john frederick lewis

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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  • 1. John Frederick Lewis 1865 member of the Royal Academy Oils Watercolors Famous in his lifetime Exotic paintings of the Middle East

2. The Street andMosque ofGhoreeyah,Cairo 3. 1805 born in London Dad + uncle were painters Traveled a lot as an adult,focused on the East (At this time, other artists like Whistler were drawn into Paris's art scene) 4. 1832-34 Spain Greece Turkey 1841-51 Cairo, Egypt as a 'wealthy Turkish man' 1851 back to England, paints 5. Life in Cairo documentedbyWilliam Makepeace Thackery Notes of a Journey from Cornhill toGrand Cairo(1846) Took the lifestyle of anOttoman pasha (governor) Photo of him dressinglike a Turkish Muslim circulated 6. British readers had a Romanticobsession with the exotic, especially harems British audience thought of Lewis'spaintings as accurate anddocumentary, not fictional 7. 600watercolors anddrawings while in Cairo Used these for larger paintings after return to England Subjects: mosques, harems SUPER detailed 8. A Lady Receiving Visitors (The Reception) 1873 9. Complex room with a high ceiling Focuses on main chamber Also shows 2 recess bays MAIN RECESS BAY RECESS BAY 10. Sunlight filtersthrough woodenscreens andglass windows... ...castingelaborate shadowsthroughout the piece 11. Foreground shows a pool Gold ,blue , andredtiles Reflection shows The Ladyand a servant The Lady(well, her leg) Servant 12. The Lady is nearthe center of the painting Reclining on anupholstered divan Female servant stands,holding a huge fan Servant's gaze seems like she'sdistracted by the visitor's arrival 13. Other servants turn towards The Lady Even the gazelle seems to notice The Lady doesn't react, she just gazes into space

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