l ls liliek soepriatmadji©2008 sfg ls liliek soepriatmadji©2008 2. objective: sfg know what...

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XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

2. Objective: SFG

know what systemic functional grammar isknow what constituent ishave worked with practices in breaking

down a clause into constituentshave worked with practices in breaking

down a text into clauses

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


a way of describing lexical and grammatical choices from the system of wording (METALANGUAGE)

grammar? a rule of a language the way in which the language is organized language patterns which consist of

component parts or CONSTITUENTS.

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


In writing:A passage of written English consists of

sentences, which consist of words, which consist of letters.

In speech

Figure CW, Figure CS

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Constituency in writing





Figure CW, Figure CS

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Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


So you can use this flexible word more often in your daily speech. Say it loudly and proudly FUCK YOU.

Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


Say it loudly and proudly FUCK YOU.

Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008



Figure CW, Figure CS

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Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008



Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Constituency in speech

tone group




Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Tone group

dʊ jə ɹɪəli lʌv mʌɪ sɪstə?

Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


ɹɪəli and sɪstə

Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


dʊ and jə

Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


d and ʊ

Figure CW, Figure CS

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

TG vs FG

What would you comment on: But me no buts. You left the door open. And it’s freezing

inside.Refer to language levels to comment on

the expression based on TG and FG

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Why rank scale?

FG develops the notion of traditional grammar that words have function as well as class. That word function can tell us much more than any

description of words in terms of class (through metafunctions)

This refinement from word class to word function leads to another refinement of traditional grammar, the RANK SCALE-patterns

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Rank scale RSConstituencies

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Clauses and their constituencies


When the national economy is growing fast, many economic analysts will claim that interest rates should rise to prevent a situation of boom and bust.

CLAUSES 1. When the national economy is growing fast,2. many economic analysts will claim3. that interest rates should rise to prevent a situation of boom and bust.


When the national economy is growing fast, many economic analysts will claim that interest rates should rise to prevent a situation of boom and bust.

WORDS the national economy growing many economic analysts will

MORPHEMES nation -al thegrow -ing claim


Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

A text to segment

Subject: Thank you and hello To: jeather@iprimus.com.au From: Zach <ddrf3521@go2net.com> Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 05: 08: 11 Hello Mrs. Eather, My name is Zach and I am a grade 6 student. I would like to thank you very much for

making your math dictionary for kid website. This website helped me a lot when I was stuck on my math project and I forgot a few

basic math things. Where did I get help? OBVIOUSLY! I got it from http://www. amathsdictionaryforkids.com. I have attached my project. I hope you like it.   Yours truly, Zachary Dorfler myproject.doc (100kb)


CC, C, G/P, W, M

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Complex clauses

My name is Zach and I am a grade 6 student.

This website helped me a lot when I was stuck on my math project and I forgot a few basic math things.

CC, C, G/P, W, M

Text to segment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


Hello Mrs. Eather, (minor) My name is Zach and I am a grade 6 student. I would like to thank you very much for making your math dictionary for kid website. This website helped me a lot when I was stuck on my math project and I forgot a few basic math things. Where did I get help? OBVIOUSLY! I got it from http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com. I have attached my project. I hope you like it. Yours truly, (minor) Zachary Dorfler (minor)

CC, C, G/P, W, M

Text to segment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Groups or phrases

Nominal group, as in my name, Zach Verbal group, as in would like (clause 4)Conjunction group, as in and (clause 3) Adverbial group, as in very much (clause

4)Prepositional phrase, as in on my math

project (clause 6)

CC, C, G/P, W, M

Text to segment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008



CC, C, G/P, W, M

Text to segment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008



CC, C, G/P, W, M

Text to segment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Clause as experience of the world

PROCESS: happening, doing, sensing, meaning, being, and becoming

PARTICIPANTSCIRCUMSTANCESA complete Subject + Finite construction (

Major clause as compared to Minor one)

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008

Simple test of clause constituent break down

Frantically, the furious child chased our neighbor’s cat up and down the street. who did the chasing: The furious child

how the chasing was done: Frantically

who the chasing done to: Our neighbor’s cat

where the chasing happened: Up and down the street

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


1. What is the difference between constituency in writing and constituency in speaking?

2. How would you break down into constituents of sentences ‘To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. Hollywood is an area in Los Angles. Hollywood is also American Industry’?

3. Find a text and identify the sentences. Then, break it down into major and minor clauses

4. Quote a recipe from a newspaper or magazine and identify the sentences. Then, break it down into major and minor clauses

5. Get a commercial brochure from a five (or four)-star hotel and identify the sentences. Then, break it down into major and minor clauses

6. Get any poem and identify the sentences. Then, break it down into major and minor clauses

Objective, SFG, Constituency, TGvsFG, Why rank-scale, Clause segments, Simple test, Assignment

XWelcome to Systemic Functional GrammarLS

Liliek Soepriatmadji©2008


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