julia gillard prime minister - needs horse whipping!

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Julia Gillard Prime Minister – Needs Horse Whipping! Thursday, 15 March 2012 From The Desk Lloyd T Vance News Today 4 U Darwin NT, Australia Greetings Fellow Australians The following is a story about Australian Troops being deployed on Assignment, being Deliberately let down, sold down the river by their own Australian Government, and the rest of these “Treasonous” – “Traitorous” sell out (American – Israeli) Stooge / Puppet Politicians in Canberra ACT Australia.

• As a proud Australian that think about my fellow Aussie Mate I am not Laughing.

As for Australian Defence Force Chief, These Troops Commanding Officer for their Squad, and so called Defence Intelligence they are about as useless as tits on a bull.

• As a proud Australian that think about my fellow Aussie Mate I am not Laughing.

At the end of the day (CIA – Israeli Mossad) controlled Julia Gillard is Accountable and Responsible At the end of the day (CIA – Israeli Mossad) controlled Julia Gillard sent these Australian Troops into the field to prepare the way for “The Evil Entities” that have taken over most western countries and now have their Troops doing the bidding of these “Evil Entities”


When (CIA – Israeli Mossad) finished using Julia Gillard, and they get rid of her, like all their Puppets in their employ, I wont be crying any tears for her, and I ask other Australians not to either. Just remember the following story and how she and her sold out Government & Ministers sent these Australians Troops into the field.

• Not Prepared • Ill Prepared • Ill Trained • Without Support

Before we move onto the story Julia Gillard Contact Details, so people can send her a message directly telling her what a low down dirty scum she is for selling our Troops down the drain. Email Address: - http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm Written Address: - Julia Gillard - Prime Minister Parliament Office PO Box 6022 House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6277 7700 Fax: (02) 6273 4100 Electorate Office Shop 2, 36 Synnot Street Werribee, VIC, 3030 Telephone: (03) 9742 5800 Fax: (03) 9741 6213


Australian 'Special Forces gathering Intelligence in Africa' - Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/9139759/Australian-special-forces-gathering-intelligence-in-Africa.html

Australian Special Forces have been operating in several African countries over the past year gathering Intelligence on Terrorist activities, a report said on Tuesday. The Sydney Morning Herald said 4 Squadron of the elite Special Air Service (SAS) had mounted dozens of clandestine operations in places such as Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Kenya in a role normally carried out by spies. Citing a government source, it said the missions by the previously unknown squadron were believed to involve Terrorism Intelligence gathering amid concerns about the threat posed by the Islamist al-Shebab militia. N. B. Before we read the whole story, as pointed out in this story a few faults – problems which = Selling These Troops down the drain / river Fault – Oversight 1) These (SAS) Troops on these Missions are NOT allowed to carry False Passports Fault – Oversight 2) These (SAS) Troops on these Missions are NOT allowed to carry False Other Documents Fault – Oversight 3) These (SAS) Troops on these Missions are NOT allowed to deny what country employs them or sent them if Captured. Fault – Oversight 4) These (SAS) Troops on these Missions are being (Sent – Set Up – Feed) Fake / False Intelligence Information from the start.


Phony Kony 2012 Warning! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD9ybqspUBE A Few Comments From People: - How many more Frauds can we endure? How many more False Flags will be waved in our faces? And this: - What will it take for ordinary citizens of the world to say Enough ! Search AFRICOM Go to their website...read their "Mission Statement" . It is sickening. And this: - Kony is the 2012 version of Bin Laden, Gadaffi, Saddam. It's not about sending troops in (they are already there), it is about the public outcry as a "Reason" to go in and "Liberate".

RAP NEWS 12: Yes We KONY? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=68GbzIkYdc8#!

KONY 2012 SCAM... Bankers Outsmarted by Millions of Young Activists? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k78xX9uwj-0&feature=related


KONY 2012 EXPOSED... Please Mirror This World? Make TRUTH 2012 Popular!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HOqD5meWbc&feature=watch_response Research On al-Shebab militia US accused Qatar of funding Somalia’s Al Shabab militia, Wikileaks reveals The extraordinary claim was made in a 26 October 2009 meeting between Ambassador Susan Rice, the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations and her Turkish counterpart Ambassador Ertugul Apakan. A US diplomatic cable of minutes of the meeting was leaked by Wikileaks on 24 August. This accusation – if true – means that the United States and Qatar have been funding and arming opposing sides in Somalia’s bloody civil war, which has undoubtedly exacerbated the catastrophic famine that is gripping the country. Qatar, the cables show, strenuously denied the accusation. The cables also shed more light on the extent to which the United States is involved in proxy wars in the Horn of Africa. OH Me! --- Oh My! --- Oh Shit!


**** No wonder the USA wants Julian Assange Dead, because America has been funding both sides, they fund these corrupt Governments in Africa and then fund these Terrorist Groups. Mean while American Corporations move in and buy up all the Resources / Assets and the IMF – World Bank puts the country into debt for the next 200 years with loans they can never repay. The US Pentagon controlled by the Zionist Jew Wall Street Banks and the Security & Military Industrial Complex get rich also by selling more Weapons.

Somali Islamist insurgents threaten U.S. attack http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40823436/ns/world_news-africa/t/somali-islamist-insurgents-threaten-us-attack/#.T2HIoNmsZR4

The al-Shabab militia launched coordinated suicide attacks in Uganda in July that killed 76 people.

The Truth About Somalia's al-Shabab: A New Global Threat? http://www.hiiraan.com/news2/2010/aug/the_truth_about_somalia_s_al_shabab_a_new_global_threat.aspx


War criminal Henry Kissinger thinks "Military men a re dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreig n policy" as quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye How the United States Betrayed Its Own P.O.W.s in Vietnam"

Image: United Nations “New International Order" peace keepers torturing a Somali child!


Summary: - So what have we learnt people? Yes I know! Again we have learnt this whole “WAR ON Terror” is a scam, con job, lies and its really a “WAR On All Humanity” Nations and people of the World. United States of America, and proxy countries like Australia is fully under control of the Wall Street / London Zionist Jewish Bankers, Security – Military Industrial Complex, IMF, World Bank, Zionist Jew Controlled Mainstream Media, The Corporations. All political parties in our countries have sold us out! Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies in all our countries are infested by these Zio – Nazi Fascist who are controlled by the American (CIA – Mossad) doing the above people “Evil Entities” dirty deeds. Coming Back To Australia – Because that is what I am concerned with at this present time. Australian Troops in this case (SAS) Troops or if you like Paid – Trained Mercenries – Paid Killers are: -

A) Being sent to the Slaughter in the field on Missions, without the standard “Spy” protocols they have in place to protect them if caught while on Missions.

E. G. ASIS, ASIO – Fake Passports, Fake Documents, Deny Who sent you if caught.

B) If caught these (SAS) Troops being led to their Slaughter face (Be-Heading) (Torture) (The Worst Possible Death Imaginable) by these Terrorist – Groups.


C) USA – The so called Greatest Friend To Australia, that’s so Kevin Rudd said on Election Night 2007, and which Julia Gillard and other sold out politicians in Canberra ACT answer to and Israel those Zionist murdering, thieving thugs.

USA – United States of America and Israel, and now NATO countries are “Arming, Funding, Organizing, Supporting” these Terrorist Groups and paying both sides.

D) As seen above these (SAS) Troops are being feed “Fake – False” Security and Intelligence Information about these Terrorist Groups, so these dummy Troops think they are fighting the bad guys, when their Government support directly & indirectly funding the bad guys.

Enough Is Enough I Say! While I might be helpless to kick these Zionist – Nazi – Fascist Infestation out of my country, ripped down the whole system and start building again, this time for all Australians and try these criminal politicians and others for the War Crimes they have supported and committed over the years. I can speak up and about my fellow Aussie’s citizens being sent to their possible Slaughter while on a Mission serving these corrupt politicians and the “Evil Entities” above. There is NO Reason – what so ever why these (SAS) Troops should NOT have and carry the same “Protocols” as given to other “Spy Agencies Agents” have while operating in the field and NOT to give these guys the same is just SELLING THEM down the River.

• Please support me and ring the Prime Minister and give her a bit of your mind!


Australian 'Special Forces gathering Intelligence in Africa' Australian special forces have been operating in several African countries over the past year gathering intelligence on terrorist activities, a report said on Tuesday. The Sydney Morning Herald said 4 Squadron of the elite Special Air Service (SAS) had mounted dozens of clandestine operations in places such as Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Kenya in a role normally carried out by spies. Citing a government source, it said the missions by the previously unknown squadron were believed to involve terrorism intelligence gathering amid concerns about the threat posed by the Islamist al-Shebab militia. They are also aimed at developing rescue strategies for evacuating trapped Australian civilians while assessing African border controls and exploring landing sites for possible military interventions. The information gathered flows into databases used by the United States and its allies, it said. The Herald added the operations have raised serious concerns among some sections of the military and intelligence communities that the troops do not have adequate legal protection or contingency plans if they are captured.


"They have all the espionage skills but without (Australian Secret Intelligence Service's) legal cover," said one government source. According to the newspaper, ASIS officers are permitted under Australian law to carry false passports and, if arrested, to deny who they are employed by. Defense Force members, such as the SAS, on normal operations cannot carry false identification and cannot deny which government they work for. Defense Minister Stephen Smith refused to confirm the group's existence "because we don't want to put at risk either operations or our national security". But he insisted that all Australian operatives overseas did their job within the law and had proper protection. "People would expect from time to time the SAS, ASIS, and department of foreign affairs and trade are involved in making sure Australians overseas are not at risk," he told Sky News. "Whenever we have our people in the field they have the proper and appropriate protections. "Whether someone is working for ASIS or someone is operating for or with the SAS, we ensure they operate in accordance with domestic and international law and that they have appropriate and proper protection."


We are asking people if they can donate something to keep Freedom Collective alive and producing more Great Books, Videos, Web Sites here is our Banking details. Bank Account Details Name On Account: Freedom Collective BSB: 013516 Account No: 479225403 Bank Swift Code: ANZBAU3M Bank: ANZ Banking Corporation 927 Sturt Street Ballarat Victoria 3350 Australia And thank you to everybody who donates!

This Is What Australia Supports! “America’s Secret Afghan Prisons”: Investigation Unearths New US Torture Site, Abuse Allegations in Afghanistan


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYl6NKrmIfQ&feature=player_embedded# A new investigation by journalist Anand Gopal reveals harrowing details about US secret prisons in Afghanistan, under both the Bush and Obama administrations. Gopal interviewed Afghans who were detained and abused at several disclosed and undisclosed sites at US and Afghan military bases across the country. He also reveals the existence of another secret prison on Bagram Air Base that even the Red Cross does not have access to. It is dubbed the Black Jail and is reportedly run by US Special Forces. AMY GOODMAN: A major UN report on secret detention policies around the world concludes the practice could reach the threshold of a crime against humanity. Shame on you Kevin Rudd – Julia Gillard and Labour Government Shame on you Tony Abbott – Julie Bishop and Liberal / National Parties Opposition Shame, Shame, Shame, lets see someone kidnap your wife / husband and kids and rendition them to Secret Prisons to be Tortured and raped.

Globalist Rat's Nest In Australia – All Aussies Must Read!


Our friends around the World, here is a change of pace for everybody, allot of times we hear about America who has fallen and been taken control of by the Zionist Kharza Family’s who Control / Own, Wall Street / London Banks, The Federal Reserve, AIPAC The Jewish Lobby, Other Zionist Groups, Big Pharma, The Corporations, The Security and Military Industrial Complex. These Fascist were smart, they infiltrated the American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and took control over it and indoctrinated all within to their side, who in turn joined up with the Zionist Jewish Terrorist Groups in Israel which latter went onto becoming the Israeli Mossad, who in turn infiltrated MI5 / MI6, who in turn then corrupted every other Western Intelligence Agency, Police Force and Military in the West. All to their side of working for these Fascist, for the Sheer Good of The Above list of “Evil Entities” to make absolute obscene Profits – “Its All About The Money Honey” More is explained in the Article on site here: - The Truth About American History – Not Taught In School Make sure you read it, its only 62 Pages and look at the Video mentioned within people, the system is about to collapse and you should educate yourself why the system will collapse.


Anyway back to Australia seems we have the same or similar “RATS” here in our beautiful country and Kevin Rudd / Julia Gillard fight for Leadership of the current Government in Australia is a fight to lead us Australia and hand us over completely to these criminals, it amounts to “Treason” but don’t expect anybody to do anything. Kings & Noble Men were beheaded in the past! If somebody does try to do anything, the Whole Organs of the State – Country would descend upon the person State Police, Federal Police, ASIO, ASIS, Attorney General Offices both Federal and State, DPP Offices both Federal and State, not to mention all these Police Counter Terrorism Units add in the Australian Military too. Guess who has join the Lowry Institution on their Board also? You guessed right young Jedi Knight a representative from the Australian Federal Police, not surprising to some because the Current Federal Police Counter Terrorism Unit boys along with ASIO Counter Terrorism Unit, which back in the 1970’s, were called by a different name, back then. Use to Blackmail, Threaten To Assassinate, Bully, and keep files on Labor Politicians and then moved onto keeping the same over Liberal Party Politicians to keep them inline too.


War On Terror = War On All Humanity For Absolute Control Of All Resources, Oil, Gas, Minerals, Money Supply. We Are At War People “We The People Against” The Fascist Who Have Taken Control. God Help Us All………………………………….!

Globalists' Australian Nexus A Globalist Rat's Nest Amidst The Rise Of Asia. Addendum A description of Lowy Institute's involvement regarding the formation of a planetary regime, as illustrated in selected articles (this list will be updated) Regarding the climate change hoax: The [Australian] PM's Address to the Lowy Institute via The Australian. Regarding US-Australian military integration: "Planners make the case for US bases" via The Australian.


Regarding the contrivance of an World Internet Organization to regulate the Internet globally: "The Shadow of Cyber Regulation" via ISN, by Lowy Institute's Jonas Rey. Promoting Australia's commitment to endless war in Afghanistan: "More to do in Oruzgan " via The Sydney Morning Herald, by Lowy Institute Non-Resident Fellow, Dr Rodger Shanahan. Bangkok, Thailand July 5, 2011 - Meet the Lowy Institute. Filled with big business interests and perhaps the most degenerate, depraved minds humanity has yet produced, it poses as an "independent international policy think tank," whose objective is to "generate new ideas and dialogue on international developments and Australia’s role in the world."

The word "independent" is somewhat confusing, but what is clear is that it is yet another Fortune 500 run policy and propaganda clearinghouse serving not Australia, but rather the global corporate-financier elite.


Notable corporate members include JP Morgan, Rothschild, Royal Bank of Scotland, Deutsche Bank, and Cheveron. While Australian brands like Qantas, BHP Billiton, and the National Australian Bank appear more "indigenous" in nature, the reality is that their boards, like everything in the globalist realm, are an ongoing game of musical chairs between all of the worlds globalist, multinational corporations. For example, BHP Billiton's board of directors alone features Jacques Nasser, formerly of Ford Motor Company and JP Morgan, John Buchanan formally of British Petroleum and Vodafone.


Carlos Cordeiro formally of Goldman Sachs, David Crawford formally of Bank of America, and the list goes on and on. The Lowy Institute's board of directors is something to behold.

Sitting at the top, is 80 year-old, accused tax evader, Australian-Israeli Frank Lowy, after whom the institute is named. He currently oversees the Westfield Group, was a board member of the Reserve Bank of Australia, and sits upon the board of directors of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) - not of Australia, but of Israel.

Joining him is son Peter Lowy, who is also a Lowy Institute board member, a RAND Corporation trustee, and a board member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council - not of Australia, but of the United States.

Also on the board amongst several others, is Professor Ross Garnaut of the University of Melbourne as well as Australian National University (ANU), Ian Macfarlane formally of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Goldman Sachs, and Temasek Holdings, Professor Robert O'Neill of the corporate-stacked International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and a former head of ANU's Strategic and Defense Studies Centre.


Perhaps most disturbing however is the inclusion of Brookings Institution's Martin Indyk, the co-author of the, frankly speaking, insane "Which Path to Persia?" report where Indyk, fellow Lowy associate Michael O'Hanlon, and others conspired against the nation of Iran to fund known terrorist organizations, engineer fake street protests, buy off members of the Iranian military, and even attempt to provoke Iran into a war it was disinterested in fighting - not for national security, but for what Indyk, O'Hanlon, and others called, "American interests and influence throughout the Middle East." It then appears that the Lowy Institute is nothing more than a collection of banksters, criminal conspirators, and multinational multi-corporate interests. It is a institute of big business, by big business, and for big business. What is alarming is the vast reach it has within Australia's universities and the alleged "free-press." The name Australian National University comes up more than once and various members of Lowy's staff are also contributors to both Australian and international papers and television networks. Also alarming is the "cross pollination" reflected in Lowy's staff between the institute and other notorious corporate-funded corporate-serving organizations like the Brookings Institution.


The International Crisis Group, the fraudulent Harvard Belfer Center, and the warmongering Center for Strategic and International Studies. Our People: Ties to globalist think-tanks and the media. Dr. Khalid Koser: Non-Resident Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. Dr. Michael Fullilove: Non-Resident Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, Rhodes Scholar, has published articles in The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Washington Post, the International Herald Tribune, Slate, The Daily Beast, the Los Angeles Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian, the Australian Financial Review, The Spectator, The Washington Quarterly, The National Interest and Foreign Affairs.

Whit Mason: International Crisis Group while in Kosovo, then speechwriter for the UN Kosovo mission, and USAID in Pakistan. Paul Kelly: Editor-at-large of The Australian, previously Editor-in-Chief of The Australian. Is a regular commentator on ABC television (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Dr. Michael Wesley: Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.


Fiona Cunningham: Interned at the Belfer Center at Harvard University and the International Crisis Group. Fergus Hanson: Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Own Harries: Published over 200 articles in leading journals and magazines, including Foreign Affairs, Commentary, New Republic, Harper's, Orbis, The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, The American Scholar, National Review, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Times (London), The Spectator, The Reader's Digest, as well as in his own journal, The National Interest, and in various Australian publications, including Quadrant , The Bulletin, Policy , The Australian Outlook, The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. (It should be noted that the "National Interest," Harries' own publication, features such warmongering, illegal conspiracy articles as "Free Baluchistan," and

"The Chinese Cozy Up to the Pakistanis" where it is suggested that the United States should fund and arm rebels inside Pakistan to carve up the nation to balk Chinese-Pakistani relations.) Ties to the Australian National University


The Lowy Institute appears to maintain close ties with all of Australia's prominent universities. The Australian National University, however, is one that is stumbled across over and over again, with Lowy co-hosting events, tapping ANU's professors for research papers, and airing its propaganda under a pseudo-academic light. Additionally, many of Lowy's own members have been drawn from ANU's alumni as well as prominent heads of various ANU departments. Martine Letts: Lowy Institute Deputy Directory, appointed to the ANU Council in 2004. Professor Hugh White: Lowy Institute Visiting Fellow, professor of Strategic Studies at ANU. Also a regular columnist for The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. Professor Warwick McKibbin: Lowry Institute Professional Fellow, Director of ANU Research School of Economics, and also a Non-Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Dr. Milton Osborne: Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Asian Studies at the Australian National University. Professor Alan Dupont: Senior Fellow at ANU's Strategic and Defense Studies Center.


The first search result that comes up within Lowy Institute's publication archives is an interesting document titled, "Thai studies in Australia." Under "Specialists Consulted," no less than 9 "specialists" came from ANU, including the notoriously intellectually dishonest Andrew Walker of ANU's "New Mandala" blog. Walker is fond of taking regional corporate agendas and shoehorning them into something resembling that of academia to lend them legitimacy they'd otherwise lack. He is also adept at giving the corporatocracy talking points a decidedly liberal spin, drawing in well intentioned people to consider his "work" when otherwise they'd be revolted. Walker spends his time berating Thailand's self-sufficiency economy, suggesting that encouraging people to be self-reliant agriculturally. The very principle that throughout history has produced the strongest, most resilient nations on earth, somehow excludes them from participating in the "national economy" as well as participating in "electoral democracy." He and his partner, Nicholas Farrelly, post up articles promoting the very worst aspects of the corporate-financiers' NGO creep into sovereign Asia, as progressive and justified.


Right on cue, as National Endowment for Democracy-funded "Bersih 2.0" was preparing for mass demonstrations in Malaysia, Walker's "New Mandala" blog posted the following, "The biggest threat – as perceived by the present administration – to Malaysia’s internal security is a demand for free and fair elections."

What Walker failed to research and tell his readership, was the fact that Bersih is on record, with organizers themselves admitting to it, having received funds from the National Endowment for Democracy-funded National Democratic Institute, as well as from globalist bankster George Soros' "Open Society" foundation. The threat then, contrary to what was written on "New Mandala" is not "free and fair elections," but rather foreign-funded sedition led by globalist-stooge, Ibrahim Anwar.

Lowy's Propaganda Outfit Walker's "New Mandala" blog also dutifully hits on all the key talking points being pushed by the global corporate-financiers. When an ex-Reuters journalist penned his disingenuous, conveniently timed Wikileaks-based hit piece titled, "Thai Story," Walker was right by his side providing an outlet and badly needed legitimacy for his hackery.


But in addition to Walker, there was the Lowy Institute's propaganda mouthpiece, "The Interpreter." After the July 3, 2011 Thai elections, the Interpreter chimed in with "The danger of a Thai civil war" where the globalist, degenerate-filled, elitist think-tank skipped past their client-stooge Thaksin Shinawatra, and laid the blame for Thailand's current political turmoil on the nation's revered monarchy. Citing Marshall's 3,000 unverified, unsubstantiated Wikileaks cables, who Marshall himself claims, is only "believed to have been downloaded by US soldier Bradley Manning in Iraq," the Interpreter suggests it is "journalism of the highest order." Adding insult to injury, for those who understand how this network operates, the Interpreter cites fellow degenerate, corporate-serving globalist think-tank, the Council on Foreign Relations to bolster their claim. The Interpreter maintains a partnership of sorts with other globalist connected rags like "The Diplomat" who echo the globalist consensus on any given issue and itself boasts partnerships with corporate-funded global think-tanks like the Soros-funded Foreign Policy Centre. There is a reason why the Interpreter, the Diplomat, and Andrew Walker's "New Mandala" blog are all on the same page along with other corporate-serving propaganda outfits like CNN, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, and many others.


It is because beneath the veneer of objectivity and academia, lies what is an obviously self-serving agenda propagated by a self-evident, omnipresent global despotic corporatocracy. Conclusion

Upon the Council on Foreign Relation's seal is the word VBIQVE, latin for "everywhere," and manifests itself in the common English word, ubiquitous. Indeed as we see, regarding just the Lowy Institute alone, it contaminates an entire region's news, media, universities, literature, research, studies, and of course, through the papers and propaganda it produces with the clout it puts behind them, the region's politics and laws as well.


The global corporatocracy is everywhere, affecting everything, perhaps so profoundly it escapes one's notice. However, upon seeing this network exposed, the people involved, their history of promoting an unaccountable, self-serving agenda at everyone's expense but their own, we can begin rendering moot the false legitimacy they foist upon society with their fancy logos, lofty titles, disingenuous liberal-esque spin, their insufferable arrogance, and entire institutions co-opted or even contrived to serve their own ends. We can begin by exposing these charlatans, stooges, and crooks for what they really are. We can boycott the corporations that fund and perpetuate these unsavory, dubious, and often well-hidden agendas. We can also begin to replace this nefarious network they've constructed bybecoming self-sufficient on a local level. There is good reason why ANU imposter-academic Andrew Walker, along with the Wall Street Journal and the Economist are so adamantly against Thailand's attempt at implementing nation-wide localism - it is because it will set a viable example for all nations to follow out from under the squatting parasites that make up the global elite.

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