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18 / 19 MAY 2018



WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UKShabbat commences at 8:36pm and terminates at 9:51pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm

HASHKAMA 7:45amin the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur.

THE MINYAN 9:30amin the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Michael Fluss. Rabbi Ed Zinkin will speak. Kiddush sponsored by Family Lever.

SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00amin the Sephardi Synagogue, led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji.

MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15amled by Chazan Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Ben Savery. Rabbi Lawrence will speak.


Shabbat Morning8:30am: Sephardi Synagogue

Talmud Tractate Berachot by Rabbi Heller

Rambam Shiur by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum will not take place this week. It will recommence on 26th


9:15am: Youth Breakfast Banter Breakfast and Parasha Shiur

Benchers Cafe with Barry Colman

10:30 - 10:50am in the Rabbi’s OfficeStudy Group with Rabbi Laitner titled

“Understanding the prayers of Shavuot“

Shabbat Forum (Approx 11.50am) with Jonathan Goldstein (Jewish Leadership Council)

Shabbat Afternoon7:25pm: Daf Yomi Shiur

in the Nemetnejad Room

8:40pm: Mincha (Main Synagogue)

Followed by a Shiur by Rabbi Andrews titled

“The Dual Role of the Leviyim”

9:51pm: Ma’ariv and Kaballat Yom Tov in the Main Synagogue

There will be a Kiddush in the Kinloss Suite this week after the Shabbat Forum

THE KIDS’ MINYAN 10:45amin the Newman Room, Yrs 5 and 6

ה סיון תשע״ח

YOUTH SERVICE 9:45amin the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, under the direction of our Youth Director, Barry Colman.


Some Thoughts on the SidraBY RABBI LAITNER

Bamidbar StatisticsMitzvot: None of the 613 MitzvotVerses: 159 (3rd longest of the 54 Sidrot)Words: 1823 (4th longest)Letters: 7393 (3rd longest)Haftarah: 25 verses (joint 21st longest of the 80 Haftarot)


Sidra 793 568 726

Haftarah 810 582 1180

Life in the desert…

What, if any, is the theme of the Sefer Bemidbar (literally translated as ‘in the desert’ but also known as ‘the Book of Numbers’) which we start to read this Shabbat? Is it, as its name suggests, a record of what happened to Bnei Yisrael during their time in the desert? Or is there something else…?

Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (‘Ramban’, d. 1270) was amongst the first of the Rishonim (the great medieval scholars who contributed so much to our understanding and conceptualisation of Judaism), to write an introduction at the start of his commentary to each of the books of the Torah. The introduction sets out the themes of the book and central messages which underpin his explanations of the book.

Ramban notes a linear progression in the presentation of the material in the Torah. The Book of Vayikra (Leviticus) detailed many of the korbanot (offerings) that were to be offered in the Mishkan (Tabernacle, ‘portable Temple’ used in the desert). The Book of Bemidbar therefore follows this by presenting laws relating to the correct use of the Mishkan and its place within the camp, both when the people were encamped and when they journeyed through the desert.

The camp with the Mishkan in it must have been an incredible sight, with the Mishkan at the centre surrounded by all of the tribes, perhaps akin – in the words of the Midrash - to royalty surrounded by guards, pomp and splendour (as is due to happen this Shabbat in Windsor!).

Ramban notes that this Book teaches about how the Land of Israel will be apportioned amongst Bnei Yisrael and how a number of Bnei Yisrael’s enemies were overcome.

In closing, he reaches an enigmatic conclusion, that with a few exceptions relating particularly to offerings, the commandments in the Book of Bemidbar relate to the specific time Bnei Yisrael were in the desert rather than being applicable for generations to follow. Perhaps one way to understand the Ramban’s conclusion is that many of the mitzvot he refers to have been referenced elsewhere in the Torah and those references are their primary source for being a mitzvah. The mentions of these mitzvot in the Book of Bemidbar might be within the particular context of their application in the desert.

See what you think of this approach as we advance through this wonderful book in the weeks ahead and please feel free to discuss it with me!

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!


Ruth – A Book of Chesed On Shavuot we read the Book of Ruth which has a number of connections with the Festival.

Nonetheless, as the Midrash points out, the Book doesn’t teach us a single Halacha.

It does not contain issues of purity or impurity, nor prohibitions or permissions. So why was it written? To teach us the magnitude of the reward for those who bestow loving-kindness on others.

The Megilla opens with telling us that in the days when judges judged, there was a famine in Israel. A man leaves Bethlehem in Judah to settle in Moab. We’re then told of his identity. He was Elimelekh, and the name of his wife was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Machlon and Khilyon. They stayed there and he died.

As we know, Abraham and Jacob had left Israel when there was a famine and returned richer and stronger. On the face of it, Elimelech has strong precedents.

However, the Gemarra states “R. Shimon ben Yochai said: Elimelekh, Machlon, and Khilyon were the greatest of their generation and the sustainers of their generation. And why were they punished? Because they departed from the land of Israel.” (Bava Batra 91a)

How does R’ Shimon Bar Yochai reach such a judgemental conclusion? How does he determine that this is a punishment and not some sorry death of hungry refugees?

Why did Elimelech choose Moab?

It is thought strange that someone would go to Moab at a time of famine. The Moabites had a reputation as an unfriendly, uncharitable people. It was their refusal to feed the wandering children of Israel that saw them vilified in the Torah.

Was Elimelech’s the only family to leave? It does seem that everyone else stayed in Bethlehem. Moreover, when Naomi eventually returns, we don’t see that she’s given a rapturous welcome or that people go out of their way to assist her.

So, the Rabbis determine that Elimelech was not driven out by hunger. On the contrary, he is described as an Ish – a man of substance. His family had been affluent and able to provide for everyone else. They left through meanness of character. Elimelech had not wanted to share the burden of care for his place of birth.

Several Midrashim depict Elimelech as the stingy, recalcitrant potential sustainer.

Why was Elimelekh punished? Asks the Midrash. Elimelekh was among the greatest people in the country and was one of the sustainers of his generation, and when the years of famine came, he said, ‘Now all of Israel

will surround my doorway, this one with his alms box and this one with his alms box.’ He stood up and fled from them.

It’s possible that the Rabbis are hinting at the Biblical symmetry. Judah and a failure to step up? Doesn’t that ring a bell? Hadn’t Judah failed to rescue his brother Joseph and instigated his sale into exile by appealing to the others, “What profit if we kill him? Let us sell him instead!”

And hadn’t Judah eventually found himself humbled and begging for grain when the famine hit.

In the interim, Judah had moved away from his family. Two of his sons died. Judah was seduced by his daughter in law Tamar and fathered twins. The oldest of these was Peretz. Peretz - another familiar name. At the very end of the megilla we discover that Peretz is the great-great great-great grandfather of Boaz.

Both Boaz and Ruth model loving-kindness. In Ruth’s case, we see her loyalty to Naomi even though Ruth must abandon her homeland. Boaz instructs his workers to be even more charitable than normal – leaving extra grain for Ruth to glean – clearly at the expense of his profits. The Megilla ends by telling us that Ruth and Boaz are the Great grandparents of King David, first monarch of the redemptive Messianic house.

Within the Megilla and in its allusions the message of Ruth is clear. We are called upon to be demonstrably kind, to give of ourselves to others; to contribute rather than run from community.

Of course, the world would be an easier place if we all just received whatever we wanted whenever we wanted it. It’s our ability to reach out to others when they are in need that makes it a Godly place and makes us godly people.

Let’s seek out those opportunities and not be blind to hunger and homelessness. It’s overseas. It’s in Israel. And it’s also on our doorsteps.

Let us show our lovingkindness in actions not just words – seek out those opportunities and give of ourselves.

A big mazal tov to our Neshei Chayil, Sharon Laitner & Elaine Renshaw, who both model and inspire with their leadership and Chesed!

Wishing you all Chag Sameach and looking forward to seeing you at the Tikkun Leyl, the Women’s Tikkun, Desert Island Drash and our many other events over and around this lovely Yom Tov.

Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence

KINLOSS EISHET CHAYILOur Eishet Chayil Awards are being presented to two truly

wonderful ladies, who have given outstanding selfless service to our congregation over many years. Whether in the public eye or

behind the scenes, they have always been there for others and have been a great inspiration to the entire community. Each one is a

true and genuine Eishet Chayil.


Elaine has been a member of Kinloss for over 30 years during which time she has played many roles in helping our community grow.

She has been on the board of management for most of her time at Kinloss, first as line-manager for four of our youth workers, then as vice-chair culminating in being co-chair with Scott Saunders for three years.

During this time she was also secretary of US Women where she sat as an observer at the US Trustee table.

Elaine has also been an active member of our KLC committee and ladies’ guild and along with a dedicated team has organised our Friday night dinners for the Kinloss Shabbat UK programme.

Outside shul life, she is a trained Community First Responder for The St. John’s Ambulance and is also working tirelessly on the “Wegotogether “ Jewish matchmaking service, fitting all this in whilst working as an optometrist.

Along with husband Stephen, she enjoys spending time with family and friends and looks forward to many more years as a Kinloss member.


We moved to Finchley from South Hampstead in 2011. I grew up in Edgware, educated at North London Collegiate School, then spent a year at the Michlalah seminary in Jerusalem, followed by Queens’ College, Cambridge. My family regularly attended the Edgware Yeshurun shul. In shul, my father made a habit of being on the lookout for new faces, always reaching out, introducing himself and wanting to make newcomers feel welcome. I remember as a child often scurrying home quickly from shul on Shabbat to give my mother a few minutes’ advance notice that he was on his way, bringing some guests he had just met in shul back to our home spontaneously for kiddush. Funnily enough, when I came to Finchley so many years later, it turned out that one of the guests whom I recalled being welcomed around my parents’ Shabbat table is Elaine Renshaw’s sister-in-law, who had grown up in Kinloss and ‘emigrated’ to Edgware when she got married. The Renshaw clan is happily still well represented here at Kinloss!

Although decades have passed in the interim, these gestures of welcome carried out by my parents are something that people from my childhood shul still mention to me and without doubt, the warmth of that welcome made a significant difference to many. It is this that propels me - as an adult member of a community myself now - to try and emulate a little of what my parents did. In a shul as large and busy as Kinloss, we need as many people as possible who will actively seek out opportunities to give our shul a personal touch. It doesn’t matter how long you have been coming to the shul. Reach out and say hello to someone you don’t recognise or finally make the acquaintance of that person you have seen so many times over the years but have never actually spoken to. So many conversations have driven home to me that just a small word or greeting have the potential to make a real difference to someone’s experience of the shul. I would like to thank our shul chair, David Elek, the honorary officers and board of management for all the work they do, for their tremendous support and friendship and for this very kind award. Thank you also to all the many other volunteers who care about our shul and spend so much time building our community, as well as of course to the Kinloss rabbinic team, office and caretaking staff.

Rabbi Michael and I wish everyone a happy Shavuot - chag sameach!

* Miriam and Keith Graham on the birth of a Grandson Zac Nate , a son for Rebecca and Dany Shafran. Mazeltov also to Grandmother Karmela Shafran, Great-Grandparents Gloria Kaufman and Joan and Brian Graham and all the family.

* Shiley and Hertz Hagai on the forthcoming marriage in Israel of their son Michael to Inbar, daughter of Sigalit & Moshe Zemmour.

* Bernard Trent on his 90th birthday

Bernard Trent

THIS WEEK’S HAFTORAH BY RABBI ANDREWS This week’s haftarah comes from the second chapter of Hosea. The Rabbis of the Talmud (Pesachim 87b-88a) inform us that Hosea was the oldest and most significant of four prophets who led the Jewish people at this time, the others being Isaiah, Amos, and Micah.

The Talmud also stresses his early attachment to justice. In their view, Hashem came to Hosea saying “your sons have sinned”. Hosea responded that God should abandon them and choose another nation. To teach him of his error, Hosea was instructed to marry a woman of dubious character. Hosea did so and he and his wife, Gomer bat Divlayim, had three children.

Once this was accomplished, God reminded Hosea that Moshe separated from his wife as he became more advanced in prophecy, yet Hosea remained with his wife. Hosea protested that he could not abandon the woman who has borne his children, nor the children themselves.

This was the response Hashem sought and parallels the story of Yona (Jonah) and his Kikayon. In both cases, a man had become attached to a relationship at the same time as advocating Hashem abandon one that had existed for generations. According to the Talmud, Hosea understood God’s lesson and prayed for the Jews to be saved.

The Gemara’s commentary explains why our Haftorah leads into rebuke with two verses of comfort. These p’sukim are Hosea’s prayer for the Jewish people. They express the prophet’s hope that the Jews will once again be known as God’s children and be gathered to return to the land of Israel.

If you find yourself at Kinloss over the course of the day, please stop by the office to say hello! I can usually be found there during the regular office hours (except Thursday).

K IN LOSS SHABBAT LUNCHEON CLUBwi l l b e t a k i ng p l a c e

on Sh a bba t 26 t h Ma y 2018

P l ea s e c on t a c t R oc h e l l e on 020 8346 8551 b y Tue sda y 22nd May

KINLOSS YOUTHKinloss Youth Express Yourself!

Shabbat BamidbarBreakfast Banter 9.15am in Benchers Café – Breakfast and Parsha Schmooze

Youth Minyan 9.45am in the Liora Graham Beit HamidrashJonathan Goldstein, Chair of the Jewish Leadership Council will be addressing the Youth at

11.15amThank you to Joshua Hajioff who will be leining his Bar Mitzvah sedra and to Liora Kut who will

be giving the Dvar Torah.Also thank you to Family Hajioff for sponsoring this week’s Youth Kiddush in celebration of

Joshua’s 14th birthday.

Learn2Lead Concludes Tuesday 22nd May, 7.30 – 9pm in the Nemetnejad Room

For youth in years 9 & 10, alternate Tuesday nights

Daf YummyThursdays during term time

Join us every Thursday evening from 7.45 – 9pm in the Liora Graham Beit HaMidrash£5 per person, includes Pizza, chips and drinks

Shavuot with Kinloss YouthTikkun Leil

Motsei Shabbat 19th May11.30 pm – 3.15am

Keynote speaker: Debbie Stone, Associate Director of Education NCSY“The case of the cannibal cop. What really matters?”

“This House believes…” with R’ Andrews and Eleanor Mansfield“World Cups & Cheesecake” with Barry Colman

“Quickfire Q&A” with R’ Lawrence“Youth Debate” with Guest Panellists

Followed by Shacharit & Mussaf at 3.20am in the Large Deal Hall

2nd Day Shavuot, Monday 21st MayBreakfast Banter 9.15am in Benchers Café – Breakfast and Parsha Schmooze

Youth Minyan 9.45am in the Liora Graham Beit HamidrashFollowed by a Barry’s Cheesecake Kiddush

Shavuot BBQMonday 21st May, 1pm in the Youth Flat

Years 11 – 13Meat, Meat & Vegi-Sausages

Summer Chill6.30 – 8pm in the Nemetnejad Room

Shabbat ShalomBaz, Chaz, Micholi and Amalia


Tikkun Leil @ Kinloss - Doors open at 11.30pmWe extend special thanks to Mrs Devorah Harounoff, David and Michelle, who have kindly sponsored the Tikkun Leil Shavuot refreshments in memory of their husband and father,

Avraham Cohen Harounoff z”l

11:45 - 12:30 Keynote:

Rabbi Aubrey


The Jews who Observed

Torah in Hiding

12:30 - 1:15 Debbie Stone Choice or Coercion:

The Tightrope Walk of

Religious Life

1:15 - 3:10 with Moshe


“Ain Shaliach L’Dvar


Chabura followed by


(Newman Room)

1:30 - 2:15 Rabbi Andrews Drashot and Insights on the

Book of Ruth2:30 - 3:10 Rabbi Lawrence A Very Royal Wedding

1ST DAY SHAVUOT - 20th MAY 3:20am: First Shacharit (Deal Halls) 7:45am: Hashkama Minyan (Large Deal Hall) 9:15am: Second Shacharit (Combined Service) 10:00am: Family Service (Large Deal Hall)

The entire community is invited to Kiddushin the Kinloss Suite following the service.

Women’s Tikkun 5:00pm - 7:30pmkindly hosted by Sally and Scott Saunders at their home,

1 Chalgrove Gardens, N3 3PL with cheesecake and other refreshments.

Speakers: Hannah Andrews, Rabbi Aubrey Hersh andRabbi Jeremy Lawrence

Mincha and Maariv 7:10pm

For all Children: Reading of the Ten Commandments during

Children’s Services and an ICE CREAM Kiddush

2ND DAY SHAVUOT - MONDAY 21ST MAY7:45am: Hashkama Minyan, in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash

9:00am: Combined Service with YizkorWomen’s Megillat Ruth Reading,

immediately after Yizkor, in the Large Deal Hall.9:45am: Youth Minyan in the Liora Graham

Beit Hamidrash, led by Barry ColmanThe Honorary Officers and Board of Management of our

Synagogue invite the entire community to attend a special celebratory YOM TOV KIDDUSH to honour this year’s

recipients of our community’s EISHET CHAYIL AWARDS:


ELAINE RENSHAWPresentations will be made to the recipients in the Synagogue immediately after the conclusion of our

morning service.1:00 - 3:00pm: BBQ Lunch in the Youth Flat,

for Years 11, 12 and 13.

5:00 - 6:30pm - Horim V’yiladim Shavuot Tikkun (Years 3 - 6)

8:00pm: Mincha (Main Synagogue)followed by


Join Rabbi Lawrence as he interviews a panel of guests including Rabbi Hersh, Hannah Andrews and Harris Bor on

their favourite and most inspirational passages of Jewish learning.

9:54pm: Ma’ariv and Yom Tov ends

Please note: For Shacharit Services there will be one combined service in the Main Synagogue and like with previous combined services, there will be allocated seating for women downstairs.

We appreciate the understanding of those Men affected.



* Security Team 5. If you have any queries, please speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031, or email securekinloss@yahoo.co.uk

* The Welcoming Committee

* Kiddush Rota Team

Zara Rosenthal (7) Scarlett Ison (7)Natan Sacks-Goldstein (5) Keren Marantz (4)Talya Sacks-Goldstein (3) Jake Silverstein (7)Esther Davis (11) Yael Zinkin (6)Aviv Staub (1) Nathan Southern (9)

Mazeltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week:

9:45am Games Room in the Newman Room with Rav Melachi0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the Kinloss Suite Foyer Reception up to School Year 2 with Natalie Sommer in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor)School Years 3 - 4 - with Dina Sufrin in the First Floor ClassroomsThe Kids’ Minyan - with Rav Melachi in the Newman RoomAll Children’s Services will start at 10:45am followed by Kiddush

SERVICES see front שבת)page)


SHAVUOTMon Tues Weds Thurs Fri

Shacharit 1 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am

Shacharit 2 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am

Sephardi Shacharit 6:45am 6:45am 6:45am 6:45am

Mincha & Ma’ariv 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Mincha/Kabbalat


For all enquiries please contact Deborah on 020 8349 5268

banqueting@kinloss.org.uk www.kinlossevents.co.uk




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TUESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:30 Friendship Club (DH)19:30pm Learn 2 Lead (NR) 15:00pm Super Soccer Stars (DH)19:45pm Gemorah Shiur with R’Andrews (BM) 20:00pm Ulpan Ivrit (MN

WEDNESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Mother and Toddler (DH)08:30am Rambam with R’Lawrence (BM) 10:00am Art Group (MN)12:15pm Lunch and Learn (BM) 20:00pm Whisky Society (NR)

THURSDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Hartbeeps (NR)19:30pm Daf Yummy (BM) 18:00pm Table Tennis (DH)

FRIDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Mother and Toddler (DH)

BC = Benchers Cafe NR = Nemetnejad Room BM = Liora Graham Beit Midrash MN = Marilyn Newman RoomDH = Nissim and Rifka Deal Hall PS = Persian Synagogue

We are hosting three Book Evenings in Kinloss on 6th, 13th and 20th June


FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERSRabbi Jeremy Lawrence: 07501 895 124 Rabbi Nisan Andrews: 07407 764 854

Shimon Gillis, Director of Operations: 020 8349 5264Shul Office: 020 8346 8551

Tuesday 22 MAYJune Brookes FatherPhilip Caplan FatherJeffrey Fisher MotherMichael Fisher MotherSusan Goldberg MotherJacqueline Weisbard Father

Thursday 24 MAYAlick Glass MotherHooshang Hakimi-Sefat MotherDavid Isaacs BrotherBrian Lee MotherDerek Lewis MotherMichael Wacks Mother

Wednesday 23 MAYPatricia Arnold MotherRodney Geminder FatherRobert Gradel FatherGloria Greenman FatherGwendoline Greenwood FatherIrene Herman MotherEleanor Mansfield FatherStuart Nash FatherMelvyn Whyte Wife

Monday 21 MAYSylvia Schryber BrotherAlexa Tapper HusbandRegina Woolman Father

Sunday 20 MAYGilda Braff HusbandMichael Braff FatherHarry Cass Brother

Friday 25 MAYDoreen Brown HusbandJeremy Brown FatherRonald Dvorkin FatherJacob Golchewski MotherRoberta Schlagman FatherMandy Staszewski Father

Shabbat 19 MAYIrene Aharoni BrotherFarzaneh Amini HusbandDarren Cooper MotherMadeleine Rubins Father

TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS:SUN 27 MAY 12:00pm in Bushey in memory of Goldie DanielsSUN 27 MAY 12:00pm in Willesden in memory of Jack Fisher

ANIM ZEMIROT CLUBLed by David Lesser will be having a break over

Shavuot and returning on 26th May


184 Ballards Lane, N3 2NV

will be on


starting at 9.30amPlease email

lawrence@susser.co.uk to confirm attendance

Hospitality – if you would like to be invited for a Yom Tov or Shabbat Meal

or if you require help or support, please call Rochelle on 0208 349 5263,

or email welfare@kinloss.org.uk. All messages treated in the strictest



KIDDUSH ROTALooking for people to join the

Kiddush rotas teams.Email Nicole on


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