knowing what makes you happy – it’s a gift

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Knowing What Makes You Happy – it’s a Gift

Whether you’re flying solo or coupled up in partnership, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and the people in your life is to know what it is that makes you happy.

As we learned from Gary Chapman’s The 5

Love Languages, each of us is unique in the

ways we like to give and receive love.

For me to wait around for a compliment or a

shiny new piece of jewelry from hubby, Gil,

would surely end in disappointment, as 25

years of marriage to this man has shown me

that store bought gifts and verbal praise are

not his languages of love. He’s an acts of

service guy, and so his gift to me this past year was to expand our rose garden so that no

matter where I sit on our property, I will be greeted with yellows, pinks, purples and reds

that whisper “I love you” in ways his words may never express. Fortunately, I respond

really well to acts of service, and these sweet gestures of his make me happy. Knowing that

and communicating that to my husband with sincere appreciation serves to fan that flame,

and then…magically… more and more acts of sweetness come my way.

Spending quality time together, physical touch and words of affirmation are ways that Gil

hears “I love you.” And so today, on Easter Sunday, what I know will be welcomed and

appreciated by my guy is spending this beautiful day together, making the table special for

our dinner tonight, taking photos of the sun drenched rose bushes, and finding a moment

for physical frolic – that will make the day really special for him.

What makes you happy? Is it physical touch, kind words, a thoughtful gesture,

special time spent together, or a material gift? And how do you most enjoy showing your

love? Enjoy the exploration of these questions, as knowing ourselves (and the keys to our

hearts) is a gift that we bring with us to each of the special people in our lives.

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