Department in undertaking, discreet enquiries in relation to the alleged conduct o f Mr Bill Saunders, Bremer Institute o f TAFE.

'.. ..'ittached is a report prepared hy the Interm l Audit Vnit which examines and reports on the allegations. ’

' ..a formal imestigation m a.v mti conducted. Votiftdeniiai discu.'istons were held with Mr Mike (Juy, Institute Director... Mr Garr\' Wolfe. Director Resources ...and Ms Teresa Walters, Manager Finnnce... '

' previously identified. Mr Saunders did not follow cn m ’ci purchasing procedures when ttwarding contracts to YUPI... '

'... in all case.s, the contracts were greater than SI,000 iherehy requiring invitations to offer or quote from three genuine suppliers. However, in all cases reviewed, im itations lo offer or quote were nut'd to at least three genuine conqtetitive .suppliers... ’

'...and Mr Saunders never completedrequisiiion.s/purchase orders relating to YVPl ...Mr Saunders approved all payments to YUPI on 'Claim fu r Payment"

form s...'

'Shouldyou require am'further information.. Mr NcH Boyd...CJC... ’

22 February 1999

12Bairadeeif, \ . (unpub.) VfcsiKJige; Rtpquiestto Invttice Informathm, Bmner of T.VFK, Que«nsiand.

Author: Anne Barradeen. Ip.swichTo: Dianne Davis, RichlandsDate: 22/2,'W

The foUowing injormution is fo r the lo Invoice fo r the Pvo YUPI programs CJPl and CJP2.

Invoice: Ipswich YVPl Program Inc.PO Box 752 IPSWICH g 4305

Quote: Partnership Program Ho: I '99 t(.'JPl)

Invoice: Ip.swich YCPI Prognun Inc.PO Box 752 IPSWICH O 4305

• 30-

Quoiv: Partnership Program No: 2/99 (CJPl) - Tuition fees - HI cents per Si 'H.

28 March 1999

35Hall, K. 28 Match 1999. (IlisCKSMon Paper) Karin Hall: Hortkulture K: I'anservation Comullam, Out Growth


'Timber Farming... the plantation methods preM Iked at Westfalen have heen adapted from the methods used hy Jack M itchell...'

‘OtilGrowth Enterprises. Bill Saunders, Director. March 1999’

27 July 1999

lwww.gwb.fom .auAirtiflf.htm > Cnnflivt o f interest, duhious reputations - par fo r the coarse with Lahor.

'The three. Labor MP Rill D'Arey, former Ipswich MP Don Livingstone and Ipswich C 'ity I 'ouitcillor Paul Pisasale are set to make AtiSJO million over their latest venture with practically no investment.

‘They are .shareholders in the company Navari Pty Ltd which hohh a 20% .stake in the issued capital o f the on-lim: gambling hiLsiness called Got 'orp.. .following the granting o f a special conditional licence fo r ondine gambling hy Labor's Stale Treasurer David Hamill, the MP fo r Ipswich. '

Cr Paul Pisasale took over the reigm oj Gohal Injd-Links in 1995 shortly afier his election to the Ipswich City ( ouneil. fie i.s also the city '.t Chairman o f Economic Development.'

'Pisasale '.s influence over Mark ffincMijfle, the editor o f the local newspaper, the Qtteewiland Times, ha.s been que.stiomd...Channel 9 s .4 Current .Affairs imvstigated this close relationship about two years ago... ’

Rill D '.‘Im ' is currently at the centre o f child sex allegations in Brisbane. He was named in the Courier .Mail last year ...47 child-sex charges,..wlwn he was a teacher in ihe 1970's...the aUegatiom have heen madt' by twelve girls and three hoy.s... between 1961 and 1972. '

31 July 1999

'* W hittaker, P. 1999. The Courier Mail. Net bets eoBBections in Ipswich heartland, dl/6,'99.

'Member fo r Ip.swich and State Treasurer David Hainill and former Ip.swkh MIA Don Livingstone are close friends and with long .serx-ing millionaire Woodridge MP Bill D'.ircy. are members of the same political faction Labor Unity. ’

Ipswich City: Councillor Paul Pisasale... wav invited to put money into IJvingstone and D ’.'Ircy's internet casim stakeholding company. Navari. '


" }994.. Pisa.':ak Kt run for mayor...he lost nurnmlv...iri a bitter campaign which incluiied art election w c attack on Pisasale in State Parliament about his 15-year-old (1979) convictions fa r stealing and assault... matters he failed to disclose in an official questionneiire from the Queensland Office o f Gaming Regulation.'

... Pisasale said he was confused by the forms which ask applicants lo declare whether they hare ever been arrested, summonsed or charged with an offence regardless o f a convkiion being recorded or not...

The OCXj R ruling on his convictions forced Pisasale to resign in May as Director in .Navari which owns a 12 percent .stake in Queensland’s first internet casino licence hohier ijocorp '

However. Pisasale continues to serve on the hoard of the Queensland Events C orporatUm, to which he was appointed by Sfmrt, Racing and Tourism Minister Boh Gibbs last Septemher.'

’Pisasale's detractors also talk con.spiratorially o f his "cosy relatkmship" with the local newspaper editor. Mark Hinchcliffc, the brother o f Brisbane City Council alderman, David, whom he lives ncvt door to... '

12 August 1999

^*CallinaB, R. & W hittakipr, P. 1999. The Courier Mail, Ipswich Inc, U/8/99.

For some o f the political figures from the region, a term in the blue-collar heartland has proved tu h(> an e.xtraordinarily fertile fimmciul experience.'

'Pisasale ...was forced to resign as director o f Navari in May- after Otieen.sland's Office o f Gaming Regulation ruled his 1979 convictions fo r theft and assault - which he failed to declare in probity documents - meant he was not a fit and proper person to he associated with a casino licence '

'Pisasale also owns a unit jointly with D 'Arcy ’.v daughter. Lara, at Clevelartd.'

"Pisasale has .said he receives income from...Ip.swich YUPI Program Inc... '

'He is also proud o f his close ties with developers such as P.P. Toy. a Singaporean billionaire...who owns a large chunk o f Ihe Ip.swich CBD '

'Pisasale achnitled in September 1996 to receiving S2S00 in his political donations account from Sinnathamby. The money was u.sed to fund Pisasale's 1995 election run .'

Two weeks be fore the admission he had been quoted .say ing. "I don V accept money from fieople. I VC' tKver received SI from Springfield or anybody else. " The .Springfield development was touted as o w o f the residential ik’velopmenis in the .southern hemisphere involving investments o f hundreds o f millions o f dollars.'

'Ilinchcliffe yesterday ...rejected suggestions his friendship with Pisasale influenced Ihe's coverage of i.s.suings involving Pisasale. ’

■41 -

'A farmer Queensland Times joutnalist...yesterday said the paper’s m iim house committee held a meeting four years ago to discuss whether to take action over the paper's favourable coverage o f Pisasale. ’

20 August 1999

■** CoHper, H. tCJC!-1999. (Letter^ aliegaliuns atxmi Mr Saundrrs, particularly in relation to IpswiehY V P l, 2 W m %

7 refer to yottr complaint dated 16 October I99H regarding your cotKvnu with Mr Bill Saunder.s... '

'You made the fbllowing allegations about Mr Saunders, particularly in relation to Ipswich YVPl..'. ■

Tt is noted that you hud already at that stage mentioned your concerm to the Director. Mr Mike (fvy .'

'On 20 October I99H the Commis.skm reque.sted a report from the Director-General of the Department o f Training and Industrial Relations...'

"The Commission received the report from the hiternal Audit Unit o f Department o f Training and Industrial Relations on 5 January 1999. The report revealed that in relation to purchasing policy, the Institute had identified tendering 'suhetmtracting discrepancies involving Mr Saunders and Ipswich YUP! as long ago as .4prtl 1998 and had taken steps to ensure the Department rectified them.'

‘Your complaint ha.s been and the Commission con.siders that the injbrmation relating to your complaint does not provide reasonable basis fo r suspicion o f official misconduct..,'

'The ( 'ommis.skm ha.s...cimLTuded that none o f the act.s reasonably raise a .sit.spkion o f official misconduct... it is noted that you continue to pursue your concerm in regard lo issues internally. It is respectfully recommended that yvu contiime with this course o f action... ’

'...the Commission luts no jurisdiction to investigate the matter and intends to take m.t further action. '

21 August 2000

72 The Oaeemland 21 AugosJ 2000 (( bsstftedH), Chaiienge Learmitf; dh-iswn ttf Chaiienge& Training, .. *

‘...Challenge Learning Imtitute...a division o f Challenge Employment & 'Training,...'

24 May 2001

40 It t . 2001 (CIS) EasiMaps i eatute Uepart: ( r Paut PiAOsalt Ipsiwii h Cji> founcil.

(hvm*r: ( > Paiii PhmaieProperty 12 Ilumpdon Court, Brassal!Mail .-iddtvss: PO Box ~ 52. Jp.swich


6 June 2001

BtnoMm, B .<2001), CJC probe: \ < e i, Bremer I Abf. rseinj: iRVesligatHm. Thf QueenslandTime\. ft.Utae 2001.

'The Suite Gm'emment has referred ailegathms o f false iiualifications hcing issued and puhlic funds being misused through the Westfalen Parkknuis project to the ( 'riminal Justice Commission.'

'The 72hu disusedinitw site...has heen purchased hv... YUP! Inc. '

'The orgcmisatkm recruits unemployed people fa rehahilitate the site .. '

' ..Premier Seutie's Chief o f Staff, Rob Widdon has referred the allegations to the C./C. staling, "serioicsalkgutmns o f official misconduct... ”... '

'. .Y U P l’s Challenge kimploytnent and 'Training attrmted funds front tlw Federal Government run traitting oi We.stfalen, then invoiced Bremer Institute for Iniining... YUPf Inc were double dipping in public fu n d s ... '

... We.stfalen was never...a cuinptis o f the Bremer Institute o f TAFE... '

' ..Bremer Imtitute o f TAFE issued qua!ifkat ions through its Richlands Campus la ...YU Pf...'

' ..machinery and eipdpment ...taken from the Bremer TAFE to Roystown...'

. Bremer fnstitute o f T.AFE Director. .AAike Guy .said...he had no knowledge o f funding issues with the Westfalen project...we do tun have any arrangements with YUPI... ■

'... YUPf's We.stfalen site Manager Tim James .said was a registered training site... operates a wholesale nurser}> and forest farm . . . ’

'...under the Federal Government’s April 201)0 rounds of ...funding, Ip.swich YUPI received funding fo r two separate projects... ”

..under the .Slate Government... YUPI receivedfim ding...'

1 June 2001

Bantm, 8. <2001). i.cUcr to the Queensland Times, The Queemtaiut Tinm, 7 .luoe 2001.

'YUPI re.sfHind to Q f "

‘...our arrangements with the Bremer Institute were ah.solutely tran.sparent, involving at various time.s. meetings with represcnlative.s o f the hmitiue hoard, meetings with the Director and also Ihe College Executive.'

-43 •

’ .AVcStfulert facility, was at this .ttage, a campus o f the Bremer institute o fT.4FE it has heen commented on fmonrahly by senior members o f the Departmentand nmneroiLs Government ministers, as reported. . in your new.spaper. ’

Steve Damm - ( 'hairperson, Board o f Management. YUPI hie. ’

9 June 2001

' Hennion. II. (2001). Jtihs body itivciitogoled. The Queensland Times, 9 ,Iu«e 2001.

... report from the fXpurtmenl's intemal audit unit dated .humary 1999 revealed... the htxthute had identified tenderingf'suheoniracting discrepancies involving Ipswich YUPI and an officer at Brewer \s Richlands Campus in .April 199H. '

'Training through YUPI '.v Westfalen Purkiands project wa.s administered through the Richlands Campus. '

‘ .stated .slep.s had been taken lo ensure the department rectified the was forwarded to the Criminal .lustice Commission and to ilut then Director-General o f DETIR Bob .Marshman.'

...secondcomplaint was lodged in October 199H alleging a .staff memher hadmisu.sed their position... the CJC....states the complainant did not provide a reasonable basis for suspicion oftffftciul Mtscomiucl and no invest igat km proceeded.'

'...a further complaint in relation to YUPI and Bremer TAFK was lodged...alleged false qualifications were being issued atul public funds inisu.sed through the We.stfalen Parklands project.'

'. . M r Damm said signed cmitracts exist for each and every activity with the Bremer Institute o f TAFE... ’

9 June 2001

The ^^eem iand Times, 2061, Letters fo the Kdifwr* 9 June 2061

'TAFl^ says probe welcome'

'Our Itmituie has had a svorking relatuniship svUh the YUPI... ’

'We have not heen approached by the CJ(

From. Paul Chairperson. Bremer Institute o f TAFE., Mike Guy. Institute Director. Bremer Institute o f TAFE. '

- 4 4 -

18 June 2001

tf?Bennbn, B. (2001J W P ihidform achm m , {be-Que<Mt!iiaiid limes. l8Jai»e2(Wl.


'TluHisam.h o f dnllars o f eguipmeni. machinery! and plants were transferred from Bremer TAFE to Westfalen Parklands through a 'strategic alliance’ between the college and YUPI ’

'None o f the Bremer TAFE. YUPI Inc or the Department o f Employment and Training could produce documentation recognizing Westfalen m a campus.'

...yU Pl truck attempted to take heavy machinery ami equipment from Bremer’s Ipswich City workshop.s to Boystowtf, hefore security guards qtte.momd litem .'

'...documents dated 22 June I9 9 \ obtained under Freedom o f Information. Bremer Training Centre Manager tnow based at Westfalen), gave reasons lo the Bremer t'.'IFK Director. Mike ihiy for the htan o f tlw equipment.'

...also...through Freedom o f Information ..plants were dispatched from Bremer TAPE'S Bundumba Campus to W estfakn...Iklober 1998. '

‘...a letter from Mr .Sautulers to YUPI hoard chairperson. Ipswich Deputy Mayor Paul Pisasale. dated Mav IH 199H. Mr Saunders outlines u '.strategic alliance ’ between Bremer TAFE and YUPI. ’

'Cr Pisasale i.s no longer on the YUPt hoard...he is tlw cmrcnt Bremer TAFE hoard chuirpersm. ’

...CJC is yet to imv.stigate allegations o f false quaiificutions being issued, public funds being misused through the Wesifalm Parklands project and machinety and equipment taken from Bremer 'F.AFE to Bay.simvn.'

21 June 2001

\ arrum. M, (200H Benefil Wastwl, The Queemtmut Times. I.ett€« (o the Kditor, 21 .Ibot 2B0t.

'...with reference to Westfalen Parklands...several years ago it was brought to my utientUm ahont a multCmillion dollar develnpmcnt aimed initially at providing work fa r the long term unemployed at the old We.stfuien Mine .site... '

‘...this 7lhu site , was to house an array o f pro/ect.s centre, cuinmunity parklands, nursery', mine heritage centre. Redhank rad line extension, mini rail, children ’.s learning centre, cultured themes, city farm, equestrian course, confvremx centre, recreational zone, cricket fields, extreme .sports as well as a water park and mill. ’

'...the State Government has invested targe .sums o f money ..Premier Beattie inspected tlw .site last year along with Memher fo r Bmdamha .lo-Atme Miller and launched tlw third stage...grants totalling $435.IH)0...further .State Government funding has been made avaduhlc siru e...Siage One ha.s not been completed. '

- 4 5 -

23 .rune 2001

**Benn«on. B. j2#01).. I \1’E te«iirfr«tsoiva icsl, ihe Quremtand fimes, 23 Jane 2U91.

'(^fwial Examiwrs Relurm, duted November b 19%. show that former fuvuliv director Bill Saunders enrolled as a student in the class he was instmcling and assessing himself...weeks before leaving the Institute.'

'.. .Mr Saunders secretary.. .sigmd as examiner. .Mr Saunders fellow students were latter offered YVPl positions.'

'Six weeks before Mr Saunders enrolled in the course, he former Bremer Institute Director ami present YVPl Ine chairperson Stephen Damm in the ...coiiru'. even though he did not hold qttalijk alion.s. ’

'Mr Cmy said while it appeared odd that Mr Saimders the without holding the quidifwatiom him self.. it was considered appropriate.'

'Mr (jiiv...\ias eoncenied about the number o f quuUHcatkms Issued at the lime... ...Mr Saunders could not he contacted... Mr Damm .said it u rn a T.4FE matter .. '.


Bennion. B. (2fl01). Jobs KrauB. The (hu!en.\t(mJ Times, H.fune 2001.

'The former head o f a Job creation body pleaded guilty ye.sterday to de frauding the Commonwealth q f more than $23,500 as chief executive officer o f a defunct committee.'

‘Former Ipswich Area Consultative Committee /ACC) CFO Brian Damian Lewis, 31, approved $24,400 funding for hintseIf, Ips'wich City Councillor Paul late 1998 lo travel as a trade delegation to l.srael ‘

...Mr Lewis forged the chairper.suu's .sig/uiture ami created false doemnents... ’

‘Part o f the charge a!,so included a further S926 claim for travel ttrpense.s Mr Lewis claimed...after the Ipswich chairman's resignation. ’

'Ip.sw ich I 'ourl heard that Cr Pi.stisale brought a proposal to Mr Lewis to head a delegation... '

Di.serepancies were uncovered during a routine Federal Government audit o f ACC bodies. ’

23 June 2001

Poley, M. (2n0t)' UsMtrs to th t Kdilon JWtellent jobs pregmm. TheQueemlamI Times,!! Jane 2001.

7 wish to congratulate Ipswich dc Kegional Area Consultative Committee /ACC)... '


"Since the State O m vrm ient has injected S9.5H million in Johs fteneraiingprojects in the Ip.mich tv^iiun.. Gtm-rnmcnt will continue to work closely with local husiness. indvslry, local government and community groups to create opportunities

Jurthe long-term unemployed... ’

'Matt Faky. Xfmi.sicr fo r Employment am i Training'

6 September 2tt#l

* The Queemtaad Times, (2Q(I I). Bremer T \ t K fead'i the State,

Bremer Institute council chairperson Paul Pisasale said Ipswich had the nutnber one TAFE in Queensiancl... Insliliite Director .Mike Gtn' .said ih ‘ .secret o f Bremer TAFE 's .success was a turtuiround in .staff morale., unhappy people don't work at peak efficiency.'

28 September - 4 October 2001

41 /pswk'h*$ Own, (2001). Bremer l AFt! comts oi»l tops 20 September -4 October2001

...In.stitme Director Mike (luy . the issue o f .staff morale had long heen n problem at Bremer TAFE. where p<H>r communk ation and tack o f trust between .staff and management proved lo he the biggest hurdle, hut with a new management team on board a new and more ' open ' environment sra.v created.'

'The current management group i.s putting a lor more emphasis on honesty and integrity^.. '

29 September 2001

Bennion. 8, (2001). TAKfcl nill (ace twin pr«rf>i«g. The Queensland Times, 20 September 2001.

'Die ( 'JC has launched an inquiry into allegations o f qfffciul misconduct in the admmLstrutmi o f the Bremer Institute o f T.AFE. "

'...the CJC also questions arrangements between Bremer TAFE and the YUPI owned Westfalen Parklands. alleging the site never an Institute campus, as publUiy .stated .since 199~,' July Mr Guy told the O f that the YUPI owned Westfalen .site jt'tts never a camptts o f the Bremer Institute. '

20 October 2001

Caldw ell, I'. & C*rty s* (20011. <21 conO dentiai, th e Q ueettslim d Times, 20 Ociwber 2Ni0l.

'Osama Bennion - Laden: Queensland Times journalist Brian Benmon wa.s labclkd public enemy number one by Ipswich L 'ity Council this week...'

- 4 7 -

15 June 2002

(9Bennton« B. (2602). In fo rm an t d cp i in co \c r-u p , The Q u e e m h n d T in m , 15 Ju n e 2002.

investiiiiitors looking into alkgutiom o f corruption at Bremer TAFE have heen asked 10 file a report an claims o f departmental cover-up.'

'Former TAFE faculty director...has lodged complaints with the Premier Peter Beatie and Independent Liz ( unningham about the ( 'M(' '.s handling o f the c a w .'

’...prerimt.s dcparimemal reports to the CMC nvre tainted hy inve.sligaitng officers who intentionally fa iled to disclose relevant evidence and information ..the CM i' .simply ask.s the department for re/wrts ahattt concerns o f corruption within the Bremer Institute ..that can only result in evidence being concealed from the C M l'... they do nothing about i t . '

'A CM i' spokesperson said it would not he appropriate to vnmmein...heeame it was now tinder parliamentary privilege '

0 ’Malle> 8. (2002). Boys I'ossa losrs lop executive, Ttie Ceuriee Sfititr 13111/02.

'The chie f executive o f Buy.sTown has re.signed 12 months into a five year contract amid controversy ...and a police investigation fo r fraud. ”

'His predece.ssor.. and .several other former .staff have been vmhroiied in allegalmm of financial irregularities at tlie...fink-Up emplovmenf program between 1996 and 2001 . '

'His resignation comes after a recent c.wdiis o f senior BoysTown Staff. '

27 March 2003

l{ennM>u, B, <2063). I VI'K cops blast. The Ttmm, 27/3^3.

'< 'MC ’ brvestigates Y i'P l and Bremer TAFE link. '

‘A Criminal Misconduct Commissiou into Bremer TAFE College jim nd sta ff were improperly awarded training qualifications... ’

'The CMC investigated allegations o f conflicts o f m erest in conlracis aw ard'd through a ’.strategic alliance' between YUPI Inc and Btvmer TAFE. ’

'But the report did not establish atty official misconduct, maladministration or improper management affecting public fum h. ’

It also cleared Ipswich s deputy mayor Cr Pisasale q f any crimimil conduct or official misconduct in connection with the awarding o f contracts la YUPI Inc '

( V Pisasale remains an honorary life member o f YUPI hut has re.signed from any officialptKsiiion with the organization. He is now Bremer TAFE chairman '




'...CM i' recommenJcd ihe qitulifwaliom awarded to former TAFE fiietdty head. Bill Saunderx. mnv working'al YUPl 's Westfalen site, be revoked.'

‘...Bremer TAFE has also heen asked lo show why qualificalium issued lo Jive other Bremer TAFE and YUPI Inc .staff members .should no! be withdrawn...two teachers and one administration officer remain at Bremer TAFE. ’

' also called fo r the ckpartmcnt to consider whether otw teacher should have to repay money paid to h im .'

28 March 2003

' Bennion, 8. (2003). I Pf nhitewash. T he Q ueem lam I Times,

Pte.spite the official complaint to the C M l' iiwiudinp concerns o f the Department o f Employment and Training (DKTj officers failing to act on initial cnmpiaint.s, tlw CMC report .state.s. "...CA/C officers did m>t conduct any enquiries iheimelves. hut in effect provided advice and support to the Department and oversiewed their enquiries’'... '

'...false qualifications are Just the tip o f the icehurg.the CM(..' allow fed] DET to invest igate Use If... the CMC refused to invest igate i.s.sue.s .surrounding the activities tfmt occurred in 199H and.suh.sequem to that lime. " ... '

28 March 2003

‘ Hchbien, K. (2(M»). FOilortel: FinnI Whistle, The Q uernstam t Times. 28/JAI.3.

'.. Btvmer TAFE ha.s rightly heen rapped on the kmickle.s about .some dealing.s with YUPI, hut it .should he recognized that the,sc events are now a distant a decade ago .'

'... the CMC' report re.scrved it.s .strongest criticism fo r .some .stuff members who fiddle J their qualifications ...found .some o f the college '.s procedures lacked transparency, hut did not question the validity o f the outcomes and rejected aUegatiom o f criminul misconduct. ’

'...Whislle-hluwcr...has heen vindicated...even though the serious cumplaints have heen dismissed... '

U April 2003

Kennton, B. (2003). Bneraer l>irector loiosfcr. The Q ueenslam t Tinua, 10/4813.

Bremer T.AFE director Alike Guy ha.s heen transferred to the Department o f Families fo r six months... '

Bremer TAFE is currently implementing recommendations from the Crime and Miscofidm t Commission (CMC) inquhy into associations between Bremer Institute and YUPI Inc.'

■ 4<)-

Emphymenl. Tm im ig ami Ymith minister, Mati Foky. who wm tiJ the Bremer TAFE yesterday, said Mr G uy’s transfer wta not ussociated wuh the < 'Ml ’ invesiiguiiim '

26 April 2003

Morton, K. (2W>3). 1 tile rs to the t-dilor, h'iH O fficer to protect cnnncit. The Queensland Times, 26/4/03.

...Ratepayers money has been wasted again with the appointmem o f an f<)[ hide councillor'specuniary interests.... '

‘...Could deputy nutyor Paul Pisasale comment on ...whether this appointment will benefit the public accountability o f coitrwil.... ’

17 September 2003

24 Bottom, B. (2003K Someihm^ Rotten in the SlHle of Oocensiand. The Buliedti,. 17/ /1|3.

...Contimimg disclosures over the failure o f authorities to deal properly with allegatiotts... in Queensland haw created an atmosphere in the state reminiscent o f the pre-Fitzgerald era...

'...the .slate's Crime and Miscoruluct Commission, which Beattie and his ministers keep telling Qutvnskmders i.s a standing royal comttn.s.sion. Yet the terms o f reference and prmedures fo r the CMC' inquiry have beenjmdling .scepticism and cluim.s o f a cowr-up... '.

18 September 2003

68The ( nuriet MaiU t20O3), Looking for Peter {or PauB on the big screen , !8 /* > ^ .

...f.ookiiig for Peter lor Paul) on the big .screen...

...Peter doubt bracing If fo r the anticipated fall-out over his looming autobiography ...ami we hear talk o f a film deal being done a.s well...

...Who will they get to play Foster, ywur wondering...Ip.mich deputy mayor Paul Pisasale... obvionslv...


March 2004

W'vk«>, S. 2004. Klectioa flyer) tt hat you should know hefore ymi vote on 17fh March 2004,

"The pre.sent council has .standing vommiPees where the deci.siom are mmle. hawiwcr all current Coiim'illors agreed ‘ That the quorum o fcm tm ih committee he two members o f the committee So not all i 'ounciUors have voting rights on committees.'

'This means that only a few < 'mmcitors arc involved in the decision making process ami this make.s it easy for other Councilors not lo vote on the difficult i.s.siies.'


AH cmren! Cottncilhrs agreed that the standing commitiees he exempt from keepinst minutes.'

n i s means that ynu will never know how your C 'otmeillor is represenliny you. they could tell you one thiny and then go into a meeting and say something else. ’

'AH currem Counc illors agreed to form a Finance and Special Purjmses Committee, however they also deckled to form a Fina/K e andSfteciul Purposes Hoard ('with the same members), which reports to the committee hut is not open lo the puhlic.'

March 2«04

’*«-wo'.cn>isa!mleformavor.coni March 2004. WheUCrPtmt tH.\asiile dees not want you to know.

Paul .John Pisasale as Deputy M imr. Acting Mtiyor on a mmber oj Accasmm. Chair oj the G loM Info Links Cnnmiiiee and Ipswich Ecommtk Development Choir along wHh all other cotimilors privatised ihe Global Itjo-IJnks initiative o f the Ipswich ju'ople's intemet service pmvhkr. ’

‘In Ckiober 201)1 ( 'ouneil, us sole .slutreholder ofCHitbul Info Links Pty Ltd (GIL), .sold the company to iTEl. Commimity Telco Ltd (iTEl. Ltd).'

CouikH awarded a ctuUmct o f $500,000 annually to iTEL. ath anced a loan without interest to iTEL ami without security, and in return our councilors sought only M monthly installments o f S21.091. ( 'otimillor Pisasale luts a pimne bill ofS9(M). 01) a month and as a shareholder o f iTEL receives a dividendfor em it < till he uuikes on behtilfof the Ipswich constituent.s.'

“In e.s.sence our cotmcillors have .sold an asset for m> deposit, no and no .security ami then awankd a contract o f $5(HUUM) anrruatly.'

'Cr Ptml Pi.susale sltpeti: “I ih n t have anypersomd private business. 1 don 'I run a m private " The Queettskmd Times December 23 2tX)S. ’

“Fnmi Ipswich ( 'iE Coum il web ilated20/09/99 wipvtpsHydigldgrmcm

“Cr Paul Pisasale Elected March 1995Qualificatiom - in Imlustrial chemistry anti Electronic.s. manvyears e.vf>eriem e in tfm aiva

pfKegiomil Economic Development and Tourism. Diiector o f several com/xmics. Memberships:

Director - Btuird oj Queensland Events (. 'orporation Chairman - ttftlw City's Economic Development and Global Injb Links

Committees President -Australian /ime.s Chairman Brenvr imtitute o f TA FE Vice President- Australian 'MalaysiaBusiness Commil

Paul has an active interest in employment ’’


'Listed hehw are du‘ vantpames Cr Pisamie is or has been inw hvd in as a sharehokkr or director and obtained fk m fht Australian Securities Itivestmnl Commission. Same compaiiic.s are iinli.stedptthiic c om/Hittie.s that repre.seni the public interest and are limited hr guarantee. Tite.'v are tml Cauncilhr P i.sasaleprhute tmiiftatties that are limited hy .shares and henefk'iallv held fo r Councillor Pi.sasale.

Pty l td DirectorOrdinaty .shrnvs hetwficialfy held hy Ultimate Soiution Pty Ltd 60 South Street, Ipswkh'this addtvss i.s a property owned hy Yl !Pl Inc. Ultimate Solutions Ply iJd is a private cimi/mny that ojteralcs as a trust.

Glohul Info Links Pty Ltd DirectorIpswich i 'Hy Ctmm il .sold this company to i'I'EL with no interest or sectirity. ( 'r Pisasale was ( iiairmcm o f the City's f-A'imtmic Development atvi Ghhnl Irtfd Links ( 'ommitice. ( V Pisasale is a sharvhakkr in i’FEL and a directtir atid he repre.scni.s the Ipswich ( 'ity Coimcii '.s interesi.s at the .same time as he is a private .shareholder according to the weh .site andrtcw.spaper articles.

Greater Brisbane Tourism and Development Association Ltd Director

Ipswich City Enterprises Pty Ltd Director

Ipswich Events Corporation Ltd Director

Ipswich Regional Development Corporation Ltd t Unlisted Puhlic f 'omifMnyj DirectorAdilress... Hrctncr Institute q/ TAFE.

"Miimte.s o ft ' meeting doled October I9h7:Recommendation.

That Connedpn.>vide $35,000spstrisorship to Ip.swich Regional Development i 'orporuiion Ltd.That < 'aiuicil (uh'ise that ip.swich Regional Dcn'lopmeni t 'orpssrinion Lid. That addiiiomJ sponsorship may be m aikihk by specific request... "... '

'This organiza/ion was known as iR iX ' thronghout ichoruS lp.m kh ( 'ity Council....'

IRDCPfy Ltd DirectorProprich' company limited by .shares hencficiully M d.Addre.sH Unit 15, I Turley Street Ipswich.YUP! Inc. ran a DEEP program from this address.

• 52 -

YUP! fm- atvmHt documem.s from the DepunmL-nl o f Fair Trading shows thai YlJFl hu.. paid out SP2. OW lo Ipswk h Regional Deit-lopmenl Coffk>ralion Pn’ Lid from Federal (jovemmerii Fumk.

Savari Pty Ltd DirectorI > Pisasale imv suhjeeted to a C J i ' investigation involving former Treasurer ami Member for Ipswkh concerning this company. Cr Pisasale was said to he an unfit person to hold a license in a casino and failed to lUsclose his previous crimimd conviction in 1979.

Queemiand Events CorportPion Pty Ltd DirectorUnlisted Public Limited hy guarantee

Queensland Trade Zones Director...a Govemmeru initiative Oueerisland Trade /ones Foundotkm

Queensland Trade Zonefs)Director

Queensland lYade Zones Pty LtdDirectorSecretary...aprivate company...Sluircs beneficially held by Paul Pisimale Addre-is ... YUPl Inc. 60 South Street ipswk h

( V Paid Pisasale ami Mr Bryan Damian U’wis as shareholders arui directors had a registered trading name o f . itmtraiian Btciincs.s /muc.s. .. the accounts qf 'YUPi inc are titled Australian Zonc.s.

In the Supreme Court in Ipswk h .Mr lewis pleadedgttiln to Frmd. . the YlIPl hic hoard at the time includ’d Cr Hanley...

The Ultimate Solution Pty Ltd DirectorPriiK'iple place o f tmsim’ss 12 Hampttm Court Ipswich Prev. principle place o f husine.s.s 13 Pemberton St Bixival Registered ( Ifikv 56 Robertson Roiui Kaslern Heights

...listed by Cr being the owner o f fnfi-atil shares... in fo r YUP! inc...he ami Cr. Haiily set up... t >. f hmly as .Secrvtary o f this organization for 20 years...

Waltill Pty LtdDirectorSecretary.Address 37 Ruikrick St Ipswich


, is i k ‘ vomjiany that ( 'oum illor Pisasak hm imtd on the YUFI In-M comtis mhmilicd to the Office of Fair Trading...received ifk; rental payment for his restaurant property tlmt he leased to YL F I [nc. while he u m ( 'EO o fY lII'l Inc.

Shareholders C T Pisasale and his wife.

. ..Pisasale rented it to YUPl Inc for the Federal < Hnemtnent funded employment programs that Cr Pisasale refers to as Tiu kerhox.

37 Roderick St w Collier’s Restaurant and was btown as Masauiah Restuitrani. in I W ( > Pisasale was C 'F() o f YUPl Inc... in this year YUPl hu.- rented this profx'rtv from Waltkill Pis-Ltd...this business ran at a lass...

.411 tht incurred in the running of the n-.slaunint were incurred by YUPl Inc out of funds thai were provided to YUPl Inc lo assist the tmemployed... YUPl Inc [kiid itw wtjgy.s o f the .staff mul numing costs Jor this rcstuuram as per the YUPl hw tucounts obtained from the (ff/ice o f Fair Trailing.

...F t)/ and i 'Me' dmumcnis di.svh.sed a contract .signed hy Cr Pisasale as n Board .Member o f the Bremer Imtitute ofT.iFF. Council and Bremer Institute qf'TAFR Director in IQ96 to 199<H fora "waive o f lease "for the Bremer Insiimte campus canteen at Ipswich { 'ampm. The contract was for access by Tuckerbox. the .lohtruinprogram fiutdcd hy the Feikral ( iovemmem, fo r YL !Pl Inc to run this husint'ss.

Yl 'PI Inc accounts fo r this contract shows ih u $26,343 ww expended on m vommodation in 1997- 9R. This payment is not reflected in Bremer laslitute fim ncial irtcotne .statements offtnam iul m-counts...yet the program wm mtt run through Cr Pisasale '.s restaurant, hut through Bn tner Institute canteen at Ip.mich camfnm.

The main labor fu n v for this btcsimss was tfw unpaid unemfdoyed iK'opk o f Ipswich. Bremer Institute did m training and no quidifkations «’etc i.s.sucd for this ' 'Free 7 'raining by the Bremer Institute.

'"Pisasale has said he rvceives inmme fn m two properties at Ipswkh, one o f which is leased to Ipswkh YUPl lnc„." The Courier Mail

063896195 Ltd Director


' P'tsastde cortftrms he recentlv invested about $20.0(10 in a travel agency at Sunnyhmk " The Courier Mail August 1999.

‘ Pisasale \s ch.'ic relationship with a govcmment-fundedjobs and training program Young L'neinpioyed People o f Ipswich... has been the .subject ofsmm- controversy in Ip.swich. ’’The Courier Mail .August 1999.

i kicwnent.s from the Office o ffutir Trading shows that Cr Pi.sasale andt > llaniy .set up...Ip.swich YUPl Program Inc...Cr Pisasale was the Chairperson...and Cr llatdey


H'av Se<re(ury...fitr 2()}varx...('r Pismalc was replaced as Chair hy Mr Sleven Damm, Jorrmr Director o f Bremer TAFE..A V Pisasale k'came CKO as a paid fHmtioa at the time Mr Stew Damm became Clmir...Cr Pisasale is a Life MenherofYVPl Inc.


December I99~ ( oimcil Meeting Mimite.s. “Lease Agreement ~ Ipswich YUPl Program Inc ami the Ipmich City C omcil

...a refwri ...dated 21 November 1997 corwerning Hk- lease o f a vehicle hy Ipxwich YUPl Program Inc and a formal lease agreement Itetu'cen Ipswich YUPl Program hu: and Ipswich City Coiiru il.

. .aformal 12 month lease agreement, to he reviewed annually, fo r the provision o f a. ..seikm or wagon to Ip.swich YUPl Program Iru ...

...a CMC report dated 13 March 2003. into an investigation into an improper between Bremer Institute o f TAKE and YUPl Inc and Ik ' inappropriate allocation of funds... in I99.H, Cr Pisasale was said to have resigyted from YUPl Inc in 1997, to justify his involvemem in the transfer o f funds without contracts...

( > Ilanfy M-av the secretaty on the YUPl Inc Board at this time and did tmi any materialper.soruti in this agreement...

( V Pisasale and t V Ifunly km m where this vehicle ended up as a result oj i 'oum il Item No 58.03 being passed in 1999.

Enterprise Deveiopment Solutions Pty LtdJohn WiUiam James — Director (was or is a Board member o fY l IPI Im: / Treasurer} Member Sharehalckr of Enterprise Development Solutions Pty Ltd Plmv o f Business - 29 South Street Ipswich flitis is a YU Pi hw propertyt

Cr Pi.sastde \s fmmnktiy intetvsl register dated 17 November 1998 has ( > Pisasale providing con.suliiincy to Development Solutions Pty Ltd

...May 199~ the same company provided a ( 'ommunity Caivmkalion report paid fo r by Cotmcil.

/I SalLsfaction Survey provided by this same compatn: was delivered to i o tm ii in September 1999. ■ •

Oh I April 1999 Development Solutions Ptv Ltd was granted amther contract fo r $10.2000...

Cr Pisasuk' deleted fmm hi.sixcumary interest register the consuitatKX he provuk'd...on the 19 August 1999.


( > Pisasale sigm>Jcontnuts with Bmmer Imiitule a f TAFE... 1994to 1997...John James wittu'ssed his sigtmtnre and lists his posiiion... as being an employee o f the Bremer Institute o f TA FE and as an empltnvc o f YL 'Pf Inc on tiK same contraet.

Enterprise Management Systems and Solutions Pty Ltd< oniftany o f Pamela Lktmiii and Stephen Damm, i hair o f Yl iPl Inc.

On the front o f the Cu.stomer Senive Studr and Report m Augtat 1998 Fnierjmse Management Systems anJSolntiom Pty Ltd is Stephen Damm. The contnu t m v fo r S4I.OOO and listed in the companies that FMSS Pty Ltd did work for EDS Ply as providing the Ipswich City C 'mmcil Envirofdan Survey.

Enterprise Management Systems and Solutions Pty t jd were granted a contract fo r SJJ, 000 in August 199 ) hy Ipswich C 'ity C 'ouncil without tender.,. the person name is on these rcfmrts is Stephen Damm. Queemiand Times Newsfxiper.

Cr Pisasale s postal address for his home residence and his compatty Wakhill Pty Ltd has the same (Lffice Box as VI tPl Inc. which was run hy Stcfthen Damm and John .fames...

( > f^isasale...the chair o f the Bremer Imtitute o f T.AFF. ...cheques from Bremer Institute funds fiviilKHit contracts) were sent to the Post Box used hy C r i*isasale..

... YCPIInc address...PO Box ~52 Ipswich...

< 'r Pisasale private resitkiKc on Ip.swich City Council database... PO Box 752 Ipswkh

... Wolthill Pty Ltd cmd his restaurant is PO Box 752...


< hi 23 Decemher I99H a report to the CMi 'from the Director-General o f the l.k'parttneni o f Employment. Training and huiustrial Relations slates: “Dear Mr Butler. ..the Dcfiartment is mukrtaking discreet enquiries in relation to... Bremer Institute o f T4FF...InternalAudit ...collected hrfbrmatkm r&fmstcd by the C JC... a formal inve.stigation was not conducted.. "

" / . tpril 1998 the Institute identified tendering / subcontracting discrepatK'ies involvingMr Bill Saunders ami Ipswk h YUPl Im-.. "

“... YUFI Inc is a Registered I raining Organization with the Department o f Employment. Training m d Industrial Relations ...however YUPl is not accredited to deliver the modules (subjects) fo r whkli the Bremer Institute o f TAPE has contratted it for... “

A ( 'M t' Rejxwi iktted 13 March 2003 .stales that the Bremer Imtitute show cause as to why the qualifications issued to YUPL fnc employees in Dccemhcr 1998, should not he withdraivn or cancelled...yet Yl ’PI fnc u.sed them to heconw accredited .so as to deliver training on Behalf o f the Bremer Imtitute... knowing it had hrcMhed tlw financial maiuigeumit regulations oftfw Dc/rartment o f EmploymetU and Training

- 5 6 -

Mimtes o f a meelin,^ held at Bremer Imtitme on I tJcccmhi’r 1098. xlu>w. that the that the Bremer Imtitute were urrmgin^ to xertd further fund's to YUP! Ine in 1999 and 2000 on the basis o f these inva/id qualiflvatiom.. present at the meeting to arrange the funds trmtfer were Mr Stephen Damm. Mr John James. Mr David Brett and Mr Pat t 'ash o f the i'DPI Board... Mr Mike d in ’. Mr Ciarry Wolfe and Mr Tim .fames along with Board members o f the Bremer Instiitde ...Mr Tim .James Utter became cm employee o f YUPl hie...Cr Pisasale arranged the fiends hy lobbying the Ginvrnmcnt Mini.ster for this funding to YUPl Inc... I r Pismale was chair o f the Bremer Imtitute Council m d used his position to lobbyfor additionalgowrnmem funds for transfer to IT.'Pf fnc... this is verified by { "M(' inve.stigation ibciiments o f a report finalized in March 200J.

YCPI Inc has a/mcs.sed as.sels o f ow r $.s million dollars ...this excbuk's ifw in o f $6.5 miUion that was obtained for We.stfalen Parklands through the Department o f Employment and Training...

( in 22 .lutK 1999 almost two years after ( V Pisasale has severed all lies with YUPl hie the Coiindl meet ing records the following:

34.04 “( > Pi.sasale disclosed to the meeting a material persona! in .Agenda and Report Item J4.f}4 .. .

34.04 WKW-AIENPARKLANDSDltVELOPMENTIiMPLOYMENTCREATION OPPORTUNiriES...With reference to a report. ..datedllw 9 ,fune 1999 in resftoiisc to a request received for fitttding assi.staiKv... that Council provide S9.000funding assishm:c... at Westfalen Parklands...

There are more mimtlcs in Council lo .sittm- that funds wen: pm rukd through Ip.swich City i 'ouncil while YVIT bw lutd over S3.5 iriillkm M lars in bank iKcourtt.s obtained from (Joverrtmem funds.

Cr Pismale wm reported by t k ‘ ( 'MC as having rcsignedfrom YUPl fnc in 1997 ami had no involvement with YUPl Inc...

YUPl fnc documents aho show that $88,967 was spent on shares including...Infraiil... Telstra... Suncorp Melway...

()n the 18 August 1998 as the ( 'hair o f the Bremer Institute t 'ouncil Paul Pi.sastilc arid the Institute Ditvctor held a harhcque at We.stfalen. YUPl fncpro{Km with Mini.ster Braddy and the Dircctor-Ck'neral o f Employment Training and Indu.strial Relations. The result o f this meeting cmdlohhving by Cr Pisasale Mas that S2. OOd. fXKi dollars were [m nidedhy the Slate Government to Bremer Institute ofP.if-E... and part o fit ww tranferred to YUPl hic in 1998...

23 June 1998 on Ipswkh i 'ity Council Meeting minutes:

lhat Council provide $3,(100 fitnding assistance to....fobs .Australia Ip.swich...Jobs A ustralia ( hxidmt...

YUPl Challenge was liw organization who obtained this funding...


< haik-n^e lA'amittK ImtitiMc atiJ { 'hallenge EmptovmeiU and Training are ht o names used hyYUPlM:.

15 March 2004Q uinn , K. (29(M). S tin tcn is fo rc r T VI' fi shontfow n. The Q ueensland Timim, 15/3/04.

‘. . .Sttuienls al Bremer TAFE's imrliaillure department have forced a showdown with (he Im tiiu te’s director after duiming that poor leaching and eqtiipmvni are costing them their future careers...

‘....students told Bremer T.iFE director Mike Guy that at least 90% o f the equipment required to complete the horticulture course...was either not working or not available...

...CMC iruftiiry into Bremer TAPE in March 2003 found no evidence o f offkial mi.sconduct, hut did cptesiion why the qualifications of some staff .should not he revoked... ’.

18 March 2004

50Outnti« K. (2<HM ).Hontculture studen ts feel let dotvn, The Q ueem iand Ttmcs^ 18/3/04.

‘...A .showdown between Bremer T.4FE horticulture .studenl.s and the In.slilute'.s ditvctor has ended bitterly, with angry students saying their complaints have been ignored....'

'... .Mr Guy could not be contactedfor com m ent...'

... The .studeni.s .said that there was no hofte o f any o f the complaints being addressed or fixed... it is so ffmtraling...ohviou.sly this department I m been in di.sarnw for up to

Jive years...'

19 March 2004

(>nQuinn^ f '. (2 0 ^ > . S tuden is ik poo r deal'. T Vl-4'., The Q ueensland Times,

'...Bremer InstiitUe director Mike Guy has conceded horticulture student.K have got a "poor deal " at TAFE and has promised to create a new department that will “hhw theirm inds".... '.

22 June 2004

The Ip\‘wii h A ert'mer ( 2WM). Ailvertisinent: l'hA!k*nge I Institute: Vonr world o f I earning. 22/6.-(»4

‘F uw kd by the t 'ommunity Res/wnsive Training Program {Jucen.sland Department of Employment & Training. . ring Karin at ( 'ludlenge Learning In.stiiute on 32H2 HOW,,. '

'Challenge Employment & Training ( 'ertificute U t in -Aged Cure Course Where: 60 South .Street. Ipswich'


'This course is funik'd under the Queemhmd (iovernmeiu's 'Breaking the Unemployment C yvk Initiative '...ring Karin on 32H2 8000... '

10 July 2004

'**’ Houghton, D. (2004.) Ignorance fe strength fo r a government twnt on secret). T he O turier ^ a i l , IOfT/04.

. . The Premier, hold as brass, bad just been on the ABC's Stuieline .v/wic esp<nmng 0{K’>mes.\ antiOLCountahility in gtnernm ent....'.

' ..It .suddenly .struck me how contradictory the Premier realty i s . ..'.

"...Since he came to power .six yeans ago hi.s government luive made a mackety o f Freetiom of Information laws. The last figures showed he was denying F ill retfttests at the rule o f 625 a month....'.

3 - 9 September 2004

Ipiwk h's Ihtn (2004). SunOainha rAh t; oamcil Ql l)*s hest, 3 -0 Sept. 2084.

'The Bremer Institute o f TAFE was cnrarded Large Training Providt'r o f the year at the 2004 Oueemland Training Awards... ’

'Employment. Training atid Industrial Relations Minister Tom Barton .said the Bremer Institute t)f T.4FE had made significant edw cttion advanee.s in a diverse region.'

10-16 September 2004

** IpswicM’s OK'n (2tKM). IHseover the secret at Westfalen Parhinnds Nurserv, I8-I6 .Sept. 2804.

'Discover the secret at Westfalen Parklands Nursery ’

'Established six years ago on the .site o f the former We.stfalen Coal Mine, the family owned httsiness luis been supplying Ipswich and Brisbane city councils, tand.scaper.s and .schools for several years.'

'Proprietor Nigel .Saunders .said plants were grttwn locally... we grow a lot o f the plants on our Riftley property...

II September 2004

Parnell, S. (2084).Prcin«r »on’l thnm open corruption files. I'ke C 'mrirr Maii, 1119/84.

'The State (lovernment has rejected a parliamentary committee '.s recommendation that all departments ptihlicly reveal their efforts to prrveni mid imv.stigate misconduct.'

'The parliameniaiy crime and mi.scomluci committee made the recommendation us pari ofii.H three-ycarly review o f the ( 'rime ami Misconduct ( 'ommi.ssion.'




'()ppo.sition Leader Lm'reme SprinpLarp accwsed the "pulhologieally dishanext" Mr Beattie qf'lryittg to retver up any miscamhtcl or l orruption in itovcrnment departments.'

11 September 2004

ParncJl, S. (2004). ( rim e na tehdug theors al mills w ith h a rsh reality . The Courier Mail. 11 A*rt)4.

7m pursuit o f a Master degree at Queensland VniversiQ n f Technology in the I WO's. Peter Reiuiie wrote a thesis he iitled The Window o f Opportunity....which examine (d) the Fitzgerald htquiry and its offspring the i 'riminal Ju.slkc Commission .. ’

'By the time he graduated, in 1996, Beattie had become premier and the minister responsible fo r the C.fC. now in its third inearnaikm as the Crime and .Misconduct Commission.'

‘In the last jutges o f his Ihe.ds, Beattie... went on lo quote from the Sundcty Mail o f October 25 1992. in which an editorial warned tlu; C.K' and the Parliamentary Crimimd .hcstice I 'ommittev could "easily he nobbled" hy a majority govenmtcm. '

Beattie, in his thesis, had mocked Justice Tony Fitzgerald 's .sugge.sTioii the PCJC would he non-political and stuunchly independent, .saying, "he underestimated the power o f political /xirties and their infhtence on indivklttal members who rely on the party fo r their endorsement ami hem e future."... ’

9 October 2004

P arnell, S. (20A4) .Adsocatv lashes out a l s ta te 's clim ate « f fear. The Cm trier Mail^

'Mr Boardman - whose rtde as an indefKitdent .statutory officer allows him to act fo r those unable to defend them.selves - .says that when he arrived in Brisbane four years ago "... the striking characteristic o f the broad political culture was its unusually punitive nature. ".. ’

‘...people reported that they did not want lo he identified because it wu.s their e-xperienee over many years tiuil. om e identified, they were liktdy to he punished, victimized or hullied hy in a position o f pow er.'

'... “This pwiitive culture seems lo permeate not ju st individual service providers, hut the very' relationship that exists between government and the community it is meant to .scrx'c. "... '

9 October 2004

U oardm an, Lt2(M)4|. t e a r o f rocktni^ the boat. The O furier

'....someone who i.s using a .service provider’s complaints .sy.stem to bring lo the notice o f authorities an ohviou.s wrung.. . as often as not people have reported to me that they arc ignored or stereotyped as troublemakers and then marginalized or threatened.'

- 60 -

If seems then i f we lunx m t succeeded in shooting the messenger, then we arc hell­bent on flnding someone to blame, as i f by ideniijying one culprit, we have made everything righ t.'

11 December 2004

Tke Courkr Hail (2905). Kditorial; < nm n uses courts lo Rdin a notebook.. 11/12;^.

'Bullying, intimidoiion. abuse o f freedom o f Information lasc.s, erosion p f accounluhilit}' ...feature on the government '.s report card fo r the year.'

'. Mi.nise o f the Cabinet document rule to conceal information available for discovery under freedom o f informatkm has wound back standards to a level approaching the worst days o f the BJelke-Ptflcr.son adtnmistralion '

‘Ksperienced lawyers cannot ret ail another example in the past 2d years in which the Crown has attempted to... intimidate Journalists. '

4 June 2005

Noonao, K. |2(*05).l end ao e a r to rebels with a cause. C'tfurier Mail, 4 /6/Q5.

Thomas i 'adyie said "'Men seldom, or rather never fo r a length o f time and deliberately, rebel against anything that does not deserve rebelling against ”, Muiv rebels or whistleblowers their Jobs or never get ahead becausi' o f their beliefs. Rebels often come in disguise. Theirs is not the easy H a;- Their thoughts scramble over rocky terrain, if'e often don ’t want to believe what they are .saying.'

19 June 2005

25Row ering. S. (2004>.Hctf I ape B usters: Buliyiitg. The i ourier Mail, 19/6/95.

'The flood q f letters we have received about hullym^ in the public sen /cv itas convinced me that it's time Peter Beattie took a .stand.'

'...evidence of the cliniate o f fear public sen-ants fee l they work under too .scared to identify themselves fo r fea r o f retrihiitUm... departmental inve.stigaiiotis are generally a whitewash de.signed to protect those further up the ladder.

"Departmental intetjeretice certainly occurs even though the FOl laws were supposed to ensure the transparency o f government. '

‘...complaints to the Crime and Mi.sconduct Commission - which are at present routinely referred biu’k lo the department about which the complaint was made, to inve.stigate ihetnselves... '

25 June 2005

* The O m rk r M ml (25 .lone 2005). Secret stH'tetj of leaders plans our folure.

'.4ndyou thought the Beanie government took the cake fo r seiuvcy.'

-61 -

'...tfw South-East of Councik. a t SE<'R(K’. tk ' principtil ref^ional planningvoice in I,ocal C low nm eiit.. ’

‘...the grmtpx current Chairnutn. Campbell Newman amiouncetl that SECROC would he c.s.seiilkilly he replaced by a new body with the title o f the Council of the Khtyor.s. ’

‘Its budget was iru reusedfm m $550,000 to nearly S75(l,t)()’ councils have even hired PR companx- Rowland Group, lo undertake some rebranding ’

'There was aho one other change. The body decided the medta.. . would no longer have acce.s'.s to the miimte.s o f its meetings. '

\htst why- the mighty Council o f hfay’or.s thought one o f its first steps as a new rebranded body .should he to exclude constituents from its deliberations remains unclear '

‘Ip.swich mayor Paul Pisasale was more blunt: "The media should fin d out things when they are finalised. " he told the Courier Mail. ’

26 August 2005

44JpvH'U h'% Own (20ft5). BkMiming VfarveWftiis 26/H/05.

...Spring is definitely in the air at Westfalen Parklands Nursery. CollingwiHid Park... osvner Nigel Saunders, pictured, and his team have a huge range pf.....

The Collingwood Park family business....and with a .second nursery at Ripley supplying plants...

.4.V the team at Westfalen grow their own stock, customers are also assured prices are kept very affordable...

30 August 2005

■Utwriker, ( 20<)5>. C'ttyncil aWirms MipfKtrt, 30 Aufj. 2005

Ipswich ( 'ity Council plans to continue working in partnership with The Bremer Institute o f TAPE...'

Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale said council had reaffirmed its commitment... '

20 September 2005

Pisssaic, P. 2005. The Ips wieh .iitteiiher, < onunuoity I .ift, 20/0/05.

" week it was great to co-ordinate mv first meeting as chairman o f the Bremer Imtiiute o f L I FE."


24 September 2005

70The Couner-MaiL 2W5. I^dit^nal: Premier makes i%hi mo^e on hwkpftal reports. 24/9^5.

When Beattie ...wav opposition lecukr he iniiiated a private member's Rill to outlaw the underhanded praiiice o f taking documents lo Cabinet... to avoid scrutiny under freedom o f information provisions. De.spite his undertaking in oppositkm, Mr Beattie has allowed the abuse la contimie.'

i October 2005

^"itottgbtoB, t>. 2005, favide PS. neC uurier-m it. i m m .

The worst-kept secret in Queensland wa.s conjirmed this week, (htr jxdittcal leaders are rogues who deliberately perverted the process to make it impo.ssihle for reporters to conduct lawfiit freedom o f information searches. Both Labor and National Party ministers wheeled documents into Cabinet to make them exempt from scnniny. By muzzling reporters the politician.^ are, o f course, censoring your right to know .'

14 August 2006

W alsh. I - the Courier Mail. Properly deal ‘abose board*. l4(1S/d6

ip m ic h Mayot Paui PLumak has denied any improprieiy in a privaie property deal wiiit prominent developer George Cheihk. who has e.xtensivc dealings with the council...The purchase was one o f several links between Mr Cheihk ‘s companies and Ipswich councillors, including the hiring o f Cr Pi.sasale's daughter and hefty election donations...The land in question was bought jb r Si25.000 in January 2004from Waltill, which is .solely owned by ( > Pi.sasale and his wife... '

7 December 2006

** Viekar>, 8- Ipswich ' s Own, More than just plants, 7/12/06

'Westfalen and Tivoli Nurseries ...owner Nigel Saunders... our nursery in Ripley...

7 Februarj 2007

* ' I .ill, J. 2007. T h e C o u r ie r Mail, Bid for freedont, 7/2/07 ip . 2).

16 November 2007etc

W akh. I.. 2W7. The i msfk'r Mail, Drug Dealer Quits Cheihk Ciimpanics. ih/llf&l,

'A convicted cocaine dealer has re signed from a string o f Queensland property companies where hunknipi entrepreneur George Cheihk was once a direclor...Company documents .show the re.signatiuns came days after The Courier-Mad revealed last month lhat .Joseph h rangieh, the convicted dealer, had been appointed a director o f the businesses... Mr Frangich and hi.s brother t'also a convicted cocaine dealer) are listed as creditors o f Mr

- 6. •

( 'huihk. the form er QLD (Jronp ch ief executive harmed mid-year from managing companies due to hunkrupUy and corpirrate regulator action, ( ’ompunie.s linked lo Mr i 'heihk donated 5600,000 topoliticianx in 2003-2004. ’

18 September 2009

89 The Ipswieh City Independent, W in with W «tfalcn fa rk lan d s N ursery, 18/9/W.

. We.stfalen Parklands Nursery ...the Cnllingwood Park nursery, which also has an outlet in the Sapar Landscape Centre... Owner o f nine years hit gel Saunders...'

25 .September 2009

T he tp s w i fh C ity Independent. Nursery lends « hand, 25/9/W,

■... Owner o f nine years Nigel Saunders said... Westfalen worked with ( ’hallenge Kmployment and Training... '

27 January 2010

The Ipswich Advertiser. W estfalen Needs Help, 27/1/10,

'... Westfalen Puhiieity Officer (iillian Lym... urged the public to donate...'

■ 64 •

Betow is a fist o f Just some o f the Elected &/or Appointed Officials and relevant Government bodies which, at various times and in their official capacities, have been made aware o f these issues. For reasons best known unto them selves, they chose at best, to be luke-watm in their actions, eomplkit by their lack o f action, and at the very worst, the architects of systemic fraud and official corruption; all the while allowing members of ifteir caste to exacting an insidious, pervasive and protracted campaign of retribution.

• Bremer Insiitutc of TA.FE, College Council;• Internal Audit Branch. DE'i’lR;• Criminal Justice Commission (CJC);• Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMCl;• Parliamcntarj Crime and Mi.sconduct Committee (PCMC.):• Office of the Public Service t.’ommissioner;• Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC);• Ik'pt. o f the Queensland Ciovemment Ombudsman.• lion. Premier. Mr. Peter Beattie Ml .A ;• Mr. Rob Widdon, Chief o f StalT - Premier's l>epartment;• 1 Ion. r.eader o f the Opposition. Mr. l,awrencc Springburg Ml..\;• Hon. Minister for Fducation and I'raining. Mr. Matt folcy;• Mr. Peter Clarke. Senior Policy Advisor to Minister Foley;• Hon. Mini.ster for Industrial Relations. Mr. Cordon Nuttall;• Ikm. Ms. 1.17. Cunningham Ml,A;• Mr. Ken Smith. Director (ieneral - 1AFCQl.D;• Mr. Bob Marshman, Director General - l AriiQLD:• Ms. Monique Da wstm. Director - Office of the Director General;• Mr. Peter Henneken. Director General - Department o f Industrial Relations:• Mr. Ray Chandler, Manager - Staff Services. Bremer Institute o f TAFIi:• Mr. 1 ony Christinson. TAFE Organiser - QI.D Teachers Union.

Board of Management - Bremer Institute o f I'AFF

Local and State media have repeatedly aggrandised Paul Pisasale with the title. 'The Hood Mayor Pisasale though to be fair to the media, mt>st o f the press releases were scripted in the overstaffed Office of the Department of the Mayor.

fhe (iaming to m mission deemed him unlit to hold a license in a casino, and an Ipswich Court Judge described him as the architect o f fraud.

Within Ipswich City Cttuncil he is referred to as the 'Teflon (kiopt/s A tentacle in every bucket o f public money, and although charges are often brought, none ever stick, fhe term 'O ctopm ', has also been applied to his sexual exploitation o f any female w ithin an arm’s reach.

It has been said tliat his mastery o f e.xtortion and retribution would not seem out o f place within the Cosa Nostra o f his father's homeland.

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