kamehameha iv, kamehameha v, lunalilo, kalakaua. reigned 1855-1863

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, Lunalilo, Kalakaua

Reigned 1855-1863

Son of Kinau (daughter of Kamehameha) and Kekuanaoa, nephew to Kam III.

Educated by missionaries, however did not care much for missionary ways

Married to Emma Rooke, grandaughter of John Young

One child, Prince Albert, died when he was 4 of a fever

Died one year after his son’s death, overcome with grief

Reigned 1855-1863, was only 29 years old when he died

He and Queen Emma started Queen’s hospital in 1859 to offer care for sick Hawaiians

Against Constitution of 1852 that allowed every male citizen to vote

Tried to get a reciprocity treaty with the U.S. instead of annexation, did not pass

Reciprocity= reciprocal trading between 2 countries. e.g. Hawaii allows US products tax free and US does the same for Hawaiian products

Reigned 1864-1872

Son of Kinau and Kekuanaoa Last male descendant to Kamehameha Missionary education Never married, but was once arranged to

marry Bernice Pauahi Bishop (founder of Kamehameha schools)

Died on his birthday Dec 11, 1872 at the age of 42 without naming an heir (He wanted Bernice Pauahi Bishop, but she declined)

Often held hula performances at his home which is now known as Moanalua Gardens

Lot and his cabinet wrote the Constitution of 1864, replacing the Constitution on 1852-Stated that citizens had to meet certain property and literacy requirements-abolished the position of Kuhina Nui-turned the legislature into 1 house rather than 2

Tried to get a reciprocity treaty with US in 1864 but President Lincoln was busy with the Civil War, another attempt in 1867 also failed

Japanese-American treaty of 1871 established trade, friendship and rules for Japanese immigration into Hawaii. Hawaii wanted Japanese products and workers

Reigned 1873-1874

Elected by the Legislature to be King after Kamehameha V in an election. David Kalakaua was the other candidate

Was popular with the people, but never learned how to run a kingdom

Never married and had no children Died Feb 3, 1874 after 1 year of ruling as

King. He was 39 years old

Appointed a new cabinet mostly of Americans

Allowed the legislature to make amendments or changes to the Constitution of 1864, Lunalilo died before the amendments could be made

Father Damien goes to Molokai to care for the lepers in 1873

More talk of annexation to the U.S. Lunalilo decides against a reciprocity

treaty that would allow U.S. to have Pearl Harbor

Reigned 1874-1891

Married to Kapiolani, grndaughter of Kaumuali`i

Educated at Royal school could speak Hawaiian and English well

Brother of Lili`uokalani Revived the Hula after being banned by the

Missionaries Merrie Monarch Festival held every year in

honor of him Built ‘Iolani Palace, the only royal Palace in the

U.S. Costing $300,000, a huge sum for that time

Died Jan 20, 1891 in SanFrancisco. Last words… “Tell my People I tried.”

Appoints heirs, first in line William Pitt Leleiohoku and next was Lili`uokalani

Appointed a cabinet of a variety of ethnicities First King ever to visit U.S. in 1874 Reciprocity treaty 1875 with U.S.. U.S. did not

want Hawaii to sell all their products to England and thus become special buddies with the U.S.. U.S. wanted Pearl Harbor

Reciprocity treaty renewed in 1887 with U.S. getting exclusive use of Pearl harbor

Railroad and water transportation began 1879 Electricity used in street lamps, HECO started

1892 Telephones started to be used, first in the palace Population increased by half between 1876 and

1892 due to the large immigration

Controversial Decisions-Dismissing and appointing a cabinet when he felt like it-Planning his own expensive coronation-trip around the world, expensive-building `Iolani palace, expensive

Public Debt went from $389,000to $2,000,000

Secret group called the Hawaiian league formed and planned to overthrow the monarchy and get Hawaii annexed by the U.S.

1887. Hawaiian League sends a committee of 13 with armed soldiers to Kalakaua demanding a new constitution be written

-Kalakaua offers to surrender his power to other countries in exchange for their help, but they refuse-Kalakaua surrenders to their demands- Kalakaua signs Bayonet Constitution, stripping him of most of his power.

King could not make any decisions without cabinet approval

King could not organize military without legislature approval

Foreigners could vote Robert Wilcox rebelled with a small army

and attempted to restore Kalakaua’s power with a new constitution in 1889, but was unsuccessful. Wilcox was found not guilty for what he did. Event was called Wilcox Rebellion

Kalakaua died before a new constitution was written to replace the Bayonet Constitution

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