khutbah - islamic position regarding the fitnah in the middle-east and north africa

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Islamic Position Regarding the Fitnah in the Middle-East and North Africa by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Malki Jumu’ah Khutbah February 4, 2011Transcription by:Umm Abdillaah Saarah bint Faisal & Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir min Sri LankaListen to it at:


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Islamic Position Regarding the Fitnah in the Middle-East and North Africa by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Malki

Jumu’ah Khutbah February 4, 2011

Transcription by: Umm Abdillaah Saarah bint Faisal & Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir min Sri Lanka

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اهلل، وبـعـد والحـوـد هلل والـصالة والـسـالم عــلى رسـول اهلل بـسـن The Khutbah: (Part 1) Translation of the Khutbah titled ‘the Crisis occurring these days in the Middle East and North Africa and the Muslim countries’ by our Noble Shaykh Muhammad Al-Malki (may

Allaah preserve him upon khayr). Our Shaykh began with the Khutbatul-Haajah and then stated: All Praise is due to Allaah, Verily Allaah stated in the Noble Book: (Surah Mulk 67: 1-2)

Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion,

and He is Able to do all things. [ Surah Al-Mulk (67) :1 ]

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Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the

All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving; [ Surah Al-Mulk (67) :2 ]

Allaah سبحانو و تعالى is saying in the above ayah:

... ليبلوكن أيكن أحسن عولا... the People of Knowledge say that:

ليبلوكن... means – ‘to test you.’

أيكن أحسن عولا means – ‘who amongst you remembers death the most, preparing himself ready for it, fearing and being cautious of it.’ Imaam Al-Qurtubi stated in his Tafsir that Ibn ‘Umar (radiallaahu anhu) said that the Messenger of Allaah صلى اهلل عليو

لكتبارك الذي بيده الو recited these two ayaats وسلن until

he reached أيكن أحسن عولا .. - „Who from amongst you is best in deeds...‟

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And he صلى اهلل عليو وسلن said: He is the one who refrains from what is forbidden for him by Allaah and he is the fastest in responding to the obedience of Allaah. Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah (rahimahullaah) said :

the word the best in deed, means --- it must be

sincerely for Allaah and upon the way of Rasulullaah صلى اهلل

عليو وسلن

O Muslims! Allaah سبحانو و تعالى mentions the Fitn, (the trials) in many places in the Qur’aan, (the Noble Book) with many different descriptions and all the conclusions lead to the clarification of the goodness (خيز), peace (سالم), convenience .and security of course (طوأنينت) tranquility ,(رخاوة) All these can be achieved only by obeying the commands of Allaah سبحانو و تعالى and by following the guidance of Rasulullaah صلى اهلل عليو وسلن . Rasulullaah صلى اهلل عليو وسلن warned us against different forms/types of Fitn (trials) such as the fitnah of wealth, the fitnah of children/families, the fitnah of power/authority, the fitnah of desire (no matter what type of desire it is). The fitnah of desire is the base/origin of every fitnah and it is therefore the head of all the problems that occur. Anas bin Maalik (radiallaahu anhu) who not only served Rasulullaah وسلن عليو اهلل صلى for ten years as a servant but also learnt the Deen from him warned us against the fitnah of (khurooj) rebelling against the Muslim rulers. He advised the people to have sabr even if the Muslim ruler was an

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oppressor (Jaa’ir الجائر) and a killer (al-Mubeer المببير), the like of Al-Hajjaaj ibn Yusuf who none could match in killings as he killed people very easily and even in the Haram. Extra Note: Al-Hajjaaj ibn Yusuf’s affair is well known in the Ummah, for that of oppression, repression, excessiveness in spilling the blood (of the Muslims), desecration of the Sanctities of Allaah, the killing of whomever he killed amongst the notables of the Ummah such as Sa’eed ibn Jubair, the besieging of Ibn az-Zubair (son of Asma bint Abi

Bakr) even though he had sought refuge in the Haram.

The prohibition of reviling the Rulers (Umaraa -أهزاء ) has been

reported more specifically, on account of the kindling of the fire of tribulation and the opening of the doors of evil upon the Ummah that it contains.

Narrated Az-Zubair bin 'Adi :

We went to Anas bin Malik and complained about the

wrong we were suffering at the hand of Al-Hajjaj. Anas bin Malik said, "Be patient till you meet your Lord, for no time will come upon you but

the time following it will be worse than it. I heard that from the Prophet." (Al-Bukhari)

Messenger of Allaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى warned us that:

„…there would be many fitn towards the end of time.‟

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In both Saheeh al-Bukhari & Muslim it is narrated by Abu Huraira that Allah's Messenger وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said,

"There will be afflictions (in the near future) during which a

sitting person will be better than a standing one, and the standing one will be better than the walking one, and the

walking one will be better than the running one, and whoever will expose himself to these afflictions, they will destroy him. So whoever can find a place of protection or

refuge from them, should take shelter in it."

(Saheeh al-Bukhari Volume 9, Book 88, Number 202)

Note: Explanation of this Hadith . Our Sheikh explained the hadith saying that during the time of Fitan, the one who is sitting is better than the one who is standing. It does not necessarily mean that you go and sit down but what it means is if we assume that the wind is passing through this place, a person who is seated has a stronger hold than a standing person because a person in the standing position may fall back or flat on his face. Also the force of air would be felt more by the person standing than someone sitting. And then he وسلم عليه اهلل صلى warned us that due to many fitan towards the end of time, the one who is standing is better

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than the one who is walking because when you are standing you have more control of yourself than the one who is walking who does not have a firm hold whereby the wind can topple him more easily. And then he وسلم عليه اهلل صلى warned us that the one who is walking would be better than the one who is jogging or running. And then he said, and whoever exposes him to such afflictions will be swept away and be destroyed. And this is the advice of the Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى .

To protect us from such a fitn Rasulullaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى gave us a clear command i.e.:

‘to go and find shelter or a place of protection from the Fitan.’

We as laymen have to understand that the Ulamaa are the

best to explain such matters to us. Ibn Haajar Al Asqalani, (the author of Fath al Bari, the explanation of Saheeh Al Bukhari) said that Rasulullaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى , said: ‘whoever responds to it’ means -- that he exposes himself to it intentionally willing to face it, hoping to be hit with it and he does not stay away from the Fitan.’ How can that be? Like today, people who go to the squares and streets by themselves or even if they are one amongst many, they are yet going to be destroyed. And then he said the meaning of ‘tas-tashrifuh’ - it will destroy him i.e. he will be killed.

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We witnessed masses being killed this Wednesday, whether in India, Egypt, Yemen or anywhere else in the world. Some of the people who were killed in these demonstrations may have been innocent and may have no affiliation to these movements, but the very fact that they exposed themselves to the fitan resulted in them being killed. When fitan strikes, it strikes blindly and everyone who is exposed to it is at the risk of being killed. He (rahimahullaahu ta’ala) said that it means that he directs himself to it, like he is trying to challenge the wind by sailing in the opposite direction. In this condition how can he reach his destination? Obviously he cannot. O’ Muslims refraining from Fitan is the way to salvation and protection in this life and the Hereafter. And this can be achieved by being silent especially during these times of Fitan. If one indulges in talks without being silent during these times of fitan, then it is as if he is using a sword on his tongue. People these days like to talk about such happenings in their private sittings with their families, with their workmates and what the media does is portray & broadcast whatever the people like to speak about and what they like to hear. Why is this? Why is that? This type of approach in times of fitan is incorrect. Let Only the Ulamaa speak and advice as it is their call of duty NOT ours. Our position as laymen is only to listen and obey the Ulamaa. As the Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said: ‘The way of protecting oneself from Fitan as in the hadeeth in Saheeh Bukhari on

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the authority of Anas ibn Maalik (radiallaahu anhu), who said that the Messenger وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said,

“You are going to face athara (االثزة) after me.”

By Allaah yaa Ikhwaan, this word athara (االثزة) is the only reason why people are now in ‘Tahrir Square’ in Cairo and in San’aa demonstrating and protesting against the ruler. He

وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said it 1430 years ago. Did these people believe in their messenger? All this is in history. He وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said: “You are going to face or to see or to find after me ash‟ara.” What is athara (االثزة)? Athara means that the people, the rulers usurp everything for themselves, power, money, position...etc unjustly. So he is sitting up there and asking us as to what is going to happen and this is exactly what is taking place today. I don’t think there is anyone who is exempted from this greed for power, wealth and position. The question now arises as to what our duty is as a lay Muslim during these times of fitan without trying to analyze how right or wrong the situation is. The Sheikh is addressing us Muslims about this issue and NOT the rulers since the rulers do not heed his advice nor listen to him. If they did listen to the Sheikh’s naseehah, they would be first advised to:

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Fear Allaah; Prepare themselves for the grave which none is

exempted from entering into. Everyone has to enter it alone, whether one is a ruler or the ruled and there are no armies or police for defense, no matter what high position one held in the dunya.

In fact the ‘high’ position held by a person in the dunya is insignificant in the next world.

Each of us are responsible for our actions and the Sheikh stressed that his concern was mainly for the Ummah of

Rasulullaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى which is ‘US’ Muslims i.e you and me. The Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said, ‘Fasbiroo’ (so be patient). This is a command from Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى . And the command from Rasulullaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى is not like the command from any other human being. His command has only one request from us: that is for us to accept and obey. If we don’t obey Rasulullah’s command, then we have disobeyed him وسلم عليه اهلل صلى . And he وسلم عليه اهلل صلى has indeed asked us to be careful of Allaah’s warning in the Qur’aan:

“Whoever opposes the Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى then it is a fitan.”

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Note: So one has to be very careful that there is complete obedience to the commands of Rasulullaahi وسلم عليه اهلل صلى and that there is no opposition whatsoever. Opposition may result in getting entangled in the fitan.

He وسلن عليو اهلل صلى said,

„Fasbiroo, (so be patient)!‟ When one is advised to have ‘sabr’ i.e patience, the first question that pops out of the mouths of people is: ‘for how long should we be patient?’ We don’t answer this type of question which calls for a time frame. It is Rasulullaahi وسلن عليو اهلل صلى who answered it and this is safe for all. If Sheikh Malki being a Saudi answered it, the Egyptians would have rejected it on the basis of his not knowing about them since he is a Saudi. So Rasulullaah وسلن عليو اهلل صلى , is the leader of all Muslims. Now it does not matter what your nationality is i.e whether you are a Yemeni, Egyptian, Tunisian, Indian or Pakistani. What matters is if you are a Muslim then you have to be a follower of Rasulullaah وسلن عليو اهلل صلى . If we say that we are following Rasulullaahi وسلن عليو اهلل صلى then we have to listen and obey his command which is:

„Fasbiroo, be patient until you meet me by the

Haudh, (the Lake)‟.

(Saheeh al-Bukhari)

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Do you know what this Lake is? Whoever drinks from it once will never be thirsty again. As for the lake of Prophet

وسلن عليو اهلل صلى , it is on the plain land of Resurrection. It is not Al-Kauthar. Al Kauthar is a River in Jannah which is given to Prophet صلى

وسلن عليو اهلل . But this (al Hawdh-الحوض) is different. Before the Day of Judgment, due to the sun being only a mile away from our heads, everyone will be extremely thirsty. So the thirsty person will go to the lake only to be stopped from drinking by the angels since he/she did not obey Rasulullaahi عليو اهلل صلى .وسلن He وسلن عليو اهلل صلى said in another hadeeth:

that there will be many thirsty people who will be chased away from his lake and Rasulullaah will say, „My Ummah, My Ummah!‟ The angels will say to him عليو اهلل صلى .وسلن : „You do not know what they changed after you. (in reference to bid‟ah --- innovations).‟ He عليو اهلل صلى .وسلن advised them to be patient, but they did not adhere to this command. He warned them not to follow the Christians and the Jews and they did not listen to this either. They continue to do what their heart desires.

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And in the Sunan of Tirmidhi with the chain of narration which is authenticated by Al Albani, on the authority of Udaisah the daughter of Uhbaan son of Saifiyy Al Ghifaari, she said that ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (radiyallaahu anhu) came to my father, (her father is a companion of Rasulullaah عليه اهلل صلى

and asked him to accompany him but not to fight but to , (وسلمgo for chasing the matter that Ali (radiallaahu ta’ala anhu) was supposed to be the Khaleefah after Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) and this wasn’t during the time of Uthmaan as the Raafidha say. No, it was after Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) was killed. So he said to him come with me. Uhbaan said to Ali (radiallaahu anhu):

‘verily Khaleely (my khaleel) meaning Muhammad عليه اهلل صلى

وسلم عليه اهلل صلى who is your cousin (meaning Prophet ,وسلم ) he commanded me: „Whenever the people differ then only use a sword made of wood.‟ What for, a kind of sword made of wood? It does not kill, and it does not necessarily mean a sword as a sword because you can take a wooden stick instead of a sword. But it means don’t use any weapon that can kill people. Stay away from that because this is not a killing for the sake of Allaah و سبحانو

because killing for the sake of Allaah is either against the ,تعالىkhawaarij or against the Kuffaar. And Ali, he fought against the khawaarij at one time. This one might not be that one. So

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he said I have got a sword of wood now and if you want me to come with it I will come with it. Then Ali left him because Ali was one of those whom Allaah

تعالى و سبحانو described in Surah Al Furqaan when he said,

„and those who whenever they are reminded about the ayaath of Allaah,

commands of Allaah they do not disdain or turn away from it but they accept the

guidance from it.‟

Abu Moosaa Al Ash’ari (radiallaahu ta’ala anhu) said that during times of fitan you need to break your bows and cut their string; that means break your weapons, do not use them, whatsoever it is even if they are not bows, swords or guns. It means do not get involved with the fitan. Stay away from it. Not even with your tongue. As he said, and stay, during the times of fitnah in the inner most part of

your homes. Not by the doors so that you hear what the people say outside. Stay away from it. As the son of Adam did. Who was the son of Aadam? Haabil. Do you remember the story of Haabil and Qaabil? He said to his brother, ‘if you are going to extend your hand towards me to kill me, I am not going to extend my hand towards you to kill you.’ That was his position. And that is the position Abu Moosaa Al Ashari is telling us to hold.

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Ma'qil ibn-i Yassaar (radiallaahu anhu) narrated that Rasulullaah وسلن عليو اهلل صلى said:

"Worship during the time of harj [a time of turmoil and killing] is like emigration

towards me." [Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 7042]

Note: (This refers to killing for no particular reason and but killing anyone who comes your way.) This is exactly what can be witnessed today in Tahrir Square, in Cairo. How many people have been killed for no reason the last few days.

He وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said, „Worship during this time equals hijrah to him.‟ What does that mean? You cannot worship if you are in the middle of a fitan. To worship you need tranquility. There is no tranquility in that crowd. Sheikh Malki (may Allah preserve

him upon khayr) challenged if any one of them could pray with Khushoo there. And to see the mistake that they did today i.e. they did Salatul Jum’uah in the square. Is it a Masjid? It is not a Masjid. They abandon the Masjid because they want to be in the square. They do just what they like to do, not following Rasulullaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى . But those who remain in their homes and stand on their rugs and pray and get their Mus’hafs and read, do Dhikr (remembrance of Allaah) and raise their hands and supplicate that Allaah تعالى و سبحانو grants ease, comfort and

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success to the Ummah during this time of fitan (trials and tribulations), they are those who are given the reward of the hijratu Rasulullaah وسلن عليو اهلل صلى . And what is better than that? And from Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) who said, that the Messenger of Allaah

وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said,

Verily Allaah تعالى و سبحانو is pleased with three things that you do and He hates three things that you do:

1. He is pleased when you worship him, associating nothing with Him in worship.

2. And that you all grasp onto the rope of Allaah. 3. And do not cause a split among yourselves.

Even when they were in Cairo they were all in one branch but recently the shaytan found a good chance for him to play around, and they are now split into two branches. People who participated in the demonstration, they split into two teams and they started scolding each other and throwing fire on each other. Allaahu Musta’aan.

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And he وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said:

1. He وسلم عليه اهلل صلى hates for you Qeel wa Qaal, speaking about anything and at anytime just for no reason. People like to do that. The media with all types of people (whatsoever parties) they just like to speak, and even when they speak they exceed all the boundaries and limits.

2. And excessive questioning, which leads to no benefit.

What happened in Cairo and what happened there? What relation do you have with that? Why do you want to know? You stay away from that and worship your Lord. And Allaah ta’ala knows all of this and he will protect you.

3. And wasting money.

The Messenger صلى اهلل عليو وسلن said,

“Verily Allaah loves three things for you and he hates three things for you. He loves that you worship Him alone, and that you do not join anyone else in your worship of him and that you do not worship other than him, He loves that you hold tight altogether to the rope of

Allaah and that you do not be divided….

And Allaah hates for you hearsay (he said and she said – qeela wa qaal – spreading rumours),

he hates for you excessive questioning (questioning that brings about no benefit),

thirdly, he hates for you the wasting of money.”

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Look how much destruction is happening in Egypt now. Not by burning and breaking and destroying only which is bad, but even the economy, the whole economy has run down which may take another fifty years to rebuild. Allaah knows best. Because Egypt is a poor country. They are still in debt and now with this see how bad it is going to be. It is going to be even worse. All these people who say ‘they took money’ they and their children and maybe their grand children will have to face the brunt of it now, even after everything settles because they are saddled with the payment of all this credit, which is the consequence of all the demonstration and destruction. Allaah تعالى و سبحانو says in the Qur’aan:

“And all of you seek protection by holding fast to the Rope

of Allaah, and be not divided among yourselves, and remember the Mercy and the

Grace of Allaah bestowed on you, for you were enemies of one another, but He joined your

hearts together, so that, by His grace, you became brethren, and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you

from it.” (Surah Aal-‘Imraan 3:103)

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What is the rope of Allaah?

The Qur‟aan and the Sunnah. Fifty years ago in Egypt, they fought against the king and removed him saying that they wanted their country to be republic. So they made it a republican country and thereafter killed one President and now the situation is no different. Subhaanallaah. The Sheikh then asked us whether there was good there or good in the Law of Islaam? The answer to this is obvious: Of course there is good only in the Law of Islaam.

So you turn by the mercy and grace of Allaah ta’ala as brothers to each other after being enemies.

You were just by the edge of the hole of the fire. Allaah سبحانه

تعالى و saved you from that, from falling into the fire by guiding you to be brothers and not to be enemies. Today you may find in the demonstration in Tahrir Square in Cairo, families divided into two, fighting each other whereby one brother stones his blood brother who is with the opposition. There is no guarantee that all members of the family will side one particular movement. Each family member will choose who they want to support and this results in enmity and hatred being sewn amongst blood ties.

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The Sheikh repeatedly warned the Muslims from staying away from such movements and to be careful since the consequences are deadly. The Kuffaar do not wish any good for the Muslims and we have witnessed this when they went to Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. In fact we still see this in Sudan and now in Egypt and Yemen (almost everywhere.) (Part 2) And in the second part of the Khutbah our Noble Sheikh began by praising Allaah and sending peace and blessing upon Rasulullaah و وسلنصلى اهلل علي and then said:

O’ People starting the Fitn is not from Islam; Blocking the roads of people is not from Islam; Spreading fear is not from Islam; Crowding in the streets and the squares are not from

Islaam; Destroying the properties (personal, private or

public) is not from Islam; Killing the innocent is not from Islam.

So we have to be careful. No one wants to pay heed to these advices. These things will only distance you from Allaah

تعالى و سبحانو . It can guarantee the Anger of Allaah لىتعا و سبحانه and expedite His punishment. Therefore the solution is to return : back to Allaah تعالى و سبحانو ; to the guidance of the Qur’aan; to the guidance of the Sunnah of Rasulullaah and Obeying & advicing the rulers at the same time.

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When you witness any wrongdoing on the part of the rulers advice them in a good manner, without the use of destructive methods such as disobeying them, demonstrating against them and using signs etc. Know that this brings nothing but harm as it is not the way of Islaam and therefore not the way a Muslim handles such a situation. O Muslims, verily killing oneself, which is suicide is NOT permissible in Islaam, as it is a Major Sin that Allaah تعالى و سبحانو

punishes with the fire.

"Do not kill yourselves, for Allaah is compassionate towards you. Whoever does so, in transgression and wrongfully, We

shall roast in a fire, and that is an easy matter for Allaah."

(an-Nisaa 4 : 29 - 30)

The Prophet وسلن عليو اهلل صلى said in the hadeeth reported by Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Jundub ibn Abdullaah (radiallaahu anhu) who said,

“A man among those who came before you was wounded and could not bear the pain. So he panicked and took a knife

and cut his hand, and the bleeding did not stop until he died.

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Then Rasulullaah said that Allaahu تعالى و سبحانو said:

„My slave hastened his death; I have forbidden

Paradise to him.”

(Al-Bukhaari, 3276; Muslim, 113)

Whoever decides to end his life is seen in reality as if he is, opposing the Qadr of Allaah. No! In fact only what is preordained by Allaah تعالى و سبحانو in the Preserved Book (al-Lawh ul-Mahfudh) is taking place/existing today. Allaah, the Most High, has absolute knowledge of ALL affairs --- whether it be past, present, or future; This person who committed suicide did not do other than what was already preordained for him i.e. written in the Preserved Book, but he did not wait until the Qadr of Allaah (Divine Decree) befell on him. He decided to end his life since he was not pleased with Allaah. None can do anything if it is not written in the Preserved Book. Allaah, the Most High, has written all matters that would ever occur in the Preserved Tablet (al-Lawh ul-Mahfudh).

Extra Note: The Prophet, صلى اهلل عليو وسلن said:

"Allaah wrote what was ordained for creation, fifty

thousand years before the creation of the heavens and

the earth and His 'Arsh (Throne) was on the water."

[Sahih Muslim]

So what is the Preserved Book? The Preserved Book/Tablet is an advanced archive. That archive is usually written after the events but the Preserved Book is about the events of

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creation and it is written in advance because Allaah الىتع و سبحانو

knows what is going to happen. So we have to be pleased with what Allaah تعالى و سبحانو has given us whether it is pain, food, hunger, poverty, whatsoever.

It was narrated from Thaabit ibn al-Dahhaak (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said:

“Whoever kills himself with something in this world will be punished with it on the Day of Resurrection.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5700; Muslim, 110.

Abu Hurairah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated

that the Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said: “Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be in the Fire of Hell, throwing himself down therein for ever and ever.

Whoever takes poison and kills himself, his poison will be in his hand and he will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron,

that piece of iron will be in his hand and he will be stabbing himself in the stomach with it in the Fire of Hell, for ever

and ever.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5442; Muslim, 109.

Example: If someone killed himself intentionally by burning the cable and sticking it into his body (electric shock) and thereafter dies, he is going to be touched by the same thing. Because the Prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said, ‘with it‟, so he will be touched with it. The hadeeth of Abu Hurairah which is reported by Bukhari and Muslim, that the prophet وسلم عليه اهلل صلى said, „Whoever throws himself from a mountain or anything high, intentionally to kill himself and he killed himself he is in the

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fire. He is going to be thrown from a height time after time repeatedly the same way he killed himself. And he said

whoever drinks poison with the intention to kill himself, then he is going to drink this poison in the fire permanently,

forever. And whoever kills himself with a piece of metal, then the metal will be in his hand and he is going to strike

his stomach time after time in the fire permanently, forever.‟ So it means whatever a person kills himself with he is going to be tortured with it forever in Jahannam (Hellfire). So fear Allaah O’slaves of Allaah wherever you are, whether you are in the East or the West and know that the ONLY

way to get out of this problem/conflict is to return back to Allaah and His Messenger i.e. to the Book of Allaah and to the Sunnah. As Allaah تعالى و سبحانو says in Surah An Nisa :59

“O you who believe! Obey Allâah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad وسلم عليه اهلل صلى ), and those of you

(Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allâah and His

Messenger ( وسلم عليه اهلل صلى ), if you believe in Allâah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final


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And Allaah تعالى و سبحانو made a condition here which the Sheikh reiterated:

If you DON”T return your matters of conflict to Allaah and His messenger then you are NOT a real believer. You therefore need to check your beliefs. Allaah knows best. Our Noble Sheikh (may Allah preserve him upon khayr) ended the Khutbah by Supplicating to Allaah تعالى و سبحانو and Praising Him and asking Him to protect the Ummah of Islaam wherever they are.

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