l3 amendments

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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What we’re going to do today

Agenda: – Warm Up– Cornell Notes– Stamp Activity

By the end of class, you will be able to describe the Reconstruction Amendments: 13th, 14th, & 15th.

By the end of class, you will be able to describe the Reconstruction Amendments: 13th, 14th, & 15th.

Key Terms

Reconstruction: The reorganization and rebuilding of the former Confederate states after the Civil War

amendment:An addition or change meant to improve

Equal protection: Everyone receives the same fair treatment

Reconstruction - Amendments

USII.3.a..1 FSPS Draft 2010 / Sources cited in the notes section

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments of the Constitution of the United States address the

issues of slavery…

…and guarantee equal protection under the law for all citizens.

13th Amendment (1865)

• Bans slavery in the United States and any of its territories


14th Amendment (1868)

• Grants citizenship to all persons born in the United States and guarantees them equal protection under the law

• Equal protection


15th Amendment (1870)

• Ensures all citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color or previous condition of servitude (being a slave)


13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

• Address the issues of slavery and guarantees equal protections under the law for all citizens



13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment

Year: What did it do:

Year: What did it do:

Year: What did it do:

Name: Team:

Commemorative Stamps – Reconstruction Amendments

Directions: You have been asked by the U.S. Postal Service to design three stamps to help commemorate (remember) the Reconstruction Amendments. Draw an image for each Amendment that shows you understand what it changed about the Constitution.

How much do you


1. The 13th Amendment __________.

a. bans slavery in the United States and any of

its territories

b. allows slaves to vote

c. allows women to vote

d. grants citizenship to all former slaves

2. Which Amendment gave all male citizens the right to vote, regardless of


a. 4th Amendment

b. 5th Amendment

c. 13th Amendment

d. 15th Amendment

3. Which Amendment granted citizenship to all persons born in the United States?

a. 5th Amendment

b. 13th Amendment

c. 14th Amendment

d. 15th Amendment


Reconstruction Policies & Problems

Identifying1. African Americans; 2. some Southern whites, such as business leaders and

non-slaveholding farmers; “scalawags”3. “carpetbaggers” from the NorthMaking InferencesThey wore sheets to hide their identities whilethey committed acts of violence.DescribingMost could not buy land. Instead, they becamesharecroppers but made little, if any, profit.

1. Most Southern whites viewed scalawags as traitors and carpetbaggers as dishonest. The term scalawag means “scoundrel” or “worthless rascal.” Both terms have negative connotations.

2. Many were probably fearful that if they testified, they might become victims of the Klan’s violence themselves. Others may have supported the Klan’s actions.

Reconstruction Policies & Problems


Southern military leaders could not

hold office.

Northern soldiers supervised the South. Enforce amendments & Civil Rights Act of1866

African Americans were able to hold public office.

Confederate Gen. Wade Hampton

Policy: African Americans were able to hold public office.

Policy: Federal soldiers/troops supervised the South. Enforce amendments and Civil Rights Act of 1866



Southerners resented northern “carpetbaggers”, who took advantage of the South during reconstruction.

Freed slaves struggled for equality even though they were free.


Freedmen’s Bureau created to help freed slaves with land, housing, jobs, food, and education

Violence towards African Am. and Bureau agents. Adopt Black Codes to limit freedoms of African Am.


Policy:Freedman’s Bureau, established to aid former slaves enslaved African

Americans in South

Freedman’s Bureau giving out foodFreedmen’s Bureau School

Freedmen’s Bureau negotiated labor contracts for newly freed African AmericansFreedmen’s Bureau assigned farm and to newly freed African AmericansEtc., Etc., Etc.

A major step towards equality

African Americans gained equal rights as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 authorized the use of federal troops for its enforcement.

Policy: Civil Rights Act of 1866

African Americans gained equal rights as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which authorized the use of federal troops for its enforcement

Without enforcement there would have been no obedience

What do you think?

What policies do you think would have caused the South to be unhappy?

What policies do you think would have caused the South to be happy?

What changes in policy would you have made to reunite the North and South?

*Dissatisfaction means to be unhappy with someone or something.

Reconstruction - Amendments

• Put together by Michelle Ratliff for Fairfax County Public Schools / 2010

• Sources are sited on each slide in the notes section

• This PowerPoint has been created for use by Fairfax County Public School Teachers

Homework & Announcements

* Take out your planner!

• No homework tonight

A Bureau agent stands between armed groups of Southern whites and Freedmen in this 1868 picture from Harper's Weekly.

Businessmen and others m

ove South to help rebuild and m

ake money $

Problem: Southerners resented northern “carpetbaggers,” who moved South after the war to take advantage of the South during Reconstruction. Some of these men became business men, and some became political leaders in Southern States

Another group hated by many Southern Whites were the Scalawags. They were Southern Whites who were in favor of Reconstruction policies and actions of the United States government.

A cartoon threatening that the KKK would lynch carpetbaggers, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Independent Monitor, 1868.

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