keeping your child healthy pediatric immunity by elizabeth large, nd sept 2012 gordon medical...

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Keeping your child healthy

Pediatric ImmunityBy Elizabeth Large, ND

Sept 2012

Gordon Medical Associates707.575.5180

Stress/Trauma/Psychosocial stressorsNutrient poor diet, excess sugar.Chronic infection: parasites, fungal, bacterial, lyme or

tick borne infection, chronic viral infections, mycoplasma p.

Allergies, eczema, asthmaPremature birthLack of breast feedingVaccinationEnvironment: Lead exposure, mold toxicity, WIFI, air,

water.Medication: Steroidal inhalers, antibioticsFood allergies or intolerancesGenetics


Frequent cold, flus, respiratory infection, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

The child gets sick frequently. Illnesses linger and/or are more serious.

True Immunodeficiency or Antibody deficiency = 8+ episodes of otitis media, 2+ serious sinus infections, or 2+ episodes of pneumonia in 1 year.

Allergies, eczema, asthma.

Lyme or Tick Borne Disease, Chronic viruses.


USA: Birth to 6 years – 44 vaccinations including influenza once a year 32 European countries: Birth to 16 years: 22 vaccinations


Check titers to confirm immunity for MMR

Avoid all vaccines with thimersol

Never vaccinate an ill child


Request only single dose vaccines

No Hep B until 2 years old

Do not give vaccine if child allergic to one of the components: Yeast- Hep B, Eggs –MMR, Neomycin –MMR or Varicella

Read: The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice, by Randall Neustaedter, M.D.

Give MMR at 15 mo, Mumps-21, Rubella-27mo


Human breast milk contains large quantities of secretory Ig A (sIgA). These antibodies, can bind to potential pathogens and prevent their attachment to the infant's cells.

Colostrum: Present first 2 weeks,, contains levels of white blood cells. Most of these white blood cells are macrophages and neutrophils, which phagocytose microbial pathogens. The bodies natural vaccine against viruses and bacteria.


Toxicity linked to a growing amount of chronic disease and developmental abnormalities.

Sources: toys, breast milk, mother during pregnancy, environment, medications, water, food, vaccinations, plastics used for toys and food.

Results of toxic overload: Immune dysregulation Immune activated hyper-coagulability Chronic dysbiosis Impaired detoxification Increased “Sensitivity” Genetic polymorphisms


70-80% of your immunity. Good place to begin treatment.

Health enhancing intestinal bacteria serve to prevent the overgrowth of potentially harmful bacteria in the gut. Estimated 80-85% beneficial bacteria and 15-20% pathogenic bacteria is normal ratio.

Harmful microorganisms are kept in check by the GALT. Intestines contain the largest mass of lymphoid tissue in the body. This tissue stores immune cells that defend against pathogens.


Cause: balance of flora in the intestine is tipped towards having more “bad” bacteria and yeasts than “good”.

Causes:Over use of antibiotics at an early age Inherited from motherUse of steroidal medicationOverconsumption of sugar and simple carb foods such as cake, cookies, crackers, cereal.


Dysbiosis lowers immunity by reducing sigA, creating susceptibility to acute infections.

Overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, diff erent strains of candida and possibly parasites.

Treatment: Must involve anti-fungals/antibacterials, sugar free or yeast free diet and replenishing good bacteria, healthy diet with low sugar.

Yeast: Nystatin, difl ucan, grapefruit seed extract

Bacteria: Capryllic acid, garlic, GSE, olive leaf, etc.

Probiotics: Acidophilus, Bifi dobacteria.

Immune modulation homeopathics


A Healthy Gut: Allows properly digested food to pass into the bloodstream to be used for fuel. Acts as a barrier to keep out foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and undigested food particles.

An Unhealthy Gut: The protective barrier is broken down, poorly digested

food particles and bacteria can flood the system. Act as antigens triggering the immune system.


Symptoms include: Stuffed nose, runny nose, sinus problems

Hypoglycemia, mood swings, tantrums

Nervousness, palpitations, memory or concentration problems, fuzzy thinking, malaise

Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, indigestion, digestive problems

Allergies, asthma, eczema, headaches, low immunity, autoimmune, rashes, itchiness


Chronic recalcitrant infections, think biofi lm especially in sinuses.

Biofi lms are nature’s adaptive mechanisms to wall off protecting the organisms within. May prevent Antibiotics or immune herbs from reaching the desired destination (bacteria).

Examples: chronic ear infections, chronic sinusitis, lyme, polymyxoa rheumatica.

Breaking down biofi lms requires using specific enzymes with EDTA plus antibiotic or antibacterial herbs, Samento, Mucor.


Immune regulation can occur due to an imbalance in TH!/TH2. Overactivation of either pattern can cause disease, and either pathway can down-regulate the other.

Th1 – Drives cellular immunity or defense against intracellular organisms such as viruses, intracellular pathogens, and cancer cells.

Th1 upregulated illness = RA, Lyme, Crohns, MS, IDDM.

TH2 – Drives humoral immunity which defends against extracellular organisms. Responsible for production of antibodies.

TH2 dominant illness: Allergic disorders, asthma, eczema, scleroderma, SLE.


Methylation is a complex mechanism involved in many important functions in the body.

Methylation errors acquired or genetically determined. Important for normal immune function. The methylation cycle is essential for cell  mediated immune function and blockages here wil l mean that infections wil l not be adequately dealt with.

Synthesis of glutathione which is essential for detoxifi cation.

Turns on and off DNA.  This is essential for gene expression and protein synthesis. Proteins of course make up the hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, immune factors. When viruses attack our bodies, they take over our own DNA in order to replicate themselves. If we can't switch DNA/RNA replication off then we wil l  become more susceptible to viral infection.


Often those who have chronic immunodefi ciency have underlying genetic methylation defects (polymorphism). If the methylation cycle doesn’t work than the immune system doesn’t work.

Tests: Genetic methylation panel -Amy Yasko - Methylation levels -Health Vitamin Diagnostics Plasma Homocysteine, high or low.

Methylation requires using nutrients to bypass the genetic defects:


• Methyl/hydroxy B12• 5-methyltetrahydrofolate• Folinic acid• B6 or P5P• Phosphatidylserine• Phosphatidylcholine• TMG

• DMG• SAMe• Methionine• Glutathione.

Vitamin A defi ciency is found in kids who live on meat, potatoes and junk. Antioxidant that protects against infections. Acute and Chronic viruses deplete stores. Sources: animal liver, animal and diary fat from pastured animals. 2500-5000 IU per day from Cod liver oil. Fat soluble vitamin.

Zinc is needed for cellular and humoral immunity. Zinc rich foods are: roast beef, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, lamb, peanuts, crab. Supplementation is 5-30 mg per day.

Vitamin D increases immunity and decreases autoimmunity. Sunlight, animal fat (those raised on pasture with access to sunlight) such as butter and diary. 1000-5000 iu per day. Reduces respiratory infections, fl u.


Magnesium – Useful in allergic disorders, constipation, chronic stress, irritability, insomnia or muscle cramps, colic, behavioral problems. Nuts, seeds, almonds, oats, buckwheat, beans, green vegies.

Iron – Too much milk consumption blocks absorption of iron. Raisins, meats (especially liver), fish, poultry, egg yolks, legumes (peas and beans), and whole-grain bread. Assoc. with gluten intolerance. Sx: fatigue, pica, dizziness.


Omega-3 fatty acids reduce TH2 cytokines

Studies have shown that people who have allergies need more EFA’s than people who don’t. Enzyme defect in conversion from LA to GLA.

This might explain family susceptibility.

Signs and Symptoms: Behavior and learning problems, eczema, asthma, thirst and allergies


Studies have shown that drinking the equivalent of two and a half 12-ounce cans of soda can reduce white blood cells by 40%. The average person eats 33 Tablespoons of sugar daily.

May destabilize blood sugar levels and later lead to adrenal insuffi ciency.

Feeds yeast and pathogenic bacteria in the gut.


IgG allergy: Worst offending foods – dairy, gluten, eggs, wheat,


Food” intolerance” or “sensitivities” are much more common than true allergy. Caffeine, chocolate, sugar, yeast, etc.

Often produce delayed reactions

Best test: Elimination Diet for 3-4 weeks

Underlying problem may be Dysbiosis/Leaky Gut and yeast overgrowth.


There is no safe threshold for toxins. In 1960, it was believed that 60 mcg/dl was a safe level of lead. In 1991 it was 10 mcg/dl.

Pesticides/herbicides, toxic chemicals, bisphenol A, pthalates, heavy metals, PCBs, DDT, etc.

Glutathione (the bodies important antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster to the NK cells (front line of immune defense)

Increased toxins = Decreased immunity


Mold exposure is common and is considered a biotoxin which triggers an immune response.

Common symptoms: Chronic cough, fatigue, suppressed immunity, recurrent bronchitis, sinusitus, headaches, nose bleeds, asthma, swollen glands, memory loss, mold and dust sensitivity and many more.

If you suspect mold: ERMI test from


Lead-based paints were banned for use in housing in 1978. All houses built before 1978 are likely to contain some lead-based paint. However, it is the deterioration of this paint that causes a problem.

Other sources: soil, water, lead glazed ceramics, air from industrial sources, cosmetics, herbs/foods from china, lead solder in pipes.

Childhood exposure causes reduced intelligent quotient (IQ), learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, behavioral problems, stunted growth, hearing problems, anemia, kidney damage and stomach pain.


Chronic stressors are associated with suppression of both cellular and humoral immunity.

Ongoing stress, anxiety and/or poor sleep also stresses the adrenal glands.

Long term high cortisol production will create adrenal insuffi ciency lowering the threshold for stress and compromising immunity.


Organic and pasture fed meats.

Non-gmo as much as possible. (GMO-soy, canola oil, sugar beets, corn)

Variety of organic vegetables/fruits.

Minimal sugar intake.

Minimal to no juice or sugar drinks.

Whole foods – whole grain vs. processed.

Good fats- olive oil, coconut oil, organic butter


A specific diet may needed to deal with the child’s particular problem. Gluten and/or Casein FreeSpecific Carbohydrate DietCandida DietElimination DietGut and Psychology Diet (GAPS Diet)Body Ecology Diet


Those highest in vitamin C and antioxidants:

Highest ORAC foods: Blueberries, blackberries, garlic, kale, strawberries,


Yellow-orange fruits and dark green vegetables contain carotenoids - a natural substance that increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells. : Tomatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes and, such as

apricots, carrots, pumpkin, kale, spinach, squash and mango, cantaloupe, papaya, guava.


Supports immunity and decreases autoimmunity and inflammation.

Richest source is raw nuts, seeds and fish. (salmon, mackeral, sardines, herring).

One capsule fish oil or 2-3 teaspoons of flax oil a day.

Cod Liver oil contains Vitamins A and D which support immunity. 1 tsp young children, 1T –adolescents.


Powerful antoxidant, increases glutathione and immune function. Up to bowel tolerance is safe. 1000 mg per day is adequate unless acute illness, then 4-8000 mg per day.

In one double-blind study, the average red blood cell glutathione concentration rose nearly 50% with 500 mg/day of vitamin C. Increasing the dosage to 2,000 mg only raised red blood cell (RBC) glutathione levels by another 5%.


Vit. C 500-1000 mg 3-5 x per day or to bowel tolerance.

Vit. A 10,000 iu per day up to 2 weeks. Children over 10 can take 100,000 iu per day. Over 120 lbs can take 200,00 per day for 3-5 days.

Zinc lozenges up to 30 mg day.

If given antibiotics, have doctor prescribe Nystatin to prevent yeast overgrowth.


Theory of Homotoxicology

Health of extracellular matrix (ECM) is critical for the ability of nutrients to reach the cell and toxins to drain out. Intracellular communication also depends on the ECM.

Inflammation and physical dysregulation results from a burdened ECM

Homeopathic drainage medicine detoxifies the ECM.

Excretion routes are liver, kidneys, skin, lymphatics.

Examples of drainage remedies include: Bioresource, Energetix, Heel, Unda



Increases the white blood cells ability to fight off infection

Improves circulation

Increases natural endorphins

Sweating releases toxins

Reduces stress

Improves attitude and well being.


Antivirals: Andrographis, Isatis herbs

Homeopathics: Gelsemium, antimonium tartaricum, eupatorium, pulsatilla,

chamomilla, spongia tostaBioresource:

Apo-tuss, Bronchi-pertu, Syinfect, Syimmune, Notatum, Quentans, Itires, Sydetox, etc.

Vitamin C Herbal formulas for respiratory infectionsChinese herbal formulas :

Gan mao ling, yin chao Usually I give at least 1 herb, 1 homeopathic, and

Vitamin C every 3 hours .


Vitamin B12: Immune modulator. Increases NK cells. Methyl B12 injections

most effective for asthma and autism. Sublingual methyl B12 1000 mcg per day.

Vitamin E: Spares glutathione and protects immune system from

damage due to viral infections. Use Soy free form. 100-400 iu in mixed tocopherals.

Vitamin C, Multi-vitamin, Probiotics, O-3 fish oil

Astragalus, elderberry

Medicinal mushrooms

Immunomodulators Transfer Factor, IgG 2000, Colostrum to increase sigA.


“Nourishing Hope for Autism”, Julie Matthews

“Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, asthma, and Allergies: The Ground breaking Program for the 4A disorders”, Kenneth Bock

“A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illnesses in Americas Children”, Beth Lambert and Victoria Kobliner


“Superimmunity”, by Leo Galland

“Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants”, Dana Ullman

“Is This Your Child? Discovering and Treating Unrecognized allergies in Children and Adults” by Doris Rapp

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave, MD

Movie on GMO – “Genetic Roulette”



Elizabeth Large NDGordon Medical associates

Unravelling Complex Chronic Il lness

3471 Regional ParkwaySanta Rosa, CA 95403


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