kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

Post on 15-Jul-2019






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V'h-- t mean these implements cf cruel (Irife,

That 1 ft theirbrazen throats above yon wall?

Is there too long a ("pace allow'dfor life,

That you are made i' accelerate man's fall?

o"'' vur guns, whose loud tremendous roar

Can imitate the thunder of high Jove,

Have lentdeftruftioa o'er th' echoing Ihore,

To souls that long have gone to realms above.

Hark, the drumibeat, I flmdder at the sound !

Tome it brings the widow's hollow groans,

Poor wretches lying on theenfanguin'd ground,

The tearof triendlhip, and the orphan's moan !


An Irishman,a sew days since, was ar-

raigned before a number of ladies whomhe had offended, when one of them beganwith him in the following words : " Prit-

hee, Jack, who do you think you are"When I was in my own country," repli-

ed Teague, " my "name was John O'Con-ne- r

; but iince I am here, .fqrroundedwhh faggots, I am thinking myself to be

John Rogers, minister of the gospel."iwinir

") LANDS TO SELLAt a Reasonable Price, viz.

t, J8363 2 3 acres, 111 Montgomery countv, bound-ed un tne fuutn by Red river, on the north by Beavercreek, and a branch nf$Utc, the tract includes the

haUtbidian cicek and ts branches which nffoid?maHs tor mills, it is well timbered and watcr-mJLuJ9- b

great number of acver sailing springs befiwflrtdian crtrek, its soil is very fertile sit for cultivation tho' broken, it is intenniKsd with sine tottonis, with a little trouble and a small expence val-

uable projats out of cultivation may be got in some

part ft the tract. ' he title in ifputpble.11646 3 acres, on the north side of the North

foifc ot Kentucky river about 8 miles above themonth, running uptlienverwith the meanders there-of 100 poles when leduccd to a llraight line, the

level and rich The title indisputable.2567 2 acres, 011 rhe waters of the North fork of le rier, M.iduon county.3X acres, in Garrard county on White Oak run

opposite the mouth ot Hickman ceek, the road toDanville crofi'es tne tuft N B. &S. v. about 3

of a mile, it is of a very early entry4t6 aCteTniiitai y land on the bank of Cumber

land river j lining the tow 11 well wa-

tered and timbered.46 toVn lots and out lots in tba said town of

Claiksville.oi acres, f land in several small grants refcrved

bv the lUte of Virginia, and confiniK'd by two a.tsol CoifigrefS) lying on lite bank ot the nvei lOtkaiki-as- ,

near the town of the foine name, territory NV, ot the Ohio.

200 teres, military land in the Illinois grant N.W.of the O.uo, Ojpo'es from the river and oppolrte 18

miles lfl.ird sbic!!'.es a'.k ut 2S miles above Louisvi'le, the tract-i- s not far from aflounmmg settlemeut in the a;rant.

N- B. Negroes, Produce, Merchandize, Lotts ItHoiifes in Lexington, Puis or Danville v. ill be takenin pait; a good p'a.itatmn between Lexington and

Mount Mi. ling will command a profitaole bargainfor the purchaser of a cnntiderable quantity ot said

lanus. For further information apply toP. D. Robert,

tf Highftreet Lexington.

NOTICE.rT HE of Cornelius Beatty & Co

is now dill'olved bv mutual tonfeut ; and as

the fublcr.ber will be absent from this place lorfbmetune, lie requeiH all persons indebted to the abo--fii- m

tocall .and settle the balance of their accountswith A. Beattv, who is sully aiithorifed to receivethem. Thofe'wtio neglect this'nutice, may be asfured that more effectual iteps will be taken to com-

pel payment.C. Beatty.

Lexinftin, Julv 5, r803.

J GIVE notice to gepth men wht have been curto"J roers to my horli 15LAZK, and those who wish

to hied from him, that I .mean to move him fromtliv ftirfiextfeafon, unlets they willcome forwardand enter 'heii mares to the amount of i53i at5' p ihle on id's it Chrillmas in whiskey

"n Lxin"ton at m.'iket price, or Flour deliv iid in fiaiiktort .it market price, or note fortw i e (o'lsn to t'if fenfon, or feve'1 the (ingleleap, p iJ 'it C'i'-i;t'n- iSi I find monjy vervfea-c- nd diiB' u't to io'lcl, is t'e reason I with toliicvs him, tvii 'uul'il '"'l.e I have given has caul'ed

me to suffer much foi money.Benjt Wharton.

Aiiguft 28. 1800.

N. BURROWESinforms his friends and theFESPF.CTH'I.LY that lie hasremoved fiom the

briikhoufe idj iininu Mi .( I uirdan, and Meflrs.S 'jG Troth. r, to the bruklmife opposite thecourthove and next donr above Mr A. wherehe 'us in addition to hii former aflortment, Hard,Crockery and Glals Wares, alfb complete lets ofChina Tea Ware

N- B. Those indebted are rcquefied to make im-

mediate payment, as 1 (hall fliortly Mart for Phila-

delphia.Lexington, iOthMay, i3oo.

TROTTER 6? SCOTTEREBY in,"oi m the puM;c that thev have re-

movedTT their ttore into the brick building nextdnor below the honfe thev formerly occupied, and

e iult recehed a"d now opensd for falej alargeand ev elegant iftbrtnient of

'ME R C HA ND I Z E,In addition to their ft ck on hand, with a supply of

A'l kinds of Groceries, Glass,China, and Queens Ware, Salt, Bar--

Iron, and Castings Excellent Mann'sLick Salt.

As the above Merchandize have been purchased

with Cadi onlv, thev will ol confeejuence be soldapon lower terms than anv goods of equal quality,th t ha e been offered for Tale in the Weilern Cdun- -

tty But no ciedit can lw given.Lexington, Augutl 10th, 1809.

JUST RECEIVED,And for sale at this Ojce, the following

BOOKS &? PAMPHLETS,Which villi be sold at the prices thereto

annexsJ, viz

BOUNO BOOKS.Political.

Junius Redivivus,Barlow's Letters,Annual Hegilter for 179S,Politics tor the People, 2 vol.1 he President's Meifage to Congrefs,Trela-tiv- e

to France and Great BritainfLyon's Magazine,The Philantiuopift or the National Char--ast-

ot the Englilh and ttench by Juni-us Junior,

Jockey OluH;Political Claifics, 3 vol.The Farmer's Letters,The Democrat,Defence of Usury,Common Sense,

Moral.White's Sermons,Lifd of Cnrilt, 2 vol.Calvinifiii In.pioved,Price's lennons,Harvey's Meditations,Watt's MifcelUny,Death a Vilion, 'Willifon's 'jaciamental Meditations,Afpaho Vindicated,Dodiige's Rise and Progress,Jenk's Mibnuilton,Durnam's Unlcarchable Riches.Webfier's. Sermons,Divme Bieathings,Builyan's Villous,Janewav's Token,Flavel's Token for Mourneti,Baptlit Confellionof Faitli,

Arts ci? Sciences, &c;Blainvilles Traic'.s, 3 vol.Fenn's Arithmetic,Fenn's Euclid,Goldsmith's Annimated Nature, 4 vol.Practical Farmer, 2 vol.

D C.

1 50I s3 S











aDefcript.on ot TeiinehTee, 2jFrazer's Atfittanr,Dramatic Dialogues, . 75

TAMPHLETS.' Political.

The American Crisis, 75Rights of Man for all Minkind, iGallatin's Speech on the foreign lntercourfe ? '2iBill, $Path to Riches, 38Cato's Examination cfJay's Treaty, 38Bone 'o Gnaw i'.,i the Democrats, 38A View of theCaufts and Confequenctsof?

the present Warwih France, 5 12A- - Pill for Porcupine,'The Scaie Crow, 7Porcupine's Political Cenfcr, 2JPylitical Charafter of the French and En ?

gliih by Junius Juaiof, , 5 38The KudRt of the People, 7Address to Congi-ef- t on Jay's Treatv, '

25se.mons to Miniirer'sofState,b) the author?of ker.nons to Afit's, C 50Drtlme and Fall of the Britilh System of?

Finance, c 35Manual of th Theo Philanthropifls, 25M.maichvno Cieature ot God's Making, 53vmnarci ; A uarony on Pope,Faots addrcfleri t. the people of Great BriJ 5"tain tna lteiano,Political Dictionary, 75

w ot Nature, 25Mast and Acorns, , 15Ogden's Tour thro Upper and Rower Canada, 38Debates in the I'ennfylvama liegiflature, ? 62refpefting the Hank, 5

trictu'es on the Address of 'George Vafh- ")

ington, notifying his reliiiquiihmeiit ol C. 25the oiKce of President,

The Importer Detected by Timothy Tic ? Hkletoby, JKnaves Acre AUociation, 7Mirabeau's Considerations of the Order of?

Cincinatus, 5 35

Trial of I homas Walker and others for )33

An account ot tnelieltalt eview, andCelebration of the French Revolution, I

Resolutions ofthe Welch Coblers, 7I'he Closer a Poem, 7

Camilliis's defence of the Britilh treaty, TsThe coquet ot the United States, to ")

waids France examined by a Pennfyl- - 34j

letter of H. Duncombt, 43Remarks on the conduit of Gf orge Wafli- - T

ington, as President of the United V 38J)

Fa't day Sermon, 7Ne -- year's Gist to Democrats, 38Proceedings ot the United Inlhmen, 75The trial of Thomas Muir, 38

5JLetter to tne Friends ofthe Teople, 12Foxes letter to the Electors of Wetlminiler, 12Universal Asylum, , - 5

Moral. &?c.

Aportolic Union ofthe Church, 38Divme RighteoufnelVexhibitedinthtSalva- -

tion and Damnation of Sinners. 3

Tine of Reason, ift and 2d part, 75Wakefield's Examination of Paine's Age of?

Reason, 5 25The Truth of the Bible by John Fowler, 75Wakefield's Letter on the spirit of Chriftia- -


A Revealed knowledge ofthe Prophecies, 25Exhortation to a Religious Education of

12children by the Baptist Churches,

An account of the London Miflionary So7ciety,

Family Exercises, ' 25Modes ot Prelbytertan Church wormip Vin-

dicated, 25

A Catechilm for Youth, 75Ruilal's Seven Sermonj , 25sermons to the Rich and Studious, 25The Pofie, 25

Annan on Univcrfjl Salvation, 25Conflagration a Poem, 25Affecting l'utory of the dreadful diflrefsof 26

Frederick Manheuns Familyandotrurs:


Remarkable deliverance of George L'jkenJ,Payne Adic, 011 Coum Martial, 33

The Londin Vocabulary, 1Dibdcn's Mufeuir. ; or a choire collectionof?

Songs Toalts and Sentiments, S 75Interpietation ol Dreams, 7SSt George Tucker on the Abolition of 11a ?


PrcduElions of the Office of the ilentuc'

ky Gazette.Wincheftei's Dialogues,Slavery inconliftent with Juflice and Good 3

Policy. 5Afiiortand Easy Method with the Drifts,A Letter from George Nicholas to his Friend,Correspondence between Gi.oige Nicholas, ?

and R. G Harper, 5Voyages and Adventures of the French

Emigrants, ' 5Remarkable Occurrences in the life of col. i

James Smith, 5The Perlecuted Wanderer,Willpn's Grammar,i"he Conltitution of Kentucky, v

Revised iaws of Kentucky, 4.'rimer.


jufl arrived from New-Orlean- s, and'FOR SALE,

at the Store ofJohn; A. Seiti.

Odober r8th.

ALEXANDER PARKERHAijult received from Philadelphia,

at his ttore on Mainmeet,, oppolite the cottrt-houl- c, a very"general aifortment of

'fjt Dry Goods, Queens,Groceries, Cbma and

Which he will sell at the molt reducedprices for CASH. '

Lexington September 15th, 1800.

N. B, In the above aflbrtnient thereare the bell trench Indigo, Loaf Sugar,Coffee and leas, iioulting Cloths afforted,Corded Dimities and Scarlet Caruinuls,Wool Cards, and Cut Nails afforted.

UNITED Si AILS:Kentucky Dijlrifi, to wit :

BE IT REMEMBERED, Thaton the thirtieth day of Sep- -

L. S. tember, one thouland eightU 1 1 -- ...1 .1. .

.jf. iiunuivu, anu 111 Liie tweiu- -

htth year of AmericanJOHN BliADPORD liath

depolited in this office, the title of a book,the right whereof he claims as the Au-thor, in the words fqllovving to wit :11 lac GENERAL INal'UCTOR;u or the ojfice, duty, and authority, of" Justices of the Peace, Sherjs, C'oro-- "

tiers and Constables, in the State of Ken-- "

tucky ; with precedents suited to every" case that can possibly arise in either of" those offices, under the laws now in" force,with referrences to the laws out of" which they ao arise. The whole atjiba-- "

betically digested under the several ti-- "

ties,! with an' Index, for the ready" fnding any matter sought." Com-pose- d

and publiihed by the said JohnBradford, Editor of the KentuckyGazrtte, in the town of Lexington, inthe State of Kentucky. In conformityLo the Act. of Congress of the UnitedStates, cntituled " An act for the en-

couragement of learning, by securing thecopies of Maps, Charts, and Books, tothe Authors and Proprietors of such co-

pies, during the times therein mention-ed." Certified under my hand as Clerkof the Diftridt. Court of the UnitedStates, in and for the Kentucky Diftriel,and seal of office, this 30th day of Sep-

tember, 1800. (,

Thomas Tunstall, c. k. d. c.

The above work is now publishedandfor tide at this office ; it contains up-

wards of two bundredforms or precedents,amongst which are the following vi. of

Attachments, 4- -

Bail Piece, 1

Bonds, 7Commiffioners retura, iiCertificates, 6Demurrer, 1

Exceptionsj 1

Execution, 7Joinder, 1

Indictments, 41Inquifitipn, 'oJudgments, . 9Mittimus' 13Oaths, 17Recognizances, 14Records, aReturns, 4Subpccnas, 7Warrants, 59

Together vlth an explanation of suchLaw Terms as are in general use Max-

ims and General Rules, Actions and Re-

medies, &c.

BLANK BOOKS,Of ani descripian, may be had at tbit

Office on the shortest nstiee.


AT the trolling ot main Eagle creek, fifteenfrom Georgetown, on t'ie ro. 3 to L n

cinnati. There is a good !ieed oy Louse, tittyfeet long, sour good ftonefiie places, u t' d log lia-ble and barn, good kitchen, with a n.Mier ot uIl-f- ul

cMibins ; about thirty fiS acres is ckaied IuiV,ten of which is meadow, two !o s joinng tlfehouse. The advantageous fituationot t e place I".--t

public house & range for ftock,t !r-- ei illy ki i.

PofTtiiron.can be had immediatcl. t',e terms m ybe known by applying to Mr. Warren e(fj. Gcoii,e-tow-

or to the fubferiber in Frankfo. J'oln H-nte- r.

N. B Any person renting immediuttly, can befuniifhed with a quantity of wimei ve,;eables.



. N Springfield, .OiiDgton County, ard will bujror exilian). Leather of any kind for Hides, or

tjn on tl.eihaiei I will t.n Hides tnoi weigh alove55U1 gi ten or 25K iry as loa! I ? .t'.tr, for onu'nird, is I rece e tiicin thii )cai,or the hrtt month

in ncjrt.yosej-- ytffs.

Oftober joth, 1830. is

CLARKE COUNTY, to v. it.Scftemhcr Ctuit is Quart tr 1' jfiins, 1 8--


Thomas iiinde, coiupiainunt',vs.

Robert Clough 'defendant.IN CHANCERY.

'JJHHE defendant not having entered1L his appearance herein according to law, and

the rules of this court, and it appearing to theof thecourt that he is not an inhabitant of

this commonwealth. On the mtinn ot the com-plainant by hiscounfel, it is ordered that unlets tnesaid defendant (hall appear here, on the feconci dayof our next February term, and aniwer the ts

bill, the same will he taken fro cent jju :That a copy of this order be forthwith inlcrttu inthe Kentucky Gazette for two months fuccellivel ;one potted upon the front door of the couit houlcin Winchelier, and that one other be publiihed at thedoor of the Hone meeting hou!e,onHowaid's creek,ibuie Sundav immediately aster divcnlervice.

(A Ctp-j.- Tcjte

Micah Taul, s.

FLEMING COU'NT 1 Y, ft.Septimber I ern., 1820.

"John Allison, complainantag l nil

Getrge Leuh, Irftfy Aiiir, "iin C- 1 j " B.:n. itvAielwi Hart, "John Cruig, .rfirl jr, 'i,-S-

l isKet ttn t'tl "John Vinnelfo'., ru' ':. , fcn ..- -

lijr, William Fleming, an. Chtmv r f, irtjMitbit tofjvhn Fleming Dcceajci, c'.c'. i i. i .

IN CHNChr.V. .

"rHE defendant Simon Kenton net ha- -ving entered his appearance herein wgreeal.'-- - to

law, and the rules of this Court ; and it appealing tothe fatisfaftion ofthe courtthar he unot an inhabit-ant of this Conunonwcdti of thecomplainanthy his counrel, it is ordered that the de-fendant iinon as alorefaid, appear here on the fecundday of our December Term ncxr, and aniucr tiecomplainant's bill, or the lame will be taken as con-tefl-

and that a copy of thisorderb forthwithin the Keutuckv Gazette, tor 'tw months

aud published at the door of the Mcthodifrmeetinghouse in the Town of Flemingfbhrg, tomefunday immediately aster divine lerviee, and anotherpolled at thefront door of the Court house in friem-in- g

county.(A Copy.) Telle,

Thomas Dougherty c. c.


J-- . friends and the public, that theyhave commenced the

CURRTING BUSINESS,In the town of Lexington, at the southcorner of Main and Croi's ltreets, in theyhouse formerly occupied by Mr. Art iM'llvain, saddler, where they intend kee-

ping a general afWtment ofLEATHER,

Which will be disposed of bv wholfale andretail, for CASH and HIDS. tf

TO RE RENTE D, - -1 N the town ot Danville and puilcmon given onI the first day of oftober next, the n r

occupied by Mr. Arthur Thumpfon, is h-p- e

and well calculated for a house ot entertainmert,being accomodated, with Stabling foi 2: horfes,aiKla vfery extensive Cellar, and other convenient ho-j-

fes for the purpose afoiefaid For terms 3pply tethe fubferiber.

same's Bimcy.Danville, 24th of August, 1 8oo. GJtp


Large Quantity of cCLTAN, DRY,SALT for SALE.

tf. Jojin Speed.

NOTICE.S the Subferiber intends ftartinp for

Philadelphia about the 2th ofDecember next, requests all those indebt-- .ed to him, to make payment before thattime. Further indulgence is not to beexpected.

ALEX. PARKER.Lexington, October 28th 1800. 6w


THAT John Blackmore, or myselfat the head spring ofEagle crrek,

in Scnttconnty,the 25th 'ay of November next, in or-

der to prove the beginning and fiift call of Jame-- a

Rarnett's rntrv, for icoj acres of land, entered t!sr7th day ot Julv 1780, with comjniffioners appoint-

ed by Scott county courtj'agreeablc to an aft ofaf-femblyf-or

that purpose.Nathaniel Ashty.

September nth, iSoo. w.


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