kennedy and johnson years i. a tragic end: november 1963 a. nov. 22 nd 1963 1. 12:30pm j.f.k....

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Kennedy and Johnson Years

I. A Tragic End: November 1963 a. Nov. 22nd 1963 1. 12:30pm J.F.K. assassinated in Dallas Texas 2. 2:35pm Lyndon Baines Johnson (L.B.J.) -sworn in aboard Air Force One 3. Primary suspect Lee Harvey Oswald -Oswald assassinated by Jack Ruby Nov. 24th 1963 4. Nov. 29th L.B.J. appointed Warren Commission -Assigned to investigate the Kennedy Assassination -“Oswald acted alone”

II. Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “Great society”“In a land of great wealth, families must not live in hopeless poverty…”

a. The Great Society 1. Poverty Relief -Economic Opportunity Act -Head Start -Volunteers in Service to America -(VISTA) 2. Education aid Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 -$1.3 billion / state 3. Healthcare -Medicare for elderly -Medicaid for poor 4. Immigration Act of 1965 -Encouraged immigration to the U.S.

III. Landmark Supreme court decisionsa. The Warren Court (Chief Justice Earl Warren)

1. Brown V. Board (1954) 2. Engel v. Vitale (1962) -No public school prayer 3. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) -Free public defense (if one cannot afford an attorney) 4. Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) -Lawyer must be present before questioning 5. Miranda v. Arizona (1966) -rights of the accused (remain silent, attorney, etc…)

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