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Post on 08-Nov-2018






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Amnesty International Salisbury Group

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting on Thursday

7.30 pm 4 Victoria Road


Chairmans Welcome

Present: Andrew, Ria, Fiona, Tony, Peter and Lesley

Apologies: Eddie



Minutes of previous Meeting These were agreed.



Treasurers Report None was received.



Campaign Reports

Death Penalty

Please see the Salisbury Group Website www.salisburyai.com for the full international update, covering Palestine, the USA, Japan, Belarus, Thailand, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Sudan, India and Sri Lanka. Direct link: https://wp.me/p4jvwE-1mF

Of particular note:

The death penalty for 19-year-old Noura Hussein, sentenced in Sudan for killing her husband following his attempted rape, has been repealed. Over 400,000 Amnesty supporters contributed to the world-wide action on her behalf. She now faces a 5-year jail sentence, which her lawyers will try to overturn.

The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has signed the 1989 Second Protocol to the ICCPR, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty; however, Ahmed Abu Halabiya, who represents Hamas on the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza, has rejected the protocol. Hamas will continue to support the death penalty against those convicted of murder, drug trafficking or collusion with Israel.

It has been reported from Japan that Hakamada Iwao, freed in 2014 following 24 years on death row, could be sent back to prison as a Court has overturned the decision to grant him a re-trial. He is now 82 and in poor mental health.

The Pew Research Center have published a Survey, conducted in April-May of this year, showing that public support in the USA has increased from the 2016 figure of 49% to 54%. The figure does, however, remain considerably lower than in the 1990s or much of the 2000s, and for the second year in a row, in 2017 the US was not among the worlds top 5 countries carrying out executions.

In Belarus news has broken that the Supreme Court of Belarus, in an unprecedented move, has decided to suspend and review the death sentences of Ihar Hershankou and Siamion Berazhnoy while their appeals are under consideration. Marie Struthers, Director of Amnestys Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office, said, This is a hugely significant and unprecedented decision for the only country in the region that has continued to execute people all these years . it gives us hope that after years of discussion on the death penalty, Belarus is ready to walk the talk.

Death Penalty Urgent Actions

Saudi Arabia An email was received from Reprieve with a petition to be sent to the Crown Prince, calling on him to stop all executions of protesters, including juveniles. (Circulated to DPLWG 13.6.18 and posted on the Salisbury website, Facebook and Twitter.)

Egypt The date for the issuing of the verdict against Shawkan, and the 738 defendants in the Rabaa dispersal case has now been delayed until 28th July. An updated UA has been issued with advice on contacting the authorities. (Circulated to DPLWG 2.7.18). Note: Shawkan was the subject of the June DP Group Action.

USA Ohio The Ohio Parole Board has recommended against clemency for Raymond Tibbetts, found guilty of murder, despite the statement by a juror that, had the jury heard the mitigation evidence revealed since the trial, he would have voted for life. The Governor could, however, still grant clemency. (Circulated to DPLWG 2.7.18.) This months Group Death Penalty Urgent Action.

USA Texas Christopher Young (pictured - chron.com), sentenced to death for a murder committed at the age of 21, is due to be executed on 17th July. The Jury recommending the death penalty judged him likely to commit future acts of criminal violence the so-called future dangerousness finding. (Circulated to DPLWG 10.7.18.)Comment by Peter Curbishley:


Information has now been received from Mike Quinn with an update regarding the proposed development of campaigns and actions on a range of death penalty related issues around the world, such as:

A campaign linking the death penalty to tourism

Targeting priority countries where we can make real impact with long-term campaigns

Highlighting specific individual at risk cases to encourage broad change

Lobbying the UK Government to put pressure on death penalty supporting countries

Making anti-death penalty materials readily accessible through the Amnesty website

Giving regular news and updates of campaigns and urgent cases through our Facebook and Twitter pages.

World Day Against the Death Penalty 10th October 2018 The Anti-Death Penalty Project are proposing a link with the hand-in of the Tree Action that has been sent out to local groups working on Japan. (See Monthly Group Action). Further information on this action has been requested prior to a decision being made on this for the Salisbury Group.

North Korea

AIUK issued a press release on 12th June responding to the claims from President Trump that human rights were discussed during the summit with Kim Jong Un. It welcomed the news that President Trump raised human rights but stressed that they should be a crucial component in negotiations rather than a foot note and referred to the continued systemic, widespread and grave violations of human rights, some of which may amount to crimes against humanity.

The possibility was raised of donating the money raised at the talk given by Jihyun Parks talk on 16th March 2017 to the NK Cultural Centre at New Maldon. This will be discussed more fully at the September meeting.

It was stated that the Group would like more direction and advice from AIUK regarding actions and events for our campaigning.


RW provided feedback on the activities which had taken place in Swindon during Refugee Week. Of particular interest was a performance by the group Breathing Fire. Based in Bristol, their productions feature improvisation. It was agreed this could be a possibility for Salisbury. RW will circulate details of the website and it will be discussed further at the September meeting.

Arrangements for the Group Vigil, to be held in late September, will be finalised at the September meeting, when the possibility of a Tuesday will be considered. AI have issued a revised Uniting Families petition, which could be used.





Social Media Report

Web and other media statistics, June 2018

Yet another increase in followers who now stand at 356. There is a steady monthly increase in followers but bizarrely, it is not reflected in viewing. In April 2017 we had 200 followers.

Web site

The figures are:
















All time: 10,872

Country views:






South Africa




Top posts:

1. Kate Allens visit to the 6th form conference in 2015. This has received 50 views in total

2. Hooligan Sparrow film (total of before and after items)

3. = Market stall

= May minutes


A much busier month with 3,543 impressions. A slight increase in the number of followers to 145 which is encouraging after several months of decline.
















The top tweet was the item about Taner Kili arrested in Turkey


Daily: The number of people who had any content from the page or about your page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users) 314

This is a fall from last time but Facebook seems to be growing quite strongly of the three platforms we run.


No change in the Tumblr statistics with the same 5 followers. 17 are following

YouTube & Flickr

Total views of the North Korea video stands at 1.9k. 4910 views on Flickr and 916 views of the still image on Flickr.


Web site: www.salisburyai.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/salisburyai

Facebook: www.facebook.com/salisburyai

Tumblr: www.salisburyai.tumblr.com

Content always welcome!



Market Stall

375.00 was raised (the best result we have ever had), of which 25.00 was needed to pay for the stall. The weather was good, and there were more items to sell than in recent years. Plants sold well.

It was agreed that AH should book a stand for June 2019.



Monthly Action

Standing up for Human Rights Defenders Take action by calling on the UK Government to increase support to human rights defenders.

Reunite Refugee Families Call on the Home Office to reunite more refugee families by taking the Families Together On Line Action or use the Reunite refugees family petition (this will be available at the September petition)

The Tree of Life Members are invited to celebrate the Tanabata Festival held in Japan, where people write their wishes on coloured flags to hang on a tree. The proposal is to use this as a means of calling on Japan to end the death penalty. LC has requested further information with a view to the possibility of incorporating it into the Salisbury Group action for Word Day Against the Death Penalty.



Films 2019

The film The Breadwinner will be shown in partnership with the Arts Centre on Friday 8th March 2019 International Womens Day. It was agreed that FD should provide the introduction, and that there would be a petition for signing after the performance.



Citizenship Day

This will take place at Bishops on Friday 26th October. FD, EB and RW will form the team, with AH as a backup. The group will meet in September to plan the sessions.

Other schools/colleges in the area with 6th Forms will also be contacted in September with a view to offering similar sessions.






Summer Barbecue

This will take place at Lesley and Peters home on Saturday 18th August, commencing at 5.30 pm. All welcome. Please check on the day if the weather is doubtful.





It was noted that, according to The Independent, Teresa May had bowed to EU pressure to keep the UK in the Convention on Human Rights. It is hoped that this may obviate the need for future campaigning on the UK Human Rights Act, but the situation will continue to be monitored.


Forthcoming Events

Amnesty Supporters BBQ 18th August

Refugee Vigil September 2018

Citizenship Day 26th October

World Day Against the Death Penalty 10th October Action TBC

Arts Centre Film 8th March 2019

Market Stall June 2019

Next Meeting: Thursday 13th September

Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: 4 Victoria Road

Please note there is no August meeting.

Web: www.salisburyai.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/salisburyai

Facebook; www.facebook.com/salisburyai

Campaign box - AH

Temporary banner and tabards P&LC

Should you wish no longer to receive Minutes of meetings, or other communications from the Group, please let us know by emailing our Group Secretary at Donovan.fiona@gmail.com

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