kāsiga school...page 1 of 15 kāsiga school sample question paper english q1. write a paragraph on...

Post on 20-Mar-2020






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    Kāsiga School

    ENGLISH Q1. Write a paragraph on the following topic: A day when everything went wrong. (4)

    Q2. Write a letter to your cousin and ask him to be a part of the trip to the Himalayas that

    you have planned with your friends. (5)

    Q3. Fill in the blanks with the correct option: (.5x4=2)

    a. Slow and steady …………………….. the race. (win / wins)

    b. Neither Peter nor James …………………….. any right to the property. (has / have) c. No prize or medal ………………….. given to the boy, though he stood first in the

    examination. (was / were)

    d. Either Mary or Alice …………………… responsible for this. (is / are)

    Q4.Write the antonyms of the following words: (.5x4=2)

    a. loyal

    b. kind

    c. forgive

    d. hide

    Q5. Use the correct preposition/conjunction to fill up the blanks: (.5x4=2)

    a. He was upset ___________ me.

    b. She is good ________ football.

    c. He asked them ________ listen _______ his story.

    d. He fell ________ the pond accidentally.

    Q7. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (10)

    Sample Question Paper English Hindi Math Science

    For admission to class 8

    Time: 2 Hrs Total: 100 marks

    Name: Roll no.:

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    Lightning is a streak of electricity that occurs in every thunderstorm. You see lightning before you

    hear thunder because light travels faster than sound. Lightning is caused when the negative charge

    of electricity in the rain clouds meets the positive charge of electricity in the falling raindrops. Most

    lightning occurs from cloud-to-cloud, but some lightning occurs from cloud-to-ground, where it can

    start fires, melt metal, or be deadly to people. Although 90% of people survive lightning strikes,

    they can cause major internal injuries, burns, and hearing loss. 240,000 people are struck by

    lightning or are injured as a result of lightning every year.

    Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of air and temperature inside and around a lightning

    strike. Such an expansion of air is known as a sonic shock wave. Did you know you can calculate

    the distance of lightning from its thunder? Thunder occurs after lightning because the light travels

    much more quickly than sound. In normal circumstances, lightning is 0.2 miles distant from a given

    location for every second that passes between the lightning and its thunder. Thus, if you see

    lightning in the sky and hear thunder five seconds later, the lightning is about one mile from your


    i. Lightning occurs....

    a. in a few thunderstorms

    b. in some thunderstorms

    c. in most thunderstorms

    d. in every thunderstorm

    ii. Why do you see lightning before you hear thunder?

    a. Because lightning comes before thunder

    b. Because thunder causes lightning

    c. Because lightning causes thunder

    d. Because light travels faster than sound

    iii. Most lightning....

    a. melts metal

    b. occurs between clouds

    c. occurs from ground to cloud

    d. occurs from cloud to ground

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    iv. What can you infer from the following sentence?

    Although 90% of people survive lightning strikes, they can cause major internal injuries, burns and

    hearing loss.

    a. Although most people survive lightning strikes, some do not

    b. Lightning is not that dangerous

    c. Lightning can cause major burns

    v. Which of the following is NOT a possible outcome of lightning?

    a. burns

    b. death

    c. electricity

    d. injury

    vi. Which of the following is NOT true about thunder?

    a. You hear thunder after lightning because light travels faster than sound.

    b. Thunder occurs because of the rapid expansion of air and temperature inside and around a

    lightning strike.

    c. If you see lightning and hear thunder five seconds later, the lightning is five miles away

    d. Air expansion that results in thunder is called a sonic shock wave.

    vii. What do the paragraphs have in common?

    a. They describe specific instances of lightning and thunder

    b. They describe lightning and thunder in popular culture

    c. They describe the discovery of lightning and thunder

    d. They describe why lightning and thunder occur

    viii. What is a major difference between the two paragraphs?

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    a. The first paragraph describes a cause and the second does not

    b. The first paragraph describes an effect and the second does not

    c. The second describes an effect and the first does not.

    d. The second paragraph describes a cause and the first does not

    ix. What word is could be a synonym for circumstances as used in the following sentence:

    In normal circumstances, lightning is 0.2 miles distant from a given location for every second that

    passes between the lightning and its thunder.

    a. situations

    b. ways

    c. problems

    d. averages

    x. Which of the following sentences contains an approximation?

    a. Such an expansion of air is known as a sonic shock wave.

    b. Did you know you can calculate the distance of lightning from its thunder?

    c. You see lightning before you hear thunder because light travels faster than sound.

    d. Thus, if you see lightning in the sky and hear thunder five seconds later, the lightning is about

    one mile from your location.

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    प्रश्न-1- ननम्नलिखित गद्यांश को देिकर ददए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लििें- [5]

    कबीर केवि महयन कवव ही नहीां, बल्कक अपने सम् के सबसे बड ेऔर सच्चे समयज सधुयरक तथय ्गु ननमयातय थे। कबीर केवि पढे-लििे ही नहीां थ,े परांत ुवे ज्ञयनी व््ल्तत थे। जब उनकय जन्म हुआ तब देश सयमयल्जक रुदढ्ों और परांपरयओां में जकडय हुआ थय। देह्स में जयत-पयाँत , छुआछूत, मनूत ा-पजूय, रोज़य-नमयज़आदद कय बोिबयिय थय। धमा और जयनत के नयम पसपंरू्ा देश ददन-पर-ददन कमज़ोर होतय जय रहय थय। कबीर ने दहांद ूतथय मसुिमयन दोनों की आिोचनय की और समयजमें जयगनृत कय न्य मांत्र फूाँ कय। कबीर सयधु प्रववृत्त के थ,े इसलिएउनकी भयषय ववलभन्न भयषयओां की खिचडी अथवय “सधतुकडी” कहियई। उनकी रचनयएाँ ‘बीजक’नयमक ग्रांथ में सांकलित हैं। अपने दोहों और पदों में उन्होंने ज्ञयन-अज्ञयन, ननरयकयर ईश्व, आपसी प्रेम आदद की बयतें की हैं।


    क) कबीर कौन थ?े





    ि) कबीर के जन्म के सम् देश की कस सी ल्थिथनत थी?





    ग) कबीर ने समयज ने ककसकय मांत्र फूाँ कय? .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    घ) कबीर की रचनयओां में त्य सांदेश नछपय हस?

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    ................................................................................................................. ङ) कबीर की भयषय ककस नयम से प्रचलित हस?




    प्रश्न-2- ननदेशयनुसयर उत्तर लििें-

    ज) वर्ा-ववच्छेद करें- [1]

    * रयष्ट्री् ...............................................................................

    * सुरक्षित ..............................................................................

    ि) ननम्नलिखित शब्दों से भयव वयचक सांज्ञय बनयएाँ। [1]

    * चनुनय- ............................... * मयतय ........................................

    ग)रेियांककत सवानयम पद के भेद बतयएाँ। [1]

    * बयहर कोई आ्य हस। .........................................................

    * दधू में कुछ गगरय हस। .................................................................

    घ) ननम्नयलिखित वयत् में से ववशषेर् और ववशषे्ट्् पद लििें। [1]

    * ददकिी भयरत की रयजधयनी हस।

    * सीतय ने सुांदर गीत गय्य।

    ङ) कि्य के भेद लििें। [1]

    * बच्च ेिेि रहे हैं। ................................................

    * रयधय ने भयई को उपहयर दद्य। ........................................

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    च) लिांग बदि कर वयत् पुनः लििें। [1]

    * गयन्कय ने अपने गीत से सबकय मन मोह लि्य।

    * सभय में बहुत से पुरुष बसठे थे।

    छ) वचन बदि कर लििें। [1]

    * नर ...................... * थित्री ............................

    ज) ननम्नलिखित शब्दों के प्या्वयची लििें। [1]

    तयियब- ......................... ..........................

    इच्छय- ........................... ............................

    झ) शब्दों कय वविोम शब्द लििें। [1]

    आदयन- ......................... आल्थितक- ..................................

    ञ) िोकोल्तत्ों कय अथा लििकर वयत्-प्र्ोग करें। [1]

    * अकेिय चनय भयड नहीां फोडतय- ........................................


    प्रश्न-3- पत्र-लेखन- (अनौपचारिक)

    अपने ववद्यि् के वयवषाक उत्सव के बयरे में बतयते हुए अपने लमत्र को पत्र लििें। [5]







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    प्रश्न-4- दिए गए विषयों में से एक विषय पि अनुच्छेि ललखें- (100 शब्ि) [5]

    अनेकतय में एकतय,दहांद की ववशषेतय सम् बडय अनमोि












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    SECTION A (2X5=10)

    1. Complete :

    3m +_________ - 2m+4p = m + 7p

    2. Expand the bracket and simplify :

    3(2x +1) + 4(3x-4)

    3. Fill in the blanks :

    (a) 3200 ml.= __________ litre

    (b) 35.21 ÷0.01 = ___________

    4. Construct an angle of 600 using ruler and compass.

    5. If m=2, p = -5 and t= 10, find the value of: 2t – m + 3p

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    6. Find the volume of a cuboid with length 9cm, breadth 5cm and height 3.5 cm.

    7. Find the area of the quadrilateral:

    8 cm

    12 cm


    8. Nine glasses hold 2.7 liters of water. How many liters of water would there be in one glass?

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    SECTION B (3x3=9)

    9. There are 864 students in a school. The number is expected to increase by 1

    12 next year. How

    many students are expected at the school next year?

    10. Find the missing angles in the following parallelogram.


    11. Jannie and Indra share $ 372.Jannie receives 35% 0f the money. How many dollars do they

    each receive?

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    Multiple Choice Questions[25]

    Q1. When a magnet is placed on a plastic plate with common pins spread on it, then

    A. Pins stick all around the magnet B. Pins stick at the middle of the magnet C. Pins stick at the ends of the magnet D. None of these

    Q2.The North end of the freely suspended magnet points towards -------

    A. Geographical North B. Geographical South C. Geographical East D. Geographical West

    Q3. ------------ is the surest test of magnetism.

    A. Attraction B. Rotation C. Repulsion D. None

    Q4. Which of the following cannot be used to make a magnet?

    A. Cobalt B. Iron C. Ebonite D. Steel

    Q5. Sunlight is

    A. Yellow B. White C. Red D. Blue

    Q6. The image which can be caught on a screen is called

    A. Real image B. Virtual image C. Shadow D. Impression

    Q7. Splitting of white light into seven colours is called

    A. reflection of light B. Rectilinear propagation of light C. Lateral inversion D. Dispersion

    Q8. A ray of light of light travelling in the air goes into water. the angle of refraction will be

    A. 90° B. Smaller than the angle of incidence C. Equal to the angle of incidence D. Greater than the angle of incidence

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    Q9. The image of an object formed by the plane mirror is:

    A. Real B. Virtual C. Diminished D. Upside-down

    Q10. Which of these is NOT a pure substance?

    A. Mixture

    B. Compound

    C. Element

    D. Radical

    Q11. The process of settling down of particles of a solid in a liquid is

    A. Decantation B. sublimation C. sedimentation D. filtration

    Q12. Salt is obtained from sea water by using which of the following process.

    A. Sedimentation

    B. Condensation

    C. Evaporation

    D. Centrifugation

    Q13. Which of these mixtures can be separated using chromatography?

    A. Sand and salt

    B. Dyes in ink

    C. Water and salt

    D. None of these

    Q14. A slow combustion in which glucose present in the body cells combine with oxygen to

    provide energy is

    A. digestion B. Excretion

    C. Respiration

    D. none of the above

    Q15. Which of the following chemical equations correctly show the reaction between

    hydrochloric acid and magnesium

    A. Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid = Magnesium Chloride + Carbon dioxide

    B. Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid = Magnesium Sulphate + Water

    C. Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid = Magnesium Nitrate + hydrogen

    D. Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid = Magnesium Chloride + hydrogen

    Q16. Chemical reactions are

    A. Always reversible

    B. Mostly reversible

    C. Mostly irreversible

    D. None of the above

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    Q17. When an alkali reacts with an acids, it is known as

    A. Combustion reaction

    B. Neutralisation reaction

    C. Oxidation reaction

    D. Displacement reaction

    Q18. Male reproductive part of a plant is

    A. Pores B. Pistil C. Stamen D. Fusion

    Q19. Reproduction through spore formation takes place in

    A. Fern B. Algae C. Fungi D. Yeast

    Q20. Reproduction in yeast takes place by

    A. zygote B. Spore formation C. Fragmentation D. Budding

    Q21. The flowers which contain either only the pistil or only the stamens are called

    A. Unisexual flowers B. Bisexual flowers C. Asexual flowers D. None of the above

    Q22. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower is called

    A. Budding B. Spore formation C. Fragmentation D. Pollination

    Q23. The cell which results after fusion of the gametes is called

    A. Spore B. Embryo C. Zygote D. Pistil

    Q24. A car moves with a speed of 80 km/h for 15 minutes and then with a speed of 60 km/h for

    the next 15 minutes. The total distance covered by the car is

    A. 100km B. 50km C. 35km D. 70km

    Q25. The value of 2km/hr is equal to

    A. 4/9 m/s B. 5/9m/s C. 13/9m/s D. 7/9m/s

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