kaye’s korero covid-19 quiz night...2 days ago  · zealandia there is a trip to zealandia coming...

Post on 03-Sep-2020






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www.ngatitoa.school.nzE-MAIL: office@ngatitoa.school.nz

Phone: 04 236 7785

Kaye’s KoreroSpring is in the air! Hope you got out in the wild Wellington wind over the weekend and were invigorated! We took the dogs down to the beach at Petone and it was packed with dogs having fun.

From this week, if you visit our staffroom, you need to know that the kāuta (kitchen) is kōrero i roto i te reo Māori. This is a commitment from staff to build and strengthen our te reo Māori. Kia kaha e nga kaimahi!

It is really helpful if you can encourage your children to speed up in the mornings and be at school on time. It helps us settle for the day and ensure we have everyone accounted for 8:55am.

Keep safe, keep sanitised, be kind!

Nga mihi nui



COVID-19 Thanks for remembering we are still in Alert Level 2. This is all going smoothly for us although we are having to remind some children to go home promptly and not come too early!

Alert Level 2 is in full swing so thank you for remembering the rules!

• Drop off and pick up at the gate wherever possible (except very young children)

• Contact tracing register sign-in or check-in if you need to be in the school

• Keep sick children at home please

• Ensure children have their drink bottles

• Remind children of coughing and sneezing into their elbows

• Physical distancing of adults.

We have noticed that some of our children are quite unsettled at school. This link has some good reading to help maintain calm with your children.


School lunchWhen: Friday 4 September

What: Hamburger and muffin ($5:00) OR sausage in bread ($2:00)

ASB Ngāti Toa School Board of Trustees


Code: Child’s name

Reference: Reason for payment

Example: Anaru Smith School lunch

Please order either by form (attached), email office@ngatitoa.school.nz or on the associated Facebook post.

Quiz NightFor the last three years we have had a very successful quiz night in term three. The Siave/Prescott gang had been reigning champs until Geoff Hayward’s team knocked them off their perch last year. Geoff said his team will be back to defend their title this year.

When: Thursday 17 September, 7:00pm

Where: Ngāti Toa School Hall

Cost: $10 per team member, teams of up to six. Light refreshments available.

Tickets are available from the office.

Lots of fun, and prizes to be won.

Please support this general fundraising venture.

Camp – 13-16 OctoberCamp will be going ahead in term four. Notices of camp ger required etc have gone home. Please let Judy or Pearl know if you have not received this. Thanks for those who have offered to support by coming along, and those who have paid their fees. Please send your payments ($100) along as soon as possible.

ASB Ngāti Toa School Board of Trustees12-3254-0191023-00Code: Child’s nameReference: Reason for paymentExample: Code: Anaru SmithReference: Camp

Seniors (Marama and Tūrama) trip to ZealandiaThere is a trip to Zealandia coming up before the end of term for seniors. Keep your eye out for the panui coming home. We will require some helpers.

1 September 2020 —Page 1

Lost propertyWe have a HUGE pile of unclaimed items of clothing. Please come along and check this out as there is a lot of really nice clothing here. It would be really helpful if clothing was named so we can get it back to the owners.

Stationery:Please settle your stationery account if you haven’t already done so as soon as possible. You can pay by direct credit if you wish—see below.

School bank accountIf you wish to use on-line banking for any school payments, please use:

ASB Ngāti Toa School Board of Trustees12-3254-0191023-00Code: Child’s nameReference: Reason for paymentExample: Code: Anaru SmithReference: Stationery

Do you have the app that allows you to track your child's progress?Once you are logged into Hero, our school management system, you will be able to track your child’s learning more closely. Hero replaces Linc-Ed which many of you had installed on your phones. Hero is a more user-friendly app that you can access and have on your phone. Our aim has been to implement a robust system that allows teachers, parents, and students to access learning in an online environment that is secure, easy, and effective.

For information about how to log in and view your child's learning, go to the Hero for Parents website page.


Any old electrical appliances?We would love any old electrical appliances that no longer work that children can pull apart. They just love seeing what makes things work and so just send them towards Hahana to Whaea Sarah, Sacha and Mrs C.

Bits and pieces for collagePlease send along any old cards, wrapping paper, buttons, small boxes, bottle tops, fancy paper, scraps of material, sparkly bits and pieces that can be used for collage. Also to Hahana please!

AbsencePlease remember to contact us if your child is absent. You can either leave a message on the absentee line on the school phone 04 236 7785, text message the school cell phone on 027 236 7785, email office@ngatitoa.school.nz or leave a message via Facebook.

Lunch ordersWe offer Subway on Tuesdays and Thursdays; please pay cash at the office in the morning using the envelopes provided. Children can also order pizza and ham/cheese pockets ($2:00) and bread-based mince murphies ($2:00). Orders are taken before school every morning at the office.

School photosPhotolife will be now here for photos on Wednesday 25 November. Pre paid envelopes will be sent out nearer the time.

Tai Kwon DoWhere: Titahi Bay Intermediate

When: Monday/Thursday nights 6:00-7:00pm (not held during holidays)

Cost: $45 per month with a discount for more than one child

Contact: Diana Murphy 0211122959 or Peleti Murphy 0273626251

2020 datesTerm three: 20 July—25 September

Term four: 12 October—18 December

Teacher-only days: Friday 21 August, Friday 20 November

1 September 2020 —Page 2

What’s coming upFriday 4 September: School lunch

Thursday 17 September: School Quiz Night

School lunch order—Hamburger and muffin ($5:00) or sausage in bread ($2:00)

Child's name: ........................................................................................................................................ Class ...........................................................................................................................

Number of hamburgers: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Number of sausage in bread:...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Total $ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Wellington Phoenix Holiday Programme is back for October!

The Wellington Phoenix FC are hosting a 2-day training programme during the upcoming October school holidays. This is your child’s opportunity to play their favourite sport, show off all the skills they have been working on during the season and make new friends! Monday 5 – Tuesday 6 October 2020, 9am – 3pm | Fraser Park Sportsville, Lower Hutt Suitable for ages 7-12 and all physical impairments & abilities Prices (for a 2-day programme)

- Full Members $120 - Complementary Members & Non-Members $150

What’s Included in the two day programme:

- Coaching from New Zealand Licenced Coaches - Official Phoenix branded apparel - Skills, drills and loads of fun!

Register now on our website: https://www.wellingtonphoenix.com/holiday-programmes-1

1 September 2020 —Page 3

Imagery poems from Marama (Using senses to describe a place)

Mars The colour of the spiralling wave of darknessI hear it swirling around the sphere of magicI feel the coal-black mess slipping through the cracksI smelt the burning of the dust's scentI tasted the marvellous liquorice off the top of the galaxy

Kaytlyn Kolek

CandylandMachines whirring and people laughing can be heard for miles aroundCaramel, fresh brownies and cake can be smeltLolipops, jelly beans, gummy bears and more can be seen once you step inside

Miriam and Elisha

The Nice PlaceThe trees are pushing togetherAnd our birds are taking our laughterAnd we see the big waves coming togetherTo guide us further

Taylor-Rei and Hine

The BeachThe big blue seaWaves crashing against each otherThe little pieces of smooth sand against my feetThe smell of seaweed like sea fuming up into the airAnd likesome yummy smooth vanilla ice cream; yum

Nikayla and Mataya

The SeaOn an island near the seaThere are ravaging waves I seeI taste cold air and smell moss on rocksI hear the sea ravaging in front of me

Drae and Zedi

HomeAs I look up, I can see the birds flying as fast as stars in the deep blue skyPeople's voices being drowned out by the crashing wavesMy hair blowing in the wind as I sprint to safetySmoke from broken-down carsMy hair in my mouth as it crazily blows around


The BeachI see bumpy blue waterI hear banging wavesI feel liquid wetnessI smell sea salt and seaweedI taste fish


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