killer connection article reading questions ann rule, author found out her “handsome coworker was...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• Ann Rule, author found out her “handsome coworker was Ted Bundy, a serial killer. He worked with her at the Seattle Crisis Clinic two nights a week for a year.

• Thank goodness she wasn’t his type.

• Her dog knew he was bad.

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• The first murderer Ann met was a woman in her grandfather’s jail who was accused of fatally shooting her husband (killed him)

• Ann had to stop being a cop because she failed the civil service medical exam due to her nearsightedness. So she became a writer.

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• Ted Bundy killed a total of at least 36 women.

• Bundy said to add one digit to that number but never clarified where to add it.

• Was the total number 37 or 136 or 360? He took it to his grave.

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• Ann wanted to get into the minds of psychopaths.

• Ted Bundy wrote Ann letters from jail but never actually admitted to the murders although he once told her he planned to escape for two and a half years.

• She continued writing books on serial killers.

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• Diane Downs, who was pregnant when she was on trial, was accused of killing one of her own children.

• After David Brown’s wife died, he believed a ghost was awakening him and his mistress (16 year old sister of his dead wife)

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• Dr. Pignataro used arsenic from ant traps to poison his wife similar to poisoning in two of her books he had read.

• Next book was set aside for the Green River Killer.

• Most victims were runaways and teenagers who turned to life on the street for survival. This took place around Seattle, Washington.

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• Ann had a feeling she had seen him rather in line at a supermarket or sitting next to him in a restaurant.

• Ann’s daughter first noticed a man at book signings. She said he never buys books but just leans against the wall and stares at Ann.

• It turned out that he was the Green River Killer at a book signing.

Killer Connection ArticleReading Questions

• During Gary Ridgeway’s interrogation, he kept mentioning Ann Rule’s name when discussing how he committed the murders

• When Ann Rule writes her books, she is speaking for the victims who can no longer speak for themselves.

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