kathryn jenkins presentation

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Management Essentials Toolkit

Training Program – The Journey


• Demonstrate Blended Learning in action at Origin

• Redefine what e-learning means to Origin

• Take you through the journey of introducing contextual animation to Origin

• How this was achieved - design and technical characteristics

• And where are we now?

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Management Essentials Toolkit (MET) Training Program – A Taster

Management Essentials Toolkit (MET) Training Program – What is it?

The MET Training Program is broken into a series of short and targeted facilitated workshops – learning ‘bites’ - followed by e-learning modules, so that people managers can attend sessions and then put the skills into practice.

MET Training Program - Methodology

2010 - Best Bespoke Learning Solution!

Management Essentials Toolkit (MET) Training Program – The history

• The Management Essentials Toolkit is a HR process manual for Origin people leaders

• It includes checklists, tips and tools that will support managers in dealing with HR issues. It is housed on the intranet, and is 100 pages long………….

Challenge: Bringing this to life, so that our people leaders:

• Develop consistent knowledge and skills and practises in common people management issues, against Origin expectations

• This will lead to improved management practices and enable more effective people decisions about their people.

• In turn, this will increase manager empowerment and reduce reliance on P+C business partners

Management Essentials Toolkit (MET) Training Program – Target Audience

• People Leaders – diverse audience (engineers, terminal managers, retail operations managers)

• Across diverse and geographically disparate locations

• Technically astute, but generally lacking effective people management skills

Management Essentials Toolkit (MET) Training Program – The L+D Context

• Need to One Origin Approach to core learning

• One LMS

• Centralised system for learning administration

• Launching e-learning capability

MET – e-Learning Design and Technical Characteristics

• Character based

• Highly contextualised

• Motivation reinforced

• Immediate Feedback

• Engaging

• Decision tree activity

– Uses Choose Your Own Adventure Methodology

• Structured

• Assessment

Text: Ben advises Julia that his application to enrol into NIDA's Acting Academy has progressed to the final stage in the process. Ben is confident his audition will lead to his enrolment at NIDA and so he gives Julia his written resignation.Ben: “Julia, I have some great news! I received advice from NIDA last night that my application to enrol in the academy has progressed to the final stage. All I have to do now is one last audition and given my acting ability I'm confident I will be accepted. I've really enjoyed working with you but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I regret to advise you that I am resigning from my position. (Ben hands Julia his written resignation).”Julia: “Congratulations Ben! I'm really pleased for you. Let's talk about your resigning though…”

Q1. Given Ben's enrolment into NIDA has not been confirmed yet, as Ben's manager Julia do you: •Ask Ben the date he expects to hear back from NIDA and mark it in your calendar as a reminder to follow-up with Ben to confirm he is actually accepted to enrol. •Tell Ben you will keep the resignation letter in your top draw and process after he is enrolled.

1a. Demo: Silent animation of Julia writing in her calendar

1b. Demo: Silent animation of Julia handing letter back to Ben

1c. Demo: Animation Ben walking away upset


A. C.

Q2. Your calendar reminder informs you Ben will have received advice from NIDA regarding his enrolment. What do you do? •You have a one on one scheduled with Ben for tomorrow. You

include this on the agenda for discussion during the meeting.• You think about how you will respond if Ben has been accepted and

resigns. You decide not to raise the topic unless Ben does… •You dismiss the calendar reminder in the hope Ben doesn't raise the

subject. After all the time and effort you have spent developing Ben you don't want him to leave.

2a. Demo: Silent animation of Julia adding an agenda item to her list of items for discussion with Ben in his one on one discussion.


2b. Still image of Julia looking thoughtful


2e. Still image of Julia looking tired


Q2. Its been quite some time since Ben approached you about his application to NIDA and decision to resign. You are sure he said he would have his last audition by now but you haven't heard from Ben. What do you do? •You have a one on one scheduled with Ben for that afternoon. You make a note to ask Ben about his audition and progression of his application with NIDA. •You immediately approach Ben at his desk and ask him about his application to NIDA. •You assume that Ben must have been unsuccessful with his application and decide not to ask him as he is no doubt very disappointed. A.

2c. If answered B, Best case Audio with still image of conversation with Bens application.


2f. Still image of Julia in a nonchalont



Q2. You overhear Ben talking to Jenny about a farewell party they are attending tonight. Your not sure who is leaving do you? •Have a one on one discussion about leaving with a

positive impact on the team•Ask Jenny who the farewell party is for? •Ignore Ben’s behaviour as he’s leaving anyway


2d. Still image of Julia asking question


2g. If answered C. Animation of Julia walking away from idle chit chat en route to meeting.


Q3. During the one on one discussion with Ben you ask him for an update on his audition at NIDA. Ben advises you that he just received acceptance into NIDA's program this morning and tenders his resignation. Do you? •Congratulate Ben but let him know you are disappointed he

will be leaving, he has been a great asset to the organisation.

•You ask Ben to delay resigning and to sleep on his decision. You can talk about it further in the morning.

•You advise Ben that he should reconsider his resignation and outline the benefits in remaining at Origin. Besides the chances of becoming a successful actor are limited.

3a. If answered A. to Q3Demo: Audio animation. Julia: “Congratulations on your acceptance into NIDA’s Academy of Acting. While I’m disappointed you are leaving this is a great opportunity for you.”


3b. Image of Ben looking confused


3d. Image of Ben looking angry


Q3. Ben is surprised you didn't know he was accepted into NIDA three weeks ago and is rather jubilant about the fact he has one week of his notice period left! •You are shocked that Ben didn't tell you before now and is leaving Origin in less than a week. Surely he didn't think the discussion a few weeks ago when he gave his resignation letter was definite. You congratulate Ben and look to renegotiate his notice period while immediately commencing the Origin exit procedures. •You are surprised Ben believes he resigned 3 weeks ago. A week is

insufficient to ensure an adequate handover not to mention recruiting a replacement for Ben. You inform Ben that his resignation has not been tendered until now and the four weeks notice commences as of today.

•This news was unexpected. You advise Ben that he has not effectively resigned yet and that his notice period will commence as of today and there will be consequences if he fails to work the next four weeks.


3c. If answered B, Worse case scenario (animation) of explanation to Ben. (Followed by text correct procedue)


3e. Image of Ben looking shocked


Q3. The next day you notice Ben is packing up his desk. You suddenly realise he must have been accepted into NIDA and is leaving. You call Ben into your office to understand the situation. Ben reminds you he resigned four weeks ago when he handed you his resignation letter. •You congratulate Ben and let him know you are disappointed he will be

leaving. You realise you haven't informed payroll that Ben is leaving or followed the exit procedures. You let Ben know you need to follow up a few things with People & Culture and that you will take him through the exit checklist in 1 hour.

•You tell Ben that it was his responsibility to inform you if he was accepted into NIDA and that you never accepted his resignation despite Ben handing you the resignation letter. You tell Ben you have a number of exit steps to follow and ask him to leave you to it.

•You advise Ben that you are disappointed he did not inform you about his acceptance to NIDA and confirm his departure. You tell Ben that its unlikely his final pay can be arranged at this late stage.

3f. If answered C. Worst case animation of conversation.


Q4. You submit Ben's resignation letter for processing and complete the Origin exit procedures. During the process payroll contact you and advise that Ben appears to have been overpaid due to a period of personal leave not being processed. Do you? •Clarify the leave of absence is correct and work with payroll and your P&C

Business Partner to recoup the monies. You explain this to Ben and undertake the necessary steps to ensure his experience leaving Origin is as good as when he joined.

•Advise payroll that the overpayment is relatively small and you don't wish to recoup. You would prefer Ben leave Origin on a positive note.

•You are shocked that Ben has been overpaid two weeks and decide it would send a bad message. Instead you decided to reduce the overpayment by advising payroll that absence is incorrect and Ben was only absent for 3 days. You work with Ben to recoup the money and ensure his experience leaving Origin is positive.

4a. If answered A, Best case scenario (animation) of leaving experience at Origin.



4d. If answered B, Best case scenario (animation) of explanation to Ben.(Followed by text correct procedue)


Q4. You submit Ben's resignation letter for processing and complete the Origin exit procedures. During Ben's notice period he becomes unproductive, distracts his colleagues and is regularly absent from work. Do you?

•You meet with Ben to discuss his behaviour and explain how this impacts the business. You outline your expectations and advise Ben that you will be disappointed if this behaviour continues, especially since Ben has been a good employee to date.

•You advise Ben his behaviour is unacceptable and if it continues the Company may exercise its right to exit him early without paying his notice period. You are disappointed a valued employee is leaving on this note.

•You tell Ben that he has breached Origin's code of conduct and as a result will be overturning his resignation into a termination of his employment effective immediately.

Q4. After calling your P&C Business Partner to explain the mishap and to understand how you can fast track the exit process. You receive a phone call from payroll to advise that Ben has been included in the forward pay run and has been substantially overpaid. Do you? •Inform your manager of the mishap and work with payroll and your

P&C Business Partner to seek repayment of the monies from Ben. •These things happen, you encourage Ben to repay the monies but you

can hardly force him. •Accept full responsibility for the mistake and inform payroll you will

write the overpayment off against your expenses report.

Script of Argument required – Animation of Julia shocked, appalled – arguing with Ben“I can’t give you 4 weeks!!!


B. A.

4e. Animation of Julia shaking her head

looking disapprovingly at Ben


4b. Animation of Ben and Julia shaking hands


4g. Image of Julia meeting with Ben explaining things.

Ben looks confused


4h. Image of Julia meeting with Ben explaining things. Ben looks angry


4c. Image of Julia


4f. Image of Julia shrugging 4i.Image of Julia

looking stressed



MET – e-Learning Design and Technical Characteristics

MET – e-Learning Design and Technical Characteristics


• Flash template able to be programmed for any navigational requirements

• 3D animation

• Fully SCORM compliant

• Progress reported and tracked through LMS

• Content updated via external XML files

• Complies to all Origin eLearning specifications

MET – Sample Sequence

Success – to date

• Was released as Business Unit Pilot (Retail + LPG) to 100+ managers

• Based on highly successful feedback has now been adapted as part of the One Origin approach to be released to all people leaders across Origin 2011

• Has pioneered the evolution of e-learning at Origin - users now expect highly contextualised, innovative and interactive modules

• Award winning

MET – Lessons Learnt

• Innovation takes time – but can move quickly once templates are created• SMEs are vital to success• Need to be flexible – best results occur when working in partnership• Always focus on dissemination, market the courses• Increased confidence in partnership, increase in possibilities!

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