kcsc fall 2014 legislation (1)

Post on 17-Jul-2016






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Student congress legislation




FALL 2014


1. Welfare Duration 2. Green Energy Standards 3. Capture of Wild Whales 4. Law Enforcement Perception 5. Crypto-Currency 6. 24-Hour News 7. Sports Gambling 8. Terrorist Negotiations 9. Released Criminals 10. Electoral College 11. Body Cameras on Law Enforcement Officers 12. ISIS 13. Military Surplus Weapons 14. Drone Use Authorization 15. Legalization of Prostitution 16. High School Start Time 17. Public Use of Drones 18. State Law Precedence 19. NASA Funding 20. Election Voting Day 21. Internet Tax 22. Amendment Process 23. War Powers Act 24. School Lunches

Conference Member Schools have titles centered Non-Conference Schools have titles left justified

1 A Resolution to Limit Welfare Duration to Increase Job Creation

1. WHEREAS, $746 billion is spent annually on approximately 80 different means tested

2. welfare programs; and

3. WHEREAS, The United States is currently $17.6 trillion dollars in debt with a savings

4. rate of -.6%; and

5. WHEREAS, 46.5% of recipients stay on for over two years, increasing the national

6. debt; and

7. WHEREAS, Welfare spending is currently more than any other part of the budget

8. including defense; and

9. WHEREAS, A welfare duration is not currently implemented; and

10. WHEREAS, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 19 million people are

11. currently unemployed; and

12. WHEREAS, According to the Census Bureau in 2011, individuals using social

13. welfare programs outnumber full time employees; and

14. WHEREAS, Military service at the Infantry level takes minimum skills; and

15. WHEREAS, The economy is harmed by unchecked welfare spending; now, therefore,

16. be it

17. RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled place a two year limit on the duration

18. an individual uses social welfare programs; and, be it

19. FURTHER RESOLVED, That those who continue to draw welfare benefits, between

20. 18-25 after the 2 year duration will be drafted into the United States Armed Forces within

21. Infantry units for a four year period to benefit the economy and security of the nation.

22. Those ages 25 and beyond will be put into a less psychically demanding position within

23. the Armed Forces.

2 A Resolution to Replace Fossil Fuel Energy to Greener Energy Standards

1. WHEREAS, Fossil fuels are nonrenewable and cause United States dependency on

2. other countries, and

3. WHEREAS, Preventable environmental hazards exampled in acid rain, pollution, and

4. increased global warming are attributed to fossil fuels, and

5. WHEREAS, Fossil fuels cause detrimental human health concerns, obvious in UV rays’

6. consequences of ozone layer holes, and

7. WHEREAS, Studies have shown that renewable energy sources are more cost efficient

8. than traditional fossil fuel energy sources, and

9. WHEREAS, Renewable energy is more efficient than to fossil fuels creating more

10. profit, and

11. WHEREAS, There is more variety in renewable energy resources than fossil fuel

12. resources that all have been proven to work, and

13. WHEREAS, Moving towards wind and solar energy will create jobs supporting the

14. variety seen in renewable energy, so be it

15. RESOLVED,That the Congress here assembled replace all fossil fuel resources with

16. renewable energy sources.

3 A Resolution to Disable Organizations from Capturing Wild Whales

1. WHEREAS, Thirty-seven Orca whales in all have died prematurely in SeaWorld parks;

2. and

3. WHEREAS, These untimely death s are ultimately caused by abuse; and

4. WHEREAS, Recognition of the abuses to whales have caused SeaWorld parks to lose

5. $47 million in revenue; and

6. WHEREAS, A twenty percent attendance drop and thirty percent stock collapse have

7. been observed by SeaWorld parks; and

8. WHEREAS, At least one hundred trainers have been injured or killed by Orca whales

9. in captivity as recently as 2010 as a result of the whales natural instinct to hunt which is

10. not fulfilled by marine parks; and

11. WHEREAS, In local populations some Orca whales are considered endangered because

12. of declining numbers, be it

13. RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation

14. that the United States government ban the capture and possession of whales from the

15. wild.

4 A Resolution to Change Disadvantaged Area’s Perception of Law Enforcement

1. WHEREAS, Stronger presence of police officers in poor communities bias the

2. opinion of law in surrounding minors and youth at school and home; and

3. WHEREAS, Police officers are not sufficiently aware of the impact of their

4. interactions with citizens; and

5. WHEREAS, Many youth and minors fail to see the positive side of officers when they

6. increase in numbers and/or force throughout their area; and

7. WHEREAS, Youth and citizens perceive the police in greater negativity when conflict

8. arises in their area; and

9. WHEREAS, The federal government needs take care of situations controlled by police

10. in front of a wide variety of citizens or policing neighborhoods in poor, youth filled

11. areas; now, therefore, be it

12. RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled provide funding for special training

13. for the regiment in order to decrease the negative flux of citizens and youth in low

14. income areas, and to give attention to public situations in which the police have to

15. take forceful action.

5 A Resolution For The Adoption of Crypto-Currency

1. WHEREAS, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and many other crypto-currencies are becoming

2. very well-known; and,.

3. WHEREAS, The Lakota Nation has recently created their own Crypto-Currency;

4. “Mazacoin” their official currency; and,

5. WHEREAS, The United States Dollar is inflationary; and,

6. WHEREAS, the United States needs to assert its dominance; therefore be it

7. RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the United States and her territories

8. adopt a Decentralized Crypto-Currency, as the National Currency.

6 A Resolution to Reclassify 24-hour news as Entertainment

1. WHEREAS, we should reclassify 24-hour news to entertainment

2. WHEREAS, the 24-hour news channels such as CNN, FOX, and ESPN now provide

3. analyses and opinions of current events

4. WHEREAS, news outlets are less likely to keep traditional values such as verification,

5. depth, and factual evidence when they provide analyses and opinions.

6. WHEREAS, this doesn’t allow constituents to form their own opinions about politics

7. and societal issueses

8. WHEREAS, According to former journalists Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, 24 hour

9. news creates ferocious competition among media organizations for audience share

10. Therefore, be it resolved, that the Student Congress here assembled reclassifies the 24-

11. hour news industry as entertainment.

7 A Resolution on Sports Gambling

1. WHEREAS, legal sports gambling only exists in Las Vegas; and

2. WHEREAS, tax dollars from gambling would benefit many states; and

3. WHEREAS, sports gambling can be controlled and regulated; therefore

4. BE IT RESOLVED by the Student Congress assembled here today that gambling on

5. sports be legalized in the United States.

8 A resolution regarding foreign affairs

1. WHEREAS, multiple presidents have been accused of violating United States Foreign

2. Policy; and

3. WHEREAS, no president has been formally tried and convicted for their violations; and

4. WHEREAS, the Sergeant Bergdahl scandal has ignited a widespread controversy in

5. United States citizens; and

6. WHEREAS, it has been held by multiple presidents and basic foreign policy that we do

7. “not negotiate with terrorists”; therefore

8. BE IT RESOLVED by the student congress assembled here today, that it the foreign

9. policy that “we do not negotiate with terrorists” be re-enforced; and

10. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the resolution become a bill by January 2016 upon

11. passing.

9 A resolution regarding released prisoners

1. WHEREAS, juvenile delinquent’s criminal record is sealed so that they may start new as

2. adults,

3. WHEREAS, released felons are 4 times more likely to go back to jail; and

4. WHEREAS, according to the Harvard magazine, this is because felons are shunned

5. from job opportunities, organizations, and society as a whole; and

6. WHEREAS, this shunning is a form of double jeopardy and the criminals have served

7. their time,

8. WHEREAS, repeat offenders cost taxpayers money; and

9. WHEREAS, felons should be allowed to have a chance to contribute to society;

10. therefore

11. BE IT RESOLVED by student congress assembled here today that all released criminals

12. have records sealed; and

13. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that corresponding governments be legally obligated to

14. provide released criminals with shelter, cost of living, and reasonable job opportunities

10 A resolution regarding the Electoral College

1. WHEREAS, the Electoral College undermines the democratic principles of voting; and

2. WHEREAS, in cases where the popular vote is opposite the electoral vote, the

3. legitimacy of the president is challenged by United States Citizens; and

4. WHEREAS, the Electoral College is contested by many citizens; and

5. WHEREAS, there is no formal requirement for electoral representatives to vote with

6. their state; and

7. WHEREAS, the Electoral College does not distinguish vote difference severity in states,

8. so close races and vastly outweighed state votes are the same; and

9. WHEREAS, the Electoral College have stripped the rightful position from president over

10. the years from Andrew Jackson, Samuel J. Tilden, Grover Cleveland, and Al Gore; and

11. BE IT RESOLVED by student congress assembled here today that the Electoral College

12. be abolished; and

13. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the positions of president and vice president be  

14. selected by a pure popular vote  

11 A Bill To Require Body Cameras On Law Enforcement Officers

1. Be it enacted by the student by the student congress here assembled that,

2. Section 1: All active duty U.S. law enforcement officers will be required by law to wear

3. body cameras while on duty.

4. Section 2: The camera recordings will be viewed regularly by the head of each

5. department, minimally at the end of each month.

6. Section 3: These recordings will be available to the public if requested.

7. Section 4: The recordings on the tapes will be reviewed during job evaluations, in lieu of

8. having officers meet certain “quotas.”

9. Section 5: Officers who violate proper procedures will be suspended from duty as

10. necessary and will be required to go through retraining.

11. Section 6: Funding will be provided through public tax dollars and legally seized money

12. in each state

13. Section 7: This legislation will take effect on January 1, 2016.

12 A Resolution to increase military involvement against ISIS

1. WHEREAS, The Islamic State in Iraq and The Levant has committed “crimes .. .

2. including car and suicide bomb attacks in civilian areas, summary executions, torture in

3. detention, discrimination against women, and destruction of religious property . . . [some

4. of which] may amount to crimes against humanity,” according to the Human Rights

5. Watch; and

6. WHEREAS, The Islamic State poses a threat to the wellbeing as well as the sovereignty of

7. not only Iraq but other American allies in the Middle East; and

8. WHEREAS, The Islamic State is growing in size and threat level to the wellbeing of the

9. region and the United States; and

10. WHEREAS, Grand Ayatollah of Iran Ali Khamenei has reportedly approved military

11. cooperation with the United States according to the Christian Science Monitor; and

12. WHEREAS, The United States has the world’s largest military budget according to the

13. British Broadcasting Corporation; now, therefore, be it

14. RESOLVED, that US military involvement in the Middle East should be significantly

15. increased in order to combat The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

13 A Resolution to End the Use of Military Surplus Weapons within Local Law Enforcement

1. Whereas, military surplus is sent to local law enforcement as enacted by Section 1033 of

2. the National Defense Authorization Act; and,

3. Whereas, the intention of this legislation is to counter drug activities and store surplus

4. weapons; and,

5. Whereas, the efforts against drug activities have not produced significant results; and

6. Whereas, the use of military surplus within local law enforcement has resulted in the

7. unnecessary suffering of United States citizens; and,

8. Whereas, military surplus can be stored through alternate means; Therefore be it

9. Resolved, that the Congress here assembled repeal Section 1033 of the National Defense  

10. Authorization Act.  

14 A Bill to Authorize the Use of Drones by Law Enforcement Agencies Nationwide for

Surveillance and Reconnaissance Purposes 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 2. Section 1. The usage of remote controlled, non-weaponized, surveillance and/or

reconnaissance drones by Law Enforcement Agencies, within any sovereign United States state and/or territory, under 400 feet, without a warrant will be authorized. Any stealth drone usage above 400 feet will be authorized with a warrant issued by a judge in a court of law.

3. Section 2. Non-Weaponized: Not possessing weapons of any sort, whether offensive

or defensive. Remote controlled: A drone that is operated manually, by a pilot from a distance. Law Enforcement: The civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order, Excluding for-profit businesses and/or organizations. Authorized: This bill will override the current Federal Aviation Administration’s regulations restricting drones in United States airspace. Sovereign United States Territory: Any building, land, or area that the United States has the right to enforce laws in.

4. Section 3. The Department of Homeland Security will regulate drone usage, and the

Federal Aviation Administration will monitor the drones’ whereabouts at all time.

5. Section 4. The law will be effective 1 January 2016. 6. Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.  

15 A Resolution to Legalize Prostitution

1. WHEREAS, Prostitution is currently an underground industry, and

2. WHEREAS, the secrecy of the industry leads to illegal sex trafficking, drug abuse,

3. rape, etc; and

4. WHEREAS, According to Glenn Betteridge, LLB, Senior Policy Analyst for the

5. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, "These laws [criminalizing acts associated with

6. prostitution], and the way in which they’re enforced, push sex workers into situations that

7. put their health and safety at risk, and leave them open to stigma and discrimination,

8. violence, and possible exposure to HIV."

9. WHEREAS, Government regulation of the sex trading industry would effectively

10. decrease risk of disease, drug abuse, and illegal sex trafficking, therefore be it,

11. RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled legalize the trade of sexual acts for

12. money through properly licensed companies, and be it;

13. FURTHER RESOLVED, an organization entitled Sex Transaction Commission will be

14. developed to oversee this industry.

16 A Resolution to Change the High School Start Time to 8:30am

1. WHEREAS, High school students who begin school earlier do not receive enough

2. sleep because they are waking up too early; and

3. WHEREAS, Studies have proven that high school students, who start school after

4. 8:30, receive higher grades; and

5. WHEREAS, 85.6% of US high schools begin at times that make it nearly impossible

6. for students to get enough sleep; and

7. WHEREAS, Over 100 different schools districts within U.S. boundaries have

8. changed their high school start time to later than 8:30 and it has helped their students’

9. grade increase; and

10. WHEREAS, Start time effects grades in a negative way and the overall health

11. because students do not receive the required amount of sleep; therefore, be it

12. RESOLVED, by this Student Congress assembled here that: The high school start

13. time, in the United States should be mandated to be no earlier than 8:30am.


Resolution to Expand the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles within the United States

1. WHEREAS in the United States the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle industry has seen a boom 2. within the military, and 3. WHEREAS we are seeing this technology advance in such a way that it should be allowed 4. to be used by the public in a commercial or more open recreational manner, due to their 5. practicality. However the FAA has restricted the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and 6. WHEREAS countries such as China have embraced this new technology and therefore 7. allowing their country to experience more economic and technological growth, therefore, 9. Be it resolved that the United States ought to make the use of Unmanned Vehicles more open 10. to the public in order to promote technological advancements within the United States.


A Resolution to allow State Laws to take precedence over Federal Laws

1. WHEREAS , Federal Laws currently can override State laws and

2. WHEREAS, This should be seen as profoundly unjustified

3. WHEREAS, State legislations are created for that State only and

4. WHEREAS, thus they should take precedence over Federal Provisions

5. WHEREAS, In the States of Washington and Colorado Federal laws still ban Marijuana

6. and

7. WHEREAS, These State provisions should be allowed with no Federal Intervention be it

8. RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled make it mandatory for State enacted

9. provisions to take precedence over Federal laws.


A Resolution to Increase Governmental Funding for NASA

1. WHEREAS, The United States is losing its competitive edge on the global stage in the

2. areas of scientific advancement, space exploration, and technology development; and

3. WHEREAS, In the past, NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

4. has successfully spearheaded research development leading to significant advancements

5. in modern technology and interstellar exploration; and

6. WHEREAS, The budget of NASA has witnessed cuts of over $240 billion since 2011,

7. according to a NASA annual spending report; and

8. WHEREAS, Other countries, such as China and Russia, are developing stable space

9. exploration programs; and

10. WHEREAS, Increasing the funding for NASA will prove beneficial to the United

11. States through new technological development and the reestablishment of the country as

12. the world’s space leader; and

13. RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled, that the United States shall increase 14. governmental funding and support for NASA.



2. SECTION 1. The United States Federal Government Declare the first Tuesday

3. and Wednesday in November as Election Day.

4. SECTION 3. The Federal Election Commission will oversee the addition of the

5. day.

6. SECTION 4. The Election Day Change will take effect for the Presidential

7. Elections in 2016.

8. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and

9. void.



1. WHEREAS, the popularity of online shopping has

2. increased, and states have seen a

3. decrease in sales tax revenue; and

4. WHEREAS, thousands of traditional businesses are at

5. a competitive disadvantage because they

6. have to collect taxes while online sellers

7. do not, which may lead to a 5-10% price

8. advantage in some states; and

9. WHEREAS, according to the U.S. Census Bureau,

10. online sales accounted for approximately

11. 5.3 percent of total retail sales in the

12. second quarter of 2013; and

13. WHEREAS, online sales are projected to grow

14. significantly in the future; therefore, be it

15. RESOLVED, By this Student Congress that all states

16. shall adopt the Streamlined Sales and Use

17. Tax Agreement


An Amendment the U.S. Constitution to Simplify the Amending Process 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT:

2. RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is

3. proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid

4. to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of

5. three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by

6. the Congress:


8. SECTION 1: Article V of the Constitution shall be amended to read “The Congress,

9. whenever two thirds of both houses deem it necessary, shall ratify amendments to this

10. Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states,

11. shall call a convention for ratifying amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to

12. all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution; provided that no state, without its

13. consent, shall be deprived of equal suffrage in the Senate.”

14. SECTION 2: Current amendments that are awaiting ratification by the states are to be

15. reintroduced to both houses of Congress and put to a vote. Should two thirds of both

16. houses approve of them, they will be ratified.

17. SECTION 3: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate

18. legislation.


A Resolution to Remove the Part of the War Powers Act Allowing the President to Authorize a

60 Day War to Allow Congress to Initiate War

1. WHEREAS, Obama is sending troops to a no WAR-ZONE in Iraq; and

2. WHEREAS, Obama sent over 400 troops armed and ready to Iraq claiming that they

3. were there just to keep an “eye” on things; and

4. WHEREAS, The result of sending these troops to Iraq is people getting hurt in a war

5. that has been over since 2011; and

6. WHEREAS, If we went into another war, we could lose a total appropriation of 1.4

7. trillion U.S dollars; therefore be it

8. RESOLVED by the Student Congress here assembled that we remove

9. the part of the war powers act that allows the President to authorize a 60 day war, so that

10. congress becomes responsible for initiating any war.  


A Resolution to Change the Nutrition of School Lunches to

Encourage More Students to Eat School Lunches

1. WHEREAS, in the 2012-2013 school year, 1,086,000 students stopped buying school

2. lunches; and

3. WHEREAS, Districts have seen a 10 to 12 percent drop in lunch sales, translating to

4. $30,000 lost under the program in a year; and

5. WHEREAS, GAO investigators interviewed students and found that some end up

6. buying food from vending machines, or went off campus to eat; and

7. WHEREAS, in 2012 school lunch programs cost $11.6 billion; now, therefore, be it

8. RESOLVED, by the Congress here assembled change the nutrition of school lunches

9. and, be it

10. FURTHER RESOLVED, That school lunch programs explore and implement

11. nutritional recipes that also appeal to student taste.

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