josef mengele

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Josef Mengele By: Lyndsay Benson

2. Who was Josef Mengele?

  • Born March 16, 1911 3. Angel of Death (had the looks of an angel, but definitely didn't act like it) 4. Joined Nazi party in 1937 5. First was a part of the invasion in the Soviet Union, and then was recruited to be a doctor 6. Nazi doctor 7. Worked at death camp in Auschwitz

8. Continued

  • Always had an interest in twins and dwarfs 9. When he came to the death camp, he was freely able to perform any experiment he wanted 10. He was not the only doctor to do this, but is one of the most recognized 11. Fled the country once the camp was liberated 12. Killed between 400,000 1 million people

13. What did he do?

  • Tortured individuals 14. Performed deadly and cruel experiments 15. Focused mainly on twins, who he did agreat deal of research on

16. Who did he experiment on?

  • Men 17. Women 18. Children 19. Dwarfs 20. And more.. 21. Performed on 3,000 sets of twins

22. Experiments Performed

  • Changed eye color by injecting dye 23. Chloroform injections 24. Sewed twins together 25. Sex changes 26. Removed organs and limbs 27. Pressure chambers 28. Etc.

29. How He Decided Who To Experiment On

  • Would wait for people to get off trains 30. Then, would look and decide who should stay and work and who would go with him 31. Main focus was to grab twins, but would take who he could get 32. Those who were saved were sent to his right 33. Those sent to his left, were sent to the gas chambers

34. Twins

  • Mengele studied twin genetics 35. Before being experimented on, twins were calmed down by given clean clones, candy, etc. 36. He drove them to his lab where he performed extremely cruel experiments 37. To them, he gave surgeries without anesthetics, blood transfusions, injected lethal germs into twins. 38. In one case, he tried to take one twins eye and sew it to the back of the other twins head.

39. Special Treatment

  • Kept children in separate barracks than everyone else 40. Gave them candy / spoiled them 41. Many called him uncle since he treated them so kindly. This is how he got his nickname Angel of Death. 42. Would treat them so kind...but would only later experiment on them.

43. Why Did He Do Experiments?

  • He felt as if it was the right thing to do as a member of the Nazi party. 44. Was trying to genetically create the perfect Aryan race. 45. He used mothers that gave birth to twins to see if he could induce multiple births in order to restore the Nazi army which was decreasing. 46. He thought it was helping both his county and science.

47. Life After Auschwitz

  • Became a German infantry soldier. Was captured but later released 48. Moved to Argentina under a false name 49. Moved from country to country in South America to avoid being captured 50. Married his deceased brother's wife 51. Supposedly died on February 7, 1979 after suffering from a stroke while in the Brazilian ocean

52. Bibliography " - Why Did Josef Mengele Carry out Inhuman Experiments."WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki .Answers Corporation. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. . Blow, Louis. "Josef Mengele The Angel of Death."Josef Mengele, The Angel Of Death . Web. 01 Apr. 2011.. Rosenberg, Jennifer. "Mengele's Children - The Twins of Auschwitz Page 2."20th Century History . New YorkTimes Company. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. . Trueman, Chris. "Joseph Mengele."History Learning Site . Web. 04 Apr. 2011. .

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