keeping up wth the kardashians & pstmodernism

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Sammah Shariff & Ecesu OzevinSammah Shariff & Ecesu Ozevin

HYPERREALITY (Baudrillard)HYPERREALITY (Baudrillard)

Scripted behaviour, speech and events: Speech or events happening may be scripted and planned beforehand, therefore the line between the actors’ behaviour, personality and actions may be blurred or altered. E.G. Kim Kardashian’s personality may differ in real circumstances.

Celebrity life: Her life as a celeb is shown differently than what it is in real life. They get to pick and choose what will be edited in the episode. E.G. Kim Kardashian portrays her life differently on Instagram than on the show.

Scripted behaviour, speech and events: Speech or events happening may be scripted and planned beforehand, therefore the line between the actors’ behaviour, personality and actions may be blurred or altered. E.G. Kim Kardashian’s personality may differ in real circumstances.

Celebrity life: Her life as a celeb is shown differently than what it is in real life. They get to pick and choose what will be edited in the episode. E.G. Kim Kardashian portrays her life differently on Instagram than on the show.

Simulacra (Baudrillard)Simulacra (Baudrillard)

The way the Kardashians are shown through TV, Twitter, Instagram and the news are all different. E.G. Their personality.

On the show Kendall and Kylie are portrayed as problematic and rebellious children, however on social media they are seen as style icons, models and as adults.

Family members may be shown as unhappy or sad on the show, whereas premieres and events show them as happy.

Kris Jenner’s personal life differs from her life on the show. E.G. On the show she pretended she was married to Bruce, whereas in real life she was already divorced.

The way the Kardashians are shown through TV, Twitter, Instagram and the news are all different. E.G. Their personality.

On the show Kendall and Kylie are portrayed as problematic and rebellious children, however on social media they are seen as style icons, models and as adults.

Family members may be shown as unhappy or sad on the show, whereas premieres and events show them as happy.

Kris Jenner’s personal life differs from her life on the show. E.G. On the show she pretended she was married to Bruce, whereas in real life she was already divorced.

Simulacra (Baudrillard)Simulacra (Baudrillard)

The way the Kardashians are shown through TV, Twitter, Instagram and the news are all different. E.G. Their personality.

On the show Kendall and Kylie are portrayed as problematic and rebellious children, however on social media they are seen as style icons, models and as adults.

Family members may be shown as unhappy or sad on the show, whereas premieres and events show them as happy.

Kris Jenner’s personal life differs from her life on the show. E.G. On the show she pretended she was married to Bruce, whereas in real life she was already divorced.

The way the Kardashians are shown through TV, Twitter, Instagram and the news are all different. E.G. Their personality.

On the show Kendall and Kylie are portrayed as problematic and rebellious children, however on social media they are seen as style icons, models and as adults.

Family members may be shown as unhappy or sad on the show, whereas premieres and events show them as happy.

Kris Jenner’s personal life differs from her life on the show. E.G. On the show she pretended she was married to Bruce, whereas in real life she was already divorced.


Although Keeping up with the Kardashians is a docu soap and filmed in a serious way, they are made fun of by the media and audience. E.G. Kim’s crying face is a popular way of making fun of her, therefore a part of the audience sees the docu soap as a parody, rather than a serious film. They watch it for entertainment rather than their interest for their personal life.

Although Keeping up with the Kardashians is a docu soap and filmed in a serious way, they are made fun of by the media and audience. E.G. Kim’s crying face is a popular way of making fun of her, therefore a part of the audience sees the docu soap as a parody, rather than a serious film. They watch it for entertainment rather than their interest for their personal life.

Self reflexiveSelf reflexive

In Keeping up with the Kardashians there are one to one interviews where the family members/involved individuals express their feelings over an event that has happened. This suggests that they are aware of that they are in a show.

The fact that the interviewed individuals wear different clothes in the interviews than when the specific event has happened, suggests that they specifically choose certain scenes so they can comment on it. Also there is a time and place shift which is a postmodern approach.

In Keeping up with the Kardashians there are one to one interviews where the family members/involved individuals express their feelings over an event that has happened. This suggests that they are aware of that they are in a show.

The fact that the interviewed individuals wear different clothes in the interviews than when the specific event has happened, suggests that they specifically choose certain scenes so they can comment on it. Also there is a time and place shift which is a postmodern approach.

Non-linear narrativeNon-linear narrative

Flashbacks are not used regularly, however to remind the audience about what has happened in a previous episode suggests that they have an audience who follows them on a regular basis, making it a soap at the same time. The use of flashbacks is a postmodernist approach since it is a time and space shift. This implies that there may not be a chronological order in terms of the storyline.

Flashbacks are not used regularly, however to remind the audience about what has happened in a previous episode suggests that they have an audience who follows them on a regular basis, making it a soap at the same time. The use of flashbacks is a postmodernist approach since it is a time and space shift. This implies that there may not be a chronological order in terms of the storyline.

Style over substanceStyle over substance

The Kardashian do not own a real talent or profession, however Kim Kardashian got known for making a sex tape with a known individual (Ray J). This suggests that the audience would rather watch random people act dramatic, rather than following individuals with actual talent. Their celebrity life is more interesting for their audeience.

The Kardashian do not own a real talent or profession, however Kim Kardashian got known for making a sex tape with a known individual (Ray J). This suggests that the audience would rather watch random people act dramatic, rather than following individuals with actual talent. Their celebrity life is more interesting for their audeience.

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