kscope14 jython scripting

Post on 13-Sep-2014






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Tony Scalese, Edgewater Ranzal Oracle Financial Data Management (FDM) practice director, presented "Jython Scripting in FDMEE - It's Not That Scary" at KScope14.


Jython Scripting in FDMEEIt's Not That Scary

Tony Scalese

Edgewater Ranzal


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Jython Overview Configuring Eclipse FDMEE Scripting Configuration


Why Jython and not VBScript?● Jython is the strategic direction

of Oracle development● Jython is platform independent● The API supporting Jython

scripting will continue to be enhanced

● Jython error handling is more elegant and robust

Let’s Get It Out of the Way

Python programming language written in JAVA Syntax is more sensitive than VBScript Variable data type is critical; declaration is

implicit Comment characters: # or ‘’’<comment block>’’’ import statement allows easy reuse of code Far more robust error handling Familiarize yourself with camelCase Not that different than VBScript

Jython Basics

Import JAVA classesimport java.sql as sql

Utilize Try...Excepttry:

Code to execute


Error handling

Script Format

Sys, Traceback: Can be used to get detailed error information including line in script producing error

Java.sql: Used to interact with remote databases

Smtplib: Used for email generation

Commonly Used JAVA Classes

Method Functionality

count(Substring,[Start],[End]) Number of times substring occurs

endswith(Suffix,[Start],[End]) Boolean result; does string end with suffix

find(substring,[Start],[End]) Returns position where substring is found

isdigit() Boolean result; is string all numbers

isspace() Boolean result; is string all spaces

lower() Puts still in all lower case, similar to lcase

replace(old,new,[count]) Replaces text in string

split([separator],[max split]) Returns a list, string is divided by separator

startswith(prefix,[Start],[End]) Boolean result; does string start with prefix

strip([characters]) Removes specified character(s) from string

upper() Puts still in all upper case, similar to ucase

zfill(width) Returns numeric string filled left with zeros

Jython String Manipulation

Jython VBScript

If Then if x == 100:elif x == 200:else:

If x = 100 thenElseif x = 200 thenElseEnd if

Case No native statement; utilize dictionary or If Then statements

Select Case x Case 100 Case 200 Case ElseEnd Select

Jython Statements

Jython VBScript

Do Loop while x<100: Do something x += 1

Do while x < 100 Do something x = x+1Loop

For Loop for x in range(100): Do something

For x = 0 to 100 Do somethingNext

Jython Iteration

Jython VBScript

List lListName = [‘Elem1’,’Elem2’,’Elem3’]

for elem in lListName: print elem

aArrayName = Array(“Elem1”,”Elem2”,”Elem3”)

For each strElem in aArrayName msgbox strElemNext

Dictionary dictName = {}dictName[‘Tony Scalese’] = 36dictName[‘Opal Alapat’] = 39

for sKey,sItem in dictName.iteritems(): print sKey + ‘\’s age is ‘ + str(sItem)

Set dictName = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)

dictName.Add “Tony Scalese”, 36dictName.Add “Opal Alapat”, 39

For each strKey in dictName.Keys msgbox strKey & “’s age is “ & dictName.Item(strKey)Next

Jython Mapping Data Type

Jython Overview Configuring Eclipse FDMEE Scripting Configuration


If a JRE is not installed, be sure to install the 64 bit JRE (install using defaults)● http://


JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE)

Download Jython 2.5.1 from http://www.jython.org/downloads.html● Do not use a more up to date version!

Jython Download

Select English Next Accept the EULA Next Select Standard Next Leave the default C:\Jython2.5.1 directory Next May be prompted that the directory is created,

click OK and Next again Leave Current as JAVA home directory Next Click Next on the Summary tab, install will begin Click Next on the ReadMe and then Finish

Jython Install

Confirm the C:\jython2.5.1 directory exists Confirm jython.jar file exists

Jython Install Confirmation

Download Eclipse Standard from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

Download Eclipse

Extract the download to the C:\ directory Open the C:\Eclipse folder and launch


Extract Eclipse

Specify a default workspace


Expand General Editors and click Text Editors

Change the options:● Display tab width: 2● Insert spaces for tabs:

Checked● Show Print Margin:

Checked● Show Line Numbers:


Configure Eclipse General Options

Select Windows Preferences Expand Install/Update Click Available Software Sites Click Add Name: PyDev Location: http://pydev.org/updates/ Click OK

Install PyDev

PyDev Install

Select Help Install New Software Click PyDev from the Work With drop down Check PyDev Click Next Click Next Accept the EULA and click Finish

PyDev Install

Put a check next to the certificate

Click OK Click Yes to restart Eclipse

after the install

PyDev Install

Windows Preferences Expand PyDev and click Editor Change tab length to 2

Set PyDev Options

Interpreter – Jython Click New

● Interpreter Name: Jython2.5.1● Browse and select Jython.jar from C: drive

Click OK

Set PyDev Interpreter

When prompted, leave defaults and click OK

Set PyDev Interpreter

Close the Welcome Screen Right click the Package Explorer New Project

Creating a Project

Expand PyDev and select PyDev Project Click Next

Creating a Project

Name the Project Change the project type to Jython Click Finish Click Yes when prompted

Creating a Project

Right click the Project Select New Folder

● Name the folder src● Repeat and create as lib

Organize Code

Right click lib folder and select Import Expand General and select File System

Import JAR Files

From Directory: lib directory of FDM● %hyperion_home%\Products\FinancialDataQuality\

lib Check the aif-apis.jar Click Finish


Right click the project (ER_FDMEE) Select Properties Click PyDev – PYTHONPATH Click Add jar/zip/egg Expand the project and click the lib folder

Update Python Path

Add new PyDev module● Right click src folder● New PyDev module

Creating Modules

Specify a name Click Finish When prompted for a template, select Module

main and click OK

Creating Modules

Add print “hello” Run the script

● Run as Jython Run hello shows in the

console window when successful

Testing Module

Add the following text to the module:● import com.hyperion.aif.scripting.API as API

Save the module Type API(). on a new line. A list of available methods will display

Testing FDMEE API Usage

Jython Overview Configuring Eclipse FDMEE Scripting Configuration


The equivalent of Import – Data Pump scripts in FDM Classic Import Integration scripts have been replaced by the Open

Interface adaptor and the BefImport event script Import scripts are used to manipulate data during the import

process Execute during an import process when assigned to the

import format used by the location and data load rule Every line in the data file is evaluated Avoid the temptation to overuse import scripts

● Parsing strings that cannot be parsed by an import format● Temporary variables storing header information● Mapping data should be done in maps, not import scripts

Import Scripts

Define the script name● def ScriptName (strfield,strrecord):

Write script actions● aField = split(strrecord,”-”)● sCostCenter = aField[1]

Return result to function● return sCostCenter

Import Script SyntaxNotice the

colon at the end

def EBS_CostCenter(strField, strRecord):

sCC = strField

if strField.count(“.”) > 0:

aSegments = strField.split(‘.’)

sCC = aSegments[2]

return sCC

Sample Import Script

Notice the colon at the


No longer limited to 5 Declare a variable before the function Designate the variable as global

strDept = “”

def Nvision_Entity(strfield,strrecord):

if strrecord[1:5] == “Dept:”:

global strDept

strDept = strrecord[6:9]

return strfield

Temporary Variables (RES.pVarTempx)

Simply return temporary variable in “assign” script

def Nvision_C1(strfield,strrecord):

return strDept

Using Temporary Variables

Similar in concept to varValues Be careful of overuse due to performance

impacts Enter #SCRIPT to activate script section of

maps fdmRow.getString(“FieldName”) fdmResult = “Mapped_Result”

Mapping Scripts

Execute during defined events within the application

Fewer than FDM Classic, notably StartUp, POVChanged

Scope needs to be well defined to ensure process only executes when needed

No need to declare function● def BefImport(): Not needed

Event Scripts

Event Description FDM Classic Equivalent

Import Executes any time the import process is executed

ImportAction, FileImport

Calculate Before & After Logic groups and maps processing


ProcLogicGrp When logic groups are assigned ProcLogicGroup

ProcMap Executes ONCE during mapping application


Validate Validate workflow step Validate

ExportToDat Export workflow step ExportToDat

Load Export workflow step Load

Consolidate Export workflow step Consolidate

Check Check workflow step Check

Events – Before and After

Custom scripts are used to extend the functionality of FDMEE

Custom script are organized in groups● Scripts can be assigned to multiple groups

Custom scripts are registered● Similar to Menu Maker specifying a caption● Parameters can be added to make a script more dynamic

Custom scripts can executed from web UI No need to declare function

● def ER_OutputData(): Not needed

Custom Scripts

Create a group● Logical grouping that a user can select

● By Region: North America, EMEA, Asia Pacific● By Purpose: Data Exports, Budget, Actuals

Register script to group● Add parameters if applicable

Custom Script Registration

Select Group Select Script & click Execute

● Specify parameters if applicable Select Execution Mode and click OK

Executing Custom Scripts

Used to test code without actually impacting the data in FDMEE

4 sections:1. Initialize dev mode

2. Populate context

3. Custom code

4. Clean-up actions Once code is tested, sections 1, 2 & 4 can be

removed, handled natively by the application

Development Mode

Commonly Used Occasionally Used Rarely Used




FDM Context

Each execution includes a collection of information

import java.math.BigDecimal as BigDecimal

import java.sql as sql

import com.hyperion.aif.scripting.API as API

fdmAPI = API()

conn = sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port:SID", "user", "password");



print “Connected”

Initialize Development Mode

fdmContext = fdmAPI.initContext(BigDecimal(LoadID))

print “Location Name: “ + fdmContext[“LOCNAME”]

Populate Context


Clean-up Action

getPOVLocation(LoadID), Category, StartPeriod, EndPeriod: Returns key, not text

executeDML(query,param_list) getCustomScriptParameterValue(loadID,param):

Load ID is optional executeQuery(query,parameters): Returns recordset showCustomFile(FilePath): Display file showCustomMessage(message) logFatal(message), Error, Warn, Info, Debug

Useful FDM APIs

The BefImport event script is used in conjunction with the Open Interface adaptor to import data from relational source

This approach replaces import integration scripts from FDM Classic

Check out Mike Casey’s presentation - Using the Open Interface Adapter in FDM Enterprise Edition - on 6/25 from 2-3 for a deep dive into the setup

Integrating Data from Relational Sources

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat as SimpleDateFormat

import java.sql as sql

strPOVPer = fdmContext["PERIODKEY"]

strYear = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy").format(strPOVPer)

lngMonth = SimpleDateFormat("MM").format(strPOVPer)

strMonth = SimpleDateFormat("MMM").format(strPOVPer)

batchName = "MatchDataLoadRuleParam"

BefImport Script Sample - Setup

insertStmt = """




















BefImport Script Sample – Build Query

#Connect to source DB

sourceConn = sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@Server:Port:SID","User","Password");

#Build SELECT statement to get data to insert

selectStmt = "Select * from table \n"

selectStmt = selectStmt + "Where 1=1 \n"

#Run the query to get the data

stmt = sourceConn.prepareStatement(selectStmt)

RS = stmt.executeQuery()

BefImport Script Sample – Run Query

#Loop through the data and import it into the Open Interface table


params = [ batchName, strYear,strMonth,lngMonth, "USD", RS.getString("Account"), RS.getString("Entity"), RS.getBigDecimal("Amount") ]

fdmAPI.executeDML(insertStmt, params, False)


#Close the connection



BefImport Script Sample – Import Data


Tony Scaleseascalese@ranzal.com


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