kersey genealogy 1631-1863

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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Outline1 John Kersey 9

2 John Kersey II 12

3 Moses Kersey 13

3 Jesse Kersey

4 Thomas Kersey

5 John Kersey

5 Janes Kersey

3 William Kersey & Hannah Hunt 17

4 Amos Kersey & Dinah Beeson, Elizabeth Wilson 20

5 Benjaman Kersey

5 Isacc Kersey

5 Isabel Kersey

4 Jesse Kersey & Rachel Haworth 23

5 Thomas Kersey?? 45

6 John Kersey

6 James Kersey

5 Stephanas Kersey

5 Beulah Kersey

5 Samuel Kersey

5 David Kersey

4 Daniel Kersey & Mary Carter 29

5 William Kersey & Rachel Hiatt 31

6 Anna Kersey

6 Eli Kersey & Sarah 54

7 Robert Butler Kersey & Martha Mariah Teeter 77

8 Jessie Estrella Kersey & George Ferguson 107

9 Fred L. Ferguson & Nellie

10 Hazel H. Ferguson

10 Floyd Ferguson

10 Cecil A. Ferguson

10 Jesse Wayne Ferguson

10 Harold Dean Ferguson

9 Frank Harrison Ferguson

10 George Francis Ferguson

10 Doris Arlene Ferguson

10 Donald Paul Ferguson

10 Thomas Dale Ferguson

8 George D. Kersey 121

8 Horace Albert (Bert) Kersey & Rebecca Jane Domeny 127

9 Martha Emza Kersey

9 Fleda LaVanche Kersey

9 Robert George Kersey

9 Clara Rebecca Kersey

9 Horace Howard Kersey

9 Agnes Bernice Kersey

9 Sarah Lucile Kersey

9 Lorena Ruth Kersey

9 Esther Elizabeth Kersey

9 Infant Son Kersey

8 Clara Bertha Kersey & Lloyd Brock 160

9 Flavius J. Brock

9 Vera G. Brock & Erich Soelter

10 Ruth Elaine Soelter & Walter Roy Lethem

10 Robert Soelter

8 Robert Ross Kersey 185

9 Argell Kersey

9 Willard W. Kersey

10 Beverly Sue Kersey

10 Dennis Kersey

9 Jessie Ann Kersey

9 Ruby Elizabeth Kersey

8 Ralph Teeter Kersey & Florene Garloch 206

9 Paul Garloch Kersey

9 Pauline Agusta Kersey & Loring Vinton Miner

10 Paul David Miner

10 Oliver William Miner

10 Mary Leah Miner

10 Joe Loring Miner

9 Naomi Kersey

7 William Kersey

8 Clinton W. Kersey & Mary E. Rupert

9 Amos Kersey

9 Joseph Kersey

7 Albert Kersey & Caroline

8 Alfred Kersey

8 Kelley Kersey

8 Vierling Kersey

7 Horace Kersey

7 Clara Kersey & Smith

8 Meb Smith

6 Ascher Kersey

6 Vierling Kersey

6 John Kersey

6 Daniel Kersey

6 William Kersey

6 Silas Kersey

6 Mary Carter Kersey & George Sheridan

6 Charity Williams Kersey

4 Thomas Kersey & Rebecca Carter

5 Mary Ann Kersey

5 John Kersey

5 Elizabeth Kersey

5 Ann Kersey

5 Thomas Kersey

5 Rebekah Kersey

5 Carter Kersey

5 Mary Kersey

5 Nancy Kersey

5 Rebecca Kersey

4 Eleanor Kersey 47

4 Eleazer Kersey & Elizabeth Horton – Harlan? 49

5 William Kersey

5 Stephen Kersey & Jemima Lamb

6 Miriam Kersey

6 Milinda Kersey

6 Eleazar Kersey

6 Jesse Kersey

6 Ann Kersey

6 Elizabeth Kersey

6 Mary M. Kersey

5 Moses Kersey & Asenath Ricks

6 Ruth Kersey

6 John P Kersey

6 John Kersey

6 Elizabeth Kersey

6 Jesse Kersey

The Kersey FamilyCommencing with John Kersey, b.1631, through the present year, 2000

I have been gathering information about this family for many years. My mother, Emza KerseyGrutzmacher had saved a number of items and was very good about keeping this type of information.I'm sorry that I didn't become more serious about this project while she was still living. I would have alot more answers to my questions and it would have pleased her very much.

I have been very fortunate to have gathered so much information from so many other relatives. Howard,Vera, Willard and Uncle Ralph Kersey have shared some of the old letters and documents with eachother over the years. Fortunately their families saved these things and were willing to share with me.Uncle Lane Hart had an interest in keeping the records of the Kersey family and was also generous withhis information.

I have been able during some of my trips to Pottawatomie County to take a few pictures of family gravesin various cemeteries, different houses. We have spent a few hours in the Courthouse gathering whatinformation we could find. Vern enjoys our trips and has been very helpful and supportive through allof this.

I have been questioning Aunt Clara Fritzler and Aunt Ruth Hart for a number of years about theirmemories of growing up in Kansas, their brothers and sisters, their mother and dad. There is so muchinformation and I know that I have not done justice to all of it.

I realize that I have barely scratched the surface and many of our questions will never be answered. Iget the impression that education has been very important in this family for generation's back. I thinkthat we have special roots of which we can all be proud. This book is certainly not very professionalhowever I am pleased that I could get all of this information stored in one spot. My hope is that as youread this you will please let me know of any additions and/or corrections that you can contribute. I willtry to furnish everyone with any additions and corrections as I receive them. I think that the notes orstories and old letters as well as the pictures make our family history more interesting. I wouldappreciate copies of any thing that any of you would like to add to this book.

ZOD( 7-S-7

No. Name Born Died1 John Kersey 1633 ?2 John Kersey II ? ?3 Moses Kersey ? ?4 Jesse Kersey ? ?.5 William Kersey 1722 ?

6 lla.nna Hunt. ? ?7 Amos Kersey ? ?8 J"se Kersey ? ?9 Dame1 Kersey ? ?10 Thomas Kersey ? ?

11 Eleazar Kersey ? ?12 Wi1:iam Kersey ? ?13 Eli Kersey ? ?14 William Kersey ? ?1,5 Albert Kersey ? ?

16 Robert Butler Kersey Aug. 25. 1836 Aug. 30. 190917 Martha M. Teeter Jan. 6. 1A42 Mar. ? 192018 Jesse Estrella Kersey Apr. 14. 1866 192319 George D. Kersey May 23. 1868 July 7. 189320 Horace Albert.Kersey July 21. 1870 1947

"-- 21 Clara Bertha Kersey May 14. 1872 196122 Robert Ross Kersey Jan. 11. 1877 June 25. 1962ZS Mp/\ Tltrl"a"f' l7.:c~s~y J\mrz.1D \980 rtv /J:. 7 erf1..

1. John Kersey was born in Ayrashire, 3cotland going to Devonshire, Englandat. t.he ae;e of 17 (1650). Arrived in Lancaster County, PA around 16,52.Published a dictionary in 1706. Had 12 sons. Four went to Ireland,returned later to this country. Twowent to England there to remain.

2. John Kersey II resided in North Carolina and later in NewYork.

S. Married in 1749 and probably resided in Bath, PA.

7. Married Dinah Beason in 1786 having two sons (Benjamin and Isaac) andone daughter (Isabel). Married Elizabeth Wilson in 1794 having threesone (Amoe, Ezra, Jamco) and t.wo daught.ere (Lole, Elizabeth).

16. Robert lhtler Kersey was bom in Valparisa, Ind. While homeon leave fromthe Union Army was married in Valparisa. or possibly in AnnArbor. Mich.

" Probably worked as a stone mason. Raised his family near Lroisvll1e,Kansas. Resided at the old sold1ers' home in Leavenworth, KSat timeof death. Burled in Louisville, Kansas.

K~rS&yts Enjoy LifeSecond Annual Reunion On!: of

Great PleasureThree Hundred of the Family Gather d

Together at. Ezekiel K~rsey"sGrove Last Thursday

The second annual reunion of the Kersey ramily was heldlapt Thurady in K~zek1el Kersey's grove, five miles northwestof this city, on ~~e Thortown road. '£he attendance while not upto that of last year, as large, there being two hundred and l'iftyor three hund!'"ed r~pre$entatives of the family on the &round.

The meetin~ waS call~ to order about 11 o'clock by thepresident, Al J. Kersey, ho reside two miles northyest of Leb~aaon. llfter m.usic bY' Hoyt s O;rches tra" of this 01ty, ReV'. A. 1;..West, pastor 01' the First Christian church of this city, and ofSalem church in the neighborhood where the reunion was held, offer-ed prayer. He asked G:od's blessing on all those a~sembled inthe "rove and pra.yed th~t a..ll the-i". heR.'rts mi.£ht b9 bmmd togkf.h-er in union and sympathy ..

Foliating another selection by the orchestra, JOhn A:Ke,l'$ey, ot this city, gave the ,n:lcome address. In a fe,,,, ohosenwords, he expressed the hopes that 1111 had met for mental bene-~1t Rnn pl~~su~~; t.nQt ~n~ youtb mieb~ ~u.t~vat~ goon ~eeling to-ward one anothe and that the aged might ever- be remindedtha't nitis not aJ.l. of lif'-e to live, nor 11 of death to dle.(f Meexpre~.sedhimself as being profoundly grate1'ul to the mempers of the faroJl11yand others ~hohad left homeand business to attend the reunionand wished that they might be made to feel per ectly at ease.

The response was made by Rey. A; L•. West;. whQ sta..ted. thatalthough of no blood relation to the family) he 'as closely relat-ed to them in church work. Rev.. W'9S't said h b lieved the realspirit of reunion abounded in all l1earts--a spirit or fellowship,oj: commoninter stj that this coming tog thermakes the blood flowtlu:iokc;p llDd cmo"tionlJ Qrll30 in o'W.'" hoo.r't::;,. Al..thQugh probe:bly Oomwhose voices we haard last year are now still in deuth, e love tooom.ebael{ to the old homestead, even though Its ch,ernges cause a feel.-111g of sadness. We come together in these- t'eunions t.o be boundtogether by closer ties; and not only to mingle with the liVing,but also to commemorate the dead. Rev. West expressed the desirethat the~e reun.:i.on:t :in~pi.L~e "thoZle i.n o.tteudal ce to be mQ-t'e uw.nqmen~ and more wosanly women.

After mu Ie by the orchestra, M~5S Grace Lowe. of Ra1ns-town, read a delightful paper, entitled; uLet us Rest a~ Bit.KWhile not encouraging idleness" "'iss Lowe showed. the i.!n...R9t"Aaw:_CL.9.ff..:t.L,th"\.14t; vuc;ctl-l.m::> from l'uuL~n~worK" 1.u that mucll more1"efiJoya~1.~--~- ~TShe cited a number -of instances where men and women of note haddied in the ery prime of life from. over-work e.nd 0'1' r-l'1or y, wh ~eall the other hand" William E. Gladstone ow'ed.hls long life and un-1mpai~ed mental vigor to the fact that work was interspersed with rest.

It d06$ us good. to drop work now and then, stop thlnk1ng and simplyteelthe b auty of the world.Following this talk and a se~eetion by the orchestra, came-

the big event of the day--tbe dinner. F 1ve or six tables were:loaded dQ••.m -r;;L-th f'.j90d thints~ to eo.'t, and every-bodT waa :tn-vi ted 'tott;pi tch in ..It

The afternoon session opened with a medley of tar songs bythe orchestra. and 8. recitation, "The Te Itale,1t by little Luc:illeEdwards, daughter of Ur~ and M~rs. D. G. Edwards, of this city...• The next on the "program was the family history, by "'UncleJ1m:myu Kersey'1 of AntQ. Mr" K.ersey is a man of Selme means ana nottied down at home, so he has spen.t considerable time in tra.velingOVEl the country t looking up the members of the Kersey fa.tn11y s be-s1de$ enjoYing lire to the fullestextsn.. H has traveled ov rabout; ~b1.rty or 'tne st;&t;@sor 'the Un.1onand some rjItee:n Wldredmiles into 0anada, and has, he says, looked into the faoes of moreKersey's than anyone liv·ng or dead. Mr. Kersey ave shQrttalk yea!' on family historyll and a eomm1ttee )/f'asappointed tomake further research, with the intention of publishing a book onthe U1Ustory of' the Kersey Family." This project~ it hus beenrouna, wo~a Ue very expenSlve, ana no dount It w1~~ not be puc-lisned at present. This ¢omm1ttee was composed of James Kersey ofArno, chairman; Jerome Kersey, Lebona.n; Vtm. T • Kersey, Ne t Provid-ence., IOTa; S. C. Kersey, Topeka, K.ansas; Robert 13••Kersey, Rich-mond. A part of M;r. Kersey1s history fo110\'ls:

A'oout toe year 1650, John Kersey, at tile age or J.'l years,went from Ayreshi e,ootlsnd, to Devonsnire Englcnd Two yearslater we find the same John kersey in La.ncaste~ county, Pennsyl-vania... He raised twelve sons~ one of whom was named John. ThisJohn No ..2 had three sons, Moses, Jesse and ~il1iam, tbe last namedhaving been bo~n iu·1722. John Kersey No.1 pUblished a dictionaryin 1706, adding 20'sOOOVIords to the English Language, ta.ken fromta best authors. If a failing;, it h_s been qui te a :failing for theKers-eys to be school teachers and doctors. Of the descendants ofWilliam, son of John Kersey, No.2ll' there are known to be but law/erswhile there are over a hund~ed school teachers, and at ~east fiftypractising Dhysicans, besides probably a few nauacks."

Of the sons of John No.1, four went to Irenn, two weremarried there and later all returned to t~is countryw Two went toEngl~nd and took up t eit' !'efidencG in th:J..t (:ounl-:ry. .John No.:':lll.a ried n*~d;ll~+)t to Nort.rJ. Carolitut, late settling in New Yox-k.

William Kers@Y7 son of John No.2, was married about 1749to :Fia.'nnahHunt and raised five son ...., Amos, Jesse~ Daniel, Thomasand Eleaz r. This sanla Wi.l11am Kersey" probablY:I edited the BathGazette, in .Bath, Penn.. In 1786 mos married Dinah Beason and t.heyhad two Bons, Benjamin and Isaac, and on~ daughter, Isabel. Tnis~~~~ Amn~ Kp~~~y m~~pi~A ~~~ift in 17_~ Rli7.~h~~h ~il~~n_ ~~ tjiunion three so s) Amos, Ezra, and James, and two daughterE) Loisand 1lliz~beth w re born. At this time tbere ate to my inowledgedescendants of Willi~~ Kersey in Ma~5achusetts, Marylandy NorthcaroliM, Ohio, Indiana" Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin,

Husband: John Kersey

Born: Abt. 1631Died:


Mother:Other Spouses:

in: The Highlands of Scotlandin:



Other Spouses:


Name: John Kersey The 2ndBorn: in:Died: in:

Burial:~ed: in:Spouse:Name: Eleven other Kersey SonsBorn: in:

~ed: in:Died: in:


Name:Born: in:

~ed: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:







John Kersey


In about the year 1650, John Kersey at the age of 19 came from the Highlands of Scotland to Penn Colony,USA. He appears to have been the eminent ancestor of the Kersey family in America. He had 12 sons, one ofwhom was John Kersey IT.

John II had three sons; Moses, Jesse, and William. Moses was an Agnostic, Jesse a Quaker, and William amember of the Church of England and later a Quaker.

Thomas Kersey, a son of Jesse and his two sons John and James are the ancestors of the Kersey's in BooneCounty, Indiana. They are very numerous in that community.

Little is known to this writer (Ralph Kersey - son of Robert Butler Kersey) of Daniel and Willaim. It isprobable that they lived in North Carolina, since it is known that Eli came form North Carolina to PorterCounty, Indiana. Many of the Kersey's in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Indiana were Quakers. There areKersey's in at least thirty states. Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Colorado each have a postoffice bearing the name"Kersey".

James Kersey of Amo, Indiana who supplied much of this information was a son of James, a grandson and agreat grandson of the following: Amos, William, John II, and John I of Scotland.

Since James of Amo, Indiana is a grandson of Amos, and Eli is a grandson of Daniel, and Amos and Danielwere brothers; that makes James and Eli third cousins. This writer, therefore, is a fifth cousin to James ofAmo, Indiana who was 70 years of age in 1901.

Eli Kersey had three sons, William, Albert, and Robert. All three sons were veterans of the Civil War.William was a commissioned officer and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. He had one son, Clinton,who died young and is buried at Wamego, Kansas. Clinton had two sons, Amos and Joseph.

Albert and Robert came from Porter County, Indiana in covered wagons and took homesteads inPottawatomie County, Kansas in 1868.

Albert had three sons, Alfred and Kelley (twins) and Vierling. Vierling was superintendent of the Los Angeles,California School System for many years. Daniel, a son of Vierling lives at Newkirk, Oklahoma. Dan wasNavy veteran in World War n. Dan had two sons, David and Douglas (they would be 12th generation fromUncle John of Scotland). Daniel's father and uncles were in the race for land when the Cherokee strip openedfor settlement on September 16, 1893.

Robert Kersey had four sons; George, Albert (Bert), Ross, and Ralph. Albert had two sons; Robert andHoward. Howard had a son Albert (Bert) who is a tenth generation from Uncle John of Scotland.

Ross had two sons; Argell and Willard. Willard has son Dennis, who also is a tenth generation form JohnKersey of Scotland.

Husband: John Kersey The 2nd

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Father: John Kersey

Mother:Other Spouses:


Born: in:Died: in:


Other Spouses:

CHILDREN1 Name: William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)

Born: 1727 in: Deep River, Guilford, North CarolinaM Married: September 29, 1746 in: Deep River, Guilford, North Carolina

Died: November 20, 1764 in: Deep River, Guilford, North CarolinaSpouse: Hannah Hunt

2 Name: Moses KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Jesse KerseyBorn: in: Boone County, Indiana

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:7 Name:

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

Husband: Moses Kersey

Born: in:Died: in: IIBurial:

Father: John Kersey The 2ndMother:

Other Spouses:


Born: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:

I Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: m:Spouse:

3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:



Burial:Father: John Kersey The 2nd

Mother:Other Spouses:

Born: in:Died: in:

Burial: m:Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:


Name: Thomas KerseyBorn: in:Died: in:

Burial:Married: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Husband: Thomas Kersey

Born: in:Died: in:

Burial:Father: Jesse Kersey

Mother:Other Spouses:


Born: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:


I Name: John KerseyBorn: in:

MMarried: m:

Died: m:Burial:Spouse:

2 Name: Janes KerseyBorn: in:

MMarried: m:

Died: m:Burial:Spouse:

'-3 Name:

Born: m:Married: in:

Died: in:Burial: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: m:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: m:Spouse:

5 Name:Born: m:

Married: m:Died: m:

Burial: m:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: m:

Married: in:Died: m:

Burial: m:Spouse:

Husband: William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)

Born: 1727 in: Deep River, Guilford, North CarolinaMarried: September 29, 1746 in: Deep River, Guilford. North Carolina

Died: November 20, 1764 in: Deep River, Guilford. North CarolinaFather: John Kersey The 2nd

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Hannah Hunt

Born: November 20, 1730Died:

Father: William HuntMother: Mary Woolman II

Other Spouses:

in: Springfield Ma. y '1 \ 4 ~CLin:


1 Name: Amos KerseyBorn: December 15, 1750 in: New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina

M Married: March 29, 1786 in:Died: in:

Spouses: Dinah Beeson, Elizabeth Wilson

2 Name: Jesse KerseyBorn: December 01, 1753 in: Deep River, Guilford. North Carolina

M Married: May 16, 1805 in:Died: in:

Spouse: Rachel Haworth

3 Name: Daniel Kersey ( son of Wm & Hannah)Born: November 06, 1757 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North Carolina

M Married: November 25, 1778 in:Died: in:

Spouse: Mary Carter

4 Name: Thomas KerseyBorn: September 15, 1759 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North Carolina

M Married: April 10, 1782 in:Died: 1835 in: Clinton, Ohio------Buried: Lytle Creek Cemetery

Spouse: Rebecca Carter

5 Name: Eleanor KerseyBorn: August 27, 1762 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name: Eleazer KerseyBorn: August 27, 1762 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North Carolina

M Married: 1787 in:Died: in:

Spouse: Elizabeth Horton----Harlan?

7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)

William's brother Moses was an agnostic and his brother Jesse was a Quaker. William himself was a member of the Church ofEngland, later to become a Quaker.

Husband: Amos Kersey

Born: December 15,1750Married: March 29,1786

Died:Burial:Father: William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)

Mother: Hannah HuntOther Spouses: Elizabeth Wilson

Wife: Dinah Beeson

in: New Garden, Guilford, North Carolinain:in:

in: Prebble, Ohioin:

Born: 1769Died:


Mother:Other Spouses:

CHILDREN1 Name: Benjaman Kersey

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Burial:Spouse:Name: Isacc KerseyBorn: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial:Spouse:Name: Isabel KerseyBorn: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

Jesse Kersey

Husband: Jesse Kersey

Born: December 01, 1753Married: May 16, 1805

Died:Burial:Father: William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)

Mother: Hannah HuntOther Spouses:

in: Deep River, Guilford, North Carolinain:in:



Mother:Other Spouses:

in: Deep Creek, North Carolinain:

CHILDRENName: Thomas Kersey ??Born:Died:


Name: Stephanas KerseyBorn: March 04, 1806



Name: Beulah KerseyBorn: September 21, 1807Died: July 5, 1845

Burial:Married: January 20, 1842Spouse: John Osborne

Name: Samuel KerseyBorn: March 06, 1809



Name: David KerseyBorn: November 21, 1814






in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:in:

in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:

in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:in:

in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:in:


Husband: Thomas Kersey 11

Born: in:Died: in:

Burial:Father: Jesse Kersey

Mother: Rachel HaworthOther Spouses:


Born: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:


1 Name: John KerseyBorn: in:

MMarried: in:

Died: in:Burial:Spouse:

2 Name: James KerseyBorn: in:

MMarried: in:

Died: in:Burial:Spouse:

3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:


Husband: Stepbanas Kersey

Born: March 04, 1806Died:

Burial:Father: Jesse Kersey

Mother: Rachel HaworthOther Spouses:

1 Name:Born:



2 Name:Born:



3 Name:Born:



4 Name:Born:



5 Name:Born:



6 Name:Born:



in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:

Husband: John Osborne

Born: June 29, 1808Married: January 20, 1842


Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Beulah Kersey

Born: Septenmer21, 1807Died: July 5, 1845

Burial:Father: Jesse Kersey

Mother: Rachel HaworthOther Spouses:

I Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:

Husband: Samuel Kersey

Born: March 06, 1809Died:

Burial:Father: Jesse Kersey

Mother: Rachel HaworthOther Spouses:




Mother:Other Spouses:

I Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Burial: in:Spouse:

in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:

in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:

1 Name:Born:



2 Name:Born:



3 Name:Born:



4 Name:Born:



5 Name:Born:



6 Name:Born:



Daniel Kersey

Husband: Daniel Kersey (son ofWm & Hannah)

Born: November 06, 1757 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North CarolinaMarried: November 25, 1778 in:

Died: in:Burial:Father: William Kersey (son of Jobo the 2nd)

Mother: Hannah HuntOther Spouses:

Wife: Mary Carter

Born: 'June 10,1761Died: December 20,1786


Mother:Other Spouses:

in: Middletown. Chester, Pennsylvaniain:

CHILDREN1 Name: William Kersey (son of Daniel &Mary)

Born: August 27, 1781Died: August 23, 1844

Burial:Married: February 05, 1800Spouse: Rachel Hiatt
















in: Deep River, Yodkin, North Carolinain: Spiceland, Henry Co., Indiana--Buried there

William KerseySon of Daniel

Husband: William Kersey (son of Daniel & Mary)

Born: August 27, 1781 in: Deep River, Yodkin, North CarolinaMarried: February 05, 1800 in: New Garden, North Carolina

Died: August 23, 1844 in: Spiceland, Henry Co., Indiana------Buried thereFather: Daniel Kersey ( son of Wm & Hannah)Mother: Mary Carter

Other Spouses:

Wife: Rachel Hiatt

Born: March 30, 1781Died: September 19, 1868


Other Spouses:

in: New Garden, Guilford, North Carolinain: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana


1 Name: Anna KerseyBorn: June 17, 1802 in: Milford, Wayne, Indiana

F Married: in:Died: m:

Spouse:--- "':0)2 Name:[Eli Kersev (Son Of Wm& Rachel

Born: March 06, 1804 in: North Carolina or Milford, Wayne, IndianaM Married: m:

Died: m:Spouses: Sarah, Sarah

3 Name: Asher KerseyBorn: April 22, 1807 in: Milford, Wayne, Indiana

M Married: m:Died: January 12, 1901 in: New Providence, Iowa

Spouse: Edith Schooley

4 Name: Vierling KerseyBorn: September 08, 1809 in: Henry, Indiana

M Married: m:Died: in: As a child with typhoid


5 Name: John KerseyBorn: November 24, 1811 in: Guilford, North Carolina

M Married: in:Died: in: As a child with typhoid


6 Name: Daniel KerseyBorn: February 12, 1814 in: Guilford, North Carolina

M Married: m:Died: in: As a child with typhoid


7 Name: William KerseyBorn: September 20, 1816 m:

M Married: m:Died: in: As a child with typhoid


8 Name: Silas KerseyBorn: December 09, 1818 in: Milford, Wayne, Indiana

M Married: in:Died: in:


9 Name: MaIy Carter KerseyBorn: November n,1820 in: Henry, Indiana

F Married: November 22, 1837 in:Died: Janumyl6, 1873 in:

Spouse: George Sheridan

10 Name: Charity Williams KerseyBorn: August 20, 1822 in: Henry, Indiana

F Married: in:Died: in:


n Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


12 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


13 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


14 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


15 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


16 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


17 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


18 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Born: June 17,1802Died:


in: Milford, Wayne, Indianain:

iltam Kersey (son of Daniel & Mary)che "att

Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Eli Kersey (Son Of Wm & Rachel)

Born: March 06, 1804 in: North Carolina or Milford, Wayne, IndianaMarried: in:

Died: in:Father: "l·am Kerse soao aniel ary)

Mother: chel HiaOther Spouses: Sarah

Wife: Sarah



Other Spouses:

CHILDRENName: obert Butler Ks:rseBorn: August 25,1836

Married: July 04, 1863Died: August 30,1909

Spouse: Martha Mariah Tetter

Name: William KerseyBorn: December 13, 1831



Name: Albert KerseyBorn:


Spouse: Caroline

Name: Horace KerseyBorn: March 08, 1841



Name: Clara KerseyBorn:


Spouse: Smith







in: Porter County, Indianain: Valparaiso, Indianain: Leavenworth, Kansas (Old Soldiers Home)

Husband: Asher Kersey

Born: April 22, 1807 in: Milford, Wayne, IndianaMarried: in:

Died: January 12, 1901 in: New Providence, IowaFather: 1 ham Kersey (son of Daniel & Mary

Mother: h 1HiattOther Spouses:

Wife: Edith Schooley

Born: February 08, 1818Died: February 15, 1858


Other Spouses:

in: Providence Township, Iowain: Providence Township, Iowa


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Vierling Kersey

Born: September 08, 1809Married:


Mother: cliel HiattOther Spouses:

in: Henry, Indianain:in: As a child with typhoid

son of Daniel & Mary)


Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: John Kersey

Born: November 24, 1811 in: Guilford, North CarolinaMarried: in:

Died: in: As a child with typhoidFather: .william Kersey (son of Daniel & Mary)

Mother: RachelfliattOther Spouses:




Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Daniel Kersey

Born: February 12, 1814 in: Guilford, North CarolinaMarried: in:

Died: in: As a child with typhoidFather: William Kersey (son of Daniel &Mary)

Mother Rachel HiattOther Spouses:



Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:5 Name:

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:7 Name:

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

Husband: William Kersey

in:in:in: As a child with typhoid




Other Spouses:


Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name: IBorn: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


in: Milford, Wayne, Indianain:in:

son of Daniel & Mary)


Born: in:Died: in:


Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: George Sheridan

Born: April 06, 1811Married: November 22, 1837

Died: October 07, 1902Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Mary Carter Kersey

Born: November 11, 1820 in: Henry, IndianaDied: January, 16, 1873 in:

Father: William Kersey (son of Daniel & Mat);Mother: Rachel Hiatt

Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:



1 Name:Born:



2 Name:Born:



3 Name:Born:



4 Name:Born:



5 Name:Born:



6 Name:Born:



7 Name:Born:



Thomas Kersey

Husband: Thomas Kersey

Born: September 15, 1759 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North CarolinaMarried: April 10, 1782 in:

Died: 1835 in: Clinton, Ohio-------Buried: Lytle Creek CemeteryFather: Wil iam ersey (son of John the 2nd)

Mother: Hannah HuntOther Spouses:

Wife: Rebecca Carter

Born: Jilly 11, 1759Died: 1850

Father: John CarterMother: Ann Whipple

Other Spouses:

in: Middletown, Chester, Pennsylvaniain: Clinton, Ohio-------Buried: Lytle Creek Cemetery


1 Name: Mary Ann KerseyBorn: January 15, 1783 in: Deep River, Guilford, North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: August 03, 1855 in: Clinton Co., Wilmington, Ohio

Spouse: Eli Millikan Sf.

2 Name: John KerseyBorn: March 21,1785 in: Deep River, Guilford, North Carolina

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:.., Name: Elizabeth Kersey.)

Born: December 31, 1787 in: Deep River, Guilford, North CarolinaF Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

4 Name: Ann KerseyBorn: August 02, 1790 in: Deep River, Guilford, North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:5 Name: Thomas Kersey

Born: January 27,1793 in: Springfield, Guilford, North CarolinaM Married: in:

Died: September 07, 1870 in: Clinton, OhioSpouse:

6 Name: Rebekah KerseyBorn: February 08, 1796 in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name: Carter KerseyBorn: 1802 in: North Carolina

M Married: in:Died: in:


8 Name: Mary KerseyBorn: 1804 in: North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


9 Name: Nancy KerseyBorn: 1806 in: North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


10 Name: Rebecca KerseyBorn: 1808 in: North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


11 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


12 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


13 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


14 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:15 Name:

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

16 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


17 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


18 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Eleanor Kersey



Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Eleanor Kersey

Born: August 27, 1762Died:

Burial:Father: William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)

Mother: Hannah HuntOther Spouses:

1 Name:Born:



2 Name:Born:



3 Name:Born:



4 Name:Born:



5 Name:Born:



6 Name:Born:



in: Cane Creek., Orange, North Carolinain:

Eleazer Kersey

Husband: Eleazer KerseyBorn: August 27, 1762 in: Cane Creek, Orange, North Carolina

Married: 1787 in:Died: in:

Father: William Kersey (son of John the 2nd)Mother: Hannah Hunt

Other Spouses:

Wife: Elizabeth Horton-Harlan?

Born: 1762Died:


Other Spouses:

in: Chester Pennsylvaniain: Randolf, North Carolina


1 Name: William KerseyBorn: 1789 in: Springfield, Guilford. North Carolina

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Stephen KerseyBorn: May 06, 1789 in: Guilford, North Carolina

M Married: May 02, 1812 in: Guilford, North CarolinaDied: May 12, 1845 in: Guilford, North Carolina

Spouse: Jemima Lamb

3 Name: Moses KerseyBorn: September 06, 1806 in:

M Married: 1834 in:Died: in:

Spouse: Asenath Ricks

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:6 Name:

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: William Kersey

Born: 1789Married:

Died:Father: Eleazer Kersey

Mother: Elizabeth Horton----Harlan?Other Spouses:


in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolinain:in:

Born: in:Died: in:


Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Stephen Kersey

Born: May 06, 1789Married: May 02, 1812

Died: May 12, 1845Father: Eleazer Kersey

Mother: Elizabeth Horton---Harlan?Other Spouses:

Wife: Jemima Lamb

Born: March 30, 1795Died: March 17, 1878


Other Spouses:

in: Guilford, North Carolinain: Guilford, North Carolinain: Guilford, North Carolina

in: Guilford, North Carolinain: Guilford, North Carolina


1 Name: Miriam KerseyBorn: September 23, 1812 in: New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Milinda KerseyBorn: January 24, 1814 in: New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina

F Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Eleazar KerseyBorn: June 01,1821 in: Lick Creek,Ind.

M Married: in:Died: October 07, 1870 in: Bloomfield PaIk. Indiana

Spouse: Mary Jane Butler

4 Name: Jesse KerseyBorn: May 23, 1824 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name: Ann KerseyBorn: August 05, 1827 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name: Elizabeth KerseyBorn: August 11,1831 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name: Mary M. KerseyBorn: June 27, 1838 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Moses Kersey

Born: September06, 1806 in:Married: 1834 in:

Died: in:Father: Eleazer Kersey

Mother: Elizabeth Horton----Harlan?Other Spouses:

Wife: Asenatb Ricks


Father: Edward RicksMother: Jane Jeane Mendenhall

Other Spouses:

CHILDREN1 Name: Ruth Kersey

Born: August 01, 1836 in:F Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

2 Name: John P. KerseyBorn: March 24, 1838 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: John KerseyBorn: December 30, 1838 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name: Elizabeth KerseyBorn: December 30, 1839 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name: Jesse KerseyBorn: February 19, 1841 in: Springfield, Guilford, North Carolina

M Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:7 Name:

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

Eli KerseySon of

William & RachelHiatt

Husband: Eli Kersey (Son orWm & Rachel)

Born: March 06, 1804 in: North Carolina or Milford, Wayne, IndianaMarried: in:

Died: in:Father: William Kersey (son of Daniel &Mary)Mother: Rachel Hiatt

Other Spouses: Sarah

Wife: Sarah



Other Spouses:


I Name: Robert Butler KerseyBorn: August 25, 1836 in: Porter Couunty, Indiana

M Married: July 04, 1863 in: Valparaiso, IndianaDied: August 30, 1909 in: Leavenworth, Kansas (Old Soldiers Home)

Spouse: Martha Mariah Tetter

2 Name: William KerseyBorn: December 13, 1831 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Albert KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Caroline

4 Name: Horace KerseyBorn: March 08, 1841 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name: Clara KerseyBorn: in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Smith

6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


T ~ameto Porter County, Indiana from North Carolina where he was born in the year 1804. At this point (January~O] I have no information about his marriage except knowing about four sons and at least one daughter. Three of Eli'ssons were veterans of the Civil War and Horace died at the age of fourteen.

One son named William was a commissioned officer and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I know very littleabout his life however I have information that he had a son named Clinton who lived and died in Wamego, Kansas.Clinton had two sons, Amos and Joseph who I assume lived in Wamego.

Another son named Albert was also a Civil War veteran. He and his family moved by covered wagon from Indiana toPottawatomie County, Kansas at the same time his brother Robert Butler moved with his family, the year 1868. Theyboth took homesteads in Kansas however Albert moved on to Newkirk, Oklahoma where he settled permanently tospend the rest of his life. He had three sons, Alfred, Kelley and Vierling.

Robert Butler was born August 25, 1836 in Porter County, Indiana. He was in I Co.-73rd Regiment-Indiana infantryduring the Civil War. While home on leave during this time he married Martha Mariah Teeter on July 4, 1863. Theyhad met while attending Valpariso Male and Female College in Indiana, however after their marriage he had to return toduty. I have no enlistment date or discharge date. I do know (have documentation) that during battles in the south(have some details) that sometime during 1862 and again later in 1863 into 1864 the battles and weather conditions werevery severe and this caused him severe health problems for the rest of his life. I believe that he was in and out ofVeteran Health facilities frequently for many years.

After his return from the war and being discharged from the Army he possibly worked as a stone mason for awhile.Tl.~y had a daughter Jesse who was born in 1866 and when she was two, Robert, Martha and Jesse went by covered'-..--60nto Kansas along with Robert's brother and his family. It was here they took up a homestead and started a newlife in Pottawatomie Co., Kansas.

Robert Butler died August 30, 1909, of service connected disabilities at the National Military Home, LeavenworthCounty, Kansas. The National Military Home is now a Veterans's Hospital located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

-------11Husband: Robert Butler Kersey

Born 1: August 25,1836Born 2: August 25, 1836Married: July 04, 1863

Died: August 30, 1909Burial:Father: Eli Kersey (Son Of Wm & Rachel)Mother: Sarah

Other Spouses:

Wife: Martha Mariah Tetter

in: Porter County, Indianain:in: Valparaiso, Indianain: Leavenworth, Kansas (Old Soldiers Home)

Born: January 06, 1842Died: March 7, 1920Burial:Father: Jacob TeeterMother: Lucy Dean

Other Spouses:


1 Name: Jessie Estrella KerseyBorn: Apri116, 1866

FDied: March 20,1923

Burial:Married: December 25, 1884Spouse: George Ferguson

2 Name: George D. KerseyBorn: May 23, 1868


Died: July 7, 1893',-- Burial:


3 Name: Horace Albert KerseyBorn: July 21, 1870

MDied: July 27, 1947Burial:

Married: October 13, 1897Spouse: Rebecca Jane Domeny

4 Name: Clara Bertha KerseyBorn: November 14, 1872

FDied: December 19, 1961Burial:

Married: March 20,1890Spouse: Lloyd J Brock

5 Name: Robert Ross KerseyBorn: January 11, 1877

M Died: June 25, 1962Burial:

Married: May 24,1904Spouse: Bessie Hutchinson

6 Name: Ralph Teeter KerseyBorn: June 10,1880

MDied: November 4,1972

Burial:Married:Spouse: Florene Garloch

in: Door Village, Indianain: Louisville Township, Pottawattomie Co., Kansas

in: Porter County, Indianain: Louisville, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Chula Vista, Californiain: Glen Abbey Memorial Park, Bonita, Californiain: Louisville, Kansas

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Wamego, Kansas

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Chula Vista, California

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Garden City, Kansas

Robert Butler Kersey

'---In the year 1868, Robert Butler Kersey and his wife Martha M.Teeter, came from Porter County, Indiana, in acovered wagon to Pottawatomie County, Kansas. They had met while attending The Valparaiso male and femalecollege, in Valparaiso, Indiana. Robert B. was in Co. I, 73rd Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry during the CivilWar and when he was home on leave they were married, July 4, 1863. He returned to his Regiment and wasinvolved in more major battles before he was discharged, at the end of the Civil War. When they made the movefrom Indiana to Kansas, they had a daughter Jesse who was two years old at the time and a son George was born inMay of that year. Robert's brother, Albert and his family made the trip with them in their own wagon. Uponarriving in Pottawatomie County they both took homesteads. Albert eventually moved on with his family toNewkirk, Oklahoma. He may have made the move because of the Oklahoma Land Runs and Lotteries which werefrom the years 1889--1893. Robert's health had suffered because of some of his experiences during the Civil Warand his death in 1909 was due to service connected disabilities.

Husband: William Kersey

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Father: Eli KerseyMother:

Other Spouses:


Born: in:Died: in:


Other Spouses:


1 Name: Clinton W. KerseyBorn: 1858 in:

M Married: August 29, 1882 in: Louisville, KansasDied: July 06, 1890 in: Wamego, Kansas

Spouse: Mary E. Rupert

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Clinton W. Kersey

Born: 1858Married: August 29, 1882

Died: July 06, 1890Father: William KerseyMother:

Other Spouses:

Wife: Mary E. Rupert

Born: 1862Died:

Father: Amus RupertMother: Abby

Other Spouses:

in:in: Louisville, Kansasin: Wamego, Kansas


1 Name: Amos KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Joseph KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in·Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Albert Kersey

Born: in:Married: in:

I>ied: in:Father: Eli Kersey (Son Of Wm &Rachel)Mother: Sarah

Other Spouses:

Wife: Caroline

Born: in:I>ied: in:


Other Spouses:


I Name: Alfred KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:I>ied: in:


2 Name: Kelley KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:I>ied: in:


3 Name: Vierling KerseyBorn: in:

M Married: in:I>ied: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:I>ied: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:I>ied: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:I>ied: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:I>ied: in:


Albert and his wife Caroline made the trip from Porter County, Indiana to Pottowatomie County, Kansas in the year 1868, at thesame time his brother Robert and family made the move. They traveled by covered wagons and they homesteaded upon arrival.I'm not sure how long it took to make the trip and I'm not sure how long they remained in Kansas. Albert and Caroline continuedon to Newkirk, Oklahoma where they settled and I believe you will find descendents still there. Their sons Alfred and Kelleywere twins and Vierling eventually moved to Los Angeles, Calif. Alfred, Kelley and Vierling were all in the race for land whenthe Cherokee Strip opened for settlement on September 16, 1893.

Vierling Kersey

Vierling Kersey was a superintendent of Los Angeles, Calififornia school system for many wears.A son of Vierling named Daniel lived in Newkirk, Oklahoma. Daniel was a Navy veteran from WWII and he had two sons,David and Douglas.

Husband: Horace Kersey

Born: March 08,1841Married:

Died:Father: Eli KerseyMother: Sarah

Other Spouses:



Other Spouses:


I Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Horace Kersey

NotesHorace's birth date is unknown however it is believed that he died at the age of fourteen.

Born: in:~ed: in:

Died: in:Father:Mother:

Other Spouses:

Wife: Clara Kersey

Born: in:Died: in:

Father: Eli Kersey (Son Of Wm & Rachel)Mother: Sarah

Other Spouses:


I Name: Meb SmithBorn: in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Reuben

2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

~ed: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

~ed: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

~ed: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Clara Kersey Smith, sister of Robert Butler Kersey

Clara's daughter Meb and her husbamd Reuben Edmonds

A friend and Clara Kersey Smith

Meb, friend, Reuben & Clara Kersey Smith

Meb, friend and Clara

These pictures were taken when Clara Rebecca Kersey Fritzler & her husbandGlenn H. took a trip to Channing, Michigan. Meb and Reuben owned an oldlog cabin & Clara Smith moved from Indiana to live with them. Clara said that'.....-they, Clara & Fritz slept upstairs in the cabin with mosquito netting covering

them. It was pretty rustic as you can see by the pictures.

.2 ,





Back of picture says: Aunt Mary SmithSons killed in train wreck

"Send me your picture quick for I cannot wait"

Writting on back:

Aunt Mollie Kersey Ells

Sister of Robert B. Kersey 'J" If )lMnll\i-lV.~WllillIJll\ft71 IWL,

~,u.~Alt.-u, ' , Ildf

This picture presents some questions, as I do not have Mollie

listed as a sibling of Robert Butler on the family page. There are

no living relatives who know about Mollie.

Robert ButlerKersey

Robert Butler Kersey

This was perhaps taken at the time of his marraige

Identified by: Clara Kersey Fritzler & Rebecca Grutzmacher Jumper

Born: August 25,1836Married: July 1863

Died: 1909Father: Eli

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: l\fartha Mariah Teeter

Born: January 06, .1842Died:.Mareh 1920

Father: Jacob Tt'eterMother: Dean

Olher SpcmS(;~s:----------------------------------------_ .•.....

in: Porter Cmmnty, Indianain: Valparaiso, Indianain: Leavenworth, Kansas (Old Soldiers

in: Door Village, Indianain: Louisville, Kansas

Jesse Estrella KerseyBorn: 1866


in: Porterin:in:



in:PoHawalomiein:in: Pott.lwatomie

Name: Horace Albert KerseyBorn: 21, uno

Married: October 1897Died: 1947

Spouse: Rebecca Jane Domeny

Name: Clara Bertha KerseyBorn: November 14, 1872

Manied: March 1890Died lJecember 1961

Spouse: J Brock

Name: Robert RossBorn: January 1Ll 877

tvlarricd 1904Died: June 25, 1962

Spouse: Bessie Iiutchinson

Name: Ralph Tt.'eterBorn: June 1880

IVlarried:Died: November 04, 1972

Sp')use: Florene Garloch

in: Pottawatomie Kansasin:in: Garden City, Kansas

in: PoHawatomie Kansasin: LouisviHc., Kansasin: Chula CaIiJomia

in: POU<l\vatomiein: Wamego, Kansasin: Wamego, Kansas

in: PoHmvatomic Kansasin: PoUawatomie Kansasin: CImla California



In the year 1868, Robert Butler Kersey and his wife Martha M.Teeter, came from Porter County, Indiana, in acovered wagon to Pottawatomie County, Kansas. They had met while attending The Valparaiso male andfemale college, in Valparaiso, Indiana. Robert B. was in Co. I, 73rd Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantryduring the Civil War and when he was home on leave they were married, July 4, 1863. He returned to hisRegiment and was involved in more major battles before he was discharged, at the end of the Civil War. Whenthey made the move from Indiana to Kansas, they had a daughter Jesse who was two years old at the time anda son George was born in May of that year. Robert's brother, Albert and his family made the trip with them intheir own wagon. Upon arriving in Pottawatomie County they both took homesteads. Albert eventuallymoved on with his family to Newkirk, Oklahoma. He may have made the move because of the OklahomaLand Runs and Lotteries which were from the years 1889--1893. Robert's health had suffered because ofsome of his experiences during the Civil War and his death in 1909 was due to service connected disabilities.

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S1'ATE OF Kf.NSAS, I, !:ISPnttawatomle County, I .

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I~ '1'J'.S'rI:\l('~V WUEI\EO)1. I have IWl""ntl If) l;llh~crlhoit my l1alnl3 l~mlaillxod mv ,.n: ·ial 5()~iLtJI r'tltl)' 8ll~1)"t'af il\"'~'abovo wl'it.t.,,". . .'

"What I know of my ancestors" by Martha Mariah Teeter written sometime after 1856. (Jan. 6, 1842 - Mar. 7,1920) who married Robert Butler Kersey in 1863.

My maternal grandmother was a Mifs Anna Peabody before her marriage, her mother's maiden name wasFitch. Grandmother was born in Connecticut in 1767, and was therefore 8 years old at the beginning of theRevolutionary war. I have heard her tell that she was once left in care of a baby brother, and soon a neighborboy came saying, "hide! the Redcoats and the Indians are coming, and then went further on to give the alarm,grandmother took the baby and went to a .....hollow log, about a quarter mile from the house and crowded inwith the baby, in a few minutes she heard the yells and shouts of the enemy. They helped themselves to whatthey wanted on the premises, and some of them came within a few rods of her hiding place, but the babe didnot cry, though she greatly feared it would, and she was safe. Grandmother was married when about twenty, Ithink to a Mr. Hackley, he was a "dresser ofleather" (grandmother's words) they had two children Anna &Amathusa; only Anna lived to be grown. A few years after they were married (1) they moved to NewLebanon, New York St. Soon after Mr. Hackley died; grandmother lived among the Shakers a widow twelveyears, then married Benajah Dean, a widower with a daughter and three sons. The daughter named (Wealthy)married Mr. Towsley and settled in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Grandmother had three more children,Almeda, Nancy & Lucy; Almeda died with consumption at 18, Nancy married David Cran and in a year diedleaving a baby girl a few days old, she called that baby Martha Francesca, and gave her to Lucy (my mother).Grandfather Dean died with consumption long before this, but I cannot give the date.

My mother Lucy was born March 4th, 1803, in Oneida Co. N.Y. She was quick to learn and took greatdelight in books. She taught several terms of school but teacher's wages were so low that she gave it up andworked for a while in a factory, then for still better wages served a year for a Mrs Fanny Hopkins. She thenlearned to make men's clothes, and went home and never afterward was parted any length of time from hermother and Anna. Mother was fond of fancy work and could knit beautiful fine lace, could embroider andexcelled in wearing linen, and woolen goods, and she often made fine cloaks and dresses. At the age of 31,she married Charles Clark, a cousin, a man of more than ordinary ability, deeply religious, and much respected.He was a widower with four sons. He had been in good circumstances (but) sold his property in N. Y. andwent west settling in Cold Water, Michigan. In a few months his wife died, (he then) went back to N.Y.married my mother in 1834 and went west, settling in Leaporte Co. Indiana, bringing grandmother & Annaalong with them .....They were among the first settlers in that country and belonged to the first Methodist EClass Church that was organized in Northern Indiana. Mr. Clark lived two years and died with consumption.Mother lived a widow 4 years and then married Jacob Teeter my father. They were married Feb. 14th, 1841by Abner Dwelly of Leaporte. I was born. Grandmother Dean lived until January 1851, died of old age andwas buried in the Valparaiso Cemetery. Aunt Anna lived till September 1856, and was buried in the Kimballcemetery Porter Co. Indiana. Mother died October 7th, 1851 of consumption.

Grandmothers Maiden name was, Anna Peabody.Born: 1767 in ConnecticutDied: January 1851, in Indiana

Anna Peabody married at about age twenty. It was believed that her husbands name was Mr. Hackley. Theyhad two children. Anna, who lived to adulthood and Amathusa, who died young.

A few years after they were married they moved to New Lebanon, New York. Shortly after moving to NewYork Mr. Hackley died leaving Anna a widow who lived among the Shakers for about twelve years. AnnaPeabody Hackley then married a widower named Benejah Dean, who had one daughter and two sons. Annaand Benejah Dean had three children. They were named Almeda, Nancy and Lucy who was mother of MarthaM. Teeter.

Nancy: She later married David Cran and about a year after thatshe died leaving a baby girl, who she named MarthaFrancesca and gave her to her sister Lucy.

Lucy: Born: March 4, 1803Died: October 7, 1851

Mothers maiden name was Lucy Dean and she married Charles Clark in 1834. Charles was a widower withfour sons. He moved Lucy, grandmother Dean and Lucy's half-sister, Anna, to Laporte County, Indiana.Charles Clark died about 1836, which left Lucy widowed for about four years.

On February 14, 1841 Lucy married Jacob Teeter and they had one daughter.Martha Mariah Teeter: Born: January 6, 1842

Died: March 7, 1920------88yrs.

Grandmother Dean, died January, 1851 of old age at the age of eighty-four.Mother Lucy Teeter, died October 7, 1851 of consumption at age forty-eight.Aunt Anna died September 1856, around the age of sixty-seven.

Martha was orphaned at the age of nine and we think raised by relatives. She was well educated and wasattending Valparaiso college in Indiana where she met Robert Butler Kersey. They married July 4,1863, whilehe was home on leave from the Union Army. Robert Butler Kersey was born in Valparaiso, Indiana August25, 1836. They moved to Louisville, Kansas area in 1868, arriving by covered wagon. They had six children:

Jessie Estrella--April 16,1866-March 20, 1923------57yrs.George D.----------May 23, 1868-July 7, 1893------------25yrs.Horace Albert-----July 21, 1970-June 20, 1947--------77yrs.Clara Bertha-------November 14, 1872-December 19, 1961--89yrs.Robert Ross-------January 11, 1877-June 25, 1962----85yrs.Ralph Teeter-------June 10, 1880-November 4, 1972-----92yrs.

Robert Butler Kersey was residing in the Soldiers Home in Leavenworth, Kansas at the time of his death,August 30, 1909. He was 73yrs. of age.

Martha was widowed for eleven years, until he death March 7, 1920. She was 88yrs. of age. They are bothburied in the cemetery at Louisville, Kansas just north of the town.

Martha M. Teeter Kersey was born at Door Village near La Porte, Indiana on January 6, 1842 and died atLouisville, Kansas on March 7, 1920 aged 78 years, 2 months, and 1 day.

In 1868 they came to Kansas and proved up a homestead 4 miles southwest of Westmoreland. Six childrenwere born to them and grew to manhood and womanhood in this county. George, the oldest son, died in July1893 and Mr. Kersey, the husband and father, died in 1909. The five children living are Mrs. GeorgeFerguson, Louisville, Kansas. Bert Kersey and Ross Kersey, Westmoreland, Kansas and Ralph Kersey,Garden City, Kansas.

Belonging as she did to the class of early pioneers, her path was not always strewn with roses but even duringthe most trying periods of her life she was a faithful wife and devoted mother. She professed faith in Christearly in life and remained constant and steadfast in it to the end.

She was affiliated with both the M.B. Church and Women's Relief Corps at Wamego, where she was found anactive and willing worker. Her work, her influence and her love still live.

Devotional services were conducted at the M.E. Church at Louisville, March 9, Rev. Burr of Westmoreland,officiating. Interment was made in the Louisville Cemetery.

The following information was taken from Family Tree Maker, World Family Tree (CD) Volume 1 #32424/5/2000:

Obituary--Mrs. KerseyMiss Martha M. Teeter was born at Door Village, Indiana, January 6, 1842, and departed this life on March 7,1920, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ferguson, in Louisville, Kansas, at the age of78 years and 2 months.

On July 4, 1863, she was married to Robert Kersey at Valpariaso, Indiana, where the two had previouslyattended college. Robert was home on a furlough from the Union Army during the Civil War.

To this union were born 6 children, 5 of whom are still living, George D. Kersey having died in 1893. Theliving are: Mrs. Jessie Ferguson, Louisville, Kansas; Mrs. Clara Brock, Wamego, Kansas; Bert and RossKersey, Westmoreland, Kansas, and Professor R.T. Kersey, of Garden City, Kansas. Mrs. Kersey's husbanddied in 1909. She made public profession of her faith in Christ and united with the Methodist Church whenshe was twelve years old and remained a member of that church during the remainder of her life.

It was in 1868 that the family came in covered wagons, from Valpariaso, Indiana, to Pottawatomie County,Kansas, where Mrs. Kersey has since resided.

In 1874-5 she taught in the common school of this county where many of the prominent citizens of the presenttime having been her pupils. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. H.M. Burr at the LouisvilleMethodist church and interment was made at the Louisville cemetery on Tuesday, March 9, 1920.

Martha Mariah Teeter Kersey

This picture was identified by Clara Rebecca Kersey Fritzler

This photo was perhaps taken at the time of her marraige.

Henry and Mary Teeter

This must have been written by one of Martha M. Teeter Kersey's

children. I wonder if these were the people who raised Martha

after she was orphaned.


Family Gathering: Louisville, Kansas

Back Row: Bert Kersey, Glen Head, Ann Breymeyer, Bessie Kersey

Frank Ferguson (blurred), Ms. Baird, Clara Kersey, Vera Brock

Emza Kersey, Fleda Kersey, Wayne Grutzmacher, Argell Kerse)

Ross Kersey, Flave Brock, Ralph Kersey

Third Row: Iantha Ferguson, Clara Brock, Florence Kersey, Martha M. Ken

Rebecca Kersey, Nellie Ferguson, Jessie Ferguson,

Ethel Ferguson, Henry Ferguson, Lloyd

Second Row: Hazel Ferguson,Doris Ferguson, Wayne Ferguson, Willard Kef

Ruth Kersey, Sarah Kersey, Jessie Kersey, Agnes Kersey

Front Row: Esther Kersey, Pauline & Paul Kersey (twins), Cecil Ferguson,

George Fergusonn, Floyd Ferguson, Howard Kersey

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Children of: Robert Butler & Martha M. Kersey

Seated L-R: Horace Albert, Jessie Estrella

Standing L-R: Clara Bertha, Robert Ross, Ralph Teeter

Jessie Estrella Kersey Ferguson

Born: April 16,1866

Died: March 20, 1923

Married: George Ferguson, December 25, 1884

Husband: George Ferguson

Born: July 04, 1848Married: December 25, 1884

Died: October 04, 1914Father: Elijah Ferguson

Mother: Marianne QuincheOther Spouses:

Wife: Jesse Estrella Kersey

Born: April 16, 1866Died: March 20, 1923

Father: Robert Butler KerseyMother: Martha Mariah Tetter

Other Spouses:

in: Galena, Jo Davies Co., Illinoisin:in: Louisville, Pottawatomie County, Kansas

in: Porter County, Indianain: Louisville, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas


1 Name: Fred L. FergusonBorn: January 17, 1886 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Nellie

2 Name: Frank Harrison FergusonBorn: July 24, 1888 in: Louisville, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas

M Married: April 16, 1913 in: Salina, Saline Co., KansasDied: June 16, 1952 in: Lindasborg, McPherson Co., Kansas

Spouse: Ethel Lena Misamore

3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


~orge Ferguson

NotesObituary--George Ferguson from "The S10Ge "George Ferguson was born in Galena, Illinois, July 4, 1848, died at his home here October4, 1914, aged 66 years and 4 months.He died of neumonia after an illness of about four days and was so unexpected that only a few of his nearest neighbors knew hewas sick. His parents moved to Leavenworth County, Kansas Sepetember 1855, where he grew to manhood. In 1874 he locatedin Union township, Pottawatomie county, where he resided ever since, with the exception of a few years he lived in McPhersoncounty and the past six years at Louisville.He was united in marraige to Jessie E Kersey, December 25, 1884, to this union two sons were born, Fred L. and Frank H.. bothliving in Union township.He leaves to mourn his death, his wife. two sons and their families, five brothers and four sisters. seven of whom were at thefuneral.

He united with the Congregational Church at M10Union in 1891 and as many friends can testify lived an upright true Christianlife. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Tuesday at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Walter Burr. interment was made inthe Louisville cemetery. May he rest in peace.

"Death of a Pioneer"George Ferguson, one of the early settlers ofPottawatomie county, died at his home in Louisville, Sunday morning aged 66 yearsand 3 months. Mr. Ferguson leaves a wife and two sons, Frank and Fred of Broderick, and a Brother Henry of Wamego. Mr. andMrs Ferguson came from Leavenworth to this county in 1871 and resided at Louisville up to the time of his death. He was amember of the Congregational church and a most respected citizen. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.Burr and was one of the largest funerals held there in years.

Marge Ericson told me on 4/30/94 that Doris Ferguson Schad always talked about how kind Jessie Kersey was. She had a sternlook in her pictures, but Doris remembered Grandma Ferguson rocking her for long periods of time, and said she was really not atall like her pictures.

Jessie Estella Kersey was born in Porter County, Indiana, on April 16, 1866 and died at her home in Louisville, Kansas. on March20, 1923. Her death was due to pneumoniaWhen two years of age she came to Pottawatomie County, settling in Union township, where she grew to womanhood. Her lifewas spent there except for six years when she lived in McPherson County.She was married on Christmas Day, December 25, 1884 to George Ferguson, who departed this life on October 4, 1914. To thisunion, two sons were born, Fred L., and Frank H., both of Westmoreland. Early in life she became a member oftheCongregational Church of Mt. Union and lived an active Christian life.She leaves to mourn her loss the two sons and their families, one foster daughter, Mrs. Myra Davis of McPherson, one sister, Mrs.LJ. Brock of Wamego (bjl notes--would that be Clara Brock?), and three brothers, Bert Kersey of Westmoreland, Ross R. Kerseyof Onaga, and Ralph T. Kersey of Garden City, Kansas.Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon, March 22, 1923, at Louisville, conducted by Rev. Walter Burr, of Manhattan,and interment was made in the Louisville cemetery.

Letter written by: Jessie. Kersey Ferguson

To her sister: Clara Bertha Kersey Brock

-------11Husband: Fred L. Ferguson

Born: January 17, 1886Married:

Died:Father: George Ferguson

Mother: Jesse Estrella KerseyOther Spouses:

Wife: Nellie



Other Spouses:


1 Name: Hazel H. FergusonBorn: August 07,1908 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Floyd B. FergusonBorn: January 20, 1910 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Cecil A. FergusonBorn: January 08, 1912 ill:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name: Jesse Wayne FergusonBorn: May 31, 1913 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name: Harold Dean FergusonBorn: November 15. 1919 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Frank Harrison Ferguson

Born: July 24, 1888Married: April 16, 1913

Died: June 16, 1952Father: George Ferguson

Mother: Jesse Estrella KerseyOther Spouses:

Wife: Ethel Lena Misamore

Born: September 11, 1893Died: March 28, 1972


Other Spouses:

in: Louisville, Pottawatomie Co., Kansasin: Salina, Saline Co., Kansasin: Lindasborg, McPherson Co., Kansas

in: Adrain Township, Jackson Co., Kansasin: Lindaborg, McPherson Co., Kansas


1 Name: George Francis FergusonBorn: February 21, 1914 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouses: Mabel Ensminger, Erlene lngemanson

2 Name: Doris Arlene FergusonBorn: November 18, 1915 in: Louisville, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas

F Married: in:Died: December 1989 in: Medford, Oregon

Spouse: E. H. Schad

3 Name: Donald Paul FergusonBorn: September 14, 1920 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name: Thomas Dale FergusonBorn: September 04, 1922 m:

M Married: m:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: m:Died: m:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Could this be George D. Kersey son of

Robert Butler and Martha Teeter Kersey

Husband: George D. Kersey

Born: May 23, 1868Married:

Died: July 07, 1893Father: Robert Butler Kersey

Mother: Martha Mariah TetterOther Spouses:


in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas



Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:., Name:.)

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: Ill:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


George D. Kersey died at age Twenty-five and evidently no one could figure out what his problem was. In later years his brotherHoarce Albert (Bert) Had two daughters who were diagnosed with Diabetes. It was then in the late 1930's and early 1940's Bertsuspected that George probably had Diabetes which they did not know about in the 1890's. George married Pheobe Brock whowas the sister to Lloyd and Fletcher however I have no dates and it evidently was short since he died at age twenty-five.

Uncle Bob Kersey had taken me and my "

mother to this grave in 1978 so I knew

about where is was in the cemetery.

When we located it we could hardly rea

it. We used windshied cleaner on it and

This cemetery is located a few mile:

southeast of Westmoreland, Kansa:

then took these pictures. Most of these

little cemetery's are very well kept.

Becky Jumper: Memorial Day 1999

George D. Kersey

Pleasant Hill Cemetery

Pottawatomie county, Kansas

Husband: Horace Albert Kersey

Born: July 21, 1870Married: October 13, 1897

Died: July 27, 1947Father: Robert Butler Kersey

Mother: Martha Mariah TetterOther Spouses:

Wife: Rebecca Jane Domeny

Born: February 12, 1877Died: September 12, 1955

Father: George Washinton DomenyMother: Emza Ann Dixon

Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Louisville, Kansasin: Chula Vista, California

in: Vinton County, Ohioin: Chula Vista, California


I Name: Martha Emza KerseyBorn: September 22, 1898 in: Westmoreland, Kansas

F Married: April 14, 1920 in: Topeka, KansasDied: May 07, 1980 in: Lemon Grove, California

Spouse: Julius Wayne Grutzmacher

2 Name: Fleda La Vanche KerseyBorn: November 29, 1900 in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas

F Married: September 06, 1923 in: Westmoreland, KansasDied: January 12, 1985 in: Mahattan, Kansas

Spouse: Guy Buford Dailey

3 Name: Robert George KerseyBorn: June 11, 1902 in: Newkirk, Oklahoma

M Married: July 18, 1922 in: Ordway, ColoradoDied: October 14, 1989 in: Wamego, Kansas

Spouse: Ruby St John

4 Name: Clara Rebecca KerseyBorn: May 15, 1904 in: Pottawatomie, Kansas

F Married: June 21, 1925 in: Westmoreland, KansasDied: in:

Spouse: Glenn Harry Fritzler

5 Name: Horace Howard KerseyBorn: January 10, 1906 in: Pottawatomie County

M Married: December 05, 1930 in: Topeka, KansasDied: January 21, 1979 in: Chula Vista, California

Spouse: Opal Harriet Huss

6 Name: Agnes Bernice KerseyBorn: January 12, 1908 in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas

F Married: in:Died: June 21, 1946 in: Chula Vista, California


7 Name: Sarah Lucile KerseyBorn: February 05, 1910 in: St. George, Kansas

F Married: June 18, 1932 in:Died: in:

Spouse: William 1. Strickland

8 Name: Lorena Ruth KerseyBorn: December 20, 1911 in: Pottawatomie County

F Married: October 19, 1940 in: Las Vegas, NevadaDied: in:

Spouse: Newman Lane Hart

9 Name: Esther Elizabeth KerseyBorn: September 02, 1914 in: Westmoreland, Kansas

F Married: March 08, 1952 in: Yuma, ArizonaDied: February 02, 1996 in: Escondido, California

Spouse: William F. McGrath

10 Name: Infant Son KerseyBorn: December 12, 1918 in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas

M Married: in:Died: December 12, 1918 in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas


11 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


12 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


13 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


14 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


15 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


16 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


17 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


18 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Horace Albert Kersey

Horace Albert Kersey was born July 21, 1870 in Pottowatomie County, Kansas. He was the third child bornto Martha Mariah Teeter and Robert Butler Kersey. Robert B. had a brother named Horace who died at age14, thus the name was handed down to "Bert" as he was always known throughout his life. Bert's father wasthought to be a stone mason by trade but did mostly farming when raising the family. His father's health wasnever good after the experiences he had as a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War. Bert's motherwas a teacher and taught at various schools in the county, including Westmoreland, Ks. Bert's older brother,George, died at age twenty-five when Bert was age twenty-three and with their father not well this left Bertthe oldest son with more responsibility. Bert had one older sister and two younger brothers and one youngersister. Bert and his brothers did farming at their own farm and often times worked for other farmers in thearea. They were a close knit family and always looked out for the welfare of one another. Bert met RebeccaJane Domeny at various school, church and county activities. They married on October 13, 1897.

Rebecca Domeny and Bert Kersey were married October 13, 1897 in Pottowatomie County Kansas. Theywere married at Rebecca's parents home near the Broderick area. Their first home was on the WidowBurgess place which is north of Ghoerings. Martha Ernza was born there in September, 1898 and Fleda LaVanche was born there in November, 1900. In the spring of 1901 Bert took his family and Becky's sister,Alzira " Allie" Domeny, age 19 or just turned 20 at that time, and they went to Newkirk, Oklahoma bycovered wagon. Bert's uncle Albert had taken his family there years before where he died but his widow andBert's cousins were still living. The Oklahoma Land Runs and Lotteries were from 1889--1893. We think thatthere was still unclaimed land and there was a chance for Bert to possibly homestead some land there and sinceBert was always looking for ways to improve life for his family and we assume that is why they made the trip.Their son, Robert George, was born there in June of 1902. They returned by train to Pottowatomie Co.Kansas in the fall of 1903.

After their return to Kansas, they lived with Becky and "Allie's" father, George W. Domeny and theirstepmother Elma, in the Broderick neighborhood close to the Mc Proud farm. Becky and Bert soon movedtheir family to the Bain farm located between Grandpa Domeny's farm in Broderick and the County PoorHouse. This is where Clara was born in May of 1904. They later moved northwest of Wamego to the Schulerfarm (near Ed Daylor's farm). They lived there for about seven years. It was here that Howard was born inJanuary, 1906; Agnes in January, 1908; Sarah in February, 1910; and Ruth in December, 1911. It was duringthis time that several of the children attended school in District #82. This is where Clara started school andshe still remembers her teacher whose name was Kate Kahler. This was short-lived for Clara though becausethey soon moved four miles north of St. George. Becky loved this place which had many fruit trees and sinceBecky was a wonderful cook and with a large family to cook three meals a day for, the fruit must have been aspecial treat for all. Now all of the children entered a new school and they lived there until Bert was electedSheriff for the first time in 1912.

Bert was elected Sheriff and they moved to Westmoreland in December, 1912. Bert held office from 1913 to1916. Their first house was the Hick House where Esther was born in September, 1914. It was during theseyears that they moved often as Bert did a lot of buying and selling of houses. He probably was known to do alittle horse trading in his younger days. Some of the houses that they lived in (some rented and some owned)were the Cochrun stone house, Huckstadt house, Cree house, Plummer house (the Campbell house then) andBob Arnold house. During 1917 and 1918 they moved to a farm just south of Louisville where they livedwhen Ruth started to school. Their last child was born while they lived there but the child did not live and isburied in the family plot in Wamego, The marker reads "Baby Kersey". Bert was elected Sheriff again for1919 and 1920. Emza had graduated from high school in Westmoreland in the year 1916 and started teaching

school soon thereafter. Fleda was allowed to remain in Louisville to live with her grandmother, MarthaKersey, and her aunt Jesse Kersey Ferguson, so she could graduate from high school there, while the familymoved once again back to Westmoreland for Sheriff duty.

Bert opened a Ford Automobile Agency around the year 1921 in Westmoreland. This business includedautomobiles and trucks as well as tractors. His son Robert was one of the mechanics along with RalphHockett and his salesman was Bob Springstead. Bert was a member of the local and state draft board andwas successfully involved in many county and state official functions which made him well known andrespected. It was from the encouragement of these many friends and acquaintances that he decided to run forthe office of Kansas State Representative. In 1924, Bert was elected to the Kansas State Legislature from the41st district where he served one term from 1925 to 1927. I believe it was at one of the first official Statefunctions that Becky and Bert were attending, on January 12, 1925, in Topeka when the garage burned down.Clara and Agnes were getting breakfast that morning when they heard the fire bell ringing. When they lookedout the window and saw the smoke, Clara thought it looked like the garage was on fire. Clara was thebookkeeper for her dad so she tore out of the house still in her slippers and no coat but she arrived in time tosave the books from the fire. Ernza called her folks at their hotel to tell them and Bert's first response was "Was anyone hurt?". Fortunately no one was but there was very little to salvage. They did move what toolsand other things that they could to a new temporary location. Bert did not like the pressure put upon him bythe Ford Co. about the amount of merchandise he must buy in order to do business with them so he chose todiscontinue his relationship with the Ford Company. Bert eventually moved his garage to a permanentlocation on main street where there had been a garage owned by the Zables (this is the garage that WayneGrutzmacher, Ernza's husband owned later). It was here that Bert made a deal with the Hudson-Essexcompany and he took on that dealership, however the business was never too lucrative as the Essex auto nevergained popularity. The family had an Essex, as the family car when they moved to Rossville in 1927.

Bert owned a garage in Rossville and they stayed there a year. Bert had been promised that if AI Smith wereto win the election for President in November of 1928 that he would be given a good job working for theGovernment. AI Smith, who was of the Catholic religion was defeated badly by Herbert Hoover and this ofcourse dashed any dreams that Bert may have had to further himself in politics.

The family moved back to Westmoreland in late 1928, living first in a big two story house down by the creek,close to the crossing that the Grutzmacher's often used to get to town. This house had been occupied at onetime by Mrs. Kate Hooven and her children. This was a temporary stop for the Kersey's, while waiting tomove into the house (Cree's) that they had bought from Clara and Fritz. Before too long though Bert and hisbrother Ross, who's family was farming in Onaga made the decision to take their families and move toCalifornia. Ruth, a graduate from Westmoreland High School and just seventeen, soon to be eighteen, wasteaching in Rossville and really hated to see her family leave. Sarah who was working at the courthouse forMrs. Hooven, decided to stay with her sister Clara and her husband Fritz. The older children, Ernza, Fleda,Bob, Clara, and Howard also remained in Kansas. Bert and Rebecca in their Essex, along with daughtersAgnes and Esther left for California in October of 1929. Ross and Bessie (Hutchison) Kersey had fourchildren; Argell, Jessie, Willard and Ruby Elizabeth. Argell had remained in Kansas and when Ruth and Sarahwere free to go they all drove in Argell's Chevrolet (the girls each agreed to pay him twenty dollars for thetrip) to join their parents in Coronado, California.

The Kersey brothers, Bert and Ross found employment in various fields in the beginning. The girls startedwork in San Diego. In those days the only access to Coronado was by ferry or a long drive around the southbay on the silver-strand and through Imperial Beach, Otay, Chula Vista and National City in order to get toSan Diego. The girls worked at The Retail Credit Association and commuted by ferry each day. I think it costa nickle each way. Eventually the girls moved out on their own to live in San Diego.

to that small town from Pottawatomie County, Kansas. The Buffington's, (Joe and Oda) the LaugWin's (Tedand Mary) and the Perry's (Lillian and George) and many more fellow Kansans were in the area. This led tomany "Oldtimers Picnics", card games and gatherings for reminiscing about the "Good Old Days".

Bert became interested in real estate and went to work in the Daisey Bigelow Real Estate office. He wasalways a "people person" so he proved to be a great help to Mrs. Bigelow. Her office was on the main streetand close to home so this was ideal for Bert and he delighted in this endeavor. When his eyesight began to failhim he could no longer drive his automobile, however he still went to the office most everyday.

In 1932 Howard and his wife Opal moved to California and eventually settled in Chula Vista. In 1937 Ernza,with her husband Wayne and family, joined the clan in Chula Vista. They all remained there where they raisedtheir families and contributed much to the growing community.

Bert died in Chula Vista in 1947 and Rebecca joined him in death in 1955. They are interred, along withErnza, Howard, Agnes and Esther, in Glen Abbey Memorial Park. Their children Fleda and Robert whoremained loyal to their native Kansas are buried in the Kersey family plot in Wamego, Kansas. DaughtersClara, Sarah and Ruth remain living in California at the time of this writing.

This information was compiled in January, 2000 and comes from various people beginning with a conversationbetween Ruby St. John Kersey and Sarah Domeny Owens, in Wamego Kansas in 1981. This conversationwas mainly about the early years of the marriage of Rebecca and Bert Kersey. Sarah was a younger sister toRebecca Jane Domeny Kersey and was born in Laclede, Kansas. Sarah was born October 7, 1890 and diedNovember 2, 1984 at age 97 in Wamego, Kansas where she is buried. Bob Grutzmacher the oldest grandchildof Rebecca and Bert Kersey has many fond memories of his grandparents during their years (1920's) in Kansasas well as their later years in Chula Vista. The daughters of Rebecca and Bert Kersey, Clara Fritzler and RuthHart, also helped Rebecca Jumper, their niece in compiling this information and telling about their years ofgrowing up in the family.

Rose Lodge

#122 l.o.o.F.

Louisville, Kansas

Bert Kersey: 1911

Odd Fellow Lodge building

Louisville, Kansas

This Church in

Louisville, Kansas

was the Kersey family church

Congregational Church

This is the Odd Fellows Lodge building in Louisville Kansas

The three Kersey sons, Bert, Ross and Ralph were all members

Bert Kersey: Kansas State Legislature--1925

Horace Albert Kersey: July 21, 1870---July 27, 1947

Wedding Pictures -- October 13, 1897

Horace Albert Kersey

Rebecca Jane Domeny

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This information written by: Ruby St.John Kersey

Pg. 1

Ruby's writing continued


By: Ruby St.John Kersey

Bert Kersey: Work background

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Bert and Becky Kersey

Bert Kerseyassed Away

Here FridayRe,,,iJcnt Here 14 Years

Had Been .1 Member ofthe Kansas Legislature.

A i';}mUla,r figm", on 'fhlrd ave·nue, Mr, Bert Kersey passedo."."u.)-' l1u:t P'''.dd9Y ':ltftFJ.t'nnnn lnhb home at :4fil Third avcnUl'1of a hf'art ll.ilmnlt. Funeralservlt'r,s were ('onducted by Dr.Wil1i~l.nn Wili of !he Cornmuni. Ity ehurr.h at 111,30 a.m. :Mondayjll thli t-1ulJbar'(l ell npeJ , with in--t~nn(ml in Cll'n Abbc~' Memor-ial rl~rk.

Born in vVpstmorcJaoo. KaMason Jul;,' 21. 187'0, h~ grew upthere a.nd engag-ed in till" auto·mobile bl1$irms>', havlnJ.! th<> Fordagency at. ,me tjm~, A1 11"11>. ageof 012 he was ('!('cu'd Slwritf ofPoUawatomk counlY, Kansas,and Sf:'l'ved in that CaI)[ fort!1re€ tepms. J1avmg op.oomc a Ipubli(~ servant, hl' .~onlillued to Igiv~ his st.rength and Ialcnta ona widl!t' ~c with larger respon-sibil1t~'. During Wol'1d W<J:r-I hewas a' of. the lkart' bOa):dand in lli2<1was eler; II to theK1Jnsa.<;;Stat~ !~~t$1a1u!·c.

IItn ("'hlYl£ to C!nJ-ff""'l'nift in 19951lliving threl:> yc:ars in C(}l"otl IIdo.j For the palii 14 years he has rr-·~clcd !n Chula V"ista, being a~·sociawd wi~h Dahy BigeloW illthe l"t'l!.l e!llll.l.l:' ·bu"lness. for fouryears, III rl'c('.llt year',; hi' hadnot bl!!tm it! good health but. aI"":1.YR kAnt contact with hifi many

.frif:'l'ld'l on Third aVp.IIlIe'. Ho\~'-

.t'VRr, l~(l never lfJ~t hi5 interestlin J{llnJ'ias and a Ka);lsas picni,'

IWOI.)il n,lwayiS find him thereenjoyJng a vh:lit wl1hold mencls.

910'1'1 Kersey's :grcate1>i. prideand hl~, richest legacy was hl~

IfamilY, nine childrl)IJ, aU but one'

IJ1Vlng'. Tn(;'y ~I'I:' tlu"""i1 K",'1<HYof Cbula Vista, Robel"!. Ker·F:HY of J{i!l'lRlIS, Ernxe Ci-rutz·l""I~(lll('l' or Chllla 'Vista, FrC'daDailey of Kansas, Cllil'iI F1:1tzlerof l\.an:;ti~, Sar:lh StdClkl:md of,Encinitas, Ruth Hart of Venice,Esth~I' :Rollon of Clmlll Vista,ond thr..\ lntC'"""f';- rr",rt>:"1T

Tht'€'t' years ~.go Ibis familj'hdd a rf,union whi{lb bronghtthem I'lll together for the fiNl~tim'! itl rHte~n yeJlI';;, lInd had hof!'

'Ili~.'e.d l'l. few J1'1c>uths longer heand Mrs. Kerl:l~Y would their Golden Wt>il·cl'il'lg·y.

BERT KJ:;NSh. Y'TIor!; KeJ'~l!v was born ,Tuly 21,

1Jl,70, neaT WemnMl!land. l{ an"as,'and d~P3rted thh; IiII' Jlll1~ ~'1.j!l·17, at the 'l(tO of 7G ycal"S, 11month,,; and 13 d1lY5. He gI'l!W tOIItmmhIJOd in Pottnwt\tMlie CtlUnty,whu~ 1,,> ", •••• w,,11 ,mll fllVOI'ublYlknown. I

He ",.ns Ullited 11\ Tl1arrlllg •..•.LaRobecr.a .lanG J)Qmeny, O('tobcr lll,189'7. To this uni'lll was horn t"nchillken. I

lIe wM a farrll~r living in the Isouth"'!'n part {If l'QttawlllomicClJU 1l1,J" UJJl,ll hI": "loolll~ d.e~t,,-~ ah('.". I11" of the rounty il. 1912, [trill helddike I1TlI.1l 19113: J" 1918 Iw. waS Illy.ain elected !\lual"iff for a term1).1' two ItCal"$. nu.t:'inl-\· WOI·ld Wa1.'T, nH x~t"vcd on Ilt.t.h the Dist1'ic:tlllJ,i ·tho C-ounly dl-afl. IJoa.rcbl,whirh !>rollltht him rontac.t withmany' of lho young mfm 01: tJona-

~watlllnie County. Anal' ~ervrnghis C\It.!nL· nll sbl'1'ifr, he contitl[J(ldhiB rl>Bid.moo in W••~tmorclandwhet·" hI! owned and Op-Ol'f1tcd aFord. Sales and Service ,"-gene}" iot Ja nnmJ}(lT llf yeaTS. Tn 1921\ he"'~R pl •••·t.p,T t?''IIlT •.•''l> !:o tb.~State L,;gilllnturo of Kan~a!l, £0'1

11\ tof!1'm Ilf two yca:r5. In 1929 thefatlll1y tIlllvcd to $outhe-l'1I OaJi~oT·

Initio . Tht'y \'(~idcd in Coronado,Oa1ifornh, fol' three. yOM'S. Tt)

193Z they m(ly~d to Glmlll Vista.California, whet'" h,; rc-sidcd untillLih U~-~,l1L. I

Two ('hrTiThm 11fcceaed 111m inr1"'1t.n, ~nl<! 1;0\1 htWIDlj died in ill-'

Ifj-lfl\:Il, ,.nd II danghter, l~lleX, whol1a8~d away , 21. l!M/l, TJ,08E

[left, t<J mlJl1l'li hi" passing arc hiswi!", 1'I."I,etta J., ;:,11d Lhe foll ••winH"clllltlrGIl, £Toward Km'scy, Esther

lli\lIl~lll lIlld l!:mmll ltrlltzmaeneT, aU Iof' Chu!u Vil;LlI, Culifortlill, lUtth IHart of Voniee-, California., SlIl'ah,Stricldand or Ftldnii,ns, C/ollifor-nia, Robert Koriley of Wamego,Kansas, Fled!; nflili'y of ~,fnnll~lt.tan, Kalwus, ~ncJ Cl1\rl\ Fl'ib'.lcr oflinll.lln. Kan!!."l!!. H" i.•11.1"'-1'> ~llr-yiVf!.t by t\vo br<lthen;. RQs;; It.Ke.·~y of Chula Vista, Cnlif()mia,n III Ralph T. Kcr~e7 of am'dollCity. Kan8a~, an,l ~ sj:iLel', Mrs.Clam Brock of Wamego, }{nnsa.s:p.le"-eJl grandchildron, m,,] one~rc.."t~grandson, anJ a rllllllber of.n:i .••..:,...,- .(\.J\cl nc-phc. •..•..•:-1.

];t'unct'nl servic.eB Wllre hdd inHllbbal:rls 101o'l'tuar1, J1!ne 80, 194'7,n t 10 :30 ll-. m., oonductc(l by then,,,v. WiUistcn Wirt Qf the Com.munit.y Church of Chulll Vista. Hewa.<J laid ~A) rm in Glenn AbbeyMemorial Park, Chula Vista, Cali-fornia. Pan bearers 'lVel'l!~ Raliegh


TOllthakl!F' Gilbert Hoffnw.n, Goo'lRuttllitl!loll, !'Ian:; 'Hel'ahoy, E. A.Lamb, and Hu~h Smythe.

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Rebecca Jane Domeny Kersey

'un WJ!ICll'MOIlm.A Tn


1Reb<:,c~a Jan~ Domen)' ,'as I

llOl'll (Il:<, I"('brua"~' 12, 1877 in,'Vintan Comtty O'Ji(~, Sh\:l c:lme

,to Kansas with lHlf parents ilt Ithe (l,g-c or nine .years, setUJ1lg In IT'ottnwntomie County, where &h~

,gI'C\V to womanhl)oil. I

IOn October t3, 1&99 she W<lS

united in marriage to Bpr.t Ker~5Cy, Tn thi& upion were born ten

'chJldi">lJ1, oue '.•...110 died ill in-fIHH'V and AflgllCS Kersey wnop"li.s~d <lW/I)' Oil Junf" 21, 1946,The other .:hilclrcn who rem,iinto mourn b:'r l)a£~ing arc EmU!IIGllItUlln{!her. Chula Vista, Calif"~sth~r MCGtf~~h, Chula Vista,Clllif., Sarah $tric:ldand, ESCOfid-,

lido, t:aJ11 ') tlutll l1an, Santa MUll-Iit'll, Calif" Howat'd Kers~: ••, S0111

IDIego, Calif" l!'lcda D<li!{!y, M;lll' I

hall an, Kalt.. Robel't Karsey,WUnlego, Kan" Ch,ra Fl'ttzler,HoHon, Kan,

I She also leaves eleven grtltld-t'hildl'en ~\TlctClt'ven grG-ar grana·l'Ilildren •••nd t,,'o sistt'ts, ~lrs.

!no~c £l'(Ir;k. Wameg,l, Kan" andI MrB, Sarl'lh Owens, Wamego,[1{;)0.

:Mr, ond Mr$. Kerr;cy lwed i.nPottaw;;ltottlic county m1.til O(:t-fiber 1929 \"hen the;r moyed to

.,Chub V.iSLI.l, talii., :VIr, KerseyIpassed away 011 Junc :1.7, 1947,J\-fr', Ker.;ey J'emainl:-d ill Chula


Vh;hJ wher ~lle passf;d away onSeptember 10-, J:tJ55.

Fun~ral servkcs were hold inChula Vista 01\ Sepiemtlcr 13with lnternmellt in Glen Memor-i~l C. mctel'y ,

AI ,rc11liY1'~D"tIlAll1if!'l' ::.. ~_<ft.j( 1l1.a~ tN

,I~ .i..}~ t I'I:IVJ{

I Kersey16 fJ"[O'{lIRTH


H~~~:!7__N;'~~~~ J) ~~;I:~:Jt~~39[>61 .• D,t.TE' Dr ['J[AT"- ""'1•. f,a-" 'Lill

lli'HPl"n J:;';':'~.•o-,' ••


S&n Diego Chula VIsta,\iU";;'14E Of HOSPITALOA 'NSTlh,',VN

11; 1•.[1'tG.'tH or ':j.rAYI" mrs ~In O~ T(J'l'lI~

26.E'__ . .;'1, 'OI)R(s~

281 Landis StreetST.41'1

Cal1f'I!I, C:O\!P\H

San Diego.•••~-- --.. 1'[1 5~HtC.T t\,lf RU""'l AOOIfl!iS ••..'t(l' •.•••• _ ••••••• " ,

"" .... 281 Landh Street



1.1$ OOU "'01H on '" "',n. H O'~( .•~( OIl CO_Dllloe

Cl!.USE Gf"O~'''''!ol.t<:.. DIJ?E.':: 'r U.DING TO OlAf..:

.• OfJrH ~'.;:::~.:I~I,U."I. "'klF~fDfl',T t/l;;S(St- ,.'.l(Mt.e-t I '1"'''''"'MI •....••••J.""DollQltS"·"·d \1•••'. ,~t!ll,""\'.11 "10'."" :'J'~ f"""'ll(..'1-( '9'.[ .1.••• .,.[ 01;(·0 IT '., I d,D·(.· MC-.MiII'\<I.I!)III.1 :'U!1 ., sur ••••.•I••••

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0< In. DA'r Of ()1'(~'l'ON

~ OP£RA!IONS Ia'.."

C€. ~.'1tL.£




These graves are located in: Glenn Abbey Memorial Park


Clara BerthaKersey

Mother: Clara Kersey Brock

Daughter: Vera G. Brock Soelter

Left: Rose Dell Oomeny Brock B. 5-9-1880 II 0.7-21-1960

Mid: Clara Bertha Kersey Brock B. 11-14-1872 110.12-19-196.1

Right: Mary Annis Oomeny Heckert B. 8-28-1878 II 0.6-20-1946

Left: Jessie Estrella Kersey Ferguson, B.4-16-1866 110.3-20-1923

Right: Clara Bertha Kersey Brock, B.11-14-1872 II 0.12-19-1961

'I'i:')en j thin l', of G·ranclr..other Dr:>ck, J see her ,..•.i th qu':'l t bl·::Ickr;.i.n heJ;'" l~p I!l.nd & need.le in ber .she :no-do mc.ny quilt:., i.~ he':'"

lifetime t doing the fine piecing a..-,d quil tinr, by hand. ilo·\·ievc:!."'.the story I want to tell is about the day she left horne.

I was six yearB old when Grand:nother ca.'llQ to li'le '..,ith 12::':;,~ob o.nd I wc::t'c ':uo:':'J okl.i.~d.ron -to havo a. r;r.~drr: •. J j lr.A hAT'. T+ ·.".~.o

better than havL~g two mothers, fer she seldom tried to discip:ineus. ~e were her Gnly grandchildren. She focused all har love andattention on us.

~h~ wo.s ::J. W~"'~!l, ~Lldd1.'y g:C311dm3 '"rii:h 3. -Die: rl':,f'+. l:~;;,. ,3h.., :"ilc,.,d

our fr1 er..d~t and they li:..c;ed he:-. ;1he made our ~2.vorito i'ood s--

no recipes. ~be u6e~ a handful of this ~~d a pinch of t~at.:~"" ",l""'lI1"t. \":'1<,:. t:r.r. 1T:11('11 ; f' ·,IF> TlPArlPri ;H'1rr'F>+:h ~nc_ '"PhE=l 1)/111 to!'! .i~;:lTl~~"1

and BhirtG we were wit~ our band unifor~8 were wa~hedt ~tr~ched andironed each week. S~e washed our F,Dod clatces by hand jn neft rain-water from tbe cistern. 3he washed our hair in ~oft watp.~ too. She.i"'n1~1r! ~A\rl nr:· r:l.hut:ton foT' a ',Iaiting chi1n in a wink. ';'ihen Lot!.l{'lr

or .D~d Imn!.~hod o~e of U~, \l.'e ~oOlew that G:ran(i:l:a 5j'mpatlJized. ..'ewould have been Bpoiled chilrtren except our Eother would not a::awit, ~ell, naybe we were a little bit s,oiled.

r·~othp.r and her mother worked well together. ~j'hey WAre used tcit t-rorr: rather 1 $. r,ro\-ling-u, days on the far:n. 1 remember the bi~washin[;a they -put ()~t once a "/eek.,~'hen the clotheslines ".,e:::-e full,they s:r:r.~ari towe':'s and a:rron~ O~ the bedee. They cleaned the hou f;efro~ top to bottom. lhey ~arde~ed. They canned. They made ~~a~.They dressed chickens for the locker. Grandma did most of tbeironing. ~other did most of the cooking. Grandma washed the dishes.She said ahe liked to wash dishe6. They ~ere coneenial co-workerS7

and usually t ours ioTas a pea.ceful t smo:::th-runninA houseb ::lId. T1y dad

always treated Grandma with kindness and respect.'3-rilndm~therhad been a ]a~ti5t ~but she joined our i-1ethod 1st

Church when she ca!lle to live with Us. H,::>v/eve:!:', she neve~ lost someof the ideas frorr. !1er strict liaptist trai:1ing, and she sameti.r.Jp.s \','onttJ1 th Aunt Rose :Br:'lck to '.'fednesc.ay ni~r.t prayer r.leetinrr at theJ3aptist ~;hurch.

l"io1:her and Dad were products of their tuaes-·'.iorld flar I~Woments Sut£erage, the Roaring Twenties. Alth~h their moral valueswere f~ly rooted, they had relax&d considerably trom the strlotupbrlnging they bo~h knew as children. ~hey had many friende aDd a'b1,l~.Y aoclal lire. '.trI8;ll .1II1l111l'e -4lC1;J.ytl .1u-'I.~.•,=, •• .gl» •••••.~i.-tr,y. !l!b_y w•.•• 'i!

jl/'I~ IT.Mother tried to bring GrdQdma along to a more conte~por~ ap-

proac'h to life, ana tor the most part she succeeded. Grand-lIla':9 clothe,,;b.OQIlM'!' lYln'l"'1'! ~tyliAh. ~e a:pm'eciated. the new music II!r .fI:)ther played.and sang. She lik~d to go to the picture shO'Jlfs.. She rt!lad current

~f\j"'''.lI'dmagazines. She ~ the rad1o--especially Eddie Cantor, the r.il1sllrothC=g &nd Job!!. H<:Cormiok. G:undma belonged. :to the Ladiu Aid.. the

Missionary Sooiety, the ~om.nt,Relief Corps, the Rebecca Lodge anithe Embroidery C.lUtl. .in m.any WIS.YtI lSht:' l.oCQQlDe ~ mod 0:11'11 ••••oman _ 'l"h~""p.

were several areas. hoyeve~, where Grandma's ideas could not be cbsnged--ideas ~.gard1ng women smoking. anyone drinking and everyone kee~ingtbe1r bottLes decently clo~he~.

'Phf!last da.y of acnool. whfiln I was eleven, beeazae a d.ay I haven~ver forgntten. Som~ of .• :fr1 endR were wftaring fIIhOT"tR. I wantedto be in E:Jtylet a."ld Mother bougbt & pair of p1l1k shorts for me towear to the school picnic. 'ft1hen I cue out for breal<!aat in mynewoutfit, Grandma1s eyebrows &hot up nearly 1:0~he knot of hair s~eWOl'e on top or her !leM. A st.e&:u look of 4S-8a.ppzooval nn ner:race. At that tillli shl!l .ald not a. word, b",:t we all kneW'tbet Oraad.l:ll.iiI.

wae upset.Arter breaktast I perched. on the tall stool. and l~other ~cntlbed my

"l'i.,. b,te the l~ curls 'that I wore for years and :rears. PinallyGrandlla broke her .ilence, 11SUrely YQ\1are not going to let her goout ot -the llouee looking lilte tbat?" ~'otl:ler wvnt Ofl eallll1y combingmyhair as she explained that lots of 11ttlllll girlB "ere wearing shortsfo"C pl& G:&'~'8 B%lSWC~wam that no alIltter how many" wor& e1'lartl!l.1twas 11'l.decen't Ior g;1r:lls Lu ~h"., 'thok-•.

When she realized that mr motber'8 mind could not be cbanged,&he·~tomped 1nto her bedroom ~d ,lammed 1he door. A few minuteslater sh. sailed t6roup the house vi th her best hat j&lll1ed on her1'l.Ail Md with a sulteaBe in her :hand. Out the front door and. dowthe etreet she marcheQ~

I Illy m11,j mannered, soft s,oken grandmother hadnever behaved like thi~ before. : think ~lother was sur~rised too,but she sent 30b and me off to the picnic with our two bowls of potatosalad, and I ooon foreat all about the crisis with Grandma.

',lnen the .9icnic 'das over and we'd gotten our final report cards,we atarted uv the hill toward horne. Then it all came rushing back.I wondered where Grand~a was, if she had come back, or if I wouldaver see her a~ain. I felt worried and guilty. A terrible thinghad hap~ened because I asked for a pair of ahorts.

~e did not find Grandma there when we got home, but Mother didnot act disturbed. She told us not to worry. A friend had calledte>"say that she ld seen our grandmother go into fo'1rs .• JUl~~n 's hS'use onSoutb ?oplar. It was impossible to walk down any street in townw1thou.t at least a dozen people knowing it. A Bui'tcaae in the handof the sedate Clara Kersey ]rock muat have caused quite a stir.Mether seemed pretty sure that she would come back. ~hen we askedilEa\\!Boon?" she had to admit that she didn't know.

It seemed strange to sit d~#.Q for supper at ou. big roundtable in the kitche~ without ~randma. I !elt sad, and I thought itwas ~ fault.. I was a model of good behavior that evening. I helpedMother clear the table and wash tbe dishes. We talked about thepicnic, but I was thinking about Grand~~.

I did not go out to ~lay with the neighborhood kids but sat onthe porch swing watching down the street until long after dark. Toosoon 1t waD bedtime.. Now 1 was really worried, but as I undressed inmy room, 1heard Grandma come in.. For some reason I did not go out togreet ber. I think I felt embarr~~aed. Mother called to her,1J3ello, 11m glad. you're back .••• n_cr"M<mlr'"al'tmm?f tha't' slH! was wry~~rea ana needed to go to her room.

~~at a re11ef~ Grandma had cone home~"",Next morning nothing was said.. To this day I do not know if

Mother and Grandmother ever discussed it.l;ow I I m a e;, ana as I see Borne 0,1"my ClearLy. !IelCl values

fall by the wayside, I feal a true em~athy tor Grandmother ::Brock.I understand why she ran away from home.

R1Ain~ Sn~]t.r ~~th~mBella Vista, ArkanBasMarch 26, 1986

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

'I ; . o1ir1u;;;-. ' )I Mr.'- -cla1'iIl B1'9Ck

1lyt~ C~"r~ I3Qrtba .Br(>cR,!

dtHJgMer Oo~ f{.ilD('rt and!>f.-rl.b.!J,

l'I,l:"J:/>eY,War,. hom near Wa·,t-n1;orclltnd,. K!Uisa.s .•. NO.\'"!\Wbtlf ),4,11:t1.2 and J~l!ssed j"Qll:! tbis lif{).I {';(:'Ill"\Ibilj:' l,til::'.' llt- G'IPrI hos·IPlta1, Wlllll. l\t. UH~age of a9

I)'r,l£\,l'I1l, 1. !!Ill .!f!l(J;1 {l.;l.j;S,

She \1'Oit0l1 .with, , the CQ):lA',a!. ( :Broderlek wllllll14 ~~lm; o{agc, liit(lr trans(cl"

Irin1h her mcmb~m;b{p t." the Wa-'mllgu l'itcthod~t ch~rch.

I Oil ~farch 20, HI9Q, Jllre Wl'~marri~d to Lloyl! .1.Brock. Tolthis IInion tW4L children WON'Dohl, l"lat;e ;to B"toc-k and ~h's,

IErieh R, ~ilJlter of WaltH!};(h. JIohs, :Bl'O:~~_~as a lnembcr ofUn, J:l,flbckall'1od,;e, tne Womnt,l'l:1,n.eIi~:f Corp\!,. JilI.1I the: l:tl)Y~

INeig;hbO'l'5. She spent her ehtireHf:" III 't!,i", ':;';mwlimitj!' 'a'nd ~'ave

1,~l'1liln",' yenrg,,,,?::t It'llaelfill? ~ef','iee

lt,n bl'\' i~hur(;.ll, h~l' f~lrnjly' andhl\ll' !rien:ds ...She is l;LlTVlllelJ hy' hel' tWQ

"chiJd'r/'ln. (1U<l ~"1':uldd;\ul{ht~,,Mn, Ruth ElaiM Lethem of <}Il!·oI'ago, IHl" g:I;'al1d(>,~m, RobP.1'h n,l!iutdLCJ; ilo.l" AJ)Jl~iI"" (1llotl !>1.~ X L<,:<tLgI·1).pdeblldfe:(t, ::;h.., if! .also SU1'Y1V-

e,d .by tWt~ !lrothCTs, ROSllo J:l.. K~r-6..,,,,, CbullJ: •Vi;l;t", Calli,. alii!R.fll~h T. lh~tlle::h Garden City"i{UIlS9.l'>. (')(l(l sistel' all<1 two hr{,-tl;1Cl"3 prl<ccd~ lWl'in a~u1.h,Funeral .~E!rVi~~s WGre FJrida~

aftm'!I(H)f\ lit t!lQ tolWwaJ,"t l'Ilem-lorilil,l Chapel' with the! It~v. Gn~'hert G, Meyer in <:1'a:rge. fllter.,I'li•.m~ was ill W",m•.•go ~efl'l ••1.",:rlr·,

IGoll:e,~'es gl)IJ!l, yet W)t ~(J Jar ,11-~C!rT can jl't1~ he! lIrnil'll IISI'Vlllli ;;J~ J"Illl.lIl; het' <lQ01'"StIlD if! ill little wltlJc.'"

Ii tille ber'stttJnl;,Ol'l ,tJ:'J!l I1orl:hA (lm(lll't.M lier: ehoiecA~ friendl)' IlS IJ.' mmmer GalI hllar h<!l'>%lccme "o'lee, 1GOI1\1--Nof; gone from ot uS IW!\fJ hint: bhl.l luHh tv '1;011;GOd keel)!! ber nt!i;tp-.-when J

I.palla by ,

, Sh~'U !j:I:nilellnd llll(lnk tll me'lt

Wamego, Kansas city cemetery

Born: May 19,1893Married:

Died:Father: Lloyd J BrockMother: Clara Bertha Kersey

Other Spouses:

Wife: Maggie Daylor



Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:in:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:


I Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Children of:

Lloyd J. Brock & Clara Bertha Kersey Brock

Flaius and Maggie did not marry until they were about in their late thirties. Maggie's sister Lucy died at a young age leavingthree small infants. Flavius and Maggie took the children to raise as their own until the children grew to adulthood.

Husband: Erich Soelter

Born: March 04, 1894Married: September 11, 1919

Died: September 19, 1980Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Vera G. Brock

Born: March 05, 1896Died:

Father: Lloyd J BrockMother: Clara Bertha Kersey

Other Spouses:

in: Wabaunsee County, Kansasin: Wamego, Kansasin: Buried in Wamego, Ks. cemetery

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:


I Name: Ruth Elaine SoelterBorn: May 07, 1923 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Walter Roy Lethem

2 Name: Robert R. SoelterBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Vera G. Brock Soelter

Born: March 5, 1886/1 Died:

Daughter of:

Lloyd J. Brock & Clara Bertha Kersey Brock

Golden Wedding

All l'll1a.1:;l.vea &fitl h'411niJ1i0'£ M!'. A':bilelWl. and grandcl1l1dNn, B!l.'t'.and 'Mrit. Erich ~. &~lt&t' a~ h\.- bl1.J'lJ.. Nancy &I\d T!.W Lethoro,'v:lted to -a.Golden ,w&l1df!ng 1'I)(l(,Ip- .~./ric. l.ilohael and iL;l.Ul'& A:nn Soe}.-Ition in Ut.<rio' 'h••"".. lllWl«lco,)'. A""'ff' _. .....0 honthw !>h" ""'o~ti<>".

, uet 31. Firat ;MCI;bOOistChu~' '1Itf'. and ~ m;J'i.eoI\ R. soeIkr ':weuo~ ~II. 2:30,to 4::30 p.m. were. manfoo. S!Pt. 11. 191!l at

I 'Ilb.ey~quffi ,00 'gi:ft.fJ. Wamego, !Mr.Soelter was 6DlPloy- •. Their clltld1)el'l. 'Mt'• ./ltld :MN. W. ed by tUle llnginte$g ~t ,, 'R. ~ Jr., ~, In. IliltclOf tbe (K~ ~_W»' C=mll- :

M'r. end 'Ml'a. RobOrt ft, $ooI.ter. aton f~r JIWl;y yeai'lt.

Husband: Walter Roy Lethem



Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Ruth Elaine Soelter

Born: May 07, 1923Died:

Father: Erich SoelterMother: Vera G. Brock

Other Spouses:


1 Name: Barbara Kay LethemBorn: 1949 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Saad Eddin Ibraham

2 Name: Nancy Jo LethemBorn: in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Michael Wanchic,.,

Name: Walter Roy Lethem.)

Born: in:M Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Barbara Kay Lethem

Born: 1949 in:Died: in:

Father: Walter Roy LethemMother: Ruth Elaine Soelter

Other Spouses:


1 Name: Randa Muna lbrahamBorn: in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Amir Saad IbrahamBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Born: in:~anied: in:

Died: in:Father:

~other:Other Spouses:

Wife: Nancy Jo Lethem

Born: in:Died: in:

Father: Walter Roy Lethem~other: Ruth Elaine Soelter

Other Spouses:


1 Name: Faye Laurel WanchicBorn: in:

F ~anied: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Noelle Rose WanchicBorn: in:

F ~arried: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

~arried: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

~arried: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

~arried: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

~arried: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

~arried: in:Died: in:


Husband: Robert R. Soelter

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Father: Erich Soelter

Mother: Vera G. BrockOther Spouses:

Born: in:Died: in:


Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Robert Ross Kerse~'

Born: January 1L 1877Married: May 24, 1904

Died: June 25. 1962Father: Robert Butler KerseyMother: Martha Mariah Tetter

Other Spouses:

Wife: Bessie Hutchinson

in: Pottawatomie County. Kansasin: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Chula Vista, California

Born: August 27, 1885Died: July 06, 1963


Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin: Chula Vista, California


1 Name: Argell L KerseyBorn: April 25, 1905 in: Pottawatomie County. Kansas

M Married: in:Died: June 03, 1971 in: National City, California


2 Name: Willard W KerseyBorn: August 26, 1913 in: Pottawatomie County, Kansas

M Married: in:Died: October 08, 1983 in: Chula Vista, California

Spouse: Wilma Carr

3 Name: Jessie Ann KerseyBorn: October 16. 1906 in: Pottawatomie county, Kansas

F Married: in:Died: June 05, 1977 in: Chula Vista, California

Spouse: Bob Curry

4 Name: Ruby Elizabeth KerseyBorn: July 07, 1920 in: Pottawatomie County

F Married: in:Died: in: Chula Vista, California

Spouse: Dean Copp

5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Argyl & Jessie

Ross & Bessie ---- Bert & Becky

Kersey Cousins

Jessie, Esther,Argyl,Sarah & Agnes

~C/ .•.fuLdr.-,.,.w .o4~~rCl.:anJ, ~'t.\( 9<. Hi.. J{~.v.e4J'

S"",1")Ji If.•..(,.~•••twi~~,,~aj: ~)iLJY

f)litl~~'l:d\l.f.t.•..•uL't"ull undo f~ ..4'nu.-'IJ

1~~,v',,,,.i••<I. ~"" ••. t~I-"\iM.~f~h<.I.

(:anln\Una:i~ (~Ul( ·f" '~A\tn;J1J

1{o~,S~r~:~,5~twro liVJ!It 25ft Landi, Av~., C1ull\ Vi,-la, for 31 ,'PlHS, w~" inLcn-cYe'tel'dav in C:(!ll Anbey. I1l1,.111m! r,lor-ur)::y h~J1dl~rI l!r-.l'~l")g.Orr.*'Jt ItQ.

TIp. 1.5 RUi:'vl\"cd by- his wi re,13c~s; twC' sons. ,"Villard otChula Vi~1H 1l11d AI'r!el1 ofPhMniX; t','ll) daIJKhkr~, :Ml'~.l1uby Cott 8nd MJ'''. Je30cCnrry; }\Ire! <l brotner R!i1pn(If Guru;:,>!) [~1I~'

Robel't R. Kersey;;:'NVI<:!'S 1nr Rul f'l" Ii 0 !l S

KpIsnr, R'}. f)f :!56 Landis $t.,Clm]a Vi.,I~I. will lw HI :.1!l.m 1"ml"; in fluhbal'd ~lol'ltlai,\'Il'·:a.'fn\Pll~ ,,'Yill be ill (-Ilt-, I A1J"

Ib.,): \'I~mt,ri"1 Pal'k I' Chu'aVista

IX"'·"",:,y. 011 nativi" 01 I<aJ1~;I!l.

Jived in mC' an'a ;t'; Vl'H l'l'_He died }1'll1dc.y In ~ l,<",;thome.

l-{.(I '''':'!''J:r!'\ (I,d f'Ut 1('1 nf:

the 1-I;1,;onl(' TJ(ld;!e lJ1 'N~.~t.m')'L'laud, Kan .

KE'fSt'j-, a l'p'PI'l"d pfll.11lr~·m::rn. i~ /o-lI•.••d" d b,~ blS witl-ow, H"~l>ie; two .sons. lrlclud-ing WiUarrl ,,1' ('hula \""\(\:two daug.hI"'J'~. J'll'- J""-I'i ••rttr'l"..,).- !Inri I\"f,..~ R1IhF ("1\1\0bath of ('hula \T";la: . hrotl1.OJ'; ('lIlt' lI;l';1ndclu!dl'tn II 'I ;ftwo great~gI'QJld('hi1r1'1!1I

Robert Ross Kersey and Bessie Hutchison Kersey

These graves are located in Glen Abbey Memorial Park

which is located in Chula Vista, California.

Family gathering of the Bert & Ross Kersey children

Back row L to R: Opal, Howard, Sarah, Bob, Esther, Lane Hart,

Bill Strickland and Ruth Hart.

Front row: Jessie Kersey Curry, Ruby Elizabeth Kersey Copp,

Lee Ann ·Copp, Sally Strickland, Roberta Ann Kersey, Argyl Kersey

Ruby Kersey and Helen Louise Kersey.

Seated: Billy Strickland, Gary Hart, Bert Kersey and Argyls wife

Dee Kersey.

Husband: ArgeU L Kersey

Born: April 25, 1905Married:

Died: June 03,1971Father: Robert Ross Kersey

Mother: Bessie HutchinsonOther Spouses:

Wife: Dee



Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:in: National City, California


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Argefl KerseyArp;ell L. Kcrse~, 67.

iJrOlher 01 Willard of ChulaVis!.'] died Tbtlmmy night it!a Naliol1nl {'J!V t'Ouv[j]e.,cenLJ1ospital. 'MI'V!('cS JL ~ p,m. tomorrow

111 Jlnbbard Mort,llalJ' <,bapdwIll be followed by mtermentin Glen I\hbey Me-moriaI'Park.A llill.i,'c 01 KilUS,IS, Keuey

had bl!en owner of a spnrtinggOOds store ill Ar!ZillH} tor fivp.yl'3rs beloTP ll'Ulving hrro('ight ~'em'S a~o !Ie Ii\f d InthC! Maryland IloLe!. SanDiego,He \'as u member oj 'l'l'1Qlll

J.od,ge :}1. f&AM oj Paola,Kcln.Also su vivinr.: ar e lwa

si.~lcf!O,MI'8. Jessie Curry <tnd.Mrs. n1lby CoPl}, both ofChula Vi~tn.

C) 'The.'tlr.rnnl qOfjdnLSS

el j,,~t>'6J110 iI :1+11,(,1'+-,,1'1'- lOti,. O~ ,""m"l{, lr 5I-<rp,-j,;I'-,

!I""t'e.d 1'11(")·,1',tllGt I,r,.md JUt I,'~Ijs, t"'U'G~ 1J~,dt,r it••

.J+HQ :r '111j I,,,·::r~o~d.~I••,sf] on .:Jt,O~

1'0 br..",· "'1 M"I"'1:d pair!,

1f'~.b~ui,; ••d n{>d lie. I\;lill Hc-I"'u,h''\'l.,' ,tt'ctl'f!I"", Cl~d ')u~iaitl,

Jt~J;;),I;c~idto 1111> ~ iI,..Ht SM.

9; .,;)",+ ih~· rt1ll1lf!lcd ,-,ut" ,"])0 11a,' 'I ~"(Om '1: 1 .;, en '. f'~It,t I::> ,"1(.

(;1"1 {'·'r:r·ffl1 01'- on sh~rt,

(f . I1r:n~'11(:) ""'~l".rt (rH l!i SI.llt"1~5 j iVI11,< w \."""J. Fal n-, II cur.

11 " .. 1,\ h ",," q ",,,,,,vi tlt"lll\l",tyt tlC 1+ S I~,.,~t.c:t,d \,:n-"r. _

IN MEMORY OFArgelJ L. Kersey

BORNApril 215, 190.1-


SERV1CES~;IJ() P.M .. June 7. 19'i'1Pltoooni Mortuary <..:tJaPCI

on'lCIA TrNGDr. Bverett Sol'enlWn

C: \'!, Vi.:ta T.uuge ;tG2G. r. & A.Nt

r:HAL nr,E:TIKCl PL<\,CIl:

[,It'n Abbey ~Iemol'hll Park

F',Hl',Tai Condlilowd ByHubbard Mortuary

Husband: Bob Curry



Other Spouses:

Wife: Jessie Ann Kersey

Born: ~tober16, 1906Died: June 05, 1977

Father: Robert Ross KerseyMother: Bessie Hutchinson

Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie county, Kansasin: Chula Vista, California


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: m:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


II~J ~-<---p 7 ~-<_o:~Gv-/iJ.~ - -+- I

J~-C .....c... "4-

'1/ { i It

Dhe Lord ismy Shepherd: I ,~haUnot want. , .

He maketh me to He down in greenpastures: He leadeth me beside thestill waters _ . ,

He restoreth my soul: H~ leadeth meill the paths of tighteousness for Hill1'1amp'~ ~;,ko

Ye~, though I walk through thevalky of the shadow of death, I willfear no evil: for Thou aT[ with me;Thy rod and Thy staff, thqr comfortme. Thou prepares! a table before mein the presence of mine enemies:ThoU anomlest m.y bead with oil;m~r cup fUnneth over . , .

Surely goodness and mercyshall follow me all thedays of my life: and I willdwell in the bOllse of theLord for".,..,,,,.


.Je.;sjll A.. Curry

BORNOctober 16, 1900


J1Jl1e 1>, ]9'11

Rp.r.ltation of Rosary6:30 P.l1. June 7. 1977

Huhbard MOl'luary Chapel

Requiem M<J$sl'l:00 A.M • .Tuno 8. 19'1'1

St. H.ns(~1)( Lima

r'LNAL RESTING PLACEGlen Abbey Memorial Park

FIrNERAI~ CONDUCTED BYHubbard MOl"tu!ll1Y ",.


~ Jessie A. CurryJcsl>ie A. Cllrry. 70, of

2[>6 Landis St., ChulnVista, a Bank orAm"rio" 1011...- fm' 25~efu·!':.died Sunday in a

f local hc)spital. .l Mni. Cur!':;, was Dorn

in Kansas and W811 amemblll' of SI. Ro:>e ofLirllu CAtholiG Church'l"d lit", Pi'lm" of Lifo.Club.

Rosary wns 1'uel>dayni~ht In Hub~ardMorluaq' Chape1.Funeral Mass wa!!yesLetdny in St Rose ofLlrntl Ctlll.uik Churoh.Burial was in GlenAbbev Memorial Park,

A stepson. Robert; ahrot}ler. Willard Ker-sey, ~Ild .1 shiter. RubyCopp, survive.

O J!'C'mlc,[ ilcn./'[ of )'>'115 ('vcrpyeSi'rtr rn li'5 li/~.i,pi;! .~(lCI'fI'

1/It'III, nn W""iJlr<"/lVifI, hu"i/flR/(1 n' for Ih~ ""or rapf",'" .<ollls inp(lrgllfory bq~~ lIu'ro' ('J! Ihe ,.(nl!p{ nry d"pcII'/l':d St'I'ml". nt: ,wI.<e~C'rC'in T1ry!lldff"Fl'1lI1Ild lei .!"meIi,w" oj' Thy f'rp(i(lm Blood filiiIlpv!J [.Ill' ,[",ouriflll j/'.IIJI'S curd c/o'1"l,.(t1j Cl m~.,r:iJjd .(.';l:/.I,4,..n< Vt.vul Tit,'

l:mgd~ rtl (om/rIel rl'J' 4.'pllrr~d-,ervollt fq /I plan' of Teji/!,<I.m,'"J,ligl., and P~(j{'{', AMCN.

May the .fmll,. "I (l1I/1r~ jiJ.ithJiddepur, ••d thmullil,l,e ""'I'('J' ulGvd,1'1'51 in p ••au. AM~N.

Husband: Willard W. Kersey

Born: August 26, 1913Married:

Died: October 08, 1983Father: Robert Ross Kersey

Mother: Bessie HutchinsonOther Spouses:

Wife: Wilma Carr

Born: September 29, 1917Died:


Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:in: Chula Vista, California


1 Name: Beverly Sue KerseyBorn: May 21,1947 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: James Edgar Miller

2 Name: Dennis KerseyBorn: April 17, 1948 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:., Name:.)

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:



5;/7Af#lA tf!utiipd1-fMH fifd~~rn ~

Dh" Lord i" •.••y Gh~p"<rd; I ~I,•.Jlnot want. , .

He mak.eth me to lie down in guenpastures: He leadeth me beside thestill waters , . ,

He restoreth my soul: He leadeth meiu lb~ Pi;lLh~of righLt" tor Hisname's sake. , .

"IN ME'~IORY OFWillard y,'. Kersey


I U;-'W!t 2G 191~


October l'" 19113

Yea, though I walk through thevalley of the shadow of c!eath, I willfear no evil: for ThOll art with me;Thy rod and Tn}' staff, the}' comfortmp l'hnIJ l"r<'p~n"'t " bhlp bpfnr •.•"'''in tho' pres{'nce of mine enemies:Thou anoint.-st my head with oil;my Cl1p runneth oVer ...

Surdy goodness and merc}'shall follow me aU thedays of my life: and J willdwell In tbe house ot tbeLord forever.

.; :U[) P.M. OCWhf)!' 1Z, 1~iR;~

J .ittJe Chapel of tllC' RQSi>8


I ;It'll Abb,W !I:T"rr1ol'ili} Park


H u111mr<1 M (H"tu:'.IT

Glte tamil{j of/ / "~ / ~{W-<.ltd'1uC r r-- '~l-

a.cknolvledges wLlh,l

clnlterul (trlf)rccLdLOn


L t! <~'tnf.,...< U-.,~LCi---~;;;) a"/-,.,~~

Husband: James Edgar Miller

Born: April 16, 1947Married:


Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Beverly Sue Kersey

Born: May 21,1947Died:

Father: Willard W. KerseyMother: Wilma Carr

Other Spouses:


1 Name: Brian James MillerBorn: March 08, 1972 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Jason Charles MillerBorn: November 15, 1974 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Jeffery Wilson MillerBorn: November 07, 1986 m:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Dennis Kersey

Born: April 17, 1948 in:Married: in:

Died: in:Father: Willard W. Kersey

Mother: Wilma CarrOther Spouses:


Born: in:Died: in:


Other Spouses:


1 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: in:

Married: m:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Dean Copp



Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Ruby Elizabeth Kersey

Born: July 07, 1920Died:

Father: Robert Ross KerseyMother: Bessie Hutchinson

Other Spouses:


Name: Lee Ann CoppBorn: in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: James Forrest Mickey

2 Name: Robert CoppBorn: in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Elizabeth Ann

3 Name:Born: 10:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:











in: Pottawatomie Countyin: Chula Vista, California

Husband: James Forrest Mickey

Born: June 12, 1929 in:Married: in:

Died: in:Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Lee Ann Copp

Born: in:Died: in:

Father: Dean CoppMother: Ruby Elizabeth Kersey

Other Spouses:


1 Name: James Forrest Mickey Jr.Born: December 23,1963 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Alicia Amanda

2 Name: Stacy Lee MickeyBorn: April 18, 1966 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Cameron Dean MickeyBorn: April 27, 1968 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: James Forrest Mickey Jr.

Born: December 23, 1963Married:

Died:Father: James Forrest Mickey

Mother: Lee Ann CoppOther Spouses:

Wife: Alicia Amanda

Born: July 02. 1966Died:


Other Spouses:


I Name: Amanda Lee MickeyBorn: March 26. 1986 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: Ill:

Spouse:., Name:.)

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Robert Copp


Died:Father: Dean Copp

Mother: Ruby Elizabeth KerseyOther Spouses:

Wife: Elizabeth Ann

Born: January 04, 1942Died:


Other Spouses:


1 Name: Robert James CoppBorn: January 18, 1961 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Michael Brian CoppBorn: March 17,1962 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Stephen Gilbert CoppBorn: July 26, 1965 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Ralph TeeterKersey

Ralph Teeter Kersey

The youngest son of

Robert Butler Kersey & Martha M. Teeter Kersey

Graduated 1904 from what is now known as

Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas

Husband: Ralph Teeter Kersey

Born: June 10, 1880Married:

Died: November 04, 1972Father: Robert Butler Kersey

Mother: Martha Mariah TetterOther Spouses:

Wife: Florene Garloch

Born: September 13, 1887Died: March 11, 1986


Other Spouses:

in: Pottawatomie County, Kansasin:in: Garden City, Kansas

in: Garden City, Kansasin: Garden City, Kansas


1 Name: Paul Garloch KerseyBorn: February 22, 1914 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Pauline Agusta KerseyBorn: February 22, 1914 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Loring Vinton Miner

3 Name: Naomi KerseyBorn: November 04, 1922 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: James C. Washburn, Jr.

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: 111:

Died: in:Spouse:

7 Name:Born: in:

Married: 111:

Died: in:Spouse:

Ralph Teeter Kersey

Ralph Teeter Kersey was the sixth and youngest child born to Robert Butler and Martha Mariah Teeter Kersey. He was probablythe most well educated of this family. I'm not sure where he received his early education but he went on to graduate from what isnow known as Kansas State University, in the year 1904.

Clara Kersey Fritzler thinks his first teaching job was in Paxico, Kansas. She remembers when she was little, her dad Bert tookher and cousin Jessie (Ross's) daughter along with grandmother Martha M. to visit uncle Ralph and aunt Florence in Circleville.Kansas where uncle Ralph was teaching. They made the trip from the Louisville area by horse and buggy to Blaine and by trainto Circleville. It was a thrilling trip for these young girls but she wonders now if aunt Florence was too excited to have all of themfor about a week.

I think that he and Florence finally settled in Garden City, Kansas where they raised their children. I'm not sure of every1hingthat he was involved in however I remember hearing of many of his accomplishments in community affairs. He was later countytreasurer, as well as authoring at least one book that I'm aware of.


Paul Garloch Kersey: B. 2-22-1914 /I D. during WW11

The twin son of Ralph Teeter Kersey & Florence Garloch Kersey

Pauline Agusta Kersey: 8.2-22-1914/1 D. Still living Oct. 2000

Twin Daughter of Ralph Teeter Kersey & Florence Garloch Kersey

Husband: Loring Vinton Miner

Born: April 13, 1911Married:

Died: September 27, 1978Father:

Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Pauline Agosta Kersey

Born: February 22, 1914Died:

Father: Ralph Teeter KerseyMother: F10rene Garloch

Other Spouses:


1 Name: Paul David MinerBorn: June 22, 1945 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Oliver William MinerBorn: January 07, 1949 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Sherri Farr

3 Name: Mary Leah MinerBorn: October 15, 1951 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Gary L. Embree

4 Name: Joe Loring MinerBorn: April 18, 1955 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Jacqualine L. Mattews

5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Oliver William Miner

Born: January 07, 1949Married:

Died:Father: Loring Vinton Miner

Mother: Pauline Agusta KerseyOther Spouses:

Wife: Sherri Farr

Born: May 22,1953Died:


Other Spouses:


1 Name: Patrick Michael MinerBorn: January 15, 1973 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Rebecca Dawn MinerBorn: November 01, 1975 m:

F Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse:'" Name:.)

Born: in:Married: in:

Died: in:Spouse:

4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: Gary L. Embree

Born: January 02, 1950Married:


Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Mary Leah Miner

Born: October 15,1951Died:

Father: Loring Vinton MinerMother: Pauline Agusta Kersey

Other Spouses:


I Name: Tina Gail EmbreeBorn: February 22, 1970 in:

F Married: In:Died: In:


2 Name: Holly Shay EmbreeBorn: June 19, 1977 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name:Born: In:

Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: In:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: In:

Married: In:Died: in:


Husband: Joe Loring Miner

Born: April 18, 1955Married:

Died:Father: Loring Vinton Miner

Mother: Pauline Agusta KerseyOther Spouses:

Wife: Jacqualine L. Mattews

Born: February 11, 1952Died:


Other Spouses:


I Name: Jamie Lee MinerBorn: July 25, 1976 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Jodie L. MinerBorn: February 06, 1979 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


3 Name: Jacob Loring MinerBorn: December 18. 1982 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


Husband: James Co Washburn, Jr.

Born: November 18, 1922Married:


Mother:Other Spouses:

Wife: Naomi Kersey

Born: November 04, 1922Died:

Father: Ralph Teeter KerseyMother: Florene Garloch

Other Spouses:


I Name: James C. Washburn 1lIBorn: November 06, 1946 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


2 Name: Bruce Kersey WashburnBorn: November 06, 1946 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:

Spouse: Ann Burton

3 Name: Michael Wayne WashburnBorn: July 20, 1950 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


4 Name: Evelyn Marie WashburnBorn: January 18, 1955 in:

F Married: in:Died: in:


5 Name: Mark Jeffery WashburnBorn: February II, 1959 in:

M Married: in:Died: in:


6 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


7 Name:Born: in:

Married: in:Died: in:


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