july 28th 2012 bulletin

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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church update



Joyous and

Thankful 1 Thessalonians 1:2, 3

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Edwin Onyango


Song and Praise…………………………………………..VBS Praise

Hymn of Praise……………..No.652…………….Love at Home

Intercessory Prayer…………………………….Alex Golovenko

Praying for Missing Members, Renewal and Revival in family health

Next Week Praying for Revival-Holy Spirit

Offering Appeal……Conf. Advance…..Stepan Golovenko Next Week….. Church Budget

Children Story…………………………………………………Puppets

Dedication of Rafael Felipe Ferreira Gaspar

Special Music……………………………..…………………..Children

Scripture……Joshua 24:15 2nd Cor. 5:1-3……Rido Korua

“Adventist Home” Pastor Alex Golovenko

Song of Commitment……..No.655….....Happy the Home

Benediction.............................................Teresa Ferreira

Sunset this Sabbath 8:50 pm Next week 8:42 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: bekorben@gmail.com

Announcements Today

1. Come and celebration with us the completion of VBS Babylon @ 5:00.

Later Events

2. Next weekend - Adventist Youth Camp, August 3-6 near Goderich, Ontario. Frankie Lazarus & Rudy Alvir are speaking. Youth from South-Western churches are coming together for spiritual fellowship. $50 per person registration includes tent-site fee, food costs, transportation! Currently youth from St.Thomas. Guelph, St.Catharines, Woodstock, Windsor, Sarnia & London have registered, totaling over 150 people. Please speak to pastor Alex if you are interested attending.

3. Pastor Alex will be on vacation

August 7-31.

4. The next general church potluck will be held on Sabbath

August 11th. Please bring an item from the section of the

first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional

items from any category.

A-C Salad/Raw vegetables, D-F Vegetarian Chili/Stew,

G-I Drink/Juice, J-M Bread/Bun,

N-R Rice, S-Z Dessert/Fruit.

Please note: If you are bringing a tossed salad,

Dessert/ Fruit, the kitchen staff would appreciate if

you could bring it already prepared and cut up (since

our crew often does not have enough time to do this

during the service). Please bring a dressing for the

salad if it is normally served that way.

5. Next Men’s ministry breakfast will

take place next Sunday, August 12 at

8:30 am. The discussion book is “A

Place for us guys.” How do guys,

men, fit into church today? What is

our place and role in family and


6. Please join us on Sunday,

August 19th from 2:00 to

4:00 p.m. for The

Adventurers Club registration

day. Children must be 4 to 9

years of age as at September 2012 to be eligible for

registration. Light refreshments will be served.


7. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service on Wednesday nights at 7 pm. It is time for extra prayer, deeper Bible study, and testimonies.

8. Wanted: hosts & leaders! Might you possibly be a host for a small group? Consider this: Do you enjoy your home and would like to share it one evening a week with a small group of church friends? Are you concerned thinking that you have to cook/bake something special, … don't be. We are simply looking for open doors, a place where you and a small group of friends can meet and talk, laugh, pray together and at times offer a comforting shoulder to cry on. Is God encouraging you to be a host, speak with Pastor Alex or one of the elders. Hosting a small group just may turn out to be your special blessing for 2012. The Host family does not necessary lead, but simply provides the place and offers hospitality for those coming. Prayerfully consider and if you are prompted by the Spirit – sign on the list of Host Families on the foyer Board. To be a "leader" can be a frightening thought. It doesn't need to be, small group ministries are looking for individuals who are passionate about developing friendships for themselves and encouraging the development of relationships between others. You may be the very person that God is looking for to lead a small group. You don't have to preach, you don't have to be an expert in bible history, we are looking for individuals who can connect with people, are compassionate, respectful and can direct an evening of casual conversation, focussed discussion and meaningful group prayer. If you are even remotely interested, speak with Pastor Alex or one of the elders to explore this opportunity, you may be pleasantly surprised at what God can do with your willing heart.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS July 29 Stephen VanLeeuwen Aug 4 Dante Lima

July 31 Larry Tait Aug 8 Don Topper

Aug 2 Edwin Onyango Aug 10 Michelle Taylor

Aug 3 JosephTavares Aug 12 Jonathan Bartosz

Pray for South Africa, Solomon Islands,

Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka We continue praying for the world. Today and tomorrow we lift in prayers

South Africa, a country where racial segregation “apartheid” ended officially only in 1994 and reconciliation efforts are ongoing. Even churches are divided in3 categories: white, black and colored. Pray for Christians to allow Spiritual transformation of love to unite all. Last Friday, July 18 all nations celebrated Nelson Mandela birthday. At 94, after serving 27 years in prison, he exemplified the spirit of non-compromise standing for what is right and then leading the country in peaceful resolution. Current need is for the crime rate to subside. Currently violent crimes are 7 times higher than in USA. AIDS epidemic has claimed 20% of population and 1/3 of teachers are affected. Pray for the young generation to seek truth and stay faithful to God.

Monday we lift in prayer Solomon Islands, depressed by the civil war 1998-2001, and then hit hard by the earthquake and tsunami in April 2007, the small nation needs economic restoration. During the Second World War entire villages became Seventh-day Adventists due to the healing ministry provided to both warring sides. Pray that the ministry of healing will continue bringing people to Christ.

Tuesday we lift in prayer Somalia, considered the poorest and most violent state in the world. Since 1991 civil war and collapse of Socialist regime there has been no centralized government or authority, warlords fight for regional autonomy, pirates are hunting ships at sea. UN withdrew in 1995 and no humanitarian mission had served this region since. Entire population is Muslim and under Shari’a law. No missionaries are present and conversions are forbidden. There is no Adventist presence there. Pray for order, peace, and freedom to witness to come.

Wednesday and Thursday we lift in prayer Spain. Former empire got rich from its colonies, but over the past century through civil war, dictatorship and terrorist activities of Basque separatists its economy is struggling and needed bailouts by European Union. Majority of population are Catholics and prior to 1975 evangelical believers were persecuted. Today most are secular and disenchanted with church. Islamic presence is growing stronger through immigration from North Africa. Yet the general attitudes are demoralized – 1% of population are drug addicts, AIDS are the highest per capita among European countries, island of Ibiza is known as the immoral parties capital. Pray for revival of spirituality in Spain.

Friday we lift in prayer Sri Lanka, former Ceylon island south of India. It is less evangelized than India, and majority of population are Buddhist. Continuing infighting between ethnic Sinhalese and Tamils makes Christian mission difficult, and both major groups remain unreached by the Gospel. Beneath the layers of Buddhism and Hinduism lie an ancient cocktail of spirits, gods and demons. Pray for deliverance, for protection of Christian pastors and church leaders. And also pray for the outreach to Tamil immigrants in Western countries, in Canada to share the Gospel with their families.

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